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>>57287088 (OP)
did you even check the catalog? third of the threads in this garbage heap of a board are just eeveelutionfuckers
Eeveefags are both very annoying and very vocal so I don't know what kind of answers you're expecting.
>Side question: what made Pikachu mascot?
Pokemon didn't have a real mascot initially and they were bouncing between a few mons like Clefairy, as far as I know, Pikachu just happened to test really well with audiences and GF committed to it.
>>57287088 (OP)
From what I heard it originally stems from Pikachu being an early-game rare random encounter that made an impact on people, so they stuck with it
I'm not in favour of any mascot. A "mascot" necessitates singular attention directed towards one character; this goes against the entire point of Pokemon, where *every* pokemon is supposed to be appreciated on their own merits. Besides, the original intention for Pokemon's mascot was going to be Clefairy—regarding its popularity and manga portrayal— but Jewfreak ultimately decided on Pikachu based on the anime's popularity.

There is no reason the mascot of the series shouldn't be something like Carnivine, Wailord, Bronzong, Manectric or Arbok. Pikachu possesses no inherent qualities that make it more special than any other pokemon. Eevee would make a better mascot though, as it perfectly represents the versatility of the evolution mechanic that partially defines the series.
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>>57287088 (OP)
Yes because I just pulled this and need the value to go up.
>represents the versatility of the evolution mechanic
and Pikachu doesn't even want to evolve most of the time
>>57287088 (OP)
Eevee is fine as a secondary mascot. It's cute and almost universally well-liked. But it's simple and only sort of unique; not nearly enough to represent the ip as a whole. It works for people who are already fans of Pokemon, but it's not going to be super recognizable to people who are completely in the dark about the ip and it doesn't really represent what it's about. Pikachu on the other hand is a perfect mascot. It has vivid colors and its markings are recognizable even in the most minimalistic of representations. It looks enough like a real animal to understand what it is, while still maintaining a strong sense of a fantasy critter. The lightning bolt tail especially helps immediately convey the fantastical nature of it.
Why would anyone want that? The card's ugly thanks to the hat.
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I'd rather give it a Chappy!
Reminder chappy is the same schizo who talks to xemself about the boogiemen in every eeveelution thread
>>57287088 (OP)
>Are any of you ACTUALLy in favor of this becoming the mascot?
no. it will just bring/enable more dog fuckers from tumblr and reddit thanks to the Vaporeon and Sylveon sex memes
>Side question: what made Pikachu mascot?
the anime staff refusing to use Clefairy as a mascot (chosen by GF) and convinced Gamefreak that Pikachu is a better mascot.
>>57287088 (OP)
>Are any of you ACTUALLy in favor of this becoming the mascot?
I don't mind even though Eevee's position as the de facto second mascot for the franchise was astroturfed to fuck. Eevee is certainly a better mascot now that everyone knows what Pokémon is than it would have been in the early days of the franchise, because its design is just too generic
>Side question: what made Pikachu mascot?
Game Freak wanted it to be Poliwhirl and then Clefairy, but Poliwhirl didn't resonate with girls and Clefairy didn't resonate with boys, but they found out that Pikachu resonated with both
Pikachu's design is pretty good all things considered, the fact that it's just an animal + element type design is very representatice of what pokemon is, and it's simultaneously cool enough for boys because it's an animal that can shoot lightning, and cute enough for girls because it's a huggable kawaii mouse thingy, so it has universal appeal and it's very iconic
This thing has ruined the franchise
Eevee is unironically the direction I want the entire roster to take. Fewer mons with more divergent evolutions. I don't particularly like Applin, but its evo tree is something I definitely want to see more of. Eevee of course should stay as the king of this kind of design.
I would in fact vote yes for a soft reboot where existing mons are rearranged and joined together into bigger evolution families. For instance Remoraid could become Octillery like it used to, but could also evolve into Basculin under different conditions. Maybe with some stat adjustments.
Foundations for a shake-up like this already exist. Gengar could easily be explained away as a Punished Clefable. Kangaskhan was designed together with Cubone. Regional forms are already a thing that could have a common pre-evo.
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>>57287088 (OP)
Maybe if being the mascot was a good thing. Having Pikachu as the mascot screwed Raichu over from the start.
based el diablo
Uh oh chappy meltdown
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All autists should be lined up against a wall and shot. Nobody fucking cares about whatever secret sharty war you're waging against each other.
>>57287088 (OP)
PIkachu is an effigy to Jupiter/Zeus
Magick is real
Say their is a big crash in this plane and it causes the powers that be to reset the timeline and you find yourself as a baby and pokemon isnt out yet
would you geh back into it or become a pokefucker again?
If a reality-altering event happens and it throws me right back into this gay world then I'm just gonna kms.
that wouldnt work
we are already in VR
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>/vp/ - Pokémon
stop it, chappy anon is wholesome, just like the Nemona posters
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>>57287088 (OP)
Deserved its merch sales
Gee, I wonder which shithole """country""" tries to prevent its betters from telling the truth. The truth is only """off-topic""" when it's soooooo mean, after all.
he absolutely isnt, hes behind half the fucking coomanon threads
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I never come to this board and was going to start a thread asking about the appeal of pokemon in general, but I figure this thread is close enough.

Eevee and Pikachu are both cutesy small mammal things that I can see appealing to a female audience. But for either of them being a mascot for the series I can see Eevee being the choice made by committee. A big part of the series is rock-paper-scissors mechanics with each type having a strength and a weakness, so going with whichever one is most popular seems like the obvious choice aside from Eevee, which is 'normal' but can evolve into just about any type. But the problem with Eevee is this just leaves a cute generic dog-like thing. And with Gen-1 pokemon the only thing I saw nearly as much as Pikachu was Charizard. And that's because Charizard is a red fire-breathing dragon that can be easily obtained from a starter pokemon, and an easy enough concept for young boys to wrap their heads around. Pikachu, at least in the anime, manages to be both cute and use its electric powers demonstrate that it's powerful in a small package, where as Eevee being a normal type just seems to have the potential to be powerful once it evolves into something else.

>Pikachu on the other hand is a perfect mascot. It has vivid colors and its markings are recognizable even in the most minimalistic of representations.
That's another thing. Eevee is basically just a few different shades of brown. But if you want to make something that appeals to little kids then bright, simple primary colors as usually the way to go.
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Eevee has prestige, and if there was an option for every type to have an Eeveelution, it could easily bump Pikachu off the pedestal.
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>>57287088 (OP)
not really
i rather keep pikachu
or since he actually has a chance have piplup for a bit
this helps my point
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>>57287088 (OP)
Eevee is the worst thing to happen to this franchise
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Pikachu was decided on before the anime came out. It is how it was selected for the anime in the first place. So, why was Pikachu selected for the anime?
It wasn't the mascot until *after* the anime. Tajiri said in an interview that it was the producers (or, as I like to call them, "projewcers") who wanted to shill Pikajew. Shillchu could've been replaced with any other pokemon, and no one would've known the difference.
But WHY did they pick it?
Because they're greedy assholes
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>>57287088 (OP)
no this thing has too little presence

Pikachu isn't organically popular but it is highly functional and compelling as the logo
Eevee's cool but they really need to retcon its gender ratio if its intended to be the "cute mascot for girls"
Pokemon like Primarina and Sylveon really suffer from the traditional 7:1 male female balance
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>>57287088 (OP)
eevee is a shit mascot because the entire point of the thing is to make it into something that ISN'T eevee as soon as humanly possible.
>>57287088 (OP)
As long as it can evolve and be owned by edgy rivals again
It's too late. Pikachu is as recognizable as Mickey Mouse and eevshit is not.
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that hand looks like a penis from the thumbnail
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>>57287088 (OP)
No lol pikachu the best
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>>57287088 (OP)
Yeah, as gamefreak refuse to make light ball increase pikachus speed
They only evolve after a battle unless you throw a stone at them
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya0wUeVfCTU [Embed]
>>57287088 (OP)
It seems forced, much like the new electric rodents with untranslated names in every generation.
You sound like the autistic guy ranting about bikes earlier.
Try and analyse all you might, you lack a fundamental understanding of humans and will never be able to understand something simple like a “mascot”.
It's less that it "tested well" and more that they noticed fans really liked it.
A lot of the popularity also comes from the fact that the original Pokemon manga added a Pikachu as the third mc alongside Red and Clefairy very early on.
Autism doesn't exist. The concept of a "mascot" does, but this conception can be unfitting or misused in certain contexts - such as when you apply it to a monster collection franchise with no singular, franchise-wide "main character".
Pokemon has over 1000 monsters in it, yet the only one any normalfags on the street know about is Pikachu, precisely because it's artificially propped up by Nintendo, TPC and Gamefreak through nearly two decades of shilling. Look at any fan popularity poll and Pikachu will *never* be in first place, if it's even listed within the top 25 or 50 placements at all. In fact, you'll often see several derivative pikaclones (e.g. Mimikyu, Pawmot) place above Pikachu in popularity rankings.
Before fellating every wayward corporate decision in a submissive attempt to appeal to their perceived authority, realise that not every "mascot" has merit to it, and that some are entirely inappropriate for their franchise.
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Genuine retard take. Like a literal 5 year old would call you stupid and they would be right
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>>57287088 (OP)
>what made Pikachu mascot?
The ashnime. chonkachu wasn't designed to be the mascot
Doubt it could be any more retarded than your embarrassing display at fellating Nintendo. Stop drooling over corporate cock for a split second and you might come to the same conclusion.
why is all eevee fanart so gay
>>57287088 (OP)
No, because of
And the fact that its design wouldn’t work as the face of the franchise. It’s just a small brown creature, whereas Pikachu captures the actual essence of what the average Pokemon is about.

The decreased focus on Eevee’s evolutions is a mistake. Shilling Eevee itself is definitely some sort of over correction based around their internal rule that they can’t make designs that are too similar to fakemon, which puts limits on things like potential future eeveelutions especially.
But WHY did the ashnime decide on it out of them all?
he's gay
>>57287088 (OP)
No, it's an incredibly boring mon in every aspect
and if you wanna play the argument by points of how cute it is, there's mons way more interesting design-wise and way more cute. Most of shitvee's evolutions are pretty ugly anyway so the appeal is lost pretty quickly, the only appealing ones to look at are Sylveon and Leafeon, idk how anyone thought this white bread-plain creature should become the mascot next to Pikachu
Chappy anon is innocent by the ways. We came to that determination, and it was only brought up because they called Chappy a schizo and I couldn't even think what schizo they were talking about. (He also doesn't get purged when the schizo is purged, something that happened in this very thread.)

>>57287088 (OP)
Personally? No.
Pikachu gets the shit beat out of it because it's the mascot. Everyone feels overexposure to the rodent. That would only make things worse for Eevee. Hell, I'd prefer Eevee to leave its position as "auxiliary mascot..."
Chappy anon is still a faggot who repeats the same tired posts over and over.
Well, he does use it as a bookmark for threads he finds interesting for starters, and at least he is using the image board like an /image/ board, AND he doesn't try to post the same image over and over(just the artist) so I can't exactly fault him.
He's actually better than 99% of this damn board. If the rest of you clean up your irony-poisoned act first, so that the board's quality is better without Chappy-anon, I'll gladly start tearing into him.
i liked chappy at the beginning but he's a shizo in his own way
>he doesn't try to post the same image over
What are you talking about? Every thread he is in is the same images with the same comments
>same images
Yeah he's remarked before that unfortunately the artist stopped drawing Eevee so he only has like 4 dozen or so images to actually choose from.
When I say "same image" I mean the very same 1 image, which is something more than a few anons here do.
>same comments
Yeah. I suspect that's a part of the bookmarking thing.
Nintendo? Tf are you even talking about
I would become absurdly wealthy off of crypto and stocks like anyone would
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The artist still draws Eevee from time to time. Catch
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all the faggots who would sit down and draw eevee for free are either faggots or women (male). what other reason could there be?
post hands uncle
weird way to say "I refuse to post hands because it will expose me as a projecting LARPing nigger"
still no hands posted, I wonder why that is?
so easy to win the argument with just a simple snapshot of one's hands, and she refuses to do it.
really activates the old almonds
yawn, still no hands
if you reply to this without posting hands, that is a concession and admission of your larping negroness
he admitted it guys, you all saw it
thanks for shitting up a good thread turbonigger
I'm not a "shartynigger" and I didn't report you, I just want you to stop shitting up threads with your schizobabble
What the fuck is wrong with you all
Oh, I see. It just tried to suppress the truth in secret again, by waiting until its betters were busy before trying to hide the truth it fears. Here it is again, then.
In what's supposed to be purely a coincidence, the exact same shartynigger (all of whom are automatically subhuman, because of where they come from, remember) that came to this site to shill for its degenerate goyslop wants to pretend to be a """goncerned""" third party, just like the exact same shartynigger replying to itself over and over in this exact same thread. Like every one of its kind, it fears the truth the most, so it tried to hide how only one side infiltrates the site of its betters to kvetch about the very existence of these threads and this board, and will now try to suppress the truth again.
Since it's pretending to be part of these threads again, despite doing nothing but kvetching about the continued existence of the threads it'll never be able to slide, it'll post some shitty """pic""" from a familiar shithole (((booru))) then pretend the REAL pics in this thread from its betters who actually belong on this site are somehow supposed to be the """same pics""" again. What it really wants, however, is for its poor widdle fellow shartyniggers to be (((tolerated))) in the commuinities they don't belong in, and to be allowed to lie and reply to themselves over and over, which is why it only tries to suppress the truth, and to kvetch about the threads it'll never be able to slide.
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>eevee furfags are a bit more relevant

pikachu eternally btfo
this picture makes me sad ngl
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Here, have something cute to cheer you up.
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Pikachu wasn't made to be a mascot but factors like the anime made it the face of the franchise.

In recent years I've seen more interest in making Eevee another mascot. More deliverate, being the EVOLUTION species in the franchise known for evolutions and the only species with more than 3 possible evolutions.

The Fairy type was introduced with a new Eevee form even when the only special type left was Dragon.

I've seen a lot of female trainers in the anime with an Eevee. It feels more like the girl's mascot.
Yeah but they won't change the code for the games.
What does that matter if the pokemon still looks cute even if it's a male? You think kids would know what the gender symbols mean right next to the pokemon's name, let alone care about it?
My little sister was 10 when she wanted to reset for a girl popplio because she wanted a cute one.
Resetting for a starter in SM
That's torture
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>why did Pikachu become the mascot?
It's easy to forget because it was so long ago and everyone reading this likely isn't Japanese and at least in their late thirties, but there was a time when Pokemon was just a random new RPG released for the Game Boy that suddenly started ballooning in popularity. Pikachu wasn't made to be anything special, but its nature as a cute creature that can be found early in the game (but at the same time is relatively rare) and has a desirable, likewise slightly rare elemental typing was a suitable mix of qualities that made Pikachu naturally popular among players. And among the Pokemon that were popular with that early, growing crowd of fans, business people eventually decided that Pikachu was the best fit for a general face of the franchise. For a short time, the earliest Pocket Monsters manga had made Clefairy the de facto mascot, but it wasn't to last.
But hey, you guys don't have to take some random anon's speculation and stories for this, there's people with receipts out there backing them up, like Dogasu.
(Personally, the most interesting part here is that despite everything else, Dogasu can't actually find the oft-reported early CoroCoro Pokemon popularity contest. That would be interesting to see if it turned up anywhere.)

Anyway, while do I like Eevee, I don't have any special affection for it over any other Pokemon. And it would most likely be a much worse fit for the mascot for multiple reasons, like it not being nearly as striking in appearance as Pikachu is.
Oh wow it's the Voreanon
At this point I feel that if GF reruns the whole mascot thing, it would go:
>Red: Pikachu
>Blue (Green): Eevee
>Green (Blue): Clefairy
>>57287088 (OP)
All you need is this singular image to understand what made Pikachu an icon early on
Back in the early days of the anime, Pikachu wasn't just cute, he was an asshole, he had a temper and a sense of attitude
He's small, soft, but can clearly has your back when times get tough
He's cute and friendly enough for girls, but he's tough for boys too, bringing something to the table for everyone

Compare Sonic in his earlier years, where depsite looking like a Mickey reject, he was popular because he was spunky and too cool for school
Also think of early 2000s Kirby box arts in America, when they edited his face to look determined and serious depsite his fluffy pink exterior
Your sister is autistic
Your sister is one of the uncommon cases
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>>57287088 (OP)
Not if it babbles like a retarded toddler like in legpee or if its evolutions keep being referred to as "veevees." The target audience for that is too young to even play video games
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>>57287088 (OP)
>>57287088 (OP)
i feel its a bit late now to switch, but if they were going to Eevee could work. anything they slap it on sells.

honestly i think crown and prismatic sets are kind of lame aesthetic wise. rainbow colored gems? it's a bit much. but i guess it makes for a dazzling card?

i think you nailed it. Japanese culture likes cute cartoon animals, and something about Pikachu was just a well balanced combination with massive appeal.

Zeus was also Ba'al, Moloch, The Devil, among other names.
eevee is basically a cat, and Japanese people love cats right?

pikachu is inappropriate? man they really screwed up. they should've listened to you instead

thats what made Pikachu an exciting pokemon, it was the first seemingly special or rare monster you could get in the first area of the first game. so it made it very rewarding to both encounter and capture and im assuming to trade as well. thats one thing i distinctly remember about both the gameboy and card game, the trading with other students.

valid insights. fair point
If Eevee is supposed to represent versatility and the endless potential symbolized through the multitude of possible evolutions, then why hasn't Eevee received another evolution since Gen 6?
>>57287088 (OP)
An electric rat stands out more than a normal fox
It'd just get mistaken for Kirby
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>eevee is basically a cat
Just how many cat pokemon are there?
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That's some newfag ass shit. Real oldfags browse
by scrolling top to bottom
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I just had the thought to compare the boxarts between ENG & JP, they did the Kirby thing where they made him toughwr on the English box
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wowzers you're so cool
man i wish i were like one of you oldtroons who were browsing the incel website for 20 years
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>>57287088 (OP)
So the japanese seem to have a code of honor for seiyuu, where if one dies in active duty voicing a character, they would rather retire the character(s) in canon than replace them.

For example, Nintendo would have been much more troubled replacing Chris Martinet if they did not have the honor to retire him formally, while he is still living.

My point is that Otani will be 60 years old this year, and perhaps this year is then preparing for the inevitable, in advance.
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>what made Pikachu mascot?
Coro-Coro poll before the anime started production.
They asked who Ash's starter should be, and Pikachu won.
The page even has Ash with a different logo on his hat.
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Really? Post proof.
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>>57287088 (OP)
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I approve of this thread haha
>>57287088 (OP)
> side question
Probably due to its constant appearance with the anime MC, thinking about it.
But what made them decide to give Ash a Pikachu?
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pretty sure that's jackie chan
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