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You gonna buy it, or nah? I want one for homebrew, Doom Resurrection is a cool novelty (likewise Tomb Raider 32X and the Golden Axe remaster) and if the recent marvels of Saturn homebrew are any indication it's a platform ripe for ambitious ports and other projects. Maybe we'll get a fan port of SegaSonic? Or all the never-adapted Model 1, 2 and System 32 arcade games, like Wing War or OutRunners.
why bother with a fpga that only plays a select few systems?
Nah, if I want one of those I'll 3D print my own shell and donate a Genesis and a spare 32X to make a more legit version. I already have a MiSTer.
This shit is pointless when you can just build a mister and get an identical experience
>Destroying real hardware and stuffing their guts into a shitty 3d printed plastic shell.
What an absolutely moronic idea
>This shit is pointless when you can just build a mister and get an identical experience
Oh look, the anti-fun brigade has arrived. People like you used to be wartime collaborators
hell fuckin yeah
but it MUST support 100% of the 32x library & have good sound chips
Nothing destructive about it. Besides. Who gives a shit about early model 2 Genesis consoles. They're a dime a dozen and need modded to sound and look right anyway. And I have an extra 32X I saved that went though a basement flood. It's already missing its RF shielding.
I'm not going to use my cherry picked VA3 with the newer Sony encoder for a project like this. Maybe to make people like you mad I'll use my other VA3 that has a Samsung encoder in it. The 32X would fix that garbage encoder in the process.
Maybe do a couple minutes of research before making such an ignorant comment.
i want a 32x clone you can fit in the real console.
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This exists. The Brazilian fever dream doesn't.
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From the same people you can buy a $500 consolized MVS. And you can order a bunch of SCART switchers too.
>I'm not going to use my cherry picked VA3 with the newer Sony encoder for a project like this.
Muh Sony encoder!!
Still looks like garbage compared to a Mister or Mega SG
It's cool that you're proud to be that dumb. I hope you attempt to buy one of these FPGA Neptunes from Brazil. Let everyone know how good you think it is.
Who said I'm going to buy this things?
So many retards on this board thinking they are smart. Kek (But have fun with your special VA3!)
Why would anyone buy this when you can get a MiSTer instead that already does 32X?
Why do people buy the Snes minis when they are worse than an old Wii?
If they don't fuck this up it will be the best mini console ever because the standards are so low.
The snes mini has lower input lag than the wii, also better video signal and you get 2 nice controllers with it.
>>Why do people buy the Snes minis when they are worse than an old Wii?
Because they're retarded? The market for this can't be very big, you're targeting the anal log crowd with a console that didn't even exist so why would they care about owning a fake one to play all the 100 dollar games they don't own?
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for dare i say it, fun
Why is your game in a plastic cuck sleeve?
Depending on price, this thing could be more cost effective than having to buy or at least try to find a decent 32x at a decent price.
Is there any information out there pertaining to it being able to play Sega CD games too?
>I want one for homebrew,
these kinds of systems do not make easier to create homebrew software with. not that you should. you should always use real hardware to test with, not fpga recreations that may not be entirely accurtate.

> oh look, the people that are mad about others not interested in buying slop think i'm retarded
Many such cases!

>find a decent 32x at a decent price.
you could find them in every pawn store throughout the 2000s for $5-$10 and still nobody wanted them. re-releasing it and hoping for the best isn't going to create a whole lot of new software for it.
>these kinds of systems do not make easier to create homebrew software with.
Tell me you've never written a line of code for an older system in your life without telling me
>Many such cases!
Indeed, yourself included
>all these assholes suddenly flooding the market with fpga consoles
>none of them are designed to directly play roms
>just like the emulator consoles before them
I swear I hate you reseller catering clowns
I love Brazilian SEGA consoles, the gray Mega Drive and the blue Master System will always remain among my favorites by aesthetic alone.
This is not a good company. How are you people missing this?
there are millions of model 2's and they're all pieces of shit anyway. fucking nobody cares about 32X. the shells can be reused, reproduction PCBs already exist. there's no harm to building your own Neptune, in fact it is probably an upgrade
>in fact it is probably an upgrade
It certainly is if you're using a shitty early Model 2 variant and mod in a TBP.
nta but probably so the fragile cardboard doesnt get all shitty and ruined
the Neptune design relies on installing 3BP so thats a given
This will either end up as vaporware. Or a publicly funded scam.
How do you buy a 3D render?
for what its worth, their component switch was regarded as a good alternative to the much more expensive castlemania version until it sold out
anon is right. fpga slop doesn't make it easier to make "homebrew". it seems your anus hurts because:
> can't code
> don't own real machines
> anon isn't sucking cocks shilling fpga recreations
not complicated.

>Tell me you've never written a line of code for an older system in your life without telling me
extreme cope coming from people that hex edit roms with 20+ year old tools and call themselves "rom hackers" and think mame is too complicated. you people on this board have never seen soap, forget about the complexities of assembler languages.
Did all that projecting make your anus hurt any less?
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Nepture had such a sleek design... I still think it was SEGA's best chance as a Genesis successor. Hear me out, if they had released the Nepture instead of both the 32x and Saturn, SEGA could have done a lot better that generation, since it likely would be just as cheap as the PS1, if not cheaper! Also, it would be compatible with all Genesis controllers, accessories, cartridges...

If you had a Genesis, there was no reason to get a Saturn, none of the major SEGA IPs were there and there was no backwards compatibility, so it was about price and titles, and PS1 won in both.

If you add a cheaper price than PS1, or equal, in this equation, plus backwards compatibility with everything the Genesis had, most Genesis fans would've just upgraded instead of switching it.
>proprietary controller ports ONLY instead of USB C functionality too
>industry standard connector
Why? All of the necessary cores can be licensed for commerical use. This shouldn't be hard to put together
Does it have a price? Since the MiSTer is about to become a $115 system, I don't see too much of a point in this unless it will be considerably cheaper. I don't see a reason to use this over either real hardware or a MiSTer (Or MARS or Replay2) without it being less than half the price of the clone DE-10 board.

If you have huge nostalgia for the original console itself (even though the Neptune never came out) then use original hardware, if you just want accurate FPGA emulation get a MiSTer or one of it's competitors if they ever release. It doesn't even do SegaCD, you have to plug it into an actual SegaCD unit fort that.

I just don't see who this is for when both the original hardware and FPGA system that can already emulate all of it's systems and about a hundred other platforms exist. There is no way this will be cheap, which is the only point I can see in it, like that NESTang and SNESTang project which can basically just support NES/SNES but uses a cheap FPGA board.
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I love Brazilian SEGA stuff so much, /vr/os...

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Doesn't look like it offers much outside of the gimmick of being in a cancelled Sega console shell. May as well just grab the regular Mister instead of this stripped down, inflated derivative.
>Nepture instead of both the 32x and Saturn, SEGA could have done a lot better that generation

The problem with Sega is that they were basically two companies under one brand. Two different branches with different needs. Both fighting with eachother.

Sega of Japan disliked the Genesis for not selling well in Japan, and wanted to move on quickly. They were also jealous of Sega of America's independence and popularity.

Sega of America loved the Genesis. It was wildly popular, sold very well, and the West loved it. Sega wanted to keep the Genesis for another 1 to 2 years.

Sega of Japan was too narrowly focused on Japan success only and wanting to beat Nintendo and Sony in Japan. They didn't care about the needs of other regions and demanded their other branches strictly follow their orders. It was their downfall. That's why Sega failed, almost declared bankruptcy, and bought out by a freaking slot machine company.

Sega of America probably would have enjoyed the Neptune...IF....the price was cheap and it was supported well. Let's say the launch price was 149.99 and it came with a bunch of games, and was supported for at least 3 years. Yes it would have done well in America and Europe.

Not in Japan though. They hated the Genesis and it didn't sell there.
SoA loved the Genesis because their major competitor failed to launch and they had a massive headstart on Nintendo.

The problem with Sega is that SoJ were right. SoA weren't better, they were just luckier. Which is why their abysmal attempts at marketing the Saturn failed, and why they would've had similar problems trying to band-aid fix the 32X and Neptune to compete with the PS1. SoA might've had an easier time marketing the Neptune, but there was no way it was going to compete with Sony.
Lol, why are Saturn haters so cringe
The 32x was crap anon, get over it
And if you already have a genesis then why do you care about a new system that does the same as your old one?
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>And if you already have a genesis then why do you care about a new system that does the same as your old one?
So people could sell their Genesis and get the new one while keeping their favorite Genesis titles and still being able to play them.

>The 32x was crap anon, get over it
I know, but if it had received 100% of the focus as a successor to the Genesis, instead of the Saturn, it would've done much better, that's all.
>just buy this new console that does the same as your old console anon
Dude what?
>100% of the focus as a successor to the Genesis, instead of the Saturn, it would've done much better
>They didn't care about the needs of other regions and demanded their other branches strictly follow their orders.

What? Wasn't it famously known that their US branch tended to do whatever the fuck they wanted? I recall that SEGA of Japan was pissed at SEGA of US's ad campaign that basically slammed and insulted the competition.
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Not him, the entire point of the 32X is that it's 32-bit, something the Genesis couldn't do. It would've essentially been a backwards compatible 32-bit console, perhaps with more actual western games and games like Sonic
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Sonic Mars would've been nice to see on it. Same with Sonic-16, Treasure Tails, and Astropede
The point of the 32x was to prolong sales of the genesis, it did it’s job but also hindered their focus on the next console
Bits meant nothing but marketing
It could handle full 3D games anon
Handle is the correct word
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I know, it's why I'm saying their strategy was wrong as it should've been a dedicated console, the Nepture, from the start, and should've been SEGA's PS1 competitor instead of the Saturn, it would've been cheaper than PS1 and with the backwards compatibility, every family that owned a Genesis would've gotten it as it would've made sense financially really.
You're delusional. The 32X made some sense as it was just an add-on. A full console would cost more money and would be seen as a glorified Genesis, now 3x the price. The CDX made more sense than the Neptune, and that failed too.
Mate, it really sounds like you just wanted the genesis to last longer
surprised no one responded to this.
I'd say if it reads carts, that's a reason. Personally I dont care cause i dont have a sega collection, but i get the appeal of getting this even if you have a mister for that reason alone
god why did the polymega thing have to be shit, it's such a great idea
it's projected to be at like R$2k which is between $350 and $400
everyone here would just be better off waiting for Taki Udon's FPGA getting made instead
The only reason to buy this it is if you're unfortunate enough to live in Brazil where it probably costs a quarter as much as a MiSTer.
Not really, I just wish SEGA had something going for them in the 5th generation then... even if that something was just being a good budget option.

Saturn had nothing going for it.
Lol, ok buddy
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CDX failed because all of those other options existed at the same time, I'm proposing SEGA literally not releasing a standalone 32x, nor a Saturn, and having just the Genesis, with their SEGA CD add-on, for the previous generation, while having only the 32x/Nepture standalone being their "next generation" console to go up against PS1 and N64, it might've worked really.

Sure, it would've had the weakest hardware, I know, but it would've been cheaper, and also it would've been the only one with compatibility with a previous console, so even better value.
No I already have retroarch
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But the Saturn is already a redesigned Genesis + 32x wth CD Drive really.
Buy what? Do you have anything other than renders?
Does it run Genesis cartridges? 32x cartridges? Mega CD disks? No, it doesn't, so it's pointless.
>does it run consoles I already have?
You have to stop anon
>Saturn = redesigned Genesis + 32x + CD
What does anon mean by this?

In hindsight, having too many consoles/add ons on offer, and delays to 5th gen console development were really bad for Sega. So Fwiw cutting their losses and releasing a Neptune earlier possibly would have improved Sega's fortunes but there were still better console options and bigger problems to solve for them to survive.
wait for the DE-10 Nano clone to come out. It will be cheaper and affordable.
You keep posting this, but it really sounds like you don't know what you're on about. I paid 130 bucks for my DE-10 like 5 years ago.

Neptune was always a terrible idea. The Sega CD had already proved they were wasting time with add-ons, there have been 2 successful addons ever, the FDS which had no real reason to exist (nintendo were taking advantage of Japan being a shithole where you can't rent because they paid off the government to ban renting), and the PCE CD, which was super expensive at launch but the bubble economy helped.

The problem with the Saturn can be summed up in one sentence. Americans didn't care about arcades. Virtua Fighter wasn't a killer app in America, and so the decision to fuck over retailers and get their console out ASAP in the west just lead to it languishing on shelves.
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>You keep posting this, but it really sounds like you don't know what you're on about

You're the one who sounds like they don't know what they're talking about. Everyone who has any interest in FPGA emulation knows about the upcoming DE-10 clone by now, it's not some rumor, there are goddamn photos of it.

>I paid 130 bucks for my DE-10 like 5 years ago.

And here's further proof you know jack about what you're talking about. Have you even bothered to look at the prices of a DE-10 now? It started going up drastically in 2021. Pic related.

>the FDS which had no real reason to exist (nintendo were taking advantage of Japan being a shithole where you can't rent because they paid off the government to ban renting)

You're a fucking idiot. The FDS was made because MaskROM chips were expensive at the time and the Quick Disk format it used could store almost three times what initial Famicom games could, while also allowing for saving without adding even more costly hardware and being significantly cheaper to manufacture, not to mention you could write games to the disks at kiosks. Nintendo didn't anticipate nor even expect how quickly MaskROM prices would fall during the Famicom's lifespan. The FDS also expanded the Famicom's sound capabilities.
Nintendo were well aware that prices would fall. The primary reason for the FDS was circumventing the rental laws they themselves had invented, a way to double dip with low quality hardware.

Imagine falling for the fucking party line of "oh we didn't know ROM chips would get cheaper like they had every year since we started using them". It was a good system, and it couldn't have worked outside of Japan because the rest of the first world wasn't as blatantly corrupt as Japan.
>The problem with the Saturn can be summed up in one sentence. Americans didn't care about arcades.

That wasn't the problem, the problem was that 0 stores actually carried the console. The surprise launch was a surprise to Sega as well, they had 0 stock and 0 marketing. They were all oiled up for pushing the 32X, sent marketing ads, flyers, bought ad space at big stores, everything. Then suddenly they pull back all of that and ask stores to put the Saturn on display, with no actual flyers and material to put on display. And maybe 2 consoles per store country wide, one used as a demo kiosk running Virtua Fighter, the other on the shelves to buy.

Whatever games it came with was irrelevant because Sega pissed off retailers so hard with this move that they refuse to carry the Saturn out of spite.
The FDS had jack-all to do with rentals, FDS games were being sold, not rented out. Nintendo made the exact same mistake with the 64DD years later. Using floppies was a way to make the games cheaper, until that fell apart because of how cheap ROMs got.

If Nintendo wanted to rent our games in Japan, they could just fucking rent out games in Japan. The laws didn't bar the company who made them officially renting them out. The law that Nintendo helped put into place that bans anyone from opening a videogame rental store specifically states that it's allowed with the copyright holder's permission. You are a retard if you think Nintendo created the FDS to "circumvent" the rental laws, they didn't have to circumvent jack shit, the law literally stated that they can grant that permission to anyone to rent out their games if they wanted to, needless to say, that "anyone" includes themselves.
>there have been 2 successful addons ever, the FDS which had no real reason to exist (nintendo were taking advantage of Japan being a shithole where you can't rent because they paid off the government to ban renting), and the PCE CD
Zero install base outside of Japan
>there have been 2 successful addons ever, the FDS which had no real reason to exist (nintendo were taking advantage of Japan being a shithole where you can't rent because they paid off the government to ban renting), and the PCE CD
Super Game Boy, Game Boy Camera, Game Boy Printer, Game Boy Player, Expansion Pak, Transfer Pak, Rumble Pak, Lock-On Cartridge, VMU, PocketStation, Saturn RAM cart. BS-Satellaview and 64DD also existed but idk how popular they were. Bandai also made their own thing for the SNES
Literally none of those fit in the same category of what’s being discussed
>Literally none of those fit in the same category of what’s being discussed

The only one that counts is the 64DD, and the Japanese only Satellaview. The rest are classified as accessories. Also, the Dreamcast VMU is the default memory card for the system. Not sure why that was included.
Yeah but they weren’t even successful
Correct, so post
is just the most retarded response possible
What if the Saturn had backwards compatibility, and wasn't launched prematurely?
>I paid 130 bucks for my DE-10 like 5 years ago.
I got a copy of Bloodlines for less than $10 in the early 2000s. People complaining about the price now are wrong, game is cheap.
> if it had received 100% of the focus as a successor to the Genesis, instead of the Saturn, it would've done much better, that's all.
And if Saturn got 100% of the focus instead of the 32X it would have done substantially better than the 32X. 32X should have never existed.

With no 32X most of Saturn's problems in the west go away. The entire point of the surprise launch in May 1995 was to try and sweep the 32X disaster under the rug. So no 32X, no surprise launch. The entire reason all they had a launch was Japanese arcade games was because they wasted all their resources making western targeted games for 32X instead. Without 32X those games are now most likely on Saturn. If they are able to launch in Fall of 1995, they could also price match PS1 because Saturn was already down to the $299 price in Japan by June of 1995.

32X did the bulk of the damage to Saturn and Sega's 5th generation performance.

>But the Saturn is already a redesigned Genesis + 32x wth CD Drive really.
No it's not. The hardware is quite different. Saturn has actual video hardware and audio hardware, 32X is just pure CPU brute force.

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