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Pokémon Unite is a 5v5 MOBA where your objective is to score more points than your opponent. It's focused on quick matches w/ minimal downtime. For Switch, Android, & iOS.

>Test Server (Needs VPN)

- Galarian Rapidash(January 23rd)

- Tinkaton has been released
- Patch notes:https://unite-db.com/patch-notes

Previous: >>57191523
First for remember to ban Glaceon and Comfey from every match.
Latios and Latias confirmed. Who are you picking up first?
confirmed by whom and where
There are way more potent attackers than goaceon. She's not even the strongest evee
I guess it's good to end this season at 1800 elo
Are you >57228222 who I was beefing with or another anon.
No I'm not if you're talking to me.
my only posts there are >>57228184, >>57228222, and the one you replied to
absolute wastes of a ban
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I love playing cramorant, how can I get the best use from him?
Moveset/Emblems etc?
>banning anything besides fucking umbreon or darkrai
Mimikyu is always my go-to because it can both shred a shitty team comp AND shut you down specifically when you need to carry. The other two only do the latter.
First of all, stop playing that ugly thing
Mimikyu is also a good ban, I just ban Darkrai because it steamrolls morons and Umbreon does everything and should be nerfed. I also wouldn't be averse to Blaziken but at least there's some effort in playing that one
>Be stuck in Ultra Hell all season
>give up
>try again yesterday
>make it to Masters almost immediately
it's like this game wants you to WAIT before you can make it to Masters
>stuck in Ultra
I don't think that's the game's fault
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>Lol another support main

Yea yea I'm ready for the roasts. Im revving up to give more people sableye ptsd start of the new season.
This game is
Pay to win
Pay to rank
Pro chinky commie
And y'all are
Gay for pay!
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I did not care for the Pay to Schizo
there's nothing wrong with using y'all but that's the southerner's word exclusively if you ain't below the line you don't get to use it
im not even american and i use it cause it sounds funny
>tfw no UNITE playing southern belle gf...
Soon by several people
Be honest fellas
did you make it
Being a southerner on the internet these days is suffering.
Nah, gave up
It's not worth the grind
I can't believe how bad matchmaking is now
Never got past 1470.
I'm "washed" as the kids say.
Yes, I made it to Ultra after procrastinating for weeks and had only 1 hour left to get there, I just wanted the uniform as a souvenir, also I kind of like the color palette and the Tinkaton colored hair.
>weekly cap of 2100 coins from games
What the fuck how am I supposed to unlock characters
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climbed to masters for the first time since seasons were still single digits
here are my thoughts on the mons i played

just as fucked up as he used to be, love my glorious pink king forever and always

this thing is heinous. i don't know whats worse, the fact that you can just push people around however you please or the fact that ive only seen another player touch this thing like twice. i think my wr on that thing is like 70

what the fuck do you MEAN he can just laser beam half your bar on a two second cooldown

this thing sucks but i would be lying if i said i didnt enjoy snowballing with her every blue moon. her kit blows mega for anything other than deleting shields though
I'm sitting around 1500. If I had more time I'd make it to 1600 eventually, but I can't get there fast enough with my winrate.
I think Buzzwole is genuinely a warcrime character for this game
Event quests, roll the energy fashion gacha(NOT EMBLEM GACHA), achievements.

When it comes to event rewards, you want coins > extra energy tanks > tickets > item enhancers.

Alternatively, take a 2 week break every season and you get a free mon or 10,000 coins plus tip.
Buzzwole isn't used very much outside of stacks because it requires a lot of support/teamwork to work in most cases, since it's an incredibly easy mon to counter. Sure it stomps bad players, but if you get put against people who know how to bait out your moves or simply just keep their distance then you're basically a waste of space without help.
1540 was my highest. Currently at 1430. I get teammates with less than 100 games every other game. I gave up.
Tink is funny when the enemy is mostly melee
Yeah I did, I thought I wouldn't desu
Tink is extremely good with thief/gigaton while her other moves suck ass and need buffs. She's one of the few characters with a learning curve so it's tough when trying her out but you'll see just how strong she is when you learn the playstyle.
>ANOTHER gardevoir buff

Why are they so fucking intent on buffing this pokemon? It already has one of the strongest unite moves in the game on a CD only 5s higher than Delphox
I guess they're leaving sword iron head to die like Gyaradosaqua tail, that move desperately needs less delay and more defensive benefits.I wish they would ungut Armarouge flame charge and Charizard's damage, overall this patch is kinda lame.
Also want to add that fuck them for buffing Blissey ult it already does a shit ton it doesn't need to be used more often.
I think meaningful buffs to Iron Head would unironically make it the new meta mon.
Because out of all the attackers in the game, Garde is the weakest when enemies get close. First she has a very weak ability. Second, other attackers can either quickly run with a movement move or stun multiple enemies and retreat (fire spin delphox) if they see a threat. Garde can't do this however. Her only movement speed boost is future sight and it has to hit a player with a delayed explosion and by the time it hits the movement speed is pointless since a melee mon will knock her out at that close of a range.
People will say
>what about Moonblast?
Moonblast as a CC range move for some reason can only stun 1 enemy, even if 2 enemy mons are lined up and Moonblast has a cone hitbox. Additionally the stun duration of Moonblast isn't only short, so a melee mon can quickly catch up to Garde even after being stun, but the range of Moonblast is really short for a range mon.
Plus you have to think gameplay wise on how psyshock is superior to future sight when it comes to flipping/securing the objectives. Future sight reset and movement speed buff only applies when it hits a player, not a mob.
Finally the devs may just give more 3 line evolution mons the lv 7 treatment. Hopefully my Garchomp will get a lv buff as well.
>Greedent’s strategy of continuously using Belch while moving made it deal excessive damage for a Defender. To balance this, Belch’s damage has been nerfed.
Bitches, how about giving Greedent some fucking DEFENDING capability then.
If it does good, iron head could use a chance to shine. I hate when they leave certain moves or sets in the dust.
>Energy required for enhancement: 8/12/15 5/8/10
Zacian is fucking back.

>Damage: 5% decrease
Bro what the fuck. That ult buff though, hm.
>Zacian is fucking back.
I don't want it back.
The wiggly buff was needed but she already does low damage, can't crit, and her sing got nerfed last patch. So why nerf wiggly again when Umbreon still dominates and eats her shields? Maybe with the shield value we don't need to waste an item slot for buddy anymore.
Mimikyu dodges another nerf once again. Fucking Pikachu privilege little shit.
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Don't worry, the 0.5s CD nerf to Wish will put Umbreon into the ground...
Eevees and edge mons. They always dodge major nerfs when they need it. Leafeon still hasn't got her razor/aerial ace nerf btw.
>Leafeon still hasn't got her razor/aerial ace nerf btw.
Leafeon is male in this game and it hasn't gotten a berf because the good xattack users are a minority compared to the rest of the playerbase taking the mon to the of bottom winrate data.
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>plug in usb mic and suddenly game becomes slightly more enjoyable
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>"spin with me (pokemon)"
>they spin with me
gripping... clenching...
You know what fuck it why should I be mad over a shitty game like that, I am probably a one trick shitter like the rest of this shitty player base and I thought you would reply to me anon, you promised If I behaved you would give me a genuine response, oh well what a pity, have a good day anon.
Spragles on his stream two days ago.

He gave a hint: "Prepare for trouble..." (And clarified its not Meowth or any team Rocket mon)

There were many guesses and he said some people got it right

My theory is that the right answer was Latios and Latias as in "Prepare for trouble, and make it double". This was suggested there and therefore it might be the right answer
Btw he also said its not Lugia
>Be honest fellas
did you make it

If it's actually two mons then I think Kyogre and Groudon have a real chance, box legends have been the past two Pokémon day mons and I can't see one being added without the other.
I'm of the opinion we have too many legendaries as it is, they should add some more regular ass pokemon. My favorite part of the game is that they just have random ass fucking pokemon like Greedent and Crustle that otherwise would never be mentioned again in the world of pokemon
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>Nothing in the patch notes about 1400+ matchmaking
>they really are keeping the changes that will kill the playerbase
>I will miss the sticker not once, but twice, then again and again…
I waited for the patchnotes hoping things will go back to the way they were, I really am stupid, aren't I?
>“That’s not the 1600 sticker anymore. It’s dead, Jim.’’
Starting from season 24 onwards, the 1600 sticker isn’t a real sticker anymore.
Timi has prim and properly killed it and it’s okay if you don’t get one from now on.
>…I realized all this time I’m the only /pug/ person calling it the 1600 sticker
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It’s been 3.5 years since Timi introduced the 1600 sticker reward in season 2.
>Then, from season 24, Timi changed two things for ranked 1400+: the points system has been adjusted so that you need to win more than you lose to actually lose to actually climb (around 60% winrate), and they removed the hidden MMR matchmaking as well: if you go on a losing streak, you just keep losing. The games won’t get any easier, not anymore. You’ll have to carry every game from now on.
Both of the changes sound fair in theory, but the actual experience it creates in the post-1400 climb is just a miserable slog of sweat and try-harding.
Make no mistake, the current game right now is ‘’fair’’. It’s just that, when everything is equal, those who get the advantage win. Jungler mains get the advantage. People who grovel to the meta and pick heal-sluts get the advantage. You, however, get no advantage for playing a mon that you like to play.
The mechanical depth is really shallow in this game. Individual skill will always be beaten by coordinated teamwork. And even if you're lucky enough to get two teams where everyone is good, it all comes down to who makes a mistake first, or whoever wins the coinflip at the Rayquaza fight. Winning is a 50% chance at best.
>None of this would have mattered if there wasn’t such a heavy emphasis on winning now.
Sure, in the old system, if you win too much, you get punished by being paired with subpar shitters. But the inverse is also true. If you lose a lot, things get easier for you. It’s not fair, but it does a lot to take the sting of losing several games.
>Now, there’s no mechanic to compensate for losing anymore. You just lose, and lose some more. And now you just have to do more work to make up for it. That's life now, kid.
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I ran into this guy 4 times the other day.
Two of them, he was on my team. We lost.
The other two, our team beat his. He lost.
He lost 4 times in a row because of me. 1 hours’ time lost. Another 1 hour's time held hostage just to get back to where he started at the beginning of the day, assuming he even wins the next 4 matches.
And I don’t even make any progress in return. What was the point of those games?
>The cycle goes on. I’ll go on a losing streak too. Then I’ll put someone else through a losing streak again.
>Ranked is a zero-sum game now, and we will be the ones to enforce its cruelty. You have to win every match in order to climb. Someone has to lose in order for you to win. Someone won’t make it to the 1600 sticker because you have it now. The player base for 1400 is already small, and these players will have to cannibalize each other to get to 1600.
Less than 10,000 people got the sticker last season. For every person that has the sticker, ten or more people will miss out.
And that’s where I draw the line, really. I’m not kicking someone else down just so I could be on top.
So much for being a fun, casual kid’s game. Unite’s no different from any of those other toxic MOBA games out there now.
On the other hand though you barely get to actually use the legendary Pokémon in the games, both mainline and spinoffs so I think it's nice to have a game where you can just play as them without going through around 80% of a game.
Unfortunately this system would work but 90% of the player base is casual at best and this is probably the first ever moba game they played but are you sure they got rid of the win too much they give you shitters, lose too much they give you decent teammates.
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There’s no denying that you’ve got skills if you have a 1600 sticker now. Top 10,000, congratulations.
>But the hard truth is, for the average person, you’re not getting to 1600 if you’re not willing to put in 2x, 3x the time and effort as you used to do in past seasons. Even if you do, chance can fuck you over and deny you.
End of story.
The people who climbed to 1600 this season are the same ones who climbed to 1800, 1900 ranks previously.
They have 10,000 to 25,000 games on their profile right now, more than 1500 hours of playtime. They spend all of their free time playing this game.
They won’t hesitate to shell out $60 just to buy the newest mon and spam it over and over until ranked. They will spam top-tier all-rounder, speedsters, attackers, whatever the mon it takes for them to win.
>They don’t play for fun, they play only for the sake of beating other people.
>These are the people you have to compete with and win against just to get the sticker.
>That’s the kind of person the 1600 sticker is made for now. Is that the person you want to become?
Is Pokemon Unite really a game worth exhausting that much of your time and effort into?
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>What the old 1600 sticker was asking for wasn’t for you to win.
It was just asking for you to be there for the season, to play the game with the other people who are also climbing for the sticker. That was enough. 30-80 hours of playtime per season, 1-3 hours a day. The mons are fun to play and you can win with whoever you want. Losing is more forgiving since you can just go on another winning streak.
If you wanted to, you could get the sticker in less than two weeks. Anyone could get the sticker if they wanted to, and everyone would.
Were you really strong? It didn’t matter.
>You spent time playing this game, and someone else did too. That’s what makes it special.
The 1600 sticker was just some small proof to show that.
None of that applies to the nu-sticker.
>The soul of the original sticker is gone now. No more camaraderie. No deciding for yourself whether the sticker was worth it after all or not.
Now, it’s just another trophy title for the no-life elite sweats.
I used to be someone who spent time collecting all the stickers from the past seasons. I’m going to stop doing that now. The consistency is broken, and the obligation simply does not exist anymore. It’s been a good run, but I’m just going to do something else with my life.
Played 4 games had 4 games where there's 1 player whose absolutely useless on my team.
I knew I shouldn't have gotten the 1600 sticker
is this nigga really reposting some reddit bullshit to cope with his inability to earn the sticker
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And where will the every player go now? Will they keep grinding 1400+ from now on, spending more time and effort and kicking down other people just to get a symbol with no inherent value?
Should they just content themselves with stopping at 1400, knowing that they will miss out on completing everything for every season now on?
>I don’t know. But I just want to tell you this, /pug/. It’s okay if you didn’t get the sticker.
Timi is just asking way too much out of you and Pokemon Unite is not a game that deserves it.
>The 1600 sticker really is just a sticker now.
>It used to be fun grinding for it, but not anymore. Let it go.
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Wow! Good job ruining the 1600 sticker, Timi!
The casual player base is dead now. Thanks!
You can FUCK right off to EoS for all I care, I quit.
>All the 1600cels still seething at Timi for removing the participation trophy
HAHHAHAHA 55wr chads where we at
the sticker never meant anything to begin with, it was always a participation trophy
now that it takes actual effort to earn you're bitching about it
What about the puggers who spent money on this shitty game.
shut the fuck up winrate nigger
Masters is the real baby's participation award, and you subhumans aren't even worth handing a mark to
>spent money
oh no haha
I think puggers should find themselves a good trio or five stack to get carried on.
the happy times spent playing this game.
It was there for a moment, then it’s gone.
Whether by this or by EoS, the end was always going to come by Timi’s hand.
Embrace it now or later, it matters not.
>pissbaby is completely broken because he can't earn his participation sticker
best thing timi has done in a long time
>you used to get long stretches of win streaks and lose streaks that were actually memorable in previous seasons
Did you even get any winstreaks at all during 1400+ this time around?
Anon it would have been ok If the pokemon unite player base was like lol or the other moba legends copy cats out there but the pokemon player base is so casual they can't comprehend the basic knowledge of how MOBAs work.
No, not much unless I played with other anons here in pug I actually managed to hit 1500 Elo then dropped all the way to 1370.
wtf the new season reward clothes look great
Fuck me, here we go again in hell
May I ask anon did you play solo or with friends.
sometimes I play solo, sometimes I play with friends
How many matches did it take for you to reach 1600 , I want to make an estimate for myself. Total matches played that season.
I believe i hit the first 1600 elo at 153 matches with win rate of above 60
Hmm, interesting I would probably need double that amount at the start of the season to avoid the casuals to get 1600, I think maybe300~350 matches played total to reach that high, thanks anon.
Anon read again, it was me that gave you that reply
or would you say it's not genuine?
you're right about not taking this game as seriously, though
Yeah, reached 1790 and stopped there for the sake of my own sanity
it started out very rough though
Sorry man I'm retarded this game is making me lose my mind.
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Playing with friends is invalid
Either Solo queue or you didnt earn it
So you cant complain if your elo is low
Man this is stupid https://files.catbox.moe/b85hc2.mp4
Has anyone participated in those in-game tournaments? Especially the solo ones, how do they work even?
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Gardevoir has gotten two battle passes and an absolute truckload of buffs since its release. I'm sick of it getting buffs while so many are still left in the dust. My guess is this particular buff is due to dogshit Gardevoir players taking it in lane, usually with an equally bad or worse lane partner, doing horrendously in said lane and not knowing how to catch up once the enemy snowballs. Meanwhile, Garchomp and Mamoswine have been hard-stuck level 9 evos for no good reason. Tyranitar could use a buff if it's going to remain a level 9 evo, feels too underwhelming for the amount of exp it needs.
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First match of the season and I get a garde who does nothing but afk farm and never participates (16k damage), and a buzzwhole lane partner who doesn't know what the fuck he's doing.

Like, he walks up to hug their face then use abilities while they wail on him, then he just..s tands around.
>following drain venu to the birds/bees
a classic
maybe the game won't drop to 20fps on Switch 2
>Garde and Sylveon ignore Ray to dunk bottom lane
>Lose 3v5

I fucking hate people.
Don't worry, they'll buff Gardevoir again so surely that player will get better with it right?
Buffing Gardevoir isn't going to save players from still trying to solo push Eleki or making Stupid decisions
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mouse controls on switch 2 desu
she's the best you know
add golem you fucking cowards
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>first match of the season is against a gold badge zoro-comfey-lapras trio
ah, a premonition of things to come...
>Another update

Im assuming a bug fix with how soon. Hopefully they fix the sableye bug on feint attack.
>gardevoir originally evolved at level 10
>then 9
>then 8
>and now 7
She's gonna evolve at level 6 if this keeps up lmao.
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After 18 matches I can now proudly say that I have reached 3 pips into Ultra 5
>first match of the season has our azmarill afk from the start so the match ends in a minute
I think God's trying to tell me something.
>didn't jump on Mew with 50 points because I thought they had fug shields
>they didn't
>lose by like 10 points
Please kill me. That's enough for tonight.
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Rapidash is a speedster now btw
Makes way more sense than it being an All-Rounder.
I just cant take cartoon Horses seriously anymore
Internet rotted my brain too much.
I hate that the only time I win these days is when I
Solo push sneak score
and stay behind to guard the goals if I die during fug time
Is Gardevior good now?
Does she need to stack?
Is she going to win me Solo queue games?
>Is Gardevior good now?
She was always good
>Does she need to stack?
No, she has piss poor special attack scaling on all her moves
>Is she going to win me Solo queue games?
A good unite will solo win games for sure, but you are better off with other mons
Garde will stay losin' until her players acquire a braincell.
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i gotta be missing something, once i get like 40 hammer stacks its all gravy but i feel like youre just running around in useless googoo gaga baby mode until you level 7. i have nno problem averaging out like 70k damage by the end but im not contributing to much besides holding the big hammer move during teamfights
Just think of unicorns as the based mythological creature that rejects whores that they are.
You have to be an aggressive baby as you absolutely need those stacks as soon as possible and at level 5 thief gives you a decent powerspike to get in and get more stacks.
You need to come out the gate swingin' as a googoo gaga baby to get your stacks ASAP.
If a dumb defender tries to fight you in lane, great!
That's just gonna make you stronger.
Once you get to level 5 Thief will give you enough damage and auto recharges to start being able to fight back.
Also you can use Eject Button to reposition Gigaton Hammer and catch cheeky midliners off-guard.
silky... shapely...
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Is the tranny horse automatically gonna appear here and be an option when he gets released?

Who there is going to win me solo queue games?
Honestly probably meowscarada, both her playstyles are pretty good. I think she's underrated though
Nope, they don't update the boxes. I even have very old boxes that only has mons that were released at that time
Forgot to post image
My god this game is stupid
>three legendaries, umbreon, and cock ring
That must've been hell.
It is but I managed to tank all the attacks during Rayquaza and won
All these sub 50wr player REALLY love the check it out ping
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Well maybe if troglodyte retards like you would show up to anything at all that isn't Eleki I wouldn't spam the shit out of it
<Active Backcapping Meowscarada
>0 KOs
>18k damage
>Openly avoiding team fights
>Assault Vest
In the china version the all evolve at level 5 at the latest. Thats something i dont like about it
>come back this morning
>match ends early cuz now the enemy has an afk
Wow, I'm really now supposed play at all, huh?
Heavily team dependent and hates enemies getting close to her. Just play venusaur since he is better.
His unite is a good objective killer and team wipe, just not as good as Gardevoir gravity center pull. Sludge/beam plays just like psychic/psyshock. Venusaur has a better ability with overgrow. Venusaur has better autos that can stun and it's why rapid fire scarf, spoon and choice/wise glasses are still good on venusaur even after the rapid fire scarf nerf and solar beam nerf. Venusaur also has a much better early to mid to late game then Gardevoir
Never used bubblebeam Psyduck but damn is that move busted at lv 11. Psyduck really is like Sableye. Surf/shadow sneak both got nerfed but now its bubblebeam/knock off dominating.
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These babies just strolled into your lane, what will you do?
Steal their Orbs as Sableye
Bully them out of the lane.
Except the pink one, avoid that one at all costs.
Fighting her only makes her stronger.
Why are they not allowed to be playable?
they would have been my mains
Audino is too well known as an exp punching bag, Indeedee I dunno maybe it's the male and female versions being really different but I'd play as her
>Single Strike Urshifu wastes his Ult on me, a Slowbro
>Mutiple times, it's clearly some sort of grudge developed in the Match.
>All I did was simply be a meatshield during that 1st gank and he decides to make it personal.
I love Scald.
We already have chansey as a heal slut and eevee already took pixelate hyper voice
my girl's glowing gorgeousness...
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I haven't played since Mewtwo X and Y broke the game. Who's been added? Who is stupidly broken?
Is the owlmon seriously going to get requaza every single time?

Like for real, why is there no real counter for that shit?
Be a Speedster or mobile All-Rounder and flank the Owl yourself.
Is it just me or does Sableye's stealth indicator not show up sometimes against enemies in the bush?

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