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>Spyro, where did you get this game disc? Let me know via e-mail: zoe@insomniac.aol.com
found it in the mud
Gabe got the guy who leaked HL2 and its source code to accidentally reveal his identity by pretending he was actually impressed with the hacker's work and that he wanted to hire him via a series of email exchanges. The guy showed up to the Valve offices and was immediately arrested.

People unironically believe that being a pirate or a criminal hacker will land them a job instead of jail time, probably because it is a movie trope.
that's really shitty from gabe
lying to a kid, hyping him up, just to ruin is life
>Got HL2 early and for free
>Got to see the retard who leaked it fall to social darwinism
Peak entertainment
It wasn't like that, the hacker leaked the game and source code of a HL2 that was far from finished and only a couple months or so away from the release date.

The leak forced Valve to go public about the state of HL2, meaning that it was going to have to be delayed and needed to basically be recreated. It was embarrassing, and it lost Valve a lot of trust in the marketplace and among some gamers getting impatient waiting for the sequel (ironic in hindsight...).
Gabe has stated a few times it was the worst time of his life or something like that, it nearly broke him and he wanted to see this hacker kid pay for the literal damages he cause Gabe and Valve.

Such love for a repulsive fatass billionaire who shits on its customers. Why don't you ask 'Gabe' where is HL2 ep 3.
>Gabe has stated a few times it was the worst time of his life or something like that,
What a coddled faggot. That fat fucker also went on to ruin gaming with lootboxes, he can go fuck himself.
what did he do to you
Maybe that's the hacker boy who got owned.
>makes games
>some retard leaks the source code
>man that guy is retarded, he got what he deserved
>why do you love gabe faggot?
why are gamers such babies
>guy steals and fucks someone over for no reason
>faces consequences
>was somehow wronged
The guy was a faggot and Gabe was right for locking him up. Hackers are “Just let me do whatever I want” embodied. Literal scum of the earth.
>inb4 muh whitehatz
wouldn’t need them if the faggots didn’t exist.
aww poor fat gab couldnt focus on stuffing his fat face and shitting on people and decided to ruin someones life over it. gabe sucks and anyone defending him is a bitch made like gaben
He didn't show up to Valve offices, he was arrested as soon as he got off the plane in the US.
Valve always hired modders and supported people within their communities more than most other game devs. I don't blame them for feeling utterly betrayed when some kid decides to leak all their work just to embarrass them for not wanting to admit HL2 needed to be redone.
I had an Argentinian friend who said his copy of Spyro 3 glitched and deleted his save file when he went to fight the final boss, and at the time I didn't think much of it
now I know the truth
.....well he didn't exactly hide it either, he said piracy was super common down there due to how expensive everything was, and game stores would be full of bootlegged copies
leaking a game 2 months before its release and causing it to be delayed for more months is also shitty
Commie fags fuck off. Your concept of reality is delusional. The kid was a thief and got what he had coming to him. You think this was the first time he stole someone’s information?
Lord Gaben can’t be made a fool of that easily. He has tigers blood and will never die, because dying’s for fools like you.
why are you replying to me with this, I was just correcting that small detail about the guy's arrest
he didn't go to valve offices, he was arrested at the airport as soon as he got off the plane
The hacker himself is claiming that he never got that far and that local police arrested him before he could get on a plane to the US. Most likely it is bullshit to save himself of the shame, like with Latza denying he was tricked into showing up at RLM's warehouse only for Rich Evans to confirm it happened on a livestream by casually mentioning how they get "some poor schmuck" a tour of their warehouse location after figuring out he was tricked.
If the kid had waited 5 years he would've been a "game preservationist"
>probably because it is a movie trope.
Probably because companies pay bounties to hackers, and hire the good ones.
Remember Geohotz getting that really cushy gig after his hacks?
Zoomies unironically believe anyone believes their fanfiction
>ruin his life
He's doing ok at the moment.
lol, cope and seethe, nintendie
Alyx is episode 3, they just deliberately chose the wrong name to deviate people from that fact and made it VR to make it even more detached from that episodic tred, my guess is they don't want people assosiacing each sequel as episodic anymore, makes things messier.
This is why you get amnesty in writing.
Valve always was pure evil, their modus operandi was corrupting modders into sellout corpo cucks.
Anyone defending Steam and Valve games wants paid mods and to own nothing
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snitches get stitches
>The guy showed up to the Valve offices and was immediately arrested.
Nah, Gabe and the FBI tried to lure him to 'murrika, but he was arrested in Germany. Quite lucky, considering how the judicial system in 'murrika is worse than in North Korea. He wasn't charged for leaking bling bling wahoo code either, just the hacking.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. That being said the correct course of action should've been to contact the local authorities and go from there compared to practically kidnapping the kid.
This is the story I heard. He was tricked to go to the US but the german authorities caught wind of this and arrested him before he got on the plane.
Piratefags seethe ITT

I pirate shit too but this is frankly embarassing
Do you have any reason to be calling them “pure evil” besides them hiring modders to work for them? Lmfao.
Destroying the physical retail PC game market is pretty pure evil. Turning a shitty DRM client shop into a social media Skinner box with shiny badges and cheevos to keep people playing is just as bad.
>Destroying the physical retail PC game market
Blame the game publishers and gamers themselves. Console games have had digital options for nearly as long as PC has, yet they still get physical releases. Probably because console gamers actually continue to buy physical games, unlike PC gamers who overwhelmingly dropped boxed games as soon as an alternative was available.
I'll continue to blame Valve and Steam. They worked their assess off to get big name publishers to sell through steam, did giveaways and psychological conditioning/marketing tactics to get people hooked on Steam sales. Now you have at least two generations of PC gamers who think physical media and ownership is stupid, and it's spreading to consoles like a plague. Valve basically did the same thing EGS did, but they were more subtle about it.
>Spyro, where did you get this game disc?
Fell off a truck.
I don't think a prequel can be Half Life 3 no matter how much the Gman thinks he can bend space and time.
>Destroying the physical retail PC game market
Everyone will blame valve for this, but not Microsoft and other companies abandoning PC so this shit happens.
>Everyone will blame valve for this, but not Microsoft and other companies abandoning PC so this shit happens.
Games were still coming out for PC. You could go into any big box store and grab new titles and cheap, bargain bin gems alike. Hell, even stuff like smaller, local chain grocery stores locally here in the US would have a couple PC games on the shelves in jewel cases, not to mention PC gaming/PC magazines.
it sets up the story to continue directly from the end of episode 2, you can't reasonably call it episode 3.
Why did the game need to be delayed?
Microsoft is not a forward thinker or industry leader, they only abandoned physical media because Valve proved it could be done profitably.
This is the state it was in at the time of the leak:
You judge whether that looks like a game ready for release or not.
The game wouldn't be actually finished until a year later.
Wtf wow fuck valve.
I don't even like Valve but people here are seriously mentally ill. That fat nose tribe leader simply played 4D chess with an autist who infringed their copyright, it's only fair what he did.
Then blaming the leaker for the delay is some serious blameshifting.

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