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Why the fuck didn't they just release it? It's not complex hardware. As far as I can tell, they just put it off to try to cram online capabilities into it.
disks costed too much to manufacter
If they were going to make a disc drive add-on then why not just make the Nintendo 64 use discs to begin with?
Nobody wanted it.
I wanted it.
>t. nobody
its not a disc drive though. its a disk drive.
why buy a 64 and a disk drive add on when I can buy a PlayStation
how did disks compare to cartridges on technical level (and discs)
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>put it off to try to cram online capabilities into it.
>Didn't embrace online multiplayer until two gens after
They did release it.
I wanted it for the F zero X Expansion Kit.
>Why the fuck didn't they just release it?
Because you somehow popped out of your mommys vj in 2012 and landed in 1998 where it hasn't been released?
>As far as I can tell
Ignorant hot take disregarded
Iirc they found a way to fit more stuff on the standard cartridges making it basically unnecessary. Also it only had like ten games
Oney did
Fucking retard stupid ignorants, let me rephrase it for you.
>Why the FUCK did they keep pushing it back further and further and further, when they had it functional in 1996?
because I told them not to and they listened to me until I forgot to tell them one week and they thought they could get away with it (they didn't)

I think by the time they were ready to consider ramping up production for North America, ROM had got cheap enough that you could basically have 64DD size on a cartridge, for a comparable price (plus instant load times and no extra hardware)
they tried waiting 20 years for you to be born but then sony happened
it was not successful on japan either so it could he market had dramatically shifted in favor of the PSX and went against releasing it at that point, it was never intended to be a real expansion for anything different than user generated content storage, because iirc those are very similar to zip disks so, slow asf, that and online interaction
carts were better for the n64 anyway, it required the fast speeds to compensate for that tiny 4k buffer
No one was making games for it. There was nothing to release. Go grab a disk drive for n64 to play just sim city and doshin
The entire thing is baffling.

>Announced before the console even came out because they knew cartridges weren't the way to go but couldn't change course with how delayed the main system itself was becoming
>Tons of devs waiting on it and making games with it in mind because it's what the N64 needed for a boost
>Nintendo drags their feet and fails in every way with it, scares off the few 3rd parties that were still playing ball with them and fucks over tons of first and second party devs that were focusing entirely on it causing enormous cuts and cancellations

It's a good thing Mario 64 is the best game ever made, the technical mess of the 64 got hard carried by the software that DID come out being godly.
>Why the fuck didn't they just release it?

Lack of software.

"At a press conference, in Japan, in April, the Nintendo spokesperson Yoshio Hongo reassured reporters that, "The hardware [for the 64DD] is completed" but claimed that "software development was behind schedule and we want to ensure that the drive goes on sale with at least four games.”

Elsewhere, Genyo Takeda, the manager of Nintendo IRD (the division responsible for the N64's design) also added credence to this, stating in an interview with Dengeki 64 (as translated by Liz Bushouse): "[The 64DD] is already complete. So if I was told to sell it, I could sell it right now. We people in charge of the hardware and system design still have some work left to improve development tool support. But we’re already set up to mass produce the 64DD. However, it will still take some time to complete software for it."
>tons and tons of games in the 1997-1999 area were intended for the 64DD yet all of them changed course because it wasn't out yet and then the ones that were going to launch for it didn't because it didn't sell well and came out in 2000 instead
I don't buy it. The entire thing seems like it was a huge mess internally and they never had it ironed out until it was too late.
User is underage
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By the time it was done, the gen was already halfway over and most DD projects had moved on to cartridges anyway. Couple that with middling japan sales, cartridge costs going down and the realization they'd get two maybe three years tops out of this addon before the GC it made no sense to split their playerbase
>we released this expensive useless piece of plastic because we could and they told us to do it
Why not use zip drive?
i was just checking out some videos on this yesterday.
i never knew it but there's an F-zero X expansion kit version for the 64DD and it includes a map editor which allows you to create and race on custom made maps that you build in the editor, pretty neat.


custom tracks:
mario kart rainbow road in f-zero x:

also saw this, Mario Artist Polygon Studio. lets you create crazy 3D models that you can then use in weird little mini games and shit. cool idea but the music is fucking weird as shit.

Maybe the N64 failing has something to do with them not releasing the 64DD in a timely manner, losing games like Dragon Quest and Mother 3?
It was just a stupid piece of hardware at its core. Every time a new game for it was under development, it made more sense to just put it on cartridge. Maybe they should have gone with disks in the first place.
Yeah losing so much third party support definitely played a factor in so many delays with the 64DD. Sony really really fucked them hard in the arse with the psx licensing fees and lead times.
Since it never really took in Japan either I guess Nintendo decided to cut loses and discontinue it altogether.
Would things be different if they just put it out there as soon as possible after Mario 64 with no bullshit
Like literally just a PC CD drive with no special enclosure or anything just whatever connection it needs for the n64 and it uses regular ass CDs with no internet stuff or any other added feature

Or was it too late already
Because anon, 64DD is too big for flatchest Asian loli girls
Not really because maskROM prices dropped considerably. When the 64DD was in development the expectation was that N64 carts would be 8-16MB big at most and so the 64MB diskettes would fill the void for games that really needed extra space. But it turned out bigger carts weren't going to break the bank after all so the whole thing became moot.
I wish the N64 had more appealing 2d and 2.5d games
I don't understand why so many of its games are absolutely hideous
This era made me seriously hate American developers because the Japanese ones mostly left for Playstation and the American ones just made disgusting brown blurry messes
But wouldn't using regular disks instead of diskettes expand it even more?
They should have sold a cable that connected to a Playstation serial port so you can use a Playstation as the cd reader for an n64 lol
If someone was going to make a 2D game they'd just put it on Playstation or Saturn instead because it suited those system a lot more. 2.5D though I couldn't really tell you, The biggest issue with Mischief Makers' visuals was some bizarre art direction.

As for the blurriness that was kind of just a thing with the N64 in general, for whatever reason they cheaped out hard and the system couldn't handle proper textures so everything had to be filtered and blurred beyond all recognition.
It just wasn't worth it. They had Sega as a model to show that console add-ons like the 64DD don't work on a broad scale (also why the expansion pak games came bundled with it) and in fact fractures the pool of available game developers who are willing to make games for your system. It was better for games to just come out for the regular cartridge format instead. And that is the last time any console had a big ass add-on because it was true.
Playstation was an inherently better system for a budget or niche game to release on. I disagree a bit with your take though. Most games by Acclaim and the like don't look like Body Harvest and stuff like Nightmare Creatures isn't an N64 game, it is a port of a Playstation game. Your average Western game on the platform is either a colorful racing game or an ugly wrestling game (but this is true to life, everything about wrestling is incredibly ugly irl)
Most of the wrestling games on N64 were developed by AKI, a Japanese dev
Next time say what you mean in the first place.
This looks like a printer. They should have made a Nintendo 64 Printer that prints out screenshots of the video game you're playing on demand.
>They should have made something even more retarded
Sure thing kiddo. Ironically, they did actually make a device that took screenshots and printed them. It was a complete failure. Obviously so much so that you're not even aware it ever existed.
They saw how 32x literally killed Sega for good and didn't want that to be them with Playstation rolling in
Should been 100mb launch to late with 750mb using zip media
The man the first video is the archetypal homo soipiens, I cant believe it has been found...
So it wasn’t actually a CD drive then? That explains it. What a waste.
The idea was that the games featured rewritable portions so you could have stuff like level editors and the like. Memory cards of the time had pitifully low amounts of memory, and extra space on carts intended for saves wasn't too hot either. So the selling point became a greater degree of customization for games than you'd get on other console platforms.
The capacity of the 64dd disc was only 64mb? Then what was the point of the add on if it still couldn't compete with cds?

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