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what was your favourite boss fight on the SNES? for me it was Bowser in Yoshi's Island
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>gives you a shrinking vore fetish
nothin personnel, kid
Why did they waste time to create new sprites for Yoshi specifically for this fight?
It's called SOVL, zoomie. You wouldn't understand.
It's called waste of resources. At least utilize it somewhere else or just simply not do it.
people really will say the dumbest shit here just to take control of a conversation
King K. Rool in DKC1 and 2
Giygas in EarthBound
Exdeath in FF5
Helmasaur from ALTTP
Raven from Yoshi's Island
Bless you hyperfocus fetishfag who finds every opportunity to bring this up
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I like the 3 platforms spread across bottom, middle and upper parts, and jumping across them, making a sideways 8 movement, "dancing" around them non-stop and hitting them on openings or during a mid jump.
Dancing spectres is one of my favorite horror tropes and strangely underused in modern media.
Every boss fight in YI was great. I really don't think we've seen Nintendo put out a product that wonderful since.
modern game management thinks exactly like that faggot though, hence the shit games
Especially since bosses are generally the worst part of Mario games.
I hate how Castlevania reduced boss enemies to common enemies as the series progressed.
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I think I spent more time on Ridley than I had any other boss first playthrough. REALLY felt that sense of accomplishment once I finally beat him
i like how he can weaken your abilities with his stinger, cool concept for a fight
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Worst game ever
King K. Rool in DKC2
Zeromus in FFIV
Fucker made me shit bricks, that's for sure. I was close to death when it looked like I finally beat him, only for him to grab me one last time, and I literally yelled NOOOO until it was clear it was a fakeout.

or Magus
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Gotta go with this guy.

This is a good runner-up.
t. retard with shit taste
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>yo-yo powerup has the Mother 2 character window checkered design
Details like those
Still after 33 years I can't figure out what the fuck I'm looking at.
>posting yoshi's island content in a thread with yoshi's island OP image? NOOOO THAT'S OFF TOPIC
That's the point, it's just some incomprehensible abomination
Love how smug the frog is.
Yeah, makes sense.
This also happens in battletoads
>struggle to throw them into screen and get stuck fighting waves and dodging claws for 10 minutes.
Got road blocked here alot of times as a kid before i got gud.
King K. Rool and most of the Mega Man X boss fights. DKC2 and 3 had some cool bosses too
It's like a boss wandered out of an R-Type game.
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I recognize that boss, but who's the weird rambo guy?

I’m actually mad you’re this dumb.
can't really beat Bowser in Yoshi's Island when it comes to best boss fight on the SNES, nothing comes even remotely close.

It's a chinese bootleg tier version of the HR Giger Xenomorph. There's a face in the center-right corner with some kind of helmet that has blue orbs adorning it, and random bone lines to make it look like a crown, there's a brain behind some transparent membrane above it, and it has two xenomorph-like arms and two spikes on the back.
It may have some legs or not, it looks like a giant head fused into a torso with arms on both sides but I can't tell what it is supposed to stand on, it's a bit stupid that way.

Now if you want to see an actual abomination, look at this motherfucker.

What the fuck is his problem?
Yoshi is drawn as a composite of multiple sprites. Head, body, and each foot being independent.

It looks like the only sprite that is exclusive to the final Bowser fight is one frame of Yoshi's head.

It most probably was a lot less work than you initially assumed.
Stole vegetas move
At least he has other attacks he does from time to time. Fucking Cloud of Darkness literally only has her one big Fuck Off attack that she spams over and over and over. In any case, it's a shame after Zeromus and Neo Exdeath, they definitely toned the final bosses down in difficulty and bullshit. Kefka's fucking pitiful in comparison, despite all the kindo surrounding that battle.
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Looks like it's much more than 1 frame.
I think that other anon is claiming all of those sprites, are just a single frame head-swap, the rest of the sprite is used from the rest of the game
Bowser from Yoshi's Island was just a discount Godzilla.
>Fucking Cloud of Darkness literally only has her one big Fuck Off attack that she spams over and over and over.
Holy shit, yes. Fuck Particle Beam in the ass
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Someone either assembled those from dumped sprites, or cut them from screencaps. Someone at Nintendo didn't originally draw them all out like this pixel by pixel.

Here's what the sprites look like in ROM.

To render Yoshi, the game uses animation files that define which sprites to render at what position over time.

To make the final boss animations, the animation files were likely duplicated and a few sprites it refered to were swapped.

Kind of similar to what modern 2D skeletal animation does, like Vanillaware games.
Especially if you choose to let Frog 1v1 him in the ice age.
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I think this one was the actual highlight of Yoshis Island.
Its pretty insane that they pulled this off on the SNES all other mode7 memes werent half as crazy.
I'm sure the SuperFX2 chip helped.
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But that was baby bowser, not actual bowser.

Kinda is funny how he is the true menace in the story, probably because he is jealous of not being able to have Peach as his (baby) momma
Wut? Baby Bowser is the same character as "actual" Bowser. Are you thinking of Bowser Jr.?
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oh I guess you are right then.

Well I guess that gene runs in the family

>look up Aladdin drowning scene on youtube because it traumatized and scared the shit out of me as a kid
>think I might find common ground with other grownups who feel the same
>comment section is just a bunch of perverts talking about their bondage fetish

it's all so tiresome
Did it? The "newest" one I played is Dawn of Sorrow and it had cool bosses

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