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Why didn't they just make Adventure 3 rather than this bullshit?
Adventure 3 became Unleashed IIRC, this game was developed from scratch.
The mood at Sonic Team that led to games like Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 was snuffed out when the Dreamcast died. Eventually they will make an actual Sonic Adventure 3 and it will disappoint.
Play Shadow the Hedgehog, it's essentially SA2.5 sort of like how Sonic & Knuckles is "Sonic 3 Part Two"
Feels more like Sonic Heroes without the team mechanics, but that could be because both games share the same engine.
They made Adventure 3, twice.
06' barely felt like an Adventure game. Any character that wasn't Sonic or Blaze played like shit.
It occurs to me that if they had just called Sonic Adventure 2 "Sonic Shadows" or something, no one would even know they wanted a "Sonic Adventure 3", and there would be no conception of a "Sonic Adventure series".
Those two games are very different in the first place. The only thing that really holds them together, against the rest of the series is Chaos.
And even then I think if 06 had Chaos, people would be finding excuses for why it's not "real Sonic Adventure".

2, Shadow, and 06 are more of a unit than SA1 and 2 are.
SA1 is still half in the 90's era of Sonic where it was all bright colours, Angel Island lore, animal capsules, and Dr Eggman being a goofy doofy idiot and shit.
Because this IS adventure 3

You sonicfags just can't accept Sonic always sucked in 3d
>SA1 is still half in the 90's era of Sonic where it was all bright colours, Angel Island lore, animal capsules, and Dr Eggman being a goofy doofy idiot and shit.
Nah, SA1 establishes the new universe of Sonic where it takes place on Earth with real humans and cities being everywhere, rather than on some bizarre Mario-style alien planet
SA1 world looks a lot like the OVA world. That's pretty much Japan's conception of what the Sonic world was supposed to be in the 90's era, which differs from the Western Mobius lore.
If we're going strictly by the games (which are the only media which is truly canon) then there is a huge shift from the Mega Drive era games to Adventure 1.

Classic Sonic is aesthetically just a Mario rip-off with non-verbal characters, a non-sensical cartoon world, wacky animals, a villain with no real personality or motivations. Adventure was the first game to change all of those things up.
Have you played Sonic GT? It's one of the best fan efforts in 3D.
That sounds like Sonic Adventure to me.
Gameplay sure isn't as good, though.
Debatable. SA1 has a casino zone and a carnival zone. There's a lot of that same colourful abstract imagery.
The shift in style away from geometric shapes, and checkerboard patterns, towards a more naturalistic looking world would be the main point of contention.

SA2 establishes that whole new aesthetic of dark city streets, Akira techno-dungeons, enemy mechs looking more like serious instruments of war, as opposed to a Wile-E Coyote contraptions.
The fuck are you talking about? Adventure 1 and 2 aren't far apart in gameplay concepts at all, and their stories have several direct connections. Heroes is completely alien by comparison outside of a few characters' existence and a throwaway line from Sonic that wasn't even translated properly. Shadow continues some plot threads from Adventure 2 in various awful ways but as >>11023816 noted it plays way more like a bad fan mod of Heroes that adds guns and removes the teams.
>complete tonal shift
>no hub world (how it still counts as "adventure" in spite of this I never understood)
>half of the gameplay concepts from SA1 jettisoned. Now you just have speed, treasure hunting, and shooting stages
>can't play as the real Tails. He's in a mech now
>Sonic even looks different

How do people not see the enormous difference between these games? This stuff annoyed me when I was a kid, because I liked SA1 more.
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>>Sonic even looks different
In-game, yes, but SA2 Sonic looks identical to the artwork from SA1 (apart from the shoes of course).
>no hub world
backtracking sucks
>half of the gameplay concepts from SA1 jettisoned. Now you just have speed, treasure hunting, and shooting stages
They left behind fishing because everyone hated it
>can't play as the real Tails. He's in a mech now
Tails levels were just Sonic's but short and broken because of flying
In some regards 06 is a truer sequel to SA1 than SA2 is, but people aren't ready to hear that.
>those differences don't count, because I don't like those things
Wasn't asking.

If they ever do make SA3, I would want it to have hub worlds, so we're already disagreeing on what the correct direction of the Sonic Adventure series is.
There isn't some huge tonal shift, Adventure 1 had shit like the Echidna tribe burning down, Eggman getting desperate and launching a nuke at Station Square, and everything surrounding Perfect Chaos. Adventure 2 isn't some super serious story either, Sonic goofily boards a space shuttle only to have a comic relief scene where he fights with Knuckles and knocks the Master Emerald shards out of it. They trimmed down on the amount of playable character types, but as you yourself note, the three that are present are close to Adventure 1's. Heroes' gameplay doesn't feel remotely close to anything in particular from either game.

The replayable mission concept with varied objectives from Adventure 1 was heavily expanded in 2 for its mission board, the games both feature a Chao Garden (a concept heavily built upon by Adventure 2 in comparison to 1), etc.
Aesthetically and story-wise it is closer to SA2

You can maybe blame SEGA for splitting them into "eras" in Generations. There has also been this weird push in recent years to make Saturn Sonic a thing, even though it never really was
Sonic World doesn't count? RIP.
SA1 is the capstone of the Angel Island arc, and is still very much in "Eggman is a silly villain territory". SA2 is the beginning of the Shadow arc, and the first time Eggman was more or less depicted as entirely competent and imposing.
They're very different entities.
>>those differences don't count, because I don't like those things
Correct. But it's not only me, it's most of the fanbase.
"most of the fanbase" in your mind.
You'll find, if you talk to people, there's no great consensus on whether SA1 or SA2 is better.
SA1 is better, by the way.
I've heard this before and it makes sense. Has hub worlds, RPG elements, and even the Egg Carrier is in it. Same can be said of Frontiers, sort of
You're in denial if you think most people liked the fishing. SA2 was in many ways a direct response to the things people liked or didn't like about SA1. Apparently those people were numerous enough to cause Sonic Team to change design philosophy. Backtracking and fishing may be fun for you but most people disagreed.
IS he silly? he has killbots with guns that graduate by murdering their brothers and summons a fucking water god that drowns a realistic-ish human city and a chunk of its inhabitants, no matter what "oh they evacuated :^)" voicelines might add
The fishing is bad, but at least in SA1, I can pick it up and only play the Sonic stages, if I want.
SA2 makes me play Knuckles, which I don't enjoy.

I also never bought this meme that "backtracking" was a bad thing in games. I like a world to feel like a world. That's what made it an adventure.
It doesn't work because Sonic skipped the Saturn obviously, like Metroid on N64

It should be CD Sonic or 32X Sonic since those had actual games on them
32X Sonic sorta had a comeback, but I'm not sure if that accurately describes Mania.
You got to his space ship, where funky music plays, and little robot maids are wandering around, and you can beat his high score in whack a mole, which makes him exclaim in anger.

His arc in the game is that he awakens an ancient God, and loses control of the ancient god, because he's a bumbling fool.

SA2 has him blowing up the moon, and pointing an actual gun in Amy's face, and shit, and he almost succeeds at killing Sonic for real. He's metal in that game.
>mephelis actually kills sonic
More of a chad than Shadow, desu.
Good observation, it even uses the Chaotix palette/sprites for Knuckles
Mania IS a love-letter, afterall. I'm still shocked they managed to reference unused sprites.
Funny how you ignore the part brought up earlier in the thread about him firing a live warhead into the middle of a densely populated city and then going to arm it when it winds up as a dud just to make sure he can kill as many as possible to send a message, which is way worse than nervously threatening Amy during Crazy Gadget with voicelines and an outcome that imply he had no intention to truly harming her. Blowing up the moon is merely a threat as well and causes no potential loss of life within the story.
Pissing on the moon is a bigger threat.
"blowing up the city" is still cartoon villainy though. That's Lex Luthor shit.
And you get the sense that he doesn't really intend to destroy the city, because when Chaos actually destroys the city, he's like "oh no".
>Potentially huge loss of life is worse than a show of power in a way that doesn't endanger anyone

He doesn't really intend to destroy the city, when you have to race him to his city-destroying missile explicitly so that he can't detonate it? His reaction in Adventure 1 is being pissed that Chaos is disobeying him. not concern for Station Square. Go watch the Super Sonic story cutscenes again.
>no potential loss of life within the story
Why didn't they just make Sonic 4?
They already did that, except it was shit.
sonic 4 was just sonic the portable until some executive had the big idea that "if we trick them into thinking it's sonic 4 it'll sell more!" before the game tanked, the brand tanked, and he probably blamed the devs and got promoted
That's embarrassing, they could've ported the Stealth remasters of S1-2 to platforms outside of Android/iOS around that time.
Pocket Adventure exists though
That was just portable Sonic 2, but with 3&K's music.
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>the game tanked, the brand tanked, and he probably blamed the devs and got promoted
They don't think it be like it is.
But it do.
No but that doesn't mean that doesn't make Sonic Adventure a better game.
Better game than what it is I mean, it's absolutely better than 06
Absolutely no contest, each character could actually move at a decent speed.
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Classic Sonic was defined by not being a Mario rip-off, regardless of how different regions handled that. When characters could be made to speak or be part of stories, they were made to do that, be it through small voice clips in CD or a wordless story in 3. When the world could be given some depth or ground, it's given that (in 3, again), and concepts from one game carry over to another (some of 2's scrapped stage concept art went over to influence 3's, some of 3's scrapped concepts seem to have influenced Adventure such as the dragon thing). The villain, from the start, was defined by being a scientific genius that acts like a child. Those are all things from games or meant to be in the games, and the reason Adventure might feel odd to some is because some of it's progression was done and scrapped in development, with stages like early Windy Valley being redone due to the original version not running well on the Dreamcast.
the fall of the dreamcast ruined many SEGA franchises. Look at Shining and Phantasy Star
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The brand did not tank because, as much as I dislike the game itself and everything it represents, Colors sold and reviewed very well during this time, and most people were just happy to see a new 2D Sonic game in general. That entire decade ended up just being an overreaction to 06's reception though, Sonic 4 included. Sad to think of what could've been

I have no real clue what SEGA or Sonic Team are doing at this point, I feel like much of the hype for Frontiers was forced (pun not intended), Superstars looks nice but I have no real reason to play it when we have the Genesis games already. If nothing else at least there's still Sonic 3.
2D Sonic games are overrated. 3D Sonic games are underrated. I'm sick of you faggots shitting on Adventure for the past 20 years while acting like the Mega Drive games are "perfect masterpieces". Shut the fuck up. Just cause you played those games when you were 2 years old doesn't mean they're good
Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 is the same bullshit. I’d rather play the gg or master system games. Sonic 3D Blast and Knuckles Chaotix is where I check out.

All the 3d Sonics had physics that just didn’t feel right. They had bad camera, collision, glitches and the momentum did not work how the genesis games worked. I especially loathe the god awful story and voices ever since he went 3d. And stuffing different gameplay styles into a bad platformer. Who wants fishing and “Tails’s Panzer Dragoon Jr.” or Chao farms when the actual levels and physics needed desperate attention.

Mario 64 did it right in the transition to 3d, it had minimal story (Sonic 1 understood this), great controls and simple levels and I for one didn’t have problems with the camera.

Granted, getting the physics right in 3D Sonic is so much harder than in something like Mario because so much of the 2d sonic games revolve around momentum combined with precise control. In 3d theres just so many things going on with that extra axis it becomes a nightmare in game design where sonic can launch out of the game zone at any time. Controlling something moving super fast in 3d is way harder than in 2d and controlling it while hitting slopes and half pipes and etc. just doesn’t work in 3d. So you get the homing attack and either bad, slow platforming of speed setpieces where you hold the joystick. Sonic in 3d would’ve had to have been almost like the Downhill Jam level of Tony Hawk to work and feel at all like Sonic. Instead they took out the physics that made it Sonic. Sega maybe could have made something good if they knew what they were doing at any point in the late 90s or 2000s, but they never did.

My favorite polygonal Sonic game is Sonic R but that doesn’t mean I think its good. Its playable.

I haven’t played the recently released one, did they ever figure it out?
I wonder if people were bothered about Knuckles role as the guardian of the master emerald vanishing as soon as this game released.
Sonic GT is better than anything Sega released as far a physics goes.
I never understood this, he's a character who serves a purpose beyond guarding the emerald, otherwise why would he be playable in the first place. It's like saying Tails should be in his lab building planes and gadgets the entire time
Been trying to tell people this for years, Shadow is the true sequel to SA2. Has standard get to the end of the stage levels, has scavenger hunt levels similar to Knuckles and Rouge emerald hunting, and it has weapon combat focused levels like Tails and Eggman. As an SA2 fan I have always enjoyed it and been really confused as to why everyone else hates it.
Sonic Battle is the true Sonic Adventure 3, storywise.
i feel like a golden God for having zero problems with the fishing, at 15 years old, in 1999.
jesus, kids, you press up on your control stick when something bites. it really is that shrimple.
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Because in Adventure 2 the alternate gameplay modes are fun and decently realized, with it only really getting frustrating with Mad Space going a bit too far. In Shadow all of the alternate objectives are fucking terrible, just like in Heroes with Team Chaotix. The ones where you have to destroy a moving target especially.

It doesn't help that almost everything it adds to Shadow's character and background is fanfiction tier and barely gels with what Sonic Adventure 2 set up. At least it having more ARK stages was fun. And I can't fully blame them for trying to give the fans exactly what they had been asking for.
I feel like the same people having trouble with the extremely simple fishing minigame would suffer an aneurysm if they tried the fishing minigame in Persona 4.
This was the game that made me drop sonic as a series. It was so fucking bad.
Sonic Classic Heroes and Sonic 3 Complete are better ways to play the classics on real hardware.
I like both of them honestly
I meant Sonic movie 3, not Sonic 3 the game
I hope your parents get lung cancer
Every 2D Sonic is easily twice as good as every 3D Sonic.
At it's worst, 2D Sonic is just a competent platformer, that's still better than Jazz Jackrabbit, or Kid Chameleon or whatever.
And at it's best, 3D Sonic is still kind of fucked. I even like some of those games, but they're kind of fucked. Even lesser spoken of 3D platformers of the era like Pac-Man World, or Disney Licensed games are pretty much better assembled than 3D Sonic is.

It's okay to just admit you like the soundtracks, and the dreamcast aesthetic, because I like that too.
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Also, nu-3D Sonic is better, and "fans" have brainrot.
I thought Frontiers was easily the best out of the boost games, since you could actually roam around and shit.
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>Every 2D Sonic is easily twice as good as every 3D Sonic.
tfw brazillians get a lazy master system port
Probably even that one.
forces did suck though, had a cool premise but the gameplay/level design was just worse generations and the story was a below average mess even for modern schlock
making sonic OCs canon was amazing in a shitpost kinda way though, and lost world is overhated and LW2 with the issues ironed out and more emphasis on the parkour system would've been a masterpiece don't (you) me
This was their first cross platform release after they no longer made hardware so yeah
Canon OCs were a ballsy move on SEGA's part, wish they did that years ago.
I got a 100% 1LC on both the Game Gear and the Master System versions... for some reason... it's a comfortable title I guess, good for begginers, at least until Blue Marine zone, that's a tough one...
Gameplay in Adventure 1-2 wasn't as good either.
>There has also been this weird push in recent years to make Saturn Sonic a thing, even though it never really was

Sonic R was a thing and it was the reason I got a Saturn when it came out.
The argument that Sega abandoned "serious story telling" makes no sense when you consider Forces though. That's one of the few attempts by the series to treat Robotnik as if he's a formidable villain.
It's just "wrong" because it is. Sonic fans will never articulate why exactly. They just know they hate it. And they hate it because it's not the specific Sonic game they grew up with.
You forget facts like him being in control of time in Sonic CD, or trying to squash sonic with a giant gundam in Sonic 2, trying to drown him in burning magma in S&K or trying to ion cannon him down in the final boss fight, having a motherfucking death star to begin with, etc.

destroying the moon would completely fuck over nearly all life on Earth, you'd have mass extinctions in the animal kingdom, and the lack of tides would make weather conditions more extreme.
Sonic fans aren't even really wrong about criticisms of character portrayals but at the same time they're willing to excuse certain inconsistencies in certain arguements.
And yet him blowing up half the moon in Adventure 2 has no adverse effects whatsoever. It's pretty clearly used just as a way for him to demonstrate the cannon's power without actually using it in a way that would harm anyone, so the real world implications can be safely ignored.
Because the PS2 was such a bitch to develop for that they had to rely on Renderware instead of just porting the Adventure engine like they did with the GameCube ports.
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they knew it was shit and didn't want to tarnish the Adventure name.
Forces tried to have a serious narrative, but when you have stuff like a time card saying Eggman took over the world in 6 months or the characters saying that Sonic has been tortured for months and then we see him and absolutely nothing has changed about him or Sonic and the OC getting sent to Null Space only to immediately leave, it just piles up.
It doesn't help in Forces' case that you have at least three "Sonic leads a band of freedom fighters against Robotnik" stories (SATAM, Archie Sonic and Sonic The Comic) that aren't constrained by the merit of being a video game with only 3 playable characters.
I only liked it because I can check Amy panties
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Sonic Advance was developed with mindset of "we're making Sonic 4" just like Sonic 06 was developed with the mindset of "we're making Adventure 3", Sonic Team just weren't wholly invested in using specific titles. I wish I could find that interview with Naka where he specifically talked about this in relation to the former.
>before the game tanked
Except the first part of Sonic 4 sold very well and was well-received by everyone except hardcore fans.
The second part tanked because Sega thought it would be a good idea to wait two years to release episode 2 for whatever reason, and by that point the audience they had initially garnered had already lost interest even though it was a slight improvement over the first.
No playable Knuckles was a severe loss, that's for damn sure.
Brazil CHADS keep winning.
Sega needs to announce Sonic Adventure 3, then just re-release Sonic ‘06 with a different title screen.
Serious storytelling in Sonic, btw
And make sure to patch it with the Reloaded mod for the many improvements
Sonic's campaign was literally the worst part of 06 by far
That game is better than the Adventures games though
Most people don't actually pay attention, even to things they claim to love and obsess over.

Personally, I agree with you. SA2 felt like such a weird departure, and did a lot of doubling down some of SA1's biggest flaws, while removing the fun stuff. SA1 felt analogous to the whole '90s Sonic/Sega vibe, while SA2 did not.

>Adventure 1 had shit like the Echidna tribe burning down, Eggman getting desperate and launching a nuke at Station Square, and everything surrounding Perfect Chaos
Yes, but that's not "tone". Tone is the way in which those particular events are portrayed in the context of the world and story. You can have tragic and/or devastating things happen, but the tone will change how the audience perceives them. It's the difference between seeing a city get destroyed in a silver age Superman comic vs. a city getting destroyed in a grimdark bronze/modern age Superman comic. Tone is the whole reason people had an issue with Man of Steel despite it showing Superman doing the same kind of shit he's been doing in comics for 60+ years.

Even just the way a lot of the actors deliver lines in SA2 is enough to make the game feel like a downer. Sometimes they sound like they're giving a fucking eulogy.
>Tone is the way in which those particular events are portrayed in the context of the world and story.
I think the hub world is one of those things that really helped give SA1 a more lighthearted tone than 2. It gave you a place to be chill and talk to people and run around like a retard, and feel like Sonic was actually a real living character. I unironically enjoyed talking to all the NPCs in between levels and seeing how their dialogue updates because they all have little arcs, or references to other game events, and depending on which story you're playing, you get to witness things differently. It's very minor, but it gave SA1 a much more laid-back vibe.

Some of the NPCs even have fairly depressing stories, like the little girl whose dad is a workaholic and she waits alone for him by the train station for pretty much the whole game, or the kid whose mom has a gambling addiction and leaves him unattended outside the casino on multiple occasions while he cries. But it's presented in a lighthearted way so that there's no doubt in your mind by the end of that game, dad takes some time off to spend with his daugter, mom breaks her gambling addiction, and none of them die in the horrible, apocalyptic flood that destroys the city.

But SA2? SA2 has a little girl get shot in the head. Even if it doesn't show it, the tone is such that it is treated as a serious tragedy. When Gerald Robotnik's doomsday weapon launches, even Eggman puts on a serious face.

Also what the fuck was this Neon Genesis Evangelion wannabe trash? Even as a teenager in the year 2000, I thought this was cringe as fuck. This is the total antithesis to SA1's tone:
>Tone is the way in which those particular events are portrayed in the context of the world and story.

>Flashback in which the emerald shrine is ablaze in the night while the echidna tribe literally runs Tikal over and kicks a bunch of innocent crying Chao out of the way as they try to seize power, only to have Chaos appear and have the screen cut to light as he murders them all with Pacha's scream being the last thing you hear
You literally see the dead corpses of Chao lying around on the shrine grounds as Tikal is utterly horrified at what she just saw unfold and goes to seal herself and Chaos away forever to stop him from committing further atrocities. It's a pretty dark scene, and there are MULTIPLE flashbacks to this whole sequence of events.

>But SA2? SA2 has a little girl get shot in the head.

>You see Maria and Shadow running frantically, and the moment that Maria sends Shadow off. That's it.
You do NOT ever see her get shot. Shadow the Hedgehog added that. Her death is implied, nothing else.

You have an incredibly poor memory of both games and have no idea what you're talking about.
Chao aren't people
games journos said
and so Sega listened. People forget that for a while the classicucks praised Sonic Heroes as a "return to classic Sonic" for getting away from Adventure.

basically the answer to every single "why did Sonic Team do x" question is "because journos told them to"
very good taste
They were right. The worst part of the adventure games is all of the gameplay that isn't just running through a series of linear platforming stages.
They should have just made Spark the Electric Jester 3 to begin with, because that's what everyone wanted Sonic Adventure to be at the time. You can keep the hub world, but no one wants those Knuckles stages to be mandatory, let alone Big.
>You literally see the dead corpses of Chao lying around on the shrine grounds
So? You also see the corpses of Chao in the Chao gardens if you threw them around like any sadistic child would. You know they just vanish into eggs, and the eggs respawn infinitely. They're fucking digi-pets, retard. And grandpa echidna was literally a warmonger who made his own bed and had to lie in it, and the game doesn't dwell on his death; hell, even his own daughter doesn't mourn him. That's tone at work.
>You do NOT ever see her get shot. Shadow the Hedgehog added that. Her death is implied, nothing else.
I literally said as much, so you obviously can't read. But even implying the cold-blooded murder of an 8-year-old girl is something that gives a game a dark tone, even if you don't see it happen. That girl got shot and the trauma is something that Shadow still deals with. It's a major plot point. Characters react to it with proper gravitas and sorrow. It's dark tone.

Not sure why I'm trying to discuss the nuance of tone with someone who is clearly autistic and cannot grasp it. Tone has nothing to do with WHAT happens. It has to do with how it is depicted, in context, and how the audience is expected to react to it. If you reacted to digi-pets getting deleted with the same level of sorrow as an 8-year-old girl getting the JFK special, you're a fucking sperg/sociopath and I hope your doors are locked from the outside at night.
>another "why?" thread
they were not right and not wanting to engage with the game because you petulantly want to play as a different character is not a valid complaint. It's just you throwing a tantrum like the kid on the playground who doesn't get to be spider-man.
>Those deaths including the genocide of an entire tribe of people don't count because... I said so!
>Tikal doesn't mourn him
Oh, I must have imagined all of those "No, no, NO!" and "Why? Why did this have to happen?" lines out of her. She's incredibly distraught about everything that just happened, both Chao and Echidna death alike.

>You know they just vanish into eggs, and the eggs respawn infinitely.
Only happy Chao reincarnate. Unhappy ones are dead forever. Even if this is a part of the game mechanics, you would have to be one hell of a psychopath to claim that a double-sided scene of mass murder while everything is set ablaze isn't incredibly bleak.

>Oh but you can always get another egg!
Cool, go kill a couple of dogs, there will always be more puppies in the world. You fucking maniac.

>But this one offscreen death you don't even see the leadin to, now THAT'S dark! It was a human, after all!
No seriously, you could not make yourself sound any worse.
>you aren't allowed to want the game to be better
>you aren't allowed to want Sonic gameplay in Sonic
>you should "respect the devs" (unless it's one of the games I don't like, and then the devs are human scum and should be spat on for sullying the franchise.)
Do you see how you're doing the thing again? The Sonic fans are insane thing?
Where the fuck is Sonic Mania 2
Where the fuck is Sonic Mania 3 & Knuckles
Why must sega crap out new 3d bs every 2 years while the masses wait for more kino
Corpo retardation insisting what people really want is an in-house developed 2D Sonic with 3D graphics, as opposed to literally Mania 2, like they said they wanted.
Japanese pride, thinking they can do better than the guys who made Mania, instead of immediately hiring them to be the new 2D Sonic guys, and giving them whatever money they need to keep doing it.
>Where the fuck is Sonic Mania 2
Sonic Team was humiliated by Mania so they barred the team from working on a new game and made Superstars instead, which they touted as "Mania but Good because it doesn't have pixel art" (yes, they really said this)
We get it. You're stupid and you don't understand the difference between TONE and CONTENT. Even more problematic, you seem to be unable to separate video games from real life. Save your keystrokes before you hurt yourself.
A lot of what I was referring to when I said SA1 and 2 have a different feel was the aesthetic.
1 is all blue skies, beaches, nature, aquatic ruins, lots of water in general. It's 90's summer Sega aesthetic.
2 in comparison feels darker, colder, more urban, more sci-fi, more miliary. It's the "we saw the Matrix and Akira, and played MGS and FF7" Sonic game, basically.

I'm not just talking about how the plot veered off into unprecedently dark territory, which it did. The US government shooting a child is some nutty shit for a Sonic game, no matter how you justify it.
No, the Dragonball-arc villain Chaos, killing some fantasy creatures in a cutscene is not the same thing. That's still far more fantastical and mythological.
I think I know what tone is, buddy. It's what you set when you have everything set aflame while a girl cries out in anguish over a tragedy she just saw unfold to her family, friends, and innocent Chao.

You have no argument other than one implied offscreen death that isn't even the focus of a cutscene being worse than an entire tribe and several Chao getting murdered with their corpses shown onscreen because... tone?
Chaos aren't real people, and their feelings don't matter.
both of you are faggots. shut the fuck up.
>because... tone?
Yup. That's what tone is. You could make a movie about the holocaust with a light tone. You could make a movie about a girl being nervous about a dance recital with a dark tone. Content isn't tone, and tone isn't content.

You'll learn someday, junior.
>Lightest tone movie about the Holocaust
>Shows footage of corpses piled up from a concentration camp as a young girl cries about the mass death of her family and friends
>Darkest tone movie about the Holocaust
>Diary of Anne Frank adaptation where her later death is briefly mentioned at the end
This, Shadow is actually underrated. The only problem with this game is the bullshit progression system
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Doesn't have a stupid caretaker sim for women.

>Sonic Advance 1 and 2 are Adventure 3s
Advance 1 is Sonic 4, or an alternative Sonic 3, at any rate.
Advance actually pushed classic Sonic forward a little by including an extra playable character, instead of regressing it like real (fake) Sonic 4 did.

And then Mania would be Sonic 5, because Advance 2 through Rush Adventure are like a whole other thing.
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No it isn't+you're passively shilling that ugly kickstarter game by those pretentious Smashified hacks.
I mean, there have been actual comedies made about Nazi Germany. Not even that rare of a thing. There's The Producers, there's Jojo Rabbit.
The Day the Clown Cried is outright about concentration camps, and was never released because it was considered to be that distasteful.
>a movie about a girl being nervous about a dance recital with a dark tone
that's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard
That's Black Swan
Obviously yes, you can crack plenty of jokes about the darkest of events. The keyword being 'can'.

Sonic Adventure takes the Echidna Tribe flashbacks seriously and does not portray the events lightly whatsoever. That's all that's being argued about here.
They couldn't get Sonic Adventure to run on the PS2 and they didn't want only SA3 to be the first multiplatform game while its predecessors were both console exclusives so they made Sonic Heroes instead.
Dark like Bambi's mother dying is dark, maybe. It's still "dark" within the context of a light hearted work.
what the fuck is black swan
>Sonic fans knowing nothing about the world outside of Sonic media, as usual
It's a Darren Aronofsky movie, man. It's mainstream cinema. It won a shit tonne of awards.
I don't believe you. You're literally making shit up to support your retarded argument
some forced tooleb meme
if you don't know who tooleb is don't ask, you don't want to know
>2 in comparison feels darker, colder, more urban, more sci-fi, more miliary. It's the "we saw the Matrix and Akira, and played MGS and FF7" Sonic game, basically.
and thats why its based
>Also, nu-3D Sonic is better
Boring skinner box "games" where you hold X and occasionally press A or the shoulder buttons with awful 2D platforming of a shovelware NES game. They also don't try to be anything more than just cash grabs because Sega knows Sonicfags will still buy them after bitching about how they are "wasted potentials".
>and "fans" have brainrot.
Go back and take your faggot twitter slangs with you.
wtf is with brazil and the master system, why dont they make games for it at least
I've only ever seen 1 game that were even remotely worthwhile from Brazil, a Snes style JRPG called Tropicalia. that's it. i don't think brazillians are smart enough or creative enough for game development. As far as i know there's no /vr/ games at all that were made in brazil that aren't really bad bootlegs
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This was Adventure 3.
>multiple playable characters
>overarching story
>final story after finishing with the other characters
>it bad because it's not exactly the bad game I like!
You’re over estimating their skills
>getting this mad that the shit games you like got called out for being shit
That's Sonic Adventure.
Because adventure was meh
>another dumb fucking zoomer garbage thread starting with "Why"
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Brazil's fucking awesome, they're even giving us a SEGA Nepture of all things now.
It controls 10x worse though.
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Unironically what would a SA3 be? As a more casual Sonic fan it seems to me like its already been made multiple times, just under different names

Heroes is a direct sequel, as is Shadow the Hedgehog, the latter arguably moreso since it follows up on plotlines from SA2

>It doesn't have Chao garden

Does that make Sonic Advance an Adventure game?

If you want a similar structure, '06 for better or worse apes it with multiple playable characters, an adventure field and the works

The plotlines in 2 has already been followed up with Heroes and Shadow, the overall structure of the game has been done with '06

>None of those games were called Adventure

Does that make Sonic Rush Adventure part of the SA series?

>But those games were terrible

If thats the case, would you genuinely expect modern Sonic Team to do better if they decided to randomly make a SA3?
06 is the closest thing we've gotten to what people want out of an Adventure 3. It's made in the same general gameplay style and features a serious story with high stakes split into multiple campaigns with lots of varied styles of character play, though it lacks beloved features like the Chao Garden. And no, the shitty Tiny Chao Garden is NOT what anyone is referring to when they talk about that feature, the entire point was merely to serve as a VMU standin for taking your console Chao on the go.

The issue is, 06 fucking blows and fails to meet the standards the previous Adventure games set, so people prefer to ignore its existence whenever they can.

Heroes has almost nothing to do with the Adventure games other than Shadow being in it. Shadow the Hedgehog is a followup to Adventure 2's plot, but is so far removed in terms of gameplay that no one in their right mind would consider it an Adventure game. Not to mention that again, the plot fucking sucks and is better off ignored because it only serves to make Adventure 2 retroactively stupider.
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the thing is, it hasn't been made multiple times. it hasn't been made since. lesser versions of it has.
Adventure 3 needs three things.
>character selection of more than just 3.
>gameplay variety of more than just 3 different types.
>HUB worlds.
it's no secret how Adventure was made. SEGA waited so long on 3D Sonic, they didn't know what to do with 3D Sonic. that's why Adventure is a little bit of everything. SEGA is going to have to take that kind of risk again and build a Sonic game around varying mechanics and styles.

>buh-buh-but FISHING!!!!
first off, I'm >>11025419.
second, the fishing was included because someone in a room full of SEGA execs said
>quick, what's our best selling games? Sega Bass Fishing? ok, put it in.
I imagine the answer to that question is different these days.
Sonic Team used to be wild. like, including a song about a hedgehog's pubes wild. fat bat tats wild. PSO wild.
they need to be that wild again, but as I think someone said ITT, that Sonic Team died with the Dreamcast.
yeah moar fat tats and sonics gonna be popular again
The problem with the fishing is it's boring. Not that it's hard.
unironically yes

it's over with too quickly, and too different from the other gameplay types to be boring.
they should finally release officially licensed sonic porn games. theres a shitton of money to be made with this. just imagine the endless possibilities: rouge being gangbanged by a bunch of GUN soldiers for a chaos emerald. knuckles, sonic, tails tagteaming amy. but there could also be gay scenes with shadow, silver and sonic. there are so many scenarios which would make fans happy.
>>HUB worlds.
SA2 had that?
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>it hasn't been made since. lesser versions of it has.
>including a song about a hedgehog's pubes
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listen to My Sweet Passion.
By that logic, wouldn't Adventure 2 not be a "true" Adventure 2?
I certainly like 1 more and think it's the better game, but I don't hate 2.
streamlining things made it feel like less of a game compared to 1.
Weird logic, that focusing on gameplay first made it less of a game
but it weakened the gameplay. the two sides are just copies of each other, mechanically, instead of varied types. Sonic is Shadow, Knuckles is Rouge, Tails is Eggman. whereas in SA1 Sonic is your basic gameplay, Tails is your time-attack, Knuckles is your exploration, Amy is about escaping a pursuer, Gamma is a shooting score attack, and Big... well, we've discussed Big.
Picking three gameplay types and tightening them up > six where multiple aren’t fleshed out at all
Tails, Knuckles, and Gamma stages in SA1 might as well not even be there. As soon as the stages get longer (their final stages), their story is already over.
Genuinely have no idea and to this day, despite the game being a pretty rocky 7/10, it's maybe one of my most disliked/disappointing games of all time
but not Amy? that's an odd exclusion given your opinions. is it just the time-attack and score-attack modes you have issue with.
Knuckles is how you get a chance to look all around the levels with no time limit. maybe you just don't like exploring?

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