These humans... they care nothing for me.
>>57219716Nope. *Throws Master Ball at it*
>>57219724Funny, I actively avoid catching mewtwo in a masterball for this reason.
>>57219745holy autist
>>57219745Lame, Master Balls match Mewtwo for a reason. Even has a big M on it for Mewtwo.
>>57219812It’s W for Wumbo
>>57219816It's for Wemtwo.
>>57219812Its an M? Oh shit I've been holding it upside down this whole time.
>>57219820Oh yeah, that makes sense.
>>57219803Hell yeah. When you embrace your autism it gives you power. Giovanni wanted a Masterball so that he could take a short cut to controlling pokemon. Mewtwo hides alone in various caves because it doesn't trust humans to see it as anything more than a weapon. Catching Mewtwo in a traditional pokeball shows that you see it as just like any other pokemon regardless of it's birth or power. Your giving it the respect of a fair challenge and proving that you have what it takes to be a worthy trainer. When it finally gives in and the ball stops shaking you'll both know that you earned the right to train it. Not as a trophy or as a number on a check list you have yo complete but as a Pokemon.Less autistically:>use a Masterball so that you don't have to battle and catch a pokemon>aka skipping the gameplay so you don't have to play the game you're playing
>>57219812It’s the butterfree ball
>>57220088Butterfree? No thank you, I like butter.
>>57219820Ah, I see they hired a dyslexic scientist to work on Mewtwo. Could explain how Mewtwo's testicles ended up on his fingers.
>>57219716I do wonder how different things would be if even one of the researchers gave him a hug and started talking with him.He at least wouldn't have murdered everyone in that facility.Escaped, yes most definitely, but not gone on a mass extinction plot.