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The tedious, slow momentum gimmick and the shitload of cheap, unfair and frustrating tricks every level pulls up on you really pisses me the fuck off.

3D ones are way more enjoyable. Does anybody here shares my views on this?
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Just play the Advance games OP

Personally I like both
>The tedious, slow momentum gimmick
Just git gud? Look up gameplay. You can literally fly through the levels at full speed.
What a stupid non word that is
If you dont like them dont play them, nobody cares that you are a little bitch
>slow momentum gimmick
That's weird, because the rest of us can play the game very quickly. Sounds like you need to get good.
>slow momentum gimmick
No, I don't. I'm not a big Sonic fan, but the Genesis games are all good.
>Does anybody here shares my views on this?
I only like Adventure 1
>Does anybody here shares my views on this?
>look mom I posted it again
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>"slow momentum"
>press down and a
>now going full speed
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Are you talking about Final Fantasy or Sonic?
>guy doesnt like sonic games
>sonic autisms take it as a personal attack and sperg out in the thread like butthurt autism
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This zone kills the sonicfag
Sega fans are the only retards who still fight the console war despite losing 2 decades ago
Low effort bait
Why did Nintendo start gimping their consoles after Sega made the Dreamcast? They never recovered on a technical level.
adventure was a mistake
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>thinking everyone making fun of OP is just upset
It's fine if you don't like something but seeking validation for your dumb opinions is some insecure preteen bitch shit

inb4 OP claims to be trolling
just like people seething op doesnt hold their opinion and seeking out validation for their tastes with other trolls and losers that cant handle a different opinion? get rekt virgin
You gotta admit, it's a little weird how common the opinion is that the Genesis Sonic games aren't good. Like at some point you got to stop asking if there really are the many "stupid noobs" complaining about Sonic and start asking "Is there actually fundamentally wrong with the Genesis Games?"
Play and discuss games you enjoy, I'm sorry you believe how the amount of people with your taste determines the quality of your character. For example, the Travis Scott Burger.
>you can't discuss things you don't like.

What kind of retardation is this?
If this was for a Nintendo game, OP would have banned already
filtered + you are a faggot
"you're just mad I have a different opinion" it's a retarded opinion and you are a massive loser for falling back on "Erm everyone's opinion is like, valid" Maybe if you weren't such a faggot you could emotionally handle being told your inflammatory take on a video game is bad
Indeed, what is the point in such retarded discussions? Differing on what is considered an enjoyable game mechanic is insecure vacuous posturing at best.
Maybe... It's just that being an adult limits my gaming time a lot nowadays (who would have thought?!). Anyway, that sucks :(

Don't take my rant too seriously, though. I'm one of those people that gets angry first and actually slows down and thinks things reasonably later lol
True, true
What an apt tacit explanation of why you wouldn't enjoy these games in the first place. Obviously someone who is ill-tempered and overworked will fail to accept the benefits of slowing down in a game that treats going fast as a reward rather than an implicit part of the gameplay. Try Harvest Moon, the gameplay cycles are shorter and any failures won't result in a desire to completely restart.
So by your very logic everyone in this thread claiming Sonic is enjoyable is equally insecure and vacuous as those claiming it's not.
I never said I don't like Sonic. I'm actually a HUGE Sonic fan. I just don't like the classic ones that much. I personally enjoy more the 3D ones, that's all. My rant is actually not too serious. I was just angry and frustrated at that moment because I'm trying to get the good ending on Sonic CD and it's driving me fucking nuts LOL
I suck at classic Sonic games. Maybe if I had more time to play, I could actually practice and git gud at them... But I have a fucking life, unlike much of the fat loser faggots in this board, kek
That isn't what that means, but it's okay if you understood that to mean "differing at all on any issue is insecurity". Reading is hard!
>Differing on what is considered an enjoyable game mechanic is insecure vacuous posturing at best.
That quote literally goes both ways retard.
Yes we've established your literacy skills, let's touch on some math. What is a negative plus a negative?
>I don't like classic Sonic because I'm bad at it, I have no time to get better at it but I'm playing it anyways for whatever personal reason
Self loathing central right here. The desire and failure to fit in and, rather than moving on, choosing to antagonize the group you feel rejected by out of spite. Hang in there, champ.
Marble Zone is kino
Look bud you're the one making arguments that ironically call out your vapid stupidity. Don't get all upset just because I pointed out your faulty logic.
When OP differs from what makes a game mechanic fun, opposition to that opinion is affirming what makes that mechanic fun. I was going follow my earlier question by asking you what a negative multiplied by a negative is but it seems the metaphor was lost on you, so don't worry about it.
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>Implying this isn't the same few losers that just keep making the exact same thread with the exact same points that get debunked each time

get our of /vr/ for a while and you'll realize that the average retro video game fan really likes the classic Sonic titles from the Genesis era still
Fuck you retard, you know exactly what you were doing here, trying to start 2D vs 3D shitflinging. All over Sonic CD, the most trivially easy of all the 16-bit Sonic games.
Darksonic180 is still around.
You sure it isn't the inverse? This is like the fourth "GOD, SONIC FUCKING SUCKS," thread I've seen in less than a week on here.
Sonic CD is not easier than Sonic 1. Now you're trolling.
>get our of /vr/ for a while
I mean that's where the concept of Sonic being bag since his inception is the strongest. The one place I see Sonic defended the most is here on /vr/ though I'm sure it's defended hard on deviantart.
Sonic is not a bag lol lmao
Sure he is, a colostomy bag
Normalfags aren't people
Sonic does suck
Funny metaphor, care to explain it?
this is my favorite area in the whole game
And I guess you can't move on because it does. Sad existence.
That behavior would make more sense if it were motivated by a popular positive sentiment.
Really? You realize there's one bottomless pit in the entire game? You think Tidal Tempest is anywhere near as hard as Labyrinth or Metallic Madness to Scrap Brain?
>The one place I see Sonic defended the most is here on /vr/
Imagine being this delusional...
Metallic Madness is hard as fuck because of the labyrinth-ish pathfinding. Scrap Brain really isnt that hard.
It’s really not though? Scrap Brain hurls bullshit at you nonstop and then gives you a fourth Labyrinth act, MM is really very simple. Can’t you go any direction and make it to the end?
Actually 3D Sonic is shit too and touhou is a better form of autism.
as far as i remember, metallic madness is a maze like level with no clear indicators where to go at times.
Without generator searching for good ending, CD is the easiest of them all. It's an objective fact.
I remember getting bad futures all the time as a kid and didn't really mind because I just enjoyed the gameplay. I eventually figured out I had to destroy the generators through playing, so I can understand why some wouldn't care for the exploratory aspect of the game. Certainly the most unique classic Sonic game, divisive as it is.
Sonic 3 is kino. No better game in the franchise.
Better than taking any sort of hate for tge game like a personal attack on your religion.
That's what happens games actually have a learning curve. Some people get the appeal, some people don't. Back then, people would actually take their time to learn the momentum based physics. Now ADHD makes them jump from game to game. They don't get used to classic Sonic right away and call the games trash.
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In any of these threads, when the "Sonic was never good" argument gets challenged, it'll always come down to "I run into stuff I can't really see coming and I get hit" even though you'll likely not get hit if you just roll or if it's your 2nd time playing, if you actually bother learning anything, of course, and most don't nowadays, then they blame the video game.
First Sonic is the same as first Doom. It was revolutionary but made many mistakes which were rectified in the sequel, which was a true masterpiece.
>I'm one of those people that gets angry first and actually slows down and thinks things reasonably later lol
a manchild?
>original thread
>do not steal
You only need to collect one ring to survive but also can collect ten billion rings for no reason, what kind of gameplay mechanics is that.
You need to collect and hold onto rings to gain extra lives and continues, you can also recover quickly when you are hit when holding onto many rings instead of trying to chase a single ring.
How many fucking sonic threads do we need?
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Is that so?
yeah i think so
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Holy summer zoom zoom, you got filtered so hard by classic sonic you decided to cry on 4chan, kek, lol, lmao, lel even
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2D Sonic is one of the greatest filters for absolute retards, I love it.
If there's one thing that Sonic 4 did really well, it was the ring system. The more times you get hit, the more the rings scatter and get harder to recover. This prevents you from cheesing boss fights by latching to only 1 ring. It's surprising that this mechanic never came back, but maybe it's just SEGA trying their best to forget Sonic 4.
I feel like that exact system is in another Sonic game, one I played recently and had trouble with the bosses in. Superstars I think?
Did you think? I'm sure you would know if that were the case.
Could you repeat that in English?
>Did you think [about the game you are referring to]? I'm sure you would know [about the game you are referring to] if [you thought about what game you were referring to].
Literate thinking is hard!
>my inability to communicate clearly is other people's fault!
No fault, it was on purpose to prove the point!
>I need to be spoonfed, mommy!
>no you don't get it I was being retarded on purpose!
You can't make good stew tonight, good stew is made yesterday.
rush/rush adventure
I don't get it. What are you trying to say?
Why would it ever matter what you think when you can't be bothered to begin with?
The spindash and it's consequences...

Every time I see a bad Sonic player it's
>collect ring
>get hit
>collect ring
>get hit
>rinse wash and repeat
>hit level curve (usually the 2nd or 3rd zone)

It's a useful mechanic but it's a crutch.
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You forgot a step:

>go on /vr/ and make a "Sonic was never good" thread because they suck and want to seem like a video game connoisseur for it instead of being mocked like they deserve for being bad at this old video game made with children in mind.

It's always like that.
And it was designed as baby’s first game.
Isn’t Sonic only slow if you don’t know how to go through the level?
It’s a series where you’re expected to die and have to repeat it a lot until you master it, so I’m not seeing the issue here.
Fake retro fans hate replaying games they're pretending to enjoy
skill issue

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