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File: Mega Man II - Cover (GBC).png (1.68 MB, 1280x1256)
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I'm surprised no one's talking about this here. On the 19th of this month, there's been a new patch for Mega Man II on GB that turns the game to a full GBC title. Not only did they add color, they rebuild the entire OST.


Other features are...


-Full color conversion
-Soundtrack selector: Press the Select Button on the title screen to switch between a remixed OST and the original OST.
-Redone soundtrack by forple also includes redone sound effects; those wishing for the original experience can disable it.
-Slide and tiptoe graphics corrected

New sprite animations added:

-Mega Man blinks while riding Rush Marine
-Mega Man’s damage animation now has an extra frame
-Energy tank’s “E” blinks on and off like the other entries in the series.
-New tile animations added:
-Metal Man’s, Top Man’s, and Air Man’s stages have received animations and graphical touch-ups similar to their NES counterparts
-The magnet generators in Magnet Man’s stage are now animated
-Water is now animated in every level containing it.

Redone graphics:

-The final boss’s graphics have been redrawn by Kensuyjin33 to be more on-model with the rest of the series
-The Mag Fly enemy was redrawn to be more on-model while retaining its hitbox
-Redone pause menu and icons, along with weapon colors

Bugs fixed:

-Mini-bosses in Wood Man’s and Top Man’s stages now disappear when you change screens while they are onscreen

Other changes and features:

-Quint’s arena now plays the boss theme
-The sky in Crash Man’s stage now changes with Mega Man’s elevation to mimic the effect seen in the NES title
-Using Hard Knuckle now makes Mega Man’s hand disappear, rather than him firing it from his gun.
Took +20 years but Mega Man II on GB is finally good.
the romhack to a handheld port of MMII, released 2 days ago, has ~1200 downloads total and you're shocked it isn't being discussed here?

anyways, looks cool i guess.
Rockman World 2 isn't a port of Mega Man 2, though. The World subseries on Game Boy are their own thing, especially World 5 with the Mega Arm weapon.
Too bad noone can fix the shit level design and enemy AI
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GB to GBC conversions are so neat
Gameboy Air Man > NES Air Man
SOULLESS. Fuck color hacks and all the zoomers that play them.
You were saying, zoomie?
I hardly used my Game Boy once I got that. Always wished I could play the games on a TV instead.
Cool, I guess. Why not 5 though? That's the one that's an all original game for the GB.
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>Cool, I guess. Why not 5 though? That's the one that's an all original game for the GB.

Already been done:


3 and 4 are the only GB Mega Man games that haven't been hacked into GBC DX games yet.
Because MMII was always allegedly the "worst" game. Like, so bad Inafune's only comment for in the Complete Works art book is apologizing for it existing.
Nothing to do with developer's intention, only the corporation's greed.
Imagine playing what looks like a five-year old's colouring book instead of the original monochrome kino. I bet you think colourised old films look "better" too. Eat shit and die
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>"WAHHHHHHHHHHhhhh, this hack doesn't play like it's only forced way from 30 years ago, what's a GBC btw? I'm going to shit myself!!"

Fuck off you parasite.
The entire World series is getting color hacks.
5 and 1 were the first ones.
These are really cool, they're better than what I imagined Mega Man Mania would have been if it actually came out. Really appreciate that they gave the option for the original OST, they didn't need to do that.
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I love the effort the community is making, a team is making a straight up port of Mega Man 4/5/6 for Genesis as "The Sequel Wars", being made from scratch too as opposed to a hack of Wily Wars.

So far only MM4 is available but it's superb.
Mario Land DX 1 and 2 are so fucking based. Really great Mario games, I think I like them even more than 3 and World, they just have a fun vibe without getting too tryhard or dragging on too long.
GameBoy would've been color from the start if it wasn't for Nintendo trying to make a Game Gear/Lynx for poors. The original B&W screen sucks and we knew it then and nothing has changed.
Funny, there already was one colorization.

Spoken like someone who has definitely never played any of those three handhelds. Game Boy didn't even kill those other two: their battery life did, and GB just coasted by (and got really good games) because it didn't have that problem. The screen at least on the Gear had some of the same ghosting issues that the Game Boy had, by the way, so don't expect them to have been bright and clear like your smartphone, zoomy.
>t. first handheld was a GG (with some of its best games)

The first game is also done. This is a pretty cool project, especially since we were robbed of Mega Man Mania/Anniversary Collection which was the reason I found out about this entire website back in 2006, long story. They're all called "Mega Man World" color hacks (because the Japanese name for the GB series is "Rockman World".

This is a great hack, but with the most autistic name given to it lol
Retard, Super Gameboy is the only valid way to play any gameboy game. You only need 4 colors. That was my complaint with "color hacks" which think they need more than that.
>They're all called "Mega Man World" color hacks (because the Japanese name for the GB series is "Rockman World".
They probably should've given the International releases a similar naming structure to differentiate them from the NES originals, and it would kind of follow with Nintendo doing something similar with Mario and Donkey Kong on Gameboy by giving them the "Land" subtitle.
Hindsight, for sure, but they probably thought MM games would sell on their name alone and that World (or even Land) sounded too hokey for an action-shooting based series.

The more I look at this cover the more sorry I feel for the dog

Like this cover really triggers me. Poor dog.

Like what the fuck are those round yellow circles at the dog???
I know for mega man it was his ears in the helmet but the dog has actual ears so wtf are those in his face and why does he have another pair at his ass??? Also dog has front legs but no back legs. Where are those? Poor dog only has 1 pair of legs it seems.
Also why does the poor dog have a loading bar on its body?
I had the time, so I played through Episode Red and I was pretty impressed. I really like it when these projects give the player customization options, that's how these remaster projects should be done. Although I felt like some of the level design was changed slightly from the NES version. It's been a while since I played the original game, though, so I'm not completely sure if I'm just misremembering.
Works fine on vba gx on wii if anybody cares
Of course it works, those hacks were tested on real hardware.
I love Quickman's expression there. "That asshole stole my doggerboard"
Jumping higher and farther won't make people forget about his crimes.
It's actually Quint. Quick Man isn't in the game, but he does look a lot like him there
This game is pretty easy and 1ups drop almost as much as mm5. I only died once near the end due to falling screen scrolling fuckery
Almost makes me want to get a GB/GBC flashcart just to see how they look on a real GBC display.
What has been of them since, they pretty much disappear since last year
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Does v1.0 still work on real hardware? It works on BGB and mGBA just fine. 'Fixing' something to work on inaccurate emulators will always be dumb. I wonder where you can get a link to their secret Discord clubhouse.
>enemy AI
>2D game
You were no one before the meme and you continue to be no one.
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That romhack is censored
They removed fire Mario's leaf from the original version
They're working on 5
I wonder if this team will release their Megaman Engine available to use for people to create their own megaman games?
The remake of 4 was amazing, I would love to see 5 World remade for the Genesis.
It's made using SGDK.
Game Gear games were just nerfed versions of the console games, like Dynamite Headdy, Sonic (nerfed Master System games apart from 3T), Gunstar Heroes, Ristar, Streets of Rage etc. Meanwhile the GB had original ludo like Link's Awakening, Wario Land, Metroid 2, Mole Mania, DK94, Gargoyle's Quest etc. that set it apart from the consoles and gave it a unique identity.
>It's made using SGDK.

Yes yes but SGDK are tools, not an engine, engine is the whole body skeleton they make to make thebgame work
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If they could make it an actual challenge, that'd be nice. When you play it at first and you think you're really skilled, then you see Quint just fucking pogo-ing about, you realise it's just somehow stupidly easy.
Thanks for the heads up

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