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>T. Hawk
worst character addition to a fighting game ever, his voice actor sucks, his music sucks, his character design sucks, his moves suck, everything about him fucking sucks
>worst character addition to a fighting game ever

Have you not played sf6?
Manon, marissa and whatever the fuck the black caricature thing is meant to be.
Oh plus pop eye the sailor mans son
Very Nice
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something about the late 80s early 90s tower of power hi-fi audio systems is just so endearing.
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its not much but its home
holy shit nice
>200+$ keyboard
>uncomfortable 5$ chair
Wow, amazing.
Makes me really feel the superiority of gaming back then. You bought a system, you bought a game, you had it all right there with you.
No online only, no logins, no contracts giving access to your personal information, no DLC, no 150gb installs, no 50gb patches, no paid online multiplayer, no pay to win, it's you and your game.
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PC setup atm, will post TV when I can get a good pic. I'm a very lucky boy.
lol that keyboard was 30$ secondhand. Chair was very cheap, but i like a hard chair
If I see that Faggot with the Neo Geo cab and the dog tapestry I’m gonna kill myself and haunt him as a ghost.

Same with the bastard who keeps posting the same pic of Outrun on a flatscreen.
Tbh it looks really comfy, you just need to upgrade to a better TV. Where did you get that drawer?
classic. i've always wondered about the story behind this. anyone know?
Hard chair is better if you work from home
which tv do you mean? i'm pretty happy with both. any recommendations?
As for furniture, pretty much everything is from ikea
>i've always wondered about the story behind this. anyone know?
Probably just Manson's prison room
>which tv do you mean?
I mean the samsung one. I don't know which console is attached to it but I used to have a similar model and I didn't like it. I would switch to something more modern like an oled. It's less bulky as well.
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damn it, can anyone flip that picture for me?
I love Chilly Willy
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nice set up. I actually have that same samsung tv, it works surprisingly well for retro and modern games with games with hdmi ports. i could be totally wrong but i think those tvs were the last run with rgb plug ins with flat screen.
I see I'm not the only one who gets sick of seeing him flood every /bst/ thread.
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Setupbros.... We're so home
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What desks and risers which can support the weight of the FW900? Where did you get your desk from? I had to nail in this non-matching wood block just to get some support for the weight of just one of the beasts. I'm looking for a desk that could support the weight of two, but they just don't make computer desks as sturdy. They are all glass tops these days which I fear would not work at all.
is the guy with the neogeo cab & dog tapestry in the room with us right now?
My desk is an old Ikea Galant 160x80cm. They have steel frames and much stronger wood than the modern stuff.
For the riser I used a piece of solid oak (live edge) and some ikea feet. I probably should have put one in the middle as well as it's bowing a little after a year. I'm sure you could make a riser to support 2 FW900s with enough feet, the desk would be strong enough.

Modern furniture is largely garbage for a whole bunch of reasons. In many cases they can't even make good furniture because we've chopped down most of the accessible old trees that would give you quality wood. The fast grown stuff now is only suitable for paper.
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>glass top
i dont think i have good enough pictures from that era
but i bought a medium\small dining table with a 2" thick glass top

my computer\BST setup was comfy as hell
left monitor = 25" android touchscreen (kodi media)
right monitor HP elite series hooked up to scaler\switch
vintage entertainment center adjacent to it had a large 40+" crt and wood cabinets holding all my systems

>5am its raining
>window slightly cracked
>start playin some vidya before everyone else wakes up

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Fucking based
>thinking that pos membrane keyboard is a model m
lurk moar
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this fucking cat sent me to the ER yesterday morning.
Did you at least get a chance to enjoy your PS4?
i don't get it
>dark room with blue light
rip your fucking eyes, anon
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kek what happened
wheres the other screen
on the ds it was a dslite with this https://rhotronix.com/products/ndstv-v3-45 although now i 3ds xl with loopy capture card to my pc and then to the crt via obs its not as crisp as that composite signal because of the pc downscaling but is good enough
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Let me cook.
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>super fancy audio setup
>dogshit office worker lcd from 2003
AIslop should be autoban.
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2007FPB Dell IPS monitor. Looks good to me with filters. I had a 36" Trinitron but it took up too much room. Haven't hooked any of my consoles up yet, I have to get some adapters and scan line generators
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It could be improved but I'm lazy
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if all AI posters disappeared overnight the world would be a better place
>everyone else's dreamcast is whiter than mine

I'm gonna flip.
That's a 2007FP anon which is pretty nice even by today's standards. Prices have been inflated because people realise they're the best 4:3 LCD option still.
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DS is super soulful on a CRT. I want to see FF: 4HoL on one, the graphics always reminded me of an ambitious PS1 game.

>what happened
Some wild animal tried lunging at an open window while he was sleeping next to me in bed. Scared the shit out of both of us, but I accidentally touched him while he was riled and he went into attack mode. It's okay tho, we're still friends.
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>I want to see FF: 4HoL on one, the graphics always reminded me of an ambitious PS1 game.

I went to a video game concert way back in like 2011 and Ralph Baer was part of the show. He had one of his original pong machines and absolutely made a mockery of some random gamers they brought up to challenge him. It was pretty cool. Can't believe he's already been dead for 10 years.
What did he do to send you to the ER or are you lying for attention?
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I said what he did. He got threatened by a wild animal and attacked me when I touched him; I was bleeding all over the place. Deep cat bites--especially to the hand--should always be treated by a doctor; they are highly infectious.

He didn't mean it, tho, he was just scared. He's still my buddy and I love when he keeps me company while I play vidya.
Post bite.
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It was really multiple bites. These are the smaller ones on my finger. The bigger ones are still covered by gauze and I don't want to take it off because I'm at work. If I knew you wanted pics I should have taken them yesterday; everything was all leaking pus. My hand was so swollen I couldn't hold a controller.
Throw that vandal out.
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Nah, he's a good boy. He was just scared and acting on instinct. We've had too many good times together for one little bacterial infection to come between us.
this. i got bit by my black Maine Coon at the vet
her little vampire teeth got stuck in my wrist
a bit of iodine topical solution fixed me up
and im highly allergic to cats
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> everything was all leaking pus
Can you please share more of your bookshelf?
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cool story anon
its neat ralph showed em up
THat image is so dreadfully un-comfy. Do people enjoy being in rooms that look like retail displays?
>Do people enjoy being in rooms that look like retail displays?
It's an American thing. You wouldn't understand. Peak decorating aesthetic draws inspiration from shopping malls and hotel lobbies.
He does look like a bit of a dickhead :^)
It's efficient, cheap, and keeps everything easily accessible. I don't personally like it, but I'd take that any day over the ones with toys and shit still in the packaging all over the place.
But I'm an odd duck, because I'm an "old furniture from the thrift store" kind of guy.
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He is. He was abandonned by his previous owner and almost starved to death in a locked apartment, so he's got food security issues. He gets aggressive when he's hungry and eats other cats' fur. But most of the time he's just a chill dude who needs love.

>I'd take that any day over the ones with toys and shit still in the packaging all over the place.
It's a weird dichotomy to force because the middle ground is 100% cheaper and easier than either. I know what you mean about old furniture, though. Interior decorating in the western world has gone to such absolute shit. Even now, we're hitting a point where most thrift store finds are rubbish that was already ugly and soulless when it was new 10-20 years ago.

Pic unrelated, just posting a pic of my battlestation from like 10 years ago now, holy shit.
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>It's a weird dichotomy to force because the middle ground is 100% cheaper and easier than either
I agree with that entirely. I'm a homo with some toys, too, but there's a point where I think it becomes too much and you hit that point all the quicker when it's all still in plastic. I don't know if you were saying I was the one forcing the dichotomy, but I was saying that because I see people go way overboard more than I do that middle.
>Interior decorating in the western world has gone to such absolute shit. Even now, we're hitting a point where most thrift store finds are rubbish that was already ugly and soulless when it was new 10-20 years ago.
I've been very, very lucky in my opinion. Goodwill has been a complete waste of time for furniture for ages, but I'm blessed to have better thrifts as well as a few Habitat for Humanity ReStores in the are which is where I've picked up a lot of stuff. They don't match, but I think they're just different enough to be charming in my already dated midwestern basement.
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>I don't know if you were saying I was the one forcing the dichotomy, but I was saying that because I see people go way overboard more than I do that middle.
No, no, not at all. My observation is similar to yours. It's probably just because most of the people posting pics of their setups are the tryhards who go too far in either direction, while a majority of the folks with normal furniture are too busy playing games to give a shit about being exhibitionists.
>I've been very, very lucky in my opinion.
Yeah, those are some solid (pun intended) finds. That particular shade of wood stain is just so quintessentially "90s" to me. I'm really dying for an old wooden rocker with tartan cushions or something to use for my setup. I've got this springy-thing, which serves the pirpose and at least matches the walls, but goddamn all the nice old furniture that was already hand-me-down when I was kid seems to have just completely vanished.
How is your DC so white I'm so jealous...
I dunno. I've owned it since it was new and it was generally out of the sunlight. However, the SNES I've owned since it was new and was kept in near identical conditions is yellow as fuck, so I think it's just luck of the draw.
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This is my current living room
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I'm too poor to afford furniture.
>another super white dreamcast

Man fuck off man it's not fair
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I really need to dust them
Why do you even care sperg
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>another perfectly white DC

>F-Zero GX
Patrician choice. Wich model is that?
kek is that the worm from Labyrinth next to wario
20L2MD. Ended up trading 2 BVMD14H5Us for it about 6 or 7 years ago.
Come inside, meet the missus.
cooorrrrrrr, very nice
No. Loser.
And you're a mean spirited loser
Shut up guitarfag.
That’s an interesting one to single out.
Bro, who the fuck hurt you? Get over it.
Nice cabinet. But I would rotate it slightly so it's 45 degrees from the corner. Player 1 shouldn't be wedged between the wall and Player 2. Give both players space.
Damn, I just meant because of the pattern on his face. Good on you for putting in the work to keep that fella safe and happy, he deserves a good home. And hopefully your hand heals up quick, kek.
>who hurt you
Go back
Shut the fuck up
Thats a lot of roms mr. Collector
Favourite music track in F-Zero GX? Used to put on PM5K's Megatronic.
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Damn this one is sick and OF COURSE I see another perfectly white Dreamcast it's not fucking fair. You don't have a fat ps2 though.
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tube amp
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How does one keep their slim PS2 from scratching discs? Just get a 70001?
You get a fat PS2 and SSD mod it (with a genuine Sony network adapter).
Not gonna lie, actually kinda cool shelving idea
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>What desks and risers which can support the weight of the FW900?
Make your own. Pick out some wood from Home Depot and have them cut it to size for you, then slap on some furniture legs of your choosing.
That's the setup of that youtube failure who bought all that shit thinking he could be the next big retro channel
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TWO corner units
wow anon c o m f y
i still havent even found ONE haha
my auntie had that same entertainment center
im still on the hunt for something similar\dark
yes guitar is cool anon
instead of postin on 4chinz try practicing
i had that same SG or pretty similar
i think it was a special\faded
i traded everything i had for it
worked & saved\grinded as a 17yr old;
played tons of gigs with it, truly a workhorse-
its been decades since, only minor complaint was
when using a loose strap, the neck is heavier than the body
so it tends to blip away from you in live use
one of the few guitars i owned that you could practice on without thinking\worrying
very comfortable neck
dust, throw rug, some peel&stick wallpaper
off to a great start i keep a small circle paper over the card slot on my tg16 to keep dust from getting on my everdrive kek
the clip of him tripping the circuit breaker trying to power all that shit is still funny as fuck
Those industrial metal shelves just look wrong. Looks more like a laboratory than a gaming room. That's TOO utilitarian.
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should never have sold the tiny bird
Which guy is that?
I had that same model of CRT. Fuck my ass for selling it. I regret it every single day.
He has two other channels that are even shittier that try to curry favor with the algorithm
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I'm going to give you all some interior decoration advice. Do not have shelves that are taller than the top of your main TV. It makes the room feel cramped and claustrophobic. If you mount your TV at mid-level, then make sure no nearby shelves are taller than the TV. Buy mid sized shelves.

Also, a small plant wouldn't kill you. Greenery is good. There are actual scientific studies that show having plants nearby help the brain and your mood. Humans did not evolve to live in barren concrete or wooden boxes. We grew up in nature as a species.

These anons get a pass from me. They aren't perfect, but they generally understood this concept.


No shelves are higher than the TV.
that room looks like a room in a mental hospital

plants are good though, yes
>that room looks like a room in a mental hospital
How would you know what a mental hospital looks like?
My fat ps2 was stolen in college by my suitemate! I've been thinking recently I kinda want another one though
What game is that anon?
Nice set up
>tube amp

not that it matters with those tower AL speakers. get yourself some proper coffin speakers.
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choose to live
sorry I'm late boys
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Why would you wanna play GBA with that awful scaling.
I don't think that TV is colour calibrated properly
yeah my screen suffer from gauss issues, and i cannot get a degauss bar where i live cause no one know what the fuck it is
That's why you check the "free" section of craigslist or whatever the FB marketplace equivalent is. I found a lot of my furniture on craigslist for super cheap.
No I mean the black level and way over saturation
Try turning it off with the power button and switch it back on after a day to see if it degausses
Thanks anon for an actual constructive comment. While I agree with you I also want to put a pin table next to the cab and rotating it would just take too much space. I think I will just move the cab a bit to the right.
Also I've got picrel too taken in 2022 cos I'm lazy.
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>that room looks like a room in a mental hospital
>plants are good though, yes

Anon it's just a normal room. The window is closed so a better picture could be taken.

It's all about maximizing your space with the right furniture. And not making it feel stuffy or claustrophobic.
I genuinely forgot. I think it was Variable Geo 2 on the PS1.
Because if you use swiss with the gameboy player it has good scaling.
How do you even open those lids or put a game in that N64?
FINALLY someone with a yellowed Dreamcast like me!
I'm assuming anon is a big penis Chad that has all his consoles modded. Not sure about the N-Word 64 and Saturn though, I guess those would need carts.
N64 has everdrive cart and fits *exactly* perfectly in the spot. Sharp Twin Famicom I have to pull it forward a bit, but I hardly play it. I don't have much nostalgia for Famicom. I prefer SNES.
There's literally no point at all to play NES when the SNES exists. Nobody can name 3 valid reasons. 99% of everything on the SNES is just better.
Duck tales
And even bing bing wahoos

This is a retarded opinion.
Only Megaturd gets somewhat of a pass. Everything else is better on the SNES.
>the absolute state of nu-/vr/ everyone
the rulechange was a mistake
this is how i played as a kid
neighbors house, summer afternoon
fat fuckin mess , simple sandwiches & kid food for lunch
we would take turns grinding in jrpg or play the latest rentals
if I rented a game I would bring it over
good times, something strangely comfy about a boys mess
>no argument

I already predicted this.
Yeah because Megaturd is a good argument, faggot.
Also, super Castlevania 4 is the worst of the whole series.
>Dell AT-101 W
Very nice, I have the 102 variant
nice frogs bro
If you have a NES and a SNES next to each other you're booting up the SNES 90% of the time over the NES. You're only starting the NES up to beat a game from a backlog and you're never touching that game again. Shut the fuck up with your squeaky clean bing bing wahoo and sanic reddit battlestation with your name tags for your consoles like you're in the office and each one has their own cubical. You don't even have a controller plugged into the NES, you're proving my point. Your SNES is ready to go at any point AND it's on a higher shelf.

Littleass boy don't ever talk to me again.
>You don't even have a controller plugged into the NES
uh, you might want to sit down for this
The DC is the only one with no controller plugged in you dingus. Also I play more twin famicom (on the left) than nes. But you know what? I play way more non-N stuff than N stuff because games are better. Kiss my ass.
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he typed megaturd
those shelves are beyond fuckin stacked
someday i might get to such a high power level
but my goals are admittedly different
i have SOME cib stuff but i target specific franchises only
i have a few "heavy hitters" expensive titles like:
kolibri, samurai showdown 4 (aes), pokemon/zelda titles, atari jaguar stuff but if i put everything together it would pale in comparison to even ONE of your shelves.

i've unironically walked into retro vidya stores and they had LESS inventory than what you have kek

nice collection anon
you should be proud
hope u and your senpai enjoy
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for fucks sake

>i hope you and your family enjoy
Heh thanks, I wish I had actual neogeo games instead of a neosd but I'm not gonna lie this flashcart is awesome.
Here get a view of the non-N shelf
Buddy you need labels for your consoles because you don't know which one is which AND you have slim versions of the PS1 and 2 like an ape.
You also have a little pink fan.
Lol ok you got me there. Slims were the easiest to come across when I bought them, no idea why and they serve their purpose well, so...
I like to game naked with a fresh crotch :*
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do you know what
im gonna play NES even harder now

moon crystal
bird week
sexy invaders
blaster master
guardian legend
hello kitty world (balloon fight)
Give me that snowy white Dreamcast. You don't even use it. You don't deserve it.
someone mail this nigga a retrobrite dreamcast shell already
No you wont. You're one of those dudes that hype consoles and games up in here and you never play them. You go like "yeah after I'm done talking about this console or game for 4 hours on 4chan I'll play it for real" and then when you're finished enjoying 4chan you're like "nah I'll just watch a few youtube videos and go to bed instead, I'll play tomorrow".
Retrobrite shells are awful. All of them are inconsistent allover and have blemishes and shit. I'm considering buying one of those ch*nese clear cases but fuck they're so soulless.
imagining the lives of other male posters again...? ...anon?
same shitflinging happens whenever the analogue pocket is posted here kek

youre right kid
i dont play games i beat and finish them
ok solution: black sega sports model , in person it really does look slick
Too rare and expensive.
Shut up kid.
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>atari sux lol more modern systems are better!!
by this logic does EVERY system pre-snes "suck"?
sg-1000? 7800? pc fuckin engine?!

more NES recs so anonkun will understand:
river city ransom
bubble bobble
life force
little samson
nemo in dreamland
a boy and his blob
marble madness
guerilla war
adventure fuckin island
solar jetman
felix the cat

plus the plethora of great arcade ports
galaga, gyruss, donkey kong (+jr) etc
and of course the nes classic mini first party titles that are still world famous and renowned to this day
>arrow flash
b a s e d
Not sure who you're quoting, but yes. That is factual. A lot of old systems were amazing when they came out, but objectively suck massive ass today. Unlike others that were amazing back then but also aged well and are great today like the SNES and PS1/2 to name just a few.
Oh you are the kind of guy thinking that games age. Lol. Lmao even.
Ok hipster. Go have fun with your Atari Pong while I enjoy some Chrono Trigger.
Splatterhouse wanpaku graffiti
Raf world
Yoshi cookie
Batman , Batman returns, return of the joker
Akumajou Special: Boku Dracula-kun
Argos no senshi
Metal storm
Mickey mouse III yume fuusen
Red arremer II
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Kinda boring setup, but here it is

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You need a scaler bud.
>Tarzan ps1
My nigga
>ms6 mvs
thats gotta be a bootleg right
Ayy, good suggestion
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Yeah I know, just not alot of cash to spend right now

Good game, but I still prefer the pc version I grew up with, as with ts2
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Looks like my grandmother's basement before she died. I fucking love it.
>TWO corner units
God loves me. I was stoked when I found the first, but finding the second so soon after deciding I wanted another had me elated. I'm happy with how the space came together, compared to the Ikea shelf was originally under the flatscreen as the sole piece just a couple of years back. I wonder if I have a picture to compare.

I disagree in that a full wall of shelves like >>11039610 is very comfy to me. Not all walls, just one as an accent.
Your room is certainly clean, but I personally find it very boring. It's just not my style. So much neutral color and pressboard furniture is not what I aspire too. It's very well organized and functional, and I like the plant, though. I've been wanting to get a large fern or something but haven't looked very hard. I've got some similar baskets like yours for the pot when I get around to it. That's definitely a good recommendation on your part.

It WAS someone's grandmother's basement when we bought the house. It was built in '52 and I believe the same family lived here the entire time. We bought the house from the estate when the old man died. I was drooling when I saw this basement, and I pray I never have to replace that carpet or the wild tile on the other half of the finished area.
wow half the videos are just "I DIDN'T MAKE IT (CHANNEL UPDATE)"
That TV stand is nice but you have shelf sag on every one of those. Consider adding some slats to the underside to reinforce them.
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Yeah, man, you can get some good shit on there if you're lucky. I found this entertainment center for $20 off craigslist several years ago and I still use it today. Did have to strap it to my car, then haul it up three flights of stairs by myself, but it was worth it. Pls no bully, this is an old setup and it's different now
That Dreamcast is looking sad...
I respect your clean and no nonsense setup
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nice list
i suck at yoshis cookie though
my brain just doesn't work like that kek
i have the rgb2comp too
but i have never used it this way
is there REALLY an upgrade over s-video?

>inb4 2.4ghz wireless and 12 inch tab aren't a BST
so many people laughed and played
You don't even have to get 'mental' about it, hospitals are known for having sterile white walls and sterile white furniture.
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it was a romhack
i rolled the dice hoping it would closely resemble the atomiswave port (it doesn't at all kek)
omw to borrow some gaems
i might copy the shelf idea if they are deep\wide enough to fit neogeo aes
im on the furniture hunt still
i should never have sold my segasports model
it looks fine
a scaler will help the picture quality a lot
but the latency\refresh of the tv set itself will still be what is holding you back
even on "game mode" the 'lag' is noticeable on faster games


i only use my big panels for slow AAA games or jrpg so its not too big of a deal
+ you cant beat free\cheap haha
What speakers should I get to go with my 20in pvm setup?
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one of my exes always had blank white walls
i used to always make jokes that she was planning on leaving the country without saying anything to anyone
i get that not everyone is maximalist & needs to cover\decorate every single thing
but the empty makes me feel kinda sad

Bare Metal Laboratory Shelves

+100 storage
-100 charisma

These shelves aredesigned to be extremely functional and used in laboratories for testing. However their ugliness makes some people turn away in disgust.
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>one of my exes always had blank white walls
>i used to always make jokes that she was planning on leaving the country without saying anything to anyone
>i get that not everyone is maximalist & needs to coverdecorate every single thing
>but the empty makes me feel kinda sad

Men don't need much to be happy
what game?
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This is actually quite tempting. I could fit a slightly smaller version of this in a closet, wheel it out when needed.
sexy invaders? famicom
no wait its this:
This actually looks like a hospital room that they wheeled a fun cart into so the dying kid can play a little Mortal Kombat before he kicks it.
What you have now looks great. But If you want to ruin the look of your game room then go ahead.
It is better than s-video but wouldn't say it's MUCH better
That's exactly why I have this setup. I can put it away and wheel it out to any room I need to without having to connect and disconnect things.
>but i have never used it this way
How on earth do you use it then?
i use it for my supergun setup
rgb out > rgb2comp > tink > gaymen monitor that can do both normie and tate

for crt from supergun i use a vintage rgb2svideo converter
its analog and lagless
supports pal and ntsc
>dude I love neck pain
>This is actually quite tempting. I could fit a slightly smaller version of this in a closet, wheel it out when needed.
Speaking from experience, I wouldn't recommend it.

Wheeling the thing got old fast. It was annoying having to roll it out, connect everything, and put it away.
So half the time I didn't bother.

Eventually I just got a bigger shelves and put all my consoles (Neo Geo, N64, PS1, SNES, and OG Xbox) with my TV.

My setup is very similar to what your picture is like. Wooden shelf with TV, nice speakers, and clean look.
Why do you need to go to component for the tink?
the 2xpro doesnt support scart/rgb
did you chuck the plasma or is it in a different room now?
Me gusta
Sexy as fuck
Can't believe we used to play fighting games with SNES and SEGA Genesis controllers. Dualshock 1 just so much better
Fighting games on both of those consoles are so terrible. I have no idea how I loved UMK3 so much as a kid. I played it for hours on end every day. Tried it recently again and it's such a garbage game.
mk3 was cool because of the roster and visuals
i played it with my friend and he dared tell me noob saibot was equal to every other character because they balance the characters and he got really mad. no he's a special character dude he's stronger. NO HE FUCKING ISN'T STRONGER BLRLRBLR
I don't even remember if that's true or not but one universal fact exists and has never failedme. Balanced game are never fun.
yeah for a 10 year old lol
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yeah it's diablo 4 in this picture but i play retro games too. pretend it's Galerians or something
>'m going to give you all some interior decoration advice.
Shut up retard.
any decent scalers around 100?
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I have it stored in a closet. I couldn't bear to discard it, even though I don't have a home for it at the moment. I've got my old 2008 32'' Samsung LCD TV in there too, because it also has ample analog inputs including VGA.
chef's kiss
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>Balanced game are never fun.
People have been repeating this recently but it literally isn’t true. Even back in the Q2/UT days servers would die temporarily when they got too imbalanced. Players would swap to different servers because, surprise, imbalance isn’t fun.

That being said the total assassination of skill gap that modern games have committed is not the answer lol.
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Well no but you can build your own GBS-C. I don't remember how much mine cost but it's probably not much higher. It's not difficult to do either as long as you're not an ape and have basic soldering skills. You just have to read the OFFICIAL guide very carefully and make sure to do all the suggested improvement mods. You can follow a youtube guide, just make sure it doesn't skip over stuff the official guide says and use common sense to not trust a retard.


This is a good guide, and also here's the official page with pic related being of importance. Official page here.


That being said though, while it's a cool cheap and fun project to do and it works great, honestly? Personally I would buy the best retrotink still. The price is super cringe I know and I'm not buying one yet, because I got into CRT TVs instead, but in the future if for some reason I feel like I want a flat screen TV I'll 100% get one. They'll probably be cheaper, and we'll probably have access to cheaper 120hz OLED TVs so we can use that frame doubling feature that kind of simulates how CRTs work and greatly reduces input lag.

>another perfectly white Dreamcast

Man I want to die.
Game balance and player skill balance are different though. 50% of the fun in video games is abusing imba shit like an autist or fucking around with glitches. Aside from balancing, as soon as they fix some glitches (as long as they don't literally ruin the game of course) the games get ruined and become soulless.
Actually I'm seeing built GBS-C units for a hunnid and less on ebay for example. Don't know much about them but I just assume you need to find one that has the improvements done and isn't using some modified random firmware version that you can't flash (if these exist). I've heard people buying theirs from ch*na and having no issues, even though I don't know which ones are good exactly, although it wont hurt finding a more local seller, be it in the US or yurop and doing your research if theirs are any good.

Although now that I think about it though, you have a N64 and a Godcube. Not sure about fatbox, although the GBS-C is great for PS2 specifically, only issue is you'll need to also buy a good RGB cable for it (hd retro vision component or retrogamingcables SCART). I think the N64 can be RGB modded. The only way you'll get RGB out of the Godcube is if it's a PAL version and naturally supports it and you buy a retrogamingcables SCART cable (alternative is getting a gchd mk-ii and a Wii RGB cable, which gets expensive and the gchd is not THAT great). Not gay so I'm not familiar with the Wii, although they sell SCART cables for it too.
The other Godcube alternative is of course the official Nintendo component cable, which costs as much as a Honda these days I think, unless you're a luckerdog and just happen to have one in the attic or randomly find one at a garage sale being sold by someone's oblivious auntie. Don't any of the POS third party component GC cables, they're all dogshit.
retro tink 2x pro knockoff

prob is 1:1
your results may vary
>Shut up retard.
Post your battlestation then.
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Sure. It's mostly my wife's work stuff, I'm a research scientist in a very different field.
>look @ me I have a wife and I'm a scientist

S-shut up...
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Here's the trick to getting your shit de-yellowed. Strip the console/controller down to the plastics and wash them like normal with dish soap and warm water. Then lay them out in these aluminum trays and put them out in direct sunlight for a couple hours, occasionally flipping everything over. You don't need any chemical treatments or whatever other nonsense the 8bit guy tells other people, just direct sunlight and aluminum to reflect it for maximum exposure is enough to bring the plastic back to normal.
If you can't get sunlight (or there's niggers in your area) use one of those UVA/UVB combo lamps they use for indoor reptile habitats. It won't be as effective, but it still brings results.
Nice post.

But The yellowing occurs because of the age of the plastic. The sunlight temporarily fixes it, but it will turn back to yellow eventually. And much faster than it did the first time.

It's just unavoidable at this point. Not unless you are willing to repeatedly expose it sunlight.
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Little messy at the moment but i'm happy with how i'm setup. I have a 36XBR200 in my parents basement I really gotta lug over to my gameroom, my dad bought it new and watched 3 seasons of football on it before he got a plasma. It's the nicest tube I've seen in person.

Whenever I post people take umbrage with the normie tier controller and Nintendo diagrams, they were fathers day gifts from the kids.
What game is that on the CRT?
it's an hd tv and it's diablo 4. i do appreciate crt though and i prefer ps1 games
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if they were gifts its endearing anon
i use bose companion ii
but they arent shielded so i keep them kinda far from the tv
>God loves me
its true
the other one is a 50 dollar chromebook i got just for movies and youtube. it's slow as fuck though. i should have just got a decent laptop even though all it does is sit there

>perfect desktop setup
>good auido setup
>comfy couch and chair
>big tv for anime
>perfectly white Godcast

Just kill me already.
I bet it stinks in there. Just imagine the cobwebs in and amongst all that hanging shit, and the dust
Holy shit dude dust your shelves. That shit looks nasty. also the random blocks of raw timber in-between the shelves looks super tacky
Having a bright window directly next to your CRT screen at a 90 degree angle seems like a major pain in the ass, how do you even see anything? Also, indoor plants require water and cause moisture in the air, which can be good for humans but spells disaster for electronics. Enjoy your surprise rust.
Nice cat
Joyless faggot that nobody likes detected
>plants cause rust
>there are no plants on the moon
>the moon is rusting
what a dumbass
>Having a bright window directly next to your CRT screen at a 90 degree angle seems like a major pain in the ass, how do you even see anything?
The sun isn't always directly pointed at the window. Did you not see adjustable the shutters? I can adjust the lights direction as needed.
>Also, indoor plants require water and cause moisture in the air, which can be good for humans but spells disaster for electronics. Enjoy your surprise rust.
Lmao it's a small plant. Not a giant tree. Spoken like someone who hasn't touched grass in years. Have you ever owned any plants?
>Joyless faggot that nobody likes
That's me but I don't agree with anything he said aside from the cat being nice.
>adjustable the shutters
Do those types of adjustable the shutters work well enough? They look like they leak light. Me personally I have shutters, which always point upward, and THEN in front I have solid color thick curtains. My room is a dungeon 24/7. I wish I had plants but they require light, so I can't have any. Shame.
You’re right
White Buffalo of Power Instinct(which came out 2 months after SSF2) was a parody of T. Hawk and still looked a million times better than T. Hawk
>super Castlevania 4 is the worst of the whole series
wait, where's the second speaker for your flatscreen?
>they were fathers day gifts from the kids.
Yeah, I usually poo-poo when people have cringey vidya tat on display, but I've gotten gifts from my friends and my wife that I probably wouldn't have picked out for mysef either, so whatevs.
>Do those types of adjustable the shutters work well enough?
They do an adequate job. The shutters close, swing up, or swing down. They redirect light as needed. They don't fully block out the light when closed, but that was never the intention.

The small amount of light coming in never bothered me. I haven't felt the need to put blackout curtains on them, but I could add them if I wanted to do so.
>where's the second speaker for your flatscreen?

I did a 1000IQ move, I use a speaker switch to switch the right channel CRT speaker to the left channel flat screen speaker.

>Yeah, I usually poo-poo when people have cringey vidya tat on display, but I've gotten gifts from my friends and my wife that I probably wouldn't have picked out for mysef either, so whatevs

Yeah, sometimes you just gotta hide your power level.
>I use a speaker switch to switch the right channel CRT speaker to the left channel flat screen speaker.
I was wondering if you did this, but I wasn't sure how much of a mad-lad you were. Good space-saving idea, anyway.
>Holy shit dude dust your shelves. That shit looks nasty. also the random blocks of raw timber in-between the shelves looks super tacky
I did dust it.
Also it's not raw timber.
It's jointed planed and thicknessed as well.
It's smoother than the particle board shelves.
is that thing on the top right a Wii? I honestly have no idea what it is.
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Do you know if a Megadrive diagram exists? Asking for a friend
Yeah, they have a whole line of Sega stuff on etsy. I have them but they are on the wall you can't see
Tits or gtfo
says the 10yo
Man I was so chafed they didn't offer the GBA player in any other color besides black in the US. I guess it works out because ultimately my original purple cube shit the bed so I'm using my friend's black one that he gave me.
yeah it's a colorful donkey kong shelving unit... that is like one step less childish than a race car bed. quit being defensive. saying "yeah I know it's a bit childish but I love it" is more normal than what you just did. and no billy i don't want to play with you.
>that is like one step less childish than a race car bed.
The only people who spend any appreciable brain power on categorizing what is "childish" and what isn't are children. Sure, you might be 30 or 40 years old, but you never really grew up, did you?
There's no way you're seriously defending a donkey kong shelf.
i still have the orange one
my modchip failed and i cant find the psu
but im confident i can revert to stock kek >>11049904
i wouldn't put it in my livingroom
but in a mancave or garage or something who cares?
the shelf is filled with vidya
its the same thing as having vidya posters\artwork displayed
You can tell by the bevel on the bottom that it is a wii. It looks different and really basic without the usual stand that comes with it. The wii has a second set of little feet pads on the left side (which becomes the bottom when turned sideways in the pic) so it isn't console abuse :^)
Protip you can import one since the GBA Player itself isn't locked to a region. I'm so glad I matched my purple cube. If you wanted to be a dick I imagine you could put an orange or a mint one on a black cube and I'm sure someone would seethe, I'm surprised I haven't seen it yet.
they also make race car beds and boats for wealthy adults kiddo
>he's doubling-down
the pussy would be dry as a desert the second she laid eyes on it
after she was done scream-laughing of course
Women will change their world view if their desired husband is wealthy enough and handsome enough. Happens all the time. If you told her those sheets cost tens of thousands of dollars, she would be impressed. It's a status symbol.
This board isn’t about pussy. I don’t care how “the pussy be.” I wouldn’t put that shelf in my space, but it’s far from inappropriate in this manchild hobby.
if you've got that, the only thing she's thinking is what things this simp will buy her
If you care about what women think about your hobby, then you will never be happy.
You're on an imageboard where a non-zero number of posters have anime body pillows and a 3D wife who puts up with it
when did tony hawk get added to a fighting game xD
>you can import one since the GBA Player itself isn't locked to a region.
I thought about it, but given that I have a black gamecube now, it would require me to swap the casing AND buy a new player. As much as I prefer the purple Gamecube, I don't care quite that much, especially given how little I use it compared to the rest of my setup.
>anime body pillows and a 3D wife who puts up with it
My wife is so fucking non-judgmental I can't even wrap my mind around it. She's not ashamed of anything, and she never shames anyone for anything. My parents basically thought shaming WAS parenting, so it's not much of a mystery why I'm so grateful just to be around her.

Seriously, I hear horror stories about spouses and gfs that won't even let their partners THINK about bringing a CRT into the house, and when my wife and I moved in together and I set my CRT up in the spare room, she was like, "Oh, I thought you'd want to put it in the living room in front of the new couch." In the 6 years we've been married, I've brought three more CRTs into the house. She even drove me to pick two of them up.

Anyway, thanks for reading my blog.
is that a fucking framed portrait of jerry seinfeld
post nude pics of wife laying on top of your CRTs or it didn't happen
Show us your CRTs or I call you a liar
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This setup is mine >>11036770 with a 20" PVM.

Picrel is the same setup with a 27" JVC, a 25" Sony XBR, and bottom is a Dell Trinitron I kept as a second monitor until it died a few years ago. RIP. Really, the PVM is the only one I use these days; the JVC and XBR are neat, but hey have issues that can't really be fixed. They're both very worn sets, but I got them for free, so I can't complain.
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this one feels so claustrophobic. The TV is 2 feet away from the couch. The figurines are blocking all your content on your shelves. The couch is only allowing about one foot of space away from the shelf next to it. You must barely ever touch anything shelved there. And lastly this is a basement with no windows and poor lighting. I would say get a lamp and a plant.

other than that you have some neat stuff on display

here is mine. I'm a NEET so the shelves are hand me downs. I'm going to buy better stuff eventually and decorate more. def, gonna put a plant in here, and also: modern gaming tv for modern gaming rofl) and a lamp

do you want to meet up so I can fuck your tits
Removr the old ribbon cable, clean the spot with iso, replace with a new cable and and dab super glue along the new cable fastener and I reiterate only where the cable is held down. That's about as good as you can make it if you still want the slim
this guy got bullied in school by some asshole who played guitar and had more friends and girls than him. i feel that
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>has 50 nintendo switch games, yet
>can't afford furniture
>games are in alphabetical order

stay away, demon
Yes, and his name is Scary Jerry. I received it as a secret santa gift from one of my friends who cut out the eyes, then put them back in slightly recessed so that they follow you around the room.
Alphabetical order is based, because when you're searching for a game you can find it by the title. What way would you organize it? Fucking release order? Absolute sperg.
I sort by publisher since switch spines have that
we know its you mr top hat gaming man
Why do so MANY of you not understand basic decorating?

90% of this thread has mismatched furniture.

Randomly painted rooms that look like they haven't been refreshed since the 1970s.

Shelves that are too big for their rooms and reach to the ceiling making the entire room feel claustrophobic.

Guys learn some basic interior decoration!!!

I'm not saying free or cheap furniture is bad if money is an issue. But if you know the rules on home decoration, then you would be able to furnish your home for cheap. Even I've gone to 2nd hand stores and bought stuff. But I did it knowing how to furnish a room.

I didn't just buy random assortment of giant shelves and wooden entertainment centers from the 1980s that your grandma had.

Come on people. Open a basic home decor magazine. Pick a style you like, and find cheap furniture to emulate it.
how about whatever i want to play is displayed and everything else is shelved away. how about genre? JRPG, Mario. or publisher like that anon said. and buy some furniture instead of games you man child
>90% of this thread has mismatched furniture.
its my duplex i can decorate it as ugly as i want
95% of my shit is black & basically the same shade
also i literally dont give a fuck, esp if its cheap\free\no bugs on it

>open a home decor magazine
even on the toilet i would rather look at the back of a shampoo bottle

big if true
>its my duplex i can decorate it as ugly as i want
Yeah but that's nothing to brag about. You want to show off your console collections but put them into crappy furniture? You insult your collection.

>also i literally dont give a fuck,
Clearly. That's why it looks like a dungeon

>esp if its cheap ree
o bugs on it
That's really sad if that's your standard. I've bought second hand furniture but it was always with a careful eye to make sure it all matches and fits my place.

>even on the toilet i would rather look at the back of a shampoo bottle
That's why everything you own looks slapped together and mismatched without any care at all.

You are like someone who buys an expensive sports car but puts it in a garage that's falling apart and smells. Then says "I don't give AF about my garage". Have some standards anon.
Not him but who even cares. This shit don't matter
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>doesn't post \bst\
>doesn't even post someone ELSES \bst\
trashtalks all other posters despite many actually having decent setups

shut up whore
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You skipped mine for some reason and now I don't know which tier I go into.
anon you already know what tier you belong to
You literally posted the same setup (mine) under both "fuckable" and "unfuckable". Nobody should take you seriously.

No, I have a wife.
>the JVC and XBR are neat, but hey have issues that can't really be fixed
what's wrong with them? let me have them.
Let's stop using past tense /vr/os. We're not pretending, we actually have old games, old TVs, old sound systems. It's present tense: old games ARE more fun and it IS better to play them. Not only are there more than enough retro games and consoles to last more than a lifetime of play, people are still making new games for retro consoles, both romhacks and actual new ones. Best of all, we even have a retro community that we can vibe with here, away from modern social sites with upvotes and other user-hostile features
I appreciate having seen your posts for years now. We really are here forever, aren't we? Anons who don't post OC are second class citizens
I get where you're coming from, but I think it's okay to lament the fact that it's still very much a bygone era. My gaming habits are probably 80% retro these days and only getting more unbalanced, but I always end up hearing so much bullshit about modern games through sheer osmosis that it makes me appreciative of old stuff in a way you can't really be without hindsight.

Like, the beauty of gaming in the 90s was that you assumed there was always something AMAZING on the horizon. Sometimes you were right, sometimes you were wrong, but the assumption itself was powerful and justified. After all, the SNES was better than the NES, and the Mega Drive was better than the Master System. The jump to 3D gaming was MINDBLOWING, and PC gaming slowly became indistinguishable from actual witchcraft. The sheer optimism around gaming culture in the '90s was intoxicating in a way that can't really be recreated. Whether you were reading magazines, or talking completely made-up bullshit with your friends, the possibilities of the future seemed limitless.
The XBR has some bad convergence here and there, as well as some color issues that will not go away. It might just be a damaged aperture grill.

The D-series is just tired as shit. Got it from an old man who probably had it on 24/7 since he got it. I did a complete recap and re-seated the yoke to try and fix some really bad geometry and fish-eye crap, but it seems permanent. I'd give it away to someone, but I took the speakers out to see if they were causing distortion and I don't really feel like opening the thing back up.

>the possibilities of the future seemed limitless.
It's sad but true. Gaming was so dynamic in the '90s and early 00s that there was also always the feeling that you were doing something special at the time, that in a year or two gaming might be nothing like this. But now? Everything feels like it's been the goddamn same for 15 years. It feels like we splashed all the water out of the pool and now we're just being charged to play in the puddles.
anon, that's not even the same person that posted the pic. also you sound retarded
t. aids carrier
i bet you have aids, queer
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here is how my games are "organized" basically, i dont care. I just play whatever looks good at the time, and the games in the same genre or series are grouped together.
Yeah in fuckable.
Little buddy your PS1 should not be sat on the carpet. Ventilation holes are on the bottom of the console, and that's also where the hotspot is.
Thanks. This was from 2017, I've learned to take better care of my stuff. I use my mechapwn'd PS2 for PS1 games now and I have hardwood floors.
Nah carpets are soulful. Hardwood floors are not retro. What you need is to SSD mod your PS2 with an official Sony network adapter and to install an xStation in your PS1. Or you can wait for the newer cheaper FPGA clones boards for the new new FPGA shit from Replay 2 or Mars and you can save space on the NES, SNES, Neo-Geo and PS1.
I did the SSD mod with a chink network adapter on my PS2 and loaded that up with every game I'd ever play. I also have a PSP Go with a dock and component cables and that's how I play my PS1 games if I don't feel like burning a disc. I was collecting consoles and games until recently and now it's taking up too much fucking space. I've been selling the shit I don't want and I plan on playing them on a mister FPGA once that cheap clone comes out.
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>here forever, aren't we?
nothing lasts forever -
our existence is fleeting;
ash to ash & dust to dust.
>for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return
live fervently, love deeply
if you have fallen on hard times, fight on-
pls remember that things change anonkun
that splatterhouse final boss head is damn tight
Yeah I'm gonna replace a few console with an FPGA as soulless as it is. They just take too much space, regardless how cool they look. Other than that get a modded genuine adapter. Not that expensive from ebay. Don't cuck yourself with the ch*nk one.
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Shit shit is all camoflagued.
Based and Grandma pilled, It reminds me a lot of my childhood.
>Hardwood floors are not retro
This is an insane statement anon.
Find me a single vintage photo of people playing video games on a hardwood floor.
Only if you promise to apologize here when I do. Make a trip code account and promise right now.

If you refuse, then no deal.
How's having a landline nowadays? Sometimes I think it would be nice just to have one for everybody besides emergency contacts.
Goddamn this looks comfy as hell.
>How's having a landline nowadays? Sometimes I think it would be nice just to have one for everybody besides emergency contacts.

That's exactly what I use it for. Businesses and other unimportant folks get my land-line. Only very close friends and family get my direct cell phone.

Also I live in an area with spotty cellphone reception. So a land-line helps a lot.

Lastly if there's a big storm, earthquake, power outage, or some other natural disaster...then typically the cellphone towers in the area are the first things to go down. They either get damaged, or they get spammed with too many people using them trying to call their loved ones. And the service crashes. Happened to me several times. Massive storms damaged the local cell phone towers and I lose cell reception for like 3 days until repairs were made. So I used the land line as backup. Helped out a ton. Was able to check on family and friends.

People do not realize how fragile their cell phone network really is.
Neo... Wake up.... The Matrix Has You....
Those are some pretty solid points. Cell towers are definitely take for granted. I may have to go for getting a landline then, appreciate the response!
gtfo newfag

well its not the same. pretty much everywhere has converted their landlines to a digital feed. Its not like the old land lines that had low voltage power in them and would keep working in a power outage.

modern lines usually require convertbox or a dsl modem that hosts the line for you
what are the three sony devices beneath the ps2? whe do they do and why are they three of them??
Your argument being? Naked hardwood floors are a gay 2010s+ fad.
Enjoy your asthma faggit
They still have some translucent ones in stock
I used to have that tape deck but a friend damaged it, it was a fucking tank too. Miss that thing.
based and dog tapestry pilled
RetroScaler 2X is a fantastic line doubler and they're about $30 on AliExpress. It is not a clone of the RetroTink 2X Pro, it's a clone of the last revision of the original RetroTink 2X. The main difference being that it supports PAL-60 and some other weird modes that the first revision didn't. I have a real OG 2X and this clone, and the clone is drastically better (full size HDMI port is worth it alone). For $30 it's extremely handy for retro-ing.
I am, bitch.
the 2xpro has "scanlines"
supports s-video, component, composite, and PAL

whats the difference between the "pro2x" and "non-pro 2x"?
yeah insanely based
I don't understand this logic
my grandma had hardwood floors that matched her giant wood crt
ps1 era on the floor & vhs
2X Pro has the scanline generator and the comb filter has an extra setting, iirc. Really not worth $100 more, imho

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