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All downhill from here.

It was a flash in the pan, a sudden park of soul that appealed to the whole world, and then collapsed increasingly into a game exclusively for people on the autism spectrum.
Jesus fucking Christ, shut the fuck up already. You people have been bitching about this shit for nearly 30 years now.
Play Tetris OP
I know what you mean. I say gen II and III carried the spark but the energy in I is primordial and unmatched
The shit coding and horrible balance in the game just added to the sense of chaos
please go to your dedicated board instead of shitting up my favorite board with pokefaggotry
the dedicated board is for current gen fans coomer porn addicts they hate "genwunners"
its a big board, you can probably carve a niche there and get more replies than this place
Hahaha, no.
it was buggy and didn't work as designed

genwun is the only one i've bought and finoshedm, but i'd say 3rd gen is better, and the best platform for mods due to its elegant pixel graphics

none of them have enough challenge or depth to engage me past elementary school
>horrible balance in the game just added to the sense of chaos
This was a big plus. Outside of the obvious like water beats fire etc no one had real stats on hand so you had your team of who you thought was cool you would ride or die which really added to the sovl.
I’ve never played a single Pokémon game in my life other than Snap and Puzzle League, and only because my cousin had them.
Gen 2 was pretty big as well though. Hype died down a bit by the time of Gen 3. By the time of Gen 4 everyone pretty much knew what was up.

But growing up a the perfect age to experience the pokemon craze first hand I can say that Gen 1 and 2 were huge.
Gen 3 is the best gen.
Don't @ me.
Imo the Stadium games are the best

Also Electric Tale of Pikachu is best Misty and best girl
This is our dedicated board. /vp/ board culture only allows for discussion of the modern games. They openly hate the retro games and will derail every single thread about them. We come here for the same reason you choose this board over /v/ to discuss old games.
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>calls other players autistic for liking something he doesn't like

generation 2 was the "real" game the developers intended to create originally
day\night cycle, time-based events, gradual gameplay, small daily activities

back when vidya wasn't meant to be all you do in life
>no one had real stats on hand
you weren't there zoomie
everyone had, or knew someone who had, some kind of strategy guide that broke down all the type advantages/disadvantages. that info was also in like every gamer mag known to man
quit larping, you cannot possibly comprehend how ubiquitous pokemon was at that time so you cannot ever produce a believable lie
>They openly hate the retro games and will derail every single thread about them.
/vr/ will detrail any thread about nintendo games though so good luck discussing them here either.
>real stats
I think they were more so referring to Bulbapedia and Serbii listing the base stats along with min/max, as well as all learnable moves for each generation.
he specifically states he wasnt talking about tyoe advantages dumbass.
>generation 2 was the "real" game the developers intended to create originally
Except with a lot of compromises that ultimately drove Tajiri to quit directing.
Trust me, I've been on /vp/, it's so much nicer talking about the retro titles here. It's an absolute shitshow over there to the extent that it makes /vr/ look incredibly respectful.
/vp/'s banner holds true.
>Nothing but trash here.
he does not in any way specifically state that, dumbass.
re-read his post again and this time try to be aware of what he actually said and what you're interpolating and pretending he said.
>Outside of the obvious like water beats fire etc
Type advantages are the obvious part of Pokemon though.
Not every type advantage was obvious. Psychic and ground are super effective against poison, but it's not immediately obvious they are. Same with bug against psychic, or poison against grass. A lot of these examples are niche, so players may not even consider them.
everything after gen2 seemed like a downgrade and the gen1 protagonist boss fight gave the series the perfect book end - i didn't have the will to spend more time finishing gen3 or gen4
water beats fire is obvious.
remind me how psychic and dragon interact again? bug and ground?
Gen 3 has the most interesting region design and postgame, and for those who care about actually battling other people with their pokemon like the designers intended, the metagame is generally considered to have peaked then. Sucks that day/night was gone but the rest made up for it imo.
Dragons are lizards. They're too stupid to be influenced by psychics, but psychics can still smash boulders into them.
Bugs are often found in the ground. They dig ant colonies, so they need to be resistant against cave-ins when they inevitably happen.
NTA but do you expect 10 year olds to think this? They're going to think "Dragons are awesome and bugs are stupid".
Bear in mind that the games were primarily designed for a Japanese audience which is much more intelligent than the average amerilard. They never had a problem grasping type matchups at that age.
Fair 'nuff. Then again, they didn't have to. They were probably reading the manual on the way home.
PDF page 18, manual page 33.
How dare people discuss retro games on this modern left-wing subreddit
In gen 1 Dragons were awesome and bugs were stupid, but if you can get a Dragonite you can probably note the main type advantages
of course herbicides are effective against grass that one is obvious
Such a raw Kaiju vibe from the first game
Sad they abandoned that spirit
What makes figuring out type advantages initially confusing for gen 1 is all the dual typing.
pokemon from gen 3 and onward are just shit. The mon designs are terrible the starters are all complete trash. I think the only people hyped on gen 3 are those who missed the boat on gen 1. Gen 2 was alright a good continuation of the series but pokemania really died down after that and g3 is literally all ugly crap mons apart from a couple standouts. series got way too cutesy after that.
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Nice try, the decline started in Gen 2. The artist admits receiving a lot of negative feedback because of the shift in design towards marketable/cutesy aesthetics. Gen 3 went back to the series roots of including more monstrous pokemon. Pokemania died during Gen 2, not after it.
it did start in gen 2. it did have a few shitmons but were pretty good for the most part. gen 3 just completely lost the plot with only a couple good ones.
A few? Gen 2 was mostly shitmons. You have this completely backwards.
groudon is one of the cool ones. all the starters are fucking garbage though. blaziken is gay ass hell anthro furry bait looks fuckin stupid not cool like any of the gen 1 or 2 starter final evolutions. pokemania did die in gen 2 i didnt say otherwise it reached its peak in gen 1 people were still excited when gen 2 rolled out and it died off before gen 3. can you follow?
I can follow up to the part where you're wrong about Gen 3 designs. They were a return to form with cool kaijumons and a move away from the Gen 2 emphasis on cutesy, rounded, easy to animate and sell to girls designs. The art director has done interviews explaining this. You're confused by nostalgia.
whats cool in gen 3? i think the hyena is the only one that comes to mind and groudon. k maybe sableeye too cause more ghosts. duskull was ok but its evolved form is retarded.
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There were plenty of cool kaiju-inspired pokemon you're overlooking. I like Aggron better than Rhydon, he's got a cooler head and the blue eyes are more striking.
that one is alright actually but aron the first form is pretty fuckin shitty.
>none of them have enough challenge or depth to engage me past elementary school
I had my final playthrough in middle school. I have no idea how adults can enjoy this series. You can literally Tackle your way through the entire game. Maybe you need to use a couple Pokémon at a certain gym, but you’re definitely never getting wiped.

What blows my mind is that they’re still balancing the new games for elementary grade children despite the majority of the fan base being ~30.
Gen 1 probably has the worst set of starters design-wise between Gens 1 2 and 3. Blastoise was cool, but Venusaur was just an ugly fat toad with a gay pink flower on its back. Charizard sounds cool on paper being a fire-breathing dragon but when you actually look at it, it has awkward proportions, is short and with a big fat round belly. Feraligatr edges out Blastoise in the coolness department, and Typhlosion, while bland when the flames aren't out, at least doesn't have goofy proportions like Charizard, Meganium is a wash, clearly designed for girls like so many Gen 2 pokemon. Moving on to Gen 3, Sceptile is the first time they had a grass starter that was designed to look cool and not be designed for girls- an agile jungle gecko-dino creature with leaf blades on its arms. Blaziken is commonly miconstrued as a fursuit pokemon by westerners, but it's based on shamo chicken which stand upright and descend from fighting chickens. Swampert probably does get edged out by Feraligatr and maybe Blastoise but I don't think it's lame.
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here's a pic of what Blaziken is based on
>you weren't there zoomie
Fuck you poser. We had dial up and word of mouth. No normie/average gamer 8n '99 knew shit outside of what I previously said. I vividly remember wanting right go to mall events for the chance get a mew. When it came to pokemon it was the wild west and the game was better for it
Probably just depends on your social circles. Every friend group I knew had the guy with a strategy guide, whether the official Nintendo one or one of the knockoffs.
doesnt make it less gay
nope. there were like a hundred different guides both standalone and in gaming mags. everyone either had one or knew some kid who brought theirs to school. this shit was aggressively merchandised and marketed everywhere from bookstores to game stores to the fucking grocery store trying to cash in on the fad.
>I have no idea how adults can enjoy this series. You can literally Tackle your way through the entire game.
The best way to make Pokemon more challenging is to use a larger team. For example, instead of six, you can use twelve or even eighteen.
This makes you underleveled compared to your opponents, which makes strategy and item usage much more important.
Pokemon is never going to be truly hard no matter how much you gimp yourself, but even a small handicap like that is enough to keep it interesting. It also lets you experiment with lots of different Pokemon, which is a big part of what makes the games fun.
>Gen 3 has the most interesting region design and postgame,
One thing I really hated about GenII- V is the complete lack of really high leveled wild Pokemon postgame. The Battle Frontier/Sevii Islands are cool but I hate how you can't get experience in BF and the levels of Sevii Island. It makes grinding hell and feels underwhelming
Even FR/LG's Cerulean Cave felt neutered from the RB one.
everyone had to know someone who had picrel or the first version with the red cover.
nta, but while they might've mispoken I can kind of see what they're getting at. So much grief on these games is lobbied over things not working as intended(ghost type moves not being supereffective, or effective, period, on Psychic types despite it being hinted at in game,focus energy working the opposite of intended, etc) when a lot of this isn't said in game. Yes, we had to rely on game guides to know what moves did what, but a lot of people were using those guides mainly for the maps and evolution levels/learnsets. A lot of us were playing the moves by ear and figuring what worked and what didn't.
>so you had your team of who you thought was cool you would ride or die

That's how I play every Pokemon game
You mean it's not supposed to be played like that??
This honestly
You don't need to grind with wild pokemon, the VS Seeker is better since you get more EXP from battling trainer pokemon.
>Even FR/LG's Cerulean Cave felt neutered from the RB one.
This is pure nostalgia speaking since Cerulean Cave's wild pokemon are higher leveled in FR/LG and give more EXP.
i used to be a very big pokemon fan as a kid, then gen 2 came out and i started hating it. also notice the pokemon designs in gen 2+ all look very similar to each other but very differnt from gen 1? also all the geometrical edges and details of most of the pokemon in gen 2+ look mad extra trashy. the gen 1 designs were believable.
Yeah I had this book as a kid, read it all the time in school. I was THAT kid, the pokefanatic with all the pokemon stuff that everyone else would come to for anything pokemon related which was usually trading cards or pokemon games on gameboy or n64.
Venusaur is based fuck you
yeah venusaur rules that guy is a fag. hes way cooler than the chickorita evolution whatever the hell it was called.
this is wat im refering to wit all the designs being extra stupid after gen 1, you can tell from a mile away that this isnt a gen 1 pokemon but wouldnt know what gen its really from cus of the rest of the gens all look alike. wtf is up wit that geometry shape shit sticking out the bottom of his face? and that shit on his head? its all sharp geometric retarded shits all over all the new pokemons. anything after gen 1 is "new" to me
god contrarians try so fucking hard.
Charizard is overhyped but it is a cool design. Sceptile has always been disappointing. Grovyle is promising but Sceptile is a total mess. Tail is too big, the back spores are a mess, the red stripe on the pelvis is typical Gen 3 random color addition after it ditches the red belly Grovyle had.
Venusaur is also cool, Typlosion is in no way cooler than Charizard.
Blaziken isn't awful, but it's legs looking like 2000's pants kills the shamo chicken look.
>Venusaur is based fuck you
>yeah venusaur rules
It was the homo choice back then, you'd know that if you were around. It's only become socially acceptable in recent times for boys to want to have a pokemon with a big pink girly flower on it.
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I don't want to sound like a nostalgia fag but unfortunately you're right. I look back at these games before gen 4 and the first few seasons of the anime now and then and I think of how much wasted potential it had. It's shameful that Gamefreak can't compete with 25 year old games.
Charizard is literally a fat pokemonlet (look up its size in the pokedex) with scrawny arms and a big round belly. They managed to fuck up a slam-dunk design concept like a dragon with that goofy piece of shit. They didn't even make it a Dragon-type, it couldn't even learn Fly in R/B, and it was even weak to Ice due to the way weaknesses and resistances worked in Gen 1, so it was the worst starter from a gameplay perspective too.
Again, trying too hard. Your /vp/ is leaking.
The VS seeker in FR/LG is my favorite rebattle method, but sometimes I just want to grind without charging it up.
But good point on the EXP being higher in FR/LG, it's been decades since I checked numbers.
That said I still miss the Raichu, Sandslash, Rhydon, and Chansey spawns in the cave.
I'm not "trying" anything. Again, the idea of Charizard is cool, the execution was bad. I don't know why this is so controversial. Venusaur was the most popular Kanto starter in Japan and people in the West have come around to appreciating it in recent years.
I have this on a bookshelf somewhere. Can't believe I kept it.
>Again, the idea of Charizard is cool, the execution was bad.
Most people would disagree.
> people in the West
This is where I can tell you're terminally online lol. You are not some villager in Nippon talking about foreign nations unknown to you. Very likely you're a "westerner" yourself.
The Americas.
Just say that.
it was unga bunga slop made for brain dead 8 year olds and if you romanticize as an adult then you have brain problems.
>terminally online
the only people that use this phrase are terminally online themselves. Saying "The West" is the most concise way to say America and Europe. Do you consider it a slur or something?
Silver/Gold was ok too

everything beyond that encouraged trans mentality
I replayed Gen 1 on my Gameboy Color about 2 or three times through maybe 4 or 5 years ago. Had a blast. Perhaps you simply lack imagination or you've got brain rot from the vaccine or something.
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looks like they tried too hard, groudon is clearly a mix of cool and cute that gen2 had more of
the cute designs included in gen2 worked and the game also prominently featured gen1 pokemon and also ones that were cut from gen1 like Ho-Oh, etc.
did gen2 kill pokemania, or create the perfect duology?
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The only good addition beyond the first 151 are the pokegirls.
Strategy guides absolutely had learnsets in them. Stat distributions were known too, although they were generally displayed in the form of max stat ranges or visual graphs.
>they should have just made Charizard a generic fantasy dragon
You’re retarded
You don't even know what the phrase "flash in the pan" means retard
I just don’t use items in battle

It makes the game way more challenging

Memory unlocked

The definitely had a sci-fi vibe in the first game/anime season with mewtwo being a science experiment and some pokemon coming from space
The retard is you, since the post you're replying to said nothing like that.
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Gold/Silver is where it started
Gen 2 started the censorship even in the Japanese version and start changing the game to appease the muttmerican market
Gen 1 is pure
for me, making it challenging comes in trying to make it through the game with Pokemon below the gym/E4 levels.Which isn't super difficult, but satisfying. Finding strategies beyond spamming damaging moves, or using things like X Accuracy to boost your Pokemon.
Nah Gen 2 was a masterpiece. It peaked there Imo even though I enjoy it up until X and Y came out. I played X and Y but I stopped after that.
The designs were starting to go to shit by gen 3. Even gen 2 has some questionable designs probably because most were rejects meant to be in the 1st gen games. Blaziken looks like a pretty shitty Digimon. A fire/fighting chicken mon sounds cool on paper but the end design sucked. It almost just looks like some guy in a costume.
>Blaziken looks like a pretty shitty Digimon.
I love Digimon but I remember clearly at the time Blaziken was shown thinking this exact same thing.

I believe it reminded me of pic related
what criticisms do hardcore first generation fans have towards the second and third gen? second gen is almost like the first and third gen is pretty much second gen modernized. when it comes to 'cute' pokemon they always existed. just think of jigglypuff for example.
1st gen usually say too large a share of newer pokemon are cute focused and the start of making pokemon more toyetic by taking merchandise and the anime into account for the design philosophy. They might also bring up stuff about level curves or the games being slightly less 'open'.

By and large:
>1st gen fans are ambivalent towards 2nd gen and don't like 3rd gen because it's when they remember the franchise really changing away from the established conventions they were used to.
>2nd gen tend to like 1st gen (just not as much) and dislike 3rd gen for similar reasons as above.
>3rd gen tend to feel 1 and 2 are too lacking in quality of life functions. It's also the next generation more people started with (a lot of gen 2 fans had a friend or sibling who let them play gen 1) so the pokemon roster they like the most was a soft reboot, and their Kanto experiences were with firered and leafgreen rather than red/blue.
That's the pokemon autist landscape as I understand it lol.
I'd consider that to be how I thought as a kid in terms of gen 2. It was peak, gen 1 was good too, gen 3 was a disappointment outside of Emerald. But to be fair, I was too harsh on gen 3. I actually did like it as a kid, I mainly hated how abruptly it ended, some of the missing features, and the inability to transfer like gens 1-2 could. Gen 2 felt like an almost universal improvement, while gen 3 introduced a lot of good aspects, but regressed in some ways as well. As a kid, part of what I loved about gen 2 was the feeling that Pokemon not just as a game was expanding, but as a world. All those small features like day/night, radio, room customization, friendship and so on made my imagination go wild, and there was this feeling of optimism of how much better Pokemon could get in the future. Gen 3 actually did satisfy that in some aspects, but disappointed enough that I considered it worse.
I'm a gen 2 guy so pretty much my sentiment exactly. I've come around to gen 3, especially post X and Y.
Gentoo > Genwun
I had both
There's another version? I'll have to cop that.
Man I loooved those Viz comics back then. I remember being introduced to them from the tapes 'cause they'd come with those mini comics. Being a Pokemon fan in the late 90s/Early 2000s was just fantastic.
Wrong OP
>kills your mania
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>looks nothing like it
Put some pants on, you're embarrassing other people here!
Electric Tales mogged the anime so hard
Did this ever get an english phsycial release uncensored?
nope, the ones you see are the uncensored version with the viz translation edited on top
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goofy is good
Not only is there no uncensored English version.

But even the Japanese Collected editions have minor censors to them. You need to track down the original CoroCoro Comic single releases in their Shonen Jump like format.
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My dad bought me the first volume of this with haunter. This giant dude stuck with me ever since.
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also your collage is missing the most erotic kasumi panels
Has there ever been another game that was such a blowout hit that it singlehandedly extended the lifecycle of an aging platform that was previously on its way out and delayed the release date of its planned successor?

Nintendo was initially planning to phase the GameBoy out and focus on the Virtual Boy initially as a potential successor which obviously went tits-up but then they diverted towards a platform called Project Atlantis which would eventually evolve into what we now know as the GBA. It was planned to release around 1997/1998 but due to concerns about battery life and form factor along with the unexpected cultural zeitgeist captured by Pokemon that was driving GameBoy hardware sales more than ever they chose to delay the release of the GBA and released the GameBoy Color instead, which allowed the GB platform to persist for more than a decade.

Some people argue Nintendogs did the same thing for the DS since it was originally just intended to be an experiment while Nintendo was rumored to still be developing a successor to the GBA separately but those plans were scrapped when the DS and its games turned-out to be a big hit.
I agree even though I enjoyed it all the way to BW2. But the GBA and DS games were just not as soulful.
And then came XY. Followed by one turd after another. Turds rolling down a mountain of turds.

GameFreak is the Sonic Team of Nintendo. They're unable to adapt to technology.
What's "cute" about Groudon?
Reminder that if the Virtual Boy was a bog standard black and white handheld and not the red and black migraine inducing VR head set we got it would've been a huge succuss.
no arms, just a bear paw attached to a shoulder, eyes, bad posture, dumb grin
Actually, I left them out on purpose, I wanted to have all the cute tomboy pics of Misty
That's not cute.
>You need to track down the original CoroCoro Comic single releases in their Shonen Jump like format.
I wish I could find those (scanned)
idk i liked gen 2 but then i got bored with the series after that.
Why does Dragonite get a pass? If it wasn't gen 1, it would be derided as the gayest pokemon of all time.
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He looked like this
They are rare as fuck. Even the original artist was like "Yeah...... I think I went a little too far with those". People need to track down those CoroCoro weeklys and get them scanned, then we can translate them and have the original uncensored version of Electric Tales
back in the 90s we DID call it gay. Barney the Dinosaur mon
that's why everyone's favourite dragon is Charizard even though it's not even Dragon type
Idk the game is kind of broken and not in a fun way. The series peaked in B&W, which is not retro.
>Gen 2 felt like an almost universal improvement
It's widely considered a step back overall these days. Day/night and hold items were good ideas, but the new pokemon were mostly weak and admitted by the art director to have been designed for girls, pokemon distribution and the level curve were both terrible, the Johto pokemon take a back seat to Kanto pokemon with wild encounters and gym leader usage, the Team Rocket plot was asinine and fizzled out with no satisfying resolution, Johto overall feels more like Kanto's backyard than its own region. For those who cared about battling their pokemon with other people, the meta became a tedious stallfest. Gen 2 was originally planned to be a much different game but they had trouble making it work so Tajiri stepped down from active development and it had to be reworked into something the GameBoy could handle.

Gen 3 moved team building forward with the addition of natures and abilities, Hoenn was its own region with a new tropical aesthetic and lots of geographical diversity, the art director admittedly went back to the original Gen 1 design philosophy of having designs that appealed to boys, the level curve and distribution issues that plagued Gen 2 were fixed, and the meta was vastly improved with a shift away from stall. It's often considered the best competitive pokemon has ever been. It helped a lot that this generation was properly designed and executed from the beginning without any major teardowns halfway through.
There's nothing toyetic about later pokemons, in fact they have less ''appeal'' than the early pokemons which are mostly safe designs except for Jinx who for historical reasons is the most racy design of gen 1
I just want to now EXACTLY what was changed I only now of these few
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>There's nothing toyetic about later pokemons

just look at the proportions
It's kind of crazy how ecchi Tie in manga was for, like, the biggest Japanese game franchise. How did Gamefreak manage to own the franchise? I think the series is split between three companies Gamefreak, Pokemon Company and Nintendo. I don't know what the division of shares is but from the latest releases Gamefreak and PC seem to own a large part of the franchise.
Why is Blastoise so off model in later games? Look how cool and angular he is on the Pokemon Blue cover. He looks soft and ill defined, particularly in the 3d games.
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Have you seen their evolution? They are less toyetic than early designs. People keep complaining that starters and the roster are getting weirder. Furniture in early pokemon ? Impossible
>generation 2 was the "real" game the developers intended to create originally
Tajiri had zero involvement in the final version we got. He left after the spaceworld version was done (he probably didn't really care about doing sequels since his vision was completed with Red and Green) and then they started the game from scratch without him and he even said that gold/silver was Masuda's vision. Tajiri was only in the credits as a show of respect.
To be fair, I don't think the criticisms are necessarily wrong in some areas. I would consider gen 2 in hindsight a game with increased emphasis on simulation mechanics rather than mechanics that are good for a pure, start to finish game. For a child that gets a new game maybe once every few weeks, a game that feels like a world, especially on a handheld, feels very novel and you end up with something that can be played constantly as you keep looking for more and more secrets. It doesn't hurt that the Stadium games did feel like a sort of expansion pack on the N64.

Don't get me wrong, I did like gen 3 as a kid. Contests, natures, abilities, secret bases and a few other things did add to that simulation aspect, and I honestly thought I was going to love it more despite the lack of day/night and some other things like phone calls and radio, the main disappointment was more just getting to the end and thinking, that's it? It was the hope of getting a game that'd capture me for months and getting a game that lasted about three days. Emerald lasted a lot longer than R/S for me at least, but I'd say the issue back then is more unrealized expectations as a kid. Your imagination balloons up at the possibility of what a new Pokemon game could be, that failing to live up to those expecations makes something otherwise good disappointing. You expect a gen 3 with three regions, animated sprites, everything gen 2 had and more when admittedly, some of it is unrealistic.
That's not true, he just stepped down from doing actual hands-on development work for G/S. He was still the acting director. Masuda took over all of his duties including directing for Crystal, and the shift was noticeable because he shoehorned in the Suicune/chosen hero player plot that he'd go on to do for every other game.
>generation 2 was the "real" game the developers intended to create originally
what a crock of shit. red and green were in development for 6 years, they poured their hearts into it. During half the development of gen 2 they had a completely different vision with a completely different region. When that proved too hard they had to scrap the entire thing and came up with johto out of necessity.

that meme is almost as rancid as when people claim "gen 2 pokemon were leftovers designed for gen 1"
>gen 5
>early pokemon
is he serious?
>That's not true, he just stepped down from doing actual hands-on development work for G/S. He was still the acting director
Nope. He had no involvement at all in the final game. It was confirmed fairly recently though.
I would be interested in reading the source for that. Crystal seems like it immediately veered away from Gold and Silver's ideas with the dumb new legendary focus stuff.
>Tajiri was only in the credits as a show of respect.
Why would they only do this for G/S but not Crystal, where Masuda was credited as Director?
This is the source:
This would explain why none of the games have been able to meet Gen 1's standard. The fag who took over afterwards fucked the series up.
Because there was no spaceworld version of that one.
They probably did it to respect what he did in the original scrapped version.
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>click [Embed]
>Did You Know Gaming?
>immediately close
That's nice, dear.
Because Tajiri was part of the development process in one and not the other

Also notice the creative process: to make Johto he went on a trip to Kyoto for research.
While for Kanto... that's literally the region the developers are from. Of course it's gonna be inherently more personal and meaningful. Gen too(gen poo) is the definition of soulless)

it literally quotes the actual interviews
I don't want to hear some clickbaity western eceleb give "quotes", I want to see the interviews.
The Suicune side-plot was almost totally ignorable barring a few ten-second delays with cutscenes and Suicune itself doesn't even have to be caught. It's not like Masuda's later games where they force you to prevent whatever apocalypse-level Pokemon the villains are trying to summon from wrecking havoc.
> I want to see the interviews.
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How retarded are you to still not realise that I'm not watching this video? Post the source or fuck off you nonce.
Thank you for not being a retard who insists upon giving views to clickbait ecelebs.
Okay, I've read this, if this is the source for the videos they're lying retards or can't read Japanese. It's just an interview where Masuda mentions his role as sub-director in Gold and Silver and subsequent work on their remakes. He goes into detail about having ideas during development while visiting Kyoto, seeing temples etc (post-Spaceworld) and running them past Tajiri while designing the Johto map.
It's just one of the sources used in the video.
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they aren't even a single interview so why are you making shit up. this was translated by a professional

Then it's not only a worthless source, it actually contradicts their claim. He talks about being subordinate to Tajiri in that interview during G/S's development, as the game credits reflect. My guess is, assuming they actually tried to translate, they ran with the fact that the interview is focused on the things Masuda did during game development and that he was a director, but the key here is that he was sub-director. Tajiri was still not yet removed from Pokemon development at that point, but it does seem clear that he was grooming Masuda to be his successor at that time by getting him more involved with important decisions than he was during the development of Red and Green.
That's a shite translation. What he actually says there is that he took over directing roles which Tajiri previously held, which is obvious since he was bumped to sub-director for G/S. He didn't completely take over the project.
Trading between gen 2 and 3 was possible but they were lazy piece of shits, gen 3 and gen 4 is possible
>He talks about being subordinate to Tajiri in that interview during G/S's development
He was that only during the spaceworld version's development. But when Tajiri left they started from scratch and it became completely masuda's project.
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did you even read this? it talks about the original plans for gen 2(when tajiri was still leading) and how things went wrong

the other is a different interview when masuda talks about when he took over. you literally said it yourself "he took over directing roles which Tajiri previously held"
He was sub-director during the development of the final version of G/S and the retards who cite this interview thinking he was the sole director are mistaken by the fact that he was responding to questions asked regarding his own personal directorial roles for the game. Yes, things went wrong during Tajiri's original vision of Gen 2. Yes, Tajiri did relinquish a lot of his duties to Masuda who was at that point being groomed as successor. But no, he did not completely step down and let Masuda taken the reins at that point. That didn't happen until Crystal, more than likely due to his frustrations with not being able to make the Gen 2 he wanted. Masuda still had to run his ideas by Tajiri at that point. That's why he used his freedom as full-time director in Crystal to do what he had been wanting to do with giving legendaries a more prominent role in the story.
>a game exclusively for people on the autism spectrum.
I didn't realize autism was so common.
Those aren't my opinions, those are just the arguments I see used by each respective group.

Also, toyetic doesn't exactly mean appeal. It just means more toy like, and given all the bright colors and patternation later gens have it's not all that crazy an opinion to have (even if it's not one I hold myself)
>he did not completely step down and let Masuda taken the reins at that point
Nobody cares that you hate YouTubers. It doesn't make you special or interesting. You sound like one of those Karens who talks about how McDonald's will go bankrupt without their business.
they dont even look like the belong in the same series.
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it gets much worse
blastoise is the dumbest design out of all of those
blastoise is iconic you fuckin furfag
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Blastoise is weird. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, on the cover of his game he is the coolest looking mon of all time. Cooler than Mewtwo. But most of his sprites, and all his 3d models, suck ass.

Ken Sugimori said in an interview that one of the Starters Final Evolutions was based on a Transformers character he saw in the mid-80s, the general belief was he was talking about Blastoise saw Turtler from Transformers Super God Masterforce in Japan which was a turtle with 2 cannons on it's back.


His Stadium model is solid.
Only one that managed to capture him properly.
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>elegant pixel graphics
I love gen 3 too my man, but this is not a selling point
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Bro, this was peak. Don't even pretend it wasn't. Gen 3 killed the franchise for me forever though.
Just watched a friend play the newest Pokemon game, and you go to school in that game instead of adventuring. Imagine that. Kids today spend more time in school than I did, and when they finally get home they get to play games where they go to school, and watch cartoons of characters going to school. I can just imagine the kind of crippling mental illnesses this fosters.
Pokemon Peaked in Gen 1 and 2 everything after is Furry crap
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Like any major brand that TOOK OVER THE WORLD at one point or another be it Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers or even Pokemon

They have that 1-3 year life span (Thus Gen 1 and 2 from USA 1998 to 2001) and then people move on and those memories of it being PEAK are indeed gone.

It keeps going as a brand because it's still money, but it's now not headline news or huge crowds at a mall anymore.

Closest we ever got to that again with Pokemon was Pokemon Go but that was for a solid 2 weeks that even normies were with us
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I had this guide
yeah this one is the original. I remember reading the heck out of my friends copy before I got mine own which was the revised green one i posted earlier. I remember the poster too I think I let my brother hang it on his door
>Ken Sugimori said in an interview
>only allows for discussion of the modern games
That's a lie and you know it. Go back to >>>/vp/ .
I keep forgetting that the first generation even had dual types.
>despite the majority of the fan base being ~30
Corporations try to indoctrinate kids early so they can have a new generation of consumers who will then become nostalgic adults. That way, they can sell the same product at least twice.
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>no one had real stats on hand
I think the closest we got to REAL stats at the time was with guides on par with picrel (Nintendo Power Official Player's Guide c.1998).
They're not like, precise numerical values, but every stat is ranked on a scale from 0-5.

But yeah, I get what you mean. Every monster was totally viable, so unless you were willing to shell out $20 for a guide and be a metafag, your team was just a bunch of dudes you met along the way.
>corporations sell toys to children because that's how they make money
Holy shit, you're onto a revolutionary discovery here!
>/vr/ will derail any thread
Whatever team did stadium should have been given reign over the whole franchise
Agreed. What did HAL even do after Melee and Air Ride, anyway?
Gen 1 censored the drunk guy.
That's one Chad chicken.
>Haha! He's the kid that has that gay flower Pokemon! He likes stuff for girls, he must be a faggot!

These would be the consequences. If you used a venusaur and never got called a fag to your face, then you must've been a hermit with no friends.
Why would anyone pick a girly flower Pokemon over a cool, fire breathing dragon?
I mean blastoise is my favorite but honestly I'd choose venusaur over charizard, I don't know he always seemed the least interesting of the three.
>giant turtle with huge guns sticking out his shell that shoots water
>giant frog with a palm tree/flower shooting out his back and tendrils
>A dragon/dinosaur that shoots fire
I mean yeah dragons and dinos are cool but he never stood out to me as much.
The girls liked the dragon, not the fat toad.
Pokemon as a franchise was the culmination of 20th century consumerist propaganda. Pokemania was its most successful proof-of-concept to date. Everyone in our generation was a guinea pig for further experiments.
God, Garudamon is one of the coolest designs ever and so underused despite being part of the protagonist cast of Adventure 1.
Gold and Silver were the peak. Crystal was just a desperate attempt to hold on to it.
You're taking deformed in super-deformed too literal here
>Good design
Pick one
Blastoise is Digimon's hero, especially with the over the top design philosophy for Tamagotchi for teenage boys.
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I don't remember anyone even calling attention to the flower on Venusaur. It was just a big plant monster. The reaction to the flower is mostly a retroactive response, in my experience.
Nobody used it because tank turtle and literal dragon were cooler designs, not because "lol flower gay haha".
Pokemania has inevitably going to die because it was a fad and fads don't last that long.
If you ever get the chance and can either emulate it or pick it up for cheap, get a copy of Let's Go.

Initially I was not a fan of the reveal at all. Didn't like the art direction, HATED the idea of taking out wild battles, but I managed to pick up a copy on sale for 20 bucks and it genuinely managed to capture the feel of Red and Blue, add it's own thing while remaining faithful, and it managed to deliver the feeling that seems to have been missing since gen 2 or 3 (depending how you look at it). It's also a lot more challenging than you'd expect. It's probably the last instance of genuine SOVL from Pokémon to date.
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Also romhacks. There are some good ones for Pokémon and fans have a much better grasp of where the series should have gone over game freak.
> it was the worst starter from a gameplay perspective too.

Yes, this is by design. Your choice of starter acted as you difficulty selector. Charmander was Hard, Squirtle was Medium, and Bulbasaur was Easy.
I'd say it didn't quite work. Squirtle is definitely easy mode in its own way, since you get coverage options to deal with the electric and grass weaknesses, and just in time for the gyms you need them for.
I could almost agree with this, but two things do hold it back
>Getting XP for your Pokemon is a pain in the ass due to how you can only get any decent amounts by catching the same Pokemon over and over again in a row, and even then level-ups don't add much in the way of stats like they do in other games. You're instead expected to release all your catches in bulk for candy power-ups to increase stats, and the costs add up fast.
>Catching Pokemon itself is a pain due to the motion-controls for throwing Poke Balls and how they never seem to work right. There's no option for using a controller at all, and using the Switch's gyroscope is easier but penalizes you by cutting your already-skimpy XP earnings.
>they were already edited outwhen published
>VIZ edited even further.
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Yeah, I think everything is going to hinder on if you can have any fun, or can at the very least put up with the "catching" mechanic and how that feeds into the other systems. I personally found it tolerable enough to be inoffensive and it didn't really hurt my experience. I would have definitely preferred the option to play it in a traditional way though.

Still, it's a big deal to me when I actually feel compelled to complete a modern pokemon game, let alone do all the extra content, and like I said, more than once did it kinda rekindle that old Pokémon nostalgia I had.

the Mystery Dungeon series managed to do it as well, but that's a whole different story.
While your image has brought up the topic, what the fuck is up with Ms. Green, anyway? It seems like they were trying to set up a new sub-plot involving her and Mewtwo, and my best theory is that she's supposed to be Mr. Fuji's daughter as another anime callback likely without the whole part of Fuji cloning her alongside Mewtwo.
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If there's any proof GF ruin everything they touch, it's right here. The final product was not what ILCA had in mind because faggot Masuda was being the middleman assuring ILCA doesn't become TPC's premiere developer for Pokemon games.
I hope the new Mario & Luigi game becomes ILCA break out Nintendo hit.
I have that guide too
It contains a lot of bullshit
Like how normal type pokemon don't get same type attack bonus
Manga call back you mean? Did Green ever show up in the animu?
Those art books are legit heartbreaking. You can see what the devs wanted to do, and what they wanted to give us was a game that genuinely captured the feel of the pokemon world that we always wanted (the kind seen in the best slice of life fan art)... but nope. No budget. Make it ugly chibi art. Make it lame.
Her character is based on Green with a small hint of Leaf from the prior remakes, but since Let's Go is consolidating and canonizing a lot of anime elements and especially those relating to Mewtwo, I'm thinking they were probably setting up to redo the anime story of Fuji's daughter with Green in the role instead.
That's a guide for the games. Those Scholastic books are a guide on the characters in general. But Versus Books is definitely unmatched when it comes to game guides (though >>11052667 is making me question this characterization: I didn't have this one. I think I have the Prim-ugh guide). The VB guide for Pokemon GS was better than the official Nintendo Power one, somehow, and their Sonic Adventure 2: Battle/Sonic Advance guide is EXTREMELY kino.
This is a good evaulation. Pokemon would be viewed the same as Power Rangers is and maybe as TMNT is if it weren't based as a video game series rather than as a toy or comic series, regardless that it's still around (they're still around too...but neither of those are based on a video game).
fuck off yawnfag
I'll never forget the Pokémon Go days. It was like a huge wholesome party on a massive scale. Crimerates went down, people were outside interacting with eachother (and you could tell it did some of them a lot of good), it was just wonderful over all. I remember watching these thugs and this cop talking about it and the cop was giving them tips where to find these pokemon he saw a second ago and they all freaked out and ran that direction. For two weeks it was a different world.
And then COVID happened which ruined everything. It's like the universe mocked us with what a happier would look like RIGHT before it kicked us in the face
/vr/ always housed retro Pokemon
if you don't browse /vp/, don't pretend you do

we shit on gen ii regularly and hardly anyone cares about gen i except to make nugen shit look worse
I played Red and X, I've seen everything the series offers.
nigger pokemon go's launch hype period and covid were separated by 4 entire years
rose-tinted nostalgia-blinded johtoddlers will never admit to this
grim reminder for johtoddlers
Yea I remember there were Pokemon GO conventions hosted by Niantic for a couple years. It wasn't just a short time fad.
Of course it's not special, it's the minimum. Fuck off.
Forgot gen II was the first to add pre-evos
>Bulbasaur is easy mode, but then it becomes harder due to being half poison type, but then comes around to being great due to how broken the critical hit system/razor leaf are
>squirtle is medium difficulty except it's type coverage/movepool is so good you can use him to solo the game with the most minimal leveling
>charmander is meant to be hard mode, but Special is so broken and his speed is the best of the three so his weak defenses can worked around by hitting everything hard and fast
Really a great set all around, Gen 3 managed to hit this balance decently too.
>Yes, this is by design.
You're an idiot. The developers already stated in interviews it took them six years to choose 150 monsters with designs, work on the moveset for each monster, and work on the battle system like removing and adding the health meter back or having the trainer fight with whips before Red and Green had to be shipped out in their buggy state. Starters being "difficulty choice" wasn't by design.
I didn't think about that at all, I couldn't care less about the design. Green is my favorite color so from the beginning I always picked the plant starter.
Sceptile was a great improvement after the basic potato Meganium, but Venusaur will always be the best
>I missed the peak of the series (Gold & Silver, especially for OG Pokemon fans, that is) and then played the worst game in the series prior to Gen 8-9. That means I've seen all the series has to offer.
>attention-seeking Zoomer post
The new Pokemon were mostly just a bonus. Gen 2 is beloved because it's an expansion pack for Gen 1 (not only because you can trade your Gen 1 characters to your Gen 2 game, but also because it is a direct sequel that let's you return to the original game you loved and see the characters from that game a little older and more mature, but now with PokeGear and Morning/Day/Night/Date-of-Week feature to spice things up even more), unlike Gen 3 and obviously beyond (which depended almost exclusively on the appeal of the new characters).

If you play Gen 1 and then Gen 2 after it, I genuinely think you'll get what I'm saying.
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>All downhill from here.
Wrong pic!
you responded to absolutely 0 of what he said
>Gen 2 is beloved
It really isn't. Not these days.
>basic potato Meganium
Meganium is literally what Venusaur fans tried to meme Venusaur to be before it was confirmed that it's actually a frog: a dinosaur with a flower growing from it. I don't see how it's a "basic potato".
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forgot pic
made me chuckle
Gold and Silver was peak I don't know what you're talking about.
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The long development cycle and being buggy doesn't mean making the first two gym leaders weak to one starter, resistant to another, and the last starter in the middle where it's effective against one and neutral on the other- wasn't a design choice. They knew what they were doing in that regard. It's not like they fell into having those three types randomly or distributed. There's very deliberate decisions on Pokemon distribution and location in these games that are meant to work with what you're facing next. There's a reason why Bulbasaur is suggested to new players on the manuals and why Red/Player character has one in so much early licensing and media.
Every single fucking discussion about these games has to bring up bugs to detract on the design to the point of nitpicking.
I always wanted Gen 1 with Gen 2 mechanics. GSC have a lot of great additions but Johto is so boring in terms of Pokemon distribution and exploration.
Middle game RBY is really open in a way no other game in the series really matched. I wish you could have the option to get more late game pokemon early. Lack of a safari zone, access to late pokedex Pokemon early on(you can get a dratini early at least, but I wish you could've had access to a Larvitar earlier. Even Crystal sticks it inKanto's game corner.
>addressing why Pokemania continued through Gen 2 (and not beyond that) regardless of new character designs
>not addressing the issue of Gen 3 character designs supposedly being "more monstrous" like Gen 1's
Pick one.
What was censored in Japanese gen 2? Jynx was only purple in the English versions.
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Over 20 years and I'm still haunted by the kanto gyms being so easy. So much fun to hear the battle music but depressing to think how fast I blasted through kanto region. Atleast gen 3 was a new adventure for me when it was the latest thing but yeah gen 4 onwards was dead to me.
I know people sperg out over the anime, but I thought the Kanto journey was going to be effectively a New game+ where your pokemon got boxed and you'd start from zero again because that's how the anime handled Johto. Levels are so weird because for some reason Pokemon are even weaker than RBY in some routes.
Replaying Emerald, I really like it but it's also patient zero for how the game stories all became about Legendaries and saving the world, which killed the more down to earth feeling of the first game and the more rustic feel of the second.
I'm also mixed on all the later towns having gimmicks.Cities you have to go underwater to get to, cities in trees, towns floating on logs. It's cool but I also unironically like how Kanto was mostly cities and Johto little historical towns.
I do get why people like that and dislike the more same-y Kanto,it gives the adventure a more sprawling feel, but at the same time it made it feel more like a regular RPG to me.
I don't know why it bothers me as much as it does, but the focus on the big, super, legendary Pokemon and preventing catastrophes in the later gens was something I never liked. As a one off story for a game it could be neat if handled properly and emphasized the grand scale of the story, but I just prefer gen 1's background stuff. You just learn little tidbits of lore and the bigger story happening behind the scenes while you race to the top against your rival. The mutant super-being Pokemon was just hiding out in a cave somewhere the whole game planning who knows what. That's so cool. Made the world feel bigger and that you weren't the star of the show. I guess that's a huge aspect: I liked gen 1 because it was my story whereas the other games were stories forced onto me.
late 1998 - 2001 was THE pokemon years.
>pokemon got boxed and start from zero
They were limited in space I'm not sure where they'd go cause you'd have to include more content to train up weaker pokemon. They should've placed more emphasis on the gym leaders desu. There's some videos made covering how to buff up a lot of gym leaders in various games. Would be cool if we had some story explaining why kanto felt so empty a few years later using mewtwo/team rocket as some plot point.
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Sorry, been a fat minute since I've replied. Still absolutely engrossed in the Mystery Dungeon series and now Pokemon Unbound I had heard it was absolutely peak and after playing it for a bit I see why.

Oh they're terrible. Some of the most wonderful official pokemon art ever, you could tell the dev really wanted to deliver what everyone actually wants in a pokemon game... but nope, a barebones remake with an unpleasant chibi style and graphics that took a massive step down from Let's Go. Those books are both amazing and depressing at the same time.
I could see that. Either a cut scenario or perhaps a nod at the very least. I suppose the only way you'd ever know is a q&a or if the artbook ever got released and has developer notes.
ILCA had the talent, but GameFreak cut them off at the knees every time, likely because GF was working on Legends Arceus at the same time and didn't want the attention to be taken off of them.
Probably, it's insanely depressing though considering we had a dev that genuinely understood and wanted to give us what we all wanted.

It's wild, either GF is so grossly incompetent that they can't deliver what even third party developers know everyone wants with their IP OR they are so greedy and malicious they just keep dripfeeding out the same product with the most minor improvements never investing or trying to work towards the "perfect" pokemon game as that could kill future profits.
Do not speak the Lord's name in vain, you fucking nigger.
I have had more fun playing randoms on showdown than I would have playing through the games themselves for at least 3 generations personally.

What do anons think is the best mainline game and beat spinoff? For me it's HeartGold/SoulSilver and Pokemon snap.
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You should give this a go. It has been surprisingly challenging on just the normal difficulty, and there are two harder difficulties on new game+.
>What do anons think is the best mainline game and best spinoff?
Not retro, but it's Platinum for me. Gotta be patient with how slow it runs, but it pretty much delivers the complete package. I never really got into the spin-offs aside from the GameCube duology, so I can't really say for sure on that.

I find most Pokemon ROMhacks very aggravating because everybody keeps wanting to crank up the difficulty to absurd levels. Just give me the base game with all Pokemon available and some QoL boosts like in Revelation for Emerald and it's good enough for me.
I think it is a combination of them being incompetent and their bosses being greedy.
>Just give me the base game with all Pokemon available and some QoL boosts like in Revelation for Emerald and it's good enough for me.

I've been playing Yellow Legacy & Crystal Legacy for these reasons alone
>the Legacy project is focused on changing the base game in a way that adds quality of life additions and better balancing with the benefit of twenty years of hindsight. The primary goal of each mod is to keep the original feeling of the game while still making meaningful improvements for the player. This means that certain idiosyncrasies of the first & second generations of Pokémon games will remain, as they are considered an essential aspect to
the core experience.
I looked into those. They ruined the "core experience" by mucking around with Pokemon stats. To me, knowing that some Pokemon just plain suck and aren't worth using is part of how the games were balanced (that is to say, they weren't).
>It was a flash in the pan, a sudden park of soul

This. I knew I wasn't the only one that thought this.
I prefer the gameplay of gen 2.
Gen 1 is more straightforward so I understand why people prefer that.
The pacing is really satisfying and an underrated thing about gen 1 is how great the dungeons are.
Dungeons in later gens were never as good.
Again, go for unbound. It has four difficulty levels in which the normal or "challenging" feels just like that, a bit harder than gen 1 and 2 but not so hard it kills the fun. The whole thing is presented like a new game rather than a romhack as well so it's a very genuine experience. About my only gripe so far is the opening is a bit jarring, but once you get out of that it feels as good as old GF pokemon used to with a ton of mechanics, side quests, and all the pokemon up to SwSh. It's very good and the amount of work and care put into it is insane.
Video games, anime culture and the entire country of Japan became even more autistic, gayer and trannyer after the cool 90's
That cover looks like some furry autist's from the deepest and darkest parts of the Internet. Pass.
Quality of life hacks are generally fucking gay. The only thing that should be added to these games are letting you evolve and catch everything you can in either version without needing to trade (at the lowest level you can catch each particular Pokemon in either game, which even those "Emu Edition" hacks overlook). If you don't like the game for what it is, just say that.
some of the later games had okay dungeons. i dont remember exactly which game its from but one game had an ice dungeon with several floors with push-boulder puzzles that got increasingly tricky as you descended deeper in. im kind of a sucker for those puzzles. i like them a lot
im glad theres at least one person on this shithole """""""retro""""""" board that shares my opinion
>Make all Pokemon up to the game's current generation catchable
>Add an NPC to simulate trading for Pokemon that need it to evolve
>Everything else in the game itself remains totally unaltered and vanilla
This is all I ask for any hack.
>Best mainline game
My honest opinion is RBGY (I lean towards American Red.)
I think it's just the best paced. It offers the full Pokemon experience, compressed down into the smallest, densest space.
Most of the time when I'm feeling the itch to do a playthrough of Pokemon, I don't want to do a big story campaign and a bunch of postgame content. I just wanna catch some monsters and experience the journey. RBGY gives you that in a really direct and classic way that keeps pulling me back to it.
>Best spinoff
Mystery Dungeon, for a variety of reasons.
I think it's the only /vr/ Pokemon game that succeeds in having a complex emotional story, which makes it feel quite unique.
The gameplay is extremely solid. The Pokemon are very well balanced and pretty much every possible team is viable. At the same time, it's also probably the most challenging Pokemon game.
It has a huge amount of content and things to find and discover. In particular the asynchronous multiplayer is really cool; playing with a friend is as simple as sharing a password.
The setting is really rich and feels like a warm, happy, lived in place. It's just a joy to discover. And every Pokemon having their own voice lines makes them feel more unique and like real people (even if most of the lines are really cheesy).
I think Red/Blue Rescue Team is the overall best game in the series.
I'm actually starting a new playthrough of it. I was assigned Bulbasaur on the personality quiz, just like when I was a kid, so I guess I'm still the same person I was back then. (I'm probably going to reroll for Pikachu or Cyndaquil though. I want to radiate protagonist energy.)
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My Mystery Dungeon Brother. Finishing EoS was the most fun I've had on a game in years and the happiest a game has made me. It was a really wonderful experience. Been hearing good things about the new Shiren game, and though I normally stay firmly planted in retro gaming, I've been enjoying the Mystery Dungeon Formula so much I may go ahead and pick up a copy.
One of the most fucked up things is how
People call R/B and G/S being split into two games a cashgrab, but all the version exclusives were generally common enough it wasn't that hard to find someone who'd simply like another color and trade you. The decision of which one to pick came down only to what Pokemon you wanted.
Then R/S come out and kept once per savefile legendaries behind versions. Which meant to trade you'd need to give it up, or restart your game- but oh wait, you need to buy other games to save your other Pokemon since backwards comparability is gone.
Even crystal is sort of guilty in that Ho-Oh is unable to be found until you find the two legendary beasts- which is doable if not a pain, but not as easy as GS did it.
It's an official design and it's absolutely awful.

Unbound isn't that bad but I bounced off it for some reason. Can't explain it but it just gave me bad vibes. Ironically the "Base game with QoL" category is full of all the bullshit garbage now. Hack makers keep wanting to appease the Radical Red fanbase for some reason.
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I have recently come to love Blastoise, but his in game appearances are all over the place. They make him like a really big fat fuck when he just needs to be big powerhouse.
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He lacks a lot of attitude in most art of him. They'll usually depict him without his fangs or shrinking his arms and legs to essentially make him a stupid ball.
it actually hurts to see outrun played that poorly
You actually make a very solid point on Blastoise.
The only reason I keep coming back to this shithole is because I know zoomers (and other faggots, such as console warriors) get owned here every day even though """""those in charge here""""" are on their side. Stay cool, brother.

>Add an NPC to simulate trading for Pokemon that need it to evolve
Wish I had thought of this idea. It's a good one. Those "Emu Edition" hacks are decent efforts, but leveling-up Kadabra/Haunter/Graveler/Machoke to evolve them is really fucking stupid, unfortunately.
Vanilla RBY is too badly designed for me to enjoy without at least the gen 2 buffs.
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People have taken the whole "Pokemon was a buggy mess" so deeply to heart that they literally won't believe that anything was done on purpose with this game.

The whole controversy with the original guide was the biggest proof of that.
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It's because we got the kick-ass Pokemon Blue(j) redesigns when Pokemon was brought to the West. The more kaiju-looking Pokemon were made to look more menacing and cool, but they've since reverted to their softer looking (and easier for OLM to animate) original designs in later years.
Why are all gen 3 pokemon striped and have awful color? People shitting on gen 2 don’t realize that it was the last time Pokemon had good coloring and designs. Gen 3 really was bullshit. I can’t believe it was my cousins favorite gen TO PLAY. Not saying those are his favorite mons…
They were making use of new colors (Advance) and it certainly was a bad idea.
Well it was the end of an era. What can we say? Because the game boy advance’s colors were the right choice. The stripes on the pokemon? Yuck… Could’ve made the best pokemon ever, and you get a nearly all copy roster! And they’re strange and anthro, yuck, — and that’s when the gay mexican furry autists took over pokemon… Fuck
what in the fuck are you babbling about
I said what I said.
cool, can you say it in a way that makes sense?
And what didn’t you understand? The entire roster of gen 3 is gay furry copies! Gen 2 had some girly shit yeah, but it was cool lizards and funny looking japanese cartoon shit. Be real dude.
all pokemon look like gay jap shit to me so idk what's so much worse about the later gens
The first people I saw bring their advances and ruby/sapphire to middle school were overweight mexican furry autists I swear to God. I’m not a racist.
You think it’s all gay? Why are you even commenting then?
the only people who ever feel the need to say they aren't racist are racists trying to hide their powerlevel
you're imagining a logical connection where none exists
Go away, fat mexican autist. Back to your troll cave, you hunchback.
whatever faggot
Bet I’d beat your ass, fucker.
you'd like to think so
>going into the party list every single time you need to use an HM
>going into the bag every single time you need to reapply a repel
>going into the bag every single time you need to use the bike + no running shoes
>bag not organized into categories unless you do it manually and keep it that way every time you get an item
>TMs in your bag are displayed as their fucking numbers and not the move name requiring you to click "use" on them to see which one it is (the bag cursor resets the position btw so good fucking luck checking multiple and remembering all the fucking numbers of the ones you tested)
kys retard
>TMs in your bag are displayed as their fucking numbers and not the move name
non-issue back in the day, everyone had a guide or knew someone who did
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You are right.
jank is gud
i was immensely disappointed when i found out i couldnt oldman glitch infinite TMs in yellow. or cheese getting chansey/tauros by catching it on the coast of cinnabar instead of in safari zone
i didnt i just savescummed to try the moves out
i dont think theres many stat changes
i know he buffed pikachu, but you can just box the rat anyways
and you prolly should cuz i dont think he got very buffed anyways

the thing they did do is fill out a lot of movesets. fine change imo as ive already played the OG a thousand times and giving gym leaders actual moves to use makes the fights so much better. unless youre just feeling particularly nostalgic for lance spamming barrier because you threw out a poison mon, or having giovanni throw a match by spamming guard spec or whatever
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Vanilla RBY is completely unplayable
What is the "core" gen 1 experience exactly?
What blows my mind is that only 100,000 souls were trusted with the primal source. Read the bible, thank God for everything you have, and understand that Jesus Christ is the true root, the living branch. There are two types of autists- the atheists and the deeply religious.
just play red then crystal
>What is the "core" gen 1 experience exactly?
Red or Blue into Stadium. Could also do Tradebacks.
I was talking about the argument of the anon above for dislikig stat changes, i don't see how that affects the experience.
/vr/ is just the genwunner hugbox, which is fine I suppose since there's no place for that on /vp/
>but leveling-up Kadabra/Haunter/Graveler/Machoke to evolve them is really fucking stupid, unfortunately.
>game requires anything but the console and a cartridge to play in single-player mode
bad game design
shut the fuck up christfag
Gen 1 is filled with those, and i say this as someone who likes RBY
What controversy?
So, a few month before Pokemon Legends Arceus came out, someone here on /vr/ (and later DYKG on youtube) translated the original strategy guide made by Creatures for the original release of Pokemon. It literally blew EVERY Western Pokemon theory out of the water.

Suck revelations were:
>The Pokedex entries are real; other scientist in-universe coaborate them
>Venomoth WAS suppose to evolve from Venonat. The joke in the guide is that Pokemon scientists don't put together that they're related until YOU evolve a Venomoth because they live in seperate places
>Pokemon takes place in a fictionalize version of our world; Pokemon studies started in France in the 1800s
>ALL POKEMON SHRINK WHEN HURT OR INJURED ENOUGH. Pokeballs just stimulate this reflex. The whole red beam of light thing was done by OLM so they wouldn't have to animate at in the anime..
The controversy is that Legends Arceus references the last bit, which made Americans Poke-theorist pissed off.
>Pokemon takes place in a fictionalize version of our world; Pokemon studies started in France in the 1800s
Yeah, this one clearly got dropped as the franchise went on.
I'm still mad.
>durrr, i'm a retarded manlet
>call me a manlet one more time, i dare you motherfucker
>durr, i'm a retarded manlet
The "pokedex entires are written by the player characters who are dumb kids" headcanon /vp/ had was always retarded and only worked for the autistic idea many /vp/ posters had that only things visible in the game are canon- most obviously this means no real world animals- but some people run with this to the point where if it's not in the game mechanics, it can't happen. So if a Pokemon's speed doesn't match the Pokedex? It can't be real!
>>Venomoth WAS suppose to evolve from Venonat. The joke in the guide is that Pokemon scientists don't put together that they're related until YOU evolve a Venomoth because they live in seperate places
the rest is real but you're making up this part
It blows the "Great Kanto War" bullshit out of the water, because it means that Lt. Surge was literally just suppose to be a Vietnam/Desert Storm vet. Vermilion City is an analog to Yokohama, which has an American military base.
The guides entry explicitly notes that their population is very small and that it's larval stage is shrouded in mystery. It's even put in an entirely different grouping of Pokémon from Venonat. The idea is that you either put 2 and 2 together once you've caught both or realize the truth if you keep leveling up your Venonant. They don't evolve until Lv 31; WAY later than any other Bug type in Gen 1. Their Japanese names are even unrelated: Kongpang and Morphon. The disparity in their designs is on purpose.
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I do want to go back in the archives and find the posts made by the guy on here before DYKG picked up on the story. It's just funny to me that this very common guide wasn't translated until nearly 25 years later. It makes you wonder what other video theories or "facts" that Westerns believe about older games that are very wrong.
Interestingly, Black2/White2 lampshades this by the PWT announcer asking if Lt Surge is from Unova when he takes the field, but it's never actually answered and Surge's next appearance in Let's Go just calls him "The Lightning Lieutenant" to avoid the America/Unova debate.
Yep; they even changed all Pokedex references to Indian elephants to the new Elephant Pokemon from Sword and Shield. Pokemon is NOW set in a 100% fictional world, but back when it was just a little RPG on the GameBoy with no prospects of being a multi-billion dollar franchise, it was just "Tokyo and it's surrounding Prefectures in Japan, but with a few wacky monsters".
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Interestingly there's a small tidbit one can see as relating to this(France as a major center for Pokemon studies)- Rival/Oak's grandson is said to have studied in Kalos in XY(the modern Pokemon game equivalent to France)
The Kanto War stuff should never have been taken seriously in the first place, it's entirely the product of fanboys who can't fathom the Pokemon world not being entirely different in the beginning and trying to justify certain things(but not others like "Lightning American")
I swear a lot of it was just bullshit theories /vp/ did as a joke that people took seriously.

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