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>Wizardry and Ultima lead to Dragon Quest being made for the NES and causing the JRPG boom
>hired John Romero to port games and encouraged him to form his own studio
Richard Garriott might be one of the most important video game developers of all time.
Too bad his mind seems to be stuck permanently on making MMOS and virtual reality bullshit. Last interview I read he was still talking about making the most immersive MMO experience of all time. Dude, just let it go, it was cool many years ago.
he prolly has some ideas left in him, nothing wrong with that, you act like it's impossibly ambitious or something to craft an immersive MMO especially given the times we live in now.
Idk where this "Dude let it go energy" is coming from as if this dude is some washed up celebrity, bro he's a game developer, it's not like this guys is still riding his Ultima high.
MMOs are a dying genre, outside of a few classics that are literally decades old with a dedicated aging fanbse, the industry has moved on. They're too expensive to make and not enough zoomers would care to give you money.
If he wanted to make a cool singleplayer RPG I'd be all into that.
So what exactly is the deal with the Ultima IP? I figure EA owns publishing rights to the games on GOG but why leave them there and not put them on Steam?
He didn't make Wizardry
>causing the JRPG boom
Only the worst genre in the room that even the Japanese themselves run away from in recent times
>hired John Romero to port games and encouraged him to form his own studio
So we have him to thanks for Daikatana
Around the time Ultima got brought to GOG and the Origin Client, EA was trying to compete with Steam, so they didn't bring Ultima and other games over to Steam during that time.
Richard Garriott, much like Warren Spector and to a lesser extent Sirotek are all massive faggots who take credit for other peoples work and pass it off as their own. There's a reason everything they have put their name on in the last 20+ years has been utter garbage.
As for what you are saying Wizardry ALWAYS had the bigger influence, Ultima was a joke until ironically they poached Wizardry devs. Richard Garriott is a faggot and I hope he kills himself.
you really need to find something better to do with your time than seething over people you've never met. Richard Garriott is winning right now.
Just knowing that he is a pedophile is extremely disheartening, and tarnishes all of my memories of playing the franchise.
I'm not familiar, can someone elaborate on this? Obviously there is:
>>11051993 picrel
But other than that?
Notice I said Wizardry and Ultima which the producers of DQ said was a inspiration.
Why keep making this thread?
>bro it won't be profitable bro
If your dreams are based on profitability then that's pretty fucking sad
you're clueless dude, learn how mmos are made
it's always been about money
>bro money money broooo
Pathetic. Let the man have a dream.
NTA but no, it wasn't always about money, MUDs are a perfect example of that. People since the early days of the internet, have wanted to explore and build virtual spaces.
Flying too close to the sun melted some of his brain
I don't like any of the Ultima games. Wizardry is alright though.
>he is a pedophile
wtf i love Richard Garriott now!
JRPGs are designed the opposite way of Ultima and barely any games copied Ultima's systems. They were pretty set on making Ultima as open ended as possible.
Wizardry was designed as a simplified computer DnD system and DQ was even more simplified.
Anyway neither Garriott nor the two Wizardry guys even came up with the idea of a computer version of DnD, let alone created DnD. But if you want to build a monument dedicated to how important Lord British is go ahead.
>JRPGs are designed the opposite way of Ultima and barely any games copied Ultima's systems.
There were only 2 buttons in the Famicom controller.
I realized yesterday Final Fantasy was a low-key remake of Ultima 1.
Ultima 4 and 5 are more original than 99% of video games. He's alright.
They solved for this by using more menus in the Ultima 3 and 4 NES versions.
He was only relevant and important for the mmorpg scene in the west. Nothing else
>rehashes primitive D&D clone whose only claim to fame is that it's one of "the first!" among RPGs and MMOs
>always be a cuck or you won't beat the game. wow. such morality. much deep. wow
>you beat my self-insert mary sue fair and square? no NO NO NO NO NO I BAN YOU NO NO ASHFGFGFGF
>*sells out*
Gaylord Scottish and Ultimate Boredom are footnotes at best. That faggot was proven a hack and forgotten for a reason.
He's THE most important.
Scotland is part of Great Britain
Same, I can play wizardry no problem but Ultima is just a slog
hmmmmmmmmmm on that pic
>goes to college
>sees PLATO RPGs
>copies them and releases them to the public
>runs out of things to copy, crashes and burns out of the industry, all his franchises die
A true inspiration
Ultima 1 is basically just better Wizardry with an overworld. It has first person dungeons with first person combat and dungeon crawling is basically 90% of the game.
>level up these arbitrary metrics to proceed
Sounds exactly like 99% of video games, I don't know why people pretend those games are about moral choices. The only choices is do you want to complete the game or not. If you do, level up the arbitrary metrics by completing arbitrary actions like not attacking humanoid enemies first
I don't think it would be possible for him to see the PLATO RPGs since he went to College on the over side of the US.
love the ultima series. its just a shame he has a hard on for constantly hating trump and making shitty mmos. he also bullshitted and sued a game company to go into space
Well, yes. He is.

>Too bad his mind seems to be stuck permanently on making MMOS and virtual reality bullshit.
Dude has been to space, let the old boomer enjoy his boomer retirement. After the Tabula Rasa debacle, Shroud is more designed as a private friends club than an actual marketable MMO.
What did he copy for Akalabeth then? Because it can't be a coincidence that dungeon crawling works the same way in it as it does in Moria and later Wizardry. Very specific style for him to randomly stumble upon it all on his own
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>Thing 1 influences Thing 2
>Thing 2 influences Things 3 to 30,000
>Idiots think that means Thing 1 influenced Things 3 to 30,000
>if a, then b
>if b, then c
>therefore, if a, then c
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I'm so tired of video game developers forcing me to interact with people. I fucking hate people. It's why I play video games. Stop forcing me to share my gameplaying time with them and make a new singleplayer RPG, like Baldur's Gate 3 did.
Explain how it doesn't.
That's one way of looking at. From the perspective of a jaded middle-aged gamer who treats games as a set of calculations rather than as an experience.

I cant argue with your logic, but your logic is based on knowing exactly how the game works and that's not how most people play games.
You can't personally vouch for the moral character of every single person who shows up to a party at your goofy castle.
>Wizardry and Ultima
So the true MVP is Roe R Adams who worked on both sagas and is even credited by some as the true oroginator of the virtues and plots of Ultima 4-5-6
Raph Koster was the truly important guy for UO. All Garriott did was give him money and take the credit
I met Garriott in a hotel lobby in New York a few years ago, he didn't mind chatting for a while and seemed like a normal guy.
>with the power of imagination, this game has infinite depth
Yeah and so does every other game. Why am I supposed to let this one slide? Might as well pretend that FF1 has infinite depth and incredible roleplaying (that I made up in my own head)
Because Final Fantasy 1 doesn't attempt to have morality choices. Its not about imagination, its about not just focusing on the systems and the end result. You missed the point completely. Are you autistic? Not in a "HURR YOU'RE AN AUTIST" kinda way. In a seriously asking kinda way.
I'll put it in terms maybe you can understand.
So Star Wars is inspired by westerns especially spaghetti westerns. A ton of movies are inspired by Star Wars, this doesn't mean Kurosawa and Leone influenced Iron Man or whatever.

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