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>letting pure greed fuck up something so cool
Fuck Nintendo. I'll never forgive them.
The only thing I didn't like about it when I was a kid was that it was blurry as hell. Even over composite and a shitty crt. Rarely used it for that reason
Weren't GB Players pretty cheap back in the day?
you can run a gameboy program now
off a ISO file
but it doesn't have a lot of size options
Yeah they were. It's one of those NarcOP's that talks as though the rest of us are aware of his specific life experiences.
Player. Not disc.
This is an American website
The disc has always been more expensive once second hand was the only option. It came packed in the godawful japanese style of GC case which american children just instantly lost.

what is this post?

As if any of you greedy retards would do anything different if you stood to make a profit from anything other than your minimum-wage job.
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The NTSC-U disc still goes for over $100.
You're either being intentionally disingenuous, are are underage.
Nintendo has nothing to do with that?
Holy shit you're retarded. Take a few days off from posting for the rest of us
Wait, you call other people underage but you refer to current prices rather than Nintendo prices from when they were being sold?
No; you're the underage faggot who thinks the current price of something a lot of people lost track of was the original price.
The disc like the component cable is obsolete so it's really just an annoyance if you lost yours and don't know the tricks
Nah that guys in the right. Pretending Nintendo isn't to blame is silly. There's no reason a disc was needed other than ridiculous greed
here's your (You)
>b-b-but that's not NINTENDO!
I never said it was. Stay mad though.
But also, the need to use a boot disc in the first place was unnecessary and only served to turn thousands of units into unusable doorstops.
get a job
>0.42ยข has been deposited into your account
I'm with you man. The other guys in this thread are acting totally foolish
I wish I could just use my gamecube for gba even if it had no disc drive at all. Its ridiculous.
it's just the way computers work. How do you expect it to communicate with a new piece of hardware without instructions? It couldn't have been baked into the console at launch because the player's specs were far from finalized.
There is surely a way they could have worked this out to not be this stupid. I'm in six figurs of debt because of.my crippling addiction to Nintendo smegma.
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Have you considered taking better care of your shit?
>Even over composite and a shitty crt.
Well no duh
I do find it funny that there are far more players out there than discs. Trusting kids with these things is a mistake. Nintendo fans, take care of your shit.
I have the disc i just think its stupid
besides shaders that weren't computationally feasible at the time, that was the best case scenario for viewing 240x160 graphics on a tv
Well they knew it was going to connect through the expansion port from the beginning. It would've been trivial to allow that port to override the boot sequence and load the GBPlayer instead.
The disc was the cheap and easy way out.
you can get a picopi for less than 5 bucks and mod the GC to load isos and not even need that disk to use the GB Player
>you can just pirate!
Yeah, but that was never the point. You might as well argue that emulation exists and so playing GBA games on a GameCube at all is pointless.
You're fucking stupid
>durrrr, consoles could be able to magically boot foreign hardware without a boot disc becauce... it just could!
buttmad samefag
Why did my genesis and turbografx and n64 not need a boot disc or cartridge to interface with new hardware
Ok retard
Whats different though
With an MSRP of $50, Game Boy Player is just a slightly rearranged Game Boy Advance with the bare minimum needed to physically interface with a GameCube. It doesn't have an additional computer inside that can "drive"

Genesis add-ons are whole-ass computers built from the ground up to drive a Genesis, mostly just using it as a tv adapter while processing games themselves.
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>With an MSRP of $40, Super Game Boy is just a slightly rearranged Game Boy with the bare minimum needed to physically interface with a Super Nintendo. It doesn't have an additional computer inside that ca-
>wait no that's not fair it's different because um
One of the most retarded threads ever
>I never said it was.
>Fuck Nintendo. I'll never forgive them.

>b-but that's not me!
I don't care. You're a retard. I've never lost my disc, plus I also have Game Boy Interface as an option.
That plugs into the primary software interface; it's quite different.
How does it feel being so retarded for making such stupid thread? I think you should die.
The gamecube bios wasn't designed to run software from anywhere other than the disc drive, whereas other system could run software from the expansion ports also. It's a dumb design flaw for the Gamecube but it's the way it is.

It's not an equivalent comparison at all considering an actual Gamecube equivalent of the Super Gameboy would be a disk with a cartridge slot in it.
Oh boy, you didn't live during this time

The Super Gameboy came out at a time when we didn't have battery charger systems. You had your 4 Double As and a countdown to the end of your gaming the more you played. Imagine playing your games with no volume just so you can get another hour out of it

You never had that with a console game

So the Super Gameboy came out the same time as Metroid 2 and Zelda Link's Awakening, 2 games that you were going to pour a lot of hours into. It being on console via your Super Gameboy was a game changer for your wallet.

Fast forward a few years and with Pokemon and the 100+ hours people would put into that...... the Super Gameboy was VERY valuable and important
>I don't have the disc
Womp womp, just get some other gay ass GBA TV solution you faggot.
Super Game Boy goes where the games do.

Game Boy Player disc goes where the games do.
>It's not an equivalent comparison because it's not a disc!
The GameCube isn't limited to the disc drive to load software, as it can be done over the two serial ports and even memory card slots.
As said here >>11047836, they knew from the start that the Game Boy Player would use the "Hi Speed" parallel port, which has a supported throughput of 81MB/s. Allowing that port to override the boot process would have been trivial, and the >5MB of content on the boot disc could have been easily and cheaply contained in flash memory on the Player.

There really was no reason to lock its functions to a disc outside of saving 25 cents per unit.
>The GameCube isn't limited to the disc drive to load software
Then why is it limited to the disc drive to load software?
Load hardware anon, not software
Are you retarded?
Because they didn't want to create an easy way to hack the console?
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The port was only ever planned for, and used for the Game Boy Player. Forcing a handshake to ensure that it, and only it, was connected would have been easy.
Also this is the same company that officially released an SD card interface for the machine, which was exploited with an Action Replay. They made worse decisions in that regard than a hardware-specific boot mode.
>Forcing a handshake to ensure that it, and only it
Anon, it plays GBA games
Some simple software could bypass it no problem
Memory card won't bypass boot
I'm convinced OP is not very with it.
Read, anon.
are you literally retarded?
you dont need the disc
in fact i recommend the homebrew gb player as
it has better resolution options, borders, etc
also the latency is better

use swiss and buy the gba player for $20 or whatever
crisis solved

i sold my disc to a retard for $120 years ago
This is like claiming Nintendo let you play Wind Waker without a disc because Swiss exists.
In order to use the Game Boy Player in any official capacity, you're forced to boot from a disc.
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>Look up Gameboy Player on Ebay
>First Result is a hacked memory card that lets you boot the Gameboy Player without a disc
You're the one being disingenuous.
>Weren't GB Players pretty cheap back in the day?
They were. But OP wasn't alive back in the day, so he's seething.
I don't understand this post. The GB Player? Nintendo stopped making the Gamecube.... so they stopped making the GB Player. Literally every company eventually stops manufacturing hardware. It's not specific to Nintendo. Maybe something's going over my head, otherwise gay thread.
they think Nintendo gets a cut if you buy the disc today
That's an SDGecko in an enclosure.
It's not bootable, and needs an appropriate disc of its own or a modchip to work.
>I don't understand this post.
You sure don't.
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>people laugh at my stupidity because they don't understand my post
It looked blown the fuck up though and it stuck out as blurry on a setup that is always blurry
Well itโ€™s because the players are region free but the discs to use them arenโ€™t.
So even when they were new there were more players in the world than discs to play them in one region.
Just hack the thing, retard, whoever uses disks or cartridges instead of flashcarts or external disks deserves to be ripped off.
Playing them on the GC is cool, don't talk now about emulations, that is indeed not the point.
You're just artificially limiting yourself with physical media because you're a cuckold paypig that enjoys being fucked by you console overlords with their DRM. Get fucked.
What greed? It's not Nintendo's fault dick heads lost the disc so scalpers turned around and scalped it. They sold it to you with the body.
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Thats because it was 480i and tge image was badly scaled for some reason. Making it taller instead of looking like this.
Im glad i finally sold it, that disc caused me no shortage of stress. I kept it safe but i always worried itd go missing.id rather play on gba or ds anyway.
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>Fuck Nintendo. I'll never forgive them.
kek youre retarded where is the greed? you expect it to work without software it came with the disc when new, just grab one without and install a modchip and burn a copy of the disc or use gbi whats the issue
I agree with you, the super gameboy is more useful/valuable/worthwhile to own than the gba player. But why is everyone forgetting that nintendo was a gimmick or novelty company at heart? Rob, blaster, bongos, link cables etc etc.
oops all gimmicks eh
I know this is a bait thread but I just wanted to say I still have mine. I'm honestly surprised because I feel like I should have lost the disc a hundred times over during a move or while cleaning, but I guess I'm just too intelligent and organized :^)
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It was actually affordable that I got it when I quit video games. Instead of the $150USD for a portable, which did not fit how I preferred playing the games, it was just an additional $50 for the Gameboy Player, or in my case included with the Gamecube. I got a lot of loose GBA games randomly here and there for $5USD and under from various places which helped me through my 2nd time quitting video games. Aside from Nintendo's litigious nature against emulation, content creators, and their fans, they mostly do good gaming experiences for me.
Did Nintendo sell replacement boot discs when the GB Player was being supported?
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have you found a modern hori replacement that is acceptable yet
i dont want to spend tons of money on a niche controller
if not i was thinking raphnet adapters
In 2003, you could order a replacement disc for $15.
I wouldn't chalk it up to greed so much as shitty design. Charging $15 for a replacement disc isn't that egregious.
don't care
worked in my childhood
didn't become a seething spitting incel because of it
Mate, you could have a bootrom on the Gameboy Player's NAND, much like the Gamecube itself. The Sega CD has an in-built bootrom and plugs straight into the serial port, so why couldn't the Gamecube just read from the serial port as well?
See: >>11051514

So the real answer is that Nintendo was too cheap to put the bootrom on the Gameboy Player itself. Plus the boot disc is region locked so yeah Nintendo was just being Nintendo, nothing special here.
You fail to consider a simple fact: Since the GBP is going to be permanently connected to the cube by the mayority of the people who bought it, imagine how tedious should be having to remove it everytime you want to play another game. But what can you expect from such bait thread?
it could have a physical switch for users to break or call tech support about

Unless GameCube shipped with the disc drive having highest priority, this would also have many confused about why their GameCube isn't playing GameCube games.

This really was the best option.
>Mate, you could have a bootrom on the Gameboy Player's NAND
Mate, you're just tapping words you've seen somewhere. You have no idea what you're talking about.
>So the real answer is some dumb kids crazy imaginary bullshit
lol. no.
You're so clueless it's embarrassing to read.
>Game Boy Player
I mean, just play on an emulator with a CRT shader, or on a real CRT, and you'll get very similar experiences to the real thing. If you simply *HAVE* to use your cartridges, then there's the Analogue Pocket with the dock.
The Gameboy player isn't emulation
I'm the OP and I haven't posted in this thread at all just for the record. I really wasn't posting b8 or trying to start some weird speech and debate
ya the software is literally worse than emulation using the player
unless you use open-source software you are adding input delay and dropping frames
not to mention the viewable window is ass
I dunno what any of what you said means I'm just gonna use my player
You can still play cartridge games with a Sega CD installed lol
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I guarantee he doesn't know what any of he said means.
Put a boot menu in the GBP's firmware that allows people to choose whether they want to play a Gameboy cartridge or a Gamecube disc. Done.
I'm not saying it is, it's just that with GB, GBC and GBA the emulators we have now are pretty good and accurate for the most part, so there's not an actual disadvantage to using it over a hardware.

Anyways, do as you prefer, anons.
>>OP (You)
Try again, chum.
You continue to miss the point anyway, despite it being explained several times throughout the thread. And while I suppose that's to be expected when you barely speak the language being used, it's still disappointing.
>GameCube restarts so it can load the game disc instead
>forgets your selection and returns to the menu
My mom told me all emulation is bad
How do you think SwissGC works?
You have to remember that back in the day, you'd buy it and have everything. Having to wade through overpriced ebay listings to get a disc for your GB Player is a more modern problem.
heres your spoonfeed you ignorant faggots
Go eat a bar of dark chocolate
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y-y-you too!
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Well, that's not what she told me when I banged her last night in your bed, anon.
Cant believe nintendo charged 150 for the disc alone. Gross.
Hardware emulation is still emulation
I find it kind of strange so many people apparently lost these. The disc came in a small transparent case. I know, because that's where I always kept mine when it wasn't being used, and that's where it is now on my shelf.
tfw i had to pick up my whole ass game cube just to play kirby tilt n tumble on a big screen tv
tf you mean 150? the shit cost the same as a regular game cube game
All it takes is for one owner to forget that the system needed a disc to run. An easy enough mistake for most people because they assume hey it plays gba carts thats all there is to it right?

Casuals, the bulk of the consumer base for video games, are retarded and unobservant. Thats why, to make a bit of an autistic and weird comparison, bionicles for example go up for sale improperly assembled and missing pieces, or perhaps an easier more intuitive comparison: arcade machines are gutted -- art replaced, monitor replaced and game pcb and its "upgraded" with an lcd and bootleg multiboard. Or how most people sold handheld games loose even with ds games when you had an actual literal plastic case it was still seen as disposable junk. Because thats the subconscious message they had from years of cardboard cases which arent junk either mind you

Everyones grandma called the cartridges to nes and snes games tapes. Which makes no fucking sense since there is no tape in there but those ignorant people associated that shape, the video content, and the plastic material with tapes.

The majority of people dont care so the items arent properly cared for. They sell them as they see fit -- what makes sense them. They know nothing because they dont care to know.

It bothers me a lot to think about, and unfortunately try as i might it cant be avoided when i try to browse arcade machines on online market places or try to go to an arcade.

Or when i go to a retro game store and i find out they have the most ghetto ass resurfacer they destroy every game with

Ignorance is infuriating. The lack of respect for history and authenticity is infuriating. And i cant do anything about it.
Thats why people played on ps2. Gamecube didnt sell a lot of units. The disc was small too, zero hype zwro reason to by one.
theres no way it was 150, i wouldnt have bought it all them years ago, it was 60 dollars tops for the hardware + disc
It's not hardware emulation. It's a proper GBA on a different board.
have you tried taking a fuckin chillpill
they are just videogames, not historical documents
No one would call a gameboy player a gba . Its not a real gameboy .
It is though
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Demonstrably wrong.
Gb player will never be a gameboy. Much like how you will ynbaw
>you will you will
Good job anon
$15. Where'd you get the extra zero from?
Not what it says anywhere online buddy
Are you illiterate? https://web.archive.org/web/20030704092224/http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/repair/repair_charts.jsp
And before you bring up their secondhand price, that wasn't Nintendo's doing. They sold the fucking discs for $15 back when the GBP was being supported.
Genuine mindbreak. Hate to see it.
oh yes its nintendos fault the discs are so expensive on the second hand market despite including a disk with every unit. ok retard
only one bawwing here is you, embarassing
Isn't there several ways to run backups/pirated stuff on the Gamecube now? There should be no reasons to need the disc anymore, especially since everything GC is ultra expensive now anyways
>that pink spot on the screen
GBI does that to all 3 of my crts too, what the fuck causes it?,
It's caused by one of two things
Either it's a cheap mask or your TV needs degaussing
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Yeah, the GBA player itself isn't too bad, but the disk goes for stupid amounts of money.

Thankfully, you don't need it! There is a homebrew version of the app now that is better than the official player software in every way, and there are shitloads of ways to load a homebrew app like that on a GC these days.
You owned nothing and now you are crying
>b-but I need to use Jewtendo's DRM!
But is it necessary, that's the bigger question.
kek its crazy how they have those bodged resistors on a final product
how many times do i need to tell you? just do it
Are tech illiterates really still mad about losing their GBP discs? Good grief just use homebrew. You can use GBI OR pirate the original start-up disc if you're such a purist.
If you actually played the GameCube while it was current you certainly have at least one game with a save exploit you can use to launch Swiss.
if people weren't retards in these ways then human civilization would be vastly superior in many other ways too - "not being a retard" is an extremely important quality in all aspects of life
FYI, it's actually allowed to spend a whole day of your life without thinking about Jews

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