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What is your favorite Nintendo controller?
they are all good at what they were made to do
they are all shit for all intents and purposes
SNES and Wii everything else is shit.
GameCube probably.
Anybody who picks Wii is a genuine retard. Waggleshit belongs in the dustbin of history. It's not a serious way to play video games.
N64, which will trigger a bunch of anons but it’s just an amazing, iconic, and different approach to controller design. It’s very easy to pick up and was always comfortable in my hands, also incorporates existing and new buttons that greatly expanded types of gameplay you could design. GCN controller was slightly more comfortable but less radical, it was never something that drew my attention. Props to SNES controller for being close to indestructible imo. Almost all the modern knockoff versions are flimsy and Chinese, no bueno.
Switch Pro
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I like the snes for its simplicity
The wii controller is amazing for its pointer capabilities, e.g. games like Pikmin, Metroid Prime, Sin and Punishment, Pandora's Tower, RE4 and others really showed what that control scheme was capable of.
People prefering a right analog stick over this are just retarded.
The SNES. It's a perfect design, which is why Sony built off it and has basically been using the same controller for 30 years now. N64, Gamecube and Wii are all embarrassing looking.
wired GameCube controller. excellent ergonomics, analog triggers, distinct button shapes, and rumble.
Super Nintendo, perfection.
i like the N64 controller, never had issues with it like a lot of people claim to.
>Good for its time but not anymore
>Let's pretend it never happened
Wii, not retro
>It's not a serious way to play video games.
games arent serious, they are toys. I'm thinking you never had a fun night of Wii bowling with friends and family?
Modern: Switch Pro
Retro: SNES, with Wii Classic as a great option for modern games with retro controls
N64, followed by the NES controller. SNES controller is too small for my hands, GC controller has a shit layout and shit trigger buttons.
Nope, wii is gayer than the gamecube.
The Switch Pro controller is OK but the D-pad is really mushy and not great for retro games.
Fite me fagits
The one that works best for the game I'm playing
>ψ The symbol for psychology represents the penultimate letter of the Greek alphabet, psi, which is also the first letter of the Greek word psuche, meaning mind or soul, from which the term psyche arose; which in turn gave us the name of the discipline psychology which is most commonly defined as study of the mind!
I love the N64 controller, the way the C buttons can transform into a 6 button layout when not in use for camera controls is genius and holding the analog stick with the Z trigger on the back is surprisingly ergonomic and just feels good. Unfortunately its terrible for anything that isn't native to the system but I wish that design stuck and evolved further. I really like the Gamecube controller as well, but the lack of a second Z button, select button and clickable sticks hold it back from being as functional as its peers. I dont mind the small C stick but a bigger one would have been nice.
64, when it has a good dpad and stock, lubed analog stick
Yeah that's why I keep the Wii Classic and an adapter on hand
The wiimote made 3D shooters playable on consoles
>ψ The symbol for psychology represents the penultimate letter of the Greek alphabet, psi, which is also the first letter of the Greek word pseud
more like for all nintents and purposes
SNES easily
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Honestly the biggest fuck up is the Switch Pro controller missing the feel of the Wii U Pro Controller.
They're all great except:
I think some SNES controllers have four convex buttons instead of two concave and two convex? The latter is much better
GameCube d-pad is not good enough and I don't like the squishy feeling of the shoulder buttons
Virtual Boy might have flaws but I can't remember because I only used it over the course of a single rental period
This made me realize I hate every Nintendo controller...
Super Famicom has the four convex but have the colors to distinguish them. The SNES has the 2 convex and concave but only 2 colors. I like the SNES better.
This but with gyro = perfection. Nintendo is not ready yet.
It doesn't feel right using one controller for a whole bunch of consoles. It disturbs my muscle memory.
i want one even larger than The Duke, so i feel like a smol bean among religious zealot aliens :3

the closest i've found is Redragon's "Alien" keyboard, with 2x linear scaled keys, making them 4x the area. it's nice and has all the RGB effects :D
>nintendo finally makes a 6 button controller (n64)
>just killer instinct, clay fighter, rakuga kids
just fuck my shit up
>clunky and chunky (but forgivable for the time), although functional

>like its predecessor quite simple and functional, although not really ergonomic

>interesting design with a clever two way use for arcade and (ego) shooter games, quite ergonomic


>the most ergonomic and comfy controller ever created, has a great button layout, weight is absolutely perfect (comparable to a medium sized, firm d cup tiddy), shoulder and z buttons feel totally satisfying
the newer ones with microswitch buttons and Hall effect sticks are pretty nice
It's the switch pro controller. Super comfy for me, it's the modern controller done perfectly. Analog triggers are honestly a gimmick, I can count on one hand how many games use them well.
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The NES advantage.
sharp angles ruin comfort
great, nothing wrong with it, but slightly too thin for my hands
it worked for the games that were designed for it, but the middle handle was too cramped and my knuckles always rubbed together when using it (which was always)
Amazing face layout and comfortable to hold, but only one bumper was a weird choice, and felt weird while gaming.
Not as bad as people make it out to be. The shape when holding it sideways as a “classic” controller was obviously bad, but the buttons were high quality and felt great to game with.
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I like the PSNES better.
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the Hudson personal stereo controller

The controller uses the audio out on the NES to get sound and has a chip that duplicates the mono sound to both left and right channels of its headphone jack for "stereo" sound.

The real fun comes when you turn on the reactive sound on the controller, which makes the left or right side of your headphones slightly louder based on which way you press the d-pad. This, in effect, makes things sound like they are coming from the direction that your character is facing.
SNES is the only good one.
peaked at SNES, then nintendo shit the bed for the next 30+ years. at least Sony had the good sense to base their controllers off that design and keep it that way.
Wiimote & SNES. Wiimote rocked.
Good looking. Deserves attention imo
Gamecube > SNES > N64 > Switch > NES >> Wii >>> WiiU

NES would swap with Switch if it wasn't so small and didn't hurt my thumbs trying to use it. Its the only controller that I own that hurts after a while. I guess I get video thumb and need the speedboard accessory.

Its strange that the Gamecube controller is also really small but is by far the most ergonomic controller I've ever held.
Are you counting the Wii U and Switch pro controllers or the gamepad / joycons?
Why is it that every controller thread gets pruned?
>they are all shit for all intents and purposes
God's gift to man.
What I'd give for a modern edition with clickable sticks and gyro.
The dpad was a total mistake but I still think Gamecube has to be one of the most ergonomic controllers ever made.
SN30 pro
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Nah, honestly i started to sour on the face buttons, too stiff and uncomfortable for mario like plattformers, the DKC games feel like shit while playing them.

Good thing i have an SNES classic controller.
N64 is my favorite. There is something really special about it. When you played first party games especially it was so natural and novel. Some of my favorite gaming memories are holding that controller. No other controller has that “feel”.
Honestly all the Nintendo controllers are great for what they intended to do.
He didn’t ask what the best controller is, he asked what your favorite is. Big difference.
The design was nice for a small controller. But the build quality was garbage. So you'll end up replacing the sticks anyway. Put in "clickable" ones, and whatever else you want, when the turd inevitably breaks.
They got the feel just right

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