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we didn't read the signs earlier
>>57533984 (OP)
johto was a mistake, we know
nuLapras is from Gen3, zoomer
>johto out of nowhere
lapras was always like that
>>57533984 (OP)
Lapras variant on the left went extinct in the wild.
Lapras on the right were raised by humans in captivity and were then released back, becoming far more succesful.
>>57533984 (OP)
>Horn was larger then
>Had actual teeth
Lapras became low test
GF really thought a monster with monster expressions is baddby bad for children
>>57533984 (OP)
Genwunners were right btw.
parents who said Pokemon is satanic was righter
I find fangs hot, bring them back you hacks
Not really
damn I didn't know gardevoir was introduced in johto
>before going furry
Tajiri wanted to fuck Jynx from Gen 1 though. Why do you think he SPECIFICALLY pointed out her swaying hips and penchant for enthralling humans?
No it wasnt
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>>57533984 (OP)
left one looks sexier though
By the time Blue version, which birthed International Red/Blue versions, released, Game Freak had gone back and redrawn the official artworks and redesigned the sprites to match them. Lapras has the "fuck me" eyes in Jpn Blue, thus had them in the west. That the official artwork released alongside the watercolour art (which was used in the trainer manual, but the official art in the nintendo guides used the re-drawn official art and a re-drawn version of the OG Lapras watercolour art).
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cope. lapras was made for sex
Nidoqueen lost so much sauce.
Yet another way in which nu Pokemon is sanitized.
every normal person is a "gooner"
no normal person sees anything remotely sexual in any feature of lapras, this is a fact.
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>>57533984 (OP)
>>before going furry
why and when did zoomers replace coomer with gooner?
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>>57533984 (OP)
fucking retard
based, fuck harknessfags
Fuckinf FAT
NTA but Johto is where you can find a Lapras doing the same thing from the leaked Sinnoh myths.
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This kills the

Verification is not required.
>that sketchy Lapras
Source? And no, I don't mean the picture by shoutingisfun.
probably just a garyc.me sketch
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What's happening ITT?
>Nidoqueen doesn't have fangs anymore
>but Nidoking still does because homos won
The fuck is that
I don't even fucking like Hitmonlee but that redesign is by far the most offensive of these. For what fucking purpose where it's eye changed, they looked way fucking cooler and more fitting before?
>>57533984 (OP)
I used to think the people calling pokemon a furry franchise just because furries latch onto it were just joking, but after seeing the state of the current Madoka community it’s very possible that some people believe this unironically.
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It's funny how the one constant in the series and franchise is inferring a closeness greater than just mere friendship between people and pokémon though. Funnier still when you find out teraleak points to Game Freak specifically proposing these scenarios as lore and groundings for their world.
Almost as if the Japanese tales of folklore they grew up being aware of reflected themselves in Tajiri's created property, given pokémon seem to be just yokai and elemental monsters given shape and form and existence in a near-earth world.
mental illness thread
Mental illness board, really.

And I am NOT kidding. I am dead fucking serious.
>moralfagging on 4chan
Yep, two mental cases right here as it happens.
She is right, though. No one needs to be reminded every day you want to impregnate Lapras
found the mentill
>but after seeing the state of the current Madoka community
A dewgong.
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I'm not making these threads motherfucker and we owned this board since it opened (needs to allow pornposting again, drive you faggots away to fuck like it used to). This isn't reddit where the spastics who want to dickride their childhood endlessly get a whole dedicated page to themselves and the cumskulls fuck off to their own corner of the site to do similar, this is genpop on the arseghole of the internet and frankly, there's far too many like me want to talk shop about the series, but not get censored every time I put my honest opinion forth (reddit and this place are both sides the same coin - hate being told A) it's a kid's franchise and B) They're directly responsible for its lack of care towards adults today, as they supported their shit as kids back in the day). Since I got here in 2010 shortly after the board opened, it's been a 70-80% majority poképhiles and that's held true right up to current era. The only mentally unwell people here are the ones desperately ignoring the adult inferences in the series, when it's demonstrably proven to be supported by the devs due to how they view the world (lotta stories about men marrying foxes and cranes and other magical animals in Japan after all) and projecting their failings on adults at least aware enough to understand while it's a kid's IP (thus no gay sex scenes between transformed!Bill and Red in Gen 1 but a girl showing off a Machamp she claims as her boyfriend is grand), it's made by adults from a culture wholly different to the west.
your mentally ill and should kys kek
>Have you ever fapped to Pokemon
>Yes, but only to human
What a retarded pool
Also didn't read, keep seething, mentally ill person
You are too obvious to take seriously.
>Verification is not required.
I am not the other girl, you have to accept there are more people who disagree with you.
^ When did our trolls get this pathetic?
Son, maybe its time to go outside and get a job
Got one fatass. It offers these things called "days off" and "paid holidays". It's why I'm skinny and you're a four-eyed waste of humanity poisoning yourself slowly while killing braincells.
While being part of the industry doing the most destruction to our mother earth of course Hanky boy. And is irrelevant to the argument at hand in that this isn't your safespace, fuck off to reddit where they keep your kind away from us.
you are mentally ill kek
Yeah, alright lad. Fact you're not similarly sperging out in the paedo threads over actual fucking scum kinda proves your true natures. Like I said, slide on. Probably set a discord up be better, reddit don't like paedos much, one thing I admire them for.
At least you are perfectly normal, anon
Sis, you are fucking Lapras, you aren't better
I’m just saying you’re mentally ill and autistic and now you’re having a meltdown
NTA and while everything you said is true, I find it hard to believe you've been here as long as you claim:
1. You fall for obvious bait.
2. You talk like a zoomer.
3. You care way too much about this when it should have gotten old by now.
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I have a song for you anon
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>This isn't reddit
this is reddit
after they went schizo with bans and censorship half of reddit moved here, why do you think /v/ is in the state it's in?
btw no amount of botted polls will convince people that this is a zoophilia board, check yourself in a mental institution, chances are it won't be the first time you do
That anon is probably one of those redditors himself, overcompensating due to insecurity. But you have to be delusional to believe you own the place now just because you are loud and obnoxious. 4chan was made by perverts for perverts and NOTHING will change that.
>>57533984 (OP)
Gen 1 pokemon in ~1999 were an instant loss for me as a child. I didn't even know what furries were because no internet access, but I'd read animorphs and saw pokemon and I was cooked. It's always been highly compatible with furshit. Always will be.
did you literally just pull whining about global warming out in the middle of your gay little puriteen rant? Holy shit and you're calling other people reddit. You have to be over the age of 18 to post here.
>this isn't your safespace, fuck off to reddit where they keep your kind away from us.
LMAO who needs a safespace faggot bitch? Sounds like it's you!
I'll never get the hitmonlee eye change, like this one is far more severe than four fangs or making the design cuter or whatever, eyes are very important to a design
>I was born with a mental illness so it's pokémon's fault
If they had any idea how thoroughly pokemon (child-targeted) would be co-opted by furries and pedos (satanic) at that time, it might have actually gotten banned.
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I'm bored and dossing on a day off lad, there's bugger all actually interesting threads here or on the rest of my internet atm, so we'll post here for kicks.
As for the rest your claims, it smacks of projection (I can talk poképhilia or not, I don't bring it into threads it's not fishing for though) and it SHOULD have been put to bed with teraleak, but people hate accepting they lost, so continue the fight by bitching, reeing and sperging out when they see threads pointing to it, instead of acting like adults and hiding, filtering or ignoring it or flat-out accepting they're too normalfag for 4chan and fucking off.
sexier with teeth tho
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Why did Tajiri feel the need to point out the shortstack with the DSL wriggled her hips seductively as she walked anon? Much less why did he then go and make it a female only species when they finally were able to add gender determination to the series?
I found 4chan in 2008 (my files say 2007 but I don't remember that year at all). I talk from experience.
You might as well just say no u.
maybe because its a mythical siren in a monster catching game fucking retard
Yeah, the forums I hung around back then and my IRL mates made me aware of 4chan too. But as they were generally freaking out about kiddy porn being posted to it whenever they mentioned it, I stayed away until 2010 and searching for SOMEWHERE I could talk pokémon at 26 as an adult accepting of its determinedly kiddy presentation, yet not utterly oblivious to the hints and asides that peppered the world (the fact NoA paid OLM to re-animate the end scene of Pokémon Heroes to add plausibly deniability Bianca kissed Ash at the end proves they were blatant enough even back then to make burgers shit themselves).
But it's not, you retard cunt. It's based off gyaru women's fashion of the 80's/90's and potentially the Yama-Uba, a yokai related to the Yuki-Onna (Froslass' inspiration) and has more in common with the Snow Queen/Elsa than a Siren, given she's a Cryomancer.
You know, so heavily unlike the greek sirens of myth that Primarina was designed akin to, having a magical voice that enraptures humans as well as being associated with the elemental type closest to the creatures of real-world fairy tales.
What point do you think you're making?
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>blatant enough even back then to make burgers shit themselves
It's funny just how true this is.
>NoA paid OLM to re-animate the end scene of Pokémon Heroes to add plausibl[e] deniability [that] Bianca kissed Ash at the end
And this makes it funny enough to LOL everytime it's mentioned.
I really hope that one 50+ foxfucker isn't posting here today. . .
>You know, so heavily unlike the greek sirens
She is a seductress archetype common in monster media, which I would call a siren as shorthand. I originally mentioned gyaru as their take on the concept in my post but deleted it because everyone knows it and the one sentence response flowed better without it. I knew you'd probably mention it as a gotcha just as you wont believe me here but I took the risk.
>my IRL mates
fake and gay
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How does it feel to be personally responsible for Israel still not getting glassed with nuclear fire as an yet another good goy?
nu-Hitmonlee is the only one that annoys me because now he's got the same eyes as Type:Null
>still denying the obvious
I'm sure the Jews are very dismayed at your furry degeneracy getting normalized in the West, quaking in their boots even.
Go outside you lying faggot.
And don't bother trying to prove yourself. you are just a lying faggot, will always be a lying faggot, will die a lying faggot.
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>>57536206 →
Maybe so but I'm not 12 anymore
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Actually I want to exterminate every single Abrahamic faith that's provenly the cause of 90% reasons for why this world is so shit nowadays and why Mars & the Moon are still not colonized.
Not even a Commie BTW, as I've already witnessed what a literally genocidal scam that garbage Jew-made ideology truly is.
Is it really the religions themselves which are the root of the problem? Or the human tendency to corrupt anything pure and go to extremes that causes evil? Humans are religious by nature, and removing any existing religions would only create a vacuum which will likely be filled with something much worse than what already exists.
NTA but we had better religions before Christomania took over
Humans are irredeemably garbage creatures anyways, so whatever they'd come up with will just end up as cope for their desires to murder anyone whom they couldn't enslave either physicly or mentally and get away with it.
I wish that I wasn't too stupid to just write an ERP chatbot that I could replace all my needs of inter-human interactions with.
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I'm surprised kids even still like Pokémon. The nu-designs on the left look so retarded. I remember having a guidebook with all of Sugimori's original artwork, and thinking they were so cool. The illustrations really brought the game sprites to life in your imagination.
Yeah because back then Pokémon were more obviously paying tribute to things like mythological Japanese yokai and shape-shifting animals that were said to seduce and play tricks on humans. The retarded westoid fanbase freaked out about the leaked Typhlosion myth, because they think Pokemon are just supposed to be cute talking Disney animals from Japan rather than fairy tale monsters. Keep in mind that the Pokémon franchise from the very beginning always had sexy characters like Misty and Jessie who were obviously supposed to be eye candy, since Japan didn't have a stick up their ass about that sort of thing.
The difference is that Japanese people don't treat their kids like sheltered idiots, whereas the USA tried to sanitize everything after 9/11 to protect the chilluns from muh trauma. Certain reruns of the Pokémon anime itself were censored in the USA for years after 9/11. Prior to the 2000's, basically anything was considered more or less ok for kids as long as there was no explicit sex, hard drugs, or gore. After 9/11, everything potentially considered "adult" (guns, tobacco, alcohol, marriage, death, etc.) started getting more heavily censored from kiddie media here (hence all the criticism of 4kids that was actually due to broadcast television execs cracking down on mature content). I think this has a lot to do with why zoomers born after 2001 are so sanctimonious, and have this weird disconnect where they think absolutely nothing risqué or titillating should be shown in mainstream entertainment. They think sex is something shameful that should be confined to porn rather than simply part of the human experience.
>>57533984 (OP)
>implying I wouldn't fuck both of them
But no matter what ideology or religion you choose (or are born into), each has good core element which you could work with, if you keep those lesser motivations like >>57541682 pointed out in check. Metaphorically, you could take any car there is to travel from A to B, and no matter how poorly it performs, as long as it fulfills its intended purpose, it's a good tool.

Even with science, which objectively speaking only strives for knowledge and not for the truth (which is the business of religions and ideologies), you'd have bad actors who either abuse weaknesses or people too dumb to understand what science is about and that any scientific statements can and should be questioned.

The latest pandemic is a perfect example for how people will belief anything so called experts tell them, as long as it calms them down. Their scientific claims weren't illegitimate on their own and could also be worked with, but how it was hold up as undeniable proof shows that even something objective like science can be turned into another ideology.
That's a poor cope considering the shinto culture you idolize in your furry fetish descends of a non-abrahamic culture that killed and enslaved hundreds of millions of its own people. I don't think your "witness" is anything beyond the usual fedora-tipping that supplements your predisposed rebelliousness against God.

Also, colonizing other worlds so that they can be defiled by various degenerates isn't as appealing an aspiration as you might think it is.
>Prior to the 2000's, basically anything was considered more or less ok for kids as long as there was no explicit sex, hard drugs, or gore.
>After 9/11, everything potentially considered "adult" (guns, tobacco, alcohol, marriage, death, etc.) started getting more heavily censored from kiddie media here
Anon don't try to lecture people on the decades before you were born if you haven't done any research.
>>57524980 →
>Real Animals without sapience and the ability to consent
>Fictional creatures with sapience and the ability to consent
Pokemon cannot speak
Digimon on the other hand...
They can speak the human language actually. It's a skill that can be learned (as shown by meowth) and chatot explicitly speaks the human tongue. Any pokemon with Telepathy can also communicate consent. That aside, Pokemon do speak - albeit in their own little language. But that language can be understood by humans with enough time, as it's not just random gibberish. Pokemon have also generally shown the cognitive thinking to show sapience; their behavior, particularly in the anime, but some of the games (Namely PMD and a few encounters in the mainline games such as the Zoroark encounter in gen 5 part 1) show that they can in fact think on the level of a human. The Zoroark in Gen 5 is a very interesting case, as it disguises as a human and proceeds to speak complete, fluent sentences and behave just like a human. So, we can extrapolate that Pokemon can in fact consent, either vocally through their language, the human language, telepathy, or through something like writing or similar means.

>Posts the two most boring options
>Anime, spinoffs, & the parrot
you've put in an unhealthy amount of thought but obviously those don't count you disingenuous faggot
>Posts the two most boring options
I'm attracted to the human form yes
>you've put in an unhealthy amount of thought but obviously those don't count you disingenuous faggot
Explain why they don't count. Give a logical response.
>I'm attracted to the human form yes
Then you're boring and not a monsterfucker.
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Please look in the mirror and ask if you've made your parents proud
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Answer his question, stop dodging paying the ferryman.
NTA but how can you retards be so stupid and not notice it's an obvious troll?
>"argues" with non-arguments
>clearly just being antagonistic
>brings digimon out of nowhere
How many fucking redflags do you need???
Samefag, I simply dont believe the pokemon are meant to be as sapient as the humans, enslaving them would be inexcusable. Pokemon are farthing wood not beastars.
that chart doesn't mean anything because according to it fapping to an anthro pokemon once or twice throughout your entire life would automatically put you on the same tier as people who fap to feral shit and constantly brings it up unprompted:
I don't give a fuck about the former group. Hell, you can fap to pokémon every day as long as you keep it to /trash/ or bring it up when it's relevant. It's the "THE JOKE IS SEX HAHA THE JOKE IS THAT I AM HORNY HAHA" people I have a problem with: no one likes people who wave their arms around for attention (same reason I hate all the fucking schizo spammers. I don't give a fuck what it is they spam. You think seeing Cynthia get vored and melting inside a stomach shocks anyone who's used 4chan for over a month? We hate it because it's repetitive and insistant)
Most people do NOT fap to pokémon regularly and even LESS people get horny from merely looking at them in non-sexual contexts/during gameplay.
In other words: either accept the fact that your fetish IS weird and bring it up only when it makes sense, or be considered annoying for trying to normalize it and get made fun of
Anon I'm 35. I was 13 when 9/11 happened. There actually has been research done on things like alcohol use in movies from around that time period (1998-2003), and movies across all MPAA ratings contained alcohol use or intoxication. PG-13 movies had the same amount of alcohol use as R movies.
How many kiddie movies made today contain alcohol use? Not many. You can go back and watch PG and PG-13 movies from the 80's and 90's and see how much more they got away with compared to movies from the 21st Century that are comparatively tame. Another thing you can do is watch modern remakes of older movies to see how sentiments have changed over the years. Obviously things other than 9/11 itself caused a change in public attitudes, but post-9/11 censorship was a real thing due to sensationalist news reports of kids supposedly being traumatized by seeing footage of the attacks on TV. Most notably, reruns of Episode 23 “The Tower of Terror” of the Pokémon anime were banned for years due to the coincidental association with the 9/11 attacks.
Even in the mainline vidya, Pokémon are obviously able to understand human speech to some extent, since you give them attack orders as part of the game mechanics not unlike a real life animal trainer would order a dog to perform tricks. Tajiri based Pokémon off classic Godzilla movies (among other things) where the monsters were usually implied to have near-human intelligence despite retaining some animalistic mannerisms (hence one of the reasons why they're canonically referred to as monsters and not just giant animals). The line between Pokémon sentience and animal instinct is just plot expedient, and changes based on whatever suits the writers.
no one clicks on a thread just to complain anon...
Tough shit, you're not setting canon for this stuff. And your fee-fees are irrelevant to Game Freak.
>sensationalist news reports of kids supposedly being traumatized by seeing footage of the attacks on TV
I remember those. It was probably part of some jewish conspiracy to make Americans more docile, along with the rest of 9/11. I was supposed to be one of the "affected" and the whole thing made no sense to me. Made me think that maybe I was psychopathic or autistic (before even knowing those concepts).
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I'm sorry it turned out there's no sex conspiracy in the pokemon bible explaining why meowth talks and that it was all just a children's cartoon, but keep doing you.
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No, instead there's lore of God taking the form of humans and fucking other humans, people and pokémon fucking and marrying and shit that points to such cases happening in-universe to this day, but as you said "you do you". Stop getting mad over them canonising poképhila already though. Povvos who clearly focused more on the anime than the games because it was free have no value here.
>Povvos who clearly focused more on the anime than the games because it was free have no value here.
The original thread topic is about how faggot fanservice to pantywaist niggers like (You) has consistently cheapened the value of this series since it started. Go flaunt your gameboy budget with the other based degenerates on smogon, because what you're peddling has no value anywhere.
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That's real cute how you still have moral standards which you pretend that they totally weren't forced upon you by institutions speciffically created to control your behaviour since early childhood.
But personally I dropped that cringey insincere shit before even turning 18, as listening to and parroting opinions of someone who secretly condones child rape on an almost global industry level feels a tad more than just pure hypocrisy to me.
Hitmonlee got seriously fucked since the 3d move
Every Pokemon before Gen 3 got fucked because of the whole uniform redesign
1. Taijiri didn't write the English Pokédex entries.
2. "Seductive" isn't necessarily related to sex.
And the point is it's always been there and if you didn't grow up a povvo who's main source of information regarding the world was the tv show, you'd have understood that. Sorry you're a povvo who doesn't get the concept of the series., but that's what happens when you focus on the merch marketing arm of the franchise instead of the heart of it. Don't talk to me if all you're going to screech is "but i didn't sees it" and insist your fucking headcanon applies to the series.
That seductress look was coined on Stadium 1, if that's what you're referring to.
Yes, amazing you have to go to the 5th definition to argue that point, when a quick google spits this from Oxford's dictionary. I will say the American Heritage dictionary is the only one I've heard of as coming in a physical edition, which is why it likely has the same definition of "Seduce" as Oxford does and both prioritise its sexual connotations above its "tending to entice into a desired action" definition, as if humanity's usage of the world errs more towards humans enticing other humans into sex with them than enticing them to perjure themselves for fun and profit.
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Can always leave faggot. Free internet and all that, but if you're here, need to remember you're a lower caste and stay in your box.
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After all Pandora's Box has been opened and the normals are waking up to the concept too.
It does kind of surprise me how popular Ninetales is in Smash or Pass. The next three have memes and nostalgia going for them, while Ninetales kinda just looks like a dog with extra tails and a funny hairdo. I get it, but it's still surprising.
especially since alolan ninetales is way more boner inducing but its not even on the list. maybe the majority voted for the alolan form but its the same pokemon so they just listed the non regional one there
Yes, they made Pokemon better. Your point?
I'm not a weeb so I don't know how Shinto actaully works to be honest, also it's not fetish to me.
Wanting to fuck cute critters (while most prefferably being one too) has been more like my primary sexuality for the past 10 years more than a deviation, as I cannot honestly remember when was the last time I had any sexual thoughts about another real human being that actually exists.
Can you believe that it's only just 2 days until I'll be 35 without ever fucking anything that once had a pulse dear Anon?
>Can you believe that it's only just 2 days until I'll be 35 without ever fucking anything that once had a pulse dear Anon?
Believe it or not I can
>And the point is it's always been there
No, the point is it's always been part of the problem, and you don't even realize how bad you're self-reporting by admitting to being a poke-pedo while most of us growing up were still properly enjoying pokemon. Being a sniveling little brat flaunting his gameboy inheritance doesn't get you off the hook for that. You're a cancerous pedophile calling me too poor to play pokemon. Get out.
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The fuck is that supposed to be in your mentally damaged brain?
And yes, if you're an actual adult and still regurgitating the anime's worldview of the games, you are too fucking poor to play, 'else you'd have a console and played the games and paid attention, you'd know this shit's been blatant in-series and in-franchise since day fucking one. NoA had to pay OLM to re-animate the end of Pokémon Heroes, to add Bianca's hat on the easel to make it look like she could have kissed Ash at the end, because it was blatantly Latias otherwise. Yet Japan voted it their favourite pokémon movie ever and Game Freak reminded people who kissed who with the event distribution tied to it. Stop being poor and pay more attention to the media you consume.
The only one I see leaning on the anime is you (retard) talking about how it validates some sexpot characterization of Misty (10-year-old) and other characters which aren't featured outside the anime. That makes you a pedophile as well as a hypocrite for hinging on this retarded nonsense about the anime being a poor people filter when you used it to support your own demented arguments. Nobody's interested in your pedantic references to some faggot crap about the ANIME movies that you think should convince us that pokemon was always about being a retarded pedophile. You really need to stfu already.
Also why the fuck would I care about what my parents think of me lmao, anyone who judges themselves based on the standards of others is a faggot loser.
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Point out where I brought up misty. I'm not interested in the children when there's women like Lorelei, Oliva and Cynthia, much less gilfs like Cogita and Charm to goon over. I will however point out what's been endemic to the series to people whjo clearly didn't understand the vidya they played, despite getting to today years old to re-visit and pay attention this time yet not.
Don't care, pedo.
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Stop projecting your mental illness onto me. You're the one who brought up kids in a sexual connotation. Not my fault you're too retarded to pay attention to what goes on in a kid's game.
>bumping the same thread every hour to dredge up the times you got owned
self reflection: 0
Didn't read, pedo.
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I came here for sexy Pokemon and I'm greatly disappointed with the lack of sexy pokemon.
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Concession accepted retard.
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>comparing lolicon to pedophilia and moralfagging about it on 4chan.org
Fucking newfags. Pokémon characters have always fallen under the classic “draw an adult and claim it’s a 10-year-old” convention. It’s fiction about an alternate reality fantasy world. Get off your high horse.
The issue is that was aimed at kids 10-12 years old, not 27 year old weebs on 4chins.
It also got HEAVILY censored when the west got it, because they knew people like you absolutely would get the wrong idea.
>everything has always been pedo
>if you call it pedo you're a moralfag and a newfag and blah blah blah
You, meanwhile, are just a plain old regular fag, and Pokemon isn't some sovereign territory of yours. Neither is 4chan btw.
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>The issue is that was aimed at kids 10-12 years old
Yes and I was that age when Pokémon came to the West, so I’m well aware of how it’s always been.
>It also got HEAVILY censored when the west got it
Yes because the West is full of moralfags who don’t understand Japanese humor. Believe me kids were still aware of how much got censored from the Japanese cut due to the Internet. We all knew gif related episode existed back in the 90’s even if we had no way to watch it.
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And you're a nominal adult gooning over children and teenagers. You're not that great a step up from kiddyfiddlers, stop pretending like there's a huge gulf between ye both.
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>antis from Twitter are on 4chan after the site went down
>they never went back
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>>57533984 (OP)
I miss the old artwork
>Yes because the West is full of moralfags who don’t understand Japanese humor
Tranime is why many westoids decided to go trans which is why they usually use tranime pfps. (also look at the May fag above me).
Censorship of degeneracy is actually a bless and anti-satanism
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>comparing drawings of fictional characters in a world where 10 is the age of majority to real children
Fucking zoomers
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I think its a bit unfair to say you're not allowed to jork it to your favorite shows anymore because you're older.
Pokemon has the best old men anyway
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>>57533984 (OP)
I blame the anime
>the West is full of moralfags who don’t understand Japanese humor
So is Typhlosion coming onto a small child Japanese humor that we should take as a harmless joke, or is it folklore that they take seriously and we should give them a pass for that too? This whole narrative seems like an attempt at letting perverted weebs have their cake and eat it too.

Also, try to keep your answers as gameboy-centric as possible, lest you come off as a poorfag and a newfag.
>Having sex is not that great a step up from jerking off
Most Westoids lack sufficient Hitler Particles to embrace the full power of Nippon without it breaking their brains. It's simply that the average Westoid brain is inferior and unable to comprehend the path of the Cunnychad.
Nip brains were damaged by the nukes and they embraced degeneracy
Pedos get no concessions, only death.
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The Typhlosion story and the other leaked stories were based on ancient Japanese folklore. They have lots of traditional myths about shape-shifting yokai and animals marrying humans like the Yuki-Onna and Taurus no Onegaeshi stories. It’s similar to ancient Greek myths about the Olympian gods transforming into animals and having offspring with humans. And yes there is an inherently humorous side to it, since a lot of these stories have some sort of moral to them not unlike Aesop’s fables from ancient Greece. It seems you’re just upset that Pokémon was never intended to be a Japanese Disney for toddlers like it’s marketed in the West. It was meant to be for kids age 10-12 who should be mature enough to comprehend certain titillating elements. There’s a reason why they’re called Pocket Monsters and not Pocket Creatures or Pocket Animals. A monster is something that exists outside the realms of animal and human that behaves in ways we don’t quite understand.
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Pokemon have always been beloved companions for humans and vice versa. I don't understand why people look down on them and I get this sinking feeling that most of the fanbase would make bad partners for Pokemon.
Cause most of tye fan base would make bad partners for humans, or even take care of a damn pet rock.
> It was meant to be for kids age 10-12 who should be mature enough
Considering it the massive fallout and typhlosion getting canceled and people are are STILL being retards about it, Pokefags clearly weren’t mature enough despite being nearly twice the intended age. Are pokefags uniquely stunted mentally or something?
>uniquely stunted mentally
I mean in which fandom would someone buy the same game twice?
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>10 is the age of majority
No it's not paedo. They even deliberately avoid equating them to adults (Brock, the horny 15 year old CONSTANTLY getting rejected by women, because he's a fucking kid and they're not criminals).
Funny you should say that, as the characters I was attracted to as a teen (Pokémon didn't exist when I was its target age) were all of age and well older than me (Sabrina and Lorelei) as I always had an older woman fetish. I feel you should have a little self-awareness, it's fine as a 12 year old to be attracted to a 12 year old but professing your desire for one as an adult, cartoon or no is creepy as fuck.
They always had the best older women too.
>>57533984 (OP)
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Yes Pokemon has one of the most uniquely retarded fanbases out there. Like I said, Western millennials and zoomers have been spoonfed heavily censored entertainment for the past 25 years where nearly everything even slightly adult-themed is restricted to R-rated movies. The whole “trigger warning” thing went mainstream over 10 years ago.
10 is canonically the age where people in the Pokemon world can go out on their own, get jobs, buy property, etc. Again you’re being disingenuous by equating lolicon of fictional characters in a fantasy roleplaying game to irl pedophilia. If I’m roleplaying as a 10-year-old boy, there’s nothing wrong with my character having a potential romantic love for a 10-year-old girl. Most of the characters in the Pokemon world are drawn with adult features that makes them appear older than real 10 year olds anyway. Being pedantic about the canon ages of fictional cartoon characters is really autistic. Are you going to accuse the Simpsons writers of pedophilia because Bart is canonically 10 years old and had multiple girlfriends?
>10 is canonically the age where people in the Pokemon world can go out on their own
>get jobs, buy property, etc.
Source motherfucker and not your hairy sweaty foetid arse. Thyey're still kids and we've seen adults with jobs, outside "traditional" (and I hate that word applied to this specifically, but it is what it is) child jobs like actor or idol, they don't work coal mines (Roark's an adult) or office jobs in administration (Larry and the workers in castelia). Stop trying to justify being attracted to kids, they're children not adults.
they are called Pocket MONSTERS, not Cereal Mascots or my Little Fursona
>jacking off to a legal picture I don't approve of is not that great a step up from rapists who target and harm defenseless children
Do you have brain damage or something?

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