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did he ever get a piece of that aromatic ass?
Shinji Rei
Looks female enough, alright I'll goon to this
But that's a Kaworu (sad). Hardcore Homosexual Type.
wow so this is /vr/ now. no dot hack thread, then? this is really pitiful
I've only watched the first anime series. It felt like a fever dream
I wish they still made anime like dot hack signs or SEL. I wish they still made games like that, too. Why is everything new so awful?
Because weebs are retards who love formulaic, trope filled shit and waifus
Late 90s/early 2000s melancholy will never be back but modern gamers and anime fans don't deserve it and wouldn't understand it anyway
Wasn't Tsukasa a girl irl or some shit?
For me I noticed a distinct change in anime when Moe anime got super popular. After that it was a flood of isekai anime. I haven't cared about or watched anything since like 2014 lmao
what order do i watch and play this shit in? I was looking into some wiki that had details but it was too confusing
So....GU? Something made in like 2006?
All that really says is anime never changed, you just notice it more now.
You can either play the original quadrilogy and then move on to GU, or just start with GU. There's also the anime SIGN which takes place before the quadrilogy.
People will say NO DON'T START AT GU, ALL THIS OTHER STUFF HAPPENS FIRST but they forget that there was a giant reset in the setting between IMOQ and the start of Rebirth, and every remnant from the old games is treated like a ghost that refuses to move on.
There's also the Roots anime which well...I guess watch a few episodes of it, just so when those characters from it show up in GU, you aren't lost. But I don't think there's any Roots references until the postgame dungeon of the 2nd GU game.
no. Elk was a simp, timid and pitiful.
And then he became a NEET femboy.
I'm not sure if that's an upgrade or a downgrade.
It's a femboy in the game? In the anime it's an actual girl behind the avatar. I just checked and there are 8 fucking games on the PS2 alone, what the fuck
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two different characters, anon.
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>Wow, this is /vr/ then?
>OP is about an anime character getting cat butt. Not even a mention of the /vr/ series.

Yeah, I guess this is /vr/. Pitiful.
the hack//sigh soundtrack is legit 10/10 soul.
They sure don't make them like they used to.
>read the novel
>watch the series minus ovas
>play the games and watch the liminality ova episodes between them
>finish the series ovas
>read the manga
That's it, ignore everything else
it's the same thing i tell CoD fanboys who whine about the newer games. things never changed, you just got old enough to notice it.

elk is not the MC of .hack//sign and is a completely different character from them.

.hack likes to recycle designs for characters which in an ironic way kinda helps the feel of it being an MMO. like how kite's design is used by 4 or 5 different characters throughout the series.

also elk was a child during the events of the original games.
>also elk was a child
he was 13. you know exactly why he was constantly following around the bottomless catgirl.
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eeeeh, after he starts craving haseo's cock, that's when it ultimately reveals to be a downgrade from simping for pussy
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>elk is not the MC of .hack//sign and is a completely different character from them.
Anon, Elk is Endrance when he's older, that's what I'm talking about.
Literally all I remember about Endrance can be summed up as such. "Ohhhhhhh.. Haseo, you complete me." owo that said, I like his VA. Most notable was Gaara but also Grimoire Weiss so he plays assholes often lol.
Holy shit it's Rei
You know he didn't. Elk is too much of a autist.
Endrance is a guy that's a complete bro but he's also so gay for you that Haseo will never give him his home adress out of fear he'll wake up one day to getting a brojob.
He sure did, that's why he was so attached to Mia/Macha, even Endrance got her as an Avatar.
Yes, she was abused irl so she used a male character as a way of escapism.
Why does everyone in this thread talk so stupid
Release order always
We are creating an aura
I remember seeing some of this show on Adult Swim way back when but I never actually got around to watching it.

Is the anime worth checking out? The games got some mediocre reviews in magazines IIRC, and that’s about all I really knew about them.
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The anime is great, but filters zoomers who can't do without constant fights and action.
SAO has long since poisoned the MMO anime genre beyond salvage by comically missing the point of what makes these kinds of stories interesting. It can be said that dot hack sign is the polar opposite of SAO in every regard, which is why it will always be a timeless work of art in comparison. It has a mystique only possible by being a product of its time, before MMOs were part of the mainstream vernacular, before MMOs had evolved into the cancer that WoW transformed them into, and while there were still real players like the characters depicted in these works rather than minmaxing drones chasing optimal everything and clinging to every word of their favorite e-celeb streamers.
If you were there and have any fond memories of that time period, find a way to escape into them temporarily as you enjoy dot hack sign and the IMOQ tetralogy and you'll find them far easier to appreciate.
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>before MMOs had evolved into the cancer that WoW transformed them into
>minmaxing drones chasing optimal everything
Why did you have to remind me? Even playing older MMOs or private servers, it's all minmaxing endgamer donkeybrains these days. Oh, and can't forget:
>join a guild
>discord link
>ingame guild chat is dead, have to install real spyware to even talk to people and even if you did they wouldn't be worth it anyway
I've more or less turned to singleplayer RPGs exclusively. Well written party members are closer to the kinds of people you'd meet playing MMOs back in the day than actual modern MMO players are.
Based, alright I’m sold. Needed something new to watch in any case. If I get hooked then I may check out the games as well.
Not a lot of people know this but SAO is actually as old as .hack, the original novel series ran from 2002 to 2008. Curiously enough even the first SAO video game was announced before the anime adaptation
>but filters zoomers who can't do without constant fights and action.
that's not really a zoomer thing. most weebs are shounenfags who basically want everything to be like dragonball, naruto & one piece.

>ingame guild chat is dead, have to install real spyware to even talk to people and even if you did they wouldn't be worth it anyway
it's something that always bothered me i get WoW because blizzard monitors your chat logs and they can ban you for them but why does everyone hop into a discord instead of just using the chat?
i just remember tuning in to twilight bracelet every now and then, and it was always just balmung and suburu or whatever walking around talking about some shit. It just seemed like nothing ever happened in the show, and I don't think that's an unfair critique as lots of these lower budget anime suffer from that problem. I love the first game's presentation, atmosphere and soul but the combat ruined it for me and I never made it past the cloud city
idk man but i'd buy a month of classic just to fish if you really want to play online. I would've gotten into WoW a lot harder but when I realized you can't solo past 40 I logged out; the raid scene is too much bullshit. Even if I want to max fishing I think you have to raid just to get to the rare fishing spots
I found FF12 to be a better experience than actual mmos myself. I just imagine meeting interesting people in Archades, Eruyt, and Balfonheim
muh nostalgia muh childhood muh nostalgia muh childhood muh nostalgia muh childhood muh nostalgia muh childhood muh nostalgia muh childhood muh nostalgia muh childhood muh nostalgia muh childhood muh nostalgia muh childhood
cool post dude, thanks for the bump
regardless of the MMO i've always found raids to be bullshit simply because of the barrier for entry being so high that it's borderline impossible to get into them unless you make a character built exclusively for them and/or treat the game like a job.
raids never were for normal people anyways and even in nu-MMOs endgame raiders make up an extreme minority for a reason, its horrid legacy content. even back in old school JP FFXI release back in 2002, the devs thought 99% of the playerbase would be sated with just leveling/messing around only to find people were running out of things to do at level cap. jp devs only had PSO1 as a frame of reference, where all you really did in that was level

and as far as classic WoW goes, the guys put in charge of raid design were freakshit EQ world-firster poopsock players on the side (which was most of Blizzard's devs in general) who exhausted that game of everything it had and still weren't satisfied
it's akin to playing a tower defense UMS map in starcraft. When you lose, it's a blame game, and when you win, there's really no reward other than bragging rights and maybe some loot for a select few. It's just a niche style of cooperative gameplay that I can't get into. The raids are so choreographed I just can't understand the appeal of bashing your head against the same instance for days or weeks, totally dependent on other people not fucking up
Yeah but his boss fight music fucking rules
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Literally just run your own server with bots and progression
>The anime is great, but filters zoomers who can't do without constant fights and action
Lmao fuck off. Tsukasa is the singe most annoying character I've ever seen, I constantly wanted to punch that whiny little faggot in the face. And unlike the gamedevs the creators had zero fucking idea how an online game works.
currently doing my first run of imoq
had the games for years and never got to play past infection or finish the anime
right now finishing infection
really digging the atmosphere, the combat not so much but spamming the fast walk scroll helps a lot
have a feeling they really tried to make this series a mega franchise but somehow didn't click with a larger audience, maybe because the other games being released at the time were technically more advanced
this needs a revival, similar vibes to serial experiments lain
plus the music is soooo good
mac ano and yasashii yoake on repeat
melancholic, makes me feel I belong in a place I can no longer reach
I fucking love this opening as a 32 year old boomer

for me, it's
>an ironic way kinda helps the feel of it being an MMO
What's ironic about it? Remember what online games were out at the time? Phantasy Star Online for instance. They had few character templates.
It would be "ironic" if character creators were as advanced as they are today and they used templates.
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Like every character in this picture is a character in the story *and* presets for the player.
.hack tricked me into thinking MMOs would have socialization, it’s story and by extension gameplay ideas(exacerbated by G.U. and playing PSO) would be common place. Just min maxing fuckery with generic weirdos that may as well be bots in generally annoying games where everything takes forever fo accrue subscription costs.
that's literally the same artist isn't it?
.hack let's meet offline so I can beat your fuckin ass
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astute observation
that looks awful
>wow I love MMOs
>I really hate the group content or anything that requires my character to not be a weak piece of garbage though. God forbid I do damage or that would be try hard minmaxing
Unironically half of this thread would be better off playing single player grinding simulators
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>have a feeling they really tried to make this series a mega franchise but somehow didn't click with a larger audience
Should've tried making good games instead. .hack has cool ideas, visuals, even some good tunes but by god is IMOQ downright abusive in stretching what little content there is for the sake of 4 games sold separately in a nickel and dime attempt to kickstart a franchise. The anime has outstanding music but half the episodes could just be reruns and you wouldn't miss anything.
You had to be there
>a revival, similar vibes to Serial Experiments Lain
Quick rundown on that? As far as I know, there's only the psx game and the anime, which were released decades ago.
>really digging the atmosphere, the combat not so much but spamming the fast walk scroll helps a lot
It doesn't get better until the GU series, just take some time between games in the quadrilogy or you'll burn out
The only thing I didn't like about the original quadrilogy is you only could play a Twin Blade, you couldn't pick your class. GU KINDA fixed this because Haseo picked the multiclassing option that lets you do multiple roles and weapon types, but even then I still can't play a Blade Brandier.
the series seems a bit gay and furry adjacent
You're not wrong but it came out early enough that people didn't automatically associate stuff like Mia with furries because the online furry community weren't as vocal yet.
CyberConnect2 did have Tail Concerto, then its sequel. And continuing the furfaggotry to this day with their ongoing Fuga series, third game on the way. That's basically all that's listed on Steam despite GU and their Naruto games being on there https://store.steampowered.com/developer/cyberconnect2

They're officially a furry company.
Well that's basically bamco owns .hack and has the naruto license. Furryga is CC2's own self published animal.
The amount of furry avatars in the Fuga reviews are enough to make me puke. I was going to buy the Klonoa rerelease but refrained after seeing the kind of crowd that stuff attracts.
>get into the skintight bodysuit, fuccboi
considering you could set furry bara art as your wallpaper in GU, yeah pretty much
She's real......
EVA if it was an MMO
You're not going to believe which company made the .hack franchise.
Speaking of CC2, whatever happened to Tokyo Ogre Gate and Cecile?
starting watching Sign and I'm having some trouble following it. They're all just role playing? A lot of the time it seems like they're not really doing anything, just killing time for several scenes, not talking about anything important. You really have to go through all this to understand the series?
>You really have to go through all this to understand the series?
No, in fact SIGN has very little impact on the games. The only thing to take from the show to keep in mind for the future is Haseo was Sora
:O I don't know who that is
Watched some more episodes. It's literally scene after scene of a couple characters standing side by side, looking at the horizon and talking about bunch of teen naval gazing shit.
I do wonder why Bandai never did a rerelease of the original games like they did with GU?
yeah? the parts where they are just staring at scenery with great music are kino
The scenery is pretty flat though. And I've seen Serial Experiments Lain, idk why Sign is being compared to it. SEL was far more surreal and introspective. Sign is very monotonous. It plays out like a soap opera if it was about people stuck in a rut with a lot of time on their hands playing a video game. The actual story for the series doesn't seem to get touched on too much until the games, while the anime is focused exclusively on some very superficial character drama. I remember Digimon Tamers aired around the same time and I think it did what Sign apparently attempted to do a whole lot better.
I wanna start where do i?
PS2 games > bundled videos > sign > Gu > roots
Throw the rest in between in release order if I want more, miss anything important? did I get it right?
SIGN is before the games, the Unison OVA is after.
Yes, transgender people get more kino the more they're hated
She wasn't transgender. She played a male character to distance herself from her real life, and played obsessively. The anime ends with her coming to terms with her real life and logging off, probably starting a gay relationship with that cripple girl. In any case she's 100% girl and her male character was pure escapism, nothing to do with tranny activism obviously so stop that.
>cripple girl
I wonder if she named her character after the car that made her a cripple
Roots is also before GU. I read a few of the manga and novels when they were on tokyopop and they literally add little to nothing to the lore.
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>the more they're hated
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Haseo is the protagonist of the G.U games, Sora was his old nickname when he was 10 during SIGN, he was an edgy twin blade who loved PKing other players and used l33t 5p34k.
Liminality was kino
I like that Wiseman managed to be both Gendo AND Fuyutsuki
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It sucks that nothing happened after the movie besides cc2 just shilling merch
>She wasn't transgender. She played a male character to distance herself from her real life, and played obsessively.
You act like think this makes them sound less trans lmao
You're one hopelessly obsessed idiot.

>the guest of honor was Hiroshi Matsuyama

the fucking CEO of CC2, the guy who self inserts into the .hack games as piros the spearman, is a literal furry
during the lockdowns I finally bit the bullet and went on a .hack deep dive after always being vaugely aware of the series and thinking it was interesting. I experienced every single bit of .hack media in release order.

IMOQ are the worst games i've ever finished. It's like if you took PSO and made everything shitty on purpose. they have an incredible asthetic and skeith is one of the most memorable bosses I've seen in an rpg but the gameplay is so bad the .hack books I read clowned on it talking about how in order to beat the one sin balmung and orca had to spam potions constantly aka how you fight any boss in this boring ass game where going into the menu to get one heal off is like 4 layers of menus. The anime from around this time look great and have some cool moments but don't actually flesh out IMOQ at all and also one of those anime made it so buying the 4th game legally is impossible because they forgot they shipped a titty ova with a T rated ps2 game sold at walmart and had to pull the game from shelves. in the end its a lot of hype signifying nothing because at the end of the day you resolve the plot because your plucky shounen protagonist never gives up and just kind of wins because the cyber goddess wants him to.
GU is a lot better as a game, the combat is actually fun - the characters actually feel like people who are terminally online instead of stock fantasy characters that the game is telling you are actually video game fans and the in-game internet is a lot more fleshed out. everything surrounding gu however (books/manga/anime) are horrible and then all of the 'third stage' stuff is just a wet fart.

tldr: haseo is the only character in this whole franchise that actually feels like a gamer and his arc from showing up in sign to these games is actually kind of compelling even if he's a capital G gamer. IMOQ is all hype no payoff. .hack died with the ps2. cc2 are bad game devs but great artists.
The soundtrack is about the only redeeming thing about .hack sign. I listened to the OST before I watched the anime because I heard other stuff from Yuki Kajiura and liked her chill sound. I eventually watched the series and it was incredibly dull. The music doesn't really fit the scenes they're showing. None of the landscapes they're peering off to look scenic or interesting, never mind the dumb character design.

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Can I hop right into this game, without having played the prior 4 JRPGs? Would I be missing out?

I do plan to start the JRPGs this weekend, but I saw that the private server is still populated, so I wanted to give is a try
Weird. I mainly associated them with Naruto games.
I played the psp game for 30 minutes and hated it. And now I learn the guy behind it is a furry? Hate intensifies.
piros wielded an axe in infection so fuck you, no one fucking cares
what is that one? I remember if you tried to play Quarantine or Mutation before finishing Infection you didn't have a great time because you're meant to transfer data, but I don't know anything about the game you posted
i'll take the fucking purple cat girl over whatever the fuck this is supposed to be any day

It's the online MMO-type one that plays like Phantasy Star Online, with a single player story and an online story (I think) where you can party up with 2 other people.
>IMOQ are the worst games i've ever finished
why would somebody admit that they haven't played many games at all on a video game enthusiast board?
key word 'finished'
i always wanted to see a romhack that combined this with IMOQ.

like imagine going throw all 4 games as different classes instead of just twinblade and having co-op on top of it?
fragment is all of the same maps as imoq and literally nothing changes between classes except different stat caps and animations on a handful of skills
The PvP fear really takes me out of it.
People were already pissed about rogues camping them in wow and invaders in dark souls griefing them - imagine that on top of this you lose tons of exp for dying (the single player games don't include this but fragment and the non-game stuff like the anime do, exp loss on death was in all the mmos from that time and wow not having it was 'casual') and its happening to (you) in hyper realistic VR.

people acting like being a player killer makes you a bad person makes tons of sense to me. even if its "just a game" the time you invest in it is very real
Sure, that's definitely more than a bit annoying, but the players talk about it like something just short of murder.
If can take you a week to level up once back then. If I could lost it all in an instant because of a ganker, I'd imagine it's a bit more than annoying
Yeah, annoying. Not some pure-evil horror-beneath-the-gods deal.
surely if you post on 4chan you know at least one anecdote of people talking internet shit really seriously even when its just stuff on a screen and not happening to (you)
Yeah, and they're outliers. The characters in the series seem to have normalized this sort of fear.
because only outliers are playing this game, especially in gu where the player killers being literally hitler starts to be a huge story aspect and its when the world is a dying game that people are leaving in droves so only obsessives are still around
Don't the later parts spoil the game?
some of my favorite games

Tell me your feels anon
Not sure what this anon's smoking when it comes to SIGN. I rewatched it a year ago and it's a solid 6. The only reason it ever seems to be charished is because it aired late at night when teens were in a stupor and the slowpaced camp of the show really gave it that euphoric "vibe" (or what Zoomers call a "mood"), on top of the god-tier soundtrack.
It really didn't need to be 26 fucking episodes long either, because a good 1/3rd of it was a lot meandering and I don't blame anyone for getting bored after a while when watching it.
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I watched it like 3 years ago and would give it a solid 8 for the atmosphere of it alone. Hell the thread makes me want to watch it again.
I know, Zoomer, criticism hurts, but it's called tough love for a reason. I liked the show for what it's worth and imo has great dub directing (Mimiru especially) barring Crim.
No need to project so hard. Your lazy lack of punctuation and buzzword use in your first reply gave it away.
Just started. This game is like a joke, ain't it?
Make like Tsukasa and disappear for the majority of the show.
it's like soul if that's what you mean
>that euphoric "vibe" (or what Zoomers call a "mood")
> Zoomers call a "mood"
"Mood" is what we called atmosphere before "vibe" took over 15 years ago lmfao. Are you in your early 20s or something? Because you arent Gen X or a Millennial, thats for sure.
it doesn't really seem too over the top when you realize that gankers and griefers are why we'll never see world PVP in a modern MMO ever again outside of some niche game like mortal or albion with a thousand something players at it's peak. the closest we've got to a triple A MMO incorporating world PvP in recent years was fallout 76 (which has restrictions on how PvP is initiated) and GTA online (which is plagued by hackers).

and the reason for all that is it exclusively what >>10980252 said about PvPers chasing the more casual playerbase away. even back then a newbie or scurb getting merc'd by some endgame level shit in the starting zone isn't going to git gud they're just going to leave.
>which is plagued by hackers
Only if you play on PC. People behave themselves in GTAO on consoles, and most of the lobby will wreck your shit if you grief someone.

But you're right, and it's sad. I used ti play of PVPRP servers despite having zero interest in PVP specifically because it added to the gameplay. Heightened emotions are neat.
They phrase it like
>"That's a mood, y'all"
Uncultured retard.
Realest ass post on this website let alone board
that flat lightning has no mood
Yeah no, I'm 32 and thats not new in the slightest lol. Chill out before you pop something.
>autist can't parse sarcasm
many such cases
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here's the watch order
>watch sign
>play IMOQ
>watch each liminality episode after each game
>input the secret code that explains everything, even the purposes of the 8 phases
>watch dot hack gift
>jack off to "that scene" as a victory
>skip GU
>play fragment
>question why IMOQ doesn't play like fragment, which is amazing
Again, I'm 32, so I'm well aware of what "sarcasm" is and we all know you were not, in fact, being sarcastic. You said something fucking stupid and now you're trying to save face.
what secret code?
How were you supposed to know the correct ingredients for the grunties? They seem way too specific to get by accident or for someone to get one and then share online how.
I don't want to play this anymore lol this game's really boring haha
Even Phantasy Star Online completely offline is more engaging than this crap. And data draining is rubbish, does GU have this too?
you just go to all the levels and collect all the ingredients and then start raising the grunty, I guess. Like, they tell you what kind of food they want, you just have to know what they're talking about and the only way to do that within the game is to collect all of the ingredients. I do remember it being very cryptic though so my guess is there's no way to know unless there's a snippet in the manual that helps you but I don't think there was
thanks for the guide but I need more info
- what is the code and where do I input it? is it something that will appear naturally, maybe on quarantine?
- about liminality, I'm watching it midway of eachgame due to each episode having clues to areas with rare items.
- what is "that scene" you mention?
Pretty sure if you give them what they ask you'll just get the generic noble grunty. I'm guessing it was shit they hid in ads or something like how some secret items were in specific locations.
each liminality dvd has a secret code used on that dvd that reveals lore.
if you watch the very end of gift, you'll know when to masturbate.
you're just addicted to masturbating, and to anything from the looks of it.
I ate up melancholic shit but I HATED this one, I wanted this fucking hack to do ANYTHING and when it finally got to the end and s/he decided to the anime fucking ends. what a pile of dogshit.
i own all of them including fragments but I cant be asked to play them because everything you say is right.
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sign is slow and mostly dialog/mystery, so it isn't for everyone. the atmosphere and soul is top tier however.

regarding IMOQ, they really feel like early functional online games.
as a fan of PSO they clicked hard with me, and adding random dungeons gives it insane playtime.

also fragment is an official mod of IMOQ with a new small story and very very grindy.
these gameplay changes are pretty big, and i'd like to see these modded into IMOQ so more people can enjoy the series.
>thats not new in the slightest
It is. No one's ever said it like that in the history of ever until recently.

It's either been "I'm in a mood" or "What a shitty mood to be in", never "That's a mood".
autism, you're both autistic and no one cares holy shit
You care, funnily enough.
IMOQ is the most soulful game I've ever played

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