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Are these just the Sourcenext ports patched with Classic Rebirth, or are they worse than that? Anyone tried it yet?
Is that GOG installer sharing site still up? Could download it and find out.
>paying money to Crapcum when sourcenext has existed forever
Wait when did this get released? It's pretty neat, I don't know anything about the PC version though, have always been playing the US longbox for the PS1
WHOA, this is BIG news!. If these are the Classic Rebirth versions, or better, it's awesome. And if it's not, it just means we're gonna get more DRM-free releases from Capcom.
Stop being stupid.
Why is this awesome or news? Rebirth has existed forever.
But using Rebirth can be a cumbersome process. You have to hunt down the old PC version, which may or may not install correctly. This is sold in an official capacity, with an easy-to-use GOG installer and is made especially to run on modern operating systems. If this supports Rebirth, then it'd be a much easier process to get that running now. Plus, it hopefully means we'll start to see more RE games show up on GOG, as well as other forgotten titles.
No joke are you a paid shill?
This thread will congregate the lowest iq individuals who visit this board for them to say:
>uhh just emulate
>but i already have this
>just use mods
>shill shill shill
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Anon, the GOG installers are ridiculously easy to pirate. If their versions are as good as classic rebirth, this just means we have the easiest versions to install yet for the classic trilogy on PC
>low IQ
>they're all right

Really makes you think
>Is that GOG installer sharing site still up?

But the RE games haven't been uploaded yet
"Let's wait 25+ years until passionate fans fix everything wrong with these ports, so we can still their work and put it for sale"
Suck my dick, niggerfaggots. As if Capcom hadn't given me enough reasons to hate them.
So, this is a very serviceable version of RE1.
I bought it because I'm not poor and can spend $8 to test things. It's fine. Keyboard controls are standard arrow buttons + Z/X/C/V for input, controller works with zero hassle, the expected.
Visually, it is very much a 240p game blown up to fullscreen on my 1080p monitor. FMVs look fine, backgrounds are jarring against high quality models.
One issue was that I couldn't run while turning right on KB while I could run and turn right, figure that one out. No issues like that on controller.

Ultimately though, this is completely pointless. REbirth already exists and is free. This version is just an earlier, worse PC port of RE1.
If you don't know how to set up REbirth, you probably shouldn't be playing a game from 1996.
>we can still their work and put it for sale

Kek it's the GOG method, steal fan-patches/fixes and sell em as your own and never credit them. Look what they did with System Shock 2 a few years ago.
>But using Rebirth can be a cumbersome process.
Here's everything you need to do
>Go to Biorand's site
>Download the 4.3GB option with all 3 games
That's it.
Why the fuck did you copy and paste my post from /v/.
Are you a bot?
So let me guess, it's worse than Classic Rebirth because:
>no quick turn (aka noob button)
>no door skips (only a problem if you have ADHD)
>doesn't have shitty AI-upscaled backgrounds
Worse than classic rebirth because
No launcher
No window options unless you fuck around with the ini presumably
Have to remap control the same way
No mod support
>RE2 & 3
All of the above, in addition to being based on lower quality versions (the earlier American PC ports).
RE1 Rebirth is also fully portable, no need to install which is always nice.
The English version seems to be the Virgin Interactive CD version and the Japanese version seems to the Mediakite CD version. They have a new/modified .EXE and .DLL wrappers to handle video and controls. They don't work with the Classic Rebirth patch but I was able to get it working with the Japanese version by deleting/renaming the games .EXE and DLL wrappers and using the .EXE from the Mediakite 1.01 patch.
GOG is also in the devs for some reason
Fuck GOG
What exactly do you have against GOG besides CDPR's ESG horseshit?
They developed the patch used here.
People say they stole this one, but nah. The versions they used are incompatible with REbirth.
Doorskip was already in the original PC game to begin with
Quick turn is for idiots, I bet you also wish you could play SMB1 with P Wings
I think ESG is enough of a reason.
Does it have auto-aim and 3 ink ribbons per pick up?
>Does it have auto-aim
Yes it has auto aim
>3 ink ribbons per pick up
Chris has 3 ink ribbons per pick, Jill doesn't use ink ribbons and has infinite saves
Neat. Those are the only reasons I even bought the DC years ago.
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>No launcher
>No window options unless you fuck around with the ini presumably
It has a separate exe for configuring the graphics wrapper
not him but most of their releases are half-assed, can't even bother to spend 10 minutes on pcgaming wiki and get their games sorted
Sourcenext never actually ported RE1 to PC. They did 2, 3 and, wait for it... 4
Basically this is half baked patches for the original ports. They didn't even include the higher framerate FMGs for RE1 or the higher resolution RE2 FMGs. Also, had to watch a gross trannies video to get this info, FUCK OFF
>and, wait for it... 4
The port was also based on the PS2 version for some fucking reason instead of the superior original Gamecube version. Thank god it got ported again with the ultimate HD edition.
I never knew there was a Sourcenext version of 4. As far as I can recall, the Sourcenext versions didn't really add anything, right? Just made them playable on (at the time) modern systems?
the Sourcenext versions didn't really add anything, right? Just made them playable on (at the time) modern systems?
They have higher quality FMV
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>/vr/ thread is critical of this, examines the pros and cons and concludes its a lazy cashgrab inferior to the re:birth versions which have existed forever
>/v/ thread is full of esl's and retarded teenagers bragging about buying it while acting like the re:birth version is impossible to install
Can't say i'm super familiar with the PC versions but this looks worse then emulated PS1 and the audio doesn't sound right. Music has a hiss to it compared to the PS1 version.
If you paid money for this you deserve to be banned.

I don't buy bullshit cash crabs.
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Good on you then
>but this looks worse then emulated PS1

The backgrounds are identical and the 3D models higher res

They allow higher resolutions too but it doesn't really make a difference
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>The backgrounds are identical

Doesn't matter if it's a bit for bit copy, whatever they are doing with the scaling is making the backgrounds look worse. Here is a random youtube screen grab of the same room. Notice how less black crushed it is.
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>I never knew there was a Sourcenext version of 4
No, you did know anon. It is THAT version, the one published by Ubisoft in 2007
Wait, sourcenext was behind the infamous RE4 port? Definitely Ubimeddling
Oh I totally forgot about that
Just play the remake bro
PowerVR version is the best
>Sourcenext were also responsible for developing the infamous Resident Evil 4 2007 PC Port and despite popular claims, Ubisoft were only responsible for publishing the game in the west and were not involved in its original development.
I was really surprised to learn this too
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>the audio doesn't sound right
The audio quality of the RE1 and RE2 PC ports has always been bad but the Classic Rebirth versions can be modded to have the higher quality audio from the console versions
Sounds like the GOG versions are using the shit vanilla audio from the old ass PC versions

As a classic computer autistic man I love the fact the PowerVR versions exists but it is identical to the D3D version

Glad i'm not fucking crazy, it's been a few weeks since I last played but I noticed the shit audio on the first track
there's no rumble in re1? or is my controller broken
I'm pretty sure they just used the old ass PC version from the late 90s and patched it up a bit so it runs on modern Windows so yeah, no rumble
Even on PS1 you only have rumble in the Dual Shock version (the one with the meme soundtrack
Yeah that's nice and all anon, but here's the sourcenext versions of RE 1-3 and Dino Crisis 1&2 pre-patched with classic Rebirth so you can play those instead.
>here is a shitty quality youtube video as proof

Dude I literally looked at the source for all backgrounds in both versions some time ago. They're identical. Only Saturn has different backgrounds.
I'll look it up from sheer interest. I've run the REbirth version of 2 and 3 many times, but 1 is painful to play on Linux since it crashes every 40 minutes or so.
>1 is painful to play on Linux since it crashes every 40 minutes or so
This might have something to do with the face the RE1 doesn't have a sourcenext version
>with the face the
with the fact that RE1 doesn't have a sourcenext version*
Dunno what happened with my brain here
Sourcenext's ports themselves aren't great (if they were, they wouldn't need patches)- 3 in particular has horrendous code which is why REbirth 3 took so long and Gemini had a patreon goal for it unlike all his other releases.
What makes Sourcenext 2 and 3 great is the uncompressed assets.
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Just saw this on the store page.
When does Rebecca get to the top floor of dining room?
I beat the game many times and don't remember this
Make the right choices and get poisoned as Chris, you will play as Rebecca and be able to go here.
>Full compatibility with Windows 10 and Windows 11.
>All 4 localizations of the game included (English, German, French, Japanese).
>Improved DirectX game renderer.
>New rendering options (Windowed Mode, Vertical Synchronization Control, Gamma Correction, Integer Scaling, Anti-Aliasing and more).
>Improved timing of the cutscenes.
>Improved game video player.
>Improved game registry settings.
>Issue-free game exit and task switching.
>Full support for modern controllers (Sony DualSense, Sony DualShock4, Microsoft Xbox Series, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch, Logitech F series and many more) with optimal button binding regardless of the hardware and wireless mode.
>Completely uncut, with even more blood, graphic violence and gory scenes than the worldwide monster hit version on PlayStation
sounds exciting.
so is the new definitive PC version of the game?
Not really, but you can reach the ideal version by getting the Japanese PC version and patching it with Classic REbirth, so that's something.
Still tank control? I'm not interested.
zoom zoom
Can someone try to run it on Steam Deck?
for someone reason Litrus couldn't run RE2 SourceNext for me
Try playing modern ports of REmake that allow you to switch to the zoomer movement scheme and you'll see that that shit simply doesn't work. Hell, I think Fatal Frame and SH games on the PS2 had that as an option and they were genuinely unplayable like that
It simply works thoughever. Beat Remake, SH2 and 4 with it.
3 is still kind of jank even with the Rebirth patch. Sometimes it will crash when you go through the backdoor of the Clock Tower. I don't think anyone ever figured out why. I downloaded a different .iso and it never happened again.
Look at our post numbers
Ain't that nice?
>check REbirth site
>also did some stuff for dino crisis and soul reaver
>theres been rumors of Soul Reaver remake/remaster
uh ohhhh
Meh, I can already play these on PC. Call me when they come to Switch.
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>You have to hunt down the old PC version, which may or may not install correctly.
My absolute fucking sides. Because double clicking an exe and waiting for the progress bar to fill up is a complicated process that can go catastrophically wrong. Hey dipshit, you do know the GOG version also uses a installer, right? It is also not hard to "hunt down", the sourcenext port is so popular someone bothered to fix it up, this is what the "rebirth" patch essentially is. Go shill your shitty company somewhere else.
NTA but GOG is not really shitty. You have to understand that most normalfags don't even know how to play NES games on PC, let alone make an oldass PC game work on their Win11. It's cool that there's an easy way to play all those classic games, more people will try them out
The GOG patch is unique by GOG. It isn't the REbirth one because it's way worse and just a basic DX11 wrapper on the game.
Capcom also didn't make this. GOG approached them about this project and Capcom just said "Sure". They don't care about older RE games like they do with their older fightans or MM.
It's neat but I don't get the sites acting like this is some earthshaking announcement. Classic games being more accessible is a good thing though. I'm curious to see what people think of the snappier movement in these if their only previous experience with tank controls were the Remake 1 and Zero re-releases.
they're in the credits for almost all games because it takes work to make old pc games compatible with modern systems
>this is some earthshaking announcement
It's not on Steam/modern consoles so it's still not an 'in your face big release' but it's still surreal to see those officially rereleased because Capcom and the vast majority of RE '''fans''' like to pretend the original trilogy doesn't exist
> Capcom and the vast majority of RE '''fans''' like to pretend the original trilogy doesn't exist
I find that a strange thing to say. What do you base that on? “Vast majority”?
Well, maybe I'm wrong but I feel like RE now is more popular than it has ever been and most of the current fans started with 7 and never went back to play any of the older entries except 4 and maybe REmake+Zero. It feels like RE fans who are into retro vidya or the ones who grew up with the series are in the minority now. Basically ask a random RE fan about RE2 and they'll automatically assume you mean the 2019 game. You think it's not like this?
So the GOG version is stable enough & easily playable on modern machines? Asking since I want a PC version of RE1 to play, but need it to be fully above board for professional reasons.
>One issue was that I couldn't run while turning right on KB while I could run and turn right, figure that one out. No issues like that on controller.
Gonna assume one of those rights is meant to be a left. If you have a crappy keyboard some key combinations simply do not work due to hardware limits.
/v/ is not the brightest
This is pretty convenient for me. I'm too lazy to jump through the hoops needed to install the Sourcenext PC releases on Linux.

I've just been emulating the original games.
How's the DS port of this game?
>uses linux
>pretends to care about convenience
Nice never knew about this site. Thanks anon
Do you know how to read?
>not pressing down to backup
that breaks the gameplay zoomer
now if only dino crisis got patched
Are mods compatible? Are the backgrounds unpixelated?

Tank controls are the only controls that work with this game. Modern controls wouldn't work because it's not a true 3D game. I'm guessing you were born after 1996?
anon that made that zip
it has higher quality music, sounds, fmvs, these higher quality replacements makes them sound more like the ps1/gamecube versions of the game
Nah, because I can do it with classic rebirth, so it's an issue with the game or the patch.
Sounds like you are just bad with using a pc anon
It's good and bad
>It's an old version of the game that can be acquired "legally" or at least is cheaper than used copies
>It's bad because pc is still a second-class citizen and they'll never make an enchanced port that's designed for the platform.
Despite PC being Capcom's biggest platform they're still betting on consoles so they can grab a big part of that now small market which, with the exception of the Switch, is smaller than PC. It just reminds me that even THQ choose to release Gothic on Switch, which was dumb because the game flopped on consoles like all the other Pyranha Bytes releases on consoles. Unlike Resident Evil, which is still a system seller, they hoped that console gamers would eat German swill.
>Resident Evil
>Resident Evil 2
>Resident Evil 3
>Dino Crisis
>Dino Crisis 2

If you prefer the old pixelated backgrounds delete the "hires" folder
Is there any specific advantage to the GOG version?

>Biohzard (MediaKite) v1.01
>Biohzard 2 (SourceNext) v1.1.0
>RE3 Sourcenext v1.1.0

They are best ports.
Which version GOG has?
>seamless hd
Kill yourself.
- RE1 is the Original Windows 95 Version (Japanese version included)
- FMVs run slow but that's accurate to this release
- Options for Filtering in the Launcher (Integer Scaling recommended)
- Door Skip is in by Default
- PC Exclusive stuff is here like the Uzi, Costumes, and such

- RE2 is the original PC release (Not Sourcenext)
- Original (No Auto Aim), Arranged (Auto Aim)
- Everything from the PC version is present (Model Viewer, 4th Survivor, Tofu, etc)

GOG Interview
- GOG made a demo to pitch to Capcom to actually get through the door for them to approve the effort
- GOG and Capcom had to go through hundreds of emails and phone calls to get this off the ground
- Capcom's standards for these ports were very high in making sure the games were preserved accurately
- Took 25 Builds for Approval, most modern games are 3 to 6
- The demands from the Community Wishlist played a huge part in getting this done

Whilst this is an easy and affordable way to get ahold of the original, I'll still recommend the fanmade Classic REBirth wrapper/patch for modern day users and owners of other versions that are compatible with it, due to its many quality of life improvements, expanded configuration options, and general ease of use.
What's the difference between this rebirth mod and the console versions.
>includes thing
>can choose to not use it
nigga mad about nothing lol
Arrange Mode sounds like what I experienced playing RE2 on Dreamcast
You never had to go fetch Chris a Serum as a Rebecca? Lucky you.

kill yourself, troon.
RE1 has four modes

>Original JP
>Original US
>Advanced Mode (Director's Cut)
>Rebirth Mode (DS)

What RE2 and RE3 mean by "Arrange" or "Normal" mode is in fact "western" or "jap" versions.

RE4 GC NTSC is harder than JP and PAL.

>GC Red 9's exclusive upgrade increases its power to 5.0 instead of 6.5
>GC Blacktail's exclusive upgrade increases its power to 3.4 instead of 4.5
>GC Bolt-Action Rifle's exclusive upgrade increases its power to 18.0 instead of 30.0
>GC Semi-automatic Rifle's exclusive upgrade decreases its firing speed to 0.4 instead of 0.8

>Normal mode and Separate Ways start at 5500 difficulty instead of 3500.
>Assignment Ada is fixed to 6500 difficulty instead of 4500.
>Easy difficulty is removed as an option from the title menu.
>Shooting range requirements are 3000 per bottle cap instead of 1000.
>The village stage in Mercenaries has a unique dynamic difficulty mode. In PAL the difficulty is fixed at 5500, but in NTSC it's unlocked, and you also gain 30 difficulty points every second.
>In the lava room where you fight 2 El Gigantes, if you kill one of them in the lava pit you can leave after you defeat the other one and come back to the room and the treasure it would have dropped if you killed it normally would be there in the room
Should’ve Konami buy this Polish company?
The state of this board... fucking airheads everywhere you look. Why would you pay to play old ass re 1-3 kek. Shits been free for years and fan patches are piss easy to get working. This nigga >>11052925 is butthurt
Rebirth mod makes the PC versions compatible with modern Windows and adds a few options. The PC versions of RE2 and RE3 also have the most content plus you can skip the door animations, and camera angles switch instantly instead of the game pausing for half a second every time it has to load the next background
>Director's Cut
Never playing that again, worst soundtrack ever.
I'm pretty sure what prevents them from listing games immediately is getting the IP holder to fork over distribution rights.
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>Never playing that again, worst soundtrack ever
You're thinking Dual Shock. There's 3 versions:
>Resident Evil
>Resident Evil: Director's Cut
>Resident Evil: Director's Cut: Dual Shock Version

Only Dual Shock has the meme soundtrack
How do I get Classic Rebirth to run on Linux?. I got all the files from CDRomance, but it doesnt start on Lutris or Heroic Games Launcher.
This is how you spot the low iq shitzillian or mutt who can't Google for a few seconds
You faggots got filtered even by Remake's third person.
Just admit that ye suck at gaming and slurps fortnite semen
>What RE2 and RE3 mean by "Arrange" or "Normal" mode is in fact "western" or "jap" versions.

It's a little more complicated than that.

iirc between all of its versions Resident Evil 2 has three different Arrange modes. Western PSX re-release in which Arrange is "US version cheat mode" that lets you start with an infinite weapon, then there is the Japanese PSX re-release Arrange mode which corresponds to the US version but without the possibility to turn ON auto aiming. And then there is the DC/PC versions Arrange mode which correspond to the original US and JP difficulty (but the name of whichever is "arrange" depends on the region)
>it takes work to make old PC games compatible with modern OS's
Nah, it really doesn't, especially if you have access to dev tools or the source code. I couldn't tell you how many times I fixed a game by simply downloading and then copy-pasting a ddraw file or wrapper file into the main folder of a game. It's so fucking simple 70-80% of the time, rarely requiring deep work-arounds, I legitimately believe that most developers are just lazy cunts.
Stfu, bong-mutt.
Hardly, almost everything works with 7, everything afterwards is Microsofts fault for fucking around which makes games that previously worked not work (aswell)
(Both sides are retarded)
How abut you stop using Linux and go back to Windows like a normal person, lmao
Suzi says they’re the Win95 versions just made to work on modern hardware. No reason to bother since you you can emulate PSX or mod upscaled textures on sourcenext for free already.
>listening to a tranny pornstar
I fucking hate modern 4chan.
Why are you listening to a aids riddled tranny
Have they ever not been on point with their RE stuff? Also, it makes you fags seethe because troons live rent free in your head. The fact that you immediately know who I’m talking about instead of going “who?” is far more telling about you. Play more games, spend less time obsessing about ecelebs.
They never were, you are nothing but a underage tourist who landed here to shill garbage.
Now tell fucking GoG to Release Kilrathi Saga instead of DOS Wing Commander and fix their fucking games, which is impossible thanks to their diversity hires in fucking poland.
>Are these just the Sourcenext ports patched with Classic Rebirth
No, but apparently you can just download the Japanese version from GOG and patch it. Also, Sourcenext didn't make the port of RE1.
rent free
Been here since 2002, but okay, keep yelling your buzzwords at the boogeymen. What am I even shilling anyway? There’s no reason to buy this shit, I was just clarifying what version of the game it was.
Yeah everyone here is from 2002 too zoomer kun
How? They literally paid a mentally ill freak to advertise these releases.
Still better than Post Movaje MacOS.
It's so bizarre that a mainstream company like Capcom has such a sketchy person as one of their major promotional figures.
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>its impossible, just GIVE UP!
Its true that diversity hires never should have happened over at CDPR, but all is not lost. Go to their website, twatter, Dev email, call their phone number, or perhaps even their company doorstep if you can afford a plane ticket there and get the message out: FIRE the ESG and DEI diversity hires' ASSES. Also, Suzi is a mindbroken fool who was likely abused. Definitely sick with GID. Transgender does NOT exist, transsexuality does, though.
Video games?
Tank controls are better, you're just a zoomer groomer coomer.
I would have posted that tank control IQ picture but you really aren't worth me saving the pic again just to post it. Get fucked troll.
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