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/vr/ - Retro Games

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>You can't block attacks because...BECAUSE YOU JUST CANT OKAY?
>You can't attack the boss during their jumping animation because...BECAUSE YOU JUST CAN'T OKAY???
>We stunlocked you with 5 enemies on the screen with no way to break out of it because...BECAUSE WE SAY SO OKAY???
>You're playing our game single player? It's gonna be artificially more difficult :^)
>Why yes the attack button is the same button that picks up weapons, meaning if you're holding a weapon, standing on top of another weapon, you'll just keep cycling between weapons instead of attacking teehee :^)
Meme genre
Skill issue.
to be fair you got infinite continues
just press the start button until you beat all the games
but the beat 'em up that i like is urban reign
Bait thread, but I'll reply. None of what you mentioned is as much of an issue as just sheer repetitiveness of beat em ups. I think I lose interest after an hour of doing same shit over and over. They're like RPGs without experience. Not surprisingly, best ones add RPG elements, or platformer elements, or if you count DMC3, then at least give you a hundred different moves instead of 1 optimal combo for everything.
Bait reply, but I'll reply. None what you mention is an actual issue of good beat em ups. What you mostly described, is not a problem of good arcade beat em ups, but bad attempts at home console beat em ups (such as FF2) that, mostly due to hardware limitations, heavily limit enemy count and enemy grouping variety. So yeah, playing a shitty game that spams the same 3 enemies over and over again is boring, but when you play an actual good arcade beat em up, such as FF at least on Hard or above, you see how varied each screen is, and that in itself forces you to approach each situation differently if you don't want to get raped on the spot.
This same can be applied to 3D hack and slash games, because if they spam the same enemy type in one room, then you will always go for the fastest and best way to kill them, so good designers put enemies with varied properties so you cannot just steam roll through with the same action every single time. And DMC3 is one of those games that do this badly, as the designers went for muh grafix and made themed designs, so you will be fighting fucking chess pieces only in one room and then bats with hells in the other. The only decent part of that game is Bloody Palace because the devs went lazy and just did RNG roll on what enemies spawn, which ironically makes the encounters more varied and more fun.
OP is right though. GOW, NG and DMC are way better. 3D made beat them up better.
He still has a skill issue though. Because there's ways to break out of hitstun or being surrounded. In fact I think the only beat em ups that don't have such options are the Double Dragon games, and those games suck.
I agree FF is good in this regard. Rest? Not sure. Captain Commando, for example, was just kind of boring.
And yeah, I mostly meant console ones. But SoR2, for example, is a stupidly repetitive game to beat, and I'm willing to die on that hill.
Really, arcade FF is the only game I played that made "vanilla" bmups good.
>>You can't block attacks because...BECAUSE YOU JUST CANT OKAY?
When did this catty style and tone become the de facto way of greentexting?
>creates a thread with a temper tantrum post
How are you not embarrassed? This board is full of children.
You can literally block attacks in King of Dragons. Stop lying.
Low quality /v/tier thread. OP should be executed for making such abhorrent thread.
After /qa/, once Twitter tourists joined in to spam those disgusting wojak edits, because they feel insecure about their nothingburger opinions unless they imagine some disgusting faggot boogeyman to be better than.
And Knights of the round, D&D, even Armored Warriors. Shitter thread why bother
That’s your fault for playing shit console games
it doesn't matter how "varied" the screen is
you just mash out your single 4 button combo regardless
I'm a FF fag but SoR2 is unironically more technical and hardcore on mania, probably not too well tested.

Brain Issue.
Okay, I will explain this in greater detail, just for (you):
Anon is being a big ol dum dum because in any beat em up that is not shit: when you start getting punched and stun locked by a boss or group of bad guys, you can usually press the jump and attack buttons together to do a special move that knocks everything around you flat on their ass in exchange for a small portion of your HP.

Most people don't realize beat em ups are about prioritization and crowd management. Like a spinning plate act but the plates are trying to punch you in the face, and of the plates has a knife taped to it that slides across the room.
bitches whine, real niggas play
>Why yes the attack button is the same button that picks up weapons, meaning if you're holding a weapon, standing on top of another weapon, you'll just keep cycling between weapons instead of attacking teehee :^)
Meme genre
I always found this really strange since these games typically only use two buttons and the rest of the controller goes completely unused.
And you get filtered by a game with two buttons, tragic.
Apologies for bad english, beat em up is not Tekken. Have to pay attention and timing button press. Have much fun learning stage.
>You can't block attacks because...BECAUSE YOU JUST CANT OKAY?
The genre does not need blocking. Even then there are still plenty of games in the genre that have it and they can also be good. You have your options. Quit your bitching.
Which one? I can see final fight being disappointing if you wanted streets of rage on snes.
>i dont enjoy sodom
The biggest problem I have with beat 'em ups is that they tend to get repetitive and drag on for way too long. They'd be more fun if they mixed things up more or at least didn't go on for as long.
40 min is perfect length for what they offer, jarpigs are 1000x more repetitive and brainless and people still buy that shit
What beat 'em ups are you playing that drag on too long? They are already short enough as is for the most part. The longest one I probably played is Castle Crashers which is not retro yet. However it offered nice variety in levels and was a very co-op focused beat 'em up. That game also revived the genre which it deserves praise for.
>is that they tend to get repetitive and drag on for way too long
I used to think like this too until I started to play for 1cc's. However some beat em up just end up feeling like that even if you do 1cc. Capcom games don't feel like that for me.
>play for 1cc's
That's the trick.
Only the archaic ones like Double Dragon feel repetitive because of the broken mechanics, but even then it's alright if you don't use the elbow.
I haven't played it in years, but Final Fight 3 is the biggest offender I can think of. It starts out great but eventually becomes mind-numbing. Interestingly, Castle Crashers is one of my favorites in the beat 'em up genre, and it does a good job of avoiding the tedium found in older games.
I may have to try that.
I've cleared FF arcade at least 100 times and FF3 like... twice. That's how much better the arcade is. Also Castle Crashers is moreso a shitting around game.

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