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Fellas, can you help me out with compilation images from the previous thread and Holon images from teraleak. The archive is down and today I just had some inspiration to work on custom 3d model of the city. I started making it back in June and never got around to finishing it so it's very WIP. I tried to be pretty faitfull except I modified the double moat around the tower to be a single canal instead (the original moat looked akward to me). Feel free to give feedback but keep in mind I'm going change/add a lot of shit.
>>57324256 (OP)
>archive is down
It's not. If you're using b4k, it ends in dev now instead of co. You should be using palanq instead though.
Thanks man, greatly appreciated
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>>57324256 (OP)
I got you. Even if you already saved them from the archives, it's worth posting them again in case this survives and those don't. Scary enough how so much of Holon was almost or possibly already is lost media.
First off, screencaps from last summer's thread. 1/6
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Screencaps from last October when the Teraleak happened. 1/2
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Images of Holon village from the Teraleak. 1/9
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Finally for this imagedump, the image of Holon village from archives of the official JP TCG website.
If there are any more images from the screencaps, earlier threads, etc. that you want reposted here, feel free to ask.
Thanks, somehow I missed the dragon frontiers images when the teraleak happened, greatly appreciated. Besides that I've got everything I need (which was the view of the tower from the bridge). I'm going to share more when I'm done with the model (so it's going to take a little).
Holon scholars doing god’s work as always. I love this region so much.
>You should be using palanq instead though
Why is that?
Better archive. It goes back farther and is a lot more stable.
>when I'm done with the model
Model of what? are you making a full 3d map of the region? regardless, can't wait to see what you've got brewing.
The story could be a Blueberry Academy student going off to do a research co-op in the Holon Region
Take your time and best of luck.
I've been seeing a couple videos on YouTube focusing on Holon recently after the previous threads, one of them being a teaser to an upcoming video said to release sometime this month which showcased another fanmade 3D model of not only Holon village, but a fan interpretation of the entire region. The model was okay. I know a lot of creative liberties have to be taken for a place with very little information, but there were still inaccuracies for some of the parts that did, namely Holon Ruins and the lack of the island seen in the commercial for Dragon Frontiers, whether it's the floating island or not.
Ignore me, I'm dumb and sleep deprived and failed to register that that was in reference to the project you explained in the op.

btw, I'm the anon that horded all things pokemon as a kid, I did get it all from my mom's house over the holidays. I've narrowed it down to 2 boxes that appear to have all tcg stuff from gens 1-4 and a backpack I got towards the end of gen 2 that's stuffed full of a lot of random crap that may or may not include some print ads relevant to Holon. It's gonna take a while to sort through and work has been crazy so I haven't had the energy to do more than a top level sort yet. Scanner is hooked up and working so once I do dig through it it'll be ready to go.
Haha that's not me, and I can't find anything like that on youtube either. What were the differnces with the holon ruins? Tbh I've been thinking about making the building more interested (more dilapidated or taking more inspiration from Steiner's other existing buildings). If you have a link to the other recreation of Holon, can you post it? I have a pretty solid vision of what I want to do so I think that won't influence my concept that much.
If you have some new Holon discoveries post it for sure
really hoping he releases that model, i'd love to have a much better ref so i can try building it in mienkraft for cobblemon sometime
Nvm I've found it. I like what he has done but we're going for totally different artsyles. Also correct me if I'm wrong but his city lacks holon ruins completely (I get it it's a strange location without much lore). I mean my model also doesnt have it because it's very unfinished so there's that but I'll probably make some changes to it.

For those interested the video is here: https://youtu.be/XwQz79TKjC4?si=WhPkwf0vvFOTPEn1 [Embed]
>I have a pretty solid vision of what I want to do so I think that won't influence my concept that much.
I was worried that it would, hence why I didn't link it in my last post.
The place where Holon Ruins is located has completely different building and is in an open green area instead of being surrounded by trees and off-color and overgrown grass. Baffling discrepancy when it has its own Stadium card, but the model also lacked other recognizable Stadiums outside of Holon Research Tower and Holon Lake. It's also missing the river in the village's northwest, has Holon Phantom's mountain range next to it when various artworks in EX Delta Species shows that the village isn't exactly close to any mountains, and shows human settlements outside of Holon village which has either little to no signs or evidence contrary to their existence.
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Double-checked Dragon Frontiers, his interpretation is way off outside of it being multiple islands. The creator of the model said that it was in the works since way before the Teraleak and used the art of the cards for inspiration, I'm not sure if he realized that there's lots of lore and designs in the art from the packs and ads.
>>57324256 (OP)
Thanks to the anons compiling these/finding more. I was completely out of the TCG when these were rolling around, but learned about it when reading a retrospective about the different sets. It was immediately an intriguing concept and I'm happy to see others are digging up and sharing more about it.
>Holon's Magneton
>doesn't even have a mustache or a funny hat
Holon can't into regional forms. No wonder GF doesn't want to hear about it. I bet their regional starters don't even have jobs.
Holon's don't seem any different except being able to be energy. The Delta Species also seem to, at best, have a colored aura. Their weaknesses also imply that whatever type shenanigans are happening is separate from a straight forward type change, though "type" in the card game is always kind of a vague concept compared to the games.

Nowadays, of course, they would definitely look different and be a fully different type. But it's interesting to see something like this being floated so early in the TCG. Like with things like Megas being preceded by Lv. X and so on, it's clear the TCG, at least before the last few gens, was allowed to experiment a bit in a way the main games would avoid until recently. Resulting in them trying out similar concepts and gimmicks that the games themselves would eventually think to try too.
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Next you're gonna say that Delta Species needs to have a giant crown to loudly announce what new type it is without any form of subtlety.
Sometimes, less is more. An elemental aura and a different holofoil is all that's needed to convey that a Pokémon is under the effect of a type-changing gimmick.
This. The reason kids keep getting dumber and dumber is because everything keeps getting less and less subtle to the point where they never learn to use their brains because they're never required to even on a minimum level. There's making stuff so it's unambiguous and readable, then there's idiot-proofing until it's a gaudy mess like tera crowns. I'd much rather have delta species in a video game shown with a colored aura and at most a hud icon to indicate that it IS a delta pokemon, anything beyond that is disrespecting the player's intelligence.
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Found another archived page, card info for the Gen 3 sets from the official English website back during Gen 3.

The page for EX Delta Species is of particular note for also mentioning the origin of the Delta Species name, quite possibly the only official mention of it on the English side.
>EX Delta Species gives you the opportunity to experience new adventures in a faraway land never before seen in the Pokémon universe! Researchers have built a city called Holon. The people of Holon study mysterious, magnetic powers in the area. The powers have affected the local Pokémon in ways that scientists have barely begun to understand. These new Pokémon are called Delta Species Pokémon because they are different from standard Pokémon, Pokémon-ex, and Pokémon ""star."" The people of Holon are hard workers, and their industriousness is reflected in the new Holon Supporter cards. And, as scientists begin to harness the power around Holon, new Energy cards become available... including Pokémon that can become Energy cards!

Still no luck on finding the English commercials for Holon Phantoms and Crystal Guardians. Pic related was from the archived news pages with a link to the commercial which did not get archived.
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Crystal Guardians' screencap isn't as cool, but surely the commercial for that set was better than its JP counterpart, right?
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On that note, what "Game Typing" do ampms think some of the less clear ones are equivalent too?

In the Delta Species set, I don't think there's much vagueness when given some thought. Every species either has an explicit type (Fire, Water, Electric, etc.) and the ones that don't (Grass, Psychic, Fighting) seem to be ones where they only gain a Metal-typing. For example, Beedrill and Crobat don't have any Delta versions of their unevolved forms and retain their regular typing, so the implication could be taken that they're something like Bug/Steel and Poison/Steel respectively.

It's only in Holon Phantoms where things get less explicit. Anorith is an odd one, as it's explicitly Steel, but Armaldo is Fighting/Steel, and Fighting is a common representation of Armaldo's Rock typing in the TCG. So it might be Anorith is a Steel/Rock now, instead of Bug/Rock. But then we have things like the Gloom/Vileplume, or the Omnyte, Carvanha, Execute, and Trapinch lines.

Gloom is unclear, but Vileplum's Poltergeist attack implies it's Ghost (that said, Psychic also sometimes is Poison, but given Gloom is a Delta too, I'd go with Ghost for both). Same with Omastar's Vengeful Spikes, but less explicitly Ghost-like. Carvanha and Exeggcute are both fighting. Neither Carvanha nor Sharpedo seem to have a clear clue to go on, buth the physical nature of the attacks is maybe Fighting? Exeggcute's Pebble Throw obviously points to Rock.

Trapinch is especially weird, cause it's original Type is Ground, and then gains Dragon through evolutions. But in the card games those evolutions had, until then, been represented by the Colorless type for their Dragon-typing AND used Grass energy as part of the Dragon-typing gimmick. But while it's never been Bug-type in game, it's obviously inspired by insects and Trapinch's Big Bite and Vibrava's Cutting Wind seem like Bug-types, so perhaps the line is now Bug-type with Flygon also being Steel-type.
Sounds about right. All we can gather from the Delta Species that are more vague are the moves and artwork. Deltas who are dual Steel-types I assume have Steel as their Type 2 given the card layout.
>that said, Psychic also sometimes is Poison
Since this is in Gen 3, it'd be best to correlate Poison with Grass. Delta Crobat is a good example; it'd be Psychic/Steel if it were in Gens 4 - 7 or Dark/Steel Gen 8 onwards.
>Since this is in Gen 3, it'd be best to correlate Poison with Grass
I hadn't thought to double check how things had changed on that front, not being big into the TCG itself. I'd thought to check when looking at Vibrava (obviously Dragon Types in particular have a weird history with TCG typings, I'm not sure Kingdra, non-Delta anyway, was ever anything but Water until the Dragon Type became an independent type), but not Poison.
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>Next you're gonna say that Delta Species needs to have a giant crown to loudly announce what new type it is without any form of subtlety
>Goldbat Reverse Holo
I don't get it.
For awhile the reverse holos would get a stamp of the set name
Well that was ugly as fuck.
My guesses. Keep in mind this is just guessing from the type(s) on the cards as is. Fire, Electric, Dark, and Steel are all obvious so no need to list them.
EX Delta Species
>Beedrill: Bug/Steel
>Crobat: Poison/Steel
>Starmie & Azumarill: Water/Steel
>Gardevoir: Psychic/Steel
>Sandslash & Marowak: Ground/Steel
>Eevee line: Steel -> Base Type/Steel

EX Holon Phantoms
>Trapinch line: Bug -> Bug -> Bug/Steel
>Oddish Bellossom, & Latios: Water
>Rayquaza (W): Water/Steel
>Gloom, Vileplume, & Omanyte line: Ghost
>Carvanha line: Fighting
>Exeggcute line: Rock
>Anorith line: Steel -> Rock/Steel
>Deoxys Normal: Normal

EX Crystal Guardians
>Treecko line: Psychic
>Blastoise: Rock/Steel (Maybe Ground/Steel)
>Cacturne: Fighting

EX Dragon Frontiers
>Snorlax, Dratini line, Wooper line: Grass
>Mew Star, Togepi line, Swalbu line, Bagon line, Latios ex: Water
>Lickitung, Smeargle, Trapinch line: Psychic
>Vulpix line, Cyndaquil line: Ghost
>Shellder line: Fighting
>Pinsir: Rock
>Electabuzz line, Chikorita line: Ground
>Horsea line: Fighting for main set, Ground for JP Theme Deck
>Seel line, Mareep line: Normal

>Mimikyu: Water

I'm pretty rusty when it comes to the gameplay of the TCG, but I remember something about how each type has a different style of play, but I don't recall if there are finer specifics between something like a Fighting Fighting and a Rock Fighting Pokémon. Maybe someone else more well-versed in that can tell which game types some of these Deltas are better.
I miss it. Changing up the reverse holos like that in addition to the logo gave each set its own flavor, and the logos were pretty cool-looking too; one thing that the English TCG has over the Japanese. My favorite reverse holos would have to go to Crystal Guardians and Dragon Frontiers when on a Delta Species card, giving the typical non-holo cards the same Delta Species holo treatment as the typical Delta holos.
>>57324256 (OP)
If you meant, soul, thanks, it means a lot. Also bump because I want to showcase another render but the thread will probably die before I'm finished.
>but the thread will probably die before I'm finished
Very sad given the state of this board. Would be far easier if it were slower.
Well then?
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I get it was the theme and all, but the preponderance of Steel typing in the Delta species is a bit disappointing. They lightened up on it with the last set or so, though, as I recall.
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Alright guys, I just crashed an hour worth of progress (I had a decently finished roof of the building and autosave turned off in blender) so I'll post this and then in a week or so I'll post renders of a whole city because I'm so fucking done for now.
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Moments like that always suck, but the model's looking great. Nice work anon
The further away from Holon, the less dual Metal Delta Species there are. The Delta Species in Dragon Frontiers are rumored to have gotten it naturally rather than manipulated by Holon, but as far as I can recall, there isn't any official mention to that claim.
Looking good.
Looks great! However, I have to ask: why did you turn off autosave?
oh wow this is really really good, have you thought about creating your own main characters for Holon?
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>autosave turned off
I feel ya
I'm guessing Blender lags whenever it autosaves. In time, anon will learn to CTRL+S randomly every few secs.
It's because when I was working on a model for a my master's thesis back in august I was working on a really large file and because of backups I was constanly running out of space on my PC so I turned ot off. Now the space isn't much of a problem anymore but I forgot to turn it on again. It wasn't that much (only an hour of work) but god damn It was demotivating.
If I manage to create enough environment I may start thinking about developing it into a game. I have some ideas for the story and I would like to mainly use characters from the tcg Illustrations. Probably the main playable character would have to be an OC but I was also flirting with the idea of making them based on the field worker design from Legend Maker.
Hahaha I used to save a lot then got a better PC and started relying on autosaves. That's what I get for being lazy.
that would actually be a good idea, at least you have part of the female design already done and "canon" but the male one is going to be a full OC, but I like the idea of being taken from the Field Worker design
These are really cool
Also agreeing on Field Worker being the design basis for the player characters. The role fits.
>at least you have part of the female design already done and "canon" but the male one is going to be a full OC
Holon Adventurer could also used for inspiration, either in role, design, or just straight up as the male player character if the female player character is the Fieldworker.
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mmmh desu I don't like its design for a main characters, it's a bit too specific, it could be an NPC like the Holon Scientists. The Fieldworker not only has the Sugimori design but it's also "generic enough" (if you know what I mean) to be a player character, and I this the male character should reflect that as well
I think all of them would be better as NPCs, but yes, if any of them is player character material, it's Fieldworker.
This also brings up about the timeline of events and the Fieldworker trainer class. My guess is that Legend Maker takes place many years, possibly decades, before Delta Species, as the set revolves around finding Mew in Mirage Forest, the discovery of the Power Spot, and in a couple cards, hints of the construction of Holon. Fieldworker is the only Supporter card in that set. In a hypothetical game, would Fieldworkers be a retired Trainer class by the time of EX Delta Species and brought back after the discovery of Deltas, or would they have stayed after all this time?
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I wasn't expecting to be discussing protags but I had her model done half a year ago. I went back to the file and gave her a gen III backpack. For a male protagonist I think I''l stay with similar color scheme and style of clothes but give him different hat and hairstyle..
Don't even really need to make a male protagonist. Would be easier to just make 1 protagonist.
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Looking good
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I think they can stay the whole time imo
it's cute but it's giving Pokémon GO player character and less main line Sugimori style MPC
Cute! I really like the characters linked to Holon, they remind me of the trainer cards from the neo era which just appeared once and seemed to be tied to each other.
Now I can continue from >>57334738 and give a full critique. Again, I realize the limitations, but it's still worth pointing out when it comes to this topic and how little information there is out there where some may take it as gospel.

From EX Legend Maker
>No sign of any Stadiums
>The section of forest that's full of dead trees is missing (Gastly, Haunter, Aerodactyl)
>The volcano is part of the mountain range, whereas the only art where it's shown lacks mountains (Spinda)
>No waterfalls (Shiftry, Kecleon)
>No trains or railroads (Voltorb, Aron), may be excusable depending on timeline
>No glaciers or snow-covered fields (Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein), may be excusable depending on climate and distance

From EX Delta Species
>The river that connects to Holon village's waterways should have the waterway branch off from the river while the river itself curves around west of the village instead of directly flowing into the waterway
>The ring of trees circling around Holon Research Tower and the labs is missing
>Holon Ruins is shown as a regular building rather than a presumably abandoned one enveloped by trees and off-colored grass
>Other building oddities such as different designs for the double dome houses and Holon Ruins and another house across the one of the west that's next to the river
>The mountain range extends through and around the west side of Holon when Holon village is nowhere near any mountains as seen on cards with aerial shots; those showing west Holon have no mountains and the only card that does, one of the Dragonair, has them far to the north
From EX Holon Phantoms
>No sign of the ruins in the forest seen in several cards including Holon Adventurer and Vileplume
>The pack art for the FireMist theme deck shows several mountains dotting a heavy forested landscape, something not seen in the model south of Holon village where Holon Phantoms takes place
>No signs of any mountains surrounded by water as seen in a couple cards like one of the Latias and Latios (and those may or may not be at THE Holon Lake)
>The mountains next to Pichu and Deoxys look crystalline

From EX Crystal Guardians
>Holon Circle is missing
>Hard to see the rocky valley (Charmeleon, Mawile) in the model, if any

From EX Dragon Frontiers
>The entire place for the set is way off: The TV commercial and JP pack art shows it as one big rocky island with a nearby floating island in the sky; several cards and one instance of EN pack art do show vegetation, enough to have a forest, but a majority of it seems to be arid
>Three of the EN pack arts show mountains that doesn't look like the island in the JP pack art and a beach which is seen nowhere else, implying there may be more than just the two islands, something the model may have gotten right
>Holon Legacy is missing

>Signs of civilization outside of Holon village: Aside from Castaway and Island Hermit, there are no proof that confirms or deny that humans inhabit the area outside of that one village, the islands in the latter two sets are said or implied to be quite remote
>The Holon region as an island or a chain of islands: No proof either confirming or denying this, I think this is more due to space like how Crystal Guardians and Dragon Frontiers are actually farther than that appear
I also noticed a lot of similarities to pic related. I wonder if any inspiration was taken from there for the model as I have my doubts that they're both from the same artist.
Sauce: https://www.deviantart.com/pikaninja7/art/WAAPT-Holon-387175893
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So sad how underexplored the Holon region is. It's probably the same experimentive attitude that allows them to make cool stuff like this, that also makes them break continuity a bunch.
If only the mainline would have the balls to do something innovative, rather than sueing Indonesian rice farmers for having hemoglobin in their blood (they are infringing upon Solosis and need to be put down)
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It really is a shame. Like the card game shows a little window into an alternate timeline where pokemon was a more experimental franchise. The aesthetics, tone, mechanics, settings that we never got because being the biggest franchise in the world is a cage.

Was really hyped when I saw the Mimikyu card because it shows they haven't forgotten about deltas at least.
mystery plate sperm cell?
crazy how this became a schizo doomposter thread
People like you are insufferable.
anonymous poster doesn't get the joke #3746
It turns Arceus into the ??? Type.

Which by transitive property means that Curse is actually a Jizz type move.
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Anone, are you gonna dump the files when you're done? I love Holon stuff, and I'd love to use the models for reference, so I can draw things set in Holon
I wish delta species had a little more than just the colored aura, like a very light change in design and were more of an inbetween regional forms and the base pokemon
but that's just my own wishes, god I love everything Holon related so dearly, infinite thanks for the hard work, compared with all the images I saved over the last few months and I don't see any pictures I'd have that you don't
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It's like they're in a transitioning period. They have the aura, they keep their old weaknesses, but something is definitely happening.
You can tell that in the moves. Some are moves the pokemon used to know, but shifted to be a hybrid of the new type
>Burning Venom Poisons & Burns
i.e. the Pokémon are adapting and learning to control their new types.
My headcanon is that if the Holon Tower would have stayed, and research continued much longer, the Pokemon in Holon would have become different species entirely, and changed the way they look permanently.
But that's the Pokemon franchise. They tickle your balls, get you at the edge of your seat with an interesting concept that has so much potential, now if they just....! aaaaand it's gone and never heard from again.
dude that's exactly the plot of my gen5 fangame I've been making shit up for but will never get around making
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I suspect it's basically impossible for the side companies to do something unique to Pokemon without a lot of overhead from the home office, as it were. Major changes or versions of Pokemon tend to originate in the games and then migrate out from there with very few exceptions, which are notable. Shit like the armored Mewtwo or Satoshi Greninja, which I recall was a particularly special instance involving talking to the main branch anyway and was almost immediately back migrated to the games anyway.

All of the "gimmicks" the TCG tried were like this. Mostly mechanical, and these eventually got replaced by adapting the gimmicks of the videogames as they got more prominent.
Even if they wanted to, I doubt the higher ups at TPC would allow them to make new forms exclusive to the TCG with enough visual changes like Shadow Lugia, Zapmolcuno, or Ash-Greninja, so at best, you get all these auras and effects on the Pokémon.
Holon CHAD I see you, I love you. We are DELTA bros
lets meet up in the deltabros treehouse after school (no girls allowed)
There are reasons why the e-Reader and Delta Species eras are considered some of the best of the TCG to many even nearly 20 years after the latter. Both eras consist of multiple expansion packs that show off original locales, have interesting experimental gimmicks, and most importantly, just about everything revolving around said sets is consistent with showcasing their themes from the sets' cards to the packaging to even the advertisements. The only multi-set era since then that had all these aspects is XY BREAK from 9 years ago, which leads to my next point.

Pokémon is a franchise of wasted potential (thanks in part to that cage anon mentioned) and the TCG is no exception. All these years, all these sets, all these pretty artworks and shiny foils, and not many have stood out in both eras and individual sets. I could easily recognize the likes of Neo Destiny and Steam Siege, whereas if you asked me to tell the difference between Roaring Skies and Evolving Skies, I'd be confused and have to spend time looking them up, and even then I'd say they're okay at best.

I'm just asking for a little more theming consistency between what's advertised for the set and the set itself for a 28 year old TCG to make each set more memorable. They don't have to make something wholly original for every set and era either, Double Crisis is one of my favorites when it comes to lore for doing well to expand one of the parts of the main games and even a simple basic showcase of Pokémon like 151 elevates itself by being consistent in its Pokémon selection, artwork (mostly), and Trainer cards relevant to the games that group of Pokémon originated in (Even though I am fatigued with the constant surface-level nostalgia pandering for Gen 1.) with a couple original items thrown in for good measure.
map reminds me of the gamecube games
imagine a gc hack of colo/xd with the holon island
I don't want to doompost, but I think it's too late to ask for stuff. Besides the things we actually get being so far away from innovative things, the modern design direction is just different than we had back then. It's all about bright, saturated eyecandy, and being marketable above all else.
They did a few dual type cards since then, and the way they executed the cards is just an eyesore. Like >>57337160 said.
Aggressive Pink/Blue split down the middle, no effort, and instead of a hybrid icon that all dual types, not just delta, used to have, they just slap on the PNG of both type-icons on the top right and call it a day. Nothing original on the card.
Delta species was the most innovative thing done to Pokemon since stadium had the balls to dip the franchise into 3d. And I genuinely think that if they managed to catch that lightning in a bottle again, and actually had the guts to go through with it and do a release, it would
>fail, because their execution would be very lazy
>painful to the eyes
>over the top, and half assed
and it would be scrapped, never seen again, and just be used to justify their laziness going forward i.e. Tera Types
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Really, it could be so much better. Take Journey Together for an easy example of wasted potential, a set that advertises trainers with their Pokémon; I was hoping for something like SWSH's Trainer Gallery, but as an entire set. What do we get? Only 4 trainers (+ a couple extra as Supporters) and unlike the Gym sets of Gen 1, not every Pokémon in it are owned by them.
The Pokémon who have no trainer affiliation are just your regular run-of-the-mill card that's been around for decades and not a single trainer in sight. The Pokémon that are Trainer-owned are only seen with their trainers in the secret rares, but at least they're in locations related to the trainer in question, just like Pokémon SP. That's nice and all, but after Double Crisis, I now expect the trainer in the art for all rarities and the Pokédex entry replaced with flavor text from the trainer. Worse, the Trainer-owned items only show the item. How are we able to tell that one PP Up in particular is N's aside from the implication on the card name and effect? Sure, adding the trainer could be seen as unsubtle in some ways, but it adds more character to the cards as shown in the past.
I assume the next two Japanese sets that'll be combined to make the next English set after Journey Together will be following this trend of miniscule theming, I'm already disappointed with the lack of Dark Pokémon in the upcoming Rocket set.
>I don't want to doompost, but I think it's too late to ask for stuff.
Can't hurt to critique and complain, it's why I'm here forever.
>They did a few dual type cards since then, and the way they executed the cards is just an eyesore.
Dual Dark was the worst there thanks to the inverted text colors.
>Aggressive Pink
Fairy really could've gone with a more pastel pink, but it's still better than SV Ace Specs and its eye-searing magenta.
I was just about to say that when you listed how the execution would go.
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>if you asked me to tell the difference between Roaring Skies and Evolving Skies, I'd be confused and have to spend time looking them up
>look up Evolving Skies
>Evolving Skies consists of cards sourced from the Japanese Skyscraping Perfection and Blue Sky Stream expansions, plus some cards from the Eevee Heroes subset, and remaining cards from Peerless Fighters, Silver Lance, and Jet-Black Spirit that were not localized in Chilling Reign.
I thought digging through all those theme decks to determine which is Holon canon was bad enough.
*which ones are part of Holon canon
I really shouldn't be losing sleep over Holon again.
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We shall now decide a word for canon Holon content. We shall call it: Colon
I'm so sleep deprived I first read that as Colress, which fits given the Steel-types and scientists.
I'm glad you've finally been diagnosed, anon :-)
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>Fairy type
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Retired since Sword and Shield, you no longer have to worry.
No wonder the TCG went to shit. They retired the only good type.
>>57324256 (OP)
Really cool thread OP
That era of “reverse” holos was objectively terrible.

Objectively false.
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apologies, one who does it for free, what i MEANT to say was
your opinion is of less worth than the dirt on the bottom of my shoes
youre objectively someone who does not know what he is talking about in any capacity and should be mocked
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your posts have been contentless and as such, objectively worthless to this thread
Make me care. You're the one lobbing insults from left field tied to card scans to try and grasp at a veneer of germaneness.
Pokémon was at its best when on the back foot. Sadly, we'll never get that again, because experimentation doesn't make line go up faster in Kyōto.
As a former MTG player, it makes me deeply sad that Pokémon TCG sets with lore are the exception instead of the norm.

Shut up and take my ₽.

>Fairy really could've gone with a more pastel pink, but it's still better than SV Ace Specs and its eye-searing magenta.
Agreed, plus the aggressive pink is a bit too close to Psychic purple, IMO.
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>delta species arent relevant to holon
thanks for confirming your iq
>pretending that tying an insult to a completely unrelated card makes the insult on-topic
Get back in the rubber room.
The set is literally called Holon Phantoms, what the fuck are you talking about?
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>As a former MTG player, it makes me deeply sad that Pokémon TCG sets with lore are the exception instead of the norm.
Funny enough, I was watching videos on what happened to MTG earlier. That TCG had actual books to flesh out its lore, I'm jealous. The most Pokémon's TCG got were Japanese-only magazines which were basically less story and more expanded advertising, blurbs on the official websites which were also expanded advertising and eventually removed once they updated the site to the newest generation and were no longer relevant so good luck digging through the wayback machine, and a couple other story bits here and there that are more focused on the illustration of a card or two rather than an entire set such as the Illustration Collection Book.
Is that your card? I like it.
I will give you 2 paperclips, a snickers chocolate bar and a kiss on the cheek for it.
It's a crying fucking shame.
>Captcha: SN0M
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nah, i wish. kind of a lowball offer anyways. do have these though, plus a ton of other reverse deltas
I love those reverses with Golden names. I think star-rarity and up got them?
I remember getting pretty sad as a kid when I'd get a reverse holo from these sets, and it wouldn't have a gold name
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There's enough evidence to support it. Lots of people call Gen 3, where Holon is from, a dark era, e-Reader was right after Pokémania, and there were more experimental stuff seen in the franchise during Gen 5 and even some of Gen 6. I can't say with full confidence that GO was the cause of the turning point, but everything Gen 7 onwards has felt like that Pokémon is obsessed with that "we're at the top and the line must continue to go up" chase more than ever before.
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Reposting the higher resolution illustration compilations.
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thank you *smooch*
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I wish Ampharos' Poke-Body would turn your opponent's Pokemon in play into Delta as well.
The English translation is sorta weird, but the Japnaese card makes it clear that it only Delta-fies your own Pokemon in play.

Also, with the way he's standing, and his PokeBody turning things Delta, my headcanon is that he's standing like an Antenna and actively trying to amplify the signal from the Holon Research Tower to spread the Delta phenomenon further.
Where's the CGI mew from in the Forest chart? Promo material?
The one between Wurmple and Fieldworker? English booster pack art.
Gen 3 PTCG was the golden era of the game
100%. We need a machine emblazoned with the Hoennese flag that kicks TPC and its parent companies in the nuts repeatedly until they start innovating again.
Now this is a good fucking thread.
I was out of the TCG by this point, but I look back on the era fondly for how odd and experimental it seemed. Might grab some of the weirder cards sometime.
Anon who's going ham putting together some models though, keep that up. Loving seeing what you're doing!
Just realized we don't really have flags for the pokemon regions.
Nor a logo for Devon Corp. If only...
At least the Battle Frontier has one.
I keep on hoping for a Sonic 06 moment but I've accepted that PTCG is too big to fail
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Big sad. I have seen a cool fan design for a Hoennese flag, though, even if it's on reddit. :P
It's so tiresome seeing Pokémon fail upwards or fail, but not fall hard enough.
>>57324256 (OP)
I like the art
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An email found in the Teraleak did clarify the species selection for Holon's Pokémon.

Folder filepath to the email:

Excerpt of the email, original text:




ポケモンカードでは、 過去にマルマインが特殊能力「エネエネ」で

Google Translated (with some fixes for names):
However, there is one suggestion made by Ishihara of TPC that I would like to ask Game Freak to consider.

This is to create Pokemon cards that can also be played as energy cards.

These cards combine two elements, "Pokemon" and "energy," into one card.

In the past, Pokemon cards had the logic of turning Marumine into energy with its special ability "Energy," but this time it's different.

This new card will have a rule that allows you to attach a Pokemon card from your hand as an energy card directly to a Pokemon in play.

The four Pokemon that I chose this time are Biriridama, Marumine, Coil, and Rarecoil.
The reason I chose them is because they don't feel very biological.
And I created these Pokemon with "Holon's..." before their names to differentiate them from other Pokemon.
Another email from the Teraleak, for Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends (EX Dragon Frontiers).

Folder filepath to the emails:

Excerpt from the emails, original text:



Google Translated:
The setting this time is not particularly based on the game settings.
The series to be released this summer will be the last product to feature Delta-species Pokémon,
so we chose the title "Battle at the End" to reflect that.

Since last summer, the Pokémon cards have followed the flow of "Phantom Forest Holon Research Tower Holon's Illusion Miracle Crystal Battle at the End,"
and the setting exists in a linear fashion.

The reason we included Mew is because the region where the setting is set started
with last year's "Phantom Forest (a product with Mew on the package)."
The image is that it starts and ends with Mew.
*Yanase's note: A shiny Mew will appear in this series.

As a result, by coincidence, the game's keywords "end" and "Mew" overlap, but we thought that this would be good for users to use their imaginations in various ways, so we decided on the structure like this.
More excerpts from the emails, original text:



・舞台は 「さいはてのことう」で暗い海に浮かぶ未開の島をイメージ。






Google Translated:
The "Farthest Island" became the "Farthest Island" in the game.

■Things to note
Keep in mind that this is merely a backstory.
- It will not be on a trainer card.
- When promoting it, be careful with your words.
- Do not specify specific locations.
(See worldview below)

■About the worldview of the cards
- From "Phantom Forest" to "Miracle Crystal",
the terrain progresses along a single line, and this is the finale.

・The setting is "The Farthest Sea," an uncivilized island floating in the dark ocean.
The Pokémon mainly reside on "The Floating Island of the Sky," which is located just before that.
This is a somewhat lonely place, with the island appearing and disappearing behind the clouds and its clear shape not being able to be seen.

*All of the Pokémon that appear are "δ-Delta species" Pokémon,
so there are not only Mew but also a variety of other Pokémon, and the world view is different from the game,
but this is just a gimmick in the card game, and considering that the setting for the action is the "Floating Island in the Sky," they responded that it's not a problem.


I would like to make one correction to my recent article on "The End of the Earth."

■ Regarding the worldview image
We previously stated that the setting (the habitat of the Pokémon) is "The Floating Island of Heaven" and that the view from there is "The Farthest Tou", but
the correct statement is that
the setting is "The Farthest Tou" and that from there you can see "The Floating Island of Heaven".

We were told that.
*The Floating Island of Heaven can only be seen, and is not specifically mentioned.
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Also, CR provided us with the image used for "Saihate no Kotou (the farthest island at the time)", which we have attached.
Images 01 to 05 are the "farthest island", and 06 is the "floating island in the sky" image.
It's a slightly lonely-feeling island with rugged exposed rocks.
Please share this.

>Please share this.
Ok. Starting with image 01.
Folder filepath to the images:
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image 02
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image 03
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image 04
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image 05
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image 06
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Holon cards that appeared in Pokémon Trading Card Game Illustration Collection. Timestamps are according to this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PA7ThlarZxM [Embed]
Cards shown contain artist comments, but nothing too noteworthy.
>p28, 3:46 - Mirage Forest pack artwork, referred in the book as "The Mythical Forest", citing the card Mew (Nintendo Promo 40)
>p67, 8:33 - EX Legend Maker Haunter
>p99, 12:39 - EX Delta Species Ditto as Bulbasaur
>p102, 13:05 - Expedition Larvitar, cited as from EX Dragon Frontiers, the set it was reprinted in
>24:11 - The JP pack art of all 5 sets are featured, Mirage Forest is mostly cut off

In Pokémon Card Game Art Collection: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JSM5OcrLhs [Embed]
>p44, 3:42 - EX Delta Species Sandslash
>p63 - p73, 4:33 - 5:01 - Covers many cards from the Pokémon Card Game era
>p78, 5:15 - Several Pikachu throughout the Holon sets
>p152, 8:39 - Holon Researcher
>p158, 8:59 - EX Dragon Frontiers Charizard Star and EX Crystal Guardians Alakazam Star
Gen 3 PTCG was the last time we got good tcg that didn't look like slop art
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Thank you for posting this and the translations. Would you happen to know by who wrote this mail and to who it was adressed to?
Daisaku Nishida wrote the excerpts from >>57390509 & >>57390733. (The latter quoted by an email from Naoko Yanase.)
Naoko Yanase wrote the excerpts from >>57390822. The misunderstanding between the islands in Dragon Frontiers in those same emails, original text:

Google Translate:
This was a communication error on Yanase's part.
We are very sorry about this.
However, this will not affect changes to settings, etc.

The emails for >>57390851 that the text mentioned were between Yanase and Nishida. Here's an excerpt:
Daisaku Nishida,Creatures さんが書きました。:





Naoko Yanase,GameFreakさんが2006年 4月 5日 水曜日 4:54 PM +0000に書きました:




Google Translate:
Daisaku Nishida,Creatures wrote:

I'm sorry for the late reply.

The island in the document I sent you was collected before I heard about "The End of the World", so I didn't have any particular image in mind.
And the floating island in the sky is something else.

And I'm sorry.
I seem to have forgotten to attach the image of the floating island in the email the other day, so I'm sending it to you.

Thank you very much.


Naoko Yanase,GameFreak wrote on Wed Apr 5, 2006 4:54 PM +0000:

Thank you so much for your quick response!
I will share this document.

By the way, is it okay that the island you can see is "The End of the World"...?
Or is it "The Floating Island in the Sky"?

I'm sorry to keep asking, but
I look forward to your help.

>>57390509 was sent by Daisaku Nishida of Creatures to Naoko Yanase. Takumi Akabane of Creatures, Junichi Masuda, & Shigeki Morimoto also got copies.
>>57390733 & >>57390822 were from Yanase to Masuda & Morimoto. Some were also sent to Tetsuya Watanabe & Hiromi Sagawa. Two of the emails in that folder were of Morimoto confirming that he got the reports.
As metioned, the emails that provided the images in >>57390851 were between Yanase and Nishida.
The dates to them are the names of the folders they're located in.
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So here's a week's worth of progress. By no means it is finished,but I've got most of the buildings done. As I said earlier I intend to experiment a little with Holon Ruins and make it look like it was abandonded for at least 50 years.
One anon was asking if I'm going to share the model. I'll try but it needs much cleanup. I'm also using some plugins for trees and I don't know how the're going to behave when the model is shared. I also need to delete all hidden objects, booleans and unused materials to make the file smaller, so don't expect the model to be done soon.
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Here is a typical house different lighting conditions. I tried to be faithful but made some changes to the roof where it made no sense (on the sides of the building).
*in different lighting conditions
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Here is Pokecenter with Pokemart next to it. Next thing I'm going to post will probably include the interior of this building.
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5ban ruined everything
great work dude
Everything looks great
Planeta is just better 5ban and it's still shit. Card art really should be actual art and not just 3d models.
Very neat. I don't think the official images had any Centers or Marts. Where would they get their supplies? Would they need that kind of service to begin with?
>video is now unlisted
I wonder why. Was it a delay or >>57364596?
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>Ho..? You're approaching me?
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Very insightful, thank you for your reply. Knowing that Masuda and Morimoto got some copies of the mails make me wish we got to explore Holon in a DS game in some way. This place feels so much out of time.
Funny that there is a delta dark Nidoking when nidoking is a dark card in pocket
Poison's been all over the place in the tcg
Initially they were lumped with Grass up until like DP? then they were psychic until swsh where now they're dark
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You don't have to go to pocket to find a dark non-delta nidoking.
I know, pockets just the only one I know well since I never got into the tgc hardcore.

Also, kinda odd that I don't think they would ever make Nidoking a fighting type despite having ground typing.
Nidoking was a Fighting-type 5 times in the TCG, whereas Nidoqueen was Fighting only once.
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Found the EX Holon Phantoms commercial. It's not much, but it provides more shots of the lake.

https://youtu.be/aE5VsI4xi1c?si=aAn-93EwoVcYkbJb&t=332 [Embed]
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Nidoking's had 5 different typings and fighting is one of them. The others are darkness, psychic, grass, and colorless. The colorless was from the crystal era, which was another type changing gimmick like delta species, so I suppose you could technically say it's 7 types and add fire and lightning.
That was an error. The trivia on Bulbapedia says it's ruled to play it with Fighting instead of Fire as intended, but there's no source linked to this statement.
WotC and misprints: name a more iconic duo
It makes sense given that "rolling thunder" requires fighting energy to use and not fire.
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Well damn, I guess I should look into shit before saying shit.
I would like some δ Rainbow Energy Fried Eggs, Δ Evolution Toast, and Memory Berry Juice.
Captcha: XHAM
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TL;DR version
>Holon's Pokémon were designed as Pokémon + Energy cards and consist of species that are artificial and/or don't feel biological
>The Holon series begins and ends with Mew (Mew in Legend Maker to Mew Star in Dragon Frontiers)
>The setting for Dragon Frontiers is an uncivilized island in the dark ocean; a floating island can be seen from there
>The floating island is only seen and never mentioned
Feel free to correct if the machine translation is inaccurate.
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I noticed an interesting detail in Crystal Guardians: The Delta Species in that set are all shown with crystals except for the Deltas that came from the Groudon and Kyogre theme decks and Sceptile ex because ex gotta be all flash and little lore. This can further confirm a connection between Delta Species and those crystals, but what kind?

The more I look into it, the more I think that the island chain setting mentioned in the Bulbapedia article for Holon actually fits Crystal Guardians instead. Both Crystal Guardians and Dragon Frontiers take place on remote islands, DF further from Holon than CG, but DF is only on one island with the second island left visibly mysterious whereas CG has art in its set that show multiple islands. More official blurbs for CG mention that the islands are multiple rather than singular, unfortunately, that one mention of CG being a singular island was seen on the back of booster packs, same with DF being multiple islands, which probably what led to the mix-up.
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More Teraleak email excerpts.
Filepath: 梁瀬のひきつぎ資料\カード\カードFCまとめ\051214

Original Text:









Google Translate:
Thank you for your hard work. This is Yanase.

I have heard from Nishida of Creatures about the future lineup and concept of Pokémon cards.
I would like to report on this together with the lineup plan from a previous meeting with TPC.

Friday, January 27, 2006
■Expansion Pack
Holon's Shadow
※Only available as an expansion pack.

The theme is a sequel to Holon's Research Tower.
The land of Holon is moved to the lake and developed.


In addition, the starter and expansion packs that were scheduled to be released consecutively in March and April have been changed to the following.

Released simultaneously on Friday, March 10, 2006
■Pre-built starter
Kyogre ex of the Ocean
Groudon ex of the Earth

■Expansion pack
Miracle Crystal

The theme is "island".
The first three RS and FRLG monsters and their evolutions will appear.
Following on from the Holon series, the popular "δ-Delta species" will also be included.
This series will complete the trilogy, along with "Phantom Forest" and "Holon Series (Research Tower/Phantom)" from June.
All of them have the image of a continuous stretch of land going south from the forest to the sea (island).
In particular, Holon and the island (tentative name) are connected by a special magnetic field known as a "power spot."

Also, the "miracle" in "Miracle Crystal" is written in hiragana to include various nuances such as miracle, trail, strange stone, and gemstone.
The same can be said about the previous "Desert Miracle."
>The setting this time is not particularly based on the game settings.
The "game settings" is referring to Faraway Island. That message from Nishida was in reply to the following by Yanase:

Filepath: 梁瀬のひきつぎ資料\カード\カードFCまとめ\060329






Google Translate:
Thank you for your support.
This is Yanase from Game Freak.

Let me ask you one question!
I have just received confirmation of the tool illustrations from the TPC Licensing Department,
and they have also explained the concept of this summer's products as a supplement.

In it, the setting is described as "The Island at the End of the Earth."
Does this have any connection to the "Farthest Island" that appears in the game?
(The other day, the Card Division received a request to see if it was OK to release "Mew,"
so I have a feeling it might be related to Mew...)

Sorry for the inconvenience,
but I look forward to your help.

>Faraway Island
Pretty cool that they discuss this even though it doesn't really end up being a firm connection. But maybe I'll start apreading misinformation by telling people that Faraway Island is actually in the Holon region.
There doesn't seem to be anything else left in the Teraleak files that can help clarify Holon's setting.
Most remaining pieces of interest were regarding the reactions. There is a spreadsheet in CRカード listing many people's favorite card in Miracle Crystal, Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends, and Space-Time Creation (Diamond and Pearl); the comments roughly amounted to, "This card is strong," "I like the art," and the occassional, "I'm surprised the Pokémon is this type!"

One email in 051209 (Also from Yanase to Nishida) listed a couple more concept points about Miracle Crystal and its theme decks.
Original Text:

Google Translate:
・Cool Pokemon illustrations by Arita and others
・Main Pokemon are Kyogre and Groudon

Another email in 060320 (From Yanase to Morimoto) had these for Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends.
Original Text:

Google Translate:
・A composition centered on Delta species, geared towards the core players in preparation for the summer tournament.
・The expansion pack focuses on dragons.

A document from 051118 in the 051122 folder going over a meeting held the month before, had this line.
Original Text:

Google Translate:
Delta species have also been more popular than expected. In particular, cards like "Holon's Biriridama" that turn Pokemon cards into energy cards are easy to use and were seen in large numbers at the event venue. (Tsuyama)
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>not even an electric move
Pidgey bros...
>But maybe I'll start apreading misinformation by telling people that Faraway Island is actually in the Holon region.
As if Holon needs any more misinformation, even if it's good bait.
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I wonder how the delta fossilmons work. Where they altered during/after their revival, or were the fossils themselves altered?
It'd be cool to think of it like how opalized fossils happen in certain environments but I feel like if that were the case there would be some specific kind of Holon Mysterious Fossil for that
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Mysterious may not be in its name, but since we can't see what's in this thing, I'd say it's still pretty mysterious.
Damn, that was a great card.
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Hmmm... I'm tempted to draw designs for some delta pokemon. Like some change that doesn't go full regional variant.

Any suggestioned pokes?
From the ones we got from TCG:
Steel type Marrowak
Fire type Ludicolo
Electric type Tyranitar
Mons that aren't deltas from TCG:
Fire type Girafarig (I propose that it has an aura made of fire in shape of it's beta design)
Venusaur - any type, the only kanto starter to not get a delta type
Waterized Goldengho
Terastralization wishes it was Delta.
Terastal is an insult to Delta and Crystal.
The Metal Delta Chimecho from Holon Phantoms. Could make a nice reference to Chingling.
Fossil Pokémon in Holon are seen all over Mirage Forest (Legend Maker and Holon Phantoms) along with their corresponding fossils and the exclusive Holon Fossil, the latter who is a successor to Fossil Egg from Neo Discovery in both design and effect.
In TCG gameplay, a Pokémon can evolve into a Delta Species and a Delta Species can evolve out of Delta. Most fossils at the time can be played as Basic Pokémon with the restoration played as an evolution, but not Holon Fossil which summons a fossil Pokémon as a Basic.
My guess is that fossil Pokémon got altered into Delta later based on how the fossils play. Even Holon Fossil, which would be the one most likely to revive (hatch?) a Pokémon already as Delta given its affiliation with Holon, works with fossil Pokémon that aren't Delta Species. Maybe in a video game setting Holon Fossil would revive Deltas to set itself apart from the other fossils, but that would also ask if Holon's fossil eggs can be altered by Holon's magnetic fields.
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>predicted Dark Void Smeargle
What do you think the music of a Holon game should be like? I think the obvious answer is something like Gale of Darkness's soundtrack.
I'd say more like a mix of Colosseum's and Persona 2's, specifically the PS1 versions.
Throw in some battle revolution as well. You want the rustic feel of an isolated, natural island, mixed with the techno feel of an actively progressing scientific presence.
Anon that's (maybe) making the game here: I already started making a playlist some time ago. It mainly had Colloseum and XD tracks, with some Twilight Princess and Shadow of the Colossus music mixed in. I'm currently checking Persona 2 soundtrack and I like it so far.
I'd say also, for non-video game music, check out the band Tortoise, specifically their first 3 albums (Tortoise, Millions Now Living Will Never Die, and TNT).
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I remember getting this card as a kid, made me think chimecho was part steel type for longest time lol
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The only official music we have to associate with Holon to potentially give an idea of the musical feel of the region are the ones used in the TV ads. Seriously asking, how much do people even notice or care about the BGM used in Pokémon TCG ads?

Mirage Forest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulcq37AiCIw [Embed]
EX Legend Maker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sm__oxiNjvE [Embed]
Holon Research Tower Decks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQHv0F7I_fU [Embed]
Holon Research Tower: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_D8eQsYNvo0 [Embed]
EX Delta Species: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgoteGUTqHE [Embed]
Holon Phantom: https://archive.org/details/pokemon-tcg-horon-38
EX Holon Phantoms: https://youtu.be/aE5VsI4xi1c?t=332 [Embed]
Miracle Crystal: https://archive.org/details/pokemon-tcg-kiseki-40
EX Crystal Guardians: (Still not found.)
Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends: https://youtu.be/k0L3rfui1wU?si=z-UJTy_7UdfXtvRB&t=390 [Embed]
EX Dragon Frontiers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofHxBmBhvy8 [Embed]
>>57423629 (cont.)
Now for my thoughts on what Holon's music would sound like. Apologies if I don't end up describing it well, I'm not the best at it when it comes to music.

For time era, obviously that would be the present day to when the sets were released, 2005 - 2006. Musical styles and soundtracks from around that time would mesh well with Holon's aesthetic, EX Delta Species in particular screams 2005.

From Pokémon, I agree on XD and Colosseum as top picks followed by PBR and RSE. I'm also in agreement with the other non-Pokémon video game OSTs mentioned thus far. Shadow of the Colossus and Twilight Princess works with the Mirage Forest of Legend Maker and Holon Phantoms. PS1 Persona 1 and Persona 2 does give that feeling of mysterious techno, they could fit with the Holon labs and Delta Species; if they're too retro, maybe some tracks from Persona 3 that share a similar vibe.

I cannot resist and have to bring up Final Fantasy for Crystal Guardians thanks to that set's logo, PS2 Final Fantasy to be specific, so FFX, FFXI, FFX-2, & FFXII.

Dragon Frontiers I think would have some rock music, though I can't really name any game's OST in particular and I am mostly basing it from the TV ad. The aforementioned Persona and FFX do have some rock tracks that may work.
Thank you for your insight. From the commercials I'm especially fond of the Holon research tower music. I think that it would be possible to clean it from voicover and maybe extend a little bit with generative AI tools. I'll check out the Final Fantasy soundtracks as I've only played VII remake/rebirth and enjoyed its ost (although I don't think VII's score captures the mood of the Holon).
Sounds to me like mostly a mix of classical and drum n bass/acid techno, with the Dragon Frontiers being more rock
Mind dropping a link to the playlist, if it's on Youtube?
>although I don't think VII's score captures the mood of the Holon
It definitely doesn't. I was thinking more X with parts of XI. I'm not familiar with XII, but from what I have heard, it could fit, but not as well as the other two, too orchestral.
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It really should be.
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TL;DR version
>Double meanings are everywhere in the later Japanese set names between the 幻影(かげ) for Holon Phantom, きせき for Miracle Crystal, and whatever was going on in name planning for Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends
>Crystal Guardians was planned to complete a trilogy with Legend Maker and the 2 Holon sets
>The setting image is of a continuous stretch of land going south from the forest to the sea (island) up to CG, but it's in a linear fashion for all 5 sets
>Both Holon and the island(s?) of Crystal Guardians are connected by a special magnetic field known as a "Power Spot"
>The island from Dragon Frontiers has no connection whatsoever to Faraway Island
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ORAS did get a Mirage Forest as part of the Mirage Island's expansion into Mirage Spots. Obviously, it is a lot different from Holon's, even the names in Japanese are slightly different (まぼろしの森 vs マボロシ森).
Thank you for the info. Even though I don't intend to actually spread misinfo this will be good fodder for if I ever change my mind.
Here you go:
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For the vibe you're going for, another soundtrack I'd recommend is Chrono Cross
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I like to imagine he picked up the entire stadium and threw it.
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I had this card when I was a kid but gave it away. I wish old cards were more affordable nowadays so that I could complete all Holon related sets but the hobby has been ruined by investors.
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Now that we are nearing both bump and image limit, I have gone and screencapped parts of the thread for archival.

Part 1/4 - Info from the Teraleak.
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Part 2/4 - Breaking down this fan map.
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Part 3/4 - Some reminiscing and doomposting.
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Part 4/4 - Miscellaneous
Saved, thank you for taking the time to make them!
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Hey op.
I gotta point out that some of the cards from the English sets are not originally meant for anything Holon related. Like Bulbasaur and Ivysaur from the 'crystal-less fields'. Those for example are from a Japanese Groudon starter deck. They were included in the western set but have really no relation to the other cards at all.
Just make sure are aware.
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I am 100% aware. When I initially researched the sets, I thought the same, but looking more into the decks, I found evidence that can justify their inclusion into Holon's canon.
>all sets in the Holon era except for Holon Phantom have corresponding theme decks
>the theme decks were released on or around the same day as the main set, even Bulbapedia mentions that they complement them
>they were often advertised alongside the sets; some such as the Groudon and Kyogre decks even got more of the spotlight
>the themes of Mirage's Mew Starter Deck and Holon Research Tower Quarter Decks tie heavily into their main sets
>Earth's Groudon ex and Ocean's Kyogre ex Starter Decks may have the weakest ties to their set, but they do have Delta Species whose final stages are in the main set and all art from the new cards still fit within the set's locale
What can be considered dubious or non-canon in those decks are the reprinted cards from previous sets added in for gameplay. I can see the people of Holon using Double Full Heals, but I doubt that you can find Gabby and Ty or any Pokémon that aren't Delta Species in the island of Dragon Frontiers.
The other decks released around that time such as the Master Kit and Gift Box Mew • Lucario are not part of Holon canon and the cards from them in EX Holon Phantoms have been noted to possibly not have any relation (>>57380627). The same goes for promo cards; I really only counted the Delta Species promos as canon since they're seen nowhere else and are often around Holon landmarks.
Also, though I did make the compilation images, I'm not OP. I'm just an anon who's compiling and archiving as much as possible to help OP and other Holon fans.
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I heard this card was popular at the time.

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