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>Inafune wanted Zero to be the protagonist of the X series but Capcom vetoed his design, so they decided to copy the original Rock design but older

It's known that Capcom has a conservative policy on game development, but it's too strange to think that Inafune did not have carte blanche during this period. I mean, he's just the guy responsible for the huge hit Rockman...
Changing the main character of one of your biggest franchises sounds like a bad idea, especially when such a character is as beloved as Mega Man. On the other hand, I always liked X more than Zero, so I'm a little biased
So basically another thread of proposterously autistic weirdo's having a meltdown over character design and story changes since the late 80's...
Capcom was right to keep him and Inti Creates on a leash when making megaman games. They had some horrendous ideas for the franchise that had to be curbed.
it would've probably been better for the story but i hate playing as zero in the x games so i'm glad they changed it. although who knows, maybe they would've kept his buster considering how that's actually important in x1 twice.
According to the Dai Hyakka and Rockman X Secret File, Hayato Kaji mentions Inafune didn't even submit his design as Rockman X, he liked his design but got cold feet feeling it was too much of a departure, and thus asked Kaji to design the X we know. So both men then went to their voices as submitted both as "Player Character" and "Story Support Character".
>their voices
*their bosses
Sorry, have a cold and zoned out typing that.
Curiously enough, Zero in X4 was going to play more like he did in X3 originally with a support on fire power in exchange of defense but it was the arcade staff who joined the X4 game early during production who suggested making Zero a close quarters fighter to set him apart from X.
For me it's the opposite.
Since X4 I only play as Zero,
I only don't play as him when you cannot.
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Oh, but it gets worse, anon:
Zero's "origins" was originally pitched to be an altered Roll.
Oh but he got insanely butthurt when they wanted to try a darker but not OoS take on Mega Man 1-3.
Super Adventure Rockman was one revision away from being a decent railshooter game.
Everyone always underestimates the influence of publishers on game dev (yes in this case the publisher is still Capcom but it's Capcom publishing side vs Capcom dev side)
Zero's long haired anime design was definitely offputting to Western kids at the time (in a way that it wasn't when the Zero series rolled around). Capcom made the right choice.
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>he's just the guy responsible for the huge hit Rockman...
Megaman Zero series is flat out cooler than the X series, desu. The X series still has one foot planted too firmly in classic.
Inafune was right.
I think it worked out better in the end, we got two great characters instead of one, plus X is great anyway
MMZoom isn't better than anything
>has an actual cool apocalyptic feel, and characters who don't feel like GI Joe toys.
It's basically what X wanted to be, but never quite managed to achieve.
don't care
didn't ask
NTA while I feel every single man responsible for 1 and 2 deserve their due for the birth of Mega Man, Inafune was a force behind the series continuing past 2, especially after the original director left. Likewise, Hayato Kaji and Tokuro Fujiwara deserve their dues, Kaji did design and cowrote the game plots up until X4 (as both Inafune and Kaji were raised from artwork and design to producers) and Fujiwara supported the games with logistics to the best of his ability despite the cards stacked against them all (X2 staff being trimmed down to 6 people for example when X1 was 37 people)
It helps Toru Nakayama based his artwork on the composition philosophy of Frank Frazetta for that "barbaric and dangerous wilderness" feel.
Mega Man X was also mandated by Capcom to be more toyetic as they had a deal with bandai to produce model kits (which are cool model kits ngl), making Kaji and Inafune design X and Zero with the idea of "how would this look as a 3D action figure".
>Roll in later games is more physically inclined than the other characters, using her broom instead of a buster.
>Just like how Zero relies more heavily on his Z-Saber to the point that X7 and 8 have him be saber only
I could believe it.
Zero is a must in X6, sometimes I wonder if the stage design and enemy placement was made specifically with him in mind, because he's way better than X in that game.
>game called Megaman
>you play as Zero as main character
I can see why they didn't allow it.

Megaman Zero is already dumb title
Zero would have been called Megaman X
Yeah, instead of GI Joe toys they redesigned everyone to be Barbie dolls.
He's clearly the focus of the series as early as X4. Compare Zero's story with X's.
It feels like Inafune's later actions plus Kitamura getting more attention has resulted in a revisionist backlash which had Inafune go from being viewed as "The Mega Man Guy" to "The guy who contributed basically nothing to Mega Man at all, in fact the series succeeded in spite of his involvement"
Haters just want to tear things down.
>X is future Blue (Protoman)
>Roll is future Berkana
>Quint is future Gareth
Naoya Tomita (TOM PON in the old Mega Man games' credits) back in 2013 did mention he consider Inafune Mega Man's care taker because of how the IP grew and how he welcomed change as needed to adapt to the times. Any other producer would've refused a concept such as Battle Network for being painfully unfinished at the time his staff co workers brought it to him, but instead fully supported it and although people are angry him going with Takara was a bad idea as it soured Capcom's relationship with bandai for a short while, the Rockman.EXE toys made by Takara were way higher quality than what Bandai did. Who knows, under any other man maybe we wouldn't have had X, Zero, Legends, etc.
From what we know about MN9 development and how much sway Takuya Aizu had, combined with all the complaints against Aizu in the website vorker where employees anonymously review their companies and employers, I feel Inafune let himself seduce himself by Aizu the same way Aizu did in early 1996 after the releases of X2 and 7 when he left with many stafff members to form Inti Creates. Aizu is accused to being a bad project lead, a reckless CEO and overall an idiot. He did assign the staff with MN9, including two inexperienced directors, and pulled Inafune off that project to help with the original Gunvolt as they were struggling with the atttack mechanic (originally there was no movement when attacking and dashing and jumping consumed weapon energy).

This is the only reason I can think of why Inafune during GV3 interviews constantly throws Aizu under the bus, saying "I thought this was going to be ANOTHER failed Aizu production" and "If this were a normal company, you'd be called a producer with no talent", right to his face.
Yeah, between that and the nipples I thought he was a girl and was confused at people calling him "he".
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his extreme long hair and his "green gynecomastia" makes him look so femenine! what the hell were they thinking at the moment of creating him?
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>Noooo! It's not cool! It's not! It fucking sucks compared to glass tits He-Man! Aaaaaaa!
80's kids really think this.
>Zero Babies they make your dreams come true
This >>11044502
>literally straining to pretend this image >>11049006
>isn't cooler than this one>>11043560
It isn't cooler. It's a twink shota badly posed in an akward way holding two dumb looking spatulas they want me to pretend are swords.
rockman was always shovelware, had they not went all in on lore and story autism for the X series and beyond it wouldve been forgotten
Only Famitsu, British magazines and faggots hate MegaMan
i like the series im just saying. something being shovelware doesnt mean you cant like it or even that it isnt good
How come when any other IP like Final Fantasy references Berserk with the fuck-you-huge sword it's cool but when Zero did it it was "dumb spatula".
Watch him cope by bringing up the artist behind these designs in an attempt to excuse their faggyness
That's funny. Sounds like something Inti Create would even pull.
>girl suffering
>something tragic happens
>they have to live with that pain forever and now
Why bother? X shiptards alone already brings in a ton of faggots anyways.
>another thread of Mega Man retards arguing which fanbase has the least amount of fags and BL-obsessed women
>third sequel gap
Did they know about Cial?

The only purely straight series is Legends anyways.
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Quick! Shut it down!
Arcade staff were the ones against it though.
And then Inafune threw Bandai under the bus after X4's toyline flopped (the toys themselves were awful quality) to convince Capcom to partner with Takara to set up EXE as a multi-media franchise.
>/v/ is now finally turning around from seething at Kaji for directing MM8 (despite the fact he was forced to accept the position) to now appreciating him)
It's meant to resemble a military sci-fi coat. Think the Earth Fed uniforms from UC era Gundam. Bass has something similar as does the early concept for Caskett and Ciel's resistance soldiers are basically a fusion of that design trait+Repliforce.
>despite the fact he was forced to accept the position
It's as you said, he was forced to, we can not blame him for being thrown out of his element.

As for the bandai toys, they were indeed of very low quality, the only PET toy they did also blew donkey dick.
Rockman 8 was a victim of the corporate restructuring Capcom was undergoing in the mid 90s. It led to some complications internally. Street Fighter 3 was the game that suffered the most from this. Inafune was promoted to producer of all Rockman titles which meant Kaji was forced into a director position. And while all this he was still doing sprite art, level design and programming as he had always done prior.

Then allegedly the plot treatment for X4 he made with Inafune got altered by the planner to make the Hunters less cruel though I have never actually seen proof for this beyond what others have said.
>As for the bandai toys, they were indeed of very low quality, the only PET toy they did also blew donkey dick.
The one figure they made for Volnutt was fucking atrocious. X3 and Mega Mission toy lines were a huge success and likely why Capcom ordered X4 to be made despite nobody wanting an X4 just yet.
>all Rockman titles
Except for X6 and X7 if we go by credits.
Wasn't the issue that he wasn't just the producer of Mega Man anymore and instead turned the producer of multiple projects simultaneously?
Okamoto and Fujiwara basically switched every few games for Rockman back then iirc. Inafune was producer from MM8, X4 and the DASH/BN series.

Star Force had a new producer while X5-7+Xtreme had Okahara. Inafune was pretty much personally done with Rockman beyond wanting a nostalgiabait game by the time Zero and BN ended and moved on to new pet projects like Lost Planet and Dead Rising. I think CM had a different producer but one that was approved by Inafune iirc.
I'm still sad he walked out when before Legends 3 materialized, I heard from a source he didn't think Capcom would pull the plug and trust the project to the staff. Especially knowing for years during interviews he kept mentioning Legends 3 as a game he truly wanted to make.
It wasn't just Inafune. Capcom had a BBS during the first half of the 2000s and tons of the staff for BN would post talking about their plans for a Legends and stuff they had plans to include like a charge shot. They claimed it would be "the ultimate PS2 action game". So everybody working on the franchise wanted a DASH3 but Capcom execs weren't willing to give it a chance. Even Inafune with all clout couldn't really convince them.
>Arcade staff
Probably explains why there's a value that hotswaps between X and Zero, code-wise.
That was probably for debug reasons. The arcade influence is in a lot of the enemy placement and level design choices. You've got some levels revolved around a motif or gimmick like ride chaser, a scrolling elevator, bringing a ride armor to a fight etc. There's an enemy that appears when you have low health to heal, the armors operate on arcade busted upgrade tier etc.

X and Zero also had Rock and Forte's voice clips as placeholders. Colonel's seiyuu was Blues' first seiyuu from the arcade games and some commercials.
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>zero was supposed to be a female, roll
>originally called megaman x
So Megaman X refers to the x-chromosome, meaning boy megaman is Megaman Y...
The Capcom Friendly Club demo of X4 on PS1 also has the "Ready?" and "Go!" samples from Power Fighters present, and that late Prototype build of X5 has two slots in one of the sound banks pretty much dummied out.

I'm wondering why it works at all, really. The same is possible on X, and he has a tendency of crashing the game due to invalid sprite sequence data, I'm guessing.
I still think the hotswapping is more for debug/playtesting reasons. I don't think the retail PS1 had too enough ram for them to allow for complete proper hotswapping with spritesheets that detailed.

It's the same reason why armors in X5-X6 could only be used when fully equipped because it used too much ram to try and overlay the individual sprites for 3 different armors at once.

Iirc, there was a downsizing of the arcade department during late 1996 and a few of them went to work on X4. Haruki Suetsugu is one of them, and even though he did the artwork, the character designs were still being done by Kaji and Tazaki (from X2). Which is why the stuff like mugshots, weapon get, the pause menu icons are still drawn in the X3 artstyle. Iirc the early builds of X4 actually have the proper drawings of the weapon get as placeholders.
>There's an enemy that appears when you have low health to heal
I always wondered what the fuck was up with that fella. I considered it the X series version of Eddie.
I'm wondering if the Saturn RAM expansion cart could've played a role in it. It did seriously amp up the Saturn's capabilities with Capcom's fighters, making them basically arcade perfect, outside of loading times.

RAM cart expansion allowing for hotswap between X and Zero mid-stage would be a neat idea, but I'd imagine it was scrapped when X's and Zero's stories were separated.
I don't think there was ever a plan for the campaigns to ever be combined. Remember the PS1 version of X3 has a considerable delay when calling Zero to the stage.
Due to loading time for Zero, yeah. If there were such a feature, it was axed early in development and the ability to hotswap like this at all is a remnant.

Though, it might just be some little loading optimization I uncovered.
Why maintain two separate code bases when you can load everything code-wise into a stage and have one address determine whether the player runs code meant for X, or for Zero?

At any rate, it looks like they never got around to even starting to implement Zero's unused armor to any degree, unless I just haven't found the addresses to enable whatever temporary things Capcom set up for it.
They never did. A design was made but that's it. Iris is a later addition since her sprites aren't present in the earliest builds like Double was. They said themselves in interviews that Iris was added later because the new members wanted a female character for the X series and the old guard relented.

X4 was meant to be released 1st June suggesting it was done May. We know development started in September from what the composer said once and the metadata for some sprites so Iris must have been added early enough that she could appear in the animated cutscenes but late enough that she's basically almost an non-factor in the final game.
it was a saturn exclusive at first
>It's the same reason why armors in X5-X6 could only be used when fully equipped because it used too much ram to try and overlay the individual sprites for 3 different armors at once.
It still hurts to think that they finally resolved this issue in X8, at least mostly, only for that to be the last game.
I don't particularly care too much. X series just gets steadily shit after X2 and gets a huge nosedive after X4. There's some character designs from the first 4 games I'm fond of but otherwise I don't care, especially when Classic and MMZ iterated on the stuff it did far better.
>A design was made but that's it.
Is there concept art? Was it a hidden Wily Capsule?
>Was it a hidden Wily Capsule?
Likely. They mention the armor having a connection to Wily.
How well PC-FX run X4?
>Power Fighters (N64)
Come on capcom
The MMX artwork isn't even high quality. It just looks kind of dumb. Deviant Art tier.
Giant shoes look dumb. A diaper with a vent on the front looks dumb. Glass tits look dumb. White conductor gloves look dumb. The letter Z on his shoulder looks dumb.

Standards were lower then, I get it, but acting like that was the high water mark is a level of delusion I don't understand.
>Giant shoes look dumb
Yeah, not everything can be as high quality as GTA VI.
>The American localization of the Mega Man X4 PlayStation version was originally put on hold after Sony Computer Entertainment America denied Capcom permission to release it in the United States, reportedly due to their policy against 2D games.
How come?
if he was the main character I wouldn't have played Mega Man X
The redesigns suck
The games are good at best, not great
Where does that story come from, anyway?

I've heard of the policy, but as far as I can tell it only applied for to the first year of the PS1's US release. I could imagine the PS1 port of X3 getting hit by either it or Capcom USA being 'meh' on the idea of bringing it over, but not X4. It released in 1997, outside of that window.
There's also some rumor that Capcom USA threatened something to do with Resident Evil 2 if SCEA didn't grant them the right to publish their 2D games, But RE2 is even further in by releasing in 1998, and Capcom had already had released bunch of purely 2D games at that point...
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One of the reasons I enjoyed X's redesign from Command Mission even if they went a bit too crazy with the colors and over-complicated it a bit (even then the shoes a bit too big for my tastes).

I really liked MegamanZero, too, even if Zero had the diaper.
This design is based honestly, and it doesn't lose the big shoes heritage.
Feet and forearms on Classic and X is explained in universe on the actual schematics seen in X1 and X4 as balancing mechanical pistons that allow them to walk and climb stairs without falling off but tech wasn't quite there yet to slim it down. MMZ already had the tech for fully functional and slimmer, which the CM artist used as a point of reference when designing Commander X as a "tech is getting there but not yet" mid step.
Yeah, get a load of these BABIES, and their GBA games from 22 years ago.
The oldest zoomers are 26 now, and playing a GBA game isn't magically going to teach them good opinions
The rumor about threatening not to release Resi 2 was started by a gaming magazine. The 2d games embargo thing was true and apparently calmed down by 1998.

The PlayStation port of X3 wasn't released in the US and Battle n Chase wasn't released because Sony felt there was too much racing games coming out at the same time.
They vetoed because the design looks like a female. Long blonde hair and blue boobs yet its supposed to be a male robot.
It doesn't make sense, considering just how many 2D games Capcom had gotten away with releasing in the US before the whole RE2 thing:
Breath of Fire III, Darkstalkers, Super Gem Fighter, Cyberbots, Mega Man 8, and Mega Man X4 were already under their belt, and much of Capcom's upcoming lineup either could barely be done on the Playstation as it was, or was 3D games that wouldn't have fallen into the rule.

What the fuck did SCEA hold back?
Cyberbots was never released on home consoles outside the Japanese Saturn. Fighting games were usually given a pass because "our console can handle arcade hardware" was still a big selling throughout the 90s. BOF3 was also similarly vetoed and so was MM8.

Keep in mind that a lot of the 2d arcade ports weren't done outside Japan until after 1997. The Resi 2 thing was 100% bullshit though.
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>Giant shoes look dumb
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Gundam analogies won't save trash overdone designs like this.
I mean >>11044502
Why does he have a hologram scarf?
Double is kino though.
He looks cool though
Inafune made Mighty No. 9
The dude is obviously a huge hack when it comes to anythint but character design. Capcom was no doubt in the right to shoot him down.
Cool design desu
Inti Creates helped make Mighty No 9. Everything else they have ever made is genius.
Seems more likely that game was just a cursed disaster.
If you track all the interviews and stuff, Inafune only becomes a schizo hack sometime circa the mid 00s when he got drunk with power and obsessing over 8-bit MM when previously he wanted to push the franchise into new directions like Legends and BN.
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An adaptation or another AU game could still go with this idea. In fact, Fully Charged and that pachinko game did just that.
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You ever notice the uncanny resemblance between Zero and Buster Rod G?
If you want a glimpse of Inti's incompetence when they don't have Capcom around to tell them to make a worthwhile game, look up Gunbike for the PSX. It plays like complete and utter ass.
>BOF3 was also similarly veoted and so was MM8
Again. Where in the fuck does that come from?

Both predate RE2, and were also outside of the 1-year window that I've seen referenced in relation to the policy.
What about Burner Man/Propaneman?
My headcanon evil Roll is Berkana
Jello Man!!!
Anon said the RE2 thing was a rumor.
The 1994 Classic designs are all pretty much the missing link between NES and X1 characters. Terra is just based on the early sketches of Zero with the wrist gauntlet for example.
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Do you think this so cool too?
>Inb4 n-not canon TCG slop
follows the same ugly design philosophy as X2-4 do.

This is peak X, which is peak ugly too.
I mean, he does look Super Saiyan.
quit seething faggot
>quit seething faggot
I wasn't talking about the RE2, but the MM8 and BoF3 bits.

This has got me genuinely curious and looking in to the scope of games that were affected by the policy. Everywhere I look on the matter seems to treat it as already accepted fact, but I haven't actually found any sources.

So far, it is looking like the majority of things that got hit by the "policy" were more JRPGs than just strictly 2D games.
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No, that's ugly.
This is badass.
No, it doesn't. Iwamoto is a atrocious artist who can only draw Marty and mechaniloids good. Everyone else ends up looking too old, ugly, doll-like etc.
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Funny how that faggot's "argument" has to resort to material that's not from the damn games themselves.
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>trash overdone designs
More like overdone kino
>same ugly design philosophy as X2-4 do.
>when X, Zero, Colonel, Iris and General exist
>being too braindead to realize the monstrous/inhuman looking characters from X2-4 are meant to be that way intentionally
That Galgun Metroidvania they made recently looks great, actually.
That's closer to what I would have wanted out of both Mighty Number 8 and Bloodstained.
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>people really think this toy stuff looks cooler than how absurdly sick the MMZ art style is
Crazy pills.
Depends on which X game era. X1-4 era is close in equal to MMZ.
MMZ artstyle and Hideki Ishikawa re the peak of MM in my opinion.
canon waifu
Because it's COOL. Anon.
I hate how none of you read the fucking credits and speak shit without bare minimum research. Comcept was precisely just an ideas company as the name says. All Inafune did for MN9 was write the plot and design characters alongside AKIMAN.
The actual game was developed and designed by Inti Creates (If you've played Gal Gun on Vita it should come as no surprise it was a mess, they're really bad with Unreal Engine 3 as that engine has no Japanese documentation whatsoever and at thay time Inti had no English speaking staff) and was directed by
Koji Imaeda and Kinshi Ikegami, the latter felt sufficiently bad enough about the whole thing he directed Mighty Gunvolt Burst as an apology while Inafune seems to resent Aizu as he was trusted as the project's producer while he was off MN9 to give assistance on the first Gunvolt game.

You don't go from "this guy is great" to "you're a producer with no talent" just because.
He shouldn't had blindly trusted Aizu and Inti on the project and should've been way more hands on.
Looks like a pokemon kid ready to talk about his rattata
Neither Gal Guardians nor Yohane are good nor Metroidvania, Guardians is more Classicvania but painfully mediocre.
It seems it was more a result of Natsume (Bloodstained and Blaster Mater artist) burning the bridge between Inti and IGA as he was angry about iX2 retconning itself into Blaster Master Zero 3 and wanting to make Zangetsu part of the Gunvolt canon, despite neither being their IPs.
heres the sad truth
inafune was never a great character designer to begin with
most of the stuff we think as iconic with mega man? came from other people who touched up old designs or made better ones
X Command Missions ultimate armor was fucking awesome. I wish they would release an HD version of that game, and lower the encounter rate a bit too.
I don't know, man, Elec Man, Punk, Zero and Ratty are cool imo.
Inafune made these characters:
>Elecman, Fireman, Bombman
>touched up the designs for random robot masters from 2-7
>Tenguman, Astroman
>Cossack and Kalinka
>MM Killers
>Genesis Unit
>Most likely designer for King next to Ishikawa
>the X2 armor
>X1 and X2 Vile
>X1-3 Sigma
>Chill Penguin, Storm Eagle
>some X2 mavericks
>Blizzard Buffalo
>The major Legends 1 cast except for Tron and Juno
>random assorted enemies across Classic, X and BN
>Timeman, Oilman, Splashwoman
Terrifying trips
I like Z series Zero but he only fits in with other Zero designs where everyone is a twink
Nakayama is a great character designer, his work is stylized to the point that it can only be compared to other Nakayama stuff
So Inti Creates games suck now?
Morale is extremely low, their ideas for Gunvolt got vetoed in favor of whatever Yoshihsa Tsuda decides to do, GV was meant to be a colaborative effort in the first game but by the third game, Aizu went on record to say bad reception doesn't matter, what matters is the director's ego shining through. Natsume is especially bitter about it, calling Gunvolt a "shit world" and seems to have done something behind scenes to burn the bridge between IGA and Inti. IGA's ArtPlay is in Luminous Avenger iX 2's credits because Zangetsu from Bloodstained was going to be the final DLC but Natsume was adamant about saving "the red samurai from that shit world. Don't mess with others's IPs".

Despite Love Live being Otaku Core and Inti being largely an otaku studio, the staff are really mad at needing to do licenced games from anime to make a profit when GV1 raised morale and was profitable.
>the toys themselves were awful quality
The Mega Armor series was great, fight me. The Rockin' Action line for EXE was cool as well despite the fragile joints.

Also that timeline doesn't make sense because Takara didn't get the license until Axess. Bandai had the toy rights through season 1 of the anime, so Takara wouldn't have been involved with EXE's initial planning, at least for the first two games.
I forgot he also did Auto too lol
>calling Gunvolt a "shit world"
Based and true
The funniest part is that both Auto and the X2 intro boss are based on Yoshihisa Tsuda, with the thick eyebrows and the portly figure.
>turn a female warrior into a femboy
What the actual fuck was Capcoom thinking?
The staff were just thinking what would be an interesting concept for the world and the characters, before settling on just ripping off Neo Human Casshern because Capcom staff are Tatsunoko fanboys.
Turrican did it first. Megaman X ripped off Turrican.
Mega Man X was more blatant. Very early concept art when it was decided Zero's design would instead be "support character", has X eith Casshern's high collar, helmet and C logo.
Sounds like Inafune was involved in the first 10 years of the franchise.
Always has, that's why their games can't support a general and they parasitized the Megaman one on /vg/.
They've released at least three 10/10 games in the last few years. While that Galgun game is mediocre, it isn't horrid or anything.
More like 20, with the inclusion of characters like Splash Woman or Time Man.
>They've released at least three 10/10 games in the last few years
There's a big drop after the Legends characters.
Quite the opposite, it's the inti side who's had to hard carry /mmg/ for a long time now
It's cool
Lore reason it disrupts radars or something
Inafune got promoted to exec producer soon after MM&B and he was making the Onimusha series throughout on top of other duties, so his influence in the creative side of MM wanes after MM&B. Plus his design pitches for several BN characters kept getting rejected over other designers.

iirc, I remember hearing Inafune claimed he wished he could have been more involved in illustrations, the last game he did artwork for was Megaman 8.
Actually, looking at release dates I'm stretching a bit. Last 5 years. Blaster Master Zero2/3 and Curse of the Moon 2 are 10/10s. Luminous Avenger iX2 and Gunvolt 3 are also excellent.
People here saying that Megaman X2 is proto-inti is interesting. It doesn't really feel like one of their games at all, being more of the same. But since more of Megaman X is one of the greatest games of all time; more of the same is excellent.
>It doesn't really feel like one of their games at all
There's a lot of emphasis on constant movement, which is a common thing across MMZ and GV.
Essentially what >>11054375 said, around the time.he left Capcom, he mentioned one of the reasons being how he was ascended to a higher global operations positions where he wouldn't be able to contribute anything to games, purely an office job. The company who suggested Capcom turning their older art staff into producers harmed everything in the long run. Hayato Kaji doesn't seem to draw or do much of anything these days except show up in the office for a paycheck.
>Hayato Kaji doesn't seem to draw or do much of anything these days except show up in the office for a paycheck.
He's a 3d modeller and programmer for Resi and MonHun nowadays.
Level Design elements such as the hidden Subtank at the start of Wire Sponge keep getting reused by Inti and Yohane reuses Crystal Snail's stage wholesale.
>People here saying that Megaman X2 is proto-inti is interesting
Inticreates were disgruntled ex-Capcom employees that broke off because Inafune told them to make their own company if they didn't like Capcom's work environment.
This will never not be funny to me. Aizu complaining about the awful circumstances behind the development of Mega Man 7 for Inafune to tell him "Don't like it? Make your own" to going "Give them back!" when Aizu did that to finally going full circle with Aizu's decisions as CEO leading to the exact same work environment he experienced in Capcom, especially in rushed projects such as iX2 due to his ill-planned cross over simultaneous release with Gemdrop's COGEN.
>the awful circumstances behind the development of Mega Man 7 for Inafune to tell him "Don't like it? Make your own"
I think I recognize you from the mmg cytubes. I've heard that near-verbatim
The funny thing is that GV's initial concept had GV being a sitting duck when he was attacking and it was Inafune who suggested being able to constantly move and affect your fall speed when holding the attack button, as being stationary while attacking to him felt "a bit of an old NES era design".
Haven't been there, but the story has always been known since around the release of Zero 4 or ZX, around those days.
What Zero game is good to start with? I tried the first one, but due to an insane design choice, you have to grind for lives. Should I stick with it and just load constantly until I master the stages or start with a later one?
You should start with the first one and continue on for both story reasons and it'll be an easier experience as you progressively move on. Going from a later one back to Z1 will be gruelling.
Same with BN.
Zero 3.
Zero 2 has the traditional Mega Man design of having a stage select but for whatever reason they kept Zero 1's level up system where Zero remembers how to fight the more enemies you kill.

Don't be too bothered trying to get EX Skills, a lot of people let the fact they're gatekept via the Rank system affect their enjoyment, focus on the Elemental chips as your special weapon equivalents. EX Skills are basically replay rewards once you get better.
So the stories are connected?
Used to the classic series and X series where every game is essentially a soft reboot.
They're directly connected, the previous game leads directly to the next.
Yes, there's a running story across.
There's also CD dramas subtitled in YouTube which fill story gaps, such as the backstory of Elpizo, one of the big players in Zero 2, the origin of his name tying to the events set between MMX and MMZ, as well as the booklets containing critical world building details including a whole-ass epilogue written as an in-universe news article included with Remastered Tracks: Rockman Zero Physis album.
If it helps, the Legacy Collection version of MMZ has infinite lives in the form of checkpoints. That may help you make Z1 more approachable.
The drama CDs sometimes add more gaps when it tries tying back to MMX. It's definitely more consistent if you just focus only on MMZ.
>epilogue written as an in-universe news article
>suddenly remember that according to the article, there's about 200 ragnaroks still in orbit
Yabe did this to explain why there are several perfectly circular craters around Earth in the Mega Man Legends 2. The fact that at some point they were fired is quite effective as a scary realization but its also hilarious how some of thise became lakes.
This is an unfortunate side effect of Capcom barring Inti from interacting with the X team so they had to keep shit as vague as posible as to not contradict or step on the other team's toes.
I personally believe this was the Capcom suits paranoid Aizu would swindle away more staff like he did in 95/96
Japanese fans back then thought Zero 4 was going to end with Weil flooding the Earth over this image being used for Z4's announcement.
Yup, and some believe Thetis would inevitably be the winner of the Game of Destiny as a foregone conclusion die to his motivations tying directly with flooding Earth.
Well at that time they were just an outside company that even got a contract deal because Inafune being the middleman between the two. And even then Inti pitched the idea to Inafune after they were doing games for a bunch of anime. It's not like Inti doesn't contradict itself on its own anyway
Blaster Master Zero might be the most narratively cohesive and satisfying piece of media they have worked on, a true rare unicorn.
Seems kind of pointless when you remember that Legends takes place 1000s of years in the future and erosion would make them not perfectly circular by then.
The craters in Calbania Island are because the carbons there were all purged. The place the Master visited with Trigger was Calbania, you see a EDEN cannon right next to where Glyde built his hideout.
I think there's merit to seeing clues or the groundwork on how the world got to such a state.

Right, other craters though can be seen on the ocean as deep sea spots. Craters could happen from both events, even repurposing Ragnaroks into Worker Reaverbot deployers similar to the space station Eden.
Inafune did the robot masters from 2 and 3 on his own based on the kid submissions. Official Complete Works also tell us he did Turbo Man and Freeze Man out of the robot masters he made.
It's a slightly different gameplay loop from regular MM games. Basically when you die you should just restart rather than using lives.
Granted, this matters less for Z1 when there are no ranks. In Z2/Z3, dying -> bad score -> no ex skill.

>Should I stick with it and just load constantly until I master the stages
This is going to sound bad, but this is the gameplay loop for Zero games. You practice the stages on rehearsal runs until you're good enough to do a clean run through.
I will say that Z1 probably has the most imbalanced difficulty of the whole series. Z2-4 all pace themselves better. Just for the story, I'd say just power through, use whatever crutch you want (save states, LC continue pods), and then properly get into the game from Z2 onwards.
>the origin of his name tying to the events set between MMX and MMZ
what's the connection there
>project elpizo
>project elpizo was the name of weil's plan of controlling all reploids with mother elf
>weil's plan started the elf wars
It's really just MMZ backstory that only really connects with Zero's X6 ending.
wait why did elpizo call himself elpizo then
was it because he was going schizo from the baby elf
Record made an impact on him. Common reploids didn't even have names in MMZ just designation numbers and Elpizo's was TK31. All the resistance reploids in Z1 are named by Ciel.
Elpizo didn't have a proper name. He was TK31. The drama CD also shows he never truly cared for reploid liberation or their rights, because he admits that Neo Arcadia's policies and system is perfect for him. He just wanted to feel like he had control over something.
my question is why did he choose that name specifically
>Record made an impact on him
That's literally it.
Because being the only other reploid privy to all that classified info gave him a big ego so he named himself after that.

Eloizo is called Elpis in Japan (Elpizo was probably an incompetent translation of Elpis), and ironically Elpis was the goddess of hope in greek mythology.
feels dumb with a naming coincidence that he named himself after the thing that he would end up enabling, and especially since this was retroactively injected into the lore
No, Z2-3 was written by Kawano at the end of Z1's development.
That's retroactively.
Z1 had a hectic development, X6 suddenly materializing behind Inafune's back sent them on a loop where they had to rewrite shit due to X5 no longer being the series finale.
Project Elpis was a project about global control over reploids world wide by the manipulation of the Dark Elf program, itself being a reverse engineered Sigma Virus, and he truly believed he could be the leader the world needed. So the plan belonging to the man who almost bested X and Zero having a name that meant Hope resonated with him.
X5 wasn't even a series finale in anything but Inafune making a side remark of making X5 the last game. Ironically X6's Zero ending ties up better as a branch off to MMZ than any of X5's endings.
Not him but I don't think Inti even gave a shit about connecting back to X5. When Zero 1 got greenlit, X4 was the most recent game.
and ironically, ignoring Z4's Area Zero thing, the idea of Zero submitting himself to research right after learning of his origin and out of guilt makes more sense
Not much to research when the virus antics happens in the next game. Nevermind that X6 does that without the guilt.
Mega Man X: Official Complete Works pg
X5 was supposed to be the finale and Inafune left the team alone with only the order that Zero had to die for it to connect with Z1.
I'm still mad that Inafune is the reason why X got sidelined in his own games. Rumor was that replica X was supposed to be the actual X, but Capcom thought it would be too edgy for kid's favorite hero to become evil after a timeskip and shut Inafune down.

Very ironic since he immediately went onto create nostalgia bait Megaman games like MN9.
>Inafune left the team alone with only the order
Exactly. Can't really connect to Z1 if the character is dead anyway.
You got it wrong. Yoshihisa Tsuda (Inti's Vice President, director of Mega Man 7 and graphics artist for Mega Man X2 suggested the idea of X going rogue in a misguided quest for utopia but during development the rest of the Inti staff kept complaining to Tsuda that it was a betrayal to X's character.
I agree with your broad point, but there are many aspects of X5 that make it plausibly seen as a series finale
>there is a plausible explanation for why Sigma can't come back provided (though this... also contradicts the endings)
>there are multiple meaningfully different endings, which is 1) different from prior games and 2) makes a continuation more challenging
>there are epilogues/flash forwards in those endings

X5 is more of an ending than Z3 is
Z1 begins with Zero broken and dead then Passy fixes and revives him in exchange of her life so there was still some connection.
I feel like that kind of makes sense taking the first four X games into account where it's acknowledged that X is getting steadily more stronger and unwieldy for his own good, meanwhile his experience with Doppler and Repliforce make him realize humanity is pitting reploids against each and then he starts thinking about the maverick label.

The way X4 ended, X could have easily rebelled against human society or become a iron-fisted enforcer for them out of paranoia of humans turning on him.

But then X5 comes and ruins anything about that inner conflict.
not quite
The art show is Zero broken and rekt, but the ingame graphics shows him just kneeling down/asleep. And those two contradict each other in what Zero looks like in the moment. So CYOA
Only thing broken in Z1 is his arms but he's not even dead there just in stasis. That's different from him being dead at the end of X5 which most likely had him vaporized if all that was left before the end was an arm a torso and a head while X as a whole was left as the exact same thing at the end(a head and a torso)
I don't think there was anything in the prior games about X getting more unwieldy
Doppler was just a generic virus incident. Humanity had next to no involvement/culpability there
>The way X4 ended, X could have easily rebelled against human society or become a iron-fisted enforcer for them out of paranoia of humans turning on him.
Isn't it the opposite? He basically says if he becomes maverick to kill him. If anything he's happy to die rather than go against the humans.
The possibility of X going rogue has been foreshadowed as early as X1, during Dr. Light's warning note, a game Tsuda also was part of. The man probably thought Z1 could be a good way to connect to thay but the Inti Creates staff really hated the idea of X turning evil and needing to be destroyed while Inafune was like "if the team disagree, there might be some compromise".

It is said that Cyber Elf X was originally going to be Dr. Light's Hologram helping X, but once Copy X was decidex upon, we got the real X as essentially a force ghost. Which I thought was neat to a degree, X beyond the grave still trying to help.
hence why it bugs me when people say Zero dies a lot and include X5.
Zero "died" as much as X did at the end of X5.
And neither is an ending.
>X going rogue has been foreshadowed as early as X1, during Dr. Light's warning note
The warning note explicitly says how Light is stopping X from going rogue. It's the opposite of foreshadowing that it's going to happen.
>helping X
I meant, helping Zero.
It doesn't say how he's stoping him, he's saying he's worried X breaking the First Law will open floodgates.
"I can only hope for the best".
I agree, but I'm saying X5 is more plausibly seen as an ending than most other X games. The only one that compares is X3, but even that had a sequel hook line.
>Humanity had next to no involvement/culpability there
They built an entire city in his name, Doppler never created a virus, he created the equivalent of an anti-biotic (X3 ChoHyakka and the Legacy Collection bio mention this) by making a countervirus, the Sigma Virus eventually grew resistant and overpowered the virus. Humanity jumped the gun in assuming Doppler's temporary measure was a cure.
>Isn't it the opposite? He basically says if he becomes maverick to kill him.
Because he's afradi that he would be called maverick over any little thing, and X has seen how Repliforce over-reacted, now imagine how much damage X could have caused if he reacted the same as them. That's why he places his faith in Zero to destroy him should he ever be called a maverick.
unless they start playing with X being released before 30 years is over, the narrative setup is that X is reliable.

It's not foreshadowing if the whole starting premise of the story is that X has built-in defenses for this.
There's been talk about the X5 bad X ending being a factory rest on X's brain and how he gets mad whenever Zero is brought up because his electronic brain is now hard coded to reject any data on Zero. This is the ending where he says in the Japanese version he'll create the utopia Heaven (Elysium) and in the "X as the antagonist" era of Z1, Nakayama's concept art for Neo Arcadia is labelled "HEAVEN".
If you don't think X1 counts as foreshadowing that's alright but they seemed to be originally banking on X5's bad ending until the staff complained and X6 threw a curve ball.
Is there a source for this? Because I've always heard otherwise and it does line up with Inafune's clear bias against X.
Was it stated somewhere that it wasn't Doppler that built Dopplertown? (From the XLC data, it says Doppler announces it.)
In any case, the point is that X3's story isn't about human-reploid mistrust. Both humans and reploids were working in union to fight the virus, just that Doppler got infected instead. It's a standard Maverick story.
>That's why he places his faith in Zero to destroy him should he ever be called a maverick.
Right, he'd rather die than be a maverick. That's the opposite of "he's going to rebel because he's afraid of being called a maverick".
X mentions Elysium in the english version of X5 too.
I think the teams were doing what they can to figure out the X5/Z connection. I was just nitpicking the X1 foreshadowing point.
Although X was deemed reliable by the capsule, the nature of his free will also means he could potentially go "ya know, fuck that" to his previous tests if enough trauma pushes him far enough.

Megaman Zero Official Complete Works, page 168
I don't think so. His ethics and morals were hard coded to be "good". The only real question is how he can interpret that directive in a world where humans and reploids both continue to be evil bastards. Personally ice always felt he would sooner self terminate than to become robo Hitler.
>Right, he'd rather die than be a maverick.
I see what you mean now.
I always did wonder what Inafune's original idea for "his" X5 was. Because he said in Rockman 10th Nenji Dajiten to Ariga and some other mangaka that "I already have the final scenario in my head", the fact that this scenario was already thought of since X1's planning stage and something like "I can't say for sure how many years it'll be until I can make another X game, but I'll end things with the next one" and this was shirtly after MM&B's release. I feel like he may have wanted X to double down on being a Hunter or even reject the notion of working for humanity. Or maybe that would have been Zero since he always wanted Zero to steal all the good scenes.
Incidentally, this source also mentions Copy X was written into the game during the last month of development, so X was the main antagonist during most of the game's development.
As a tidbit, the Four Guardians were going to be blue just like X but it was Hayato Kaji who suggested Toru Nakayama to color code them to set them apart, with X in the final battle using the colors of the guardians as he used Fire Wave, Shotgun Ice and Electric Spark in battle, weapons Copy X still uses in the final game.
I prefer my schizo interpretation that four guardians correspond to the four upgrades
Except for Leviathan, they do match Falcon, Gaea and Shadow armors rather nicely don't they?
Not them, but I do too.
Harpuia = Falcon
Fefnir = Gaia
Levi = Blade
Phantom = Shadow
Kaji mentored Nakayama for a week according to an interview done for ZLC's release. That was the week where a "brain trust" from Capcom consisting of Inafune, Kaji and Kawano came in to give pointers, Kawano stayed with Inti for a bit to write the storyline for the first 3 Zero games.
Interesting. I guess this aspect being attributed to Inafune is just due to backlash once he became known as Conman.
I want to believe Kaji and Nakayama bonded over their Roll/lolicon obsessions.
I was thinking more of
>legs: harpuia
>buster: fefnir (specifically x2 double buster)
>body: phantom (x2 giga attack)
>leviathan: useless (in ZX it's scanning, similar to X2 again)

the fuck does levi have to do with blade armor
The biggest fuck up Inafune did while at Capcom was pushing for westernisation and veto'ing any pitches for Street Fighter 4 for nearly a whole decade.
>the fuck does levi have to do with blade armor
I feel that anon is grasping straws. If we got an X9 with an armor that works like Rush Marine and Model L, then we could say that's Leviathan. After all, Z2 states the four guardians were built from X's Body Parts, and Body Parts is the exact term used for the armor pieces in Japan.
meant to say
>head: leviathan (useless)
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I feel like Kaji's somewhat of a siscon or at least used to have a affinity for "little sister" types. He made Iris and the outfit Roll has in MM8, and a lot of the BN1-2 women resemble how he drew Iris.

Then he switched to tsundere girls with his original idea for Mayl being one.
I can't blame him for the westernization dueing the sevent gen when thinking about how things were during that era. Unless it was western looking, Japanese games were relentlessly mocked and spited in the big american videogame coverage media such as G4 at its cultural zenith, as well as Japanese software sales falling behind the sales of Halo and Call of Duty, there was a massive power gap, with only Metal Gear, Resident Evil 5 and Dark Souls being taken seriously since they're visually "more western".
The 4 Guardians are just pieces of X's DNA soul that split into 4 pieces from the stress of sealing the Dark Elf.
I know that, but Z2 in Ciel's PC mentions how their physicsl bodies were built after X's DNA Soul split.
the 4 guardians are whatever you want them to be
They just gave up trying to make sense.
What kinda beef does he have against street fighter anyways?
He worked on SF1 as a sprite artist, but it seems more like he thought SF was a dead series after SF3 flopped.
the third from the left doesn't fit in
X a woman?
SF3 (as in the whole trilogy) didn't only flop as >>11055089 says, the hardware was very expensive at the time becoming a money sink with no returns and reception for the SF3 trilogy both in Japan and the US was overwhelmingly negative. People really hated the original SF3 cast for not being the SF2 cast and that's why we're trapped with only the SF2 cast ever since.
None of them really do. Iris.exe looks different too.
DmC, bioarm commando remake and Recore suck?
NTA but they do, look at how their face shape and eye shape are drawn, Ms. Mari is the most obvious one.
lan's mom still sticks out
Iris.exe perfect now
>Ms. Mari is the only one.
That's more accurate and it doesn't really fit when you got an actual Iris in BN.
Iris.exe had a different designer, X4 Iris, Ms. Mari and a huge chunk of the BN1-3 cast was made by Hayato Kaji.
How are you people able to map out who made who?
SENSEI made Iris
The complete works and interviews in Japanese magazines and Japanese official Rockman sites while they were up helped.
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OCW, JP Guidebooks and online interviews.
No, he didn't. He only drew artwork for X4. He even says this himself in pg189 of OCW. X4's character designers were Hayato Kaji and Kazunori Tazaki (IKKI), and pic related are clearly Kaji's drawings since his artstyle at the time was just "Inafune's drawings but taller and more hardcore". Tazaki usually handled the animal mavericks while Kaji did the "support" characters
It gives me whiplash seeing Iris and the others in that SNES artstyle.
I honestly prefer it to Suetsugu's any time of the day. X4 in that artstyle like pic related would have fit the moodier atmosphere even more
People tend to lump in X4 with the rest of the later entries when X4 is more in line with the first 3 in spirit.
X4 was when there was a shift that's why.
>director of Mega Man 7
>The game that ended with Mega Man contemplating shooting Wily
That tracks.
Xtreme and the X5 is the true shift. X4 was when things were beginning to change but that old spirit was still in there and you had some of the core people still involved with the X branch before abandoning it.
xtreme didn't do anything egregious I think. If anything the classic GB games were much weirder
Xtreme is just a gutted version of the SNES games. Xtreme 2 tries to do better but barely picks up the slack.
Rockman World 1 is a alright enough game as is 2 but its design philosphy is just different from regular games so that filters a few people. 3 is shit, and 4+5 are on the same level as the NES games.
X3 was literally made by another team because people left and made their own company. X4 was made by dragging other development teams into it.
Being an actual boomer older than Inafune, he's very fond of showa era scifi and mecha manga, which tended to end on bittersweet notes at best. So no doubt he'd rather Mega Man end on a gloomy note rather than an ideal note
I feel like the GB constraints were so severe that almost everything about those games were based on the system limits. That's why I thought it was weird to include them in the period of shift
A lot of MM plotlines remind me a ton of stuff from Ishinomori and Yokoyama, especially World 4 onwards.
In terms of key personage, Xtreme is the first that had none of the usual people, they were all working on BN1.
>3 is shit, and 4+5 are on the same level as the NES games.
This is a next level contrarian take. 3 was considered as the point World got really good and 4 and 5 above the latter NES entries even back in 90s forums.
>3 was considered as the point World got really good
>Level design is borderline repetitive, especially at the final stages
>Enemy placement is random and haphazard, shield attackers everywhere in the 2nd half
>weapons are useless
>4 and 5 above the latter NES entries
If anything, they're better than the first 3 games and MM8-10.
>placing 4-6 above 1-3
What the fuck am I reading
>>4 and 5 above the latter NES entries
>If anything, they're better than the first 3 games and MM8-10.
This is a very weird take, anon, ngl, IV and V were considered peak and were the only classic games after NES 2 mmhp.net had scored on the 90% ratio.
what? &bass, 9, and 10 are all great
&B is the peak of Classic imo, 9 is a pretty good game but it's pretty regressive. 10 isn't in the top tier.
If it's any condolence, none of the Classic games are bad, even at their worst, they are still at a baseline level of "good"
1 is kind of fuck
4, 5, and 6 are excellent games. And while 5 feels a little by the numbers, it has nothing that's actively bad, like the Wily stages in 2 or the Doc Robots in 3.
True, but by the standards of other 80s NES platformers, it was one of the best made.
I liked 10 better than 9 once I realized you can enter a code and play as Bass. Turned it from one of my least favorites to one of the more enjoyable entries.
There's nothing wrong with the Wily Stages in 2 nor the Doc Robot stages in 3
They test your ability with the game and resourcefulness.
This. Even though I don't think 2 and 3 are anywhere near the best, I enjoyed the Wily stages and Doc Robot stages.
Doc Robot stages ought to really become a sort of postgame feature for Classic in future titles (never lol) to test experienced players with their familiarity w/ weapons and accumulated experience with the gameplay.
And fighting the bosses from a previous game with a completely different arsenal is also really fun, this is why the Weapons Archive from 10 was also fun to fight.
I hate the doc robot fights
9 and 10 is just 2 reskinned.
The only unfair thing was that their hit boxes were glitched on a couple of them. Otherwise it's a skill issue on your part.
That's also why I liked the Saturn exclusive fights in 8. MM ought to have secret midbosses more often.
Nah, Mega Man's movement in 9 is more akin to 5 despite the lack of slide and charge short and none of the weapons or stage designs match 2. Splash Woman instead references Wave Man which was, once more, in 5.
The Wily Castle intro was 2 wholesale though.
The Doc Robot stages aren't designed poorly. They make the game way too long.
Oh come on, Mega Man games are pitifully short. You can beat em in an hour and half casually.
A lot was misattributed to Inafune out of spite on /v/ to destroy his character, probably to defend the collective ego of the fandom.
Gunvolt's electric sphere and tag and zap gameplay was also blamed on him when that was already part of GV when he joined that game.
His work on Dead Rising back then was also nullified, similar to Sakamoto's role on Super Metroid after Other M no longer being "considered valid". It was the same rhetoric of "game was good in spite of him".
not just /v/
Yeah, a lot of the Inafune hate is clearly overblown. To suggest the man never had a good idea and never did anything of worth is just ignorant.
He drove the Megaman series throughout the 90's and 00's. All of the spin-offs are pretty much his doing. Legends is Inafune, Battle Network is inafune, Zero is inafune.
He also came up with Onimusha and Dead Rising.

Criticise people for what they actually did wrong. Don't make up flat out lies that they never did anything right.

Also, he was ultimately right that Capcom's continued success hinged on Westernised game design. Modern Resident Evil is super Western in it's design sensibilities, and is doing better than ever. DMCV dramatically reduced the "anime cringe", and went for a much more grounded look.
You may hate this, but it's the truth. Those games do better with audiences, because you can squint and pretend Americans developed them.
I'd say BN was more other staff like Masazaku Eguchi, however Inafune was always open to new and interesting ideas and offered a lot of support for BN, from designing viruses and offering feedback on the gameplay system to convincing his bosses the game was worth greenlighting, as the suits weren't exactly thrilled by the Legends team doing something new and different with Mega Man following Legends' disappointing sales.
it's the same thing as "fighting game characters are functions". It's correct, but it can be said at exactly the wrong time
It was his take that Megaman as a thing should keep reinventing itself to appeal to the kids, and that's what Megaman isn't doing these days. If we get Megaman anything now, it's just 8-bit nostalgia.
What they should be doing with modern Megaman, is chasing the Persona 5 audience, if anything.
To this day, people hate him to a huge degree, the Steam negative reviews for Gunvolt him people were blaming him for the game's biggest shortcoming (the story), despite the story being written by Yoshihisa Tsuda. Inafune was the gameplay supervisor, had no input on the story but people wanted someone to vilify.

I also heard there's a spic YouTuber continuing the narrative of Inafune being the worst thing to ever happened to Mega Man and not the main reason we got as many games as we did.
The gameplay is pretty shit too.
>for Gunvolt
I meant Gunvolt 3.
That game got awesome gameplay through, Arc Chain was great, although that was Miyazawa's concept. I had heard Copen's bullits gameplay was partly his input though, going from "what went wrong with Beck", since Copen's approach is the opposite (dash first, attack afterwards) and the air time given feels pretty good in GV2 and the first iX.
Persona fans aren't children, though, they're teenagers and young adults.
Children are playing Fortnite, which makes me wonder if Mega Man could do anything like that.
If they were ever to reinvigorate Battle Network, that's the direction they should take though. It should have the cool kind of aesthetic that Persona has.

As for an all new Megman thing, I don't know. They could try making it a semi-open world action-RPG like Nier Automata. Or they could make a parkour style platformer with wall running and things, like Ghostrunner.
Online multiplayer centric Megaman could maybe work, but I feel it would just as easily completely flop. That tends to be a very packed genre. People have the one or two games they play, and everything else just flops. Are you going to get people to stop playing Fortnite, Apex, and Helldivers to play a Megaman game? I dunno.
My "favorite" moment of the collective anger was people hounding Kitamura on his website's content asking about MN9 and telling him Inafune stole Mega Man and his credit from him and pushing the guy REALLY hard on the topicnif he hated Inafune because people REALLY wanted Kitamura to hate Inafune and it being this epic story of betrayal and theft, and it ended with Kitamura deleting his site because nobody listened when he asked to stop bringing up MN9 because he had no insight or comment on it.

And now fast forward to last may and there's a fringe group of idiots seething Kitamura tweeted he asked Inafune to design Proto Man and Rush shortly before he left Capcom.
the recent NFT con didn't do his reputation any favors
>and there's a fringe group of idiots seething Kitamura tweeted he asked Inafune to design Proto Man and Rush shortly before he left Capcom.
Iirc, the tweet was that Kitamura made the general idea of Blues and Rush, Kurokawa (the MM3 director who moved to another game halfway through 3's dev) made the designs mostly as we know them today, Inafune just finalised the details.
Yeah but there's a difference between "He's fucking up for falling for the NFT meme" and "he never ever contributed anything on Mega Man, Zero was never good, Inti were never good and Dead Rising was most likely created by someone else", as it's usually treated as.
also the nft comic was really bad
I've not even heard about that at all but for his sake the new Fantasy Life better pan out well if he hopes Level 5 allows him to do vidya.
Based and wholesome
Keiji Inafune didn't create Dead Rising or come up with it. It was Yoshinori Kawano and Yoshinori Ono's project.
It was created by Inafune and Kawano with Ono joining later. Inafune had the original idea after being impressed with the 360 hardware of multiple zombies on the screen and then approached Kawano over realizing the idea.
Oni was asked to join as co-producer.
Does all this delusion and blind hatred stem from being unable to accept the the fact that if you crowdfund something, you can get a shit game and no one was "scamming" anyone? Good developers make shit games all the time.
Still won't forget or forgive 7th gen though. Loathsome time to emulate Western games.
>It was created by Inafune and Kawano with Ono joining later. Inafune had the original idea after being impressed with the 360 hardware of multiple zombies on the screen and then approached Kawano over realizing the idea.
>Oni was asked to join as co-producer.
Nope. Dead Rising started development as a sequel to Shadow of Rome earlier and the team decided to make it into a different game later in development. It was not Inafune's decision and he wasn't the creator of Shadow of Rome either. Oni was already on the team because he was also one of the main creators of Shadow of Rome.
As Hideki Kamiya pointed out, Inafune isn't a creator, he's a businessman.
He's just an executive producer in charge of money and being a public face who takes most of the credit.
Funny thing is that Inafune is credited as the "action supervisor" for GV3 and he didn't actually do anything as a recent example. Can't really say it's overblown.
His gacha didn't even last 6 months so take that as you will.
Sakamoto is a hack and SM was good in spite of him, he's never even beat a Metroid game until Samus Returns. Don't compare Conman to him.
I was waiting to see when anybody would being up Kamiya since it was his tweets what made people track down Kitamura like dogs.
I don't give a shit about who's popular to hate or whatever. I simply hate when people are credited for things they didn't make.
Inafune is just a character designer (not in dead rising), a producer and executive producer (and a writer in megaman x).
That is a man.
X4’s character should introduce way back X2
I mean, they used to say MM is a hard series so I didn't think about it too much. I thought Xtreme/NES was harder.
Yeah, if you run out of lives you restart. You practice the stage until you can clear it. There are some improvs from a game to the next but not too much idk if I'd skip. "grind for lives" sounds crazy. I remember grinding to get one Z-Saber upgrade in Z1 lol.
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Ultimately he was right on that need to change, but he also was far from the one who could've brought about the needed change. All of the attempts we know of that he was involved with were controversial at best, and ended up being horrible games at worst.

Judging from his Super Mario Maker level, Inafune was hardly a game designer, because he barely understand even how Mega Man works, let alone Mario,
It's not really a midstep but MMZ design was partially used as an inspiration. I say it isn't a midstep because Inti is on record saying that Nakayama's designs were his redesigns and visualizations even saying that X and Zero always looked like they did in MMZ to excuse Omega being a sprite recolor.
There are some shit translations in MMZ but they obviously avoided Elpis intentionally because people would be making El Piss jokes till the end of time
what about mayl
Why did the Zero games actually became popular, not only the characters look gay as fuck to the point of shota trap bait, but difficulty wise, they looked no fun to play.
because they're fun to play
It's kind of funny how the idea just became Absolute Zero in the end.
MM community I'm a part of made that kind of joke anyway before Zero 2 released. Instead of "El Piss", it was "Elf Piss" instead.

We also had "High Max" who was a stoner and had beer kegs inside of his legs. Also we had Sigma and Dynamo as a comedy duo. Sigma was obsessed with finding and wearing "wiggy", which a wig cropped from the hair of a Ryoko sprite from a Tenchi Muyo game.
which community was that
Zero Virus.
Everybody, particularly the Bob & George forums, always accused us of stealing sprites. We didn't steal jack, in fact we usually banned sprite thieves when given proof.
>Elf Piss
I wasn't part of Zero Virus but I remember that in Planet Mega Man and Rockman.EXE HQ
funny, I was mostly in the BNG community back then
I doubled as a part of the BnG community, so it was really half-and-half. I was mostly just a loser playing catch up to everybody else's talent.

Did get into a fangame which I had no business being in.
I made some very shitty fancomics so there's that
People still make Elpiss and Elsuelo jokes. /mmg/ made a whole fanfiction chronology about Elpizo trying to get laid.
Did I stutter? Still would 100%
Seeing as this is a Mega Man thread. Where do I start with this franchise? There are multiple series and a ton of entries. I figured I'd just emulate the NES games and then the X games on SNES.
If you want the original slow and methodical platforming action, play the Classic series

If you want faster action with less level structure, play X

If you want an action adventure, play Legends

If you want a very unique RPG, play Battle Network

If you like X, you can try Zero and ZX.
If you like Battle Network, you can try Starforce.
Cool list, thanks anon. I'm leaning towards classic and X but I also have Legends.

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