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hey /vr/ when Pokemon came out i was already a teenager in high school. It was a fun little rpg, but I can see now that if I had played it when i was a really little kid it would have been as magical as I've heard it was for some people.

So make this old man cry. Give me some nostalgic greentext stories of playing Pokemon as a little kid,
i dont think its just kid appeal. i think it has unique gameplay and fun mechanics.
I was the perfect age when I came out I fucking hated the trend. I liked anime but now everyone likes it because of this shit series. The games were fun but nothing special. Digimon World and Monster Rancher were superior. I liked the game were you could build a base anywhere in the world like you could make cave bases or something. Not sure what game in the series introduced that.
ruby and sapphire.
The trading with friends, battles, and just general great gameplay really smashed it outta the park. It was fun to see who liked which pokemon as well
I was 13 when this came out. I was really in to pokemon for about a year. I got interested in it because I was subscribed to Nintendo Power and they had special inserts for a few months that were basically a walkthrough for the game. Later on I got the actual game guide with my subscription renewal. I remember there were a ton of Pokemon fan sites on the internet at the time and I used to look at Pokemon hentai without even knowing what it was, and lot's of pictures of nude jesse and nurse joy. Lot's of Tentacruels you know. People on this website often talk about the "old internet" but I never really see them talk about the "old old" internet of the late 90's with geocities and those types of "build your own website" sites and webrings. Anyways I rented a gameshark for gameboy from the local video store and unlocked Mew. Later on I tried to dupe it with my friend and it erased his entire save. We didn't talk much after that. I used to rush home from school to watch the show at 3:30 everyday. I lost interest as I went in to high school and the series shifted to the card game. It became to gay to me and didn't want to be associated with it in high school. I haven't played any Pokemon games since. I have a couple fond memories associated with Pokemon but I'm not nostalgic for it. Still have all my old carts though.
I was 10 when it came out, already had been playing RPGs since FF3 on the snezz so the gameplay was actually a bit primitive to me but the whole "151 different pokemans" is what made it exciting. Then they started adding more of those little shits and by the time I turned 12 I'd had enough of it. I don't understand how some people can play these games or be a fan of the cartoons way into adulthood.

You really didn't miss much, we had way better cartoons and video games that came before it.
>To doxx or not doxx myself and my story...
Meh I guess ill share a tidbit. Got the game in elementary school and even bought a magazine that featured all the details like where to find the pakimans. Tons of kids played it and I even got to trade and battle many times in school. By the time ruby shappire came out I was in HS and you were able to download the games the same day the games came out. Obviously I got the games and played them on the pc. Never finished 2nd gen or 3rd gen. Did beat fire red though just for nostalgias sake. Was a crazy time when new releases could be played at home same time as ppl were buying them (literally same day Rom dumps)
In a way, I don't know how to explain it. Was it all the instruction manual? The aesthetic of it was intriguing. The whole idea behind it was that the monsters were mysterious, sort of random in a sense, so you didn't know what would appear - or namely, what they evolved into, because I think most of the hidden ones in the manual were evolutions. At least, it made you think about that.
But I think it was the design of the monsters combined with the purity of the game concept because I hadn't conceived of a monster collecting game before. Nor played a turn-based JRPG.
It could have partially been the fact that the promotional material made sure to tell you the strange word "Pokemon" was a - transliteration? - of the "pocket monsters", which was something I was familiar with from years before when there was a promotional in certain breakfast cereals called "Monster in My Pocket". As well as a toy line called "Trash Bag Bunch" were you melted the plastic bag in the sink and got a random action figure.

It was the right product at the right time. It knew what it was doing, and I feel like it tried to remove mechanical impediments to enjoying what it knew it was and was trying to do.
I remember it being good, pokemon anime, pokemon games, pokemon toys, pokemon cards. Man it was awesome. I was 7 when it first hit America, did t get the gb games till I was 9 tho, one of my friends game me a copy of pokemon red so we could play together. He's still a solid dude.
Are there any other rpgs which emphasized party building and one one one combat simultaneously?
Wrestling games I guess, like the ones where you build your own characters and can put together a team in story mode. Wrestmania in N64 is a good one iirc
When I was a kid it was a huge thing. All the kids had either red or blue (or yellow soon after) and everyone collected pokemon cards even though none of us played the card game. I remember my playground had like these cement tubes that kids would play in and we used to all gather in the tubes to get out of the wind and trade pokemon cards and trade/battle in the game. Most battles back then involved who had the most powerful mewtwo/who could save Mewtwo longest. Mine was pretty strong in my school because everyone else liked to put Hyper Beam on him and I thought that was stupid. Outside of the game I once managed to trade up a Seaking for a dank holographic Alakazam. When the first movie came out I was apparently the last kid of the day so the movie attendant gave me the stack of Mew cards they were giving out at the movie. I kept a bunch but I sold some of them for warheads sour candy and other dumb shit on the playground. Good times.
Fuck, Pokemon was elementary kino. The school bus was literally just trading cards, and yelling obscenities at people outside the window
One week after I got the game there was this gigantic nation wide storm in my country, one that everyone remembers and is still considered one of the biggest we ever had.

Anyway the power was out for a day, I remember playing Pokémon Blue by the window trying to catch a bit of moonlight on the screen. Coincidentally I was in the Rock Tunnel at that point which even with Flash, was really dark; so it was pretty fitting atmosphere.
The only real memories I have are my entire base set of 151 first edition cards rotting away in an outdoor shed after I lost interest in them which makes me physically ill when I think about it so I prefer not to.
I know my bus driver hated us because we sang the poke rap almost every morning. We unironically had one kid who had Mew and he told everyone that he got it by using strength on the truck. Me and the other kids would try out all kinds of shit to move that fucking truck. To this day on all my reruns through the original games I always make sure to get knocked out after getting cut on the S.S. Anne. so that it would never sail away just out of habit.
>my childhood friend was gifted pokemon blue from his american relatives
>game didn't even come out in europe yet, we never heard of pokemon before
>we couldn't even read english
>he described it to me as "this cool game where you make animals fight with invisible weapons, the levels are also invisible"
>we played the game together a lot
>we thought "pokemon" were the human bad guys
>we thought we were killing animals like birds and bugs and each time the same one appeared it was their relative
>poison was the "teleport" because after a while it would teleport back to the pokemon center
>we thought the pokemon center healing machine was giving a back massage to our animals
>we had no idea we could catch the animals, the old man tutorial showed throwing a "poke ball" at one but when I tried it just bounced off (it was a trainer's) so I never attempted again on a wild one
>as a result we only ever had a massively overpowered blastoise as early as azure town
>farthest we could get in the game was up to the ss anne because we had no idea what HMs did, we couldn't get pass the cuttable trees
Then a while later pokemon actually came out officially and I got the strategy guide in the mail with the nintendo magazine, I immediately contacted my friend and was like "THIS IS THE GAME WE PLAYED"
Then I actually got the game in an understandable language and finally realized how wrong we were about everything
>the movie attendant gave me the stack of Mew cards
That's fucking sick. I had gone with my Korean friend whose cousins were visited him at the time, and I pissed one of them off, and the bastard snatched my Mew out of my hand and crumpled it in front of my face out of pure manlet rage.
You remind me of other shenanigans too lol.
>So make this old man cry. Give me some nostalgic greentext stories of playing Pokemon as a little kid,
Why do you want to know so much about my personal live pal? Why don't you tell me a story about the TMNT craze?
Kind of epic. Had you been grinding your starter, or how did you beat Brock?
It's kind of uncanny. Who was the dude to find out about Mew shit on the Internet? At that time I was still barely using the library Internet because it was slower than flipping through books I wanted on the shelf. Yet we all found out about Missingno.
It was a user on Gamefaqs in late 2003. I want to say it was September when it was found. I remember the thread somewhat.
Well good looking out. I'd a been 9 then. I think it speaks to how invested we all were in that game.
For me, it never evolved into a competitive meta. Even duping rare candies and feeding them was kinda too time consuming. It was like, oh you have a lvl 100 Mewtwo? Respect man I'm not that guy.
>poison was the "teleport"
That's awesome
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Honestly I like Gen 1 more now than I did then. Of course I enjoyed it as a kid, watched the anime got the cards and kept playing until Black and White came out. Gen 5 really made me wake up and realize how bullshit these games are with their stupid stories that constantly interrupt you to dump mountains of text boxes on you, bloated mechanics, badly designed areas that are designed to just waste time and quite frankly I just wasn't liking the monster designs anymore.

Gen 1(and mostly Gen 2 as well to be fair) doesn't have any of that shit. Its legitimately one of the most well paced JRPGs I have ever played. No story or cutscenes stopping you, just you in the world figuring it out. Its super replayable too, Ive been having a blast breeding a random team in Crystal and then using the time machine to put them into Blue. Its cool to be able to play through the entire game with stuff you normally cant get until near the end. Theres also the fact that you can do the gyms and team rocket stuff in pretty much any order you want, especially if you have an HM move early on a Pokemon you trade in. People can cry about how "broken" the game is fucking whatever man Im not an autistic turbo nerd and don't notice it. If you haven't played it in a long time I genuinely recommend going back to it and checking it out again. I honestly think its a true classic.
that unironically a great story
It felt pretty fuckin good slashing everything to death with a levelled Charizard. Very immersive.
Also LOL at poison teleporting you back. That's natural strategy right there.
>Its super replayable too, Ive been having a blast breeding a random team in Crystal and then using the time machine to put them into Blue.

Yeah that is fun. Once I bred some Evees in gen2 and used them as starters in Yellow, which works really well because Evees and its evos had their moveset changed in Yellow to match that of a starter since the rival uses them.
You can also teach some moves to a mon in gen2, that it can't normally learn in gen1, and import it back to gen1 (as long as it's a gen1 move).
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My save game corrupted and I lost my Swampert!!!1! :'(
I was 3 years old when my 2 older brothers were playing Red and Blue each on their purple GBCs. I played on their games so much that my mom took me to the store to get me a teal GBC with Yellow version for my birthday. :)
I never got beyond after defeating Surge because I didn't know any English and the rest of the places kind of required me to read and understand dialogue. Nonetheless I played and played and played, would restart saves constantly, and all. This was all in kindergarten.
Still at 5 years old, Gold & Silver came out. I got Silver. They're still my favorite games. That one I was able to go through entirely. I know that game like the palm of my hand. Sometimes older brothers would come and play on my save to catch Pinsirs/Scythers on the National Park.
Gen 2 is still my favorite. I'd spend hours grinding on the Elite Four, eating chocolate croissants my grandma would purposefully go to the café to bring home while I watched Timon and Pumbaa's marathon on TV.

I never stopped playing all the games, got at least 1 version at release. Nowadays I have all the games in boxes (from gen 1 to 3, I have the games in their Japanese versions in the cardboard boxes, since I already had my EU cartridges for them).
That happened with me, except with those Club Nintendo promo Kid Icarus: Uprising cards turning stiff and crusty from getting lost in my trunk severla years ago. Still have them, and the pack is still sealed, but I have no if the AR codes on them will still work...and probably most importantly, I doubt they're worth anything now.
I don’t have any stories, since it’s been so long ago, but I do remember enjoying playing Yellow and Silver and using the link cable to battle and trade.
I lost those games, as well as some of my other favorite Game Boy games, to a bus fire in 2005, during my high school marching band trip to Disney World. I haven’t played a Pokemon game since.
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>Got Pokemon for my 11th birthday after seeing an ad for it in the Sears Christmas Catalouge
>Thanks to a clerical error when filling out my paperwork for pre-school, my "school birthday" was at the beginning of the month; a week before my actual birthday
>As such, my folks let me do birthday parties on the 1st.
>Be me
>Read the instruction manual
>"Pokemon trainers begin their journeys at the age of 10"
>I'm incredibly happy because I was starting my journey "right on time"
>Fastforward to the summer
>Flipping though our local, over-the-air channels
>Remembered that we had just recently got an WB allfiliate
>Tune in
>Immediately go get my Gameboy
>It's the episode where the Grimer are taking over the power plant
>I would check my Pokedex to see if I'd seen every Pokemon they saw in the episode

Serendipity was very much a big part of my Pokemon experience.
My best friend and I were super hyped about Gold and Silver coming out, so we managed to get our hands on a "preview strategy guide". It was literally one of those "Unofficial, Unauthorized" books, but it detailed everything in GS up until Kanto, written by someone who had a Japanese copy of the game and BARELY knew Japanese. The main result of all of this was:

1.) I had memorized the Japanese names so hard that I, still to this day, have trouble remembering the English names of the Gen 2 Pokemon.
2.) The author had an Umbreon in his team. He specifically refered to Umbreon as YanYan. Until I found out what it's REAL Japanese name was years later, I just thought YanYan was Umbreon's Japanese name.
3.) Kanto was still a big mystery because the author petered out there, but he did warn that someone "familiar" was the final boss. I knew to expect someone on Mt. Silver. When I turned out to be Red, I called my friend screaming that you fight "YOU from the last game" as the last boss.
Wholesome as fuck
Agreed. Pokemon isn't just some simple JRPG that people only liked because they were kids, that's just what every OTHER JRPG except it essentially is. Pokemon does away with most of the 'fluff' of the genre and focused on making the worthwhile parts interesting while also doing plenty of unique things, it's really exceptional in this regard.
>we sang the poke rap almost every morning
That is the funniest thing to me for some reason. >>10959652 For better or worse, I missed out on the bus-riding experience (outside of absolUte K I N O field trips, of course) since my elementary school was in walking distance post-kindergarten.

Do you guys remember those 4 exclusive Pokemon t-shirts that came in a deluxe Pokeball from Sears? I got three of them, and could've gotten all four, but I didn't because I retardedly thought one of them was ugly.
>Be me 8 year old kid
>Grandma buys me a gameboy color with pokemon blue as a package
>die of excitement
>parents buy me link cable
>this is mind blowing, family is lower class, kraft dinner, hand me down clothes, this must have cost them a fortune
>Everyone at school has gameboys, link cables and pokemon red/blue or yellow
>Recess is about battling other kids
>Dgaf about the pokemon card game
>Dgaf about the anime
>Get a pokemon starter card deck
>Comes with 4 card packs
>One of them has a shiny chancy
>Neighborhood kid wants it
>Trade it to him for his lvl 99 mewtwo
>now have two lvl 99 mewtwo's in my lineup
>become undefeatable

To this day I still couldn't care less about the anime, the card game or the other games. It was a fun little game and part of the fun was the pvp with other kids on the playground. Afaik the kid I traded the shiny chancy card to still has it because he's a collector type. I find adults who are fans of the series bizarre because the game hasn't really changed. If you've played one you've played all of them, yet I knew people who would still buy every new Pokemon release. An odd obsession, once I played pokemon crystal it really wasn't all that different from the first set of games and I dropped the series.
Damn, dude, you're like 70? 80? Crazy to have boomers like you on 4chan.
I was just in the middle of becoming an adolescent, at 13. It helped that I was already into video games and I was already familiar with "Pocket Monsters" by reading about it on vidya magazines, showing pics of kids on the streets of Tokyo playing with the link-cable. I was a lot into Game Boy so I remember calling different stores from my city asking if they had this japanese game "pocket monsters", to their total ignorance of it, this was 1997.
I also remember reading the news about the Porygon episode, the newspaper included a full color pic of Pikachu, and it seemed like a kind of creepy creature to me, probably because of the context.
I eventually got my copy of Red in early 1999, and met another kid my age who also had Red. He had another friend who got Blue, and getting all three of us together playing battles and trading was legit great.
Then at 15 I got Gold, more as a sort of peer pressure lol, my group of friends were all playing G/S so I joined. I remember I was 10 bucks short to buy the game at the store and one of the guys there shelled out these 10 bucks so I could get it.
Lots of battling, trading and IR surprise gift, it was a wild ride too.
I kind of stopped playing modern games after that, I didn't play any of the later gens, but as an adult I enjoyed replaying gen 1 and 2, this time with Stadium 1 and 2, good stuff.
>be me, 9 y/o
>mom buys me pokemon blue
>pick squirtle because I like turtles
>play through game with virtually no problems until 8th badge
>can't find it
>fly around everywhere with pidgeotto trying to find the gym
>almost give up
>older cousin tells me it's in viridian city
>mfw I spent days and couldn't find it
>beat gym
>kid at school shows me the missingno glitch
>hack in an unknown number of rare candies
>beat the game, catch mewtwo
>get a full pokedex from trades at school
>have pokemon battles with kids during recess
Good times
>be like 6 years old at the turn of the millennium
>raised on the anime, Misty my first love
>got gold version and a cyan blue GBC from my cousin, still have it to this day(lost the cart ;_;)
>either couldnt or was too stupid to read, battled by mashing A and figuring out which attack had the flashiest animation and which did damage(this is probably why I never use smokescreen because it did no damage)
>always talked to the old man for the map and somehow never figured out what Pokémon centers did even though he tells you exactly what they do
>made it to mr pokemon ONCE using potions before running out of po and whiting out
>Stuck forever as a kid resetting and dying, not know what Pokémon centers did
>finally get to violet city somehow one day
>gaped by Faulkner because I never caught another mon

>friends all had game boys too
>we’d play them in the gym at summer day camp
>nobody had a cable to trade or battle with, so we’d just crowd around one kid who he the rarest mons

>ruby/sapphire comes out
>THAT fucking kid who spread a rumor around school saying running around the mossdeep shuttle 100 times and examining the white rock would let you go to the moon and catch Deoxys
Fuck you zack
Oh yah and I forgot
>summer day camp has a snes
>you could either go to the pool that day or stay inside and play video games or pool
>one day a kid brings a fucking Super game boy in, plugs it into the snes
>we’re all dumb little brats, we don’t know what the fuck it is. Never saw a commercial for it on tv or anything
>this kids plugs in his red cart and suddenly he’s walking through dark cave on the TV, and later someone brings their yellow cart and fights mewtwo
Blew my fucking mind as a little kid, I didn’t even know they tech was possible
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I don't have a childhood greentext story because I never had handhelds as a kid and had never played a Pokemon game until a few days ago. The only childhood Pokemon story I have is having hundreds of tazos and somehow getting into the local newspaper on the back pages because of my "record collection". I wish I kept that so I can see what they wrote and what the fuck they were thinking because I don't remember. I just remember my mom taking me to the local newspaper office with my pencil cases full of tazos and them counting them to write the story. Pic related, I actually kept one of them. This is probably from like the year 2000.

Other than that I just got a gameboy player for my Gamecube and have put ~22 hours in LeafGreen in the past few days for my first ever Pokemon game. It's pretty addicting. Just learned the only way to get a Gengar is via trading too so I might quit the game to be honest.
goto the newspaper place and have them unearth the old article in their archives and print it out for you. I did that with an article about me winning a contest at 10 and its been A LOOOOONG Time. took awhile for them to dig it up and print it up for me and they charged $20 but I got it printed now and stored with some other childhood memories. dooooo it anon
There were 3 local papers at the time. I don't remember which one. One of them is now dead if it was that one. I also absolutely do not remember which year it happened. Absolutely no way this can be done. Even if there was a chance there's no way I'm walking in and going "so uhhh when I was a little kid playing with fake Pokemon tazos you guys wrote..."
lol shame i'd love to see you post your article on here for everyone to read. I get it tho anon its been 2 long. I did look silly coming in and asking for them to dig it up but I did and I dont regret it. Pity it'd be cool you have a copy of it again
How did they even find it? Like how do you just find a PAPER article from a trillion years ago? Unless you know the exact year and day it was published.
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Part of the magic is the social aspect. Pokemon is still one of the only party-building RPGs where you can have a direct head-to-head match against another player's party. Even though the single player game is easy, there is a lot of strategy between human players of the same skill level which makes it feel like there's always new builds for you to make even after the single player game has been exhausted. Plus since there is trading you always have some way you can interact with another Pokemon player irl if you meet them.

There's also the element of how this series sort of makes an ever-expanding world. You can be playing the current games with a Pokemon that's literally been transferred up from the old Pokemon game you played in 2002. It means you never feel like you've wasted time grinding in these games because everything you do can always be transferred forward. There's also a really fun degree of worldbuilding in these games with their own mythology, and the fact that regions you explored in past games are constantly being mentioned and having their lore expanded. It feels like the world is getting bigger instead of being replaced with each new sequel. Pokemon almost feels like an "offline MMO" in this way. You get the social aspect and ever-expanding world of an MMO but instead of it being a literal online game it's a series of single player games that connect together when the players meet up.

This is why the series is able to maintain such popularity. I understand its not for everybody but when people say "the series only sells because of nostalgia" I think they are being willfully ignorant.
>get a full pokedex from trades at school

This trading shit must have been revolutionary. Sounds like the coolest shit ever. As close to the anime as possible. Little kids must have went nuts over this. Can't think of any other game that does this. Did YGO games for example let you trade cards?
Most of the magical moments I can remember come from speculating about the Generation 2 games which were coming out in Japan. You have to remember that this was an era where information about upcoming games was heavily controlled by the press who did not want you to know about import games too early, and the firsthand accounts of players who knew Japanese were often contradictory and hard to separate from the people just making shit up.

We had been trained to think 151 Pokemon species, 10 towns was some sort of immutable gospel and suddenly there's this reveal that there is more outside of that. It felt like learning they had discovered some new lost part of the bible. Everyone had rumors on how you could get a preview of those new monsters and areas in your game you already had, most were bullshit but you wanted to try them because you had nothing better to do and if it just happened to work you'd be the coolest kid ever.
>3rd grade
>school field trip with 1 week staying at some hotel in the mountains
>they used to call it "green school" and you're supposed to study but it's actually 1 week of fucking around
>post commie country so video games and video game technology is very expensive for us still
>almost nobody can afford it and it's not even localized
>designated rich kid (cool kid and not an asshole) brings his GBC while us peasants just bring a ball or playing cards or marbles
>let's me play Castlevania and what I think was Pokemon Blue on the bus a bit but tries to hide it because nobody else had one and he'll get swarmed
>my mind is blown
>ask him to be roommates with him and this other non faggot kid and he's down
>we get there and the teacher is being a faggot
>she doesn't let us pick and instead has her own list
>basically puts one smart kid, one bad kid, and one weird kid together for her little science experiment and says "so it's fair"
>me and him being smart kids we're in different rooms
>since he's in a room with a cunt kid word gets out that he has a GBC
>everyone flocking to his room wanting to play and wont leave him alone
>not even a day after he gets it taken by the faggot duo
>they tell him they'll break it if he tells a teacher and they'll give it back after the trip
>assemble a squad to go get it back
>chubby rich kid can't fight and doesn't want to
>other weird kid I got found a nail and put it through the front of his shoe to stab them
>straight up walk into their room and tell them to give it back
>one kid shoves me
>I toss him into the bathroom door which wasn't fully closed and he falls and starts crying and runs out
>other kid jumps me
>slap his shit real quick while rich kid gets his GBC back
>crying faggot kid got the teacher
>teacher blames me and says she never expected this from me
>rich kid makes her call his parents to pick him up
>I fight them again the next day to get my getback and get in trouble
>teacher calls my dad to pick me up
it was released a week or 2 in USA before Canada and I was on a trip and saw it at the duty free and got it. when I returned to school with Pokémon yellow. Word got out and at recess there was like 15-20 kids all around trying to watch me play. the only difference that game had was you start with Pikachu and he follows you around. that's it I think
>dad comes the next day and slaps the shit out of me in front of everyone and takes me home
>ask him to buy me a GBC
>says no
>only got to play a little bit before the rich kid's parents move him to a different school two weeks after, because they were appalled
>faggot duo try bullying me, laughing at me because my dad embarrassed me
>I steal a bag of marbles from one of their bags
>other kid snitches
>kid I stole from wants to fight
>beat his ass
>snuck marbles into his friend's bag
>teacher catches us and he tells
>I lie and say it was the other kid
>teacher checks my bag
>no marbles
>I fake snitch on the other kid and he gives his back because he knows he's innocent
>marbles in there
>other retard kid turns against his friend
>school ends
>I move schools
>nobody in the new school has a GBC

The end.
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summer 1999
from 4th to 5th grade
it was still safe to walk to school alone
all my classmates were playing too-
we would all battle & trade before/after class
we would battle in the bathroom in secret

the official league opened across town from me at a comic shop
i set my alarm every saturday &
rollerbladed across town to earn badges

i would save my lunch money
win bets, win ante, make trades
eventually i had a deck of 60 cards
& got 3rd place in a tournament
(adults played kids then, around 50 players entered)

i remember the summer heat
i remember the icy mornings
i remember the smell of the fireplaces
in the homes i would trudge past
i remember the organic cherries ripe from the tree every day as i walked by

by 2001-2002 things were cooling off and the pokemania was over;
but for a moment in a small valley town a child could use cards as currency and build an empire.

by the end of it i was trading foils for ps1 games, cd discs, & building spare decks
i would help my lower leveled friends with trades, cards, holos

tiny flashlight, my first holographic, hiding under the blankets, i would shine the light on it & marvel at the sugimori artwork. i still have the same card in my binder, shadowless.
>it's bad if everyone likes the same thing as me!
kys contrarian loser
>in highschool
you had to play in secret as everyone thought it was faggy by then
>gameboy micro
>end of junior year\start of senior year
played GB micro and leaf green at lunch
sat at the edge of the "punk" kids table so no one fucked with me
dated a college girl at the time (she graduated a year before i did)
made ONE trade during that era
safari ball chansey, 1% encounter rate
i still have it to this very day, ill trade u back whenever tristan kek
>So make this old man cry
uhhhh i caught them all in silver and then the next day the clock battery thing died and erased all my data. that might be why i never bothered with the series from 3 and onward, that just really burned me out.
Well there was nothing like playing Pokemon as an 8 year old kid that's for sure. However, it's useless to try to recapture feelings that you will never know. I mean I like music from way before I was born but I know that I'll never actually like, BE THERE, you know. If you want to feel nostalgia about something just stick to what you were alive for. It all fades when you get older anyway.
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>magical as I've heard it was for some people

>So make this old man cry. Give me some nostalgic greentext stories of playing Pokemon as a little kid,
Not really magic things

>Live in the #2 world
>TV is basically whatever Anime and CArtoon nonsense the network can license, grow up watching 70s anime with voice overs
>It is literally this
>Start watching pokemon
>Learn that there are pokemon games
>This concept blows my mind since games and cartoons/anime where always separate
>Ask if you can do all the crazy shit from the anime like using string shot to make invisible walls visible etc.
>Decide to get pokemon blue, change mind for pokemon red
>Play it to the finish and like it
>Get fascinated by the rock paper scissor game play of water -> Fire ->Plant
>get obsessed over getting all 3 starters.
>Try to trade with friends one gives you his charmelion
>Get disappointed that you literally can not change its name
>Get pokemon yellow and get all 3 starters and transfer them over between the 2 games trading with yourself (I did have cable and 2 game boys)
>Grind your team to level 100, game is literally nonsense with you playing level 90 pokemon VS level 11 pokemon of enemies.
>Get pokemon stadium
>To this point the games where sprite nonsense and the anime was fueling your imagination
>Pokemon on the N64 are just like the anime
>Battle with friends on the N64
>Pokemon Gold/Silver comes out
>Get silver
>Transfer your level 100 team over
>Game is once more nonsense
>Another 150 pokemon and this sudowoodo fucker.
>>>I'm not fucken learning another 150 pokemons and their names I can literalyl learn something productive like all the elements of the periodic table or all the cuntires instead of this shit
>>>>And some ofthem do not even look their type like sudowoodo.
>>>>I'm not memorizing that
>Get out of pokemon for good
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>Years later try to get back into pokemon
>It is repetitive trash and the type system is boring and predictable
>Type system ruins the game
>I literally can play NEW Kirby games and Mario games intended for children for fun however not pokemon.

I have no idea how people are into pokemon after G1
>Then they started adding more of those little shits
See:>>10965302 and >>10965304

I like to know your opinion on this.
For example the new 150 pokemon was to much for me. If they made 20 or 15 new ones it be good however 150 new ones?

And Pokemon is fucken Pokemon.
>The enemy trainer wants to send out yalalalalalalaya
>Do you want to switch out?
And you need to know what pokemon yalalalalalalaya is and what type it is.

This is all there is to these games. You get fucked if you do not switch out to the right one. OR simply grind.

This is stupid. I play MOBAS and pokemon looks painfully primitive. most pokemon are literally useless since you need only the strongest one of a given type and this is it. Contrast this to mobas where you have 100+ heroes HOWEVER you do not need to remember the retarded rock paper scissors thing and every hero is unique with strange abilities and ults that you figure out as you play.

If pokemon (IMPOSSIBLE BECAUSE IT WAS MADE FOR THE GAME BOY) was more like a moba or fighting game or paper mario where you have some skill input not only using menus for attacks and there was not this retarded type system and the abilities where more MOBA style. I think these games whould have aged better.

However G1 pokemon is fucken brutal with toxic mechanics.

>Oh you got a TM15!
>Want to use it?
>It is destroyed forever!
>What you did not know what it is? Fuck you!
>TM15 is Hyper Beam want to use this?
>Oh you have no idea if it is strong or weak?
>FUCK YOU! Delete one of your moves to find out!
>What it does not fit you and you want to the old move you deleted back?
Very toxic game mechanics.
>You have to learn a HM move to progress in the story.
>delete one of your moves to get it
>Oh it is crap in combat and you want to destroy it?
>NO REFUNDS! You have it forever! FUCK YOU!


This is very toxic game design and the pokemon company took forever to remove this shit. And there where countless other solutions to this like having HM as extra moves or some way to remove them or not destroying TMs once they are used or a way to get back the old moves the pokemon learned etc.

I have no fucken idea how anyone can go back to these games or pokemon. It is bad design on top of bad design only appealing to children who are like
>Ooooo look more monsters

And adult pokemon fans are peak cancer.
>Yea if you EV train and bread
WTF! Dude!? This is like glitch levels of bullshit!

>Yea combining these 4 pokemon gives you the perfect team
WTF! Dude!? I get fire pokemon only when I'm in the end game!

I have no idea how anyone would want to play pokemon single player and the competitive is peak glitch nonsense.
You are such a fucking crybaby that it's literally fucked up.
>You are such a fucking crybaby that it's literally fucked up.
What is elaborate.
I wait.
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>Me and my cousin used to spend weekends with my grandparents
>Both of us elementary schoolers
>Excited for Pokemon Gold and Silver coming out Sunday October 15th
>Grandparents pick me and my cousin up on the Friday before release
>Grandpa says we need to stop by Walmart first
>Go to game section me and my cousin shit bricks because Walmart has set the games out early
>Grandparents see our excitement and decided they will get me and my cousin the games
>Cousin picks Silver so I pick Gold
>Get back to grandparents and they order Pizza Hut
>Play Pokemon while watching cartoons and stay up the latest I ever had
>Pass out with the Gameboy still on power dies in my sleep

One of the most wholesome memories I have with my grandparents they really did spoil us rotten back then.
Me and my brother in bongland go Pokemon and a gameboy colour each for Christmas. I had blue, he had red. We have strong memories of the both of us sitting on our rug by the fire on a Sunday evening, while our mom made sandwiches and cake for us. It was one of the best experiences ever. Don't get me started on Pokemon cards.
I love you mom.
I was in high school too, my younger brother was obsessed with pokemon so i got to see it first hand. I thought the designs were awesome but couldnt really play the game due to one save file. I did get to play dragon quest monsters at the time though. I was ok with pokemon till like the 10th grade, new kids sang the song every day at lunch, it got annoying.
>3rd worlder
>About 10yo
>Pokémon on the TV all day
>Play with friends from school to make our own Pokémon and battles
>That clasmate that owned a PC somewhat managed to get an emulator and a Pokémon Red ROM
>Went to his house 24/7 just to play Pokémon Red with him
>Every kid of the group was in charge of a Pokémon of the six
>Almost cry when we won Pokémon League

Good times.
I was 12 when it first came out in North America. I wouldn't say it was "magical" but it was a cool game. It was actually the first RPG I ever played really. I had briefly rented Final Fantasy III on the SNES a few years prior but I had thought it would be a Zelda like game and I was confused and put off by it. I had no idea what it was or how it worked and had no manual. Pokemon is a great intro to RPG's I suppose.

I remember a friend of mine stayed the night and he brought his copy of Pokemon Red over. I had a Super Gameboy so I let him play it on my SNES and I thought it was really cool. I had heard about the game in the previous months because it was a big deal in my Nintendo Power magazines but until he brought it over I had little interest in it.

I have a good memories of those days. I played Gen 2 and Gen 4 once, but nothing ever compared to that first generation for me.
Not everything was supposed to be handholding in vidya back then. Even you have heard of such a concept right?
Not sure about other games but it's hard to really explain the pokemon phenomenon unless you lived through it when it first released
>Not everything was supposed to be handholding in vidya back then.
No it was supposed to be hand holdy. This myth is from the NES where the devs decided to make their games hard on purpose so the kids do not finish their game in 15 minutes.

See arcade games. None of the NES hard and predate the NES.

> Even you have heard of such a concept right?
You have stockholm syndrome.
There was no real reason for these mechanics to exist.
>Yea keep on reading the text on your game boy screen (bad)
>And then read a guide to what all of this shit does and on what pokemon to use this TM. Also keep on reading more about what a HM slave is.

Cancerous ideas toxic gameplay for a game intended for children.

If the pokemon games where better they would not have died and sank like a rock. Literally the only people who play them are insane turbo autists or perverts who want to fuck pokemon or something.

Mario has staying power, pokemon did sank like a rock.
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It was sold out on a national scale due to the TV series, but I found an abandoned copy at a random toy shop.
Obviously I snatched it without even thinking about it
>the game hasn't really changed. If you've played one you've played all of them
This is less true with Pokemon than it is other JRPG series like Dragon Quest. They've changed a lot over the years which has caused a lot of genwarring arguments.
>once I played pokemon crystal it really wasn't all that different from the first set of games and I dropped the series
Makes sense why you have that opinion, since Gen 2 is largely viewed as a sequel or even an expansion pack by the community due to how heavily it leans on Gen 1. You're still a retard for stating that they're all the same right before admitting you've never even played them since Crystal however.
>fifth grade
>I'd already played but not defeated Final Fantasy VII so I kind of understand the gameplay
>it probably helped me with figuring out the mechanics of other RPGs I'd play in the next few years
>there's an excitement because everyone is playing it
>one kid teaches everyone in cafeteria about Missingno
>nobody sees it as a glitch at first, just a mysterious pokemon
>whenever somebody's game gets erased or corrupted we assume it's a gameshark and not Missingno
>mine gets erased too even though I didn't have a gameshark
>frustrated but I start over
>it's 1998 so in my new game I named every pokemon after a WWF wrestler
>I'm doing even better this playthrough, everything is clicking
>before I catch Missingno, it starts to spread that this was a glitch
>I end up beating my first RPG
>go back to FF7 and beat that over the course of a few weeks
>now I'm obsessed
>get SaGa Frontier, FF Tactics, and more over the next couple of years
>always playing with friends or my sister around
>we passed the controller around and make decisions about what to do together
>only really grind if nobody is around
>good childhood memories
What an idiot, go back to /v/
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I dabbled with pokemon pearl and the formula is still the same except with less creative ideas for pokemon. Pic related, average adult Pokemon fans brain. Nothing's changed overall, the game is still about wandering around getting random encounters, throwing balls at animals then grinding to level them. Pitting your team against trainers and gym leaders, fighting the elite four. I'm sure they've changed some minute details of the numbers but on the whole the game has hardly changed. What are the major differences between Gens that the pokemon fanatics quibble over?
I got my copy of Pokemon off a trade. I gave someone Mortal Kombat for the GB (yes that fucking thing) and got a bootleg version of Gold (which was mislabeled Silver).
It was the best business exchange of my life to this day. And I only had a fat GB, too. I put 1000+ hours into a bootleg Pkmn cart that was displayed in all green with no backlight and mangled English text. And I fucking loved it. I even had a shiny
>the games that are part of a series still carries the same basic game concepts
>the game is still about wandering around getting random encounters, throwing balls at animals then grinding to level them
Brilliant observations, retardo. Next you'll tell us that every Doom game is the same because you point your gun at demonic enemies and shoot them so persistent fans of that series are bizarre and none are really worth playing after Doom 1. Every Mario title since the first is about running and jumping on enemies or hitting them with powerups so just play SMB1 and stop there. Nevertheless, there are entries that deviated from elements of that basic formula, though the most dramatic shifts are in games too recent to talk about on /vr/ and will likely get the posts nuked.
>What are the major differences between Gens that the pokemon fanatics quibble over?
Battle mechanics, training mechanics, plot elements, deviating from the "get badges from the gym leaders" formula, etc. Building a team to battle other players with (or even use during the post-game facilities) in Gen 1/2 is already quite different from Gen 4 because of what was changed.
>Next you'll tell us that every Doom game is the same because you point your gun at demonic enemies and shoot them so persistent fans of that series are bizarre and none are really worth playing after Doom 1. Every Mario title since the first is about running and jumping on enemies or hitting them with powerups so just play SMB1 and stop there.
>Grew up poor as shit but liked Pokemon a lot.
>I would watch the show religiously.
>My parents would get me cheap merch – from pogs and sticker albums to keychains.
>But they could never afford a handheld+games.
>Some years later.
>Discover the wonders of emulation during middle school.
>Guys from upper classes flooded the school with emulators and ROMs they would leave on the CS room and our teachers would delete every weekend out of them.
>Copy VBA and Pokemon Crystal into my old home PC.
>Played along with my classmates through that, FRGL and RSE, even though we couldn't trade/didn't know how.
>We (kinda) got to live that experience rich kids got some years before at the franchise's highest point in the west.
I remember picking Chikorita because everyone picked Cyndaquil or Totodile and I was a contrarian little shit. I enjoyed that run, even though it was a Crobat and not Meganium who carried my team. I also had a Tentacruel, a Graveler, an Ariados and the Togetic you get from Professor Elm's egg.
I also remember how we collectively shat our pants when we realized the dots in front of certain places in RSE were Braille and we started updating on one another when we went looking around and opening caves. No one had an internet connection at home and we copied the Braille alphabet in our notebooks during CS class once we figured that out.
10/10 bait. Just the right amount of buzzwords and truth for it to be well hidden. You even successfully derailed the thread a bit. Nice work.

Glad to see people who hate pokemon still show up in threads about pokemon. Always a pleasure.
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>1. Every Mario title since the first is about running and jumping on enemies
Excluding NES Mario every Mario game changed the formula a little bit.
Are you going to tell me that Mario 64 and Mario Sunshine are the same game.

The problem with pokemon is that it is a mother fucking RPG where the mons are simply stat blobs fuck even the attacks are the same and grafted on the mon.
>Nooo you are not allowed to be negative about a game
>I do not care that pokemon was a gigantic part of your childhood and you realized why it is bad and are telling us the story!
I can't really explain what pokemania was like. It was gargantuan. EVERY SINGLE KID in my school had a game boy color and Red or Blue. EVERY. KID. even the girls, even the weird kids, etc.

At break time, there'd be various kids with GB out. Trades everywhere. The cards also added to the allure. How come fire spin does 100 damage on the card and its so crap in the game?? Huh!?! Why isn't psychic good against psychic!!

Pokemon gen 1 was also full of mystery and wonder. Lots of glitches, lots of creepy non sequiturs. Full of playground rumour stuff. "If you talk to Bill 3 times then walk in a circle, Mewthree will appear!" All that kind of thing. It just played with your imagination and made you wonder about the mystery of it.

The music is just classic and I'd even just go and stand in certain areas like Mt Moon just to hear the tunes.

It also reflected your personality. Venusaur? The girls choice (they liked the flower.) Poison types? Probably the weird kid. Lv 100 rare candy mewtwo ? Casual future frat boy detected.

The movie may seem cringe now but imagine going, in the hot summer of 2000, you and 15 kids (not just your best 4 mates but also their friends friends) , getting the bonus card (who did you get? Articuno? I've got a doubler of the promo pikachu cos I went last week with my siblings, wanna trade?) To see the film

It was just honestly "magical" . It is the perfect game for the game boy. The game link already existed but it felt custom made for pokemon. It is the perfect game.
>The movie may seem cringe now but imagine going, in the hot summer of 2000
It was 1999

Also I remember the cards and the anime being big but I feel like this post is exaggerating a bit. It was definitely not every single kid, not when it was competing with Tamagotchi, Bop-It, and other stuff. In my area it became eclipsed by Yu-Gi-Oh shortly after
It's always funny when anime fans act as if anime meant for a wide target audience is somehow appalling. The only reason anime was niche before then was because most of the shows that were imported outside of TV broadcasts were niche shows in Japan, too. Pokemon was targeted at the mass audience of kids so it's not surprising it'd find the same audience elsewhere.
Great post commie story, despite the fact that Pokémon plays a marginal role. When did videogames become affordable there?
I had that same guide. It hyped me up soooo much. I saw it at th supermarket and begged my mom for it.
I'm in the UK, the first movie came out here in April 2000 and was still in cinemas come june/July

In my school it was every single kid. In my city generally it was like 90% of kids. It was fucking ginormous. I haven't seen anything like it since. Maybe Harry Potter but there was always nonreaders and Potter naysayers - EVERYONE my age (b. 1992) was into Pokemon during 99/00 pokemania.
Pokemon definitely got bigger than any of those. Pokemon was big with everyone in a far more varied age range than those could get by virtue of the fact that the designs were appealing to kids as young as toddlers to adults. I had 2 year old relatives who loved Pokemon. I could ask adults what their favorite Pokemon were. It wasn't engaging on the same level I was, but it was enough to be aware of it in a way the others wouldn't be.
Boys liked Pokemon, Girls liked Pokemon, it didn't feel limited to any one group.
D'aw :3 great story fren!
>People on this website often talk about the "old internet" but I never really see them talk about the "old old" internet of the late 90's with geocities and those types of "build your own website" sites and webrings.

That was a huge part of my formative experience with Pokemon, too. All it took was one kid with decent internet access to spread rumors and misinfo based on early internet sites.
Back in the day the internet was so "trusting"(yes we know, we all heard never to use your real name bare with me), there was no railroading and you could just hop from site to site on a webring or link.
The official Pokemon site linked to Viz because they published the manga. That site linked to anipike, which was a hub site for anime fandoms. From there I could easily look up hentai sites..just 3 degrees from the main Pokemon site.
Anyway, another really cool thing was seeing how everyone would customize their own sites. I was like 8 or 9, and I remember seeing 12/13 year olds who were programming websites. They were simple, sure, but that was really impressive to me.
You DID catch a Tauros legit right?
>hey /vr/ when Pokemon came out i was already a teenager in high school. It was a fun little rpg, but I can see now that if I had played it when i was a really little kid it would have been as magical as I've heard it was for some people.
I will always remember I was playing Pokemon all night then turned on the TV to see that a plane had struck a building.

it was 9/11.
> I liked the game were you could build a base anywhere in the world

How do you manage to write stanzas like that without feeling embarrassed or that it's stupid?
t. would love to write more poetry without feeling embarrassed or stupid about it.
We went to our grandparents for Christmas at like 7-8 years old with my little brother and we got gameboy colors and blue and red. We pretended to care about the other gifts, spent some time with our family, then ran to the guest room and played til the third gym, right next to each other the whole way. We laughed about the Team Rocket dude who just says “Hyuck Hyuck Hyuck Hyuck Hyuck” in that building they took over.
>liked anime but now everyone likes it because of this shit series.

Anime sucks and you are all massive homosexual pussies
What are you talking about, I was getting into college when it came out and I loved it. Played Red Blue and Green emulated countless times. I traded pokemon so much and restarted to get tons of MewTwos and Bird Trio. When Stadium came out I played even more, to absurd levels, so much that it started eating up of my Starcraft time (at least at home, nothing disturbed the college computer lab LANs)
When the 2nd games came out you would not believe the hype, everyone was waiting for the rom to play it emulated
I genuinely don't think anyone here can match the level of autism for gen 1 Pokémon I had at the time when I was 10-12 years old

>Max'd out the clock in both Blue and Yellow. The clock stops at 255:55. I still played a lot after that so I probably played a total of at least 750 hours just back then
>I had a guide that I leanrt by heart like a lesson. You could ask me a number between 1 and 151 and I could tell always tell you the Name, the lvl and names of its evos, the names of its moves the levels at which they were learnt, and in some (but not all) cases even the weight and height
>I knew about the concepts of IV and EVs just by playing the game, I didn't know that's what they were called of course but I knew the concepts by listening to NPCs and fiddling with the game
>Just by playing the casino slots so much I figured out how they worked and what was the best strategy to win. A few years ago somebody made a dissassembly of that and confirmed everything I already knew (plus taught me a couple of things I wasn't sure about that I couldn't have known on my own)
>I had about 100 different mons at lvl 100. I'd just play the E4 again and again because I did the math and I knew that was the fastest way to get exp even when counting the down time for the credits. Having that many lvl 100 mons meant having final evos AND non final evos to lvl 100.
btw I knew so many fake rumous were bullshit because all the scrubs always assumed the max lvl is 99
>I beat the E4 so much that the hall of fame on the computer glitched out
For this last point everyone always tells me "nooo you don't know anything it's Missingno that does that glitch + there is a dissassembly all the bugs are already documented!!" and to that I always answer STFU, did YOU beat the E4 hundreds of times? Did anyone else? and a dissassembly doesn't magically show the bugs you still have to look for them. After a while the hall deletes old records and I think something goes wrong with that after a long time.
and the sad thing with all that is that I didn't know anyone with a link cable until YEARS after I stopped caring, so Pokémon was mostly a single player experience for me. To this day the number "128" is still printed into my head because it's the sad number of maximum mons one could get in a single player game of Blue.
A few years later I did get all mons, including Mew, by finally finding someone with a link cable and cloning everything I was missing but afterwards I regretted it and felt like I had tainted my savefile with cloning. A decade later I sold the cart for a couple bucks at a video game shop and I always thought the person who'd get the cart would assume I was a gamesharker with all those lvl100 mons, that's if they'd even check the savefile.
So a few years ago I made up for it and restarted the game in 2 different games and traded with myself to get everything legit and used the Yellow glitch to get a Mew.

I never really got into gen 2. I did play the 10% translated romhack that floated before release and I think that kinda spoiled me and I didn't even care anymore when the game eventually released. But I was hitting teenagehood and Final Fantasy VIII was a lot more fitting to latch my autism onto and I became the go-to guy in school for FF8 tips and remained for years as the younger kids would come to me.
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I really wanted a Gengar but none of my close friends had the game or a link cable so I thought I was screwed. One day while I was playing it at recess this random girl from a class two years younger than me came up and asked if I could help her get Alakazam. We traded and got our Pokemon and spent the rest of the recess fighting each other. I thought I was going to win because Ghosts were supposed to he super effective against psychic but Gengar was poison so he got his little ghost hole pushed in by alakazam.

I never really talked to her again after that because I was too shy to but I feel like that recess interaction was exactly what Game Freak had envisioned when they made the game.
that's a cute story anon.
There's so many other kids I remember meeting and having conversations with over Pokemon. Lots of places here would even host gatherings for kids to hang out and play
that was when a missingno-less encounter exploit was found.

Missingno Mew had been around since 1998 for sure, years before 2003.
when i was a kid, i was able to immerse myself in a game in a way that i just can't as an adult.. i think the more low iq a person is, the more they can enjoy modern media... if you can't enjoy video games anymore, congratulations, you are now an adult, anything reptitive feels like a chore, not fun.. i still play some games like factorio, dyson sphere program, etc.. games where you actually have to do some thinking and planning and not just press the same button thousands of times like pokemon, you can beat pokemon with only your starter, that's how easy this game is
>>Every kid of the group was in charge of a Pokémon of the six
sounds amazingly fun. wish i had that.
>Pokemon isn't just some simple JRPG that people only liked because they were kids, that's just what every OTHER JRPG except it essentially is
I like Pokemon well enough, but get a grip, man lmao
What's crazy to me is that missingno was found a month after RB reached america, according to usenet archives. The chain of events seems so specific I wonder how it worked out. I can see surfing to Cinnabar after the Safari Zone, but just on the coast? or after the catch tutorial?
nta but it's just a matter of doing it, you're going to be imitating works you enjoy but not quite as good and it will be demotivating for a while, keep at it until you can find that wrinkle to add to your favourite concepts that will define your style and writing identity. Moreover, accept failure as a positive consequence of trying.
I'd guess it had something to do with some kid trying to grind water type pokemon close to the shore so he can heal up quicker when his team gets low.
I always wanted the jewish uri geller mon.
>have went
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I first saw the cartoon on Saturday morning tv when i was 11, and asked for the gameboy game that Christmas.

I remember my dad got me a copy and I played it to death, with my DMG plugged into the wall. I remember being just old enough to be embarrassed to play it, or to have a gameboy.
I had a pen pal, a girl in the US, who was 2 years older than me and so I wanted her to think I was cool, so when I mentioned that I got a gameboy color for Christmas, I felt such shame the whole month waiting for a response kek.

When gold and silver came out in Japan, there was this badly translated rom out there, I think from Taiwan, really rudimentary, nonsensical machine(?) translation, but I played it for hours and hours.
There was something about the new mechanics, night time with yellow windows, and not being able to understand people that made it the most magical gaming experience of my life, still to this day, I think about that game a lot.

I found what I think is that rom a few years back, I'm tempted to try and play it, but I know it was my youth that made it magical. The artwork, the cards, having this craze be here and now, and I knew everything about it, felt really good.
>concrete tube
Kek we had those too, Scotland here, they'd be used for decoration, mounted on little cement hills so that they were at an angle? We'd play in them too.

I also bought one of those mew cards for a quid at a car boot the year that the first film came out, and because we didnt have a cinema for hundreds of miles, I was the only kid in my town who had a card of mew. An older kid tried to force me to trade it with him, but I cried and ran away because I have always been insanely based.

Traded it for 8 different shinies, the lad I traded with claimed he could get 20 shinies for it in another town, so I was happy to do that trade.
Newspapers and libraries sometimes have archival projectors where you can zip through print media.
I used to read really old newspapers at my library just to play with the machine.

It would be hard but possible to narrow down the year and roughly when, then go to the back page of 50 different days until you see an article title that seems right
>with my DMG plugged into the wall
>plugged into the wall
What the...???
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>yuropoor playgrounds are just discarded construction materials
>Gen 5 really made me wake up and realize how bullshit these games are with their stupid stories that constantly interrupt you to dump mountains of text boxes on you, bloated mechanics, badly designed areas that are designed to just waste time and quite frankly I just wasn't liking the monster designs anymore.

They were never meant to be made past gen 1, gen 2 at most. The game belonged to Satoshi, it was his with Sugimori bringing it to life. Same as Cozy and Kaneko for SMT, that franchise is dead as fuck after they left. It wasn't meant to be a series, they were just cool little RPGs with monster taming mechanics. Unfortunately they have the market cornered, nobody fucking makes anything good related to monster taming and get massive backlash if they try (see recent Palworld fiasco). Gamefreak has become egregiously lazy with their games too, to the point where the bugs are defended by rabid fans who will eat up anything they shit out because of nostalgia.

Then it's even funnier because retards will swarm you and say Kanto wasn't that good, Johto wasn't great, and defend the new shit. Meanwhile, gamefreak just panders to nostalgia with constant Kanto references, they jerk off gen 1 because it has solid monster designs and just was something made with passion. Not everything is great in gen 1, but it has soul. New designs are awful, especially shit like gen 5 which is just a 1:1 of gens 1 and 2 but with a modern (read: shit) take. They just pump it out with no regard, they do market testing to find what sells the most merchandise.

>Gen 1(and mostly Gen 2 as well to be fair) doesn't have any of that shit.
Right, at some point they also became obsessed with making the games "easy" because they were "for kids" after Masuda took over. They thought battle tower was too hard and took too long so they cut it from the gen 3 remakes too. It's a fucking joke anymore. Pokemon is long dead.
>Gen 1(and mostly Gen 2 as well to be fair) doesn't have any of that shit.
Right, at some point they also became obsessed with making the games "easy" because they were "for kids" after Masuda took over.

First of all Pokemon has never been difficult if you have half a brain, even if you are a kid, all they've ever done is remove tedious aspects.

>They thought battle tower was too hard and took too long so they cut it from the gen 3 remakes too. It's a fucking joke anymore. Pokemon is long dead.

This isn't even true, Gen 3 remakes had the Battle Maison which was just a reskinned battle tower, Gen 7 had the Battle Tree which was a battle tower, and Gen 8 literally had a Battle Tower.
The only way I can enjoy the pokemon games these days is taking gen 1&2 games and randomizing them to the point its a whole different play for me. Even got some hacks and randomized those up and ended up having a fun time with it. But the modern games are all modernized soulless garbage made to max profits. no soul in it just greed. But hey I have about 15 randomized versions (including hacks randomized) that give me tons of play. Only downside is I see the same areas over and over as I rebeat the randomized games but with different pokemon everywhere its quite fun. gonna start my randomizer moemon hack tonight.
Same, I randomize and sometimes have fun. The new games are shit. I played a little bit of Volt White, to see what the hype was about for Gen 5. I was mostly enjoying using Gen 1 and 2, maybe a few gen 3 or gen 4 mons, but the gen 5 mons were just unappealing entirely. At that point I was just trying to get the dex filled out, but quit playing. Cool hardtype hack because gym leaders and even random battles will have you sweating sometimes. Another neat hack is something like Quarantine Crystal because it gives a little bit of the magic back of seeing new mons. My issue with hacks like that is about half of the designs are good, but the real problem is that they're stuck in a pokemon hack instead of being in their own RPG. Still calling them pokemon when they're fakemon feels so wrong.

I digress though. It's all cashgrab shit. Can't say this anywhere else though, they'll call you a genwunner or nostalgiafag. I only had Gold as a kid, never asked for a gameboy color and played it on my GBA. Shit, I only got Gold as a hand-me-down from someone who didn't play it anymore. I got Ruby through a trade as well. After that I kinda liked Diamond for the return of the time system, but after that you can tell the series is just derivative of derivative.
I started on Silver and still have it in a box with my shiny hoot hoot (if the save didnt die). later I got my hands on yellow and played that for awhile. I mostly played the other games thru emulation and dont have the carts to any of the games. But yeah at this point I need hacks + mods + patches + randomizers to make it interesting to me.
Yup, I have no fucking idea where my gold went. My Ruby battery is dead, I transferred the team to Diamond, and my Diamond got lost one day so it's fucking over. I severed my connections to my past, and it's easier to just let go.
Ah that sucks anon. Im going to be sad the day I finally load up silver to take out my shiny hoot hoot and find out the save is gone. I had that hoot hoot built up pretty decent. I also had a shiny hoppip but he wasnt as built up tho I tried that adorable floating lil wuss. Ill probably let it go once both yellow and silvers saves are offically dead in the cart.
It's never dead until you observe it as such. For me, it's just hacks every now and then. I wish that it was more niche and never so successful, so it could have died gracefully back then and just looked back on and remembered like some retro games.
Ha I get that statement anon. Some games are best left in the past as great memories. But so many game series that have been running for years/decades have turned to corporate cashgrab shit as has 99% of the industry. i'll probably stick to mostly retro games for the next 20yrs. 1970s - 2009 give me ALOT of options and thousands of games especially if you get into c64/amiga/msdos/spectrum/atari st
Yeah, I have enough of a backlog to not give a shit about new games at all. And I typically don't unless I play with friends. Best to let the past lie peacefully than to try and relive things when I have so many other things to do. Generally speaking, there isn't enough care or time to play many vidya anymore when I want to read and practice other hobbies. Kind of wish I didn't get so into video games in the first place and was more active as a kid, but oh well.
I use video games as a means to unwind after a long day of work or chores or whatnot. I wish I had the 12hrs a day free I used to put throw into games. Ive been playing some of the rpgs ive been on for weeks/months due to just not as much time to devote as I want. I dont regret getting into video games but I also didnt get into them til later in life more seriously once I was on my own and had some spare time and money and stuff. I missed out on tons and going back is great especially with emulation. there's almost no modern games I want to play due to how they are designed and made to be cash grabs with no soul. I play older games all the time that have soul and passion put into them.
Yeah I'm basically just hitting the old ones I missed out on as a kid.
Did you never realize what the hole on the left side of the thing was? You didn't need to burn batteries if you were just playing it at home near an outlet and got a cable for it.
Wow, I guess I never used that (besides forgetting that there was a jack for that there, thinking there was one just for headphones). I did for Game Gear all the time, though. Did you have to buy an AC adapter separately for it?
>playing Blue Version when it released in '98
>was 8 years old
>had never played anything like it (no Final Fantasy, no Dragon Quest, etc.)
>play for a few hours
>suddenly screen starts flickering every time I take a few steps
>it keeps happening
>save and reload
>it keeps fuckin' happening
>complain to mom and dad
>we take the cartridge back to Toys R Us and get a new one
>play the next day
>screen starts flickering again randomly
>now my Squirtle fainted for no reason
took me like a week to finally figure out what was really happening and I still feel like a dumbass 26 years later
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It didn't come with one, yeah. Here's some random third party version I found online.

But more on topic, the memory of the pokemon wave that stuck with me the most was some random seafood restaurant we went to giving kids a choice of three face-down pokemon cards when their parents were paying for the food. I've still got the beedrill I got with some salmon.
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>Be 7
>love pokemon
>dads been in and out of the hospital, don't understand why
>dad takes me to Walmart, says "anon, you can have a new bike or you can have a gameboy"
>pick the gameboy pocket, get pokemon blue
>play the fuck out of the game
>dad checks on me when i've beaten a gym leader
>"wow anon, you're good at this! let me know when you're onto the next level"
>at the elite 4
>been having trouble
>dad gives me tips to get through them
>become pokemon master
>the year is now 2000
>dads in the hospital
>go with mom to see my dad for the last time, I'm still not sure whats happening
>he's obviously very sick from cancer
>"anon, how about you show me your pokemon game"
>had started a new game not long after finishing before
>sit in my dads hospital bed with him while he watches over me playing pokemon, my mom talks to the doctor just outside the door
>doctor and mom come in, take my dad to another room in the hospital
>local priest from the church is there, baptizes my dad
>dad died a few days later
>the year is now 2009
>looking through old family VHS to help my mom clean out the house
>watching a bunch of family movies, come across a tape called "baptism"
>it's a video of my dad being baptized his last days
>as soon as he's done, and he's chaired out of the room, I scurry across the screen in my pokemon shirt holding my gameboy
>i breakdown sobbing
>the year is 2024
>still think about this anytime pokemon is mentioned
I know this is either a retard or bait, but I'll agree about HMs being retarded. They gatekeep progress so you can't sequence break very much, they make sense in the context of an old RPG where you need certain things but don't in modern pokemon. Hell, modern pokemon has all but removed them, you just get access to "moves" that are designated to a visual pokemon now, even if you don't actually have the pokemon. HMs could have been free slots but I'm sure memory restrictions prevented something like that.
The moves should've been tied to badges (they already kind of are) and having an acceptable pokemon in your team should've allowed you the option to use the move, rather than it taking up a slot for battles.
Yeah, that would have been good. That's how I always thought of it. It could be any of the 8 moves too on a single pokemon, as long as it can learn it, it can use all 8.
Or just make HM moves good. Surf is downright the single best water move in the game, and Fly is perfectly usable in single player. Just bring the other HMs up to parity.
That's serviceable but the only issue I have with the HM moves just being good is that it cuts away a bit on how someone might want to comp their team. Surf easily has the best cost-benefit ratio making it a superb water type movie, but in the instance I want to min-max for attack power with hydro-pump now I'm being kneecapped by the game.

I've always thought It would be cool if certain HM moves were like I described in my previous post (all the mandatory ones + fly) but many non HM moves had hidden effects (like how sweet-scent or headbutt work). In fact I wish almost every pokemon move had some hidden overworld function. It would go a long way to making different pokemon teams feel unique. Especially if there were overworld routes that were optionally accessible by overworld-TM usage rather than everything being overworld-HM usage, but I'm beginning to fangame rant lol.
Gen 2 was the last time they added non-HM moves with overworld effects at all, other than the one that opens secret bases in gen 3. I don't know why they dropped that entirely when it seems like such an incredibly easy option to add more ways to find different pokemon which is ostensibly one of the most basic elements of the entire series. Hell give a bunch of similar-ish moves the same effect so it's not locked behind finding a specific TM and is just something that can naturally happen while raising a team. Let flamethrower/ember/etc let you spook out a fire pokemon from somewhere, wing attack/gust/twister/etc blow around leaves to find different bug mons underneath, they had such an easy expansion from headbutt/rock smash that just got abandoned entirely.
Last week my family had a memorial day BBQ. My 10 year old nephew's been playing Scarlet on his switch and just beat it a few weeks ago, at the BBQ I was telling him about Pokemon when I was a kid and lent him my 3DS since it had a copy of Pokemon Yellow on it. I told him he could play it and anything he catches I'll transfer onto my Switch and trade it over.
For the last week he's been playing through it and just beat it the other day.
It's pretty interesting to see his thoughts on it as someone who never played a gameboy game before and had only experienced the newer games since then.
>He actually likes how much more simple it is than newer games
>Thinks the music is better than the newer games
>He was legit surprised by Pokedex entries and storybeats like Cubone's mother or Mew in the mansion
>Felt like it was more of a challenge and was way more into in because he kept losing pokemon in battles or straight up blanking out
I swear it sounds like I was feeding him these opinions and I really wasn't, I think part of his enjoyment also comes from him watching the anime from the first season on and the Pokemon adventures manga.
I did help him with tips when he'd message me afterschool, it was a fun experience
His final team was pretty wonky levelwise and he didn't want to get rid of Pikachu so he filled out the roster with Zapdos and Articuno(which I teased him was cheesing it). He also had a Charizard, Butterfree, and a Sandslash which was the MVP of the run and got the final hit on his Rival's Jolteon.
He's onto Pokemon Silver now. Anyway, it was pretty cool to see how he reacted to an older game like this. He's played SNES/N64 games too but RBY is pretty sparse graphically so it was cool to see him enjoy it even with how spoiled he is for visuals and gameplay hese days. At it's core the games are still fun to play.
Aw, that was nice.
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That's really nice anon.
Kids remember this kinda stuff, too. I have fond memories of my uncles sharing my interests, and actually taking the time to engage with me about whatever game I was autistically explaining the mechanics of in too much detail.
did you guise know you can use the HM cut to literally cut down grass/encounter tiles?
shit blew my mind as a kid
iirc you could do it up until gen3

newfags will never understand. they just bitch. HMs were what set RBY apart from all other JRPGs of the time. its what allowed it to be as open-ended as it was
Pretty sure a NPC tells you and so does the manual.
Honestly, as an adult, it's painfully clear the appeal is the creatures themselves and the setting, not the gameplay.
Speaking of nostalgia, did anybody try to get reproductions of holo card boxes for GSC and RSE? I lost the boxes and the real one are too expensive for what they are. I know they exist because fake boxes can be found in the wild, but I can't find anyone that sells them.
im replaying red right now and its awesome. crazy to think about how much they did with such a little cartridge
Somehow I can still find new stuff in these games
Got to the pokemon tower and fought the rival with a party that had Growlithe on it and got the final hit with Growlithe.
Pikachu leveled up during the battle and somehow it evolved without the thunderstone
I thought it glitched out and I'm playing it on a hacked 3DS I got so I looked online to see if Apparently Grotwlithe has the thunderstone's hex value so such an event can trigger Pikachu to evolve! It's a big but if you didn't know it'd feel like a natural part of the experience.
Had a lot of the same experiences as every other kid here. Knew about it from the NP preview as "Pocket Monsters" and wanted desperately to play the game. We were more well off and always had games and game mags from my older brothers so I usually had a lot of Nintendo shit first, was the place to hang out. Older brother ended up with Blue right at release idk how or why. Freak out and play with my closest buds. Literally start the Pokemon craze at my school singlehandedly as word spreads and kids are like what even is this I need it. Pokemania hits soon after all my classmates are like wow gotta have this game and join in. Anime and Cards soon follow. End up with a full set of every card in a binder. King Shit as a kid hahahah. One Xmas my Dad gets me a nice carved wooden storage box and the thing is filled to the brim with Pokemon card packs including the no one has ever seen them before Jungle cards. Learn he and Mom went all over the city buying boxes or packs at every store.

Another very funny thing I cant believe I ever forget about but I took various books, guides, instruction manuals, stickers, etc and I made my own strategy guide for Gen 1 as a maybe 10 year old. Drew all the maps, all the Pokemon, wrote out strategies and backstory and walkthrough for all the areas, what Pokemon you could catch where etc. I'm talking like the ULTIMATE strategy guide to Gen 1, an amalgamation of all official guides and every tip or trick. A massive undertaking I remember casually and eagerly working on over and over until it was finished. Remember I drew a monstrous Gyrados leaping out of the water as the cover. I remember my parents, older brothers and Uncles being legit shocked and impressed by first- why did I do this? - and secondly - at how it was better than an official guide. I was very proud of it. Sadly, it survived one family move but then I don't know what happened to it when I became a dumb teenager. I'd give anything to see that again.
Gave all my cards away to young family members like a fucking idiot. Still have that wooden chest though in my house. A lovely piece of work I treasure more than the cards hahaha. So thanks Dad for the Pokemon card receptacle I couldnt care less about then.
nah I can't entirely agree, at least not for the first two gens. There's an appeal in finding ways to get around roadblocks, finding ways to get through the game with minimal grinding,
The super effective AI issue can be too easy, but if you avoid that(stuff like Lance just using agility over and over if you have a poison type and not using attacking moves), I like being able to beat the Elite Four with level 38 Pokemon by being clever. I remember being really disappointed how low the E4 levels were in GSC.
You know what I think of when I think of Pokemon? How much money my Mom spent on Pokemon cards she knew were worthless cash grabs - to make me happy. She bought me all three versions of Gen 1 and both versions of Gen 2 - to make me happy. She bought me 3 gameboys - to make me happy. A single mother with a low paying job who felt bad that she divorced my abusive dad because of how broken up it made her 6 year old son who couldn't understand why his dad lived alone away from him.

Pokemon isn't real magic. Parents are magic. If your parents spent their hard-earned money on you to make you happy, you should praise them. Be nostalgic for them. Not fucking Pokemon.
I'm glad for you anon. I begged my mom to buy me a holographic Raichu card since that was my favorite Pokemon. It was $50 at the time. It's been 25 years and she STILL gives me shit for having to spend so much on that card.
get a grip fucking dumbass, pokemon is fun if you are a kid or your only personality trait is consooming. pokemon does a shit job at being a good game and at selling you on its world, the anime and media is interesting and the video game should have been the chance to immerse yourself in the world but it’s just a shitty collectaton that is piss poor easy and can be beat spamming tackle and foresight against ghost types.
Kek fuck your parents.
>unique gameplay
its a standard simplified turn based JRPG for children
>Agreed. Pokemon isn't just some simple JRPG that people only liked because they were kids, that's just what every OTHER JRPG except it essentially is.
You have never played a non nintendo brand JRPG and I can tell. Get off youtube faggot
there's a reason pokemon has its own containment board, I think
>its a standard simplified turn based JRPG for children

Ok name another RPG that is designed around building a completely custom party, outfitting them with completely custom attacks, and then totally designed around fighting against enemies or other players who have the exact same tools as the player. The only other series that does this that is not directly inspired by Pokemon is Dragon Quest Monsters, and even then DQM is totally broken in PvP.

I'm sick of people thinking that all turn based systems are essentially the same unless they have some flashy in-your-face gimmick where you do an action command or do a cinematic combo attack or something. It's like saying chess and checkers and Parcheesi are all just "standard board game rules"
>be me
>buy pokemon yellow
>six years old
>everytime I'd get my pikachu, run through the fields of rattatas and caterpees then turn off the gameboy when I'm done to start it all again
>later realise you can save game
>i think its a subscription service and scared to do it
>finally realise its free and start saving my game
>I then face my next challenge of the brock gym
>I dont know you can catch pokemon
>get mowed down with my pikachu electric attcks against brocks rock monsters everytime
>onyx kills me every time
>i cry to my parents that the games broke
>get pokemon blue bought for me as well
>progress past brock
He won't answer you because he's a little bitch.
>Ok name another RPG that is designed around building a completely custom party, outfitting them with completely custom attacks, and then totally designed around fighting against enemies or other players who have the exact same tools as the player.
Final Fantasy Tactics, just without multiplayer.
I had no idea how cut worked for months. SO I couldn't get to Surge or past Cerulean.

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