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Why does nobody talk about PokeRogue?
It's such a fun game I played it straight a week
>tranny devs enacted a hostile and malicious takeover from the Christian dev who created the game
>tranny devs immediately and permanently create fag-themed shinies and advertise them well past fag month
I wonder why nobody talks about it here… what a mystery…
Because after the creator was forced out there were dozens of awful antifun changes in a row and I simply didn't care to check back if they ever remembered the damn game was supposed to be fun. Only had like 6 legendaries left to complete the dex, too. Had a good time before the enshittening, at least
It was the worst case of “players in charge of development” I’ve ever seen. The old saying goes that players are good at identifying problems in a game but awful at coming up with solutions. I’ve never seen a more clear cut and dry example of it than immediately following the original dev’s exile
It's not fun. Its the opposite of fun even for a rougelike. The first 50-100 stages feel like the same thing over and over and you get the same pokemon with little variation.
If there was actual diversity to catch, I would enjoy it, but instead its the same shit pokemon to catch and all you're doing is daily runs and egg gacha for new things. The main game is miserable.
>It's such a fun game I played it straight a week
yeah everyone did. The week ended and freaks took over the community, so unless someone forked it with the right timing and momentum it was doomed. And they didn't.
I swear someone in a previous thread said that it was easy to copy the Github code and create a version of the game with the recent nerfs rolled back and the bullshit candy grind fixed with a few number changes
I don't know how easy it would be to host a server and let users log into accounts like the main branch does, but I would be down to play and maintain a /vp/-approved Pokerogue, even if you have to run it offline
There is a fork of Sam’s last update as lead floating around here somewhere if anybody’s got the link to that. There were talks of a /vp/ fork but nobody ever actually committed to it
I only got into it recently, it used to be fun?
How pozzed has it gotten in the past 6 or so months?
trans rights: the game
Got addicted to it at first but got sick of it when I realised just how shallow the gameplay is. Literally mash A for 500 years until you get to the one boss that fights back.
Also, the challenge modes with pokemon of one generation only or monotype are not very fun.
I like the string of uninterrupted battles but the rival being guaranteed a shiny Rayquaza in every run is the gayest shit imaginable. Every run is going to need a little bit of samey composition to tackle that self-insert shit.

If you don't like it now, you wouldn't have liked it months ago when a christfag was at the helm. TL;DR: Some Emerald Rogue fanboys woke up and decided to call Christfagdev a transphobe apropos of nothing. Instead of just telling them to fuck off because there were trans bitches in the devteam, he made some embarrassing speech announcing that he plans to run away to diddle kids in a monastery.
The uninterrupted battles were by far the best part of the game, shocker which dev came up with that one, huh?
>I hate Christians
Do you feel sufficiently euphoric now? I’ll pray for you tonight
I only hate people who bring up religion (or lack thereof) completely unprovoked. Instead of pushing back on the allegations and simply going "I'm not a transphobe I literally have trans friends you retards" he writes a gay little speech about how he's being harrassed for his beliefs or some shit. Both sides involved in the PokeRogue controversy are insufferable fags.
If you're gonna pray for me, pray that I can enjoy a damn video game without being bombarded by retards flinging shit at each other over issues that aren't even tangentially related to the game itself.

Also there was a time when hating christians was the norm on 4chan. Probably long before you were born.
I just wanna know what got worse gameplay wise
Unless it's all about politics
Nothing changed for the worse. It's just people being retarded over politics.
>ignoring immediate, drastic, and overwhelmingly unpopular gameplay and mechanical changes the tranny devs made as soon as they could
Mhmm, sure, it’s all politics
>immediate, drastic, and overwhelmingly unpopular gameplay and mechanical changes
Such as?
>Instead of pushing back on the allegations and simply going "I'm not a transphobe I literally have trans friends you retards"
it's funny how you say this as if it would work.
if troons were capable of listening to logic and reason they wouldn't be troons
>too many people say this, it must not be true
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>he's never heard the phrase "Time is a flat circle"
You need to be 18 or older to post here anon
>doesn't understand that low-IQ reality-denying people can manifest different delusions depending on which cult gets to them first
>calls others underage
lmao desu
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Great use of the words "manifest" and "delusion", anon! You get a gold star.

You still need to leave though. This website is inappropriate for children your age. Go along now. I don't wanna have to phone your parents.
>thinks using basic vocabulary is worth noting, even as a joke
lmao desu
this is /vp/ you're equally as likely to be underaged if not more so, given your le epic zingers and how hard you're trying to appear part of "le cool kids club"
Can you retards shut the fuck up and vocalize what changes were actually made to the game on the gameplay side
>name every
no, there are only two possibilities with this- you are arguing in bad faith and looking to nitpick, or you weren't around when it happened so you don't know what you're confidently pretending to talk about. Nobody pulls "name every" except to troll or gaslight. Normal people don't keep lists of specific grievances for months/years
so what you're saying is you can't do it
They made a chance within a week of the original dev leaving that literally left one of the two game modes unplayable. What you could do in endless mode (and had to past a certain point) was stack berries on your main guy and recover them with a key item, I think it was called Berry Pouch or something
Tranny devs knocked it down to a 33% chance of activating per berry, which literally ruined the most viable and realistic way of “beating” endless mode, essentially ruining the game mode for most to all hardcore, ling-time players
Within a week
This is what made me ultimately quit. I stopped paying attention to updates after this because they proved their immediate idiocy without remorse. Best we got was “hey this mode sucks now we’re gonna revamp it soon”
Who the hell made it suck in the first place?
it's just boring as shit to play
unlike other pokemon roguelikes (namely emerald rogue) there are very few fights that actually engage you and the game is literally 95% padding
certain types are also heavily punished by the static boss pokemon having a positive matchup into them which is just atrocious game design
I forgot to add this so you get another (You) I guess, you disingenuous faggot
Are you fucking happy now? Are you satisfied with proof of what the entire thread has been saying or are you gonna throw some idiotic argument at us that’s somehow a “gotcha” to the decimation of one of only two ways to fucking play the game?
sounds like they patched out a cheap mechanic forcing you to actually have to be skilled at the game to win and you seething tardlets blamed the trannies instead of your own suckage at the game
>Are you fucking happy now?
yup, because it revealed what I already knew, that you were carried by berry spam and are now butthurt that you have to actually play the game properly now
>he didn't pick up the metal burst + poison heal strat after the berry pouch nerf
but still endless was fucking retarded dogshit mash A for 10 hours simulator and if you were literally only playing the game to grind shinies that you won't even use because they're not good pokemon for endless then it sounds like the devs did you a favor by killing it
By the time you needed berries it was literally impossible to kill enemy Pokémon with damaging moves. You HAD to leech seed/salt cure/other DoTs
It wasn’t cheap. It was the ONLY way to progress
See >>57235081 because I fucking knew you’d try to dismiss it the way you’re trying to
>It wasn’t cheap. It was the ONLY way to progress
>doubles down on being a shitter
literal torture couldn't wrench this confession out of me
you have someone on this very thread explaining to you in great detail how to progress, you're just garbage, period
>there was one other way to do it that only became popular after the berries were nerfed
>this is somehow a gotcha
This conversation is going exactly how I predicted it would go. You don’t actually care about any of this and honestly neither do I. You’re just trying to make me seethe.
>erm I don't actually CARE about the thread where I've been furiously posting for the past 45 minutes, you, a random anon on 4chan, just care way too much about my reaction because I'm the main character of the universe
or you're just a retard and I like laughing at your ilk.
I forgot this game existed until I saw the thread
>you’re feeding the troll
fine, I’ll stop then. Fuck you
see you in 5 minutes
Emerald Rogue is infinitely better, it's not even funny. also probably the most technologically advanced rom hack of all time, some absolute wizardry in therr
Tbh anon I find the encounter stages to be really boring. It was fun for the first 10-20 hours but I got real tired of tracking down every single item ball after a while. Granted last time I played was 1.8 Or something so idk if this aspect has improved any or not
>he hasn't even played 2.0
holy hell anon you need to get on that
it's not even version 2 it's basically a sequel game
I’ve been enjoying the pit of 100 trials since I heard about it a couple weeks ago. Why should I switch back?
Wait is this true or your shitposting?
...because you can play more than one game? what the fuck kind of question is that?
True. Not shitposting. I was there, anon, one year ago
The question is what new features in emerald rogue make it worth playing instead of the game I have been playing. We are not all basement dwellers, I have a job and a family to provide for, realistically I only have time for one game on any given day/week. Convince me it should be emerald rogue, if you care enough to
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I heard it was made by a tranny so I rather not bother.
The OC did come off like a self-insert.
That's why you ignore them instead of bending the knee like a bitch.
Because it's a shit game, and that's before the "controversy"
It's just a slot machine simulator
yeah, the game runs out of steam once you beat eternatus and realize there's literally nothing more to see
from that point on it's just gacha grinding and RNG rolling for egg moves, shinies, and other things you don't need because you already won without them
awful game
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Games like this are pure shit because they're awful RNGfests. Having to run loops over and over and over again just so you can finally get a god run where you bulldoze everything and brag about it makes for a shit game.
It's why I don't like most roguelites, it's never about how good/bad you are, it's about rerolling runs 100x until you get lucky enough to get a decent mix of stuff that you can hopefully skill/RNG your way to finish the game with, and wins almost never feel satisfying because of it, most wins are met with a "whew, finally!" rather than a feeling of accomplishment.
it's wild to me how anons on /vp/ are so willing to admit how shit they are at videogames
You probably think Metal Burst teams are skilled when the only thing skilled about them is how much time you're willing to waste with it to get it right. That shit is straight up mind-numbing and only psychopaths willingly do that shit every Endless run.
There's been numerous changes to make Endless as soul-sucking as possible. For the longest time, it was strictly Metal Burst setups, followed only by teams that could abuse multi-hit moves to spam flinch or other status effects with Milti-Lens.
But then they gutted the lens to only work on moves that didn't already multi-hit, gutting 'mons like Heracross and making otherwise useful multi-hit moves like Mega Lucario Tachyon Beam far less potent. They made a concession to make it so the Endure token only procs once instead of through a whole multi-hit move, but the problem is that your team can only ever get so strong - you will eventually be outscalled hard enough that spamming multi-hit flinching just doesn't cut it, leaving Metal Burst as the only true team to use in Endless.
And then they came for Metal Burst.
yeah you're right, stacking a crapload of berries and letting the game play itself is apex peak sovl kino gameplay
>Letting the game play itself
You can't honestly say with a straight face that it's any more busted than Meta Burst builds.
Shut the actual fuck up, troon.
>RNG focused game all about the luck of the draw after each fight
>possible to be shit at it
>possible to be good at it

The main difference between a good roguelite player and a bad one is how willing they are to admit how many runs they've done so far. (This doesn't include roguelites involving some actual skill, like ones with dodge buttons and platforming and such, of course.)
Well, either that or they look everything up including some meta strat involving broken mechanics.
Saying you're good at a roguelite of this type is like bragging you're good at slot machines, or that you're good at... being patient, I guess.
again, you couldn't get an admission of ass suckage this lengthy from me even with actual literal torture. I would die before exposing myself by writing a post like this
>getting this mad over a video game
when were multi-hit flinch setups ever good? the best way to grind endless was always to do something that didn't require levels to do damage so you could just run away from everything you weren't required to kill because there isn't a single combination of moves that ends battles faster than just clicking run
even if they killed metal burst i'm sure entrainment normalize with a wonder guard mon still works and that permanently solves endless unless they change game mechanics entirely (which they could have since i haven't played this piece of shit game in half a year)
>It's such a fun game
I don't touch anything made by trannies that's not a porn mod for games played mostly by children.
Immediatly discarded
Dozens of already bad pokemon were nerfed, some strong pokemon were nerfed, some strong pokemon were BUFFED, and for every good system change like better egg mechanics, they made two dogshit system changes like using vouchers to farm mons, or making the already crude endless mode worse each time they touched it. I didn't drop the game because of some fucking pride shinies or a vested interest in the behind the scenes drama, I dropped it because the game was being made less fun you miserable pile of chromosomes
The problem with that is that they gutted the gay shit (smart) but did nothing about the tokens that forced you to use the gay shit. Eventually even with the maximum damage possible, perfect splicing, and max offensive item stacks, you would not be able to break the bosses due to their tokens. I know you're just a baiting retard but I remember being really bothered by that dogshit design choice, followed by them doing a halfassed fix that totally missed what was broken with the mode and somehow made it even worse
Generally the actual skill in roguelike games comes from understanding the system your playing in and properly manipulating it. Yeah you want a lucky drop, but knowing how to get more drops or knowing what to do with the drops you get is where you become good. Ideally knowledge is the biggest obstacle to victory.

Can't speak for Pokerogue or other games though as I havent played them.
>Why does nobody talk about PokeRogue?
I feel like everyone talked about it when it first came out.

>It's such a fun game I played it straight a week
Yeah, and that's about how long people talked about it. I, too, played it for about a week straight, but then I got bored of it. You do a few normal runs, get some good Pokemon (hopefully), maybe try some of the daily challenges, then you do an Endless run, and all the fun is over. Endless is kinda what ruins Pokerogue imo. It's just an infinite nothing where it's not even really possible to lose, and I don't know how it is now, but that used to be the best way to farm Pokemon and Eggs, so that was essentially the endgame, but it's the least fun part of Pokerogue. And once the veil is lifted, it's just not very fun anymore.

I've actually logged back in to my Pokerogue account several times, with the intention of starting a new classic run, and by the time I go to actually start the run, I've already lost interest.
>It's why I don't like most roguelites, it's never about how good/bad you are, it's about rerolling runs 100x until you get lucky enough to get a decent mix of stuff that you can hopefully skill/RNG your way to finish the game with, and wins almost never feel satisfying because of it, most wins are met with a "whew, finally!" rather than a feeling of accomplishment.
Imagine being this bad at video games.
I played it exactly once when it first came out, and never felt like going back. Same with Emerald Rogue, I downloaded it sometime last year, did like two runs in one sitting, and didn't touch it afterwards. Most roguelites just don't catch my attention these days.
It's true
>Dev opens floor for people to help
>Trannies flood in.
>Dev is accepting guy, "They are just human"
>They push him to add all theirr faggoty stuff, namely Pride flag shinies the trannies only made, Gender evos are removed and non-binary character option added
>He states he doesn't wanna add them because they are political and not the focus of his game
>Devs and discord fags hold his server hostage and start raising a ruckus over him
>Dude quits saying he wished them luck, he couldn't stand with it because of his religious belief and there are other projects he wants to do
>New owners claim nothing will change with themselves in charge
>Week later, Pride Update that only adds Pride Flag shinies and nerfs a bunch of things people liked happened. Berries weakened, Endless mode ends after 2500 floors, and so on.
Magiswords was bad even before the pedo unveiling

Kys yourself goodnight retard
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>Endless mode ends after 2500 floors
The moral of the story is never let a tranny contribute to your creative endeavors in any way whatsoever, for it will immediately become poisoned
>Why does nobody talk about PokeRogue?
Probably because theres a billion and twelve different fanhacks out there. Buy an ad
Is there a way to download the final version before it started getting trannified?
always hilarious when people out themselves like this. i beat pokerogue on literally my first try, completely blind, flying by the seat of my pants. now how was that possible? because it's just pokemon, and pokemon is about teambuilding, and teambuilding is a skill.
Reminds me of Infinite Fusion. Trannies fucked that up too. They done been fucking it up, but I think something recently happened where the dev used AI to write the Pokedex entries for Pokemon that no one else wrote a Pokedex entry for, and tranny sprite contributors started rioting and wanting their sprites pulled from the project. Now he has to write a script to remove the sprites.

The funniest part is that no one even reads Pokedex entires, and AI was already being used to create the sprites for all of the Pokemon that no one had created a sprite for.
Besides everyone elses complaints, the sheer fact that, unless youre hyper-autistic, you physically cannot beat the game on your first run (you legit dont have the stats to do so) is the greatest killer for me. The fact that people arent smart enough to say no to that shit either is really disappointing, and proves that "vote with your wallet" is a farcical concept by the deranged.
tho source code is open.
wait a year or less for ai agents and create your own private modded server with whatever content you want with "prompt 'engineering'"
>you physically cannot beat the game on your first run
lol? are you actually fucking serious?
>you physically cannot beat the game on your first run
I got to Eternatus on my first run, and that's back when I was a Pokemon retard. I'm probably still a Pokemon retard, but since then I've binged lots of Pokemon and I now have a much better idea of what is going on.

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