Join Avenue thread.What are your thoughts on this feature?Should it return?Did you ever max yours out?
>>57237621I still have never interacted with this feature, despite playing the games multiple times. Thought the place looked cool though.
>>57237621I maxed it out. It was fun, but ultimately a time waster. Fluff isn't always a bad thing.
>>57238266id argue fluff is never a bad thing unless you're a completionist. im always happy to see neat little optional content
>>57237621A good feature that improved on bad content like berry farming.
>>57237621i loved it, i had visitors from the dream world footprint global link, from battles and from gts trading.i recruited the most interesting visitors and checked their information in the base and have maxed all the stores.
>>57237621>What are your thoughts on this feature?I enjoyed it. It incentivized communication, especially with Wi-Fi. Shame they shut the old Wi-Fi servers down a year after the game launched, but at least alternatives exist.>Should it return?Yes. As long as they don't butcher it like what happened with the Festival Plaza.>Did you ever max yours out?I don't think I did.Also this is just me speaking, but I always preferred having one of every store.
>>57237621The fact that this never returned is a travesty. I guess Gen 7 tried to but it just wasn't the same.
>>57238510I had one of every store too.>>57237621I managed to max it out without other players. It took a long time.
>>57237621>What are your thoughts on this feature?Fun side-content that I was kind of obsessed about during BW2, loved customizing it, arranging and maxing out the stores to see what they'd look like when reaching the required levels. I think I remember turning the game on everyday because of the lottery store for a chance to win a master ball. Also had a hard time guiding customers that were vague as fuck in terms of what they wanted.>Should it return?Yeah, though I'm biased.>Did you ever max yours out?Fuck yeah I did.
Is there a way to max your joint avenue post wfc shutdown?
>>57241680Yes. You can max it out on your own. It's just that connecting to other players (either online or in person) speeds it up.
>>57241680I maxed out mine without even going online once. Generic NPCs and sometimes Gym Leaders visit your avenue everyday.
>>57241680PKSM on a 3ds with the cart insideI'm not sure if you can use pksm on emulators.
>>57241817How do you max it out with PKSM?
>>57238266Time waster? It actually has usefull features.