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what made the first Sims game so special?
Vanilla Sims 1 before any expansions was a hard game to master, it was actually meant to be less about micromanaging people and more about having a macro picture of the architecture they were placed inside of. This is backed up by Will Wright's prior game being SimAnt. Unfortunately people became too invested in the lives of their individual sims, but that's to be expected even with the series' satirical elements.
The first one is fucking hard, my sim is always stressed out and it takes forever to get bella goth to put out
and then the house always is burning down because i didn't realize you couldn't put a trash can next to the stove
Conbon snala?
The music
>sims thread
Based, bump
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It is hard if you use no cheats, especially if you have multiple sims to monitor. It's one of those games that feels rewarding for abusing the game mechanics to hilarious effect. I get why they made subsequent releases for casual players, but original Sims had the perfect amount of jenk to make it charming.
Also, the chad pyramid.
The Get a Life mode, exclusively found on the superior console version. PC cucks keep losing.
Sims 1 was a moment in time.

Lost all interest once I got Livin' Large. Never went back.
I am not sure but I got a lot of nostalgia for the game. Every time I think of it I always think of the first game although I only ever played 1 and 2. I seen the later games and something about them just never looked as good imo. Not sure if maybe the series just isn't for me anymore it could be that.
3 with all the expansions is ok... thats it ok. I can still lose hours in it just wandering the open world and messing around but its nothing like sims 1 & 2 and while it does some things better it lost something along the way. I still play sims 3 on occasion but thats really just to build stuff at this point.
I spent hundreds of hours in the game as a kid and always treated it as an architecture and interior design simulator. I would use infinite money cheats, design a house, decorate it, look it over, and start all over again. I never actually gave a shit about the simulation aspect of it. I'm not sure what that says about me, but I think about it a lot.
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it's the most realistic life simulator as in, you work your life away in a shitty job only to return home, have barely any time to take care of yourself, grind some skills and make friends with people you hate for a chance to climb one step in the corporal ladder
its fun to build houses in tho. I even said here >>11045839 I pretty much reduced sims 3 to a city builder and dont play as people that often anymore. just building cool places and decorating them is fun especially with mods and all the extra content it gives me to work with. I wouldnt think anything is wrong with you for enjoying building the houses and ignoring the social shit in the game. alot of people did
it's only realistic if you're purely materialistic, like the game is
It was the first time I could trap random "sims" and either starve them to death, set them on fire, or drown them. It was lots of fun.
You can barely put a stove anywhere near a house.
because we were young and naive
I still think Sims 1 was best in terms of art and direction, but my big bitch was having to juggle fifteen friends just to get top career. Thank God for the teleporter mod that allowed you to just teleport people at any time of the day to socialize
i always spent most of my effort trying to get my sim laid
sim penis
It's the art direction. The music is extremely soulful
will wright
Sims 3 most likely has most versatile build mode of all sims games if you just wanna build. It has color wheel, so anything can look good with bit of color theory and it has terrain tools, something later sims games removed. But it's hard to get into it if you have no clue what you doing, mastering cheats like constrainFloorElevation for advanced builds is not easy task and will be daunting.
The pyramid never fails to make me laugh
its fun just building in 3. plus its fun when you do play seeing your building in the town in all its glory. as much as I love 1 & 2 I do love the open world of 3 to drive around and walk around and SEE things in the world instead of just when im on its lot.
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>Build Mode 5
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I remember the later promotions required a ridiculous amount of friends. Other than that it was fun to dick around in.
I only played the ps2 version but I remember it having spooky uncanny valley vibes, at times it felt genuinely voyeuristic
That makes sense, since the game started out as software for interior designers.
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I'd say it was mostly the overall atmosphere brought on by the music/graphics. It's perfectly timeless.
Also it helped that the game had a very amusing and cynical sense of humor.
Its the shining example of soul, just very distinct creativity pouring out of the game from the musical score to simlish
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>seeing your building in the town in all its glory
yeah i think this is what people criminally underrating. open world allows for greater build creativity that directly integrates itself with sight seeing. instead of seeing just fog of war like in sims 1 and 2, with open world you suddenly start paying more attention to designing window placements that emphasize open world, such as cool balconies, or bed facing the sunset over the sea. or overlooking the city from the mansion
no other sims game came close to this feeling
>drive to a restaurant and see your sim disappearing instead of meeting other sims, ordering, eating, reading a magazine
oh yeah, a big step forward
as opposed to get teleported into a void where time freezes like in previous games. rabbit holes was necessary evil to make open world function. with project this big, if they opted for having real lots with sims, they would be dead and empty like all the others, because nothing would spawn
so pick your fucking poison
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I'll tell you right now those loser autistic horse girl women came in and turned the game into a nasty weird thing for them to vicariously live inside of.

The first expansion, Living Lrge, already changed the atmosphere. Will Right didn't work directly on Living Large because he was busy with The Sims Online, but he gave is OK. The Sims base game is the only The Sims for men and SimCity enjoyers.
>Will Right didn't work directly on Living Large
then why in all his interviews he is so proud of creating that fucking tragic clown like it's his baby?
That was the only thing he did do.
The console games are more goal orientated so you could say they are for men too.
the console version of the sims games were decent. Urbz is surprisingly decent once you get past that horrible slow beginning and startup of it.
What was target audience for Sims?
Nobody among my friends played it. I mean, it's not like I had a damn lot of friends but still even though they (and I) played all kinds of crap, Sims wasn't among those.
Personally, I spent maybe 20 minutes in the game trying to kill my sim. Couldn't find anything else interesting to do.
>What was target audience for Sims?
Men that like to build things, women that like to roleplay and self-insert, and all the people that intersect both
But I like to build things. Like medieval towns in Stronghold, or gangster empires in Gangsters. Buying furniture for my virtual home didn't seem fun to me.
dude is comparing building massive keeps and criminal empires to mundane post-modern house design.
You said yourself you spent 20 minutes just trying to kill your sim...not exactly the way the game was intended to be played. If I started up minecraft and spent 20 minutes trying to see how long I can hold my breathe underwater I'd prolly walk away dissapointed too.
dude didnt even play the game or see any content just burned his house down and went welp this game sucks and never played it again
Have you ever wanted to be an architect?
I prefer city planning.
My sister played it, I remember fighting with her over the computer one Christmas when she got that and I got Tiberian Sun.

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