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Last Time:
>After beating Infinite Mode's story, we all move on to the dating sim
>And proceed to immediately grope the waifus
>There's also lots of kino optional scenes
>Jagi is getting through the maingame in the meantime
>And Ose gets to the spacekino in Bizarre
>We all move on to the dating sim

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.

>How do I join?
Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images of whatever fangame/romhack you're playing.


>Fangame Bingo Card Generator
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First for best bird.
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there's one more dlc coming out after this, right? I wonder how canon any of this dlc is to that...stopping for the night, no more triple triad no more 5% chance at catching the right mon
Gnight bro. I think I'm terminally autistic. Triple Triad is what's keeping me going.
Calling it a night as well, I'll try and see if I can figure out some stuff that was shown in the trailer but we haven't seen thus far, I'm assuming Megas are going to be next DLC and that the gatcha too might go that direction, unless it's tied to Infinite.
There's a reason this mode is called "Simulator" and the intro talked about Manaphy's sacrifice, it's an alternative reality I think, I dunno to be honest, Infinite was on the normal timeline.
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Divergence point found. She came a day later the last cycle didn't she?
Popped back in Infinite mode to see if I can get to the hoopa gacha, I think this is the first time the Groudon waifu's been shown ingame kek
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>conflict isn't allowed
>have to fight through a dungeon to get to the palace
hmm this court might be rigged
Please be patient, the booba bird is suffering from terminal autism.
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>This game is quantum immortality-pilled
Wait, are Anthony & that new blonde protag like, ancestors of the Realidea protagonists?
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Okay so she's just a room npc
Pretty neat though
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Even anthony is getting a good look
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Right into the fight
I wasn't prepared, I thought the fight would be later but gigalith made things easy thankfully
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Oh shit
Moira seems to be the only guardian people like lmao
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Neat little bonding scene after falling into the chasm
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Maybe I see artica's point if the local neer-do-wells are lugging around tyranitars like it's nothing
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Nobody knows anthony but we thank her for wearing it lmao
the eskimo sunglasses from artica are a neat touch too
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Oliver was surprisingly tough for basically being mono steel/anti-ice
Cool how he's basically Oleana/Rose mixed into one and uses mons from both their teams too
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We back
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>The entirety of the island is the ghetto
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Are you even left wanting for anything by this point in the game?
Maybe heart scales but you have enough evolved pokemon from wild encounters and palace bubbles that it shouldn't be an issue unless you're vying for an evolution
a specific evolution*
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Elena really did decide to put Haruhi's Endless Eight sequence into this game kek.
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The amount of art and care for presentation that went into this update is very impressive.
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Significantly easier than fighting him on the beach.
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I guess that's the end of the dating sim mode. I did the first lap doing everything with everyone on every day, but I see what you all mean that it drags a lot as it goes on. As a story, I really like it a lot but as a game the repetitiveness of the loops does drag. I think an easy way to mitigate this without compromising the vision of the story would be to just add small variations in everyone's behavior(s) in each loop to keep the player finding new stuff the whole way through. There's not really much else to say about this that isn't just parroted Haruhi Endless Eight discourse at this point because it's a very similar dynamic.

While I do wish Ho-oh's retainers were fleshed out more as characters instead of being strictly "I must do what my master commands" 3 times, they do have fun personalities and are welcome additions to the cast who deserved more screentime in the dating sim mode.

This review might come off as negative, but it's really not; Elena told a very interesting story and despite my misgivings with some pieces of it, it's really well done and worth a play.
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bernadette secret boss when
We can only hope for DLC2.
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don't tell me I have to make all the construction items
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I feel like you could make edits with this one
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I used one max revive to continue some prankster cheese, I still hate alarm and multiple boss revives
Good read and based Artica cuddler
I ended up just focusing on doing the crafting objectives and then skipping the days, so it wasn't TOO bad, but definitely boring after doing all the not fire emblem supports. I know I said it before, but it would've probably been a lot worse/more draining if Elena didn't change it so you only had to do one task before skipping to the next day
Thanks bro and agreed.
Checked and GG'd.
I missed this one, GG as well.
This was really good, it would've been great if it didn't have so much repetition. I feel like you could've removed one or two of the final loops because a lot of it seemed to be like
>"eh I'm not sure if I trust her on what I should do"
next loop
>"I'm still not quite sure...ooooh but maybe I should...nah"
which comes back to an annoying trope of "character doesn't believe new situation is reality for way too long". it's not as bad as that as the hesitation is based on kyle's trust of characters so it makes more sense, but still. All of the scenes were at least good, most of them were great and all of artica's were fantastic. I actually liked the minos and fuooh scenes, don't give two shits about minos but they were neat. the ability to grope characters is obviously appreciated. Overall the story and dialogue was fantastic. I really hate the daily tasks though, espicially when you're trying to build kyle's points up and you keep getting "catch one of these pokemon at an abysmal rate" tasks. losing cards even when you win triple triad is also shit. all in all I'll give it a 9/10, the animal crossing/dodonko island task system really brings it down for me.
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and then there was one. hopefully it releases this year, though if I had to pick between the plat remake and this it'd be plat remake all day
thanks bros
>which comes back to an annoying trope of "character doesn't believe new situation is reality for way too long"
Narratively I can forgive this in this case since Kyle was losing most of his memories each time, but it still felt like ass to play depending on how many capture tasks you got or how autistic at triple triad you had become.
Good read bro and GG.
>This timeline is the one where Anthony's wife lives, birdsexo is noncanon on account of still being married, and Anthony sends his son to (((Unova))) for 12 years and he returns a turbokike
The worst timeline was the preserved one, unfortunately.
thanks bro. if the final dlc has triple triad be important to progression I'll screech. based on some of the final dialogue it seems like each game mode is it's own universe so everything and nothing is canon, at least how I interpreted it
>based on some of the final dialogue it seems like each game mode is it's own universe so everything and nothing is canon, at least how I interpreted it
I don't quite agree with that. The whole premise of the gamemode is that while divergences do exist, the universe is self-correcting and quickly prunes "incorrect" branches and the hoops (lol) jumped through in the dating sim mode continuity were basically a way of validating this timeline cosmically via Kyogre, its primal Id, the funny blue rock, and memories. The timeline is no longer considered erroneous at the end, but the unspoken implication of that is that other ones would necessarily start self-correcting back into the state of a valid one.

My biggest lingering question is why wasn't Kyle's mom killed in any of the loops; isn't she just as anomalous as Mahina or Kyle in that timeline before the events at the end of the game and thus ostensibly prone to the same cosmically self-correcting measures the rest were?
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Time to take the plunge
also GG
I wish there was a cutscene/dialogue viewer, but I'm pretty sure hoopa has a line like "every change in the cycle creates a new universe" with kyle later having a line near the end being "with so many different worlds tied to the cycle is it even possible to change it/get rid of it" something like that, which made me think we're in a bioshock infinite situation where the multiverse revolves around only a few characters, always a booker/elizabeth, always a rapture. I remember the course correcting part but I'm not sure what the "valid" version of a world/timeline is in this case. I think kyle's mom not being important is she didn't have any direct contact with athan
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Look at that he's not lazy anymore
thanks bro
>"every change in the cycle creates a new universe"
This is true, but the cosmology mechanics established also imply that those universes will reconverge back into one in accordance with the Cycle, hence it's so hard to change anything meaningfully.

>I remember the course correcting part but I'm not sure what the "valid" version of a world/timeline is in this case.
Kyogre is the ontological anchor (specifically, Primal Kyogre) which is why getting him to change his mind and accept aspects of his other self "fixed" the loop. This game's subtext is Vedic-kino (not the jeet-ified watered down version either).
I'm pretty sure the Blue Orb and its regenerative indestructability represents more than it's presented at face value but I'm drawing blanks right now.
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Kyogre time baby
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what a bum
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I didn't get a picture but I tried using rest with naclstack and my own spiritual jewel prevented it lmao
A stamina battle is cool against kyogre but a full team of sturdy mons can cheese it
Also kyogre's human form being there commanding himself is sick
>He forgot to maintain Multiscale
GG. Ready for Phase 2?
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>Lugia outrunning kyogre's beam to get to the rosary
>backed up by the 3 birds
fuckin sick
salt cure + sandstorm = dead kyogre
so it's more like those changed universes are trying to escape a planet's orbit. most fall back down, but rarely one like the birdsexo dlc manages to escape said orbit and become it's own thing. I think the blue orb regenerating is part of whatever entity made kyogre immortal along with the cycle, it's possible that without said blue orb kyogre would either die or just be really weakened and the magic cycle spell just prevents that. also with kyogre having all this power how does Fug play into this, greenie is supposed to be the one to keep the two climate bozos in check
Infinite mode follows the same structure as the story does, unsurprisingly. The big difference is that there's only one boss at the bottom of the burned tower, a legendary/paradox from hoopa
gg again, good read
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>you don't get healed
>he has mold breaker
bros it's never been more over
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>I think the blue orb regenerating is part of whatever entity made kyogre immortal along with the cycle,
Likely. My personal guess is that the Orb is the physical manifestation of the cycle itself and how it's tied to Kyogre.
>also with kyogre having all this power how does Fug play into this, greenie is supposed to be the one to keep the two climate bozos in check
That's a very good question since Hoopa casually threw Fug (among others) at Athan in the postgame story.
Athan is quite a difficulty spike from the other bosses in the game and definitely lives up to his lore hype. Hardly insurmountable, but you need to go in with some semblance of a plan to overcome him with most team compositions. This is probably the easiest version of the fight too across the 3 modes he's fought in.

Shinyhunterniggers in shambles.
>get 3 day'd because I pissed off the niggerloving trannyjannies on /v/, right before elenakino dropped
Very epic
Guess I'll wait for the next project to hop back on

GG, and GG to RG/Ose as well. Mostly trying not to look too hard at bread due to spoilers.
GL to Jagi against the whale
thanks bros. sorry you got a free trip to brazil wagie, no reason you can't play it now though
The /v/ jannies are especially uppity lately compared to other boards.
In hindsight I really should've spoilered everything I posted in this thread and the previous one, sorry bro.
>Guess I'll wait for the next project to hop back on
Jagi hasn't started the postgame yet; you still have time to sync up, even if you're a little bit behind the rest of us. I'd love to see your thoughts on it all.
digging to find any fangame news, it seems this one is getting a new beta that will get an english translation around janurary 24th
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I'm alone once more, which means it's time to play some rando schizo game I found, holy reign. the mc is in a realm between dreams and reality, and this eyeball thing agrees to send me back in exchange for doing his bidding and finding out who knocked me out of reality in the first place.
>choose between psy, ghost, and normal
>chose normal
>get this fucking thing
what's the point then
>athan never fails to outspeed and snipe my support mons
>doesn't target breloom ONCE despite being able to kill it with ice beam
yeah sure the AI in this game is good and all but can i please be allowed to make a free switch so that i can make sure that lugia isn't on death's door
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this thing was terrorizing a white woman in her home. a normal type immune to fighting moves, very weird
despite some poor choice on the routes I've actually gotten two fossil pokemon already, amura and omanyte, rare for these games
Sorry to hear it bro. As always, fuck jannies
Though like Ashime said, both Jagi and Orevald are still going through the game, so you're not really too late to start up now
inb4 the starters were psychic/normal, ghost/psychic, and normal/ghost
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I shat myself once he went primal
but damn
also he was immune to all forms of residual damage so salt cure/infestation didn't work on him
godlike is one hell of a drug
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oddly good reason to force everything to go through the cycle of samsara
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bad ending haw haw haw
I just wanna say that the music/graphics throughout the whole game have been sick though
gg, it's a pain in the ass to keep the fat bird alive
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this game has a few buildings and textures that are clearly just what comes with rpgmaker, doesn't look bad though just a bit out of place
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and so it ends (the main game at least, DLC time)
Half of my failed runs were just lucius dying to a lucky crit or getting status'd while athan snipes every support mon i packed
what's with the wall on the far right?
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>fat bird is an illiterate
explains a lot
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it can't just be me right? I might as well have my eyes shut, can't see shit. why do devs keep thinking either blinding players or making them think they're blind is a good idea
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The game even gives you a little completion screen, neat
I wonder if the 2 mons that show up are your MVPs? Araquanid is one for sure but I'd probably put something else in over goodra who i only used in the final fight
those two are the ones that survived
Is this the Soul Dew?
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Now onto the extra mode (which I assume is the DLC)
Ah I see
I guess it'd show my entire party if all of them survived (somehow)
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Hey look at that we finally get to play as a 10 year old in this pokemon game
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I don't know if I'm fighting off a cloud of magic or if it's a pokemon named magic
it does look like it
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trying to catch the first legendary he sees that's our protag alright
try finding a silph scope
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Moirabros maybe we won
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Why does he have an umbrella if he's a fish
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WTF are these choices
also wtf is type null doing there
(I chose iron bundle)
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Even in the past Lucius can't escape
also cute sprites
GG bro.

Silvally continues to be overvalued in every fangame ever.
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hey lads
been out of the loop for 6 months or so, any new games or updates worth a look since then?
I see Reminiscencia got new stuff
>I see Reminiscencia got new stuff
Play it, it's very good.
unbreakable ties as well
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it's rare my joke name plays into the pokemon's actual name
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fuck off
on the game's summary it says shadow pokemon are partially implemented, which clearly means this gym leader has 4 of them and you can't catch them so have fun getting shadow blitzed to death if you can't kill them quick enough.
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>second gym is just 5 minutes away, no gym gimmicks or quest, has less pokemon then previous leader but uses two full restores
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>uses both full restores at start of match after pokemon loses 5% of health
>use taunt on his third mon, it then proceeds to just struggle to death
this takes place in a nuclear reactor btw
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>music is replaced with air raid siren
I guess the evil team liberation is gonna blow up the reactor
>modern regular blimps
>fantasy rpg blimps
>modern police
>modern soldiers with guns
I'd also like to mention that it was infact a pokemon named Magic. it has the arceus gimmick of changing type depending on whatever magic stone it's holding, and it's all just different colored circles
Yeah, considering we have nothing particularly good lined up, it's probably worth still doing it kek
Been a bit under the weather (literally and figuratively) albeit and busy, so I'll probably start tomorrow or Thursday. I see Orevald probably got sneeded by the shitty weather as well
Z and Odyssey are also very good if you weren't around for those, Zina-anon
>recolored clover ace trainer sprite and edgy black/white humanoid thing doing a hitler salute
this game looks like a beef gemmington
>the stock RPG Maker looking assets
I mean I assume there aren't fucking tanks in regular RPGmaker XP so he had to have downloaded some public asset pack, instead of downloading a public asset packs that have tanks in the pokemon artstyle
the routes are also very basic. it's all been bland forest so far with one small beach zone and a graveyard, and most of the town's houses are locked. but the fakemon look great
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is that a photo of an irl stadium/museum just shoved in here
i feel like the money could've been better used not paying royalties to smogon
for a game with churches you can pray in it sure has a lot of theft kek
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it's level 40 and hasn't learned a single ghost type move since astonish
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a small detour before getting this badge, the evil team wanted to throw me into a volcano and then blow it up. stopped that happening, this guy used normal types, two full restores, nothing special.
this game does have a normal department store, which makes this all the more weird. it's all tms
badge 5, fairy type. bunch of unevolved pokemon despite being in the 40s
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in the pokecommunity page the dev says they read some joke story about a blue bear which got them to make this whole game...here it is.
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there's a joke to be made here
>uses both full restores after pokemon loses 5% health
very defensive AI
thanks bros
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Also you can get a Kyogre in this mode so I did what im sure most of us did
So, uh...Radahn, huh? h-haha
Welcome back
The only notable (good) recent releases have been spickino like Remi and Unbreakable ties, unless I'm blanking on something
Good luck, h-haha..
Also GG sorry
>that ability with that design
thanks bro. consort can be staggered but I can't think of any safe openings to really lay into him, let alone a safe time to take a sippy. god help you when you get to phase 2, it's a mess with anti safe moments but since you won't give up on it I wish you luck. you guys gave bizarre a shot recently and thought it was good
thanks bro, can't blame you since this game is a fucking blur. no need for fancy attacks when you can just gore the enemy to death
The best advice I can personally offer for Radahn is that nearly all of his combos can be dodged by simply rolling into him and slightly to his left. But yes, he is relentless and won't really give you time to heal and you will have to internalize the timing between when he finishes a combo and when he starts up again, and the spacing in the second phase is a lot stricter (you'll see why)

Also whenever he does any of his air attacks the best thing to do is to just run away as fast as you can
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the region is based on canada, but I can't tell if this is taking the piss or made with love by someone from canada. there is also a poutine pokemon
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>OST of space is trap
fits surprisingly well
catch it
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God damn
Hoopa getting pissed that we're going around catching legendaries is funny too
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no gimmick or trainers, just a quick ice type gym.
it's ice/ghost with shield aegislash stats without the stance change
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I think this is also a smogon but wasn't this the reward for doing the shitty forest puzzle in EoE
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miraidon is retarded jesus christ
yea thats a smogmon
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>spend all of eternity with hot hoopa girl
sign me up
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Athan solo'ing a bunch of legends is fine too
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>hoopa using meta strats just to get one over on athan
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>only kyle can leave
>kyle catches athan so he can come back too
smart kid
this decision is gonna cause his dad a lot of grief down the line but smart kid
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The game gives you a smattering of non-legendaries to choose from so maybe I'll come back and try doing a no legends run of this mode sometime
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there must've been more pokemon the dev could steal before reaching this point
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Liking older kyle already
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beating the liberation team at sangmort gets you your own private island with a mansion
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Wait until you see the key item prices
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>any poketuber's top 10
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this is probably the only real interesting thing in the game. the golden lake is a lake of gold water with a bunch of gold in it, but touching the lake or it's gold kills you. living near it actually heals you though. based on everything else I've seen though I bet this is stolen from something
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normally you can't surf on the golden lake but the weird eye from the start is joining the party and also gives me the power to do so, as well as being broken.
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I skipped some things, evil team leader is now a pile of gold dust, beat the dragon gym, and this was the bug gym. that's 8 badges, now for the league
Thanks bros, the biggest issue so far is that there's not really a lot of windows to R2 with a greatsword (without eating shit at afterwards least kek), I might swap to the twinbladekino I found around here, it looks cool and it'd be kino to end the game with a twinblade when I (basically) started with them
>and the spacing in the second phase is a lot stricter (you'll see why)
I do have to get used to rolling in instead of away though kek
Yeah, it was kek
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the issue with this game isn't that it uses a lot of free assets, that's basically every single fangame, it's that it does absolutely nothing with them for 99% of the game. it's...forced schizo? "how do you do, fellow niggermen?" everything is just shoved in there and nothing happens. I'm glad it's off the backlog list and nothing more. don't play it
thanks bro. I feel like it'd take an eternity to kill consort with light weapons, and there is so much to manage and dodge in that shitfest
>the lead just had swords dance, rest, baton pass and sleep talk
What a set kek. Also the shadow ninetales that had no visual differences
>it's...forced schizo? "how do you do, fellow niggermen?"
Iktf and yeah that sucks. Sorry bro, but good on you for finishing it
As Bunken said that twinblade is probably holy and his second phase has (according to f*xtra) max holy resist, so might not be best
He is apparently more weak to piercing weapons like rapiers and rot in phase 1, but yeah slower weapons tend to not be that great unless you're poisemaxxing
If you still have your twinblade from early game might not be a bad idea to use that desu
thanks bro. it's the epitome of "released" game, cause I can't deny that it released. does rg have that item that removes the instant kill hug debuff
for what purpose
also gratz
thanks bro. it only evolves at night and I beat the game too quickly
He would've got it since he beat sunflower and presumably the bloodborne reject knight, but imo it doesn't matter since that move is easy to dodge (or easy compared to the rest of his bullshit) + using the item to break the curse is time better spent attacking or healing imo
but imagine dying to the hug man
It is kino to die to at least once kek
GG. That was surprisingly fast.
>forced schizo
Is this just that our bar for schizokino has been raised so high or is it legitimately just uninspired and limp in this regard?
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since I hate enjoying myself I've decided it's time to experience rejuvenation
haven't even started and I'm not liking it because apparently we're too high tech and new-age for good ol' pbs files and have to make everything a pain in the ass so it's all scattered around the script files with informative names such as "montext.txt"
and also we swapped the stat readout so that speed is at the end of the numbers instead of in the middle, lmao
>have to make my own rpgxp project file to open the game up and peek at the maps
imagine being so poor you can't afford a pbs folder OR an rpg maker project file
mature humor?
strong language?
psychological horror?
drug references?
I can't wait to begin!
we couldn't even wait until after the prologue for glitsh citty to come on
that's gotta be a record right
Another falls to the curse
Good luck
First time I've ever seen a fangame with an ESRB rating
>alt is speedup
>M as well
>don't want to deal with having to fiddle with speedup every time I take a screenshot like in reborn
>only search result on reborn evo about changing the key is from 2 years ago and points towards a script folder that isn't there anymore
how vexing
thanks, I think I'll need it
thanks bro. it has nothing in it but assets. no story just things happen sometimes, many houses and buildings with 95% of them being inaccessible, lots of repeated quips from the npcs, the most schizo thing about it is the intro and the blend of rpgmaker assets just thrown everywhere. it's forced schizo/wacky, it's chaos dreams at home, it's a pastry that is half blue and half brown but it's basically a cracker, it exists. there are things like oxidized gold or dark light that are of questionable quality but clearly have a plan and passion put into it, this doesn't.
thanks bro, and good luck on the next two weeks of your life
>check the d*scord
>'you can rebind it in the f1 menu!'
>I checked but I'll check again just to be sure
>lo and behold there are more buttons than the last time I opened the menu
>but none are the speedup button
>that message was in the reborn section and not rejuvenation
>look for something in the rejuv section
>'''''speedup key is now permanently fixed in alt so yea'''''
I'm already going mad
we spent all the development money on getting it through the system I guess
RIP my nigga John.

>it's a pastry that is half blue and half brown but it's basically a cracker
Sounds like the university polsci special kek
>since I hate enjoying myself I've decided it's time to experience rejuvenation
my condolences
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si si senor
dad looks about as enthused to be here as I feel
>just had to change a letter in the system script file
>kugearen town... that sounds familiar
so this is some kind of schizo flashback
when do I get to bomb hospitals
>I'm not allowed in the basement... should I go down anyways?
>decide not to go downstairs because I'm a good boy
>there's a home invasion
>le ebin spooky backwards theme
>hm I'll go back and explore the basement then
>it's literally nothing
then why make it an optional like that
is this some kind of empire peepee poopoo point tracking thing that won't matter until the final version releases in 10 years

also why does the music get so loud
did nobody playtest this and think 'hm maybe we should balance the audio or something'
what are you talking about he's on the other side of the room
children aren't the smartest but they certainly aren't (all) retarded

also this music is abnormally bad even for glitch city
>is it even glitch city
>dig through the audio files
>find the song 'citamginE - gnileeF'
>look it up
>apparently it's a normal song and they just reversed it
why though
found some guy documenting his playthrough from 2019 and he helpfully had a link for me to steal
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>dig through the old playthrough some more
>he posted an image of the portrait too
>hmm dad's head looks a bit smaller...
>open it up
why make new art that's worse
>forbidden or private
link seems to work fine if you click on it, I guess that's just an embedding thing
it's awful anyways
Fair point, however, the ash of war looks kino, so I'll use it anyway just ignore that there's basically zero openings to use it (outside of the screen nuke) if chadsbach doesn't take aggro for a moment kek. At least it tears through phase 1 somewhat quickly
>the grab
I've only gotten grabbed once before I get acked by some part of the shitty lightshow, I figured it was a timer for damage or something and using the great rune stops you from taking that damage
haha...godspeed bro
it was a dream flashback thing????

already tired of boobumpwomp glitch shitty being blasted in my ears and I haven't even gotten to the third scene yet too
>why make new art that's worse
I presume the idea was the make it more consistent with the art for the rest of the game
>the grab
if he grabs you twice and you dont clear the effect of the first with the broken great rune its an instant kill

I ended up just grinding him out with my old reliable greatshield and spear myself
>looking for guides or whatever
>Rejuvenation Assets — A guide on usage permissions
I thought those background jokes were just jokes...

I'll at least try not using the walkthrough and futilely hope that there aren't any reborn beldum quests that I would never figure out on my own
Well the style still had to get worse at some point then
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also what the hell kind of room is this
is puppet-chan living in a dungeon
>kyogre symbol on the ground and water all around
>maid on the sacrificial altar starts chanting in tongues
>oh man she's gonna stab herself and blood is gonna go every-
>just disappears
oh okay
I feel like it's a bit too early to stop caring about the story considering I'm still in the prologue and all but...
demonic team aqua?
at least make ebil mcbadguy wear blue
can't wait to come back and burn all of the important historical documents with my xrans best xriend
>game journalist mode
was this really necessary
>elite eight
why though

also I didn't want to keep commenting on it but seriously whoever chose these fucking tracks needs to be strapped down and forced through a class on choosing good background tracks because out of like four songs so far every single one has been a dogshit selection which only barely fits the scene
what the hell is an enby
>choose boy
>can still select the strong independant black womyn character
how... progressive

according to the bigjra guide the IV maxxer item is pretty close to the beginning of the game (at least, it's near the top of the guide's scroll bar and the trainers are only level 23) so I won't bother with the maxiv password to at least see how it goes without
are there any 'must have' passwords other than that
already going with the free exp all and remote pc because I'm a spoilt little boy who loves my cool gadgets
no items, it will save some headaches
Ah, noted. But yeah, it's really easy to dodge compared to most of his other shit kek and I will be retarded and fuck it up anyway
iirc there's only the cell imprints taken from reborn's postgame that you have to farm a low% item for, so you should probably put maxivs on anyway kek
Pinata gives exp candies from the exp trainers instead of fighting audinos
as in the one that means I can't use items or that means my opponent can't use items
I'm assuming the latter but noitems is the former
>that you have to farm a low% item for
how bad could it possibly be
at least the one that turns it off for opponents if not both
Stopitems prevents the AI from using items, Noitems stops both of you from using them
>how bad could it possibly be
iirc it's 10 for 3-5 imprints, but I've never done it personally
Just checked, it's 10 for 2 imprints kek
The actual IV maxer is post gym 12 I think
I'm feeling ballsy and more than a little curious about how bad the intended experience could possibly be
going with a list of:
>enter the game proper and save
>immediately punished for my arrogance
where's the stuttering option
I want to roleplay as my vanguard character
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>the captain knows my mom
how suspicious
I hope the silent dialogue option stays available through the entire game though I doubt it will
>achievement level up menu pops up for half a second and leaves before I can read any of it
uh... thanks?
>man that's a fucked up side sprite I wonder what this freak has to say
>it's a gothitelle
>my mom's good friend gothitelle teleports me away from the dangerous somalian pirates
I see we're getting the one time story teleportation out of the way early
can't wait for all the problems which can be easily solved with teleportation to stump our diverse cast of protagonists
we couldn't afford mewtwo's contract fees so we hired deoxys instead
>giratina cry in the background music
we couldn't afford silent autist player character's contract fees so he only appeared for two dialogue choices
I am getting mad second hand just being reminded of some of rejuvenations choices
>don't lose hope! player-kun survived, didn't they?
why bother asking me for my pronouns if they aren't going to be respected
someone might seriously ack xemselves over this
>hmm player-kun's mom jumped into the hole after the pirates
>player character just fucking leaps in after hearing this
this guy's a fucking retard
vanguard-kun at least would've said something or asked about another way down first
>regular dude with a cyborg eye is outrunning a gothitelle (psychic type pokemon)
gothitelle was floating why didn't it just grab the guy with it's magic psychic powers
the fuck do you mean what am I doing here there's a fuckin deoxys on the ship and you're the only trainer with more than a pelipper
>but gothitelle was supposed to teleport you somewhere safe...
Does she not know we're on a boat at sea?
Or did our amazing and talented writers already forget that
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>two of them
blow me
this story is already retarded and I'm not even through the second prologue
Man if you're already getting an aneurysm over just the intro to this game I've got some real bad news
There is actually a reason for this that's given...like 200 hours later, but it makes absolutely no sense as it relies on the characters having information they couldn't possibly know at this point
the use of legendaries in rejuv isn't its most retarded decision but its up there
run where it's a burning ship and they apparently have infinite deoxys who can teleport and turn into speed mode at will
looking forwards to it
I could understand showing off that the ebilbadguys have a deoxys early on to showcase their ultimate trump card and give a measuring stick for the player to reach for but using them as goons is just
>next dialogue
>even on a place as confined as this vessel you must run anyway
oh so we ARE acknowledging the burning ship I didn't quite realize
>never lose hope! never give up! no matter how impossible things seem!
gee it's a good thing I didn't forget my deus ex machina in my other pants pockets, it'll surely come in handy right about now
>pianolady pushes a fucking piano onto a deoxys from the floor above
how did she know to get it into that position
or was she just holding it over her head and saw deoxys instantly teleport and then tossed it at him
Might as well tell you now but at the current point of the story (200 hours in) the fact that the bad guys can summon like 20 billion deoxys clones is neither explained nor ever used again
That's a common theme btw
>TalonGOD saves me from cybernigger and purple lady
thank you, my good friend
>named tesla
>wearing all red with red hair and red eyes and a fire type
did we mix names up and not bother fixing it or am I being epicly subverted
trvst thv plvn...
I know I've heard the name before but...
Team XEN??
You really couldn't think of something better than that?
I guess it's a whole aliens thing like xeno and deoxys but...
come on
>You really couldn't think of something better than that?
take a shot everytime he says this
Free trip! Free trip!
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welp that's that
>Not even out of the prologue
You're in for the ride of a lifetime.

>10 minute delay before posting humiliation ritual
fuck off
put some respect on pianolady, she's one of the few real ones in rejuvenation
good run, time for the next game
the foul avatar of the archenemy shows itself...
honestly yeah she's been the best so far
>not retarded
>has precognition and super strength
if only we could all be more like her
flipped the randomizer until I got two types I haven't done before and ended on water/dark
would've picked weedcat because I want to use it at least once but it isn't available
Anyways I picked up my good friend Litten and what do you know he's shiny and has perfect IVs and his hidden ability and has the right nature
What are the chances of that, huh?

calling it there for the night
Yeah I think you figured out the answer.
>wanting minor conveniences that don't even directly impact gameplay that much makes you a game journo
Hi octavius

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