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Team Yell edition

>What are you running?
>How are you running it?
>How's your run going?
>Are you doing a weird ruleset? And if so, what is it?

>/nuz/ resources
Mostly outdated, but if I add something new it will have (Updated) somewhere in it. Let me know if there's something that needs updated if you have something to replace it with.

>Nuzlocke info
>Nuzlocke generator
>Guide to running the generator locally
>Links to official games (thru Sw/Sh) (outdated)
>Romhack links (outdated)
>Definitive emulator info (note that OpenEmu is the best option for Macfags period as RBY through B2W2 may all be played on it and all run smoothly)
>Difficulty list
>Pokémon Nuzlocke images
>Pokémon Bank sprites
>Pokémon Home Sprites
>Additional templates
>(UPDATED)Anon's Level Caps Doc
>Level caps/general Nuzlocke info
>Nuzlocke challenge wheel (new!)
Previous Thread: >>57161096
Added a challenge wheel an anon made a couple of threads ago to the OP.
Rattata can also be used to cheese Necrozma, the old FEAR strat can come in clutch.
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how do i know what the stats of my opponent are, or a range of what they could be
You google them
i see their levels but like what are their ivs and evs, i wanna know if i outspeed
Most of them have none.
Gonna take a break from gen 3 even though I only have one game left there. Trying out Sword and Shield Ultimate Plus since I don't have a switch. However, because I'm getting leftovers and a bunch of mons that aren't in the Galar dex, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this demake isn't that faithfull and not a replacement for the official games. I was planning on getting a switch 2 for Prime 4, so another 60 bucks down the line won't hurt that much. Overall a pretty fun experience. Wild Area is kind of wacky level wise and actually pretty challenging. Feels like I'm always a little overleveled for regular trainers.
Only a few trainers, at least up until USUM i believe, had ev trained mons, Cymthia's Garchomp is max speed ev off the top of my head. I'm also pretty sure NPC trainers mostly use the default learnset for their teams.
It's already sounding better than the base game with non-native mons. Combating overleveling is also faithful to the base game.
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The run from Gardenia to Maylene is weirdly long, I get why they changed it in Platinum. Sinnoh also has a surprisingly large amount of double battles, which is not good for my tiny brain to cope with. 5 deaths before the 3rd gym doesn't feel good.
Plague got ganked in the lost tower, which I guess is a fitting place to go. Mountie died right before we got to Veilstone, caught out by the double ace trainer battle. Really upset about losing Bibarel, was hoping he'd defy his HM slave fate and make it to the end. And I imagined him and Astro being best buddies due to both having the somewhat of a clown traits.
So I'm bringing out the big guns. Had a lot of options for psychic types, but decided that offense is the best defense and went with Alakazam over Bronzor. I've also never seen anyone use a Spiritomb in a nuzlocke, nor have I ever used one before so I'm excited for what it can do. Maybe it's a bit against the spirit of a nuzlocke to use it, but nearly all my encounters are guaranteed at this point anyway.
Team feels real strong right now, but Maylene's Lucario still gave a bit of trouble. Lots of switches with Radical and Scourge made it manageable and allowed Astro to beat it in an epic face-off.
Also we got a lucky egg from a wild chansey while training, so that'll help speed up the grinding in the DP engine in the future.

Huh that does sound like a pretty fun romhack sounds like it didn't do anything for the overlevelling problems though. I had to struggle staying under levelcap in Sword too.

Inkay did wonders in my UM run. Foul Play is fantastic in the early game, especially combined with Reflect and Swagger.

Sounds like you're doing better than me so far lol. I won't stand for that Turtwig slander though.
I hate self destructing mons. Why are there so many Geodude in this game?
The Gyms are starting to get tough, Maylene almost killed half my team and Crasher Wake froze Twig ruining my whole strategy for him. Star is definitely not enough to handle everything anymore. Pluck+Intimidate is still great for the aces but in both Gyms I found myself relying on Reav for the bulk of the battle, with Oof and Zor playing backup.
Also, I completely forgot how addictive the mining minigame is. I have so many Heart Scales, Plates and Shards now. It is a shame they are completely useless in this game.

I have been avoiding as many double battles as I can. I don't remember if they are as mean in this game as they are in Platinum but I vividly remember some of those battles being unfair even in casual runs.

>I won't stand for that Turtwig slander though
Don't get me wrong, I love Turtwig and Torterra but Grotle is objectively one of the ugliest middle evos in the old games.
>I have so many Heart Scales, Plates and Shards now. It is a shame they are completely useless in this game.
i forgot how crap the move tutors are in dp
back from the previous thread, any other encounters I should look out for down the road?

I'm playing pretty casually/autistically though; as if I'm starting in this region then moving to a different game/region with what I had here at least in the back of my mind
>back from the previous thread, any other encounters I should look out for down the road?
watch out for Koraidon, they hit as hard as the motorcycles they were based on
how do i know when i can run return over strength
confuse ray or flash in gen v
Neither will help you because it will never bother the AI at the most crucial time anyway.
according to ai, confuse ray has an 88% to make an enemy miss an attack over its duration, and flash is only 76% (assuming confusion lasts for the average duration, and giving flash 5 turns to trigger)
Double Team
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Welcome to another episode of "oh fuck it knows pursuit", on today's episode: turns out Wake's Floatzel knowing Crunch was just in Platinum and not in DP. I'm usually winging the games I'm familiar with from memory, so that really caught me off guard. Brain was in there to clear Gyarados and Quagsire so Heir could come in fresh on Floatzel, I thought that was a good plan so that pursuit has me seething. So much for bringing out the big guns I guess, what an absolute waste.. At least I got to take my anger our on Barry, how the fuck does he still have a Starly at this point in the game?
We were gonna need a water type soon anyway, and ground-water is always great so I'm bringing in Whiscash. Can't stay mad with that stupid little face around. If you're ever in Indonesia make sure you try pecel lele, it's delicious.

Most games have some kind of friendship tracking NPC, look up what their dialogue means in turns of numbers.

I think Golisopod is great because it allows you a free switch if used correctly, which can be invaluable.

If it's just Gotle then yeah I suppose it is objectively the worst of the starter forms, though I still think it's charming. Somehow self destruct is the one thing which hasn't bothered me, but sucks to lose your Machop so close to evolution. And ditto on the mining minigame, I spent way too much time on that already. Plates are good at least.
>Heatproof Bronzor
Shame, it's wouldn't even be a bad ability if Sinnoh had more than 1 fire type you're gonna realistically be facing ever.
>in turns of numbers
terms of numbers*, I'm going to bed.
Depending on when you get Strength in game, Return might be close to being stronger. You can also remove Return for another move at any point compared to Strength needing the move deleter halfway through the game.
>>57325503 (OP)
I've decided to begin a pokemon Platinum nuzlocke. Here will be the rules. I can only catch one pokemon per area and it has to be a pokemon that's final evolution is a gen 4 pokemon, I'm not allowed to overlevel above the gym leaders strongest pokemon and if a pokemon dies, that's it, gone for good. I can't use the pokemon again and if I fail to catch the first pokemon that appears that evolves into a gen 4 pokemon, I have to go to the next area if I want another pokemon. If the first pokemon to appear is not a pokemon that's final evolution is gen 4 or a non gen 4 pokemon, I can keep searching again. I will be excluding honey trees and the great marsh as its a waste of time. I am allowed to use my starter and any pokemon given to me. I can get an Eevee but it must evolve into one of the two gen 4 eeveeultions.
what is the hardest challenge run
Beat RBY without encountering any glitches.
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I'm gonna hack a special Munna as my starter. I want to try using it "as intended" and go for a Dream Eater set.
What is better for a nuzlocke, Yawn or Hypnosis? Like, 60% is unreliable as fuck, but Yawn in a slow pokemon pretty much means you have to take two turns of damage...
when you consider yawn working turn two, you could actually use hypnosis twice for an 84% chance
>Only a few trainers, at least up until USUM i believe, had ev trained mons, Cymthia's Garchomp is max speed ev off the top of my head.
Cynthia's Garchomp is not EV-trained in gen 4, only in BDSP.
This is the Garchomp in Platinum:
Level 62
HP 224
Atk 184
Det 141
SpA 122
SpD 129
Spe 150
0 EVs, but 30 IVs in every stat.
Meanwhile, in BDSP:
Level 66
4 HP EVs, 252 Atk EVs, 252 Speed EVs, and perfect IVs across the board except SpA, which is 0.
>Machop so close to evolution
Fuck you are right, it evolves at level 28
Now I am mad
>hypnosis twice for an 84% chance
Huh, interesting, I thought the chance for Hypnosis to fail two turns in a row would be way higher (I'm not good with probability stuff).
i used an ai to figure it out
i think they do it by multiplying the chance of it not hitting (0.4) by it not hitting again (0.4)
so 0.4x0.4=0.16
Feeling like one death due to dynamax is pretty much guaranteed... The trip from the first to third gym was suprisingly quick compared to start to first. I know damn well Alolan Exeggutor isn't available this early in Galar, but I'll take it. Liking the team so far, but hope I get some sweets soon for Kiki.
I never touched a gen 1 game before my challenge, but with a minimum OU knowledge, gen 1 was extemely easy. So many great choices up against truly horrendous opponents. I will say it was pretty damn fun though.
That reminds me of an old white 2 nuzlocke I did. I lost a whole bunch of mons to Drayden and was desperate enough to look up the exact speed stat so that my (toxic boost) Zangoose could outspeed Iris's Haxorus after a certain amount of EVs. Very desperate. Unfortunately I was a dumbass and clicked X-Scissor against Hydreigon instead of pre poisoned Facade.
Pursuit is the scariest thing in nuzlockes aside from pre gen 5 explosion. I have to look up levelsets for it if I'm running a dark weak mon.
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This is my team so far.

Part 1.

I start my nuzlocke, I pick Turtwig and begin my journey, I first fail to catch a Bidoof but then I catch a in a different route so it's no real problem, the same happens with a Starly, I fail to catch one but in a later route, I get one. Then I lose Bidoof to a trainers Kricketot who used Bide, unfortunately my Starly hadn't learned Wing Attack yet and I had to sacrifice my Bidoof just to save my starter Turtwig, its a reminder as to why I hate Kricketot. Luckily enough I make it to Oreburgh city and I beat Roark pretty easily with Turtwig taking out all three of his rock pokemon, now I am in Jubilife city and I will continue to journey later.
If it's mainline vanilla games, search for "kiingercalc damage calculator", if it's a romhack "hzla damage calculator".
What I normally do is lookup trainers on certain route and then look them up on those calculator. For romhacks, you can upload your save file and do some calcs if that's your thing.
sorry meant for >>57325537
>raising up togetic because I think it'll help with mismagius
>delete metronome because i don't like risking it
>it's the only move that togetic has to damage mismagius other than grass knot which has 20BP
>literally every single TM it learns that can hit mismagius is gated until you beat fantina
actually crobat just bit her to death so we're good
thanks king
without that it seemed random whether i outspeed something due to not knowing their speed ivs
I personally prefer the guarantee of the move landing since anything below 100% hit rate is actually 20% hit rate.
I knew it was one of the two between EV's and IV's but couldn't remember which. Thanks for the correction.
There really are a lot of HMs in this game. I sadly had to get rid off Pluck to give Star Defog. Oof also finally reached its ultimate form, with Surf completing her move set.
Fantina was really scary for someone whose puzzle is slow elevators and baby math. I thought I was being smart by remembering Steel resists Ghost and teaching Zor Shadow Ball but I completely forgot about Aftermath and Mismagious' Shadow Ball did a shit ton of damage. Luckily Zor survived with 1 HP and I was able to switch out on the Gengar. It took a bit of switching around since it kept landing Confuse Rays but Twig eventually finished it off with a Quick Claw Bite.
I forget how fun the route to Celestic town is, route 210 is very charming and has some pretty challenging fights. Finally get to see the coolest first route bird and Skuntank is pretty cool too. Kinda weird that it learns flamethrower of all moves on evolution tho, seems like Sludgebomb would fit much better, no? The team's almost all grown up now, just Astro left.
Fantina was pretty easily dealt with by Heir and Reek, no issues this time. Scourge didn't even get to show off his shadow ball.

I always just ignore defog, I don't think the accuracy drop and visibility issue is worth losing a moveslot over.
Do love the team though, good to see Torterra get the recognition it deserves.

>He doesn't love the thrill of using metronome
You need to embrace your gambler's heart. Also I always forget Togetic doesn't actually learn Extrasensory by level up and that's just an egg move it gets in HGSS.

Honestly it doesn't hurt that much to miss some early encounters since you'll be seeing a lot of those same mons later anyway.

Sounds like the hack is making it a bit more diffuclt than the base game then. Does the AI still always send their dynamax mon out last? I found the best way to deal with dynamax is to set screens and/or have a dedicated tank just ride out the turns, especially if it has protect or healing moves. Was pretty easy to set up when you know the ace isn't coming out until the end.

Sounds fun. I don't think the 2 hypnosis turns vs 2 yawn turns is actually a fair comparison though, since you get to do other things during the extra yawn turn. You could just protect or moonlight that turn, for example.
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>forgot the image again
>I always just ignore defog, I don't think the accuracy drop and visibility issue is worth losing a moveslot over.
I am to much of a coward to do all those Ace Trainer fights in foggy weather.
I probably would have gotten rid of Quick Attack personally, Staraptor is plenty quick. Aftermath working off Shadow Ball makes no sense to me, how does it count as making physical contact?
It doesn't.
I like having priority, just in case.
The full sequence of events was that I sent Zel first, in the hope to Crunch both Drifblim and Gengar then switch on the Magical Leaf to Zor. It didn't work. Aftermath did a chunck of Zel's HP and Fantina went straight to Mismagious. I switched to Zor but Mismagious used Shadow Ball and did like half of its HP straight away. Zor then survived the second Shadow Ball and killed Mismagious after Fantina wasted a turn healing. Then I tried to fight the Gengar with both Star and Oof but they both kept getting confused and hitting themselves so I send in Twig and won with the priority Bite.
Sorry if it was confusing, hopefully it makes sense now.
It gets easier when you can remember which ones are the threats to avoid, as in the Raichu/Gyarados double battle near the end.
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This is my team so far.

Part 2.

First I headed up north and my Starly evolved into a Staravia which was awesome, I then caught a Buizel at the Valley Windworks. I was able to beat Commander Mars from Team Galactic pretty easy as I just had Staravia spam loads of double teams before she sent out Purugly. After dealing with Team Galactic, I caught a Shellos so now I have two water types and my Turtwig evolved into a Grotle. I tried to catch a Budew in Eterna Forest but unfortunately Cheryl's Chansey used Egg Bomb and defeated it. I would then go on to catch both a Bronzor and a Nosepass in Mount Coronet so now I have a full team of six. Now I have to take on the gym leader Gardenia.

Any advice for Gardenia? It shouldn't be to hard as I have Staravia
Gardenia should be easy to handle, it's Jupiter amd her Skuntank that you need to watch out for.
>Any advice for Gardenia
Click not to misclick wing attack 3-4 times in a row.
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It won't evolve if you don't show her some love
Yes, now protect her at all costs.
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How does a bell hold a bell?
Who hasn't lost a mon just before they evolved? It sucks when it happens, but that's part of the game.
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¿What romhack do I download to become a pokemon master on Nintendo ds, Pendejos?
Renegade Platinum if you're a sadist.
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This is my team so far.

Part 3.

I start today by beating the second gym leader Gardenia. Her three grass types are no match for my Staravia who takes them all out pretty quickly. Afterwards I head to the Old Chateau and catch a Rotom and I decided to put my Buizel in the reserves since I already have a Shellos and I want to make room for Rotom, I can always use Buizel if I lose Shellos so I essentially have a backup water pokemon. Then comes the unfortunate battle with Commander Jupiter, Bronzor took out her Zubat but I unfortunately lost my Staravia to her Skuntank, I tried to spam double team but one Night Slash took it out which infuriated me. I beat her farting Skunk with Shellos. Afterwards I received an egg fro Cynthia, I failed to catch a Gligar but I did catch a Gible in Wayward cave. I put the egg also in reserves and Gible joined the team, I explored Wayward Cave, found Mira, got lost trying to escort her out but it was no big deal and now I'm in Oreburgh City and next time I will be cutting through the mountain that divides Sinnoh between west and east where I shall make my way to the next gym.

Any advice for Fantina? She's the gym leader I've had the trouble with the most in the past.
oh hey the challenge run generator I made got into the OP
Anything that's a "QoL difficulty" DS romhack that is geared towards "hardcore nuzlocke streamers" who get paid and/or spend their entire waking hours "nuzlocking" this shit will fit the bill.
Renegade Platinum, Blaze Black & Volt White, Sacred Gold & Storm Silver, Blaze Black2 & Volt White2 Redux on challenge mode, Pokemon Primeval Black 2, Pokemon Vintage White, Pokemon Black 2 Kaizo, etc. to name a few.
By tying the bell to the bell.
Fantina is not going to be easy, especially without Staravia and its Normal typing. I would replace Nosepass for Buizel just for this battle, it'll only get one shot by Magical Leaf from Mismagius, and Aqua Jet has increased priority. Have designated a berry holder to heal burn, and a couple for confusion if possible.
>manage to find a Teddiursa as my dark cave encounter
>it flees
Why was this a mechanic in gen 2?
Done with the lakes section of the plot. As someone who is more familiar with Platinum, this section of the game really threw me off. The weird selection of pokemon the trainers have, Iron Island and Rock Climb being optional, it just feels like I did a bunch of unnecessary things in the wrong order. Oof is definitely the MVP of this team. She is surprisingly bulky and can hit almost everything quite hard with Strength and Surf. She put a lot of work against the Gym trainers specially, since they are not really monotype and feel more like second Rock and Water Gyms. Zor on the other hand is really frustrating. The lack of Levitate is really annoying with all the Geodudes running around and it feels like everything in this game has some Ground coverage. To make things worse, every other Bronzor I fought, and there are several in this part of the game, seems to have Levitate. I hate it.
Byron and Saturn were a complete joke. Twig and Zel destroyed their entire teams. Mars was a bit scary at first but I was able to put the Purugly to sleep before sending Star and Close Combating it. And thank got I did because apparently the fat cat is faster than my Staraptor.
Candice was definitely the tougher fight of this section. Zor took the Snover no problem but then got immediately put to sleep and confused by the Abomasnow. It got low on health so I switched to Star on a Wood Hammer and Fly it to death. Then came the Sneasel but Oof had no issue handling it. Last was the Medicham, who I assumed was going to use a Fighting move, so I sent Reav. It ended up using Ice Punch instead and doing over half of Reav's HP. Luckily she was faster and Medicham went down in a single Shadow Ball. Reav is another party member that is kinda lagging behind. She is in desperate need of evolving and getting stronger moves.
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And Astro joined the fully evolved team. Haven't had much time to play yet this week but did get around to beating Byron. Some confusion nonsense nearly killed Pecel Lele, but Bastiodon was a pushover like always and went down from a single Close Combat. Having a lot of fun with this team.
I did realise I'm starting to get a little underlevelled though. I completely forgot to do Iron Island, so I'm probably gonna go there so we can train a bit before moving on to the team Galactic stuff. I'm sure those Magikarp can wait a bit.

Glad to see Oof is still going strong! Unfortunately I'm starting to lag behind you now lol.
Thanks for reminding me Candice's Medicham knows Ice Punch, I would've definitely sent Radical out against it otherwise.

It was a really weird decision and I'm glad they realised it sucks and got rid of it. Especially because I'm pretty sure it's just for the rare encounters for some reason?

Platinum Fantina is a real bitch. If you still have a bidoof it might be worth bringing it to help switching without getting shadow balled. And like the other guy said, bring berries.

Just run around for 5 hours lmao. Does gen 4 have different friendship mechanics or something? It always feels like they take longer in the sinnoh games for some reason.
>I'm pretty sure it's just for the rare encounters for some reason?
Isn't it a leftover of the Safari Zone?
I'm pretty sure npc trainer Pokémon are programmed to use their first ability, and for Bronzor that ability is Levitate. Useful information to have, or it would be if you had more than two fire types to use. You're close to getting the dusk stone, the Galactic Warehouse is coming up soon.
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This is my team so far.

Part 4.

I start today by going into Mt Coronet and evolving Nosepass into Probopass, I then get lucky and catch a Ralts and in Hearthome City, Bebe gives me an Eevee though I put him in the reserves for now. I also decided to put Bronzor in the reserves and add Ralts to the party. While grinding, Gible evolves into Gabite and I begin the third gym. I beat Fantina without losing a single pokemon, Probopass paralysed her Duskull and took it out, he then paralysed her Mismagius and dealt some damage so that Grotle could them finish the job and Gabite took out her Haunter with ease. Now I need to leave Hearthome City and carry on my journey, though I'm worried there isn't alot of good encounters inbetween Hearthome City and Veilstone City.
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Pokemon Blaze Black2 Redux 1.4 is brutal to nuzlocke.
Started with Snivy for Normal Mode hardcore nuzlocke and it was going good till Nimbasa City. Lost Patrat, Growlithe and Lotad till that point. .
I didn't know you would be forced to battle Lenora upon entering the city. Lost Audino to Stoutland. Shiny Sandslash died Chandelure's Heat Wave crit. Got out of Elesa's gym but lost Swampert to crit Dragon Pulse from Ampharos. Lopunny was lost to Plasma Grunts cause I forgot that it was back-to-back battle. Huge chunk of the team including Serperior, Emolga and Blastoise waslost to Heartbreaker Charles in triple battle cause I got the order wrong. The run was over but what broke me was the random battle with Sage Rood when I was looking for Sinnoh Starter gift.
Fuck this game, fuck my luck and fuck nuzlocking romhacks. Constant pressure and have to calc everything just to lose to unlucky crits. I play for fun and I will do monotype run if I ever play Pokemon again.
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Littlemon team #13 to beat Alpha Sapphire E4+C
>usual restrictions like no potions in battle etc
>deathless the whole way
I'm not sure if I ever said this in previous posts, but it also has to be a reliable strat too of course.
>Spritzee tank edition
>who needs a full team anyway edition
This was a Gastly & Spritzee duo team originally. Gastly glass cannon + Spritzee tank = champions
And I've always known Slowpoke is somehow strong, but it has poor stats and it's part Psychic so it should be not suitable in this challenge at all. Yet it still was a key member.
Shinx has Intimidate which is always great. Axew was there only to kill Dragalgae.
Pretty nice team.

All time kill list
20: Mienfoo
17: Scyther
15: Munchlax
14: Gastly
11 - 13: Pancham, Shellos, Doduo, Torchic, Staryu, Wailmer, Torchic, Slugma
>gastly dazzgleams everything until mandibuzz
Gastly is glassiest cannonest of them all. I don't think it can take any hit from anything. But it outspeeds everything and hits so hard.
>spritzee kills mandi and megabsol

>gastly everything until mega sableye, but luckily we have intimidate and then spritzee

>gastly kills abo and froslass
>intimidate & spritzee charm slows beartic
>slowpoke sets up against polar bear and kills rest

>gastly kills altaria and hax
>axew kills dragalgae
>spritzee & slowpoke finish the job

>sphinx kills skarmory
>a little bit of intimidate & charm
>slowpoke sets up against aggron and booom

I wish I could write better text or do entertaining videos heh
nice get
And ofc good job
>I play for fun
Crits should be like 1% or something. Fuck crits
I meant to reply to him >>57348533 as well
With Rood, his Bouffalant got 2 crits in a row with Head Charge. Elesa's Ampharos got 2 in a row as well while my mons didn't even hit the range for damage.
I know my luck is bad but these level of hax is heartbreaking and infuriating. Not to mention, losing the coin flip for encounters, IVs and natures as well.
That sounds brutal to go through. That's the reason i don't even considered Nuzlocking Drayano hacks.
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This is my team so far.

Part 5.

I continue my nuzlocke by catching a Roselia after leaving Hearthome City, my Ralts evolves into a Kirlia and then I fail to catch a Duskull in Lost Tower, finally I catch a Lickitung before entering Veilstone City so not much happened.

Any advice for Maylene? I have Kirlia but will that be enough?
Don't underestimate Lucario at this point in the game, it's not weak to psychic and will do a lot of damage to something as frail as Kirlia.
Rotom will probably fare better against it, since the only thing it can hit you with is Metal Claw which Rotom resists.
I concur with the other anon, don't underestimate Lucario.
I think that Marrilocke of his games are suitable for streamers who get paid and/or people who have a lot of free time in hand. Otherwise, it's a stressful experience. I have completed Rising Ruby by Drayano in that format. Had to use infinite rare candies (cheating?), EV train the mons, and calculate almost every fight after Roxanne. It wasn't fun. Got the feeling of going up against Showdown Random battles packed into a game. At least you get Internet points in the form of ladder rank with Showdown...
Once you get to the point of doing pre battle damage calcs, all the fun of the game goes away. If you're up for a challenge that disincentives that, I'd recommend Platinum Redux. Farthest I've gone is a little past Floraroma, but it's always exciting as the gym leaders have more than 6 pokemon they can choose from before the battle. Only hack I've seen do that.
do y'all get autistic about dupes "across" games?

like using a pokemon you used in a different game
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Platinum Redux includes a damage calculator as well and from the looks of it, it seems to tailored towards nuzlockers and streamers despite it stating battles are main focus. Kind of reminds of the creator of Run&Bun who said the game was for anyone but unveiled with a fucking Nuzlocke race with popular nuzlocke streamers.
I could be wrong about the impression of Platinum Redux tho.
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This is my team so far.

Part 6.

I continue my nuzlocke by catching a Hippopotas in the Ruin Maniac Cave, I fail to catch a Rhyhorn and then I catch a Chatot and Croagunk. I decided not to battle Maylene straight away and instead grind by travelling from Veilstone City, cutting through Pastoria City to get to Hearthome City.

Anymore advice for Maylene? I did found the Dawn Stone I need to evolve Kirlia into Gallade so mabye this will change the gym battle.
With Rotom, Gastrodon, Torterra and Gallade, it should be ezpz. Even if you are doing level caps, it's 32. You should be fine.
You mean like a series wide dupes clause? Yes, we do.
Out of curiosity, what are the specifics of the Marrilocke? Looking it up doesn't produce any worthwhile results.
Named after Marriland, another name for "hardcore nuzlocke". Probably the first person to do so if I am not mistaken.
It's been awhile since i've heard the name Marriland. Had no idea he pioneered the hardcore Nuzlocke.
Don't use any Flying types against Maylene, she has coverage against it with Rock Tomb. Otherwise you have the tools to succeed.
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Beat the first 2 gyms in my NAP (Non-Aggression Principle) run of Alpha Sapphire. Roxanne was piss easy, but Brawly was pretty tricky to PP stall between Machop knowing Seismic Toss, Makuhita knowing Knock Off, and both mons knowing Bulk Up.
>Yawn his Machop
>switch to Nincada and max accuracy drops with sand attack
>Ralts spams growls to counter the attack increases from bulk ups until it dies
>keep switching between Zubat and Slakoth to bait out the Seismic Tosses on to Slakoth who can heal up with Slack Off if they hit
>Stall until it’s forced to use the last of its bulk ups again and switch back to Nincada who maxes out defense with harden and facetanks the max attack struggles until both Pokémon faint on the same turn
>Repeat same process of Yawning and then max accuracy dropping his next mon except this time with my Makuhita
>Bring out Dustox who just learned Moonlight from level up, and use Harden until there 6/30 PP left and use a couple moonlights to soak up most of his attacking moves PP
>Use Zubat with its held item to bait out the last of its Knock Offs on to Slakoth who would Encore and heal up if they hit
>Stall out the rest of his PP with switches until he’s forced to use the last of his Bulk ups
>Bring back Dustox once there’s exactly 4 bulk ups left and max out defense with harden and heal with moonlight to tank the struggles until his Makuhita kills itself

I wish I could say I planned it perfectly, but I didn’t actually expect Ralts to die so quickly, and that was my only mon who could lower the attack stage increases, so using Dustox and Nincada’s Hardens to soak up the struggle damage was something I only came up with on the fly.
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This is my team so far.

Part 7.

I started today by grinding my pokemon, first I was able to get my Shellos to evolve into Gastrodon, then I gave a Dawn Stone to my Kirlia and evolve it into a Gallade. Then I took on the fourth gym leader Maylene and beat her pretty easy only using Gallade. All I did was spam was double team first, then used a calm mind before one shotting her Meditite and Machoke with psycho cut, Lucario did take two psycho cuts to get taken down though. After that, I trained some more and my starter evolved into a Torterra. Now I need to prepare for the next gym battle.

Any advice for the next gym leader Crasher Wake? I know his Floatzel uses ice fang which is a problem for my starter.
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And that's the lakes storyline done and Candice beaten. Unfortunately not without some losses.
Radical's death was extremely sudden. I'd been close combatting Gravellers for a while at that point and whenever there was a second one Riley's Lucario took out the other one. No idea why it decided to go for metal claw this time, leaving the second Graveller around to blow up my Staraptor's lowered defenses. I fucking hate the AI sometimes. As for Reek, she died on the way to Snowpoint. The ace trainers in this game really are scary. Maybe I should've just switched to something else on a Machoke but I didn't really see it as a problem until I got wrecked by a critical hit. Sad because there's not that many chances to use the Stunky line and I was quite enjoying it.
Both very nasty losses, and honestly my new team members feel a lot less strong right now. At least we don't have to wait long for the Dusk Stone to get a Honchkrow. Rampardos might not be a great pokemon, probably even a kinda bad one, but my God do I love it. Something very fun about just being all-in on attack, and it gets surprisingly good coverage too. And it looks cool as fuck.
Candice was another pushover, Astro one-shot every ice type and Scourge had no issues with Medicham. Next up: Team Galactic.

Good to hear you got through Maylene without issue, Gallade sounds pretty great for that. Don't forget to teach it Drain Punch, it's a fantastic move and Gallade doesn't learn that many fighting moves for some reason. Wake should be no issue with Torterra and Rotom.

So you've started it, nice! Honestly sounds a bit too slow paced for my taste, but it's a cool concept. Nincada's death is a shame too since it basically loses you another 'mon, and I imagine Shedinja would be pretty great for this kind of run.
>probably even a kinda bad one
Thinking about it I really understated that, it's definitely a bad one. I just don't want to admit it.
If Gastrodon has Storm Drain it will be very useful in tanking Wake's water type moves.
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Attempt number... "whatever, lost count" of HC Nuzlocke of Blaze Black2 Redux in Normal Mode.
Infinite rare candies are no fun. Grinding on wild Audinos at the moment with no care for EVs.
No loss so far and I am about to challenge Roxie.
It would have been nice if I had Magnemite, and Squirtle with Shell Armor, but mine has Torrent and -Def nature. I saw some streamers using save states to reset for encounters. I tried it three times but gave up after seeing same encounters on Virbank City and Virbank City Complex. This alone might invalidate the run but w/e. I don't think I will get to the previous point as well.
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The Aether Paradise wrecked my shit.
Lost Incineroar to a stone edge from Guzma's Pinsir.
And then I lost Mudsdale to Lusamine.
Threw Larvitar and Swinub on the team as replacements to train up for the Necrozma fight.
You're jumping back in again? Well, good luck, and i hope the disdain for this hack doesn't leak over to the main games.
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Wanted to take a rest from nuzlocking so I'm planning on starting a "ranger" fun-run in BW next night; only Bug and Grass types allowed. Mostly vanilla but I'm going to hack egg and tutor moves because having those locked to the postgame/specific entries has always been lame as fuck.

The thing is that while not really being a nuzlocke per se, I still want a bit extra challenge but I don't know if a death clause would be too much. I certainly don't want to end up having to rely on the occasional "cheese" you see being used in monotype nuzlockes to clear the run-enders (evasion shenanigans, boosting a mon to +6 to sweep for free, etc).
So maybe instead of a death clause, just banning the use of healing items in battle would be enough challenge, maybe?
Seems fair.
I have completed HC nuzlockes of most of the vanilla games (Fire Red, Platinum, Black2 and Y was mono buglocke). I love them.
Romhacks are different beast.
Why no Magnezone?
>only Bug and Grass types allowed
Your starter better be a Paras or I riot
Sorry anon, it's gonna be a very special Snivy with Glare and Contrary and a big ego.
Love Parasect myself, but this is a (mostly) vanilla BW run, I want the challenge of having to get by with the relatively limited but still fantastic selection of unovan bugs and grass types. That and I love Leavanny, so...
Also the Relic Castle Volcarona is gonna make for an amazing postgame prize.
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Part 8.

I continued my nuzlocke, I did some grinding and then I took on Crasher Wake and though I won, I lost half my team. So the plan was Rotom vs Gyarados, Torterra vs Guagsire and Gallade vs Float zelda because Floatzel knows ice fang and crunch. First Rotom takes out Gyarados in one hit which is good, then Wake sounds out Floatzel next, I send out Gallade because it knows magical leaf and I attempt to use calm mind first but his Floatzel uses crunch and takes Gallade out in one hit, this annoys me because I thought Gallade being a fighting type would take away its weakness to dark type moves which it would have if it was only a pure psychic. In a panic, I send out Rotom because I need to save Torterra for Quagsire, I deal some damage but I lose Rotom to his Floatzel also. I then send out Torterra hoping with his high defense, he could take an ice fang and finish Floatzel with a razor leaf but nope, Floatzel takes Torterra out in one go. This leaves me in a pickle because I lost the three pokemon I intended to help me win against Wake but then I send out Gastrodon and take out not just his Floatzel but also his Quagsire and I regret not using Gastrodon from the start, truly an underrated pokemon. Atleast I still have Gastrodon, Gabite and Probopass sticking around. I decide to take 3 pokemon out of the reserves and put them on the team even though they are underleveled, these are a Croagunk, a Chatot and a Roselia. It's gonna be a pain in the ass to grind them up.

I should be fine with Byron though as I do have two ground types but is there any advice for grinding?
>is there any advice for grinding?
Train in route 209 until it becomes unbearable and try to thief a lucky egg from a wild Chansey.
It's only a 5% chance they have one, and it's a 5% encounter so you do need a bit of luck.
what apps does everyone use to keep track of everything?
>this annoys me because I thought Gallade being a fighting type would take away its weakness to dark type moves which it would have if it was only a pure psychic
Gallade isn't weak to dark, it's just fragile. it really relies on having a speed advantage. you gotta slow down and take those things into consideration when you're switching into mons. and Torterra is bulky, but not enough to take a 4x weakness. people told you to use Gastrodon for storm drain.

anyway, at least you still have Probopass, Gastrodon and Gabite. that's a solid core. most of your losses would be avoidable if you tightened up a bit, just stay on the ball.
>be me
>newer nuzlocker
>so far running emerald and leaf green
>runs go incredibly until i reach the elite 4
why cant i cook bros?
What do you mean? Like keeping a list of all the runs you've done?
Or do you mean keeping detailed records of each run and the important fights?
both I suppose? I have both nuzlocke.app and the herokuapp open
Welp, I don't actually use any apps myself, I just have a folder where every run has its dedicated folder numbered according to chronological order.
During a run I just take screenshots of key moments, battles and the team members as it progresses, with some occasional quick notes on the filenames, and a txt file for when I need to write down more extensive notes. I find doing this is both simple and effective at giving me a decently thorough summary of my runs in a "reminder format".

Also, in my opinion it's normally not that necessary to keep a record of where you got every single capture, the game already has a function for that in the case you don't want to get captures mixed-up.
The Elite 4 is supposed to be difficult. Part of the game is knowledge, and knowing what the E4 has waiting for you is vital, there's no shame in looking up information.
should I play Renegade Platinum or the Switch hack?
I might be wrong about this, but i think they swapped Crabrawler and Magneton's evolution times in the Ultra games.
I can't really comment on the Switch hack, but you know what you're getting with Renegade Platinum, and i can't imagine the Switch hack being as difficult without Drayano.
I apologise for not using Gastrodon instead, I thought the fight would be quicker with pokemon that had grass and electric moves.
Magneton is my homeboy, especially with the eviolite
you don't have to apologize lol. the type chart can be a noob trap sometimes, gotta think about stats and abilities too. also, quicker isn't always better in a nuzlocke. sometimes the slow and steady is preferable to a fast but risky option. anyway, carry on, you can still do it. have fun grinding.
Magneton is on Blush Mountain which is before Ghost trial. Crabrawler is on Mount Lanakila. You don't have to reach the top as there's a grassy area at the base. Only evolution that is fucked is A-Vulpix if I remember correctly. Rest you can do it before Lusamine.
U didnt used no alola pokemon
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Just beaten Burgh with no deaths. But Wattson's Magneton kills Puncha the Meditite with Shock Wave crit. Two deaths so far Hyena the Mightyena and Puncha the Medtite.
Were'd you founded Relicant in unova ? im suspecting foul play
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This is my team so far.

Part 9.

I continue with my nuzlocke, first I head up to Celestic Town where on my way, I lose my weak Chatot to a trainers Tangela while grinding but it's no big issue because it was underlevelled and I can get better pokemon. I decide to put Bronzong back on the team and then i beat Cyrus in Celestic Town pretty easily with Probopass using rock slide to take down his Sneasel, Golbat and Murkrow. Afterwards I catch a Magmar at the Feugo Ironworks and decide to add him to the team, I decided to put Croagunk in the reserves. Tomorrow I shall use surf to travel to all the areas I can travel to first and then I will head to Canalave City, I might as well get the Riolu egg but assuming I don't lose any pokemon, I should be fine without it.
I'm not a noob though, I've been playing Pokemon Platinum for way over a decade, I played it when it first came out and I've probably touched that game more than any other game.
crasher wake abused my clitty and sodomised me and sat on me with his latex pants. . .
Yeah so a troll typed this, not me.
It's a romhack called Blaze Black2 Redux
what's the "proper" level cap for E4/champ in nuzlockes? Do you bring candies and match the current fight's highest level? Do you match the 4th's highest level? Do you match the champ's highest level?
Just enough to feel confident. In most games being slightly underleveled is not a huge deal.

>cheating in candies.
Pic related.
>retard feels moral superiority over wasting time beating up on -100IQ AI
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For some stupid reason I assumed Cyrus was going to be around lv45 at most and every grunt in the way having super weak teams kinda reinforced that belief. The double battle was quite easy too, Zel deleted everything on the right side of the screen and then Zor dealt with the Golbat and Bronzor. The cat being faster than Star makes no sense but a singe Close Combat was all it took.
I was not ready for Cyrus. I was not expecting to be forced immediately into the fight for starters. Honchkrow kept tanking Ice fangs and getting healed. Zel was able to take it down without taking a hit but the fact it took several turns was definitely a bad omen. Gyarados was next, Reav took a Ice Fang on the switch and was unable to one shot with Thunderbolt. Luckily she barely survived the second Ice Fang and was able to kill it. lv48 Weavile caught me completely off guard. I first switched to Oof hoping to bait the Brick Break and a Crit Night Slash did most of her HP. I switched to Zor hoping to tank the Brick Break but it ended up doing like a third of its HP. It took several Flash Cannons to defeat it and Zor barely survived the fight with 10HP.
With half my team in no condition to fight, Cyrus sends his last pokemon. I send Star first for the Intimidate but Fly does no damage and gets hit with Confuse Ray. Star manages to land a second Fly without hitting herself but Air Slash does a shit ton of damage so I switch to Zer. Crobat takes to Ice Fangs to the face and confuses Zer. The two were pretty low so I foolishly decide to gamble and try to Aqua Jet. I lose the coin flip and Zer dies to confusion. Cyrus uses that turn to fully heal the Crobat.
I send out Twig, to what I assumed was going to be his death, to try chip the Crobat's HP enough a Quick Attack can kill it. Twig then proceded to prove me wrong and assert his place as team leader by tanking the Poison attacks no problem and Rock Climbing the bat to death.
On retrospective, I probably should've sacrificed Reav.
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We went through the team Galactic stuff pretty easily, but Dialga's Roar of Time is fucking insane. I figured Pecel Lele was probably the only one on the team who could survive one but nope. Dialga immediately used it and poor Whiscash got deleted from the timeline instantly. Thankfully Astro could then demolish it with a Close Combat and a Mach Punch before it could recharge and take down someone else.
I did want to replace Whiscash with a Milotic but I was too impatient to catch one, let alone evolve it. Instead we have Howitzer the Octillery, always thought it's a fun mon and I love the coverage it gets. I wanted to stack up some ice moves for Garchomp anyway. No idea why I keep getting sassy pokemon, but my team must be unbearable to be around now.
Losing my ground type just before Volkner was rough, the battle ended up being a close one. Astro got static'd right away which really limited how much it could do. Things would've been rough if he didn't break through paralysis to hit a clutch mach punch on Luxray. Things would've been even rougher if Volkner hadn't decided to go for the 3rd nasty plot on Ambipom, or it would've probably wrecked Warhead and I don't think I had anything that could outspeed it after that. Scary stuff, but it worked out.

Damn, tough loss. Cyrus is a pretty scary dude all around, the battle just starting caught me off guard too. I imagine Palkia will tear through the rest of the game though.

>Do you bring candies and match the current fight's highest level?
Don't use candies but I just grind to whatever midground level I feel is appropriate. Usually somewhere around the level of the 3rd member. I don't mind if I'm a bit stronger than the 1st.

Sounds like a pretty rough patch. I feel like both Bronzor and Probopass is doubling down on defense a bit too hard, but that might just be me. Lucario is always a fantastic back-up option to have.
I don't know if there is a proper level, it just depends on the runner and how they play. I go with the champ's ace usually.
sure, but nuzlockes are a different game. you gotta think about things differently. anyway, I'm not trying to rib on you too much, good luck
what about Hoenn hacks? I know Drayano has something for ORAS but Emerald Imperium is newer
My 2 alolan pokemon just died
The only time Rock Climb has ever been useful. So you're taking Palkia to the championship?
How are Spiritomb and Rampardos treating you? The former has typing over the rest of the game, but do you have to heal after every battle with the latter?
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This is my team so far.

Part 10.

Starting today, I continue grinding to get stronger. While grinding, I surf to all the water areas and battle all the swimmers I can battle. I manage to catch a Finneon and Bronzor evolves into Bronzong. Right now though, I'm in Canalave City, I plan on going to Iron Island first to grind the rest the rest of my pokemon before taking on Byron.
You're gonna go through a gauntlet of double battles, so be prepared.
Spiritomb is a lifesaver. Can basically switch into him anytime things start going bad, very reliable. Hypnosis being 70 accuracy in DP (for some reason) helps a lot too.
Rampardos is alright. I do have to heal him a bit more than the others, but since he oneshots nearly everything it kinda balances out. I'm actually shocked at how often he does outspeed stuff.
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So I lost again but this time way earlier to Colress. Idea was to use Volt Switch from Electrode popping Magmemite's Air Balloon. Eviolite Pignite should have killed Rotom-F and Magnemite while rest of the team could have taken care of Metang, Porygon2 and Klink. Planning was good but damn the three back to back flinches from Air Slash with crit on the last one killed Pignite. Rest of them were cleaned up by Tri Attack of Porygon2. It even managed to get two SpAtk boosts in a row with Charge Beam. Fuck this game and fuck my luck.
I am conflicted as of now. Whether to continue normally or start some kind of challenge like monotype run. What do you guys suggest?
Finally finished Silver! A short gauntlet through Kanto and a one mon sweep of Red and there it is, finally we move on to Crystal
If you're not enjoying yourself i would recommend the monotype run.
I would expect that from Spiritomb, they put it on Cynthia's team for a reason, but i didn't think Rampardos has the statspread to keep up. Just goes to show there's more to it than just raw statspreads.
Just randomly thought of a monotype-based run and wanted to write it somewhere.
>before starting, spin a type wheel to choose a type
>pick any starter, but can only use it until you find something of that type
>upon beating a gym, spin the wheel again and choose another type
>go back to starter if you don't have anything of that type
>repeat after every gym, after the eighth gym you're locked on that type until finishing the game so good luck
Feels pretty easy and it's just an excuse to add variety to monotype runs, I'll give it a try the next time I can play.
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This is my team so far.

Part 11.

Sorry for being late as I didn't have time to play pokemon Platinum yesterday but I got some done today. First I went to Iron Island to grind my team where Riley gave me an egg and then I went and battled Byron who is the easiest gym leader ever. All his pokemon go down in one hit, Gabite used Dig against his Magneton, Magmar uses Lava Plume against his Steelix and Gastrodon used Mud Bomb against his Bastiodon. Ill be playing later too to make up for not playing yesterday where I will be dealing with Team Galactic commanders.

Any advice for Saturn and Mars?
Thanks, I will give it a go. Nuzlocke of romhacks is a pain. I play Pokemon during my free time to have fun but to Nuzlocke them requires a lot of efforts as it seems. Running the battle through damage calc as these streamers do is an option but it sucks the fun out of it. Even then luck is not in my side as I almost always lose the coin flip on RNG.
Nuzlocking vanilla games is fun tho.
You should be fine dealing with Saturn and Mars, if Bronzong has Levitate it should be able to take out Saturn's Toxicroak easily.
I do also wanna play a Kanto game but I'm still waiting on Aurora Crystal and since I've never played any Gen 1/primary Kanto region game before I guess I'm kind of committed to the bit
Rampardos' biggest issue is switching into things from what I've noticed so far, because it will probably take 2 hits before it can start attacking. Having someone that can put stuff to sleep helps with that. Once it's in it can usually take around two hits and will probably ohko whatever's in front of it.
So that means it's second biggest issue is longevity, because it does need to switch out after taking just a few hits. But considering the damage it's done in that time that's usually not the worst tradeoff.
Basically it's at its best as a lead with teammates to fall back to.
Probopass is always an underrated pic. With that bulk, it's fairly easy to live a suprise ground/fighting type move and there are always great times to use rock STAB even with low offense.
Very conservative picks for a champs clause run. Kinda what the whole challenge is all about. And then there's Alakazam lol. Nice team.
Hack was fun, but got distracted by Peglin for a few days and when I went back to the nuzlocke generator, everything was wiped. Took it as a sign to get back on my nuzlocke series. So far Emerald is pretty fun. Got a whole slew of Grass types so maybe Wallace won't be that bad. Whole slew of Poochyena which makes my uninspired name theme obvious. Think I might let Teal hang in the back as I can always use a Treecko for AS and XD is pretty cool. Torn between using Shuffle for most of the game especially to handle Wattson, or bringing it back in only at the E4 so I can do Spore+Leech Seen shenanigans. Might bust out my Gyarados encounter out for Flannery.
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This is my team so far.

Part 12.

After Team Galactic blow up the lake, I head to Lake Valor where I battle Commander Saturn. Now Bronzong was able to defeat his Golbat but it got confused and it didn't know levitate so I sent out Gabite to defeat Toxicroak and then I had Magmar take out his Bronzor. Next I head to Lake Verity to battle Commander Mars, Bronzong takes out her Golbat, Magmar takes out her Bronzor and Gabite takes out her Purugly. I then head all the way up North to the snowy areas to make my way to the Snowpoint City, on my way, I decide to give Roselia the light stone evolving it into a Roserade and I'm able to catch a Snover. At the Lake Acuity front, I fail to catch a Swinub but I'm able to catch another Swinub in route 217. Finally after making it to Snowpoint city, I give Magmar the Magmarizer and she evolves into Magmortar. Now I shall take on Candice next time.

Any advice for Candice? I've got Magmortar for her Abomasnow but you also have her other pokemon.
you don't want to rely on hitting through snow cloak stuff if you can help it. Do you have a Sunny Day tm?
I did champion's ace on my last nuzlocke.
Final E4's ace seems better as a challenge.
First E4's ace is retarded.
Play your cards right and this should be easy. Set up Sunny Day with Magmortar and it'll take out Sneasel and Abomasnow, Piloswine too, but i would only take that risk of it comes out second and not Abomasnow, otherwise Gastrodon would be my choice to take it on. Probopass can tank anything Frosslass can throw at it, but the issue is gonna be landing the hits if it uses Double Team.
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Part 13.

I take on the seventh gym leader Candice who is my favourite gym leader in Sinnoh by the way and I beat her. Probopass takes out her Sneasel, Gastrodon takes out her Piloswine and Magmortar takes out both her Abomasnow and Frosslass. After that, I catch a Sneasel at Lake Acuity and then I head to Team Galactics base and begin infiltration, right now I'm only half way through but I got the key.

Any advice for the upcoming fight with Cyrus, Saturn and then the final fight with Cyrus? I know it's gonna be difficult because of how he is.
Late game Sinnoh seems kinda silly on paper because of the lack of pokemon but it ended up being surprisingly tough. The lack of diversity somehow makes the teams more diverse. That Octillery in the electric Gym was scary, not as scary as the deluge of self-destructing Graveler and No Guard Machoke in Victory Road but still quite scary. I am kinda worried the E4 may be tougher than it looks now.
Other than the octopus, the Volkner fight went smoothly. Twig just Earthquaked everything. The problem was that I switched him out fearing an Ice attack and Reav failed to OHKO with Thunderbolt. Then it started setting up with Charge beam on her and like an idiot started panicking and switching around. Luckily Zor was able to land a Psychic before things out too out of hand.
The last rival fight was also kinda rough because of Reav. She had no problem killing the Staraptor but the Floatzel survived the Thunderbolt and froze her with Ice Fang. I then switch to Oof, who takes no damage from a Crunch, and finish it off. In return he sends his Heracross and I sit there for like a minute trying to decide who to send because between its coverage and its high attach, nothing in my team really wants to take a hit from it. Or at least, thats why I thought. In reality, Star just ends up taking no damage from a Night Slash and proceeds to kill half his team no problem. I guess killing all those Graveler and Steelix gave my team really high defenses. Barry's last mon was Roserade but since Star was low after Close Combating the Snorlax a couple times, I have Zor finish it off to be safe.

Palkia has honestly not been nearly as OP as I thought it would be. It could be because it was kinda under-leveled for most of Victory Road but Pal kinda struggled with most of the fights in there. It almost died twice to wild Golbat.
Saturn, you can probably just do what you did last time. Cyrus can't really damage Probopass here, so he won't be too difficult. Now, you have a double battle against Mars and Jupiter at the top of Mt Coronet, so you need to be ready for that. My strategy is just focusing down one of them until all their Pokémon are KO'd, leaving you and Barry to finish off the remaining admin. Distortion World Cyrus relies on you taking out his Gyarados, which isn't easy since it has moves that counters all but Gastrodon. Levitate on Bronzong would be extremely useful here, but alas. I encourage you to formulate a plan for Cyrus, he's a run ender for a reason.
Goated names. I presume the naming theme is spin-offs?
Not much to say about the first two gyms, so I skipped straight to the third, where the beast of dairy was taken down by a brilliant teamwork between Toga Party and Cuntegory (Leech Seed really is fantastic)

>Very conservative picks for a champs clause run. Kinda what the whole challenge is all about. And then there's Alakazam lol. Nice team.

Yeah, I always try to push the limit of what I can get away with when it comes to my nuzlocke teams, Gen 2 is very forgiving so going in with an Alakazam, a Steelix and 4 funmons is totally workable, haha
If there was any Pokémon that would almost kill a legendary, it would be fucking Golbat and its Confuse Ray spam.
I used Exeggcute in a HG run, had to baby it the entire run. Though once it got Psychic and evolved for Leaf Storm, it was worth it. Shame it doesn't learn Psychic naturally here.
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It took me a while to train up, but now it's Elite 4 time!

>Send out Warhead, rockslide Dustox to bait out Heracross for Astro to Flare Blitz
>Flare Blitz Beautifly next, back to Warhead on Drapion
>Earthquake it to death, then Rock Slide the Vespiquen
Dustox and Beautifly are not E4 material. I'd put it down to DP pokedex shenanigans but.. Mothim and Wormadam are there?

>Lead with Scourge and go for hypnosis shenanigans because no grass moves
>Get countered by Quagsire's Double Team shenanigans, takes about 100 years before it goes down
>Howitzer Surfs Sudowoodo, Golem & Hippowdon. Slowly chipped away by
>Back to Spiritomb to eat Whiscash's dreams
Not having a grass move hurt me here, definitely lucked out on the AI's move choices. If Hippowdon had attacked instead of cursed and Scourge hadn't switched into a Zen Headbutt it could've been ugly.

This is about the time I finally realised that the DP AI must just be picking moves randomly. Looked it up and turns out that's actually right? What the fuck is up with that? Am I retarded for not noticing that earlier?

>Howitzer surfs Rapidash, but not before it sets up sunny day and solar beams for big damage, Infernape now real scary
>Scourge to the rescue, barely surives, puts it to sleep and eats its dreams, sunny day now doesn't matter
>Astro beats Lopunny & Steelix, Heir beats Drifblim
Extremely scary for 1 turn, then not at all

>Boss used Night Slash! A critical hit! It's super effective!
>Oh and also Scourge put Bronzong to sleep so Warhead could come in and Earthquake it
It's finally Boss' turn! Razor Claw + Super Luck + Night Slash = great fun.

Then it was time for the final battle. Used my rare candies here to buff our 2 ice type users a bit.
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>Start with a Spiritomb-off, mine is faster and puts hers to sleep. Win without taking damage.
>Roserade next, dream-eat for recovery, then leave it to Boss
>Gastrodon next, switch into Howitzer. Try to wear it down with surf, but a surprise crit Stone Edge kills her, Boss finishes it
>Milotic next, let Heir fight it for a bit, but then she switches to motherfucking Garchomp
Because apparently clicking the super effective move it too difficult for the AI but this perfect hard switch isn't?
>Switch to Boss stupidly expecting EQ, get Brick break'd instead. Switch to Scourge, luckily into another Brick break.
>Barely survive Dragon Rush, put it to sleep & switch into Warhead, my remaining ice move.
>Garchomp Wakes up turn 1 and actually uses Earthquake this time
>All according to Keikaku..!
>Warhead's Shuca berry reduced the damage! Warhead annihilates Garchomp with Avalanche
>Milotic comes back in, switch back to Heir. Ice beams hurt but take it down with Spark
>Lucario last. Only Astro has enough health to take it on, but if it switches in on an earthquake or psychic he's dead
>Can't risk losing the coinflip and have to let Heir go down. It only used Aura Sphere..
>Astro ohko's Lucario with Flare Blitz
And we won! Despite having 4 mons left that was actually ridiculously close. If I had risked the coinflip and lost that Lucario would've swept my remaining team with ease. Sucks to lose Heir just before the finish line, but it was the only way and it didn't feel fair to let one of the other 3 take that hit instead either.
Spiritomb may be the real MVP, but Rampardos is my hero. It was meant to be a stupid back-up to avenge Howitzer if she died fighting it, but it came in clutch.
Can't believe every single of my female mons died, what a misogynistic game.

The God of Space kneels before the random bat. Is Oof still carrying it's weight?

Cute team! Hope they make it far!
Congrats! Sucks to lose Luxray right at the end, but great to see Rampardos going the distance! Any reason why Hier didn't have Thunder Fang? What's next for you?
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This is my team so far.

Part 14.

I continue my infiltration into Team Galactics HQ, I battle and beat Cyrus for a second time, Probopass beats his Sneasel, Crobat and Honchkrow with just Rock Slide. Then I battle Commander Saturn and beat him. Gastrodon took out his Toxicroak, Magmortar took out his Bronzor and Bronzong took out his Golbat. Then I head all the way to Spear Pillar to stop Team Galactic, at the top I battle both Mars and Jupiter, Magmortar is able to take out both their Bronzors but the rest of their Pokémon get taken out by my rival so I left him do most of the work. I head into the distortion world and battle Cyrus for the last time and though his fight was difficult, I still won in the end. Gastrodon took out his Houndoom and while it struggled to defeat Gyarados, ot still won. Probopass took out his Honchkrow, Magmortar took out his ace Weavile and Bronzong finished the fight by dealing with his Crobat. After dealing with Team Galactic once and for all, I try and fail to catch Girantina.

Any advice for the final gym leader Volkner? I've got two ground types and a grass type so I should be fine.
First, congrats on the clean sweep on Cyrus. Second, if you still have the Earthquake TM, give it to Garchomp along with Soft Sand or a Pecha berry since it won't outspeed Jolteon. Just be warned that Luxray has Ice Fang, and I doubt Garchomp can survive that.
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Ready to take on the E4 in ultra moon.
Rate the team.
Because thunderfang does the same damage as spark and I didn't think the flinch chance was worth the risk of missing. Especially since Heir had a negative speed nature so wasn't going first as often as it should anyway.
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This is my team so far.

Part 15.

I haven't beaten Volkner yet, I've been grinding and battling the remaining trainers. I did catch a Dusclops and I failed to catch a Electabuzz. Tomorrow I shall finish grinding and setting up my team to deal with Volkner.
Is this a Platinum run or D/P?
Team looks great either way
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>Start blind randomizer nuzlocke of infinite fusion
>Hanging out in viridian city and can only grind during the day because at night fucking horrifying fused full evo abominations come out
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Finally managed to pull a team together after a few close calls and losses, randomizer was kinder to me after I survived Veridian Forest. A quest giver claimed he found the Golem on the side of the road and carried it all the way to the motel before giving him to me as a gift. I only know of one man who sees a 700 pound boulder and decides to take it home, so I named him accordingly.
Any good Pokemon romhacks?
None, I'm afraid.
Congratulations on finishing the run. Love seeing Rampardos put some work in.
>Because apparently clicking the super effective move it too difficult for the AI but this perfect hard switch isn't?
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Another Nuzlocke for the books.
Alola was a lot of fun and I don't think I gave it a fair rating when I first played all those years ago.
The last fight was pretty easy, Salamence was an obvious beast. It's my favourite pokemon so I'm glad that I was able to use it on a run finally.
Magneton was also insane to use and imo much better than Magnezone with eviolite.
TTar was overpowered as fuck with a good nature and EV training. Had good synergy with sand stream since half my team were immune to sand.
Starmie was the most recent addition and didn't really do much. Just slapped on specs and called it a day.
Hawlucha was the OG and it saved my run countless times right from the start. Never used one before but glad I did.
Last is Mamoswine, thing is a beast even if I had to keep it as a Piloswine right up until the E4.
A friend of mine lent me Sword and I think I'm going to relax with a normal playthrough since I skipped gen 8 when it released. It'll be a nice break after 80 hours of Ultra Moon.
Got it. I just had incredible luck with it in my own run, i think it only missed twice through the entire run.
That's a seriously stacked team. It says something when Starmie is somehow the least useful team member.
I'll give Alola credit, it gives you some of the best team building options out of the entire series, just having to sit through the cutscenes kill it for a lot of people.
With the four mid-game gyms taken care of we're now facing the end game of Johto! The gyms were thankfully easy enough to get through, Zamanta mostly sweeping through Morty, Toga Party (as an Exeggcute) mostly taking out Chuck with some help from Zamanta, Cuntegory and Toga Party dealing with Jasmine and Tex-Mex taking down Pryce all on his own
I've managed to get the Fire Stone for Sparkle (thanks to the DST switching technique), but I want to grind him to level 50 before using it to get Flamethrower, only having Flame Wheel just feels sad and Fire Blast has shaky accuracy and low PP for a main stab move

Yeah, not getting Psychic naturally is a little lame, on top of not getting any Grass moves naturally at all, but Leech Seed alone has more than made up for it honestly, on top of having access to Sleep Powder now
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This is my team so far.

Part 16.

My Gabite evolves into a Garchomp while grinding and I'm ready to take on Volkner. First I use Roserade to set up Toxic Spikes so that all of his pokemon can be poisoned, then Roserade restores her health with Giga Drain and takes out Jolteon, Volkner then sends out Luxray, Electivire and Raichu in that order poisoning them all, Gastrodon takes out Luxray with a Mud Bomb, Garchomp uses Dig to take out his ace Electivire and Raichu gets taken out a Magmortar using Lava Plume. Non of his pokemon went down in a single hit but I beat him and it was a little bit easier than I expected. Now I've got all gym badges and it's time for me to take on victory road.

Any advice for Victory Road? I know there are some tough battles.
What settings should I use for a blind nuzlocke of Unbound?
>A friend of mine lent me Sword and I think I'm going to relax with a normal playthrough since I skipped gen 8 when it released. It'll be a nice break after 80 hours of Ultra Moon.
Be sure to get the DLC, its much better than the main game and helps with dexit.

Also just a thought on Alola,once you get SOS and orbs, would SOS your first encounter be considered kosher in a Nuzlocke? It's still the same encounter but it's a different mon.
I allowed SOS encounters, but I didn't end up catching a single one.
Sort of like how walking in tall grass can give you the option between 2 pokemon.
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Been going through all the blue games lately anyway so next up is X. I do like how every first Kalos team looks completely different, yet somehow I've managed to get the same monkey from Santalune forest as in my Y run.
Not much to comment on yet. I usually find Viola's Vivillon surprisingly scary but with half a team strong to it we had little issue taking it down. Kalos really opens up after the first visit to Lumiose so my team is subject to change very soon. Not quite sure who's coming along and who's getting benched yet, kinda depends on what we get next.

Always found Platinum Volkner to be less scary than DP honestly, because he just doesn't have many answers for ground types and absolutely nothing to threathen any of the multiple water/grounds you get in Sinnoh.
Don't forget to pick up the Earthquake TM in Wayward Cave for Garchomp, pretty sure it doesn't learn it naturally in gen 4.

Respect for being willing to tough it out for flamethrower with Growlithe, I've always hated how long they force you to wait for that move. How is Quilfish keeping up?

Congrats! USUM isn't easy so great job! That's a real powerhouse team too so not surprised it went well.
>Alola was a lot of fun and I don't think I gave it a fair rating when I first played all those years ago
I can relate to that, I was surprised how much I loved nuzlocking USUM, the Totems are a really fun challenge. I think you're kinda in for a culture shock with how easy Sword will feel afterwards though but I imagine that will be a lot more relaxing.

That Eevee/Paras(?) mix is adorable, even though lore-wise that's kinda dark. Absolutely hate the abomination that is that Beedrill/Vulpix though.
You got any specific rules behind fusing/unfusing pokemon?
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I lost Queen Boo to LOL DRAGON RAGE. My jimmies are rustled.
However we found a replacement almost immediately and a shady saleman conned me out of a perfectly good magikarp, bait and switching me with a Torkoal for 500 pokebucks.
Current round-up:
My starter. Unflappable and filled with DETERMINATION. Hits like a truck, surprisingly doing well even against steels and other resists.
My closer and a very kicky boi. Found him malding over by Route 3 and has been my phys dps ever since.
>How do they work?
Found almost immediately after Queen Boo died to some asshole rando trainer. Nice consolation prize and elec/steel coverage.
>Quarry King
Gifted to me by a particularly mundane boulder collector after I showed him a fully grown Beedrill.
My pointmon. Generally weaker than the rest of the group but can take care of the small fry easily enough.
Started with Splash, then learned Withdraw. Trying their best.

Thankfully it's just an Eevee with a mushroom hat. I'm using relatively loose rules given this is a blind randomized nuzlocke so I'm accepting gift pokemon, will fuse as desired, etc.
Hey guys, what is the hardest pokemon game to nuzlocke? After Platinum, I want a challenge.
Having done them all, I'd say Ultra Moon/Sun. Also one of the most fun without mods since it has a really nice spread of available mons.
For me it's B2W2.
Some people say USUM but I got really lucky with encounters so I managed pretty well.
Just from the regular games? Gotta be USUM imo, the Totems are some of the toughest fights in the games with Ultra Necrozma hands down the toughest unless you encounter a Zorua. And a lot of the regular trainer fights aren't slouches either.
BW2 challenge mode is quite difficult too despite the trainer stats not being calibrated right. And for extra challenge you can set the level cap to the old gym levels if you want.
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Our newest addition looks like the mere act of existence is agony to him.
and he joined none too soon, we need a replacement abomination after FUCKING GARY KILLED FIREBUG WITH A CRIT GOD DAMN IT
>How is Quilfish keeping up?

Well, about that
Barely 5 trainers or so after the last update Tex-Mex managed to fall to an untimely crit Selfdestruct, which I'm sure was barely a KO even then from the level difference and Tex-Mex's decent Defense, but nevertheless that prompted some restructuring. It's not like I was at a loss for Water encounters, but none really appealed at the moment so I decided to axe my Union Cave encounter (which realistically would've been the Friday Lapras) to get myself a Kabuto egg. It's definitely playing a bit fast and loose with the rules, but after the thousandth nuzlocke or so I welcome a bit of fun and fresh air.

The rest of the Rocket detour went completely unremarkable, and Lady Ma'am had a wonderful gym debut where she bulldozed her way through all the dragons (and faux-dragons) of Blackthorn Gym, securing our 8th badge. Now there's just a few more levels of grinding standing between us and the league, exciting times!

He looks like he just realized he forgot to turn the oven off, I love him

Seconding what some others have said, USUM can be brutal if you don't prepare and/or you don't get real lucky with your encounters, the fact that many trainers have EV trained mons makes those games real scary. Also XD Gale of Darkness can catch you real off guard at times, I remember my first attempt my graveyard was probably 1/3 the available mons
I'd probably go easier with the settings, no sense in going balls to the wall and losing early on.
Thanks anon
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After spending several hours screaming while being forced to stare into the uncaring abyss of the unending void, our new companion's mind and body has finally adjusted to the infinity of the cosmos. The pot helmet also seems to please their unknowable desires.
Furthermore we've also found two new friends. One from a new route and another by helping a gentleman in pewter finish his garden.
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I think I just accidentally actually joined team rocket when I thought we were just doing the old "nab a uniform, infiltrate and fight the captain" scheme. They even gave me A Zubat as my work partner.
Need an opinion. Since I had to purposely faint it in order to own it, should it count as a captured mon or does it go directly into the graveyard?
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Wrapping up the night with a view of my current living roster. Since we've now become team rocket members I felt it was important to make sure my mons played the part as well.
If it's for a scripted event I'd say it doesn't count as dying.

That Glalie-Nidoking is the coolest shit I've ever seen. Love that they're all wearing team rocket caps too.
Tough to decide, but i agree with other anon, if it's a scripted KO and you can't get around it i wouldn't count it.
You're gonna have a ton of options for party members at least, that's one of Kalos' strengths. Also, watch out for the Dragon Rage Axew on route 8.
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This is my team so far.

Part 17.

Today I made it all the way through victory road and I have done every battle possible before the elite four and champion. Tomorrow I will begin and my pokemon will only be level 51 (which is two levels lower than Aarons Drapion) when I begin because I don't want to be overlevelled, I want a challenge and not just an easy win that I would get if I grinned my team to level 60 which is two levels lower than Cynthia's Garchomp.

Give me all the advice you can, I will be playing tomorrow. Any moves I should give to my pokemon? I don't need to worry about HMs anymore so I plan on deleting them all and I have a dead Staravia that knows fly to help me get back to the league.
I've never played Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon despite having Ultra Sun, if I did a nuzlocke, I'd probably have to pay attention to the story so I know where I have to go but I honestly kinda just want to skip all the cutscenes which there was in Pokemon Sun and Moon. Is the game cutscene heavy or did they tone it down?

Also I've never used a Tsareena despite wanting to use it but it's hard to get in a nuzlocke since I think the only way to get it is to trade with an NPC.
The game is pretty cutscene heavy, but you can safely mash A through all the dialogue without missing anything, the bottom screen map will put a marker over the next place you have to go so you always know where to go. Also you can get Tsareena pretty reliably by encountering a Steenee in the rustling grass in Lush Jungle (70% chance).
usum is still cutscenes heavy and you can't skip them, but like anon above said you can just mash a through them and you'll be fine. the major story beats are mostly the same as SM anyway.
I guess it is fitting these are the guys that made it to the end.
Aaron was relatively easy. Zor dealt with the Hoenn bugs, Star Brave Birded the Heracross, Reav failed to oneshot the Vespiquen with a 4x move, the usual. Drapion was the only issue after it Ice Fanged Twig in the switch but Pal handled it no problem.
Bertha was frustrating but easy. Reav continued her streak of almost killing stuff with super effective moves by failing to oneshot Quagsire and Whiscash, then Twig Leaf Stormed the rest of her team.
Flint is were shit started to go wrong. Rapidash set up the sun, weakening Pal's Surf. Then Infernape came in and killed it with a crit. Star had no problem finishing the Infernape but Pal was the closest thing to an strategy I had for Cynthia so it was a huge loss. While I was thinking about what to do, Oof was slowly chipping away at the Steelix. Then I weaponized Reav's low damage output to kill the Lopunny while taking minimum damage from Mirror Coat. Lastly, Zor no diff the Drfblim.
Lucian was a bit of a shitshow. Mr Mime set up screens so Twig's Crunches were doing no damage. I ended up stalling it out with star's Fly on Medicham but even without screens, Alakazam and Bronzong were taking no damage and taking them down was pretty much a team effort.
Needless to say, I was terrified of Cynthia.
Things started out well, with Zor putting the Spiritomb to sleep and then landing a crit. Then Reav continued her thing of not killing Water/Ground types with a Grass move by not oneshoting the Gastrodon. I guess that intimidated Cynthia enough to send in her ace right away. After a bit of swapping around between Star and Reav to lower its attack, I send in my ace, Oof the Bibarel, and killed the dragon with the power of friendship. Lucario was next and Twig Earthquaked it after taking a couple Psychics and getting his special defense lowered. Roserade was no problem for Zor but by the time Milotic came out, pretty much my entire team was in red health. Zor was the healthiest one so I decided to stay in and do as much damage as I could so someone else could finish it off. Zor more than surpassed my expectations, chipping more than half of its HP before going down. Oof then finished the fight with a Return.
Overall, this team felt quite odd. I am not sure if I got unlucky with IVs or DPs meme mon distribution gave them weird EVs but things never went quite as I expected. None of my mons ever did as much damage as I thought they should but they also all could take hits way better than I thought they could. They were simultaneously a very reliable and unreliably bunch. This was also my most consistent team now that I think about it. Outside of the few unlucky deaths, I never had the need to swap anyone out nor the desire to use any of the guys in the box.
Pretty interesting team so far. Zany is an insane pokemon this early, I was lucky my other Granite Cave encounters were champions. Still gonna try to bring Darkness all the way, as I adore that line. The tricky part is that I don't really have any good pokemon (and route 117 won't change that) for Wattson except if I evolved Shuffle. However, I'm not sure if a non-Spore Breloom would be enough (even with XD and the New Mauville encounter) for Wallace. Would you evolve now and get Mach Punch for the Magneton or wait for Sleep+Leech Seed tech at the E4?
Congratulations! Nice seeing OOF pulled through to the end. I've mainly played hacks of gsc/frlg/rse so I'm fairly used to the E4 there, but Sinnoh's sounds terrifying if even a Palkia gets killed that fast.
I've nuzlocked it a few times and never got much past Totem Togedemaru (Bastiodon is actually pretty good this game). Very very scary game, especially in the early part. 100% reccomend.
Self-Destruct is the killer you need to prepare for, that's why Golem is the GOAT of Johto.
Aside from Earthquake on Garchomp, i would give Ice Beam to Gastrodon. Don't, i repeat, don't try and outspeed Cymthia's Garchomp with your own , it won't work.
Congrats! I went ahead and checked your team's natures, you have some wack natures.
The way i look at it, tech for the E4 doesn't matter if you wipe beforehand, and Emerald Wattson is more than capable of causing a wipe.
for me, it’s B/W. I don’t know why but it feels like my Pokémon are made of tissue-paper.
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any hoenn enthusiasts here?
I got a sudden, violent urge to nuzlocke alpha sapphire. any tips, hints, advice, secret tech would be appreciated.
Avoid some routes if the pokemon selection isn't what you want and you aren't desperate. That way after you beat Kyogre, you can get some cool dexnav exclusive mons.
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This is my final team. Unfortunately I lost my nuzlocke.

Part 18.

First battle against Aaron. Probopass uses Rock Slide to eliminate both Yanmega and Vespiquen in one go, Magmortar uses Flamethrowet to eliminate both Heracross and Scizor in one go and finally Garchomp uses Earthquake to eliminate Drapion. Aaron defeated.

Second battle against Bertha. Roserade uses Petal Dance to eliminate the Whiscash, then i switch to Gastrodon to use Ice Beam on Gliscor, her Hippowdon sets up Sandstorm before Rosesade takes out with Grass Knot so I heal Roserade with Giga Drain while taking out Golem and finish Rhyperior off with another Grass Knot, all pokemon went down in one hit. Bertha defeated.
Third battle against Flint. First Gastrodon uses Muddy Water to take out Houndoom but not before it gets burned, I switch out to Garchomp to use Dig on Rapidash and take it out in one hit but then out comes Flareon and I send Gastrodon back out, unfortunately Surf doesn't take it out in one hit and Flareons deals alot of damaged and Gastrodon succumbs to the burns, the oldest member on my team who is still alive finally dies. Probopass uses Rock Slide to finish off the Flareon and Infernape and Flints Magmortar, not mine are taken out in one hit by Garchomps Earthuake. Flint defeated.

Fourth battle against Lucian. First, Bronzong uses a few Shadow Balls to take down Mr Mime who keeps setting up light screen and reflect making it a little difficult, then Flint sends out his Bronzong and I send out Magmortar and take it out with two Fire Blasts. Then it's my Bronzong against his Gallade and though it takes a while, Gallade is taken out, then Alakazam is next and though I try to have Garchomp use Crunch, it gets taken out with one Psychic due to Alakazam getting a crit eliminating probably my strongest pokemon on the team. Bronzong finishes of the Alakazam and I leave Probopass to take out his annoying Espeon. Lucian defeated.
The final battle with Cynthia begins, first she sends out Spiritomb but before Probopass can take it out, she switches out to a Garchomp, it's then that I realised how fucked I am and the Gastrodon I planned on using against it with Ice Beam was defeated earlier and I pretty much stand no chance. So what happens? Her Garchomp proceeds to one shot all of my remaining four pokemon one by one, first Roserade, then Bronzong, then Magmortar and finally Probopass. I lost the nuzlocke. The end.

I know I may have lost but I really enjoyed my nuzlocke. I'm thinking off doing an Ultra Sun nuzlocke. I do like the pokemon and aesthetic of gen 7 and Alola but I've never played the ultra games and I've only completed Sun once because even when the games came out, I just couldn't get into them because of cutscenes and how the game is structured. I may struggle with Ultra Sun.
how are you switching your pokemon so frequently, are you playing on switch mode

well anyway, sorry for your loss. it sucks to lose right at the final battle. but hey at least you made it that far.
Welp, ended up blazing through the rest of Crystal in my excitement to get to a new gen, thankfully not encountering much trouble due to a mix of Gen 2 generally being ezpz and the team actually ending up pretty stacked by the end. A bit of an anti-climatic end, but Gen 2 is usually a bit of an intermission before the actual hard parts begin, I'm looking forward to that
I haven't been, I've been stuck with the same team of six since the sixth gym.
>game technically gives you your starter Pokémon on the very first route
>have always counted that as my route encounter
I don't know why I'm so autistic about that, but you know what? fuck it. I will count the starter and the first route encounter as separate encounters.
Ahh rip, I was rooting for you.
E4 wipes are always a bummer
Mudkip makes Hoenn easy mode for starters, but i don't think much is changed from base RS. If you allow it, the Dexnav is broken for a Nuzlocke.
Can't say i'm surprised you wiped, but i respect the desire for the challenge. I'd you do end up going into US, you're gonna need all the luck you can get.
A smooth run is always the hope. What's the plan for gen 3?
I made it to Cynthia and that's good enough. I can't wait for Ultra Sun.
Ruby already off to a good start! Chick Riff managed to solo Roxanne all on his own after spending some time grinding from Torchic to Combusken, Salmon Cat likewise soloing Brawly as Gust was just enough to 2KO both Machop and Makuhita after Bulk Up, really a stroke of luck that she ended up the exact level to pull that off!

I have a bunch of small ideas here and there, but I'm mostly playing things by ear and relying on knowledge of full series nuzlockes past, like not using up Mudkip until Emerald so he can at least deal with Wattson. I've also tried my best to avoid using mons that appear in Colosseum and XD since the options are so limited in those games, but I've allowed myself to use some mons that I don't think would be especially useful there (like Pidgeot, Beedrill or Ledian). I'll be sprinkling the two GC games before and after FRLG (so RS -> C -> FRLG -> XD -> Emerald), which will definitely help keep things fresh
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Today I will be beginning my pokemon Ultra Sun nuzlocke. The rules are simple, if a pokemon dies, I have to send it to the box and I have to name every pokemon. I can only get one pokemon per area but I can be given pokemon like my starter. If I encounter a pokemon in an area I've already caught, I can look for another one, if I fail to catch it, it's over and I just move on. One rule I will be adding is I can only get gen 7 pokemon or regional variants like Alolan Muk for example. If I catch a Pikachu or a Cubone, I have to make sure it evolves into the Alolan forms. I've never played this game before, I've only played regular Sun so I'm not familiar with gen 7 in general so this may be the hardest nuzlocke yet.
What romhacks are good for nuzlocking? I feel like I can only enjoy pokemon through nuzlocking now as I like how I always end up playing with teams I never would have before and the challenge makes the braindead content more fun.
I've found some romhacks are kind of annoying to nuzlocke though. Like Unbound with it's questing system that always wants you to capture specific pokemon so you feel like you are missing out on the game, or some hacks that have very little named routes so you cant catch many pokemon.

What are some good ones to nuzlocke?
ah I meant in battle lol

anyway good luck with ultra sun, it's a tough one
>caught a cute Shroomish
>picked Treecko as my starter
>caught a Skitty
>modest + normalize
>Skitty can’t learn False Swipe or Cut
you’ve got to be fucking kidding me
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This is my team so far.

Part 1.

I started my nuzlocke journey in Alola, I choose Littens as my starter and after some cutscenes and tutorials, I catch my first pokemon, a Grubbin. I head to the trainers school and I catch a Alolan Meowth only to immediately lose it to a trainers Sudowoodoo that knew Flail. Finally in Hau Oli City, I spend forever trying to find an Alolan Grimer because its the only other option I have for pokemon I can use and when I do find it, I get a crit and knock it out which sucks. Overall I think a decent start, im really not use to gen 7 and the game is slower than I expected with all the cutscenes but hopefully things pick up.
Sorry the pictures so small, it was taken forever to post so I thought cropping it would make it quicker and the captcha kept running out.
depending on how much challenge you want, Unbound Sandbox mode removes a lot of the needless quests and opens up a lot of the game off the rip. flip side is Sandbox mode is only available and Expert and Insane difficulties.
pretty much all of the drayano hacks give you plenty of encounter location options, improved QoL changes, mechanics updates, etc., and are all pretty solid with a modest difficulty boost.
there are also lots of difficulty hacks outside of the drayano ones that all have varying levels of difficulty/gimmicks/etc. that are """designed"" for nuzlocking. vintage white, blaze black 2/volt white 2 redux, rad red and its various modes, run & bun, the new emerald imperium, the kaizo series, sterling silver. really you can probably find a hack that checks most of the boxes you're looking for.
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just beat Brawly
>Lv. 16 Beautifly
>Lv. 16 Grovyle
>Lv. 12 Makuhita
>Lv. 9 Tentacool
I caught a Lv. 5 Tentacool in Dewford but I was planning on using Gyarados. and yet, Gyarados is completely busted, and I’ve already used him in nuzlockes for previous generations. I should also probably put more effort into using Hoenn Pokémon since I’ve already used Tentacruel in a previous generation nuzlocke as well. but it's also my first time nuzlocking Alpha Sapphire so maybe I shouldn't be playing with self-imposed restrictions. ahh what a perplexing dilemma.
I'm more of a fan of blind nuzlocking average difficulty - drayano difficulty hacks. Radred, Kaizo, and all the clones of them dont really interest me as you have to look up every single fight and always planning out basically the same teams through encounter manipping. It's interesting and I feel like it would be fun maybe once, but it seems like way too much effort and spreadsheet autism to actually be fun.
Jesus, I forgot about Sonic Boom. Double Crit Manetric was also uncalled for. I want to thank >>57415756 for making this fight somewhat doable. Not a pretty run so far, though Flannery was pretty easy thanks to Jump's Dragon Rage (best spinoff), so even 3 gens earlier with no good stab, >>57421038, Gyarados is completely busted. Also running out of spinoff names.
Rip. That team was cool as hell.
Glad i could help keep the run alive. What's the plan for the rest of Emerald?
Intimidate swap+Leech Seed for Norman
(free)Ice Beam on a surf encounter for Winona + New Mauville electric
Hopefully get a non Gloom in Safari Zone.
Hope Darkness is still alive and maybe grind up Sky for Tate and Liza.
Fingers crossed for Relicanth on one of the underwater encounters (want to try out regice for elite for), if not then repels for Shoal Cave ice encounter
Shuffle+Teal+New Mauville for Juan
E4 team is likely Darkness for Phoebe (and I like Mightyena), Shuffle for Sydney as well as Wallace, Teal for wallace, Electric for Wallace, maybe rollout Wailord for Glacia, and hopefully Regice for Drake and Wallace.
Lots can fall through and I've already lost a few good mons, but I think it's still possible.
Just a word of warning, I had to reset 5 times before I beat the first totem pokemon.
Don't let it discourage you.
What starter do you even pick on Johto? I feel like they all suck. There are better fire and water types than typhlosion and feraligatr (i guess fire is a bit more limited) and Chikorita being mono type grass always sucked.
Totodile is the best due to solid movepool (both in Gen2 and 4) and hilariously early evolution.
Chikorita is actually very solid thanks to natural bulk and handful of useful support moves. It's weaknesses are also easy to cover.
Cyndaquil is frail, has limited movepool and evolves extremely late. It's good early game and in Gen2 gets neat Fire+Electric coverage but in the mid game it's a dead weight. It also has the worst matchups against a lot of leaders, arguably more than Chikorita.

Toto > Chiko > Cynda
This is my team so far.

Part 2.

Today I caught a Cutiefly and headed inside Verdant Cave to start the first island trial, against the totem pokemon Gumshoo, I used Cutiefly to paralys it and she took out its ally Yungoose but unfortunately i lost Cutiefly to the totem pokemon so I sent out Grubbin to finish it off. Now because you can't catch a pokemon at the trial grounds before completing the island trial, I've decided to make a rule that even if I've encountered a pokemon, it doesn't count until after the trial has ended, the same thing usually applies to at the beginning of the game when you encounter a wild pokemon in a route way before your given access to pokeballs. Regardless I caught a Yungoose in Verdant Cavern only to lose it to a wild Spearow afterwards. Things would get better when I would capture a Oricorio in Melemele Meadows and Littens would evolve into Torracat, I took on the island Kahuna Hala and Oricorio was able to use Air Slash to take down both his Machop and Makuhita and Torracat dealt with his Crabrawler using Fire Fang. Now I've pretty much done everything possible on the first island and it's now time to move to the second island, probably my favourite from what I remember.
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I forget to post this picture but this is my team so far.
Totodile: cut and headbutt slave
Cyndaquil: smokescreen support
Chikorita: lol
Recently lost a Sun nuzlocke at the league, do you want any advice? Probably applies to US well.
I fucking hate Magnet Pull so much. Not the first mon I've lost to it and it certainly won't be the last, absolute dogshit ability that I somehow never remember exists until I get the dreaded message. There goes Titania and my Rock Tomb TM with her, two big stings, but we march on. Mauville Gym was thankfully a complete joke, Chick Riff melting the entire place with his newly earned Flamethrower. Not sure what I'll do for Flannery, might have to temporarily use something like Gyarados and Tentacruel, don't want to "spend" them this early, but they could work as hired mercenaries for the time being

Nice going so far, even with the unfortunate loss of Oricorio you've still got a nice trio of mons there, ZestyZap and Bugman should do well against the next trial, especially after Bugman evolves. If you allow Z-moves I'd recommend going to Ten Carat Hill on island 1 (next to Kukui's lab) to pick up Flyinium, also a Rockruff in the inner hollow (think that's the only Gen 7 mon there?)
Any advice is good advice so sure.
I still have Oricorio, the mons I lost today where Cutiefly and a Yungoose.
Totem Lurantis has Solar Blade and a Power Herb, she can throw that attack in one turn once per battle. In Sun she summons a Trumbeak that uses Screech to put you at -2 def but i don't think she does in US.
Alolan Marowak with Lighting Rod can throw a lot of AIs for a loop because they'll try to use electric attacks without understanding it is immune.
I was also gonna say that there's a spot on Melemele where you can guarantee a Bagon but you're only getting this gen's mons so it doesn't matter.
Sounds good.
Funny, i used Registeel in my OR run (regular), super trained it to tank everything, pretty useful against Rayquaza even if the damage wasn't as high as i would have liked.
Chikorita actually pairs perfectly with Geodude which you're almost guaranteed to get.
The more i think about it, Magnet Pull feels like an ability meant to troll the player rather than actually be used, 99% of NPC's don't even switch in battle anyway--
>Five Zigzagoon
And people say Sinnoh's early game distribution is bad.
that's why we play with species clause
You seem to be unaware of the sheer power of Ruby/Sapphire Zigzagoon, I have dupes clause active, I've just chosen to ignore it when I was lucky enough to hit upon the Goon of Blessing.
I get it. What items specifically are you aiming for?
Mostly the Nuggets, it's nice being able to afford stuff, but pretty much all of the items are nice to have
Wasn't the whole point of dupes clause was so people wouldn't cheese runs with 4 gyarados or other ludicrous yet easy to catch mons? The encounter smoothing was just a nice little bonus.
I always heard it as people getting sick of their encounters being 90% com mons every run and that's why the dupes clause became a thing to force more variety, that's at least how I use it since I'm more inclined towards using funmons anyway. Some are pretty strict with it (like having to ignore dupes altogether or only getting a certain amount of chances), but I just use it as "if my first encounter is a dupe I CAN ignore it if I want to". I don't really mind being a little lax/permissive with my encounter rules, like sacrificing a route of encounters to trade in an egg, because I trust myself not to go overboard with it or choose something that'd make the run boring. I'm always strict when it comes to the other rules tho, if something's dead it's dead, because that's what adds stakes, which makes these runs fun (which at the end of the day is the most important part imo)
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This is my team so far.

Part 3.

I head to the second island where on the next route, I try and fail to catch a Pikipe but luckily enough at Paniola Ranch, I'm able to catch a Mudbray. Grubbin evolves into Charjabug and then I catch myself a Crabrawler before heading off to take on the next island challenge. During the challenge, I face of against the totem pokemon Araquanid, now Charjabug was able to use Spark to deal some damage and take out its ally Dewpider but unfortunately it got killed by the totem pokemon itself so I had to use Oricorio to finish it off which it did as well as take out its second ally, a Masquerain. After the second trial was completed, I caught a Dewpider at Brooklet Hill. Now I shall head on for the next trial.

Any advice for the fire island trial? I remember in Sun, the totem pokemon is Salazzle which is Fire/Poison, both weak to ground so if in Ultra Sun, its also Salazzle, I should be fine with Mudbray but I remember in Sun, the water totem was a school of Wishiwashis but in Ultra Sun, its replaced with a Araquanid so I fest Salazzle has been replaced too.
>have Makuhita use Bulk Up 3 times
>rival’s Wailmer uses Roll Out
>Makuhita resists it and gains more DEF
>4th roll out is a crit and kills Makuhita
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>Wailmer 1-shots Grovyle with the 5th rollout hit
>Electrike is brought to red from a single Whirlpool
>Electrike does not have a damaging electric move
>only other Pokémon is Magikarp
ok I give up
Sorry if this seems silly, but quick question:
when doing a nuzlocke for Black/White 1, what's considered the victory point? Is it after you defeat N and Ghetsis? Or is it after you beat Alder?
when you see the credits
Ah, I see. Thank ya.
>playing moemon star emerald
>roxanne has 6 mons
>first mon is an archon with wing attack
yeah ok. meanwhile they barely updated the moveset level up curve so I'm still stuck with leech life and quick attack. its not really a difficulty hack or anywhere near radical red levels of egregious but that is annoying.
Salazzle has been replaced, yes, a good AoE Ground or Water type move might be the play here.
Kinda depends on the player, some go up to N, others train up for Alder. Personal preference, unlike most Johto Nuzlockes.
That sounds like the average romhack. I guess it's easier to give the first gym a full team of sort of optimized Pokémon than to come up with a strategy for them.
Spent quite a bit of time EV training around Fallarbor Town, getting some of the newer members caught up to the rest in the process. Definitely a wise idea as the fight against Maxie could've gone south pretty easily if the team was just slightly weaker, but through a little bit of teamwork he went down like all the grunts before him. Flannery went even smoother, all the time KOing Spindas paying off for Gladys as she Bubblebeam'd her way through the fight without issue. A little nervous for Gym 5 since this is usually a place where I trip up and lose something, hopefully this won't hold true this run
As long as you don't let Altaria set up you should be fine. Probably not gonna be an easy fight regardless, but as long as Tentacruel outspeeds Altaria it should go smoothly.
>tfw just banned all kanto mons
I'm a genius
With how many regions have Kanto mons, that gives a lot of leeway for encounters.
I just want to experience hoenn mons in hoenn but yeah
>lotad w/teeter dance vs shroomish w/focus punch
sorry lotad… our friendship… is OVER
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This is my team so far.

Part 4.

Today I failed to catch an Alolan Ratatta and a Alolan Diglett in Diglett Cave but I would later catch an Alolan Diglett in the next area. I then caught a Cubone at Wela Volcano Park and Dewpider evolved into Araquanid. Then I fought the third island trial and the totem pokemon Alolan Marowak, Cubone was able to take out its ally, a Salazzle but was killed by its own evolution before it could deal any damage so I had to use Mudbray to take out the Alolan Marowak with Magnitude which took two hits and I nearly lost Mudbray but won regardless. After that I caught a Trumbeak and here I am. Tomorrow I will be taking on the next island trial.

Any advice for the grass types Alolan trial? I also really want to catch a Steenee but I'm worried it's not my first encounter. I've never used Tsareena before but I desire to use one.
>A little nervous for Gym 5 since this is usually a place where I trip up and lose something, hopefully this won't hold true this run
And here we are, at the first major blow to the team, first point where we've lost more than one Pokemon in a battle and more than two the entire game. We were on our back feet from the word go, Oscar Nom trying to set up a Swords Dance to potentially hit hard with HP Fighting but almost getting oneshot by a Facade, a +2 HP just barely missing a 2ko meaning I would have to switch or risk losing someone right off the bat. The rest of the battle is mostly a blur; the first casualty is Sum Ting Wong as I forgot that in Gen 3 only, using a healing item counts as a turn for Truant, meaning that Norman got to skip a loafing turn to heal. What follows is a bunch of panic switching back and forth to avoid KOs, accidentally paralyzing the last Slaking with Secret Power which turns Facade from a cannon to a nuke, Chick Riff and Scary Gary BARELY scraping by with about 20HP between the two, the rest laying in a broken heap before our feet. There's little we can do but take a deep breath and focus on rebuilding, thankfully there are several routes open up to us now, it ain't over yet
How the hell did i mix up Norman and Winona? Regardless, rough losses for this point in the game, what'sgameplay? plan?
You're in a good position. The Totem is the same as in SM, but its allies have changed and the first ally it calls has Ancient Power, but i would think Torracat could tank one due to the level difference. Now, if you want Steenee, you need to complete the trial, Pokémon won't appear before this, and get an ambush encounter in the central or northern part of Lush Jungle, there's a very high chance of it being Steena, but NOT guaranteed.
Yeah I figured there were some crossed wires there, can definitely relate to that, haha
The plan for now is to solid snake my way through the available routes to pick up as many encounters as possible, assess what I got after that, and then spend some time rebuilding. I've already picked up a Feebas and Kecleon that I'm pretty sure are going on the team, I might pop Banette early to have a good shot at getting through Phoebe down the line, but that remains to be seen.
Sounds like a plan. The only better place to spend Milotic is Sinnoh, my own was a beast despite being a late addition.
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>Poor Quilladin doesn't even get TGC art in the generator
Kinda sad.
The stretch between the 1st and 2nd gym in XY is still really great, but my god if it doesn't have some sneaky trainer fights. Goofed and lost Paladin against some random dude with a Doduo because I didn't realise how Rage worked, then goofed again against a double battle with 2 Furfrous. I thought I was being smart sending out my ghost type, but all that achieved was focussing their fire and letting them tear through my team until we finally broke through. At least Pixie shut down that one Dragon Rage Axew.
Loving the team we got now though. Encounters were a bit of a mixed bag, but we did get two pretty rare encounters in Bagon and Kangaskhan so I'm definitely giving them both a go. Unfortunate that Kangaskhanite is a post-game item though, Kinda tempted to just trade one in but it is very overpowered so I dunno.
Grant was surprisingly scary, his Aumora kinda fucked up Madam thanks to parahax but Hero just barely pulled through against Tyrunt.

Damn that's a brutal fight, got caught out by that truant mechanic in my last hoenn run too. Honestly as good as time as ever to use Milotic, you don't get that many opportunities for it anyway. I've always found gen 3 Banette extremely limited since it's basically gets no moves except Shadow Ball and Will-O-Wisp.
getting an electric type from New Mauville might be worth it though, even if only for fighting Winona.

Sounds like things are going pretty well, I remember that Marowak fight being a lot more scary to me. My general advice for the entirety of USUM is to invest in good support like screens or status because those totem fights keep getting more ridiculous as they go on.
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Littlemon team #14 to beat Alpha Sapphire E4 + Champ
>deathless & reliable strat
>level caps, no bag items in battle, usual restrictions
So Stunky got 29 / 36 kills. Damn.
There's the "Support Squad" that is Pidove, Cherubi and Litleo. Oddish got kinda wasted here, but we needed someone to kill Sableye.

>the Support Squad slows down Scrafty
>Horsea with Dragon Dance sets up and sweeps with Waterfall + Return

>the Support Squad against Banette
>Stunky with 6x Double-Team + Substitute + 6x Hone Claws + Crunch = ouch
>too scary to finish with Stunky because of Mega Sableye's Foul Play
>Oddish Moonblasts Sableye

>stall Abomasnow's Hail (so Blizzard isn't boosted)
>Support Squad against Wailord
>Stunky setup and there we go

>the SS against Altaria
>Stunky setup and boom
Mega Salamence doesn't even die with 6x Attack STAB Crunch. But we have Substitute and possible Drake's potion turn so it's safe.
Guess I could have used Horsea here.

Well it's pretty much same as the above.
>the Support Squad against Skarmory
>setup with Stunky
Aggron is always scary, but with Substitute and 6x Double-Team and Leftovers and Aggron's poor accuracy moves it's no trouble.
>Crunch PP almost runs out, but Stunky can finish the job with full HP.

Dunno about Stunky why it was so good. Good typing + movepool I guess. It has BST of 329 which is okay. I guess it was at the right place at the right time with the right team members. It has Stench, but it flinched like one opponent in the winning run. What a beast!

All time kill list:
29: Stunky
20: Mienfoo
17: Scyther
14: Gastly
15: Munchlax
11-13 Pancham, Shellos, Doduo, Torchic, Staryu, Wailmer, Torchic, Slugma
why is every DS emulator so shit? the "fast forward" barely works on any of them, saving takes 10 years, what the fuck
Ooh, too bad about the losses
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This is my team so far.

Part 5.

I head into Lush Jungle to take on the fourth island trial, the totem pokemon is a Lurantis. First I sent out Trumbeak to use Pluck to deal some damage but then an ally Kecleon appeared and set up Sunny Day powering up Lurantises moves, I tried to take out the Kecleon with Rock Smash but Lurantis killed my Trumbeak with Solar Blade before it had the chance. I switched out to Oricorio and used Air Slash to take out the Kecleon and deal some damage to the Lurantis that kept healing, then another ally appeared, a Comfey, unfortunately I also lost Oricorio to Lurantis meaning I've lost two birds to a grass type. Finally I send out Torracat and use the fire type z move after it had healed itself again and while it dealt a ton of damage, Lurantis still wasn't dead, luckily enough I used an Ember to finish Lurantis off then dealt with the Comfey giving me the victory but with two casualties. Luckily enough, I was able to catch a Steenee in the Lush Jungle and I can't wait to use Tsareena. I would then go ahead and lose my Alolan Diglett to a wild Alolan Diglett, I made a stupid mistake and then I tried to catch a Wishiwashi but I nearly lost my pokemon so I ran away as I didn't want to risk it. At Akala Outskirts, I catch a Stuffel and then I beat Plumeria of Team Skull. Mudbray dealt with both her Golbat and Salandit and evolved into Mudsdale afterwards. Finally I beat the second island Kahuna Olivia. So first Dewpider used Bubble Beam to deal with her Anorith, then Crabrawler used Power Up Punch to attack her Lileep as well as keep boosting its attack stat and then finally I have Crabrawler unleash it's Z move against her Lycanroc taking it out. I didn't want to use Steenee or Mudsdale despite having type advantages because I didn't want to risk losing them since I will need them for later.

But yeah you guys are right, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon is hard, especially with these totem pokemons. Any advice for later?
Well, at least you took my advice on Axew, unfortunate that you got baptized through the double Furfrou battle though. Grant was the opposite for me, i was scared of him until i switched Diggersby in and remembered Ground resists Rock. Be prepared for regular trainers to be more dangerous than gym leaders, and just avoid sky battles altogether.
No one cares about YOUR challenge runs that aren't recorded from start to finish btw. I can always just run a monotype/restricted team and clear E4 just for the credit screenshot and it will have the same effect LMAOOO
Congrats! Let's put Skunky's performance like this: there's a reason why Jupiter made Skuntank her ace. You gonna do anything special for team 15?
Thanks! And you're right about Stunky.
I'm gonna go for 30(+) / 36 kills with someone. We're gonna need Baton Pass strats. I haven't decided the champion yet, but I'm thinking maybe Pawniard, Koffing, Tentacool, Paras or Charmander. Would be cool if it was a shiny, but the best I got is like Shuppet or Zubat.
Since you keep saying you need Mudsdale for later i'm sure you're aware of how useful it'll be for the next trial, I'd probably give it a Sitrus Berry when the time comes to battle.
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This is my team so far.

Part 6.

Today I caught a Sandygast at Hano Beach and then my Steenee learned Stomp and evolved into a Tsareena, I've always wanted to use a Tsareena and now I have one, I hope I don't lose it. Torracat evolves into Incineroar which is great and while at the Aether Foundation headquarters, I would lose Sandygast to the Ultra Beast, the one that looks like a Jellyfish. Next Stuffel would evolve into Bewear, then i failed to catch an Alolan Grimer at Malie City and then I lose my Bewear to a trainers Bewear, this is the third time I've lost a pokemon to a pokemon from the same evolution line which is it a bit of a coincidence. Luckily enough I would end up catching a Komala, don't know how good it is but it's on my team.

Any advice for the next totem fight? I know it's Electric and I have Mudsdale for that reason.
Yeah I thought so.
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Lost my previous save file in Red+, so I had to start over. This time we went with Bulbasaur, as you'd expect Brock was pretty easy. Harder than vanilla Red, since Phys/Spec split is a thing here, but it still wasn't close. Also got a Nidoran male this time, so that's cool.

Cozy team! Best advice I have is just to know the fights well, and optimize for defense over offense. Obviously don't punt offense entirely, but it's more important to stay alive than to just bulldoze everything. For Ultra Necrozma, just cheese it, you're gonna eat shit if you don't.

Bagon and Honedge catches, hell yeah.

Yeah, that looks like a Norman fight gone poorly. You still have some good stuff to pull from in your box at least, with Tentacool/Gyarados and Taillow. Sucks about Zangoose though, that's always a fun catch to have.
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Honestly, Mudsdale should be able to sweep pretty easily. If the Totem Pokémon manages to get out an SOS call, deal with it first then focus on the ally so it can't call the second ally. The Totem also has Spiky Shield, basically Protect that deals damage to the opponent if they make contact, so be aware of that.
whelp, my Ultra Sun save got corrupted so I guess I'm open to recommendations

are Drayano's ORAS hacks any good?
>I've always found gen 3 Banette extremely limited since it's basically gets no moves except Shadow Ball and Will-O-Wisp.
True, but that's basically what I use it for, as with enough Attack investment it's a free ticket to blow through Phoebe (who I usually struggle with otherwise). I might save Banette for a later run however as another idea struck me that might work better, but we'll see...

>getting an electric type from New Mauville might be worth it though, even if only for fighting Winona.
Honestly wouldn't be that bad of an idea, yeah, I'm saving Magnemite for BW2 and Electrode is crucial to cheese Red in HGSS, but I could just throw them out after the fight

>Sucks about Zangoose though, that's always a fun catch to have.
Yee, it blows since the next best time to use one is in Gen 5, and then if I'm lucky, in Gen 6. There's the potential for one in XD, but I shouldn't be in need of a Normal unless something goes horribly wrong and I lose Teddiursa early (Ursaring more or less carries through that entire game)
I don't really see people talk about his ORAS hacks, so I can't say. It's still Drayano, so you have a decent idea of what to expect going in.
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This is my team so far.

Part 7.

Today I failed to catch a Minior at Mount Hokulani because it used self destruct. Then I went to take on the fifth island challenge and I was able to beat the totem pokemon Togedemaru with Mudsdale pretty easily, two High Horsepowers and it was out and I left Incineroar to deal with the ally Skarmory, first island challenge I beat this run without losing a pokemon. Next came the fight against Guzma where I found out his Golisopod is terrifying, I lost my Komala to it. Luckily enough I was able to have Incineroar take out his Masquerain and Araquanid take out his Golisopod but I know I'm gonna have to deal with Guzma later. I would then catch an Alolan Graveller and then a Togedemaru at Blush Mountain. I tried to catch a Wishiwashi and an Alolan Vulpix and both failed but luckily enough, there is another area you can get Alolan Vulpix and that is Mount Lanakila and I succeeded in catching one. Now I have to do the next island trial.

Any advice for the next island trial? I know it's a ghost type and I have one dark type but it could very well be Mimikyu.
You're correct that the Totem is Mimikyu. Whatever you plan on using needs to be able to deal with burns, so holding Rawst Berries. Bulldoze might, keyword might, slpw Mimikyu and break Disguise, but knocking out Mimikyu before it can call in its second ally will make things a lot easier. You might just one shot it with Mudsdale or Incineroar, i don't know.
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New thread.
pokemon bank isnt working for me....

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