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post all things binacle

>can i post barbaracle?
>>57277802 (OP)
Does Binacle jelq and semen retain?
it would seem anatomically extremely difficult but at the same time a determined trainer may be able to pull it off
left guy > right guy
Can tough claws boosted razor shell one hit 100% forme zygarde complete?
>>57277802 (OP)
these guys actually arent so bad
The Binacle fandom is dying
>+6 252+ Atk Life Orb Tough Claws Tera Water Binacle Razor Shell vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Zygarde-Complete on a critical hit: 650-767 (102.2 - 120.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
under the right conditions, yes.
Binacle > Solar Beam
making a 3 hour video essay on this
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i love these guys like you couldn't imagine
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is binacle the greatest pokemon of all time?
>>57277802 (OP)
needs a regional evo that's just three heads named trinacle
>>57277802 (OP)
Overhated pokemon

Its anime episode was really cool, and they fingerblast a door at the same time from both sides
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How do we feel about shiny Binacle?
>>57277802 (OP)
the barbaracle slander seems harsh. i like them both
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I disagree
one of the greatest to be created
it's not slander it just belongs in the barbaracle general
probably one of my favourites because of 2 reasons:
1: it's really aesthetically pleasing
2: I shiny hunted one in shield and somehow got it in <10 encounters.
>>57277802 (OP)
>>can i post barbaracle?
but why
see >>57292104
That would have been a good way to end the thread.
it'll end when binacle fans choose it to end
>binacle fans
Must we pit our bros against each other? left = right
only thing I don't like about it is the pink
>>57277802 (OP)
I completely forgot this thing existed
Pink shinies rock
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only one???
this is so cursed
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these guys rock
It's like having only one testicle... it just looks so wrong
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This almost looks like a Colosseum portrait
One of the few shinies I've ever found in the wild in Shield(?), I over leveled it but still felt a bit like a glass cannon. Still my Barnabro.
Failed nu-Digglet
binacle has a general while diglett doesn't, who failed huh???
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>>57277802 (OP)
>Once there was an ugly barnacle.
>He was so ugly that everyone died.
>The end
Its highest stat is defense lol it’s just a bad mon
uhh look at the FAQs buddy
he's made of binacles retard
the forgotten one that needs a general to be reminded of
cope. what other 'forgotten' pokemon have their own generals???
umm... err.... diglett bros what's our response?
Easy. Check nu-Lucario, THE forgotten mon: >>57257374

Most generals act as a desperate reminder that their mon exists, anons. Your nu-Digglet is no exception.
diglett had to get a regional and convergent form to even attempt to stay relevant

binacle bros have been staying winning since 2013
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Nu-Digglet bros have been supporting an unobtainable Pokémon for two (2) full generations now.

On the other hand, Digglet has never been dextcut in any gen. Ever. Sounds like a win to me.
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dude originally had binacle bros but deleted the original post for "nu-diglett bros" LOL

classic binacle w
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>not realizing it was changed because I noticed how thirsty you nu-Digglet dudes are for recognition even when said post is ironic
classic nu-Digglet L
can't even spell diglett right. who are you defending?
Guys leave him alone. It’s not his fault Diglett doesn’t have a tight knit community of bros backing it like Binacle does.
why does one of them look like he's gonna eventually use a chaos dunk and destory all of Unova
>desperately relying on ad hominem to defend a carbon copy of a gen 1 mon
and here I thought nu-digglet "bros" couldn't go any lower... huh it's not easy defending a 2-gens-in-a-row dexcut I guess
No Barklnacle, you can't use that move, the B-Ball Removal Squads will kill you if it doesn't!
>>57277802 (OP)
and water
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huge if true
I don't get it
Was this the secret sauce all along?
when you ERP as a binacle do you pretend to be both heads or just one?
idk... wanna find out together... haha...
>diglett STILL has no general
oh no no no....
Einsten was the genius that came up with this formula btw
In this pic they look like they wanna kiss eachother
got room for a third?
they do
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look at what you two have done
are you proud of yourselves
I honestly dont get how binacle is the nu-diglett when that title belongs to drilbur. Hell, if anything, wiglett is the nu-diglett.
Seeing a lone binacle feels cursed
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autonomous action
>we'll never get an amourphous horror evo out of it
End me
never say never, gamefreak must know how popular binacle is
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>page 10
Binacle bros unite!
>diglett DUDS general archived
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never in doubt
so cute
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How do we feel about each head having its own thoughts and personality?
pretty based, gives the opportunity for a lot of unique buddy pair interactions.
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When it evolves, do all the heads have their own personality or does the dominant head take over?
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They do, they just usually follow the head's orders but act on their own if the situation's dire enough.
does the one on the right have a foot fetish
why stare so hard at a shoe
he's wondering what it's like to have feet
Lucky fella will never have to know the pain of aching feet... but on the other hand, will never get to enjoy the wonder that is a footgasm.
time to get a second hair bow so someone doesn't feel all left out and awkward ;)
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what does it say about a person if he wears a binacle shirt?
now now, no need to dance on its grave
would be kind hard for binacle anyway given the lack of... feet
intellectual, free thinker, popular
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he no like that
We need more of them in different surfaces
It could have evolved like that. At least they tried
this is so unbelievably based
Do you ever think Binacle would pet itself? Is it two hands after all.
thank goodness it didn't
that thing is horrifying
when they separate do you still call them binacle individually?
them separating should be illegal
Lock up all single binacle!! and then put them back together in pairs of 2's
ooh a friend! Now they are THREE!
solo success
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This is one of the most autistic threads I’ve ever seen. 90% of the posts in this thread are probably made by one person.
seething diglett chud
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binacle is a beloved pokemon you schizo
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hope game freak canonizes this
they always look so pissed off
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would you bros wear something like this? I personally think it should be arm length with stripes going up the sleeve.
what the fuck
the pokemon company, hire this man
cute, thanks for sharing

Could be. Still a good thread
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>Two Binacle live together on one rock. When they fight, one of them will move to a different rock.
and the world weeps for them...
are they just along for the ride or actually in the driver's seat
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the binacle community is thriving
This is actually so heartbreaking. I'd like to think another bickering Binacle also split apart and the two broken halves found each other so everyone's happy again.
I hope so... I really do!
they look cute, but also... cramped...
How does he move around
small hops
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I know this is binacle general and not barbaracle general but I couldn't find one yet, but binacle is now in cobblemon!
well keep looking!!!
That guy must be weak to fire, because he just got #ROASTED.
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found one!
not at my house so I can't get a picture of it specifically, but here's the dex screen for it
>Without good teamwork, they wont survive.
We could all learn something from the great Binacle
>>57277802 (OP)
Isn't this the worst rated pokemon of all time alongside Watchdog and Barbaracle?
Simisear is rated worst
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post 5 peer reviewed studies backing this up
so fuarking strong...
Look how upset it is, it needs another hand bro. Here you go lil fella!
I don't believe for a second that anybody has any strong feelings- positive or negative- about watchog. The default is forgetting it exists
But they don't look like they love each other very much...
they're best friends, they can't help it if they've got resting bitch face
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such POWER
now imagine if both binacle were chopping together, meowth probably wouldn't have survived
Can they learn TM28?
YOU'RE ugly! Ugly in your soul! >:c
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literally nobody thinks binacle is ugly
Oh no, what do we do Binacle bros?
No one needs to look it up because we are all already knowledgable.
quality not quantity
woah woah WOAH there, buddy! Put some pants on before you leave your rock! Sheesh!
>seething nigglet fag still upset his thread died before ours
keep crying
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they're not on speaking terms...
what's it gonna take to get them to shake hands and be friends again?
i wish i knew...
hitching a ride!
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couple of lads having fun together
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average binacle fan
is that... is that a SMILE I see??
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The one on the left looks like he's plotting something
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Mega Binacle when?
look at them go!
where the FUCK do you retards find binacle fanart
i'm surprised it exists
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we are dedicated...
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Is there enough to hit the image limit?
I adore this silly little fucker so much. using one on my re-playthrough of gen 6 and it finally evolved. absolutely amazing design.

top tier fusion
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I'm not sure, but I'll try to help.
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>>57415127 →
Look at him. Look at him and laugh.
binacle wins AGAIN
Binacle hater BTFO
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Dragalgae rules
then where's his thread at?
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bin for the win
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bros, I got a binacle sticker for my yeti
where the fuck did you get that
i'm jelly
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Why did they do it
etsy my dude
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Binacle Rulez
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idk, they're not very big, but there are two of them. still not sure they'd have the stomach capacity for that.
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looks like it might be time to find a new rock, lol
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no.. not binacle...
Would be a cool regional variant
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why are they so big
some women are just like that
Seeing this general being alive and well for almost a month makes me so happy. I love you binacle bros
I wasn't talking about the girl, anon...
this has got to be the most attention binacle has gotten anywhere in like a decade
binacle is just that based
How the hell has this thread been up for a month?
binacle is just that based
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i need a binacle to cuddle...
there are plenty of plushies
ask in the barbaracle general buddy
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sh**n bumps
they say meowth was never quite the same after such a blow
how does it feel to be the oldest thread on the board
Taking a Binacle draw request to help out with your image imit
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Binacle flipping each other off.
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happy one month binacle bros! we made it!
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so proud, the binacle who could
binacle if they american
binacle WILL get a new form in ZA
I'd be down with mega barbaracle honestly
3 more days bros
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happy 1 month
Knowing that Binacle is confirmed for ZA helps me sleep at night. Can't wait to be reuinited.
Is each hand a binacle? Or are they only binacle when they are together? If the left one bin and the right one acle?
dex seems to indicate they're both called binacle individually
wtf is this sad ass dex entry? it's cool that they have individuality but bros should never fight
Checking out their other Pokedex entries and there's not much there. Bros... we're starved for Binacle content.
15 more hours
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they should settle their differences by arm wrestling
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>>57456923 →
What's with all the haters?
they jelly their threads don't last a quarter as long as this one has
Binnacle kicking their butts
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Binacle bros... this is the end
just like two binacle.. we will reunite someday...
Wait no goodbyes just yet!
binacle brothers we may go down but we won't go out! godspeed to all of y'all!
wait so they're not actually one pokemon? It's just 2 of them suctioned to a rock?
It always looked like it was one body and the heads were attached together through the rock

shit like this or Wishiwashi really bothers me
the rules are 1v1 but you're able to send out a guy who calls 99 other pokemon out of nowhere, or 2-3 pokemon attached to a rock, how is that not cheating?
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Yay, just got in
Today is OUR day brothers
I love it! Thank you, drawfriend!
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It's been a pleasure fellow Binacle bros, I'll be using Binacle in ZA
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I drew something for this thread. Would polish it more, but we all know what's about to happen to this board.
It's been a pleasure, Binacle bros.
>binacle wasn't shown in the zaza trailer
bros... did they forget about us?
I guess Groudon won once again.
This is so cute
don't worry, binacle friends! they'll probably show them off in the next trailer! :D
two more weeks binaclebros, trust the plan
>Chaos Dunk
This thread has been a blessing; not only have we enjoyed a month+ celebration of Binacle, but also, got nice, new art. Binacle bros truly are based.
Best thread on the board rn
Based thread
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It’s been an honor
>bump limit
We had a good run.
congrats everyone
great thread :)
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godspeed, binacle brothers o7

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