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Autism - Trade - Battle - Breed

This thread isn't for Hacks, Clones, or Injections. There are other threads for those.

A more in-depth explanation of how the thread works: https://pastebin.com/jMU7dE4Y

Old: >>57138837
Sneaky Snake edition
Shaun edition?
Anyone up for a little BBQ?
if we get a third I'll sort out my wifi and do some
I'll join if you're still up
Does anyone have the Scarlet exclusive legendaries and want to trade them for the Violet ones by any chance, or a non-GO shield dog they'd like to trade for sword dog? Preferably in a regular ball if possible
I'm also looking to trade a legit English 6v ditto for a non-English one, and also looking for a Zarude and Volcanion but I'm not sure what would be a fair trade for those.
What legendaries? You mean the raidons, the Snackworth ones, or somehow mean paradox?
Alright. Setting up a Union Circle.
My code is H8LT24
You can actually get the Scarlet Legendary snacks by doing group quests. Setting one up right now.
I'm looking for Koraidon, Gouging Fire, and Raging Bolt and was hoping to trade their Violet counterparts for them
You can get all the snackworth ones in either version easily enough by doing some group quests
Gimme 5 and ill join
Alright. Holding off for about five minutes.
And just like that, the group is suddenly disbanded.
Don't know about you guys but it says group was disbanded.
I joined then the group died
That means someone up and left. Let's try one more time.

>You can't participate because the entry session for participation has been closed.
It's cottonee
Come to the coast for a group photo
where was it?
Getting a bit tired. I'm gonna have to tap out now. Thanks for joining me.
np, gn
come get a party favor with a link trade 57209158
I am having more fun doing mindless Chansey raids in Scarlet than I had in the last few days playing X for the first time. Grim.
SV are the most fun games
All I can think of now that I finished X is "finally I'm free" kek.
I bought Emerald the other day, either I'm waiting to replay that next week or I'm going to replay SoulSilver.
Maybe I'll finish my second character in Scarlet in the meantime.

As a sidenote, what is the best/nicest way to store GBA cartridges? For now I'm keeping them in the DS boxes.
I bought an emerald a few years ago that came in a little GBA cart case
Yeah, I have those for GB games but I would like to do something nicer for these more expensive games.
get therapy, shaun
The best part of X/Y by far was the online multiplayer, which unfortunately died a year ago. Shortly before that it was actually pretty active for a few months
>As a sidenote, what is the best/nicest way to store GBA cartridges?
You'd probably have a hard time finding them in person nowadays but you can just search for "GBA cartridge case" or something along those lines and get a bunch of different options for individual or multiple ones
Any other way to have a nice display?
There's always the classic:
Center piece on a shrine made out of the skulls and bones of the enemies you defeated in single combat.
How many boxes do you get in SV total? And does anyone else want some Snivy before I move 'em all to bank?
32, no?
32, no?
State your generation and FC?
SV, and I'll put up a trade code after I finish hatching this box. They'll be decent IV'd and have Contrary
12 Snivy with decent or half decent IVs and Contrary are up for trade. Link code in SC is 57212179
How do you get them into Bank from SV?
Not Bank, you're right. I'm moving them to Home, which makes less sense as a name than Bank does.

Do you want the snakes, or not?
No, I was just curious.
Words have meaning, you know
Like autism?
Using the name of one thing for a distinct other thing just creates confusion and makes you look like an idiot.
You're not even fully committing to the bit by calling it Ranch.
Stop being a retard for attention
>can't keep two fpur letter names apart
>calls other people retard
Aight tard, keep it up
Got half my wanted shiny sneks, other half still pending
>three are featured
Which snek did you find only a half of?
Some of them evolve and I want a complete shiny set
Yeah, so that leaves half a snake. 2.5 is still not a whole number.
Anyone up for a BBQ today?
I will grab 2 Sevipers in case they introduced a future evo
if i'm not too late, what poke ball are they in?
Nest ball.
gonna pass but, i appreciate the swift response.
Well, grass sneks are still up for grabs. I've got myself a couple of five IV ones I'm keeping, but there's several 4 IV ones to go around
not quite my tempo
Meh. It's good for people who don't have the dlc I guess.
Yeah, not gonna say it's bad, just not something that holds any interest for me
I guess I’ll pick up the shiny flamingo
Guess I've got a costar to find shiny.
Gonna try to form a BBQ

Link code is YNPTB7.

Come join if you wanna get those Group Tasks done...and later some Snackworth Snacks
Perhaps tonight is not the night.
is the pastebin meant to just be :^)
what do you guys do with excess shinies? just try to give them away, wonder trade or let them hang out in Home?
Throw them on the pile for later, "just in case"
It's not like they have any value
It's about time they redo the Walking Wake raid, I swear if they don't do it anymore...
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Anyone doing some BBQs?
I managed to snag a shiny Snow Frolicker Flamingo but this things got some other sets, so I guess I can make a costar set and a Sash set to.
Sure. Group is up, code is LBQRYH
Or not, I guess.
Damn. Just got home and missed this shit...

Gonna give this a shot: PS50MM

Come on in. Let's have a BBQ!
Anyone mind joining super quick? I just want to evolve my shiny Finizen. 6CBGPJ
Ummm...I don't have a mask...
I don't think I have a mask. Can we not complete the quest?
I'm gonna try to buy one in Kitakami.
Doing the same.
Found one. There's a mask stand in the festival plaza. Met me in the center arena you're done
Room is still up if anyone wants to help real quick. I’ll leave it up for awhile
I gotta go. Have a good one!
Man, these threads used to be something.
What's there left to do?
Trying to evolve my Finizen, need anyone to join.
still need?
Damn I fell asleep waiting and I don’t that was you in there, really sorry man.
New code if you or anyone is around
Thats the offline code
Whoops MHT3HJ
Thanks man, want a random shiny?
Happy to help. No need to, i have plenty of shinies.
Alrighty, thanks again
BBQs, anyone?
I'm good for one. Hope it's not too late.
Fuck it. Let's get one started.


Ready whenever you are. Come one come all!
Welcome back! Shall we do this?
It's been fun, but it's time for me to go. Good night!
Good night!
quick question, which shiny pokemon are still locked behind GO? (ignoring previous wifi/event/code mons if applicable)
I just remember:
cant remember if the Galarian Birds are GO only too
Mew & Deoxys are in Emerald if you count berry shenanigans. Birds are GO only. If you’re going to start playing GO, you should know Meltan is shiny locked 99% of the time even though you can get one whenever.
good one

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