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Post your favourite Classicvanias and IGAvanias. For me, it's Bloodlines for Classicvanias and Aria of Sorrow for IGAvanias.
I know there was a mobile game and a load of crossover content over the past few years, so maybe Konami's trying to keep Castlevania relevant in the gaming space until they announced their leaked project.
>There was a thread about them recently >>11029470
Nice to see the PS2 3Dvanias getting some love.
I think a new game in the series is a given at this point, however, it might suck since the new audience is a bunch or retarded zoomers who watched the cartoon. I'm betting it will be a Dracula's Curse or Symphony of the Night remake that doesn't live up to the original and caters to "modern" audiences.
What's a worse audience to cater to? Cartoon fags or indie-metroidvania fags?
The next game is a gacha game, so probably chinks.
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>they already made a CV game for mobiles
There's another one in the works called Moonlight Rhapsody and unlike Grimoire of Souls, it will be a paid experience.

>the next thing for CV is a live action series no one asked for and with worse writting than the Shitflix pseudo-tranime
So the Witcher but CV, I guess? I highly doubt they're gonna make one.
Maria is STACKED in Rondo of Blood.
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Man i find castlevania so hard to get into. Its so rigid and sluggish, SOTN and bloodlines are decent but i think its just not for me. Tried this game recently and it reminded me of a bizarre castlevania. Saint Sword for the Sega Genesis.
Just finished the first draft of my arrangement of Study from AoS.

As for my favorite vania, it's gotta be SoTN.
Nice work so far. Also, good taste.
Try the GBA and DS games.
>CV64 is peak Contrarianvania
It's really not that bad
Aria lends itself to being played at 2x speed pretty well.
>There's another one in the works called Moonlight Rhapsody
Fairly certain this was pretty much canceled and was actually announced and had a beta BEFORE Grimoire of Souls.
Believe it or not this was not the first time Castlevania had a Chinese phone game.
Dracula's Curse and Harmony of Dissonance
Last time I checked, the company behind it was being given a new dev team and the official website's back up. Huh, that's the first time I'm hearing about the other game.
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Here's a question: What's your favorite track from a CV game? For me, it's gotta be Requiem for the Gods.
I'm a sucker for organs.
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Best Castlevania girl.
There are good indie metroidvanias, so that one.
It is just such a tiresome genre, though. You can't make them challenging without making them tedious.
When Inti made their take on classic Castlevania, it blew every metroidvania ever made out of the water.
They don't deserve it.
The original, III, Belmont's Revenge
SotN and AoS are clearly the best. Dawn is pretty decent too, but being a DS game makes it slightly annoying to emulate.
My top 3 are
Tragic Prince (SotN)
Calling from Heaven (Bloodlines)
Aquarius (CV3)
Chiptune fan, but the guitars in SotN are too good.
You. I like you.
only nips could think gothic and disco make a good combination and make it work
What do Castlevania fans think of the Ninja Gaiden trilogy? How would you rank them compared to the two NESvanias?
They're pretty different despite the surface similarities. As far as 2D action games go they're almost opposite in that Ninja Gaiden tends to reward keeping a forward momentum whereas Castlevania will tear you a new asshole if you try to march onward without pause. I like both.
My first one is Castlevania 64
Walking on the Edge
Can we talk about the DS games here or no?
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kek at these fucking faces holy jesus. Why is it that Genesis art can sometimes clash so much with what the official design is supposed to look like? NES also had this issue with Mega Man.
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they just drew it based on the intro cutscene
NG1 > Castlevania until you get to that last couple of stages and the final boss. Why? Because if he kills you then you get sent back several levels. It is also a pretty bullshit boss so the chances of this are very high. Besides that some areas can definitely be pretty shit like that one platform at the near final level with the reaper guy and commandos and birds. If you know the trick its simple but then again shouldn't even have been a thing had the game been better balanced lol.

Still though NG1 despite some minor faults is an amazing game and I put it ahead of CV1 do to its fast pace gameplay and mostly great levels. I don't feel like ranking the other games. NG2 might be even better than NG1 actually.
3 > SoTN > RoB > BL > Dracula X (SNES) > 1
the rest are mediocre
Yet in this pic he is a super muscular almost neanderthal looking blonde super human. This is what I mean about how Genesis art and even really the industry as a whole could sometimes clash a lot with what is official or in game back then. They definitely started improving on this over time but its interesting to see anyways. Probably no game does this more than FF7. You got so much variations in looks for the characters, Cloud and Sephiroth in particular due to their ending fight having yet another model for that fight alone.
These threads are always funny because it's obvious that people have been memed into being afraid to even mention 4 on a top list, instead going for the current fad choice of Bloodlines.
>8 way whipping with enemies placed in such a way that the game feels like a shooting gallery
>slowdown anytime more than 3 enemies are on screen at the same time
>muffled fart soundtrack that has no real bass to it
>painful "mode 7" levels that slow down to less than 15 FPS
>most forgettable Death and Dracula fights in the whole franchise
Super Castlevania was just a tech demo for early adopters of the SNES. It's the easiest in the franchise and deserves zero respect.
DS isn't retro.
I like IV much more than Bloodlines or Rondo.
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Dracula X Chads just look at the passing fads and laugh.
I like Dracula X more
RoB > IV > BL
That's my take, at least.
Lookin' good, etc.
Sup auster
Sega lost.
>the guitars in SotN are too good.
They sound crappy and the rock songs sound very flat/have like no low-end.
So you believe that everyone secretly thinks Super Castlevania is the best one?
nta but Super CV4 used to be in a lot of "best game" conversations, not just "best Castlevania game." Then gamers started skewing towards harder games and that Egoraptor video came out. I'm sure there were always elitists who shit on it, but by and large, it used to be a much, much higher reputed game.
>Then gamers started skewing towards harder games
I have seen this too. Like how Mega man 2 was the best classic MM game for a long time but now it's a lot less likely to be mentioned as the best
Castlevania 4 is by no stretch of the imagination an easy game to 1cc, with its 1.5+ hour length and final few stages. Rondo's main stages have mostly awful remixes of CV1 themes instead of the masterpieces of 4.
>CV4 is a tech demo made for casuals onl-
It's funny how people treat the difficulty as trivial just for how easy the "combat" is without bearing in mind you're going to die mostly to pits in a CV game anyway.
I honestly wonder how many people even realize that CV4 has what is effectively a hard mode "second loop"
I remember one of so-called Australia-kun's calling cards was crapping on SCVIV and calling it Super Castlevania Bros. The average /vr poster nowadays would probably just agree with him.
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Rondo is the cest classicvenia.
Symphony is the best Igavenia.
This is true.
Based Richter enjoyer.
Everyone loves Richter!
Except Netflix.
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We try not to talk about them here.
I know. Best Belmont.
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Flat breasts, short legs and a flat butt? no thanks!

The best castlevania girl is Laura: she has natural big breasts, long legs and a big butt.
very true.
Has anyone actually seen her butt?
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what's the best way to play the og version of Castlevania X68000? heard it's vastly superior to the Chronicles release
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My wife Carrie!
>When Inti made their take on classic Castlevania
You mean the Bloodstained 8-bit games, right?
>When Inti made their take on classic Castlevania, it blew every metroidvania ever made out of the water
delusional fool, they fucking sucked and no one is talking about them anymore
even the shittiest metroidvania like Ritual Of The Night are miles above it
That's the spirit!
>fav classicvania
It's either Rondo or SCIV
>fav metroidvania
Definitely Aria of Sorrow
>Aria of Sorrow
We are brothers.
>Has anyone actually seen her butt?
Ask and you shall receive.
"Gamers" never skew toward actual hard games. Rondo is still one of the easiest and it's still the hip modern choice.
Anyway, most of them are great.
IV is still highly regarded by most normal people (i.e. not schizo console warriors lile australiakun), still one of the fan favorites at Castlevania Dungeon forums, etc.
The infamous egoraptor video doesn't even say the game is bad, as far as I could tell the guy just wanted to sound smart by talking about ideas that could have been implemented to the game but most of them are already in the game, he just never got to see them because he never could beat the game. Very ironic yes.
Amazing how when she was young, all she wanted was to have big tits and an ass and now she got it all! (See her story line in the Wii Castlevania game)
It's why Mega Man 2 and 3 are the most "celebrated" of the Mega Man games.

One has an Easy Mode, the other has a Debug Player 2 Controller Mode to make it easy as shit.

It's why RPGs now are so loved because there is no challenge, just grind and win.
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>It's why RPGs now are so loved because there is no challenge, just grind and win.
Bitch please
>It's why RPGs now are so loved because there is no challenge, just grind and win.
I would even go as far as include it in my top 5 games of all time
Megaman 2 and 3, even with 2's easy mode, are harder than 4,5, or 6. Not sure what kind of point you're trying to make.
I know it's bait but my ranking goes like this

ROB > CV1 > BLOODLINES > CV3 > Rebirth


COD > 64 > LOD > LOI

I don't care what anyone says, losing the last weapon upgrade after just one hit is fucking stupid
And how can they make a classic Castlevania game where the whip doesn't feel as good to use?
You can tell the devs were really focused on the spear and the super jump by how bad the whip was by comparison
Is jarring how undeveloped swinging over large pits with the whip was, I think you only need to use it twice in the game and they don't even last 5 seconds
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Why is it such fucking shit?
>ROB > CV1 > BLOODLINES > CV3 > Rebirth
I pretty much agree.
I have to play SOTN again, I haven't played it since the it came out. I replayed the other 3 recently and I'd put HOD ahead of the others.
I have to finish COD, my xbox controller broke. I hate 64 so I won''t bother with LOD. I enjoyed LOI.
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Recently beat the Saturn version of SOTN with that new patch that makes it run better. Made me realize how GOAT the Saturn Dpad is compared to the Sony Dpad
Is Maria's story any good?
Story? She doesn't really get a story when you play as her. Her mode is fun if not way too easy
Ah, so it's like Richter's mode?
Yeah, more or less.
Cool thx.
How hard is Expert Mode in New Generation? I heard they upped the damage you take and the amount of enemies?
Was thinking about trying it out, what's wrong with it?
That's every RPG. Can't help that I'm an sperg
>CV64 is peak Contrarianvania
Except that the game was pretty well received back then, not a masterpiece or anything but still a good game.
Its definately better than some of the other stuff released back then like e.g. MediEvil
Kinda like Lament of Innocence, reviews weren't terrible back in the day.
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Defend this
Don't listen to that anon, it's great. One of the funniest Castlevania games to play.
Not even the boss with the most slowdown in the game.
Seriously Bloodlines has so much slowdown it's insane.
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Nooo, you can't just use the item crash. You just can't.
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But you know, for me, it's Dracula XX
Not sure what you hate about 64 in particular, but LoD actually improved plenty of things about it so you're missing out. And Lament is garbage.
Rondo is best classic (CV3 is very close)
Harmony of Dissonance is best Iga (Ecclesia is very close)
It doesn't run on my computer.
3 might have been my favorite if it wasn't for that damn level with the falling blocks...
>The old geometric clusterfuck in every TREASURE game boss
It needs no defense
This game got so unfairly treated because it came out at a time when people were sick and tired of action platformers. It's way better than SCIV and BL.
IV is the Treasure Castlevania, when Bloodlines was being developed Treasure guys already left Konami
The Germans build that thing

I don't think it's bad, but it isn't exactly great either.
It's mostly unfairly treated because people got filtered unlike Bloodlines, 4 and Rondo which are all a lot easier until you're close to the end of the game
Best SNES CV, it's kind of crazy that the two releases of the console are a tech demo and a romhack
Taking dancing class, brat!
>Judgment such underrated gem.
Unfortunately most norime only know her though SotN release. Konami can port 2009 arcade in Wii remote.
based wallpaper
That sucks, bro.
What NES game is this?
>tech demo
In what way? Because of the spinning rooms on level 4? Thats just a short section of a longer level on a game with 11 levels.
I wish romhacks had this many new original assets
What the hell was up with stage 3?
Stage 3 in Rebirth? Big spike in difficulty.
Yeah, it's probably the hardest stage. Anyway I think it's a good entry in the series. Konami should remake the other GB titles as well.
>the best Igavania is Circle of the Moon, the one he wasn't involved in
what are the implications of this?
You mean in hard mode, right?
Yeah the guy who programmed SCIV also programmed Gunstar Heroes, Astro Boy: Omega Factor and he created Bangai-O. It's kind of funny how this dude's games incorporate some type of 8-way aiming mechanic. SCIV has 8-way whipping, Gunstar and Bangai-O have 8-way shooting and Astro Boy has 8-way dashing.
I am so tired of this websites contrarian bullshit when it comes to this series. I literally see people larping in this very thread pretending that IV is bad and that Dracula X is better than Rondo of blood. These are opinions I genuinely think can only be held by people who have never played these games.

also III is the best classicvania.
My favorite Classicvania has been Rondo of Blood, but the more I play Bloodlines the more I like it. I'm not experienced with Classicvanias though, so I currently can't beat it without save states.

My favorite Metriodvania is Symphony, but I really like Aria and Portrait too.
>so I currently can't beat it without save states
get gud faggot
>III is the best classicvania
i agree
>pretending that IV is bad
IV is obviously good, but it's undeniably a deeply flawed game, looking back i'm not sure it even ranks in my top 10 'vanias if i'm being honest
people treating IV like it's the worst game in the franchise is just an overblown response to decades of disgusting overhype and overrated status
on the opposite end you have people blindly praising IV without any critical thought or analysis, because "the consensus" already told them what to think
neither of these groups are reasonable, the actual truth is somewhere in the middle, which is that IV is a good but not great game
>Dracula X is better than Rondo of blood

"Dracula X" is Rondo of Blood.
This is like insisting on calling Final Fantasy VI "Final Fantasy III" even though the actual FF3 also released in your country under its name 20 years ago.
Learn the difference it can save your life.
>"Dracula X" is Rondo of Blood.
The only reason why you think this is because you haven't played them.
No, the reason I think this is because it literally is Dracula X.
Ah so you're that one Dracula X autist, I think I've seen your posts before.
You're insisting on an obviously wrong claim, not because you're sincerely ignorant, but because you're mentally ill. Got it.
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Have they ever explained how Alucard changed so much between games? How did he become such an anime pretty boy?
JP Castlevania 3 and Order of Ecclesia, easily
Yep, he gad a thing for that and in all these games the controls are awesome.
People often talk about how games released after IV went back to standard controls because "it's too OP" but i think it's because it was different dev teams between the games and the 8 directionals was a Mitsuru Yaida thing. The devs from Bloodlines tried to incorporate some form of limited diagonal whipping, same as X68K, but it's still a different feel to IV's controls, not as seamless.
The same kind of complaints randoms make about IV can be said about all of the other games in the series. "Too easy", "too gimmicky" whatever, you can also get picky with any other game in the series. In the end they are all great games, not just good, great ones
Has anyone played CV4 to the end?
>Baddest bosses in the series
>Level design is simplistic and I've only used whip swing in an interesting way once
>8 way swing is overrated
>The only graphic showcase is that stupid rotating room
Meanwhile SOTN is the real thing and literally flips the castle and to go further the non-retro Bloodstained allows you to flip the castle whenever you want in real time. And also Dracula X is just assets slapped together I love that game despite the jank but I can't see it as anything other than a romhack full of nonsensical decisions but certainly more enjoyable gameplay than CV4.
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He appeared in one game before coming back in SOTN, Ayami Kojima completely revamped every character and that's how we got canon Alucard. Honestly, Kojima's Alucard is far more visually interesting and creative, and merely calling him an anime pretty boy is a disservice to how her art brought Castlevania to life.
We know Dracula
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>Honestly, Kojima's Alucard is far more visually interesting and creative, and merely calling him an anime pretty boy is a disservice to how her art brought Castlevania to life.
I can't disagree with any of that. Her artwork truly defined Castlevania in a way no one else ever has. The only redesign of hers that I genuinely dislike is Simon.
>Maria's face
Every time.
>baddest bosses
Based takes, a shame there are a lot of wannabe macho fags here on 4chan that shit on Kojima's art style.
>The same kind of complaints randoms make about IV can be said about all of the other games in the series. "Too easy", "too gimmicky" whatever, you can also get picky with any other game in the series.
i disagree, IV has clear problems that other games in the franchise don't have
the multidirectional whipping coupled with the massive whip range should've been put to use with a completely different way of designing level layouts and enemy encounters
the controls imply that there would be a clusterfuck of enemies/projectiles coming from all directions, and there is some of that with stuff like the death fight near the end, but it's too little too late
most of the game feels like it was designed for standard castlevania controls - this is very apparent in parts where the stage design lets you whip enemies through walls with zero danger or repercussions
this happens more often than you think, and it's like, why even have those enemies in the game at all?
i don't even think IV is that easy (certainly not towards the end), it's just sloppily put together, which doesn't necessarily make it bad but it's not exactly prestige game design either
Based Kojima enjoyers. Honestly, the only remake I'd be okay with is one of Castlevania III since the plot would need to factor in IGA's retcons to Alucard.
Kinda sucks that most westoids go "lol gay" when the she bishounen character designs and it doesn't help that Netflix bought into the meme.
Good taste.
I finished Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls two years ago and I liked the story and lore, too bad it's a mobile game.
Sucks that it's clearly a gutted and unfinished project.
I don't hate it her art (early issues with proportions and perspective like >>11053364 aside), but it grew tedious.
That's fair enough. The people I'm talking about are on /v/ mostly, one schizo in particular that hates Kojima and Alucard and uses Netflix as an excuse to justify his arguments.
>i disagree, IV has clear problems that other games in the franchise don't have
Play the other games more.
>the controls imply that there would be a clusterfuck of enemies/projectiles coming from all directions
IV actually is the Castlevania game with the most amount of diagonal-attacking enemies, mostly bats, but also ones like bone-throwing skeletons/jumping skeletons, the unique screen-bouncing enemies from the chandeliers level (dancing spectres, ectoplasm blob). The game definitely has a lot of enemies that put the diagonal whipping to good use. Oh also, IV has the most vicious incarnation of the floating eyeball, with the hardest pattern to catch.
>this is very apparent in parts where the stage design lets you whip enemies through walls with zero danger or repercussions
If you go back to Castlevania 1, even if it doesn't have diagonal whipping, you can "cheese" certain enemies, for example bone pillars or skeletons that are above you, you can climb the stair up to just the right amount and it lets you whip the enemies without exposing yourself for danger. Games like Rondo or Bloodlines went even further and introduced new mechanics that are screen-filling attacks. All in all, IV is still not as broken as many people on the internet want to believe. Though I understand why it might seem like it - the whip really makes you feel OP as fuck, but it's more like an illusion, most people will not finish IV without using continues. Some levels, like 8, will give people game over hell for a while too.
I feel like, if we want to be cynic, we can be cynic will all Castlevanias, not just IV. But they're really great games. IV just became a punching bag for being too popular, though at this point, Rondo of Blood might be even more popular (though I guess it still can play the "japan exclusive" card)
SC4 is too easy for Hardcore gamers like myself. I got a reputation to maintain
If Konami's remaking a Castlevania game, which one do you fags think it will be?
Zzzzzz. Who cares. SotN would be my guess though.
I don't want it to happen, either, but we all know how creatively bankrupt the modern industry is. My bet's on CVIII since shitty versions of its characters have had the most exposure among normalfags.
Grant better be fucking in it.
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>SotN would be my guess though
Bluepoint kinda hinted at that years ago, I don't know if it's still a thing or not, though.
They were fucking with people and referencing a bunch of games there, though.
Thank God.
The castle invert in Bloodstained was overrated imo. It didn't really change anything only realistically opening up one new path and letting you cheese two bosses. Also being forced to spam that shit in the alternate castle garden gets really tiring and you can tell Iga only did it so people would actually use it. I'd much have preferred being given a flying mobility option like the bats or wings.
>I'd much have preferred being given a flying mobility option like the bats or wings.
I missed those from IGA's other games.
Who was Avob?
I'm playing this for the first time and I'm absolutely loving it. But stage 5 keeps kicking my ass...
I proudly dislike both IV and Bloodlines, but at least IV doesn't make me feel ill when playing.
The reason CV4 is relatively hard has nothing to do with the combat mechanics at all, anyway. It has challenging whip jumping segments, pixel perfect instant death spikes, and those fucking parts where the floor collapses below you.
If the game didn't have unlimited continues, it would be kind of nuts.
Yeah stage 5 is way too long and all but stage 3 in no joke either. For me this game is where difficulty leans just barely to the frustating side. Too bad it was the last official castlevania.
I sincerely hope they don't touch any of the games they referenced, they literally ruin everything they touch
What ever happened to that one rondo of blood mod anons were working on a while ago?
>Curse of the Moon (2 specifically), however, is one of the best games I've played in the last decade.
I played the first one and I liked but I don't see how someone could compare it to bloodstained. I mean one is a classicvania and the other is an igavania. Did they change so much in 2?
They aren't directly comparable. I mentioned it because it was a stretch goal for Bloodstained and wouldn't exist without it. Thus, it is a point in Bloodstained's favor.
Cute Maria.
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This is fucking asinine
We need someone to make the spritesheet, that's why the mod is stuck in nothing
Yeah, stage 5 is truly ass. Also it's way too long, why didn't they make a shorter stage 5 and a longer stage 6?
This game sucks, it feels, looks and sounds like a fan game made official.
Well, I eventually got it. The boss was really easy compared to the level itself.
The main two factors that made me dislike it were the lack of an alternate path (beyond one room) and the CV3 US difficulty thing where the Medusa heads were suddenly doing 1/4 of your life bar (more than the bosses) per hit.
>the CV3 US difficulty thing where the Medusa heads were suddenly doing 1/4 of your life bar (more than the bosses) per hit
Yeah that really makes no sense
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I played through Circle of the Moon on my 3DS a few months or a year ago and had a great time--I used to have that on my GBA when I was little, but I probably never got far.

I just beat Harmony of Dissonance which I thought was really good and started SOTN but ended up playing Rondo of Blood instead. I'm gonna wrap up Rondo and then play SOTN and if I haven't ran out of steam after that, I think I'll play Aria of Sorrow.
I beat Rondo just now! I thought that was an excellent game, every time you backflip away from someone is extremely kino. Like a lot of Castlevania games it seemed like a very fair challenge but nothing completely ridiculous.

I find it highly dubious that there are all of these boosters for Bloodlines in this thread when, by sheer coincidence, Bloodlines is the only classic Castlevania on NSO...........
Congratulations, bro. Good luck on the rest of your Castlevania journey. Aria of Sorrow is probably the best of the GBA titles.
I'm gonna do SOTN now but if I am still feeling the pull of Dracula after the fact, I will do Aria of Sorrow next. I'm interested in the setting, but I do wonder why it's singled out as the best--I am kind of confused by the Circle of the Moon hate, I loved that game and I didn't think Harmony of Dissonance was any better. If anything, I thought the finale of HoD was pretty weak. I got the bad ending at first but then loaded my save again and got the good one--pretty easy peasy.
SOTN is great, there's a reason so many people have it on their top 10s. I guess COTM filters a lot of people.Have fun with SOTN and Aria.
Good taste.
AoS is just a better SotN. Have fun anon.
if they turn the first castlevania game in like 15 years into a roguelike I'll flip this fucking table
I think I know what their justification would be for it.
>Dracula's Castle constantly changes each time he's resurrected.
>This time...his power makes his Castle change constantly!
It would be fine as an alternate mode/randomizer though.
The castle is a creature of Chaos, so it could keep changing.
Let's not get too crazy now.
I actually like that as a spinoff concept, but it would indeed be insulting to get that before a proper game.
An unlockable randomizer mode for beating the game would be just about the best kind of feature you could add to any Metroidvania. Especially one which has some level of configurability on the user end.
If it was just a smaller AA or A title game as an appetizer to a bigger one, I wouldn't mind that.
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Posting another CV arrangement. This time a SOTN one.
>better than SOTN
lol, no
Depends in what context. SotN is still unmatched for experimentation and weird shit to discover. But Aria has better bosses and the superior Belmont fight.
>the superior Belmont fight
Pure Kino

It has more gear but I feel that the gear in SOTN has more depth
Not disagreeing with you, but how so?
Genuinely my favorite composition in the series. It perfectly encapsulates the feeling of going up against an unstoppable force of justice.
100% agreed.
AoS mogs SotN so hard, it isn't even funny anymore.
I think NG2 is great. Close to NESvanias which are peak CV for me.
Another context is an internet connection.

On a blind/normal playthrough, SOTN's gameplay is extremely bland compared to future metroidvanias. All the cool stuff is either locked behind glitches that you have to look up, or abysmal weapon droprates if you wanna get anything that isn't a gray-particled standard sword.

Aria of Sorrow mauls it in this regard because you get access to different weapon types and monster souls right from the start.
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>beat Dracula once, then his son got kidnapped a decade and a half later
>had to fight and kill Dracula as a much older man than any of the other Belmonts
>possibly had a dead son, going off of the internal family tree (though he may no longer exist)
>living son's corruption became a "scandal in the family"
Christopher Belmont had it rough.
Overall, I actually liked it a lot. I'll definitely replay it in the future.
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I love the series, but I think 3 or 4 is the one I played most and can easily revisit.

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