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What are some games you would call nearly "perfect"? They don't need to be your personal favorites, but games you would at least acknowledge as being fundamentally good games with meticulous balancing, intuitive controls, cohesive aesthetic, long term replayability, etc. Here are a few I would consider as such:
>WarCraft 3
>Team Fortress 2
>Star Fox 64
>Soul Calibur
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
>A Link to the Past
>Resident Evil 4
>Spyro 1
The first one that comes straight to my mind is Halo 2,
Doom for sure.
Absolutely loved tf2 but definitely had many issues through its lifespan.
all of TF2's issues are the result of valve turning it into an f2p gacha game with cosmetics and unlockables. TF2 in its pure form is an incredibly refined game.
While TF2 is great, playing Portal absolutely unspoiled near its release was incredible.
I was around some University hall of residence waiting for a friend to get ready to go out. One of the other residents put Portal on their desktop, and I started paying attention just after they picked up the Portal gun. He had no idea what he was about to play (it looked neat on Steam) and I'd never heard of it either.
We played through it all in one sitting, me watching mostly. When my friend was ready and came looking for me, she sat and watched too. We sat there, mostly in silence or with only hushed "try going there" type comments, the whole way through. I think we all sat there quiet until the end of the credits. Never had a gaming experience like it.
This is a very anecdotal example though, which is somewhat aside from the thread. Portal is cool and all but it's kind of a one and done. TF2 at its best is akin to FPS chess where Portal is just a serviceable, good game.
halo 2 is zeitgeist: the game. the campaign is arguably worse than CE and the multiplayer only became popular because it was the first experience of its kind on consoles. the graphics are unironically a downgrade from CE (see: ugly DOOM 3 tier models, the lack of stainmaps and the retarded ragdolls in place of proper animations), the weapons were neutered to account for dualwielding and matchmaking will always be worse than server lists. CE on PC takes a hot shit on H2 in any form.
SMB3 is what I consider the perfect platformer.
The difficulty scales well over the course of the game, and can be adjusted a bit thanks to the item system. If you want to skip specific levels or entire worlds, the game also gives you that option. Nearly every level is full of hidden stuff to discover, including stuff you might not find without a guide or P-Wing. Every world has it's own unique look and feel, and the game keeps throwing new things at you all the way to the end. The controls are so good they effectively set the standard by which other platformers were judged by.
On top of all that, the game is huge. You can sit down and play through the first two worlds and then warp to the last world and finish it in a decent amount of time, but you're in for a long session if you try to beat every single level in every world. This encourages the player to skip levels and even worlds on their playthroughs, giving them something new to see on replays. Even a player who has beaten the game multiple times and beaten every level will see things they haven't seen yet if they look up level maps for the game. I can't imagine anyone found the hidden 1-ups on the World 5 sky-tower level back in the day unless they wasted a P-Wing and went flying around.
The only platformer I've ever played that came close to the polish and size of SMB3 was Donkey Kong Country 2, but it doesn't have the branching paths or item system of SMB3, so it lacks the flexibility in difficulty SMB3 has. The levels are also a bit less exploration-friendly with invisible camera walls and flight being in only specific levels.
I wish I was the tf2 engineer
why can't you be? just:
>be white
>get a job as a cable technician or some shit
>play guitar
>drink beer
>don't be retarded
I'm not big on 2D platformers in general and I don't think I could rightfully place priority on SMB3 when shit like Wario Land 4 exists, but one thing I will say is that SMB3 mogs the shit out of SMW.
he has 11 phds and I have a alcohol allergy and I'm stupid and low iq and guitar is too hard
I'm not going to address anything else you said except to say that when I first started playing guitar, I couldn't hold down a single chord for months on end. Now I can play shit like Stairway to Heaven by ear. Do not limit yourself, seek to do the things that you find most difficult, and never give up.
nah im not guitar
tf2 isnt retro
>meticulous balancing

>the heavy laser is useless and there is no reason to use it
>the heavy plasma is so good that there is no reason to use any other plasma gun after you unlock it
you get no pussy too
Space Invaders Extreme 2
It's insane how hard nearly every class in the game has deviated from their original design's strengths and weaknesses because of unlockables.
>soldier was slow as shit but could trade chunks of health for short bursts of mobility
>gunboats make rocket jumping comically cheap and now it's not uncommon for him to beat scouts to objectives + escape plan gives free mobility at no HP cost in situations where he would previously be a sitting duck
>heavy is defined his minigun, which has high damage output in exchange for being vulnerable while unrevved and loud when it is revved, hence a secondary shotgun to cover some of these flaws
>gets the tomislav, which revs so fast that he can respond to threats near-instantly and also does so silently; shotgun is legitimately pointless when running it
>sniper is a long-range assassin that becomes extremely vulnerable when enemies close the distance, particularly spies who can exploit his scope's tunnelvision to go for backstabs
>jarate/bushwacka guarantees crits in melee range, razorback is designed specifically to disable spy's defining mechanic, danger shield lets him shrug off point blank flamethrower fire from the most range-limited class for some reason
That's only a few examples too. Fuck, I think most classes are better at countering Spy than Pyro now. It's a fundamentally different game from vanilla at this point.
shotgun is legitimately pointless on any of his miniguns aside from maybe brass beast because it takes five years to rev up

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