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So, I found these on Discord. It looks like David designed these given the recognizable art style.
>>57508223 (OP)
Kill yourself, David.
>>57508223 (OP)
Legends Orre starters leaked
>>57508223 (OP)
David, why are you pretending to be somebody else? Why are you still doing this? For fuck's sake.
Why are you replying to your own thread David?
Hi David.
David here AMA
>>57508223 (OP)
this: >>57508235
David deserves to be beaten.
>>57508223 (OP)
that inteleon looks familiar
he's the faggot who posted that shitty torterra?

if so he is probably legit autistic
>>57508223 (OP)
Funny thing is, someone by the name of tubz-az also did desert-inspired regional forms for Torterra, Delphox, and Inteleon, with similar concepts to boot.
I’m sure it’s a major coincidence.
What's your favorite dish
So not unlike half this board
Both Inteleons are a Rango reference
Plus a frilled neck lizard’s frill acting like a poncho is a fun detail

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