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Why was he called Dark Cloud if he's Zelda and not Cloud Strife?
The only similarity Toan has to Link is that he’s wearing a green hat. A completely different type of hat at that. The game is a roguelike dungeon crawler with a town building mechanic, nothing like the Zelda games. How did these comparisons even start? Nintendo fanboys are weird.
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It's a ripoff of a ripoff, because as it is, Zelda 1 Link is a ripoff of Tink.
it's a minor detail but the boss intros with their names and nicknames is ripped straight from OoT/MM
Nintendo did not invent character intro subtitles. Give me a fucking break, this shit seriously goes too far. Legitimate cult behaviour.
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bitch please let's not pretend the inspiration isn't blatantly obvious
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i mean he could've just said z-targeting, dynamic music or silent protagonist to add to the list of very obvious takeaways from OOT; it's not like this game did combat in a new or novel way. Its originality is in its musical and artistic presentation and the atlamilia system is novel on consoles at least. but i guess everybody's an asshole except for you, huh
>zelda invented z-targeting and silent protagonist
ok im out
You should stop using the term Z-Targeting if you are so anti-Nintendo because it's named after the Z trigger on the N64 controller
I know, right? Everyone knows Panzer Dragoon invented z-targeting.
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no one's implying they invented it, but its inclusion in this GENRE is an OOT design decision that is mirrored in these later games. You're too mad to think rationally and you greentext what you wish people said, not what they actually said because you just want to piss and shit like a randy Baron Garayan in the dark cloud thread. Inspiration isn't necessarily drawn from the first iteration of a given mechanic; in the context of Dark Cloud the developers were with certainty looking very closely at OOT because of its obvious success in the market. Sure, it's possible they played earlier titles with so-called "z-targeting" mechanics (titles which you nelglect to mention, curiously), it's very likely they were taking a lot of cues, whether by choice or by studio mandate, from OOT.
try being angrier next time, maybe that's the key to having the correct opinion
damn bro got ratioed
I’ve always known it as “tab targeting” because I grew up playing computer games.
OoT was definitely not the first to do it.
>another dumb fucking zoomer thread starting with "Why"
all this time and i still haven't gotten an answer
Play the fucking game, for fuck's sake, it's not like a zelda game at all. It's a dungeon crawler with base building.
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Panzer Dragoon? Doesn't exist
That's it? So what? The Dark Cloud games were still awesome (especially the second one).
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>Nintendo fanboys are weird
Dark Cloud was more well received than the Zelda games that were being put out at the time, so it really wasn’t a crazy question to ask.
Critically and by player opinion? Not sure on that. Commercially? Probably, late era N64 games are quite overlooked.
Also shill magazine.
Why is he called dark if he is pale?
The last Zelda game to come out before that magazine was published was Majora's Mask. Dark Cloud was not better received than Majora's Mask.
Anyway, that's not related to the point I was making with that post.
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Wait til you find out about old Japanese TV shows and films.
The cover and marketing pushed it hard as a Zelda clone, even though in reality it was nothing like Zelda. Dark Cloud was decent until the end game grinding requirements. Still mean to play the sequel one day.
>the end game grinding requirements
Name three (3) non-Zelda games that did this and came out before Dark Cloud.
And where do you think they got it...
I know PSM liked to "punch up" its characters on its covers to appeal to the US market (see FFX cover with GigaChad Tidus), but I really feel like they took just took the Dark Cloud box art and told the artist "make him look as much as OoT Link as you can, pleeease?"
i'm waiting for you to cite your sources.
the second one being 30fps when the first one was 60 automatically makes it an inferior sequel. still a good game though
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Got your source right here, faggot.
is that a video game? no. thanks for conceding
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Non-Zelda, pre-Dark Cloud...
not the exact same style of
>boss's nickname in small letters
>boss's actual name in big letters, right underneath
also what game?
What if it doesn't have a nickname?
then it's not inspired by OoT/MM like Dark Cloud is
The sequel is so much better it's not even funny. This game feels more like a prototype for dark cloud 2/dark chronicle.all your weapons break after two hits, and if im not mistaken there was some dumb thirst mechanic that, thank God, they got rid off in the sequel.bad game
Dark Cloud 2 being 30 FPS automatically makes it worse
I liked the thirst mechanic, it meant you couldn't fuck around and had to manage resources besides your weapon to survive. The combat itself is so barebones it benefitted from the survival elements.
I dunno, I enjoyed first game way more than the second one. Dark Cloud 1 was a pretty early PS2 title and I enjoyed it for what it was at the time - it was kinda plain but still charming, like a vanilla ice cream. Dark Cloud 2 still suffered from many issues of 1 (plus had a bunch of annoying sidequests, and I'm not even talking about fishing) and heavier focus on plot didn't help because plot was as basic as Dark Cloud 1 one. I do think going from 6 to 2 characters was a good idea, but it still felt like Monica got the short end of stick in terms of gameplay.
I think it didn't help that by the time Dark Cloud 2 came out devs were already used to PS2 and made some actually impressive games in 2002 - Kingdom Hearts came out earlier that year and kinda took the spotlight + set an example for action JRPGs.
>all your weapons break after two hits
They don't. Melee weapons do break much faster if you're hitting blocking enemies and mashing like an idiot does lead to them breaking, but otherwise they last long enough to notice the beeping sound of low durability (and you can extend their durability by adding Durable effect to your weapon). Ranged weapons don't even have such issues and that makes them utterly OP - Xiao with Bandit Slingshot turns the game into Easy Mode.
Not only you get enough Gourds before leaving first city to max out Thirst meter for one character, but you can also just find a Kitchen Knife, get it to +5 and then turn it into orb with Quench effect - just finding water pounds between floors would cover all the issues you had with thirst. But that does make the whole mechanic pointless, so no wonder it was removed in sequel.
honestly Dark Cloud 1 was really impressive to me. it still looks so clean and it's at a rock solid 60 fps
I like dark cloud 1, but the combat is atrocious, especially once you get ruby. even more ridiculous with steal.
you can just farm at shipwreck back floor indefinitely and completely break the game
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Dark Cloud 3.
i tried this, combat's much improved IMO but I didn't make it into the game proper, I am too old and something about it just doesn't spark my imagination. also I hate that fucking dog thing in the background and I know my game would be ruined once I found him
As a big fan of Dark Cloud 2 I'll admit that Griffin has a lot of similarities to the Skull Kid from Majora's Mask. Both are isolated losers that get extreme magical capabilities and get manipulated by a mysterious force so they destroy the world by having the moon crash into it. Only Griffin wanted to destroy all of history out of his hatred for people after the loss of the only person that cared about him. Cheesy voice acting aside I love the story of Dark Cloud 2. Dark Cloud 2 has a lot more to do and adds a collectathon element along with the most addictive golf I've ever experienced in a game. It managed to keep things really fresh and offer a challenge. You can play either in any order since they don't have much of a bearing on the story. You can't go wrong with either. The first one I would say is more challenging and I loved the secret dungeons that were way harder.
Playing the early launch PS2 games that focused on being 60 fps and then it slowly shifting over to 30fps as the console continued will always be the part that hurt the most.
for real. Another reason I loved MGS2 but couldn't get into MGS3

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