Old Sea Map EditionPrevious Thread: >>57272318FAQ: https://pastebin.com/MypNBzca
I love Shrouded Fable!
>still buying vintage
I bought a Shrouded Fable booster bundle because of the previous thread. I'll report results in a week or two. Meanwhile I'm waiting to see if even more of my Battle Partners orders get cancelled. I'm at 2 now.
>>57275708Hold up, this is a Shrouded Fable card? Maybe I should buy after all...
>>57275718tell me if you get my son
>Shrouded fable is b-ACK
Since /tcc/ now just talks about money and invoosting 90% of the time, we should normalize discarding the opinions of anyone who doesn't post cards, like the homos on /fit/ do with anyone who doesn't post body.
I love Night Wanderer
>>57275691Exactly my original point but subhuman monkeys in this thread can't understand how the market operates.
>>57275754Somewhere out there, some kid's first card pack is Shrouded Fable, because no other packs were available, and they loved it.
>>57275752base->japanese cardscringe
>>57275768Japanese pocket monster bro
>>57275769don't care, buy your language
>>57275771>paying more for lessNo
>>57275749Otherwise nice card ruined by shitmon
how did a mini set mindbreak /tcc/ and investors alike so badly anyways
>>57275763I would be happy to open it.
>>57275791Genuinely terrible set that is emblematic of this bubble like trump coin, fart coin, and hawk tua coin.
>>57275785Show me a single 10 or more year old set that sells for what is selling Shrouded Fable right now.You can't.
>>57275791Retards got tricked into investing into a set nobody likes and is still selling below msrp in the biggest bull market in a decade.
>>57275810nta Vivid voltage is selling for that much and is 5 years old
Just checked Target ten minutes ago for Prismatic and didn't find any. But I did coincidentally find the Shrouded Fable Kindra Collection. Considering Kingdra alone is worth the price of the box I snagged one. Sadly didn't pull anything worth even posting. One Okidogi ex and one pokevital A.
just bought a shrouded fable etb for 39 bucks, i'll post the cards i unpack when it arrives
I have the urge to buy kingdra EX box but i wanna get a discount coupon first.
this guy REALLY hates shrouded fable
Pokemon GO is SLEPT ON?! Invest NOW!!
>still buying kanto
couple months back when I was first getting back into collecting I got the etb and bundle because they were the only things affordable, I forgot how autistic pokefags are m normalfags only care about kanto shit
>>57275791I can only assume it's 90% shitposting based on recent scalping trends. Before then nobody really gave a shit one way or the other. I do hate the set for introducing that faggot Dusknoir to competitive though.
Those pumping Fable? It was /tcc/ all along
em you can't just say shrouded fable is bad that's all I've found on the shelf stop laughing at me...
Shrouded Fable
shrouded fable is based and I’m tired of pretending it isnt
>>57275791Your pathetic pumping attempt isn't gonna work.
>>57275898>she couldn't find any Paradox Rift or Paldean Fates
>>57275752fez is the waifu for shrouded
>anti SFfags trying to dissuade people from buying SF so they can scalp it all
If you guys aren't careful you're actually gonna pump SF through memes
>>57275925Paldean Fates is hot again because of the epic $300 Mewerino
>>57275956Doesn't matter. They all have cloacas.
>>57275951okiedogie bros, we are so back. What may may should pokemon use for the next legendary?
>still buying physical
>>57275998You jinxed it
Just bought Shrouded Fable ETB for 26,50, I'll post ripping when it arrives
>>57276023"always picked last for school sports team" energy
Me if I can't get all the Rirrie cards.
I'm just glad that this shitty eevee set finally put an end to gay jewel trash and ace sp*cs.
>>57276077This is actually me
>>57275812>artificial scarcityAgain with this cope.>It is up to tpci to balance sets to make them all reasonably marketable for one reason or anotherlolJust fucking lolHow would you even begin to measure something like that? Even if we agree that art is objetive there's stil the problem of personal preference and that you cannot make all the products the same.>perceived demandOh now you're backpedaling and you say that some things are more desirable than others.>All sets should be reasonably available to those who want them during the general length of their print runsEasier said that done.I agree but reality means that it's not going to be the case when there's an extreme demand. It makes no sense for TPC to have an infrastructure that can deal with this much of demand in such a short amount of time when most of the time such production level is not required. Sure, they might lose on some profit right now but in the long term they will save expenses.>>57275812>Parasitic retards likeThe only product I have is 2 ETBs of Lost Origin lol.You are as intelligent as you think you are.
>>57276181*You are not as intelligent as you think you are.
Why doesn't anyone want stellar crown?
>>57275791No one really cared about SV until Surging Sparks. You could find pretty much any of the sets except 151 and Fates anywhere. It was just the normal certain cards going for $100 and everything else was cheap. Shrouded was just the only mini set that didn't have anything special about it.
>>57275842That set is what got me back into collecting. I have an almost full set, except for some rainbows and the white outline cards.
Any recommendations for toploader binders?
>>57276191Because the only cards I want from it can be easily attained by buying singles
>>57276219isn't this true for all sets?
>>57276224Not even close
>>57276191I already own both Laceys
I hate this shit so much
>>57276324What, don't you enjoy a bunch of retards larping as stock traders ruining your hobby instead of investing in viable markets?
>>57276324You snooze you looze
>>57276324TO THE MOON
>>57276378Nah I'll just wait until the fad is over and buy the cheapies off you
>>57276191I got a SIR during the prerelease event so I'm assuming my luck with this set is already spent.
Will they localize Iono's promo card?
We buying?
>>57276483compare textures please
What do you think of these prices?
>>57276541Why don't yumes buy Pokemon cards?
>still buying modern
>>57276557Women are leeches on society and are incapable of generating disposable income.
>tfw I bought the Greninja EX and Kingdra EX boxes at msrp Those promos were under $10 a couple months ago and they look gorgeous.
>Houndoom only up 34% this monthI should have bought stellar crown instead
>>57276541makes me laugh mostly at waifufags for eating so much shit. Even when Kieran is overwhelmingly more popular they still need to pay ten times more for Carmine lol they can't catch a break
>>57276599Anon, did you realize what you say? Kieran is super popular...yet his card, FA even, sells for SHIT, why? his plushie caused a rampage.
>>57276590I can buy the kingdra box right now for 42.74 dollars, is that price fair?
>>57276605Ugly onion hair
>>57276598Weird looking Dusclops
>>57276605Girls are the ones that love Kieran the most but they don't give a shit about cards.
>>57276605either women don't play, or scalpers aren't taking advantage of the homos, or a mix of both. Either way is fine by me I'm not paying more than 15€ for a card ever
>>57276541What happened to Nenoma? even the ugly penny is selling for more.
>>57276620She's ugly and autistic and annoying
Was finally able to get Prismatic Evolutions for the first time today, didn't know Target was going to stock it when I went in.But man the state of it was depressing. The stocker now has act like a security guard after she's done stocking and hand each customer their product (which is limited to one each). Target now treats Pokemon cards like they're alcohol so you can't buy them at self checkout anymore. Even with those limitations in place, I still saw people buying 5 binder boxes or 3 ETB's at once in front of and behind me when I was line, and they just allowed itIt's starting to feel like the hobby that is Pokemon card collecting is permanently ruined because normies and scalpers lose their minds now, especially when its KANTOOO, or Eevelutions. I just hope they stop doing these Eeveeluton-focused sets in the futureI'm starting to think that I just don't want to buy and look at cards at stores anymore out of fear of people thinking I'm deranged, even when I only grab one item or having to deal with this shit, and instead just buy directly from the Pokemon center website
>>57276625The only thing ugly about nemona is her clothes, penni is ugly in everything.
>>57276609Just buy the kingdra, you can't pull shit from that set
>>57276644>Just buy the kingdraHow? third world country scum here, so i am sure i don't have acess to most of you guys' "ways".
>>57276609The Kingdra is apparently worth 30 alone. Do you consider 5 SF packs for $12 fair? Personally I'd say just check stores. My Target has still been stocking them on basically a weekly basis.
>>57276663You can't buy singles in 3rd world countries? Is it a gang thing?
>>57276663pretty sure ebay ships even in third world countries
>>57276680No, is more that no place here sells you single pokemon cards, yu-gi-oh cards? yeah, but i haven't see any store selling individual pokemon cards.
>>57276620Nemona’s card is kind of boring. Might as well just buy the cheaper one if she’s your waifu
>>57276620that card has terrible art
>>57276688https://www.ebay.com/itm/276829096103?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=CWUwFTc9SQu&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY>NEAR mint>28.99+4.99 shipping>have to wait weeksSorry anon, but for 8 dollars more I get a full kingdra EX box with guaranted horsea and seadra cards plus some packs of a set I never got, even if the pull rates are shit is still a better option.
https://www.ebay.com/itm/335782390555?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=R-jMzB1cQ-e&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPYOh motherfucker! Do you think they will made a way to get this card in the west officially later?
>>57276578These cards, and Lv.X, had the best borders.
>>57276324The financialization of the hobby will be its undoing. Each card can be tracked like a stock or shitcoin and people will buy into hoping to make it big.
>>57276803>let's slap balls on it with no regard for the card artworkPeople like this foil pattern?
Why are Dawnposters the dumbest niggers on this board?
speaking of shrouded fables... hidden sleeper card
Trump has started to fix the Pokémon scalping problem! God bless!
>>57276483I want it
151 master set bros...
>>57276842This has been going on for at least 5 years, minimum.Far longer really, it just wasnt as easily tracked by the average person.
>43 bucks and risinggod dammit
>>57277133I need to get my temporal forces cards before its too late.That set has some gems, even if overall I think its kind of lacking.
>Japanese Battle Partners boxes are like $40 and have 3 guaranteed full arts and 1 guaranteed SAR.I heard someone say one time that in Japan there are laws against gambling, specially with products aimed at children, while in the US is full gambling mode. Is this true? That's kinda fucked.
>open Pokemon Go>it mocks meI am officially seething
>>57277240It's true in a sense, but things like blind boxes are also a form of gambling and Japan has a million of those for every series imaginable. Then again, they also have places set up where you can trade people for the one you want - that's how a lot of waifu shrines end up with 200 of the same minifig.
man... going to Target, Walmart and seeing NOTHING on the shelves. knowing that there are fat balding 30s spic faggots stalking the vendors as they come into the store. Im cashing out this weekend. getting rid of my IRs and Terest Fest dupes and finishing off this Eevee JP subset. I'm not dealing with this fucking stress, especially coming from the fucking crazy amiibo fad of 2015. fuck this shit so hard
>>57277289JP cards are nicer anyway
>>57277289See you when the rocket set drops
>>57277289If you live near the vending machines, they sometimes get things in stock.Like I said in the last thread, I happened to be getting groceries right as they restocked it. I decided to pass on the Prismatic ETBs they stocked up mostly because I just wanted a few packs or a booster bundle. Otherwise I plan to pass on this set.Maybe I should have been a fag and bought a few to flip, but oh well. I had to wait in line behind 2 employees who were basically doing just that. Though to be fair one of the older women doing it, did say she was buying at least one for her kids birthday I guess. But she was loading up on way too much to not be flipping that shit.
>>57277289Sucks to be you bro
>>57277312Not that anon, but my grocery store got one of these recently. It hasn't been stocked in weeks and just has shrouded fable/stellar crown ETBs.
What is it about Umbreon and the full moon that drives people wild?
>>57277334Uh that's a sun in the PE card
>>57277334They liked blacked
>>57277334Eeveelutions were the worst thing to happen to the tcg
>>57277333Its not super frequent, but I got 3 (myself/gf/friend) Surging Sparks Booster boxes from mine. It'd been about 2ish weeks since it had any surging though but had more today and I just picked up a pack to open at lunch. I'm not sure how frequently they are restocked, but I just check it every so often. Mine usually has an assortment of stuff even if its not all the newest sets.Usually some temporal, paldea evolved, things like that. Unfortunately the most in demand stuff goes fast, probably because of scalping employees, but I have gotten most of my Surging Sparks from those machines.I actually have 4 near me, but I only visit one regularly. I just made a sweep one day to see if I could find some 151. I couldn't. Today was the first time it ever had Prismatic. I might go in tomorrow just to see if it sold out or not.>>57277334I don't know. Umbreon is actually one of my favorite pokemon, but I think that V Max card doesn't even look that good.I do really like the PE one though.
>Shrouded fable IR and SIRs are going up in pricedid Invoosters get their claws on this set too?
>>57277334Cat fags. Would also explain the unhinged behavior surrounding this set.
>>57277454This spider get an ex yet Eelektoss and Vaniluxe don't?
>>57277334Umbreon is genuinely a really popular pokemon to begin with. And the vmax is actually a wonderful card. The idea of it being giant and in trying in vain to reach the moon is a great concept, and the colors of the card make it really stand out. Once it established itself as THE chase card of the era it cemented itself as a Charizard equivalent and then investards take it from there. btw as much as I do love the vmax, the regular V is still far superior.
>>57277519>SIRs are going up in priceThey are all down except the Munki which is up 1% from one month ago but still down 54% from release. No one is buying that zero effort garbage even in this market.
What Pokemon TCG product you regret never buying when you could?
>still grading cards
>>57277661Probably that Sun & Moon anime promo box that goes for like $500 now, when it was probably $30 or less on release. But other than that it's really not knowing that they started doing art cards and missing out on all of SM/XY. The only cards I ever bought between Gen 4 and Crown Zenith was a Diancie promo box.
>>57277441>Umbreon is actually one of my favorite pokemonWhy? It's literally just a black cat. The other eveloutions have better design.
>>57275791It's really just the perfect shitstorm so to speak>scalpers looking for a new hobby to "invest" in>at the same time Surging Sparks drops with a $300 pikachu card>then you have $20 etbs at target for black Friday>and Tins at walmart full of astral radiance, brilliant stars and evolving Skies>December is just a free for all between scalpers and parents trying to get a single pack for Timmy's stocking>January you have a special Eevee set that people were bound to go full retard over one way or another>premium boxes with Charizard and waifu material>set with trainers and waifus in marchDrop a set with Galvalantula and Muk as the stars, call it dirty sparks and watch the confusion of scalpers
>go into walmart just in time to watch 1 guy throwing all the prismatic in his buggy and another throwing all the surging spark in his>mfw they left behind all the shrouded fableDont get me wrong i was mad but couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it especially after these last 2 threads
>>57277750I just like it. Dark type pokemon are cool.I like the more "realistic" designs of earlier gens more, and I think most eevee's tend to stick to that well enough. I also do think this plays a role in their lasting popularity with older fans.The simple black design with the gold rings just looks cool to me, and its been my favorite eevee since it came out, so its not like I'm hoping on some "Moonbreon" card bandwagon or anything. I don't even care for that specific card personally. It is annoying how many people suddenly seem to lose their shit over Umbreon though. But on the brightside, more umbreon merchandise and artwork I guess.I also view most eevee's to be closer to dogs, personally.Minus like Espeon I guess which is very clearly closer to a cat.If they ever release this very specific fan designed eevee in any official capacity though I'm renouncing my umbreon fan card immediately.
>>57277772Take one or two of the ETBs from their cart while they're loading up. What are they gonna do? Lose out on the entire haul by starting shit instead of losing just one?
>>57277661I remember seeing end caps full of these things at Target when I was doing toy runs looking for new Marvel Universe figures in the early 2010s.Should have bought some just for the cracked ice Umbreon.
>>57277793At this point I'm checked out on both sets im just waiting to see someone get murdered trying to nab someone else's horde
>>57277085mine's in spanish and it says MEW, not M24, and it does have the mcdonalds holo151fags BTFO
>>57277007deoxys had so many slept on reverse holos.
>>57277170What's going on with temporal forces? I saw some but keep ignoring them in store.
>>57277772scalpers are stupid and probably still think people hate the set.
>>57277289I actually know when the Target vendor comes to the store because I walked in on him once. I don't really care though, I can't be bothered buying english packs anymore.
Going through the Shrouded Fable card list and they all suck? The Duskull evolution line is cool, then Horsea and Cresselia but other than that who gives a fuck?
>>57277875A few of the cards are rising in price.Thats all I really meant by that post.Theres just like 2 or 3 I'd like to buy a single of soon in case that set gets expensive.
>>57277892there's a lot of decent cards in the set.
I bought a happy meal and got a holo Koraidon. Wanted an umbreon and after looking at the whole set list this shit is garbage. At least I got another Hatenna. Can't get enough of those.
>>57272534Would it be better to just buy these promo cards separately or should I look into buying both decks? I mean, if it's a structured deck I'm assuming no one cares about the actual deck and just want the Marnie/Steven.
>>57277902the nonholo charizard is funny because it seems to have upset normies and tourists.
>>57277933The promo cards will probably go for x3 the price. Japs love their waifu cards.
Is mandarake good for singles? Obviously I'm looking now and can see they have a lot of cheap low rarity modern, but the Engrish site is so retarded to search and the pictures are the size of my asshole so it's hard to tell what I'm seeing.
Is it me or has it gotten exponentially a lot harder to get boxes in the past few months? With Surging Sparks there was a vendor that had booster box and etb bundle for like $120, they had it up for weeks. Now battle partners is going out like crazy.
>this was the best card i pulled from 20 packsFUCK THIS STUPID FUCKING SET
>>57277859The MEW set code doesn't bother me if it's there or not, my binder already has the 151 Blackstar Promos which don't have it. Plus the baby Shinies from Paldean fates, since well they're functionally the same card and are included in the Chinese 151 set.
>>57278037Where I live, the stores are cleared out almost entirely. Walmart, Best Buy, GameStop, completely cleared out always 100% of the time. The LSG usually have something like the Charizard cubes.
>>57278066who the fuck is this character?
>>57277334Umbreon is a racist mascot and symbol.People like it because it's Japanese name is Blackie, which is incidentally sometimes used as a racial slur towards black people. So racists like that they can like something that's secretly racist as it's English name is Umbreon. When someone says they like Umbreon it's a dog whistle to other racists. Racists also drive up the value to demoralize black people, as they know many black people are from under privileged communities due to systemic racism.
>>57278091some teacher bitch from SVpic related is her sister one of the gym leaders
>>57278078oh, you're THAT guy
>>57277661Honestly didn't really buy anything from gens 5-7 because I was going through school and money was always hard to come by so I bought vidya instead with my spare cash. Now I have a career and income and regret missing out on all the etbs from that era.
>>57277661lillie battle day
>>57278091a nigger
>>57277661I missed out on aquapolis, expedition and skyridge because I decided to pick up digimon and then yugioh instead.
STILL no Haunter card made like this
>>57278103Sorry, but TPC has noticed and changed it to "Bracky" 2 years ago.
>>57278281Not only that but it's "burackie"
>>57278066Get blacked
>>57277334old moonbreon is so ugly compared to the new one holy shit pokemon fans are pathetic paying so much for such a shit art
Whats up my fellow greninjers.
>>57277289Third world problems
>>57277240>>Japanese Battle Partners boxes are like $40Where?
>>57278518couldn't afford them anyways.
you should look up that Mega Gengar Ex Promo. they are pretty rare. there is a PSA 9 eBay one 150 bucks 44 bids and still has a little over a day left. too bad mine got a rough cut, its a fuzzy little bottom gengar.
that will be 821 dollars for that 5ban artwork card.
why the FUCK is surging still so hard to find? It's literally the second newest set
they always laugh at my collection but never post anything worth bringing up in their own.
>>57278603Sometimes less is more
>>57278616bullshit rules for bullshit people.
good thing i dont live my life by your beliefs because i would probably be in debt with overpopulated shitmon cards coping with 5ban old style.
Hi tccddit, I recently started to come back to the hobby after 25 years. Thoughts on my collection so far?
>>57278461Ugly ass cgi. Do people really like this stuff? It's gross.
here we go. its the art detractors. gonna be real sad when people wake up and their "better" artwork cards are overproduced and not worth it.
Do i have to post my 40k dollar painting thats almost 50 years old to prove i have high tastes in FARTWORK?
>>57278037I used to buy pokemon at the grocery store but since 2 months everything except shrouded fable and sometimes temporal forces has been cleared out.
>>57278687i got a restock at my local grocery store vendor. it was all undesired sets released in the past 2 years. I dont miss buying pokemon cards during current era.
I don't even think any sets worth their money even come to my state. so, when I turn to tcgplayer and see it for double MSRP. that's why I don't buy modern. to ask for a deal, and the deal being MSRP is retarded. that's not a deal that's just common decency. fuck the modern Pokémon card collecting world.
How long until investors huff extra copium and start shilling pokemon go as slept on and underrated
>>57278738you wanna know the real joke set. look up detective pikachu. guaranteed pulls. its a fun set. but holy shit it will never be worth anything.
>mogs every N card from battle shartners
>>57278762>Male human
>>57275751this needs to happen. these threads are flooded with seething faggots and low-effort phone posters
>>57278762I was so hyped for Journey Together too...
>>57278656cute :3
Vivid Voltage is SLEPT ON?! Invest NOW!!
>>57278656why no espeon or umbreon promo yet? are they coming in the UPC?
>>57275842I just learned about the peal-able ditto cards. I have a pokemon go great ball tin coming today im pretty excited about.
>>57275961Paldean fates doubling in price pissed me off a bit. It's the only set I'm trying to complete a binder for because I like the shiny cards. I was buying ETBs for $40 a few months ago. Tried to buy another last week and saw they were $90. I'm gunna start robbing these scalpers if this shit keeps up.
>>57275961>>57278845its insane, even shiny treasures being scalpedyou could but both shiny treasures and super electric from the pokemon center jp for 5400 yen like 2 weeks ago now you can't find them for less than x2 msrp
How Start A Pokemon Collection In 2025! #Pokemon #pokemontcg
>>57278909I'm about to start collecting jap just because they're historically cheaper. The thing is, I like to play at the local table top shop occasionally and I have a rule when building decks; the card must be pulled, not bought. Since I'm not gunna buy paldean fates at its inflated price, I realized last week I have 3 etbs of shrouded fables that I ripped and stored in boxes. I've got a realy good start on that set. I swear if you retards meme that set into oblivion before I finish, I'm gunna start collecting yugioh
>>57278933blame reddit not me they're the one on full copium about sharted fable being "underrated" and "slept on" with even designated threads to pump it
>>57278471Pokemon center japan
It's Pikachu!
>>57278951I wasn't blaming you directly. I know it's scalpers and now reddit trying to pump the only available sets still priced at msrp because they missed out on others. How do we psyop those retards into buying sets we don't care about?
>>57278952Wish i had preordered instead of saving money for Pr*smatic.Regret missing out on N and Lillie binder collections the most.
>>57278656>modernslopevery time
I Stalked The Vendor for 3 Hours and All I've Got Was This Lousy Shrouded Fable ETB
>>57278984They're going to reprint more Terastral and Battle Partners in late Feb.
>>57279003nobody wants your moldy cards grandad
>>57278951I bought Houndoom for 15 and gifted it to a friend because it's her favorite Pokemon
>>57279010Nice, I'll buy a box and the marnie deck from there
>>57278762Nice buttplug.
>>57278951I don't speak faggot; are they legit sitting there and scheming an actual pump on a card? God this shit makes my blood boil. Lately my lcs has been running so low on packs to give out for tourney prizing that they've cut players down to prizing out in only two of somewhat desirable packs rather than the traditional three. To make up for it, the owner now gives us the alternative of just using it as store credit for that day. Since two packs doesn't feel like I'm getting my money's worth anymore I've started picking out singles, but they don't have a lot in stock that I necessarily need. So I'm sitting here treating my trade binder like a fucking stock portfolio, trying to use my store credit and trades with other players to pick up cards that seem like potential targets for these bullshit pump schemes and IT FUCKING SUCKS. Godfucking damnit I hate this shit so fucking much. I just wanted to open packs, pull cards, and trade my dupes for cards I didn't have. Now I have to watch tcgplayer like a goddamn stockbroker so that I can scrabble together enough trade value to maybe cash out on one of the overpriced singles I don't have yet. All because these fucking parasites are too inept to contain themselves to the cryptomarket where they fucking belong. I DIDN'T FUCKING SIGN UP FOR THIS SHIT I JUST WANTED TO COLLECT SHINY PICTURES OF POKEMON BECAUSE I LIKE THEM
Shrouded Fable's reputation as the black sheep of SV will make it more desirable in the long run. It's unironically going to the moon, just not yet.
>>57279042This is why we need guaranteed IRs and SIRs in the boxes like the jap boxes.
>>57278951>graded supply is lowyeah because it sucks lmaooooooooooooooooooooooo
Why do GX tag team alt arts cost so goddamn much???
>>57279028Did you get some ass out of it?
Speaking of investments, something weird going on with Roaring Moon ex SIR. Seems like somebody is trying to tank it. Don't know if its some sort of scheme or just spite but at this point I welcome the attempt, though I wish they'd pick a more egregiously priced card. hasn't really affected any listings though.
>>57279204Not a bad idea. We should "sell" each other non existent sets and cards for $1 through tcgplayer to get that median sale price down, lowering market value. We may need to be a little more nuanced and sell and ship the same item back and forth serval times at or slightly below msrp to avoid looking like we're blatantly attempting to manipulate market
>>57279204STOP THE STEAL
>>57279204it's honestly not that good, probably it's because they value the roaring moon SIR that just came out better
>>57278922So happy Trump is deporting this guy and all his friends.
>>57279204Oh no no no this can't be happening. The line should only go up!
How do they even manage reprinting sets?Don't they have to delay sets that are coming after since they're on such a tight schedule?Don't believe they just have empty capacity to reprint shit randomly.
>>57279204They're clearly selling that to buy more shrouded fable!!
>>57279204the fate of every card soon
>>57278603All you care about is value, that's why you're a laughing stock here. Go back to plebbit's pokeinvesting forum or whatever, that's your home.
>>57278746That movie and the designs that came from it are fucking hideous.
>>57278933>and I have a rule when building decks; the card must be pulled, not bought.You should drop this autistic hangup, for your own good. Yugioh will rape you even harder with that mindset.
>>57278933how you playing local with japanese cards
>>57276627>I just hope they stop doing these Eeveeluton-focused sets in the futureAnon, They've been pumping out charizard cards for eons at this point, you really think theyre going to look at the sales data and stop printing eevelution cards? If anything they'll be pumping umbreon into every set going forward (it sucks)
>>57279204>Roaring Moon ex SIRWhich one?
>>57277519>did Invoosters get their claws on this set too?yeah theyre trying to pump it since alot of scalpfags are buying up SF in the hopes that it triples in price
I understand why people chase after Journey Together but the art of Shrouded Fable is unironically better. There are far more good looking cards in SF than in JT.
>>57277661Giratina when it was at 200 bucks
>>57279353the good art contains ugly pokemon
>>57275791Its more of a sign of where our economy and society is going. Just like the beanie baby/cabbage patch/toy scalping epidemic in the 90s before y2k, just like the vintage video games scalping of the 00s before the 08 crash, and just like the scalping of toilet paper of 19 before covid lockdowns, Mass scalping is a sign of impending economic turmoil. People who've gotten price out of normal investments of whatever hot product that already mooned (in this case, Bitcoin) will try to find the next thing. Tldr - People know the gig is up and in an attempt to get rich before shit hits the fan, will try to find their next lotto ticket in the next hot thing
>>57279358Not really. These all look very nice.
>>57278953Cute marnie.
>>57279382>Being stalked by a Duskull long enough for it to evolve into a DusknoirWhat the fuck do you even do in that situation
>>57278953Am i the only one who finds gold foil cards hideous? (Outside of the Dialga/Palkia/Arceus/Tina line)
>>57278762>yellow borderDisgusting>english>Disgusting
>>57279382I like the Houndoom, Horsea, Duskull, Zorua, Cufant, Fraxure, and Persian.I like the Munkidori's card art, but I don't like that pokemon, so its a mixed bag on that one for me.
>>57279382The munkidori line are probably the ugliest legendary pair since the three lake bugs
>>57279403Everyone does
>>57279280All these "I just like pokemon cards" guys are gonna start disappearing when their card value melts in real time.
>>57279409nah they’re cool and soulful
>>57279407>>57279409I like the loyal three. They're not my favourites but they're not bad.
>>57279403I like this particular Pikachu because yellow matches yellow, but these are pretty ugly most of the time.
I just realized, if Gen 10 introduces a new Eeveelution, we are gigafucked
>>57279430>I just realized, if Gen 10 introduces a new Eeveelution, we are gigafuckedPlease be >>57277792
>>57279382None of them take up the highest rarity slot, therefore there is no chase. If there's no chase then there's no desire for sealed product. When will you literal retards get this through your thick skulls already?
>>57279204>My modernshits not retaining long term value.
>>57279423>they're not bad.You're right, they're horrendous. Fucking hideous faggots who weren't even good enough to make it into Yokai Watch.
>>57279439yokai watch is kino howeverbeit
>>57279430>>57279434Nah, make a cool ghost type, and also throw in a steel type too. They've been really stingy with new eeveelutions, used to be at least one every two gens but pattern got ruined.
>>57277661Tournament prize ghost loli
>>57279444Most pokefags told me otherwise thoughbeit.
>>57279445That fan image is really old, they made a ghost type too and I really liked it as well. I just preferred the poison one. I'd be happy with either though.They had a steel type as well, it was okay. Could be better.
>>57279447pokefags are mentally ill
>>57279204>He got Ursa'd
>>57279435>m-m-muh chase card has to be SIR!!!!!!you have no sovl
>>57279204I suggest you sell the Terashit garchomp too while you're at it, it will plummet once they reveal Cynthia's Garchomp ex.
i really hope you fuckers aren't trying to inflate shrouded fable prices to dump all of your stockthe only reason it's good rn it's how cheap it is
>>57279474cope and seethe, you know I'm right, having cheap singles as your chase card in a sealed product is beyond retarded.
>>57279439Ogre vines wrote this
>>57279477Hope you're right, still haven't picked it up yet.
>>57276855The fact it bleeds into the art window is the only thing I dislike, the pattern itself is really well done (you don't get to see the effect in photos)
WHY am I Buying Pokemon's SHROUDED FABLE..? It's Actually WORTH IT..! Shrouded Fable Pokemon Cards are WAY BETTER Than You Think!Ranking Every Shrouded Fable Product (Worth Investing?)IS SHROUDED FABLE THE SET TO INVEST IN?BUY THESE Pokemon Investments NOW Before Its TOO LATE! (Shrouded Fable)EVERYONE is WRONG about SHROUDED FABLE!
>>57279382>minimal genwun pandering>focuses on unpopular and nfe pokemonYeah I'm thinking KINO
>>57278037Stocking product is scary
>>57276855Ironically, the chinese holo pattern for masterball is way better. It's just one giant masterball over the text box. Unfortunately it's, well, chinese...
>>57279495Should've slapped a Pokerev face image with this
just bought more SF thanks bro
I dont collect really, but I went to costco for groceries and the only pokemon stuff they had was pikachu squishmallows.
>>57277334If you think the new Umbreon being this much right out of the gate is in anyway natural then you're genuinely retarded. The most blatant market manipulation of all time.
>>57277574Joltick even got two art rares within the same era too.
>>57277757>Drop a set with Galvalantula and Muk as the stars, call it dirty sparks and watch the confusion of scalpersThat'd be so funny, throw in Garbodor too.
>>57279316That was my point. I like to play here and there. Can't play with japs.>>57279311I know, but I collect as well and am addicted to the gambling aspect of ripping packs. Although, I never sell the high value cards I pull. It hasn't come to.using credit cards yet. Financially I'm still hanging on, but it's a slippery slope
Is The Mood Surrounding Shrouded Fable Changing? It's Actually GOOD?
>>57279495this but unironically, shrouded chads rise up!
>>57279311Yugioh cards becoming incredibly expensive in the 2010s is what made me drop that pos game
I just shrouded my fable lads
fuck shrouded fable and I’m going all in on swishmallows
>>57279435I understand what you mean but all the good stuff being in the IR slot means you will always get something good when you open it.
>>57279510Cope. They're all manipulated, ergo that price is legit.
>>57279543>the IR slot means you will always get something good when you open it.Bullshit, I got one Greninja and Kingdra box and two Kingambit boxes and didn't pull a single IR, though I did get a full art pokemon (gross) of Okidogi (double gross) and a gold rare.
Cards are good or bad based on its value.This is a deception.My advice is hold onto IRs & SIRs because it's inevitable that any low value illustration Rare will be bought out and pumped. The perception of the card shouldn't change, if you didn't want it while it was cheap, you shouldn't want it when it's expensive or rising. Remove yourself from this scalpers & investor FOMO game.It's happening right now with shrouded fable. If you didn't like it before, there was a reason, of you suddenly start liking it, you're a retard.
>>57279478Of course they are, why else would they shill it so hard and so long after release?
>>57279575How the fuck is that even possible?
Shrouded Fable is shit, and always will be shit. People are looking at it more because there's nothing else affordable to open. These cards are now the shit coins of the market that can be artificially pumped.
>>57279594>page 1Stop scalping threads!
>>57279583>Showing off his Kevin James card knowing none of us can buy the New King of Unova packFuck off scalper
>>57279589Pull rate have been dogshit for a while, since Paradox Rift I think.
>>57279596go back to /vg/ newfag nobody here cares
>>57278953>It's Clefairy!FUUUUUUUCK!!!
>>57279204It's very easy to manipulate the market downward. I'm surprised more people don't do it out of spite.>List 100 copies for $1>Immediately buy them all out.>Pay $25 in transaction fees.New data of 100 solds at $1 now.
>>57279620Because you're a newfag and you don't understand etiquette.
>>57279643In 15 years you haven't given a shit once, but suddenly in 8 days you've thrown a fit over it thrice. This has nothing to do with etiquette. You hopped on the prismatic evolutions bandwagon and act like you own the place. Go fuck yourself newfag.
what packs should i buynot shrouded fable
>>57279683What kind of retarded argument is that? What I said is true and I have said that very same thing in every general I have ever posted when newfags like you made threads early.