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Which ones should I play? Which ones should I avoid? No modern remasters or remakes please.
All of them
Tie Fighter
Star Wars Demolition
Empire at War
Star Wars Rebel Assault II: The Hidden Empire is a severely underrated arcade shooter with FMV cutscenes.
People will recommend many Star Wars games but I almost never see anyone mention that one despite it being so high quality.
Was made by the same devs who did Rogue Squadron, which is one of the best SW games.
>rebel scum game
torture yourself and play the nes ones
There's honestly a lot worth playing in the library. The big stuff
>Kotor 1+2
>Rogue squadron 1+2
>X-wing / tie-fighter
>Jedi academy
>Battlefront 2
>empire at war

The fun stuff:
>Star wars ep 1: racer
>Dark forces
>bounty hunter
>Galactic battlegrounds (aoe2 reskinned)
>Super star wars trilogy
>republic commando
>Episode 1 the game
>Episode 3 the game
>jedi power battles
Also new droid army on GBA is under-rated and contemporary reviews are heavily biased due to the prequels, especially AotC, being hated.
I'll stick up for Battlefront 1 as opposed to 2.
Preference might come down to whether you like SWBF2's space battles, heroes, and the Episode 3 aesthetics, but 1 is kinda nicer looking and arguably has nicer maps
>Galactic battlegrounds
Isn't that one shit?
It's age of empires 2 but with priests that fight too, and space battles. If you like AoE2, you'll probably like SW:GB. Some campaigns take liberties with the story like the intro campaign with qui-gon and the wookies, or playing as the empire and stomping the rebels in the film set pieces like yavin and hoth. That's part of the fun in playing it. It's not particularly challenging.
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Picrel. If you can beat all 3 you will become a man
I mean shit in the sense that the game is a buggy mess which makes all the missions boring because the AI is broken.
Which of these games are the pc strategy games I hear so many great things about?
Dark Forces
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2
Jedi Knight 2
>Dark Forces series (esp. 2)
>X-Wing/Tie Fighter series
>Empire at War
>Rogue Squadron series (3 is just ok)
>Galactic Battlegrounds
>KOTOR 1+2
>Episode 1 Racer
>Republic Commando
>”Super” SNES series
>Rebel Assault

Maybe Play
>Starfighter series
>Racer Revenge
>The Clone Wars
>RotS game adaptation
>Force Unleashed
>Rebel Assault 2
>Game Boy titles

>Force Commander
>Masters of Teras Kasi
>Bounty Hunter
>Jedi Power Battles
>most of the film tie-in games and handheld titles
Ah yeah the campaigns are fucked
Empire at war.
Star Wars battlegrounds.
Rebellion (old looking but incredible).

If you are reaally into star wars :
Force commander, first try from Lucasart at a 3d strategy game, ressource "systmem" is awful...but it's original in many aspects and feel very star wars.
What is it that you like about Force Commander? I remember being seriously disappointed in that game, but I could give it another try, after all these years.
Jedi Power Battles was pretty fun tho
Guess I missed the fun part of it
As someone who had BF2 I wish I had BF1 instead.
>can go underwater
>no goddamn hero fuckery all the time
>superior G1 clone helmet design
>standard rifle B1 battle droids don't have any stupid fucking colored markings on them so you don't have to play as a sniper droid with a pistol to pretend you're a droid from the movies
>Empire at War
The space battles were cool but ground combat sucked major balls.
It's like that in every Star Wars game with both. Yes, including Battlefront.
Nah the ground combat is good except for the AT-ATs slow-ass turning speed.
Fair enough. I suppose I should have said, "I didn't like it". It felt less fleshed out to me. Almost like the devs focused on everything else and the ground stuff was an afterthought. I'd give a more solid opinion but I haven't touched that game for over 15 years so I cant remember much more about it.
I keep hearing this meme from people who heard it from somebody else instead of playing the game for themselves and I've gotten tired of it.
Defending a planet you own from an invasion in galactic conquest with nothing but the structures you have build on the planet itself, the units the garrisons make when the level starts and the base defenses you can build before the enemy shows up is fun as hell.
What's so good about X-Wing and TIE Fighter?
Dark Forces / Jedi Knight series
Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2
Probably the only good SW games where you play as an X-Wing or TIE Fighter pilot
>what’s so good about X-Wing
It’s fun and basically created the market for flight sim peripherals in the 90s. Alliance is also one of those games that functions as a convenient distillation of the best things about SW games.
Rogue Squadron games are decent, but they don’t have the detail of X-Wing.
Rebellion is my favorite. It's so good it spawned a real-life boardgame
To add to this star wars chess is pretty fun for the novelty, also Lego Star wars 2 on gba is surprisingly well made and even though it's a Lego game, it's one of the better playing games of its style on gba. Definitely worth checking these out.

I really enjoyed Rebel Assault as a kid - haven't gone back because on the rails shooters haven't appealed to me as much, but I might give it a go.

These are pretty good lists.

I'd also add Shadows of the Empire, but most of what I enjoyed is covered there (as long as by 'The Dark Forces' series, you include Jedi Outcast and Academy)

For a licensed franchise, what's surprising is how much in the way of genuinely genre defining games were made. Dark Forces, Rogue Squadron, KOTOR and TIE Fighter are all regularly in top 10 lists for their respective genres.

The Star Wars game I come back to the most though has always been Jedi Academy - some of the most fun I've had with a lightsaber.
Nice, don't see Force Commander mentioned very often. I played it as a kid and remember being very disappointed, maybe it was too laggy. After watching a few Youtube videos of the gameplay the campaign seems to be quite sleek but also simplistic. I do like the blocky visuals and especially the voice acting.
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They really tried to create something different, the two "civilizations" have diffrent units, play somewhat differently.
Artillery with the empire is a joy to play with against AI.
The campaign has a simple but logical story, from the empire posterboy to the rebel commander, because you learn that the empire is evil.

If I had to sum it up, Force commander was original but not well polished, looots of bugs and problems.

On the other hand Galactic battlegrounds was a safe bet but lacked something specia to no be Ao2 with star wars.
Any starting tips for Jedi Academy?
Is it recommended to play with realistic lightsaber damage on or is that more of a meme playthrough thing.
Why is kotor 2 so easy to get working on modern pc but kotor 1 is impossible.
I wish star wars wasn't so gay to like now.
I've never even seen the movies. I just liked the games back in the day
KOTOR 2 had an official update while the first one didn't
Star Wars Galaxies Legends
Playing Jedi Academy is definitely most fun with some tweaks, but I forgot all the mods and console commands I used.
At the very least you'll want to figure out how to turn on dismemberment: which iirc requires a change to a config file to get it to stay on consistently. You don't just want to turn it on with console commands. There's a guide for it.
I think I played with realistic saber damage but on medium difficulty; that seemed to be the most fun balance to me. Realistic saber damage really increases the challenge and can make some sections brutal, but it also really feeds into the power fantasy of using a lightsaber.
For mods I think I used something that improved the limb dismemberment and added gore.

Whatever setup I had it was the most fun Star Wars action combat system I've played.
the first two levels of Jedi Outcast
>add Shadows of the Empire
Right, forgot that one, it’s definitely in the “Play” category. Great game even if the controls are awkward sometimes.
>Dark Forces series
Yep, DF, JK, Outcast, and Academy
>The Star Wars game I come back to the most though has always been Jedi Academy - some of the most fun I've had with a lightsaber.
I like JA, you can feel the influence of the prequels on the lightsaber combat in both those games, though. Sometimes I truly prefer the hack-and-slash mechanics of DF2’s lightsaber dueling: it’s more like the original trilogy and feels real that one good hit with a laser sword is going to end your opponent. Lots of times in Outcast/JA, you’ll hit a reborn and they just gasp and have sparks fly off them when logically they should be dead even if you didn’t score a slo-mo critical hit.
So its over for the first one? Damn
I support these.
I had the exact opposite experience.
Kotor2 keeps crashing for me. Steam version of both
Yeah, I'm playing with realistic light saber damage 2 and dismemberment 3. So everything dies from one direct hit with the saber and every limb can be cut in to pieces. It's pretty fun like this.

Also when do you get the extra light sabers?
Love these games, way too hard tho
Get Movie Duels mod.
Is it literally only movie duels?
Anon u were first replying too
Haven't tried Movie Duels
You get to choose a new lightsaber two sabers, a darth maul saber, or a new single blade that's longer and more powerful at a certain point in the story
>you can feel the influence of the prequels on the lightsaber combat in both those games, though

To caveat, I loved DFII when it came out - it was one of the first games I can remember getting excited for, playing the demo level of, and then being bought for Christmas.

To be fair on that point - craply written though they were, the Prequels had some much better choreographed lightsaber duels in them, and to me I think in a strange way, there are parallels the difference between DFII and JO/JK; the first is a FPS first and foremost, with lightsaber elements woven in in quite a balanced way, decent writing and good level design.

The second are 3rd person action games that really lean into the 'doing cool acrobatic shit while holding a laser sword' thing, with some throwaway FPS elements that aren't anywhere near as well implemented, and level design that is just fine, but isn't anything special.

For me though, that space wizard action mechanic is so fun - particularly in multiplayer - that I can forgive the mediocre gunplay and level design in comparison to DFII.

Both have a special place in my heart, but for a quick bout of 'let's pretend to be a jedi for 40 minutes', it's usually still JA for me.
>Was made by the same devs who did Rogue Squadron
The PS1 version, which had a bunch of enhancements over the PC version. It's a really tough game.
Oh really?
Didn't know that.
I played the PS1 version and then got the PC version recently and thought it felt off
I'm GOG. I want to play kotor 1!!!
Super Star Wars is busting my balls even with abusing the hell out of save states
>the Prequels had some much better choreographed lightsaber duels in them, and to me I think in a strange way, there are parallels the difference between DFII and JO/JK; the first is a FPS first and foremost, with lightsaber elements woven in in quite a balanced way, decent writing and good level design.
I don’t think choreography was the reason the original trilogy saber duels weren’t as kinetic as the prequels. It was a story point, Lucas has talked many times about how all lightsaber stuff was being done by untrained kids, old men, and crippled cyborgs and that part of the prequels was to show Jedi at their zenith.

I love JO/JA, but the downgrades in level design, force powers, storytelling, even aiming mechanics, aren’t compensated for by having heightened saber dueling experiences. But I can’t blame them: the prequels captured the imaginations of the game-buying demo in terms of cool things Jedi can do, so they had to center the games around that. Whereas in 1997 it made more sense to sell playing as a character who’s an amalgam of soldier/rogue/jedi.

Battlefront I was my shit and although I never played Battlefront II I looked at it and it looked like shit in comparison.
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it was more to show the jedi belief in their own pseudo-power, hypnotised, as is the audience, by the dynamic, intricate and more effortless motion. to make it seem more deliberate, as if the individual jedi have any ability to affect the outcome, which they don't, because it's a movie, and everything is pre-existing.

jedi knight dark forces 2 plus mysteries of the sith expansion. mysteries of the sith is great, it's like star wars lovecraftian horror.
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It's pretty unforgiving right the way through the trilogy, where are you up to?
>Star Wars Galaxy
Based beyond belief.
dance sections is the best thing ever.

I suppor this I played co-op that game and it is fun.
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Jedi academy and lego star wars complete are the best ones.
>mysteries of the sith
It’s a great but imperfect expansion. The first few levels where you play as katarn are as good as anything in jk, but when you switch to playing as Mara jade there’s a drop in some of the levels, like the pirate world which feels unfinished. And dromund kaas. Constraining the force powers (and the light/dark gameplay choices) was also a little letdown that the new weapons don’t make up. On the other side, there are really great levels like the hutt palace and the rancor fight, that one star port level is fun, too—different gameplay elements. Overall, an expansion that’s better most full games.
Why is Dark Forces not included in "The big stuff"?
I would warn against downloading Movie Duels, only because the guy who made it stole all the content, and I'm pretty sure there's some trojans/viruses included in it as well, since every time I installed it, my system gets warnings, and my computer acts very fucky afterwards.
I loved them when they were new. Honestly, I would skip the first two amd just play XWing vs Tie Fighter. The games got easier as they came out. So If you don't struggle on XvT then Tie Fighter will be harder and Xwing even more so.
It should be. Some people feel DF is just another doom clone, though
It's rather mediocre.
Nah, it’s good fun, try it again.
I beat it twice. It's just not that good. Not on Battlefront's level.
I think modders are working on fixing that shit for modern PCs
It's honestly kinda crazy how many good games this franchise gave us. Hell not only how many good games, but how many actually revolutionary ones in the history of videogames.
>Dark Forces
first FPS with alt firing modes for weapons
>X-Wing/TIE Fighter
Completely innovated space sims
>X-Wing vs TIE Fighter
One of the first space shooters designed for large-scale multiplayer
>Dark Forces 2
One of the first FPS with a coherent story and full-motion video cutscenes
Established an RPG template that games would follow for the next decade
For a game basically made to cash in on the popularity of the Two Towers/Return of the King games as well as promote the upcoming movie, this was a surprisingly solid hack n slash. It didn't need a complex combo system but they put one in anyway.
>Lucas has talked many times about how all lightsaber stuff was being done by untrained kids, old men, and crippled cyborgs and that part of the prequels was to show Jedi at their zenith

Interesting point - perhaps the more accurate way to describe it then is more fluidly choreographed.

I had a thought as to whether a movie going audience in 1977 would be expecting more Robin Hood/Errol Flynn style swordplay than an audience in the 90s/00s who might be expecting something more martial arts based, but I can't see anything immediate on that being the case - so will concede that's probably not a thing.

> love JO/JA, but the downgrades in level design, force powers, storytelling, even aiming mechanics, aren’t compensated for by having heightened saber dueling experiences.

I think that's where we differ. I love running around with a bowcaster and shooting sand people in the face through a narrative arc that actually has some feeling, and levels that have been lovingly and thoughtfully crafted.

For some reason though I really, really love somersaulting through the air, force pulling a group of Stormtroopers into a chasm, jumping off a wall, and bringing a laser sword down on someone's head while pretending to be a space wizard in surroundings that are in effect a series of arenas connected by corridors and mediocre voice acting.

Probably I need to get out more.

>It’s a great but imperfect expansion.
Agreed - I found it really unbalanced, you need to think about it as picking up on the difficulty curve where DFII left off. Definitely a good experience in you liked DFII though.

Mediocre isn't fair in my opinion, it's just not Doom. It's a different type of gameplay that's a bit slower, more puzzle based and isn't mainly contingent on waves upon waves of enemies and fast movement.
>Agreed - I found it really unbalanced, you need to think about it as picking up on the difficulty curve where DFII left off. Definitely a good experience in you liked DFII though.
I like that it starts out as difficult as later jk levels, and the new gameplay elements like defending npcs, stealth, and the scripted events are mostly well done. I have no problem with jk’s linear “solve puzzle, find key” progression, but they took it further in mots.
>I think that’s where we differ
I like all that same stuff about JO, but I never get the same feeling as when playing JK. It’s just such an immersive game. I will give JO its due for the Bespin level, that is amazing and close to film-accurate. The opening levels in JA really pale in comparison to the Nar Shaddaa levels in JK, though—those really sell the scale and complexity of the game.

Cmon, man, you can’t compare DF to Battlefront.
Dark Forces 1 just doesn't hold up with its contemporaries, I can't find any venue to excuse its problems.
>Level design gets worse over time, half of it is boring and the other half is easy
>Full of cheap death pits that force you to stop and painstakingly look down with keyboard keys before proceeding every 2 minutes
>Level 8 hides a crucial item (ice boots) on a hidden ledge off the side of a goddamn mountain, under your field of view, on slippery ice that can send you off ledges to your death very easily
>Level 3 as a whole is nothing short of a fucking mess of level design that wastes your time
>Proximity mines are fucking everywhere on the later levels and have absurd AoE and damage; you can't avoid them since they're placed in narrow paths that are the only way forward, and you can't get rid of them without wasting explosive ammo or thermal detonators
>These mines are also scattered throughout areas that have enemies, forbidding movement while you fight enemies that have hitscan explosive weapons (yes, hitscan explosive weapons)
>These mines are ALSO hidden right behind doors or around doorways that you couldn't possibly know about until you get hit by them on your first playthrough, making progress even slower since you have to check for mines with explosives constantly
>Having to stop and throw thermal detonators to destroy mines everywhere is a pain in the ass because of their throwing arc mechanic
>Final level's conveyor belts are tedium incarnate

Whenever it wasn't an annoying trial-and-error session with the goddamn mines, it was boringly easy. The only challenging part was the giant gator monster punchout on Jabba's level.
Yeah, it’s meant to be a challenging game. I beat it for the first time at 8yrs old, it’s not that hard.
I hope that's for the "to avoid" part. Crazy how Raven did great with Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force with interesting energy weapons, but the blasters in Raven's Katarn series were atrocious and fired shitty slow globs of shit instead of bolts. Gunplay in Raven's JK games was atrocious compared to DF/JK/MotS. JO and JA were still great games though. Again it's odd because Elite Force was great and didn't Raven do Soldier of Fortune games before and those were solid FPS games..
TIE CD (original TIE Fighter plus expansions and added music and sound effects) is the best Star Wars game to ever exist.
whats the verdict on dark forces remaster?
The 1981 star wars arcade vector graphics game is one of the greatest video games ever made them there is the fucking zoomer (you) that knows fuck all
everyone in Star Wars is illiterate so it makes sense they use shitty weaponry just because it's more high tech more better :DDD

I've not played it - but I never understood the need for it when this existed: https://theforceengine.github.io/ - which does most of what they were trying to do.

Also - there's this, which suffers due to the gunplay issues in the JA engine, but is still kind of fun to see: https://www.moddb.com/mods/dark-forces-a-mod-for-jedi-academy

I think it's like I said here >>11052108 - it plays like a lightsaber game they tacked on FPS mechanics to. It's even weird things like the crosshair sometimes not being straight.
>Bounty Hunter
Bounty Hunter is great tho
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X-Wing Alliance Upgrade Project
the dynamic cockpit is so cool
KOTOR 1 and 2
Dark Forces/Jedi Knight Trilogy and Jedi Academy
X-Wing and Tie Fighter
Galactic Battlegrounds and Empire at War
1981 Arcade
1998 Arcade
Battlefront 1 and 2
Shadows of the Empire
Rogue Squadron trilogy
Battle for Naboo
Starfighter and Jedi Starfighter
Revenge of the Sith PS2/Xbox
Super Star Wars trilogy
Republic Commando
Pod Racer and Racing Revenge
Bounty Hunter (controls are awkward but it's kino)

Teras Kasi
Most all of the GBA shit besides New Droid Army maybe
Super Bombad Racing
Battlefront 2 had that awful unlock system where if you got X headshots or whatever your standard rifle becomes a 3 round burst shooting purple. The whole point of the game is to be just one of the foot soldiers but they insist you must be heroic and different.
>Original game's footage is smooth
>The mod's footage is choppy
Yeah nice shading model lmao
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What significance does the "shading model" have in this case? Are you sure you are using words that you understand?
>blasters in Raven's Katarn series were atrocious and fired shitty slow globs of shit instead of bolts. Gunplay in Raven's JK games was atrocious compared to DF/JK/MotS
Once you get to JO, it’s all about the lightsaber, most of the other guns are pretty useless outside the first four levels. But see >>11060743 and >>11062513, they had to make it this way.

>Bounty Hunter
Are we talking about the same game? BH is one of the most disappointing sw games
>bad controls
>bad camera
>so-so story

Battlefront over BF2 for sure, though 2 is not a bad game by any means. The hero stuff gets tedious and feels like some OP arcade-style add-on.
I'm making fun at poor optimization by picking a specific "improvement" mentioned in the trailer video, alluding to the mod's graphical changes resulting in poor performance when compared to the original game.
Does that answer your retarded question, you fucking double-digit-IQ gorilla nigger?
It's repetitive as shit.
KOTOR is the worst game I've ever played i don't know why people here say to play it
>Masters of Teras Kasi
If you're curious about Star Wars' one and only fighting game, give it a whirl. Otherwise, it's a fair avoid.

>Input system that behaves on 95% super strict dial-a-combo logic
>AI is almost literally nothing but total RNG
>Some hits of longer strings are minus on hit
>Wakeups of all kinds are punishable -- though this would be more of a competitive thing, AI don't tend to abuse this
>Easy win strat is to lurk at a stage barrier and throw opponents over
>Game's really just a vehicle for introducing Arden Lyn in her one and only appearance in Star Wars canon
>LucasArts turned down what ultimately became Star Gladiator for this

>The only game to feature Jodo Kast as a playable character
>The only other game to feature Mara Jade as a playable character
>Boushh outfit for Leia changes her voice samples
>...Teras Kasi was namedropped in the Solo movie?
>Then again maybe LucasArts turning down Capcom was because Capcom wanted to do weird things with the SW cast like give them all unique Lightsaber-esque weapons
So you have no idea what a shading model is? Thought so.
Jetpacking feels solid


game was pain to play because the default fire rate was slow so you had to hit square at both a constant and impossibly fast rate to dispatch the hordes of enemies surrounding you at all times, firing on you from places you can't see and on top of that respawning if you haven't figured out how to progress through some obscure vent or something in five minutes.

it's like the tried to do a blend between jedi knight and some oldschool 2d platformer/shooter, with the limited health and five lives etc.

the last two levels are great, but the rest is an absolute slog to get through. my thumb never hurt so much as when playing this game. the fire rate was clearly some sort of creative decision, as if to immerse you in the role of being the best bounty hunter you had to have the stamina to press fire until your thumb fell off.

did anyone else come close to experiencing repetitive strain injury with this?
If they’d made Bounty Hunter a 2D platformer or shooter, I think it would’ve been incomparably better. But in early 2000s basically every big game had to be 3D. Imagine a 2D Jango Fett game with a solid story and gameplay the rivaled Metroid. I’d buy.
Runs fine for me. Never a single issue.
why do people mention New Droid Army when there's Episode III Revenge of the Sith, the beat 'em up with nice sprite work from Way Forward?
I think you are referring to the Knights of the Force mod. One of the modders started some drama and that's where rumors of malware started to pop up.
Dark Forces 2 Jedi Knight is so good man, you need to play it.
Trying too hard. Sounds like someone who has projected the Disney fanbase onto the films and consequently video games.
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Posting pics because long live the rebellion, and the good games.
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dark forces 2 is the GOAT
There's also some great mods to bring it into the 21st century if you're so inclined: https://www.moddb.com/mods/jedi-knight-enhanced/

Though I think it's still fun vanilla
many great star wars games exist!

Star Wars: Empire at War (+ Expansion & Mods) [PC]
Star Wars: Rebellion [PC]
Star Wars: Republic Commando [PC]
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance [PC]
Star Wars: Jedi Knight II [PC]
Star Wars: Battlefront (2004) [PC]
Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005) [PC]
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron [N64]
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II [NGC]
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III [NGC]

just to name a few
That is, if you can get it running at all.
It's slowly becoming another game that requires a Windows emulator to run as time passes.

The version on Steam seems to run pretty well on Windows 10 at least, and also be fairly simple to patch and upgrade should you be inclined. Haven't tried 11 or Linux however.
To my understanding, that version is more or less barely running, and runs in a very awkward windowed mode.

The actual game itself hasn't been patched to run any better on modern hardware, the most I remember seeing made is a Glide wrapper that I could never get to work.
Ran fullscreen the last time I tried, and I don't recall major issues. It's been a couple of years, but I may give it a go and report back. It might be broken on Windows 11 though.
The 1983 Atari STAR WARS arcade cabinet.
I have an original copy, if it's any consideration. I haven't seen anything about any other release being patched for compatibility in any capacity, though.

I remember trying to run it on Vista and having to roll back to old graphics drivers to get 3D acceleration working. Any other time, the game just couldn't be run fullscreen because the color mapping the game uses would break in both menus and in gameplay.
Best handheld Star Wars game IMO. Maybe on par with Appearance of the Force. Beat it many times and it enjoyed it every time.
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This is the one SW game I haven't played yet that I have any interest in, I hope its as good as people say it is

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