Gen 5 haters, post the world sprite animation you can think of. I'll post some (at least 1) of my favorite(s)I like this one because it tells you all you need to know about exploud: he's mad and he yells a lot. Really nice
>>57509068Why does its jaw just snap up like that? It looks fucking terrible.
>> mean close?
>>57509083No, I mean snap up.
>>57509068>post the world sprite animation you can think ofSo Torterra?
>>57509089I have actually never seen gen 5 torterra. I actually like it
>>57509068>WorldWorst? Probably Sudowoodo
>>57509098Forgot the fucking PicWhat I genuinely can't understand is way all mons have like 50+ animation frames that amount to nothing (in terms of movement) when 3 frames would have been enough
>>57509098>>57509106It gets a blurry, and the animation is weird, and his leg gets fucked up, but I expected a little worse
>>57509106Multiple frames means more fluid movements. Though sudowoodo probably benefits from fewer frames
Dodrios cool too
>>57509096Do you think Torterra can make its tree move like we can move our dicks
>>57509130I don't have a penis so I wouldn't know
>>57509128looks like a fucking animatronicnone of these animations look natural
>>57509137You've never seen ostriches, I assume?
>>57509116Yeah but half of those frames are padding instead of actual meaningful movement>>57509068Funnily enough I think the Jaw snap is an oversight since the back sprite is less drastic
>>57509159More frames = more fluidityIDK how else to say it
>>57509110I mean most Gen 5 animations are extremely safe with the mon just wobbling around like Glalie or distorting in weird ways like Sudo or ExploudThen there's mons like Bisharp with Actual dynamic pose + animation
>>57509167Yeah I know, my problem being that it's not as fluid as you could claim you could do more with less frames (stretch and squash and other traditional animation technics)
>>57509173Exploud doesn't "distort" in any meaningful way, and there isn't much you can do for mons like glalie or crobat. Bisharp has a cool animation though
>>57509186I guess I just fail to see the problem with the frame count in the animations. It's not like they stand still awkwardly for too long
>>57509068You mean "worst"? Hm... If I could return to Gen 3, I really wouldn't swallow any "animation" from Emerald well.
damn all of these look ugly
>>57509148You're a projecting retard, I assume?
>>57509209Ironic choice of an insult
worst probably goes to Starmie it's nothing but squash and rotate
It's simple, but I've always like this guy's animation
>>57509193>Exploud doesn't "distort" in any meaningful wayNot distort outright like sudo but the jaw snap is pretty noticeable >there isn't much you can do for mons like glalie or crobatAgreed but I feel there might be GF missed in terms of making Charming animations for said mons
>>57509213It’s not ironic at all. Everyone knows you’re horrible at understanding how animals actually work, sagefag.
>>57509236Fucking you in your asshole as we speak, Mr. Poopdicksupreme
>>57509246Looks bad. Crocodiles dont jump.
Damn kinda wish that the Gen 5 aerodactyl was the HGSS one, the DPPT Aerodactyl looks ugly as hell
>>57509236>>57509248They aren't bipedal either. You should know this, yawnie.
>>57509248Yes they do
>>57509264Very basic. Not bad, but gen 5 is better
>>57509252>that tail snappingjesus fucking christ these animations are so lazy
>>57509272Ehhh... I respect that, It's just that... the mouth looks really weird in DPPT/Gen 5 imo but you do you
>>57509273It's like they forgot to animate it.
Not a coincidence emolga peaked in gen 5