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What games do you go back to again and again when you're feeling a little down? What /vr/ games are guaranteed to bring a smile to your face? For me it's pokemon gbc games.
Sonic for me, especially the 8-bit titles since it's often a shorter and more comfortable time, I'm also a bit of a completionist and I struggle with most of the Genesis' special stages, while those for 8-bit are often easier, or don't even exist! It was so fun exploring to find Chaos Emeralds on Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 for Master System and Game Gear, now not so much as I know where they are.

I'd say my favorite is Sonic 2, on Master System though, the Game Gear one is a bit worse since the resolution makes everything way harder, it can be fun, but Master System's so much better.
Yoshi's Island
anything with hot sexy half naked women in it
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yo ho!
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MKII's release was just a very exciting time for me back then, yeah its not perfect but the hype was so enormous and all the magazines were talking about it.
Just really brings me back to a simpler time.
Any Kirby, Starfy, Klonoa, Ape Escape, Mario, Mega Man, Bomberman, or Mr. Driller game.
That sounds like a lot, but those are all my favorite game series.
Also, some great old arcade games like Joust, Dig Dug, or Mappy.
My favorite game of all time. Love the gameplay, music, and overall look of the game. The credits theme always gets me emotional.
I just got home from job just to lab sf2 thinking my life is meaningless. Spot on image OP.
Any of the donkey kong country games but moreso 1 and 2. They still look amazing today and the thematics of each world + their respective art direction and music gives me this forlorn feeling that somehow cheers me up, it's comforting. And Spyro 1 too.
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Spyro The Dragon <3
HL1 / 2 and Starcraft
I wonder if we're gonna see HL3 in our lifetimes
Banjo-Kazooie and X-men Legends 2. Total comfort games that feel like sliding on a comfy old pair of slippers. Calming, warm, and safe. Even meditative
cool thread idea op
but nothing will lift this heavy heart
>What games do you go back to again and again when you're feeling a little down?
Gen III competitive Pokemon.
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>Be down
>Boot up Secret of Mana
>Splash around in the water
>Run through the Summery forests
>It's Summer 1993 again
Why doesn't he get a bigger TV?
Japanese people are too weak to lift CRTs. That, and his wife would probably kill him.
Disney/SEGA stuff often does the trick! I mean, I have nostalgia for both, and they remind me of a simpler time in life, and Disney in particular has a lot of magic and wonder in my memory still, it's hard to not cheer up at least a little bit I believe.

Castle of Illusion
World of Illusion
Land of Illusion
Legend of Illusion
Lucky Dime Caper
Deep Duck Trouble

I miss the time when Disney actually made video games based on their characters and films, but it might be for the better since the new films suck.
Final Fantasy 4 on PSP.

To be honest I auto-battle most of the game and just take in the music, watch the numbers go up, follow the story which is the purist most simple Final Fantasy game. Yet the themes are kind of deep. It's just one of those where you're waiting for each nice part of the game to come up. I love the adventure.

Another one like this for me is Dragon Quest 4, with the way it does chapters.

These ar ethe only two games I enjoy grindng ing.

It doesn't have to be a waste of time if it relaxes you with really good music.

And it makes me happy.
Daytona USA, its blue blue skies and Mitsuyoshi's singing always give me good vibes
Super gussun oyoyo or yoyos puzzle park. They are magical little gems of pure joy and comfort.
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DISCIPLINE -The record of a Crusade- often "cheers" me "up" if you know what I mean...
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You can't get much better than this when you're feeling blue. Make sure game sounds and music are turned on.
super mario sunshine (GC)
luigis mansion (GC)
paper mario: thousand year door (GC)
pokemon red/blue/yellow (GBC)
pokemon gold/silver/crystal (GBC)
pokemon colosseum (GC)
pokemon xd (GC)
sonic 1, 2, 3, &k (MD)
sonic adventure 1/2 (GC)
rayman 3 (GC)

for some extra wholesomeness/cuteness:
bubble bobble (NES)
puzzle bobble (SNES)

just to name a few
I didn't realize FF4 on PSP had auto battle. Cozy game though, good choice.
>50 years old
Assuming that was from this year, he would have been around 17 years old when SF2 came out. What the fuck... I'm 40 now. I wonder what games that came out when I was 17 that this will be for me in 10 years... This shit isn't supposed to be happening. SF2 teens aren't supposed to be 50 yet. I'm not supposed to be this old either. What the hell.
Alright you sold me I'm finally going to play this.

For me it's Age of Empires or Command and Conquer, beating up on the campaign enemy of course
It used to be either SMW or SMB3. Those were the first two games I ever played.

But I've played them too many times now unfortunately. Just can't get the same enjoyment out of them, haven't played either for at least 2 or 3 years. I'm sure one day their charm will come back for me.
Super Mario World and Nethack
They are true classics.
Dig Dug II
Gunstar Heroes
Hot Shots Golf series
Kirby's Adventure
Mario Paint
Megaman series (chosen entry varies, but I often go to 2, 5 or X)
Ninja Gaiden 2
Oregon Trail
River City Ransom
Rocket Knight Adventures
Streets of Rage 2
TMNT4 Turtles in Time
WarioWare Twisted

Guaranteed mood-boosters, all of them.
>Dig Dug
Mah digga.
going back to one game over and over is a sign of autism
having rigid rules for yourself like not replaying something is a sign of autism. cheer up pal. play some video games.
Same for me, the music being a big part of it.
if rayman had arms
I have no time anymore. I play some Ms Pacman or maybe roll some Katamari Damacy if I'm feeling luxurious
Panel de Pon is this for me. It never fails to make me feel a bit better.
Yu-Gi-Oh: The Sacred Cards

It's really easy and you get enough GP to make a deck you like quickly, with a ton of cards that are awful in the OCG/TCG being downright broken in here, it's cozy... I'll always love Hourglass of Life, Skelengel, Doron... so many cards I'd never use in a real duel are just amazing here. Also, getting a copy of Dark Magician Girl is always a highlight, I can't recommend this enough if you're a fan too.
Animal Crossing
I wish there were more cosy games that aren't just indie slop for normie women
SotN is always my friend

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