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Wherein I cease to be fucking retarded and actually link the previous threads:
>>11022972 Part 1
>>11030591 Part 2

Join us as I play through this grorious game while giving (You) the chance to make various decisions for me at various points.

The gang must make their way to the southern continent so as to infiltrate the Empire and rescue the Espers contained therein in hopes of finding one that can help their friend SLAVE stop looking and acting like an angsty autistic furfag. The way there involves a convoluted plan, complete with flying gamblers, opera floozy look-alikes, and possibly tentacle porn. All said, we begin with the main Opera show, what all of you have been waiting for.

Full scene:
waddup nigga
So Runie is a girl pretending to be a girl playing herself. Or something.
Westoids, is this your hero?
Talk about pictures you can hear.
This might as well be a soundpost, god damn
We then have a brief intermission or something, and... what the fuck HUNTER
So off HUNTER goes to peep on Runie or something, and he gets more than he bargained for.
I don't remember this, does he actually walk in on her changing?
>>11040547 (Me)
Ah right, now I remember
Runie's only got one thing on her mind, though. Considering what she's learned about HUNTER since she met him, you can't blame her.
HUNTER, for once, comes out and says it.
Runie nails him at last. GIWTWM
Nothing more to be said, I guess.
Maria, er, Runie has evidently embraced her role. We get a chance to review at the score on the table. At several points during the following scene, we are given a choice of lines. Choose the wrong line, and Runie will fuck up the scene, and you gotta do the whole thing over again.
Silly treasure hunter, you can't even get a ribbon this early!
The West has fallen. Gorillions must die.
Dracobros, did we just lose?
>he doesn't know
Here is the first point where you can choose lines. I have this shit memorized since fucklong ago, of course.
No commentary for the next few bits.
Somehow, Draco has returned.
Yet he is elusive, almost incorporeal. Can this be real, or merely a figment of Maria's imagination, ever longing for her true love?
This phantom, whatever it was, leaves behind a bouquet of flowers for Maria. All she can do is take it.
Her path leads to the balcony up top. Only the moon above bears witness to her sorrow.
Maria throws the bouquet, as she sings her farewell.
Tell him to fuck off.
*clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap*
We dancers now.
He likes to watch.
Finally, HUNTER notices the letter. Let's, of course, ignore the fact that he should have no idea who Ultros is, nor Ultros him. At best Ultros will know PEDO and TRAIN, but what if you hadn't brought either of them?
HUNTER decides to tell the Impressario about this little snag.
Just then!
A desperate battle for the fate of the West begins!
Dracobros, we're so back!
Maria reciprocates. True love cannot be defeated so easily.
That said, Ralse will not so easily give up, of course.
It is a battle of wills, as they sing in unison their innermost desire.
And so, Ralse declares an actual, physical duel. May the strongest man win his prize.
Meanwhile, in the peanut gallery, they wonder as to what Ultros might do to fuck things up.
And his solution is literally Looney Toons-tier. I fucking love it. Fun fact: early in development, instead of Ultros, Vicks/Biggs and Wedge were supposed to be the villains of this scenario, complete with the whole thing about throwing a literal weight on top of Runie to crush her. It appears they were meant to have a bigger role in the game beyond being Esper fodder in the beginning.
Of course, Ultros doesn't even lift, so we have five minutes to make our way to him and push his ink in before he manages to crush Runie. Problem is, how exactly do we get to where he is?
So we're supposed to press the far-right switch, but what happens if we press the others?
This one literally barks at us. Ok.
KEK of course, what else would it do?
The middle one shuts off the lights. Reminds me of that one spoopy Atari 2600 game. Haunted House, I think.
The third one is a literal booby trap. FUCK
And whaddaya know, it puts it right in the middle of the action! Are we famous yet?
It's too embarrassing, though, so we escape by literally jumping on top of the orchestra.
And it throws us right the fuck out into the main lobby. Yep, that's well over thirty seconds wasted. Shall we stop fucking around and actually try to save Runie?
Pressing the based and tradpilled switch unlocks a door on the dirty godless commie side of the Opera house. Ultros should be beyond this door.
Ah shit, we just entered the fucking Goku room.
These fuckers are annoying. If you don't defeat all of them in time, more will come to replace them. So we gotta get rid of them quick-like.
Thankfully, the Gokubros were easily Dispatched. Now we stand in front of the mighty tentacled one.
Ultros tries something funny, but he ends up screwing us both over.
Nice one. NOW the show is fucked.
Um, problematic much!?
Fear not, however. HUNTER steps up!
Fuck you, I liked it.
Forgive me if I don't respect those who engage in selective inbreeding.
You mean I get to give an octopus an ass-beating to a soundtrack? Cool!
Kinda, yeah.
Ultros counters some attacks with Acid Rain, which hurts a decent bit, as well as Tentacle, which hurts even more. He also starts moving around the stage like a spastic.
>I ain't no garden-variety octopus!
He's truly a special one.
I'm not your imp, pal!
>Imp Song
Thankfully, we have some Green Cherries.

And no, I'm not having fun, you tentacled fucker, you.
Fuckin' A
We finally get rid of that purple dickhead. But then...
The show's over, Impressario. I'm fucking done.

SIMP likes to treat them rough. They come around eventually, you know.
All part of the plan, of course.
I'm late but keep goin
Slow in other aspects, though.
Runie, as usual, gets straight to the point.
SIMP, however, doesn't appreciate being bamboozled and tells them to GTFO. Time for Runie to try and work her charm.
PEDO has some things to offer, too. His kingdom, after all, abounds in riches... and bitches.
runie should gut that fucker for laughing at her clumsy dancing
Yeah, I don't think the honoraburu act is gonna work on this nigga, SOOGA my man.
He's considering it, but it looks like he needs a bit more convincing.
We're briefly allowed to explore SIMP's airship. Going all the way down, we find a room with two dudes. The one on the left offers free full-party healing, which is super handy. The one on the right sells items, which isn't all that exciting, though he DOES sell Warp Stones, which allow us to both escape battles AND dungeons. Might be handy for later.
This guy here gives us options to unequip party members. This will be useful later, but for now let's leave it alone, as we've no other characters to unequip.
SIMP's airship is appropriately called the Blackjack (though I don't believe this is ever actually stated in-game, but rather in official materials outside of it). It is full of casino-style tables. One wonders who his clientele is, exactly.

I actually remember reading a fanfic circa 2000 where the two soldier dudes accompanying Kefka to Figaro early in the game were literally Beavis and Butthead. Somehow they ended up in the airship, and SIMP asks if they want to play Craps. Butthead, of course, said the obvious thing in response. Just a random memory I have.
Anyway, let's talk to SIMP. He states something about the Empire making him a rich man. How, he doesn't say. From what I understand, this line is a complete mistranslation, and he actually means to say the Empire has been bad for business. Don't know how Woolsey fucked this one up.
But have they been SLAMMED?
Everyone pitches in about how bad the Empire is. SOOGA, of course, got it the worst by far.
I can't recall if this one is a mistranslation, exactly, or if this is something Woolsey was deliberately going for, but it makes SIMP look either utterly clueless at best, or completely amoral at worst.
He definitely has a selfish streak, though.
Now it's Runie's turn to turn into a tomato.
Here is a man who knows what he wants.
HUNTER isn't a fan of the Flinstones, though.
for some reason Setzer was the first videogame character I ever had a crush on. I'm not ashamed of being a faggot I'm just ashamed that it was Setzer
Runie overrides him and appears to accept. Does she have a plan?

Also, I just noticed PEDO blushes just the same as Runie. I know it's probably a shared palette thing, but one wonders.
Runie walks over to PEDO. Something is afoot.
Hey, I've seen this one!
Playing to his weaknesses. Smooooooooth, Runie. Fucking smooth.
Hook, line, and sinker.
Fuck off, cucklord. Back to your shed.
The coin is tossed. And the result...?
Wow, what a gamble! What are the odds?
i don't think i've ever noticed that before
SIMP picks up the coin, and the jig is up.

If you have TRAIN during this sequence, he quickly puts two and two together, and immediately calls out PEDO, realizing exactly what it is he did with that coin toss ten years ago. Now the fact that he never stated what would happen if it landed tails makes complete sense.
SIMP got tricked yet again. Yet this one he takes completely in stride, knowing he was completely bested. He finally caves and decides to help unconditionally.
He is willing to gamble anything, even his own life. Finally, we are beginning to see something of his character.
Fucking jinx it, will you?
SIMP doesn't take offense, of course. He tells it like it is.
And so, onwards our heroes go, toward the southern continent, toward the heart of the Empire. Its capital looms in the distance, towering, menacing.
traditionally the elder brother should inherit the kingdom (*unless he's a total fuckup). do we really want figaro and south figaro to fall into civil war?

TRAIN is happy now, but what if he tries to dethrone PEDO later after years of regret?
SIMP drops us off in front of the occupied town of Albrook, some ways off from the Imperial capital, so as to not draw too much attention. SIMP himself will not be joining us at this time, preferring to stay behind with the airship. This continent is home to powerful creatures with high defense but relatively low Magic defense, so we best get to learning at least some spells if we are to survive. There are a few other towns to visit, some of which may have things of use to us, so exploring them may be worthwhile.

That said, this is where I'll stop for the night. It's been a very long day. Tomorrow I'll be free and will likely play a good while. Look forward to it!
good night OP
What in the world did you see in him? What an odd post, appreciate you sharing lmao
Same, that's bizarre. Wonder if there are any other occurrences of that throughout the game.
Goodnight OP! Thanks as always!
gay princes no pedo.
The airship dudes were always really strange to me. Second airship has them too, I think. So what, they were buried with the airship that whole time?
Apparently it's from a misreading of an expression, something like "it's gone up" and, without a second thought, he's like "business is up? that means it's good, got it," when it's more like, "up in smoke."
I seem to recall a thing about palette issues. Apparently if you bring TRAIN along, the blushes don't happen? Something like that.
The Falcon only has a dude who unequips your party, and it's an old man, not at all the same as the one in the Blackjack.
Great as always. Totally forgot about not having TRAIN there for the coin flip. Low key, SIMP has one of the better character designs and his back story is pretty interesting.
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I was curious and looked it up and found this. The Japanese line translates to
>Thanks to the Empire, business has dried up.

Apparently the reasoning is as follows
>The actual word used is あがったり (agattari), and is connected to the word あがる (agaru), which generally means “to go up”. So if you weren’t familiar with agattari, you might assume this line is saying “business has gone up”. It actually means just the opposite, however! Rather than think of agattari as “go up”, it’s easier to view it as something like “dry up” or “go up in smoke”.

Pulled from here, which is one of my favorite sites and is generally quite accurate as far as I'm aware.
It's just such a shame LoL spawned so many complete retards who shattered any idea of there ever being "best" translations in their fragile, stupid hubris.
I watched some of the early parts of that livestream, and I'm still confused how it created so many "relocalization" hacks. You don't really need to merge the existing official SNES and GBA scripts, the GBA version is already a merge of the SNES and SFC versions, and it's technically superior. Anything else is picky-and-choosy autism.
I wonder what Tomato thinks of the trainwreck he's inadvertently caused, considering he's made his position firm that he's Team GBA.
I won't be able to be there for all the threads but I hope you're having fun /vr/
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Oh god, I just remembered something.
Wanderbar supports A Link to the Past, doesn't it?
No wonder that "fan-retranslation" had basic-bitch mistakes like this.
I could swear the line I was was:

“I gave nothing to lose but my life… and I got THAT for free! ante up!”

Which is utterly badass
OP here. I'll be starting again in probably around an hour.
>I'm still confused how it created so many "relocalization" hacks
I think it all comes down to that Rodimus Primal dude coming out with his TWUE hack that was supposed to be "Woolsey, but accurate", and it came to be very well-regarded for whatever reason, but then Tomato came along and showed just how much Woolsey AND the old fan retranslation (which TWUE leaned rather heavily on as well) got wrong, and all of a sudden the TWUE hack looked vulnerable, and so the result was a race to see who could take advantage of this opening and dethrone TWUE. It was a Gold Rush of sorts, basically.

For what it's worth, I've played through TWUE twice, once way back in like 2014 when it was still kinda rough (with all the "fixes" and changes), and again a year ago or so (with the most minimal changes this time). I personally don't care much for this Rodimus guy, but his hack is not the worst way to play FF6, if only because it's an easy way to get uncensored graphics and dialogue and a couple other QoL changes if you want those, and at least gives you the option to keep the bug fixes and gameplay changes to a minimum. There's a recent hack that uses the GBA dialogue and graphics uncensorship that I'd like to recommend, but it changes too many other things without giving you a choice IMO.
>and you got that for free!
You're confusing it with the EarthBound sailor.
>Hype levels increasing
Here we go.

Let's start by exploring Albrook, a town with a heavy Imperial presence, though truth be told, there isn't a whole lot to see. There should be a couple of new weapons and stuff, though, so let's shop around.
We find a scholar who gives us a bit of lore surrounding two so-called Atma Weapons, which I'm sure we'll run into later. Also, nice typo.
The Weapons shop isn't too exciting. There's a new claw for TRAIN, but we don't currently have him in our team, not to mention it's weaker than the Fire Knuckle we already have. There's an Epee for Runie and PEDO, but they're not really gonna be Fighting much. Strangest of all, there's a new dagger for PACMAN but he doesn't show up in this part at all, and won't join again until MUCH later, at which point he'll have stronger weapons. This last one might be worth getting later on in bulk, as it's the strongest Wind-elemental weapon that PACMAN can throw.
The Armor shop has two chests, but both of them are empty. I always thought this was strange.
As for the Armor shop itself, it currently sells the Bard's Hat, which is actually a quite nice piece of headgear. It has higher Magic defense than the Green Beret, gives +10 MBlock (which thanks to the Evade glitch also translates into +10 Evade effectively), AND it increases MP by 12.5%. Since it's one of the only pieces of headgear that increases MBlock, it's very often used in end-game setups. That said, the Green Beret still nets us extra HP, so it's hard to say which one is better at the moment.
>It's just such a shame LoL spawned so many complete retards who shattered any idea of there ever being "best" translations in their fragile, stupid hubris.
It's simple - give retards the illusion of ability to have an opinion on something they don't understand or care to understand, and you cause irreversible damage. It's the WebMD effect in full force. Legends of Localtroonslation made a fucking business of what was previously relegated (rightfully) to quiet forum discussion and curious trivia. Everyone thinks they're an expert because some retard on the internet sold them their opinion.
The worst part is that Tomato commits the very same errors in his own work as he calls out during his dissections of various games.
Depends. Is he the kind of despot that feeds you to his pet tiger for failing to meet his capricious expectations?
In the Relic shop, we can now buy Amulets, which will definitely be useful later on against monsters that love to turn you into a zombie. Also, what is that snazzy music?
Oh yeah, now THAT's what I'm talking about!
The locals don't seem to care much for the soldiers' rambunctiousness, however. But hey, business is business, isn't it?
Anyway, that was Albrook. Going north, we find the Imperial capital, but let's not go there yet, as there's a couple of things to grab in the other towns in this continent. Also, we really need to learn some spells for the upcoming portion, so some random battles wouldn't hurt. I'll be taking care to only level up characters using Stray, as it gives +1 Magic, which is currently the only worthwhile bonus available to us.
At the northernmost point, we find the town of Tzen. This place, too, is under occupation.
Viva l'Empire!
Don't you tell me what to do, you little fucker. I think this might be a mistranslation or a misplaced line. It makes no sense on this kid.
The armor shop sells Mithril stuff, including the Mithril Helm, but it's a whopping 1 point of defense higher than the Green Beret, so it makes zero sense to equip it. I'll just get one for completion, because I'm autistic like that.
The Weapon shop, however, sells the Boomerang, which IS stronger than HUNTER's current weapon while still working from the back row, so let's grab two of those.
Pssh, that's what they say about every enemy.
So yeah, not much to do in Tzen either. There's one town left, but it's aaaaaaaaaall the way down south, so that's a drag. Luckily, however, there just so happens to be a Chocobo stable hidden in the forest right next to Tzen. Let's take advantage of it.
And so we come to Maranda. Wait, ain't this the town that Runie torched? The locals certainly resent it. She says nothing about it, though.
Maranda's Armor shop is nice. It has all the good helmets for sale, AND it sells the Mithril Mail, which is the best armor we'll be able to get for everyone, with the exception of Runie, since she has a White Dress which is not far behind in defense and gives that awesome +5 to Magic.
Awww shieeeeet, my nigga Stay Puft def finna merc dat mufugga
As for Weapons, there's the Trident for PEDO, which may come in handy later since it's Water-elemental, but I actually fucking went broke buying all that new armor and shit. He won't really need it at the moment, though, so I'll just leave it alone for now.
Oh hey, it's Lola! Yeah, we couuuuuuld just tell you he's literally a broken man but still alive and hanging in there, but, nah.
I'm not exactly sure what's going on here kek. We have a soldier chasing a girl around in a circle, but the soldier says pic related, while the girl asks if "you" wanna get hitched.
Anyway, we're done with Maranda, so only thing left to do is trek back to where we were before. I'll take this opportunity to learn some spells and perhaps a couple of levels, too. By the way, watch out for these weird-looking fuckers. They can cast Quake, which WILL be a party wipe.
A long trek and a bunch of battles later, we're finally entering the Imperial capital, known as Vector, which IMO is an awesome name for an evil Imperial capital city.

I'll be taking a break for the moment, though, because I gotta run some errands and eat something as well. I'll be back later tonight, though!
And we're back. I'll try and make it to the end of this portion, but we'll see.

Let's look around Vector a bit. The atmosphere is, as expected, oppressive. Most people either tell you to piss off or only talk about depressing shit.
This kid here was apparently infused with Magic by Cid, the director in charge of Magitek R&D. He actually heals you, too.
There's nothing special in the Weapon and Armor shops. The Inn, however, is staffed by this upstanding fellow, who offers to let us stay for free. Seems legit.
He a good boy, he dindu nuffin
Yeah, there's a 50% chance you'll get robbed at that Inn, so fuck that. Moving on, there's a tiny little house with only this old woman inside. What's her deal?
cid's a bit of a villain in this one. i liked cid from ff4 a lot more. airships, plate armor, hammers, axes, swords- whatever
I will NOT eat ze bugs, granny.
What a BITCH
She sics literal Narshe guards (the ones from the beginning of the game) upon us, and as such they fall easily. But apparently this was a test, and I guess we passed. She will now freely heal us on demand. No chance of robbery, either.
Moving a bit up north, we find a cafe, where we can get some more intel. This dude immediately pegs us as Returners, but thankfully he's cool with us, so he gives us some tips, as well as some of the only backstory we get for Kefka. Apparently he was the very first one to be infused with Magic by Cid, but the process was imperfect and it ended up making him batshit insane. One wonders how he used to be before that happened.
Da, cumrade, is not invasion, but de-Returnerification. Empire raise eyebrow, ass is in ass, and everyone knows everything.
Should you venture further up north, you have to be very careful. The area is swarming with soldiers, and touching them will trigger a battle. Even if you win the battle, your characters will afterward run away to the entrance of Vector, and you gotta make your way up again. Truthfully, there's pretty much no reason to go up here other than to see what happens, but we'll do so anyway.
What was that noise!?
my best walk-through-walls game genie code fails pretty hard in vector. lots of impassable areas. couldn't get as far into the north of the city as i wanted to. need to experiment more (like cid)
Uh, no, I'm transferring a prisoner from cell block 1138.
Oh hey, it's that thing that one old fuck warned me about. It looks imposing, alright. Let's try hitting it.
Fuck, he has perfect defense. How about a Magic spell? Runie, you're up!
No use either. And holy SHIT he hits hard. Ah, but can he withstand the defense-ignoring Chainsaw?
PEDO decided to cosplay as Jason for that one, so of fucking course it did nothing. That's ok, Dispatch also ignores defense. Ganbatte, SOOGA!
...only one thing left to do.
Yeah, ok, fuck. That way's a no-go. So what the fuck do we do?
Ah, this looks more promising. This is where we're actually supposed to go. Now, to figure out how to get past those thugs. Better ask around.
Whatever they told you about me, I swear I didn't fucking do it. She was completely legal.
Ooooh, you're like, helping me and shit. Ok, cool. Forget all that shit I just said.
I always wondered if he actually, truly threw up.
I guess he did!
Thanks to that superb actor's help, we are finally inside the Magitek Factory. The enemies in here all have VERY high physical defense, so HUNTER's attacks are gonna be nigh-useless. As such, I'll be taking off that Genji Glove and Atlas Armlet off of him for the moment in favor of more appropriate Relics, but truthfully, until he learns some Magic, he'll be the weak link here, which is why I always thought it was annoying that he was forced into your team here. PEDO's Flash works quite well for helping clear mobs here, and Chain Saw ignores defense, so that will still be his go-to single target attack. Runie still doesn't know Bolt 2, so she'll struggle a bit to dole out good damage, but she CAN cast Ramuh in a pinch, which will obliterate damn near everything since most monsters here are weak to that element. Barring that, basic bitch Bolt will do ok. SOOGA's Dispatch ignores defense, so that will work well, though of course PEDO outclasses him here.
for the longest time i believed that once you entered this area you couldn't leave until you had beaten it. the path is still blocked by soldiers if you try to leave by the main road. then one day i stumbled upon the fact that you can just jump right back up onto the ventilation ducts and leave the same way you entered.
We now find our first elemental Sword. This one has a 25% chance of casting Fire upon a successful hit, but we're not actually gonna use it to Fight, since enemies here have such high defense, plus the random Fire spell is sensitive to row, so it'll deal half damage in the back. However, it DOES give +2 Magic, so it's a no-brainer. This one is going to Runie.
There's a couple cranes you can grab onto here to get around. Be sure to look for them.
Here's another elemental sword. This one, as one would expect, randomly casts Bolt. Since it also boosts Magic, I believe I'll give this one to PEDO so as to bolster his Flash just a bit more. I'd love to use it to Fight since most everything here is weak to the lightning element, but again, that's not viable.
i feel like this is one of the best 'dungeons' in the game. such a unique area with lots of great loot. easy to get lost there too.
Nice, a Gold Shield. This is actually the best shield you can get for a very long time. I guess I'll give it to SOOGA, since he is lacking in defenses a bit compared to the others, and HUNTER can't equip it at all.
And here, we find some DragoonBoots. This Relic changes the Fight command to Jump, which makes a character leap into the air and crash down upon enemies for extra damage. With most weapons, the damage increase is only 1.5x, but with spears, it is actually 2x, and since PEDO is for now the only character who can equip spears, he alone can use it to its full potential. It also stacks with the Hero Ring or Atlas Armlet for even greater damage. Again, however, it is wasted in this particular dungeon, so let's set it aside for now.
And in this semi-secret room, we find both a Blizzard sword and a Zephyr cape. The former is just like the other elemental swords, with an obvious element. The Zephyr Cape is a relic that boosts both Evasion and MBlock, which SHOULD be good, but it's hurt by the Evade glitch, so in this original version of the game, it's just straight-up inferior to the White Cape, which also boosts MBlock, on top of slightly increasing Defense and M. Defense AND offering some status resistances.
Picking up a Gold Helm and a Gold Armor (the latter which I also give to SOOGA), we continue forward, until we encounter our favorite Jugaloo. And he couldn't be happier.
What, did they get taken down for being symbols of racist oppression in your world, too?
Kefka takes out the trash.
The party decides to go down to where what we can only surmise to be Espers were thrown down by Kefka, and holy SHIT, talk about a lovely room of death!
I sense a battle incoming, but thankfully, the door that isn't blocked leads to a Save Point, so let's rest up.
Then again, Kefka DID say they were completely drained, so maybe they're totally harmlefffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Ok, maybe not. Guess I gotta take care of shit, FF4-style.
Oh, a tag team. Is that what we're doing?
It doesn't take long for them to realize we're not their enemy.
Ifrit literally went through Hell, and his friends are still in it.
Guess what that means! I have to ask, however: judging from this room, quite a few Espers have gone through this process and have died, yet apparently none of them turned into Magicite. Do they have to choose to do so or something before they actually kick the bucket?
Anyway, Shiva and Ifrit both decide to add their powers to ours, or whatever. We'd be remiss not to accept. By the way, you'd have to be fucking retarded for this to happen to you, but it is completely possible to not grab the Ifrit Magicite and thus lose out on it forever, since this area becomes inaccessible once you beat it. So for the love of fuck, make sure you get it!
Continuing on, we climb a fuckton of stairs (what is this, Sanctuary?), then end up in a room with a bunch of tubes. Is this what Ifrit was talking about?
interesting spoiler there
A hidden area in the tube room nets us a Break Blade. This weapon is relatively strong, and it has a 25% chance of casting Break, which petrifies an enemy, instantly killing it. We won't bother with it here, though.
We now come face to face with... some pasty motherfucker. This is very obviously a boss, so let's see what he's got.
And judging from his name, he was created by Dr. Gero or some shit.
Number 024 has this gimmick called WallChange which will change his attack pattern, as well as give him an elemental weakness. This sounds tedious as fuck, so you can do one of two things. Deal non-elemental damage until he keels over, or...
steal from him!
...cast Sleep AND Imp on him. He is vulnerable to both, which effectively makes him literally a sitting turtle. You can now wail on him until he dies.
Indeed you can. He holds either a Rune Edge or a Drainer. The Drainer is rarer, though, so it's up to you if you want to try and get it. You'll get one later on, regardless.
hmmm.. never stole the drainer from him before

here's the rune blade stats comparison
Weapon Bat. Power Equip
MirthrilBlade 28 T,E,Ce,L
RegalCutlass 54 T,E,Ce
Rune Edge 55 T,E,Ce Uses MP for Critical, +10 evade
Of course, I went and tried and tried and tried again until I got the Drainer. It's the strongest sword you can equip at the moment, and it drains as much damage as it deals, so it's quite nice for this part of the game, though IIRC, you do NOT want to use it against undead enemies.
that's very interesting, i don't think i've ever played around with that weapon before. i've been planning a 'low HP' playthough to see all the characters limit break special attacks, that weapon might be a good strategy to keep HP from falling too low since you can trade weapons mid fight
i just read that it only works if you aren't already at full HP, if you are it deals 0 DMG.
The party enters the next room, and here we find the Espers, all suspended in tubes, being drained of their powers. They are probably in excruciating pain.
We press a button, hoping to free them, but of course, they hit us with a hard dose of truth. Once again, though, while the death of a living being ought to be mourned, in the case of an Esper, there is at least something to be gained from it.
Cid finally shows himself. He knows not what has transpired.
Being the genius he is, he is quick to solve the puzzle.
So just like that, we get a whole bunch of Magicite.
We may be Goofs, but we're no Troops!
ayo, hol the fuck up
Ah shit, here we go again.
For fucking real?
I mean, ok, and obviously someone like Kefka would have zero qualms about blatantly lying about something like this, but like, try a little harder or something to instill confidence, no?
Will HUNTER bite?
Will he?
Yet still Runie chooses to prove herself, perhaps a bit too late, but whatever.
She casts some weird special Fuck Off spell or whatever, and teleports Kefka, the Magitek troopers, and herself out of this place. Good thing I knew to unequip her beforehand, huh?
Nah m8, you fucked up. Own it.
No time to feel sorry about what transpired, though. Shit's about to blow, or whatever the fuck.
Tell me, Cid, what is it exactly about what just happened in the past few minutes that made you grow a conscience?
If only the Emperor knew! Those corrupt Boya- I mean Generals and Court Mages have been feeding him lies!
Oh, NOW you come out as her father figure or whatever. Fuck off, Cid.
And who was it that made her what she is?
Well, ok, that's something, I guess.
And then we hear that all-too-familiar laugh. Seems Runie could only take things by herself so far.
So Cid shoves us into a Temple of Doom car without warning so we can get away. Fun times await!
Now we have this sequence where we fight a whole bunch of battles with no ability to access the menu or anything in-between. We just gotta cut through all the monsters.
I think this is Mode 7? Whatever it is, it's supposed to represent us going through a tunnel.
After a bunch of forced fights, we end up fighting this boss. The most important thing about him is he has a very cool weapon to steal, namely the Tempest, a very unique weapon for SOOGA that has a 50% chance of casting Wind Slash instead of an actual physical attack. It is imperative that we steal one from him.
We end up right where we started in Vector. SIMP comes to meet us, but we've bad news to tell him. Nothing to do about it but get out of dodge, though.
Unfortunately, Kefka isn't giving up so easily. He presses a button, and...
Somehow, they're able to get to the airship before we're allowed to leave. So be it. This has been one long boss fight gambit, but let's get it done.
This fight's atop the airship. We're flanked by two cranes. SIMP actually joins us for this one, so it's about time we make use of him.
His special skill is Slots, which takes the form of casino-like slot machines, but in reality, if you get the timing right, you can almost always match three. The most common slots are Diamonds and Chocobos. The former casts 7-Flush, which when used on multiple enemies acts exactly the same as PEDO's Flash (non-elemental Magic damage with spell power of 42) but deals double damage on a single enemy. The latter casts Chocobop, which is pretty much the Meteor spell we get much, much later (spell power of 36, ignores defense as well as split damage), except it doesn't work on flying enemies.
Anyway, the cranes aren't too hard. IIRC one of them has a rare Debilitator steal, but you get that later anyway, and it's hardly worth restarting just to get it earlier. I think one of them is undead, even, so you can use a Fenix Down and insta-kill it. Whatever you do, once you kill them, the party heads straight toward Zozo, where SLAVE lies dormant.
Hopefully, we can finally help her out of her stupor.
One of the Magicite stones reacts, and... it's her FATHER!?
Flashback time!
We take control of an Esper, during what seems to be an emergency. What could be happening in this closed-off realm?
Maduin is his name. If I'm not mistaken, this is one of the Espers we just gained.
The crisis? Apparently, a human woman walked through the gateway to the Esper realm. Maduin decides to take her in.
The other Espers don't like this one bit. Yet Maduin persists.
He even gives her his very important pendant. He is clearly stricken.
Maduin apparently lived in the Human world at some point, and found it disgusting. Or is this Madonna speaking? It makes more sense that way.
Madonna realizes she will never fit in in this world, and so will return of her own volition to her own.
Yet Maduin feels there could be a chance for them to co-exist.
Madonna isn't at all sure about this, but Maduin insists.
And then they start thinking happy thoughts or something.
And out pops a babby! Which, of course, they name SLAVE, because they're SO well-adjusted.
But of course, we can NEVER have nice things.
Troops have made it in, and they're having a grand ol' time somehow beating the absolute SHIT out of magical beings without having any Magic themselves.
And in comes the dogman himself. He promises riches to any who would capture an Esper.
The Elder of this realm hatches a plan, namely to seal off this realm with a magic barrier. The price? His life.
Madonna would be sealed in with the Espers, but she cares not.
And you JUST had to opine on this, didn't you, you furry fuck?
He doubles, triples, then quadruples down, too.
And of fucking course she runs off. Way to fucking GO, faggot.
Just when this nigga is putting everything in motion, too. Can it get more tragic? Yes it can!
The nascent Empire gets swept out. Good riddance.
We find Madonna, and hopefully a happy end.
But Madonna has butter fingers, and SLAVE gets swept out. Guess we better let ourselves go, too!
Maduin, Madonna, and Ghestal are left out in the outskirts of the Esper Realm.
Evidently, Madonna is dying or something, as she's desperate enough to entrust SLAVE to a Cocker Spaniel-looking motherfucker.
Somehow, Ghestal figures out that this child is half-human and half-Esper. Does she have something off about her that gives it away? In any case, he knows in that moment she can be of utmost use to him.
Madonna hears this, and realizes her error. Ghestal finishes her off. Maduin eats shit, apparently.
And that is how SLAVE became, well, a slave of the Empire. It's kinda weird, though, how after this, she doesn't at all figure into the Empire's plans at all. I guess once they learn about Magicite, they figure they don't need her, and even when they have the chance to get her back, they don't. Just feels kinda incongruent.
In any case, SLAVE finally comes to terms with her origins, and breaks out of her funk. She joins the party again, more powerful than ever.
>how after this, she doesn't at all figure into the Empire's plans at all. I guess once they learn about Magicite, they figure they don't need her, and even when they have the chance to get her back,

she don't seem all that powerful when she was enslaved. could only cast fire? guess they figured she could only be a weak mage and forgot about her.
The party connects the dots, and come to some sordid realizations.
>Terran Slave: so one day, my mom fucked this beefy monster within the valley of monster cock ...
The priority now is to head back to Narshe to strategize. Plans have to be made.
Finally, we have full, free control of SIMP's airship. We can explore the world to our heart's content. And it is here that I will leave off for the night. Tomorrow, we will do a bunch of side things, before going to the next necessary spot.
I used to think you were full of it, but after seeing him give a light nudge to that one drama-queen clownshow motivated by unbridled Woolsey seethe who proceeded to dumpster-fire the Mario RPG scene with a fraud "Relocalized" rushjob filled with poorly-concealed SMWiki plagiarism after literally everyone who saw his first hack was sighing a breath of relief that he said he was giving up AND knowing of and trying to bury a deeper retranslation by someone FROM that fucking wiki (CHRIST how tone-deaf do you have to be to taint such a pure idea so badly) I'm convinced he didn't learn a goddamn thing from the FFVI implosion.
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Ultros has enough tentacles to please the female cast all at once.
What's he gonna do with them?
Alright, I got time to play for a little bit.

Let's explore the world a bit now that we can. Now that I recall, I heard some NPC somewhere say something about there being something valuable in the east of the southern continent, with an Imperial base on the way. Shall we check it out?
Ah, shit. Of course.
By carefully avoiding the soldiers, we can go inside the building, where there's a room full of treasures. Unfortunately, it's locked. Again, if ONLY I had someone who could do SOMETHING about locked doors...
Avoiding the soldiers up top is close to impossible, and touching them triggers a fight. If you win, you still get tossed out of the place, and even IF you can get past them, at the end of the road you'll face Guardian, which as we know is an impossible fight. So, nothing to do here for the moment.
But what a strange continent this is. It's all mountains, with very few places to land, but nowhere to actually go. What could be here that the Empire is guarding so heavily?
A bit to the east of the Veldt, we find a strange triangular-shaped island. There's a town here, at least. Maybe there's some good shit to buy or something.
Thamasa, eh? The music sounds odd, but it looks normal enough. Let's talk to the locals and see if we can buy some goods.
And whaddaya know, they're all inhospitable assholes, apparently distrustful of strangers. No one has anything to say to me.
Even money won't get the shopkeepers to open up. Holy hell, why are you even in business?
At least the Innkeeper will actually take money, but he may be the biggest asshole of all. 1500 GP for a fucking night? Fuck OFF.
This old dude looks different, but just like the rest, he won't say shit. Yeah, this was a waste of time.
So far, our new freedom hasn't netted us anything worthwhile. However, near the corner of the map, we spot another strange triangular island sitting all by its lonesome. No towns or anything. What's with this place? Let's walk around and take a look.
Ok, there's a tiny little 2x2 tile forest, and we encounter the most basic bitch enemies in the game. Is this all there is here?
We keep walking around, until... Intangir? The fuck is this now? Whatever it is, it's invisible, and it doesn't attack us or anything. Well, since invisibility makes it immune to physicals, let's chuck a Magic spell at it instead. Flash will do.
Wow, I've never once come here before you were supposed to. Def gives off "YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE YET" vibes.
Oh, shit.
Some-fucking-how, the attack completely missed HUNTER, and so the monster casts Sleep on itself, turning invisible yet again. Yeaaaaaaaaaaah, I don't think this semen-slurping fight is for me.
Or is it? Let's change strategies, shall we?
Round 2, motherfucker.
The Rhodox Rage uses Snare, which is an Instant Death attack, and thanks to the Vanish/Doom glitch, and the fact that Intangir helpfully starts the battle already Vanished, he is immediately vanquished.
Now, I WILL be spending some time farming the SHIT out of Intangir because I'll need at least one certain character to get up to speed on spells, but there's a couple other things we should do beforehand.
In Tzen, we find some guy who wasn't there before, who's now hiding from soldiers due to having the balls to take advantage of all the hullabaloo we caused earlier and steal what looks to be a Magicite piece. The price is a bit steep, but it's fucking Magicite, so it's very much worth it. Sraphim is ours, and it's a good one, as it's the best way to learn Core 2 at this time. If you wait until the WoR to talk to this guy, he'll basically say nothing matters anymore, and he'll sell it to you for 2 GP. May as well get it now, though.
In Jidoor, the Auction House is finally open for business. There may be some good shit up for grabs.
Eh. Cherub Downs auto-cast Float. Nice, I guess, but I'll pass for now.
A talking Chocobo? Hot damn! I'm getting one!
Some snot-nosed kid starts begging his pops for it, though.
I bid 10,000 GP for it. No one is challenging me. That Chocobo is as good as mi-

Behead the rich. Eat the rich. Boil the rich in a cauldron. Feed the rich to rabid dogs. Shoot the rich before throwing them out of a plane.
No joke, as a kid, I wanted this and the other gag items sold at the auction so bad I actually sold EVERYTHING I had in my inventory, thinking if I had the money to outbid him, I actually could. But you can't. I fucking hate this wealthy posh fuck like you wouldn't believe.
Anyway, we exit and enter again, and here we go, just what I was looking for.
And another one. These Magicites are VERY nice. Golem, when summoned, protects your party from all physical damage up to IIRC the max HP of the person who summoned him, which is quite handy for bosses. ZoneSeek is one of the only Espers who gives +2 Magic at level up. He, along with Bismark with its +2 to Vigor, will be a staple from this point forward.
Now that we're done with that, there's a couple other things we could maybe do, but we'll put them on hold for the moment. We need to go back to Narshe and see what our next move against the Empire will be. I have some things I gotta do now, though, so I'll be back later tonight for that.
classic VI moment
gau sucks just leave him on the veldt and never come back
it's unbelievably coincidental that after 3 hours of inactivity you and i would post in this thread in the same minute. could this have something to do with the duplicate 4chan ip addresses that are connected to my machine? are you certain that there will be no consequences for your actions?
OP here. I'll be starting again soon. I'll need to open yet another thread, as I hit the image limit really early on this one, mostly thanks to the Opera. We're at a good place for it, anyway.
Ok, we're off. New thread:
Wait, CuntRatBummerManchild tried to delete his solo patch to hide evidence of idiocy?
lol, that's rich. Guess kids these days just don't get the memo that the internet never forgets, 'cuz I happen to have his proto-Relocalized. OP's threads are giving me the idea to do my own playthrough comparing these hacks.
That's 3 tho

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