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/vr/ - Retro Games

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What a weird, random games.
Yeah. And back then you simply COULD make these random games.
This kind of soul is gone forever now.
like many things, licensed kino was killed by phones. the boomers were right. they are a scourge on society.
There were two Batman racing games on the SEGA CD
A Batman racing game?!
>popular franchises with recognizable, marketable vehicles get adapted into racing games, a ubiquitous genre at the time
Everyone wanted a piece of Twisted Metal's cake and both Batman and James Bond are known for their fancy cars. It's a real shame that Gotham City Racer was such a shitty game. I like the idea of every Batman villain having their own gimmicky car.
Shovelware. They were short, and easy and cheap to produce
both are good and interesting.
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I went to EB Games one time with my mom to buy 007 Racing and I was sad because they didn't have it and then my mom got mad at me and yelled at me at Spaghetti Warehouse in Toledo. I eventually got 007 Racing and it was terrible but in the only sleepwalking incident of my life, I went into the room with my PS1 and was miming like I was holding a controller.
It's like Driver. You do timed missions in Batmobile only.
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High quality licensed games still exist, if anything now we're not wading in all of the licensed shovelware that used to be churned out. More licenses these days are relegated to being something like a Fortnite or Call of Duty crossover and that's fine.
This game is so bad, but goddamn is it good.
Played quite a bit of Bond racing in multiplayer against my brother, we had a good time back then desu
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I miss licensed shovelware and I'm not kidding.
cool story bro
The Dukes of Hazard 2 game on PS1 uses the same engine as Gotham City Racer (from the looks of it, anyway)
>I was sad because they didn't have it and then my mom got mad at me and yelled at me
Man, my mom used to do this, too. Like if I ever got a little disappointed or sad about stuff, she'd just yell at me like I was being unreasonable. I think she thought that was the way to avert crying/tantrums, but she never really noticed that I only cried AFTER she yelled at me.

Anyway, cool story, bro. I bought 007 Racing for a friend a year or two after it came out. It was on clearance for like 3 bucks, lol.
>I miss licensed shovelware and I'm not kidding.
Same. It's not like it's preventing other good games from being made, since whatever studio got hired to do it probably wasn't going to be making anything groundbreaking in the first place. Sometimes a shitty licensed shovelware game is just what the doctor ordered.

I remember one year for my birthday, a friend got me Muppets Party Cruise on the Gamecube, and we had a fucking blast with it. There was one minigame where you throw tomatoes at various Muppets to knock them down as they run across a stage and I just remember it being so hilarious; it looked like they were getting gunned down.
Some of my favourite games are licensed shovelware.
I didn't play much licensed shovelware growing up because I heard most of it was garbage. In hindsight I feel like I missed out.
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You really did... don't get me wrong, most really WERE garbage as you had heard... but we were kids, we had few cartridges/CDs to work with at that time, and we usually stuck with what we did have and pulled through, and when you do that you tend to get good and learn the ins and outs of whatever you're playing, and anything turns a bit fun once you're good at it, so it became fun.

Also, they had the license we cared about going for it, so when you become good at it and it has the characters/IP you like, it became that guilty pleasure most of us still defends years later too.
I’m pretty sure Anon was referencing Nostalgia Critic’s "A bat credit card?!"
Batmobile and 007 cars are both famous for having a bunch of cool gadgets and weapons, so it's reasonable to me that they got racing games. I'm surprised you don't see more driving sections in the other games of those franchises, especially after GTA and Halo made action games with vehicles popular.

Though I guess what GTA and Halo did wasn't easy. I know that with a couple of the Bond games on PS2, the driving sections use a completely different engine from the FPS levels and are designed by the Need for Speed team instead of the FPS team. Probably waaay easier to make either a straight action game or a straight vehicle game.
No, anon, I was not.

Matter of fact, I had long forgotten about that soundbite.

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