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After millions of threads claiming it's overrated, at which point does it turn underrated?
It’s just the same few contrarians posting it to try and offend people like yourself, so never.
FF7 was claimed to be overrated from 1999 to about 2003. It's been mostly correctly rated since then, so no thread on 4chan claiming it to be overrated has ever been correct. everyone here saying it's overrated is just trolling.
There are thousands who love it and thousands who hate it. Whether it's underrated or overrated depends on who you're talking to.
In my experience anon I've managed to boil down people to one of two types, the hedonists, and the stoics. Each school encompasses ~50% of the global population, and these 2 philosophies have officially been at war since they were formally identified 2500 years ago, but in truth have been at war since man first walked. FF7 is a without a doubt a stoic's game, so naturally at least half of people will find it overrated.
At the point more active people have played the shitty sequels masquerading as remakes over the original, I guess
>at which point does it turn underrated?
That happened with the recent remakes. Those are really good but people keep making fun of them.
The original will forever remain garbage with its random encounters and turn based 15fps nonsense
When it becomes less known than the dozens of better JRPGs, so maybe in a few hundred years. Or maybe when most posts in a thread asking the same question agree that it's overrated. Who knows?
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I dunno but I love FF7 and just played it for the fourth time earlier this year and I feel like I'm ready for a fifth. Something about the game is just so playable. It's one of the only JRPGs I feel like I could immediately start a new game as soon as I finish.

I have to say my least-favorite side effect of the remakes is that now whenever I google "FF7 ___________", the top results are always about the remake.
FF7 has been underrated for years, sorry ootsnoys, you overplayed your hand! Now everyone knows that FF7 is an under appreciated gem.
When you first play it and you are experiencing each story turn and dungeon/area for the first time, it is very fun and exciting.

When you play it again you start to remember upcoming parts that make you not want to play anymore.
>upcoming parts that make you not want to play anymore.
Name 3
Cosmo Canyon, Corel Prison, everything with the sub, everything about Yuffie and Wutai (optional)
All great and beloved parts that rule
Never because it's a shitty game
This is a flaw with the player and not the game. It's okay if it affects your opinion, or makes you not want to replay it, but it doesn't make the game overrated, soulless, or whatever other analog buzzword for "bad" people might want to throw at it.
all good parts. Also you missed the only boring part to redo (Tifa unfucking Cloud's mind in the downstream)
>FF7 is a without a doubt a stoic's game, so naturally at least half of people will find it overrated.
This is beyond even bait, there's no way you could even pretend to be this pretentious.
Get a load of Lyndon Larouche over here
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>After millions of threads claiming it's overrated, at which point does it turn underrated?
When people start claiming that it was never good despite it being beloved and acclaimed.

t. Sonic trilogy on Genesis and even Adventure.
people saying overrated are just typical 4chan contrarians, it's a great game, enjoyable as a good and even today decent even if some of the graphics are showing its age, music is amazing, story is okay, combat and world compelling enough, character design memorable
It's underrated upto end of disc 1 maybe half of disc 2 then it becomes overrated.
>FF7 is a without a doubt a stoic's game, so naturally at least half of people will find it overrated.
I hated FF7 and I'm stoic. FF5 followed by FF6 are my favorites.
Lol, I'll have to up my shitposting.
In all seriousness though what did you not like about 7?
I only made it to the end if disc 1 and got bored with it.
CDs were a mistake for RPGs, everything went to shit with 5th gen really. Everything gets dragged out for so long, constant 15fps cutscenes and ither garbage.
The 2D games are far more streamlined, and look better too.
Back in 97 coming from the generation who had just upgraded from '16 bit' era it felt incredibly epic and exotic to have a game so massive it couldn't fit on a single CD rom. The buzz from this and seeing the 3d rendered cut scenes for the first time blew me away. There is still nothing that comes close to that feeling except maybe seeing GTA 3 for the first time. This 'buzz' sustained me through the whole playthough and blinded me to its many flaws.
Same can be said about hundreds of other games but you don't see them praised as much.
>you don't see them praised as much.
Because they weren’t as influential to gaming. It’s literally that simple. FF7 changes the way people viewed RPGs, and it still influences developers today.
It was considered overrated from 2006 - 2014 when FFVI fans became insecure about the release of Advent Children. The reception was better for it afterwards and then it finally went back to great status when it got it's first Nintendo release in 2019.
FF7 is not substantially longer than FF6.
Usually the best art is influenced by things most people don't know about. FFVII might have influenced many shitty clones, but that doesn't mean it's better than lesser known games.
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The only reason it's called overrated is because it was heavily advertised in the west during the first anime wave not to mention the story was accessable and author autists can't accept that normies are perfectly fine entering and leaving a story in the middle for that exact reason. They wished RPGs were more respected by the gaming public but they never will because they're over glorified cliched storybooks and I love them for it. Get out of my dark corner, I'm brooding over here.
It actually is underrated, I think. Because despite it's popularity people tend to underestimate just how clever it is. FFVII engages in a lot of narrative subterfuge, setting up cliches that a typical RPG player back then would have taken for granted only to pull the rug out later on. But since it was a lot of people's first Final Fantasy and possibly first RPG ever, the misdirection didn't work as well. A seasoned RPG player back then would have been quite surprised by Tifa and Aerith's respective personalities, for example.
>I have to say my least-favorite side effect of the remakes is that now whenever I google "FF7 ___________", the top results are always about the remake.
this is the biggest problem with all remakes.
disregard that google sucks cocks
The majority of people saying it's overrated gave up around Midgar or a bit afterwards, most people who have played through the whole thing will say it's either great or at least good.
The fact that there exist a lot of poser "fans" who never played past Disc 1 doesn't help either.
>Cosmo Canyon

It's a difficulty spike for sure, it's one of the better written segments of the game.
Its one of my favorite games but let's not pretend the entire "temple of the ancients" story beat wasn't annoying. Not OVERLY annoying, but just enough to be "that part" for me.
The art style, it was too robotic (guns and shit), the blade was kinda goofy, and it felt more asian aesthetic. It was missing the mystical aspect too that the prior games had. I never finished it. I even forgot most of it. The way ff6 starts is epic, but ff7 was goofy to me.
Excellent part with great music that doesn't outlast its welcome
>Lion King is the best written part of FF7
Furries actually believe this
It's not over-rated as long as you ignore the sequels, spin-offs, and remakes.
For me and I know for so many people at the time it was the exact opposite. Being blown away by the dystopic industrial-futurist setting, no mainstream jrpg had presented anything like that before. That opening sabotaging the shinra plant on the PS1 ver., the tension that opening track brings as you and your fellow terrorist-kuns break in. Yeah that was pure kino. Did you play the remake or something? The game has plenty of mystical/fantastical story beats like aerith praying to the Planet or the whole ending.
>multiple bizarre extended sequence where the main character gets fucked in the ass and even gangbanged
>a lot of time dedicated to the main character cross dressing
>everyone treats the main character like he's a joke and shit talks him to his face

Maybe its just not for me but I can't give a shit about anything that happens after . How am I ever supposed to take this seriously ever again
>playing final fantasy games after the snes
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>most random encounters are done after one summon, one all-linked spell, or just one turn
>Never have to use any status spells like confu, silence, sleep, slow etc.
>game loads your inventory (for several screens) with garbage attack items that are never needed

There is something seriously lacking in the gameplay department, and I've thought this since I first played ~2013 whenever it was on steam. Does anybody else find easy games a turn off?

But... after a while I started to recognize the beauty of the game. It's way more of a cinematic work than a challenging game. The gameplay itself is just flashy effects they spent a lot of money on.

For this reasons I only enjoy this game casually
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the temple of the ancients I particularly hate, because it's composed of boring non-consequential mini games, like these stupid concave boulders.

My last point is the terrible dialogue. There is nothing wrong with the plot.

What seems to be the problem is bad translation. Most of the time, the characters have plastic personalities, because it's hard as fuck to tell what the characters actually mean when they talk or how they are feeling.

I'm glad they fixed all my issues with this game in FFIX. I would rather be playing that game
All of these faults are also present for 6 (which casualized gameplay in the series big time) but people always give it a pass for some reason. Or maybe I know the reason.
yikes. How are you gonna enjoy this game if you butcher the artstyle so much? Why do people do this to themselves?
>like these stupid concave boulders.
nigga that’s not a minigame, it’s just a couple objects you avoid, and it’s over in less than 10 seconds lol.

The clock hand bridges was an actual minigame in the temple, though there were definitely consequences for failing it lol.
>>11058309 (me)
Also, if you used that character model mod in pic related, that’s probably why you had a hard time. It makes your model 2x larger than it should be. Ducking under them is trivial with the default small models.
Some people find gameplay segments in turn based games offensive for some reason
didnt use the character model, that's from google
also, yes that is a mini game. the clock segment was also boring and so what if you miss a weapon or accessory? i know the ribbon is amazing... but does it really change gameplay? no..
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i agree with you to an extent.
VI had you use specific equipment. like absorbing earth damage or using float on the earth dragon was essential. There is literally NONE of that in FFVII. VI is much better in terms of utilizing gameplay mechanics. Casting disabling spells like silence actually made a difference, and didnt take forever

And finally VI looks way better than VII, sadly
>And finally VI looks way better than VII, sadly
That is actually fucking delusional. Chrono Trigger looks far better than VI does. FFVII blows both out of the water with its rendered images that the system can actually display properly.
>like absorbing earth damage or using float on the earth dragon was essential. There is literally NONE of that in FFVII.
Like using fire absorb for Gi Natak/Jenova 3 or Water absorb for Jenova 2? The double headed dragon in the ice caverns with their elemental gimmicks? Carry Armor grabbing characters if you didn't attack its arms? Lost Number and its gimmick of turning into a powerful second phase with different forms depending if you attacked him with magic or physical? the absolute need for defense against Demon Wall?

Nah bro, it's no FFV in terms of fully using gameplay mechanics but neither is FFVI.
>Like using fire absorb for Gi Natak/Jenova 3 or Water absorb for Jenova 2? The double headed dragon in the ice caverns with their elemental gimmicks? Carry Armor grabbing characters if you didn't attack its arms? Lost Number and its gimmick of turning into a powerful second phase with different forms depending if you attacked him with magic or physical? the absolute need for defense against Demon Wall?

what is funny is that I have played through this game three separate times, and I barely recall any of that. the only one I do recall is the dragon in the gaea cliff spitting magic breath, and so you have the ice absorb armor on one of your guys.

game is too easy for me to think there was anything interesting going on
all you've said is you like low resolution polygons instead of pixel art
VI's actual in game art is barely cohesive. It's extremely amateur looking even compared to other RPGs on the system. Comparatively, VII's backgrounds are lightyears ahead, not simply because they are made with polygons (which are rendered at much higher fidelity than anything in VI) but because they are more cohesive and better at representing what they are aiming to achieve.
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While I agree that CT looks nicer than VI, I still find them both to be much better looking than the plastic fake prerendered garbage that is VII
This proves my point:

Only nostalgia fags prefer VII because it was their first RPG or something.
>Only nostalgia fags prefer VII because it was their first RPG or something.
ah yes this argument again. Really explains why it was a beloved smashing hit the moment it released in Japan, because those guys never played a JRPG before.
I agree that VII's backgrounds look great. +1 karma
>Only nostalgia fags prefer OoT because it was their first Zelda or something.
Glad we could come to an agreement then.
I never said it was bad, just that it looks worse than VI. All early prerendered 3D has that fake plastic look on it, not just in games.
Look at the CG of Babylon 5 for instance and see how fake it looks compared to the miniature models used in TNG.
Its cool that this fact makes you seethe, but I will not pretend that VII is a beauty to look at.

Why bring an unrelated franchise into the discussion? Got triggered hard I see.

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