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What's the oldest game you've played and enjoyed?
ocarina of time
Magnavox Odyssey 300 (pong console)
Space Harrier
I'm absolutely in love with that game, it's pure fun and was my first 1CC.
If only Space Harrier 2 was equally good.
Pac-Man. I played some version of Space Invaders but it wasn't the original of course so I don't know if it counts
I don't remeber the specific game, but I still emulate a lot of Master System games. To this day, every once in a while, I play Bubble Bobble with my mom.
I guess Mega Man 1.
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Ultima 1. Didn't finish it though. I liked the dungeon crawling, felt very primitive but had a lot of charm , might go back to it in the future.
>Space Harrier
Me too. It's a real shame about Space Harrier 2, they should've spent more time on it.
Lego Chess for Windows
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They should have made it an arcade game like the original. The hardware is what held it back, especially considering that it was a launch title.
>They should have made it an arcade game
Agreed there, but I think they could have made it work on console too if it wasn't rushed to be a launch game.
Maze Craze for the 2600, playing it with someone made it way more fun than it had any business being.
Minestorm on vectrex plays very well
I think Space Invaders (2600), which I first played in 1998. That or Aldo's Adventure on my grandmother's DOS.
Probably Game and Watch
some electromechanical stuff at Can Can Wonderland
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80s arcade games. Cant remember their names but I remember thinking holy shit this is fun. Galaga was one I remember playing alot for awhile and thats from the 80s. Pac man filtered me hard 2 for awhile and im decent at it. There's a surprisingly large amount of fun early 80s games to play around with.
March 26th, 1982

Depends on what the oldest one you like is.
various games on the 2600 and colecovision. i had fun at the time but i really dont have any desire to revisit anything older than the nes outside of nostalgia.
The Fool's Errand
Probably played some older games on the NES but frankly Fool's Errand is better.
Centipede (1981) rules.
space invaders
Space invaders
The first games were pretty good
I can't think of a game I truly enjoyed more than Ultima 1 that came out earlier. Sure, there's arcade and atari games that are older and I like playing, but none as memorable.
Pong when I was younger. These days Space Invaders, I can still play that and have a good time for a half hour or so. Actually I think Breakout came out first and I still like that one. I don't really know much about 70s and earlier games but I like the 2600. I've played intellivision games and like some of those too but I've never even seen one in real life.
Pac-Man and Space Invaders, I've played older stuff but I don't know if I had fun with them because the novelty factor of just playing the firsts of the medium.
M2 fixed a lot of it's issues but it's stuck on the Genesis Mini 2
Berzerk (1980)
no the programming is what held it back. just take a look at panorama cotton. Now being a launch title im not expecting panorama cotton but im definitely expecting better than what we got.
chess I think. I'd say mahjong but I only play JP style and that really took its current form over the 20th century. Unsure if others are older.
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My aunt had this and Facemaker, and I played both whenever I would visit.
magnavox odyssey cart #1
the first pong unit is still fun to this day
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Probably the original Monkey Island.
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If everyones answer isnt pong, go play pong right now.
Warrior, an arcade game from 1979. 10/10 in game play and presentation.
No one really enjoyed Pong you tryhard faggots.
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Circus Charlie
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Loved playing this as a kid, I think we had it on a knock-off console thing
pac-man, also ms pac-man
Donkey Kong Jr.
Ms Pac Man or Galaga
I think it was Centipede.
Pong is fun though. Just because games got better doesn't make it bad.
That's not even the point of the thread, summer zoom zoom. It's the oldest game you've played, moron of all morons.
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Besides a dumb obvious answer like Pong, i think River Raid holds up extremely well as an action shooter, and one of the few 2600 games with enough depth to keep you playing for more than 10 minutes. It feels like an NES era game.
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This piece of ludo kino
You calling anyone else moron is projection, reread the OP and try to figure out what you missed.
Wizardry for a couple hours before I gave up on it.
I agree that shit was great. I was trying to remember the name of that one a few days ago when people here were discussing vertical 2D shooters like Galaga/Space Invaders.
Spacewar. It's a real blast when you find someone who will actually agree to play it with you.
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arcade preservation ftw
Colossal Cave Adventure. My friend had a port of it on his dad's Win3.1 computer when I was a kid. The concept of electronic interactive books was mind-blowing, even moreso than adventure games with graphics.
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Sword of Fargoal.
Pong is important for its status as the first sports game, and one of the first true video games, and causing the creation of consoles to begin with, but it's really not a fun game.
Combat for the Atari VCS. It's surprisingly addictive.
It's entirely dependent if you're playing with someone else or not. It's not the most thrilling game but it's a basic ping pong air hockey amusement where you're trying to win against another person to gloat for a few seconds. Would you rather play something else if you were sinking more time? Sure, but I don't see how it wouldn't be fun for a session or two.
A lot of these older games are very meat and potatoes amusements that don't need better graphics or more depth to really enjoy them. It's like Tic Tac Toe or playing catch or frisbee. I wouldn't necessarily play those for hours like I would a more developed game, but I can still have fun playing in spurts.
I would rather play ping pong or air hockey. I think the "fun" of pong was the novelty of it at the time, sort of like how light gun games are mostly only fun for the novelty of holding and aiming a fake gun.

>A lot of these older games are very meat and potatoes amusements that don't need better graphics or more depth to really enjoy them.
Well, it depends on the complexity of their gameplay. Tetris is a game I'm always up for playing, even Snake and Centipede I would say, mechanics wise, are better games. Pong is literally just you bouncing a ball back and forth along the screen as one number goes up if you miss or they miss. Objectively speaking, I can't think of a game with a more basic premise.
>ort of like how light gun games are mostly only fun for the novelty of holding and aiming a fake gun.
My exceptions were always The Ocean Hunter and Jurassic Park. Loved those to bits.
this is pretty much the only 2600 game i liked as a kid.
I'm a fan of them, and while they're fun to play in general, they do lose a lot when transferred to PC and using a mouse. Still, HOTD on PC is great. I also think it's a crime that there's a whole genre of games (light gun games) which are effectively lost to time/arcades. The Lost World, Silent Hill: The Arcade, Terminator Salvation, Area 51: Site 4, Aliens: Extermination, Aliens Armageddon, CarnEvil, all will be lost to time due to not being ported to anything, existing solely through emulation or arcade systems.
Really is a crying shame. My dream game is an enhanced remake of The Ocean Hunter with a whole new campaign after the end, but I guess it would lose something as a home game.
This isn't even bait, is it?
Based Vectrex Enjoyer
Mancala :^)
Space Invaders or Pac-man
You have to understand, zoomers rarely play anything that isn't offered on the Xbox Marketplace.
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Still holds up and is Rockstars best game imo
I'm gonna be that fag. Pool on MIDSAC was pretty cool for 1954. For something more conventional, Spacewar, like Pong, is fun with 2 players. Both are simulated/emulated these days. Early text-based adventure and RPG games tend to stick as well, but that requires some imagination.

There's plenty decent (and more accessible) gen 2 arcade answers in this thread already so I won't repeat those.
never thought i'd see this game talked about on here. it came out on the ti99/4a and 2 other systems I think and the 2 other systems were text versions not graphics. this is a fun af game and still is enjoyable to try to get him with 1 arrow shot.
Realistically, without being a hipster faggot poser and lying, it was either Super Mario bros or Adventure Island on the NES. Whichever one came first, but I liked Adventure Island more as a kid.
Pong is pretty darn fun ngl
dragon quest
Super Maria bros.
Kinda repetitive if you play without warps but still fun
Hero for the 2600
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This game.
Asteroids probably
Recreation of Computer Space/Tennis for Two and other ancient games were pretty fun.

Big fan of Pac-Man and Donkey Kong, those are probably the earliest I somewhat regularly come back.
>Recreation of Computer Space/Tennis for Two and other ancient games were pretty fun.
Though like other people said, mostly for the novelty. I wouldn't go out of my way to play them more like I would with Pac-Man.
anyone else like tapper? I like tapper.
Keystone Kapers.
But did you enjoy them for a bit and are they the oldest you've played?
The mostly text-based 1980 version of the Oregon Trail, where they first added a hunting minigame.
i played a crap ton of dig dug.
my older brother was retarded and traded his nes for an atari 2600 so that's all i played for a while.
wizardry bloved
This is the correct answer.
Ultima 1
Turns out I thought this was way older than it actually is, had no idea it came out in 84. I guess that would make the oldest game I remember enjoying Pac-Man or something
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Lands of Lore (1993) kicks so much ass
Holy fucking zoomer...

Pong (1972) technically. That's a boring answer though so I'll just list a few of my oldest favorites:

Zork (1977)
dnd (1975)
Moria (1975)
Akalabeth (1979)
Rogue (1980)
Asteroids, Defender, Tempest, Robotron, Asteroids Deluxe, Star Wars Arcade

Gameplay loop is simple, yet addictive (same goes for Battlezone and Red Baron). Also has a very simple and clean visual style as well
Probably Space Invaders (1978)
Breakout is older but I only saw it as a curiosity because Arkanoid is so much better while SI is a real fun game I can always spend time with
I remember playing shareware PC Clone version of Arkanoid back in the day. Got hopeless addicted to it
Dig Dug or Pacman
Bosconian. I've played older games, but this is my favorite dinosaur. It was the first space shooter that felt big, open, and living. I've always been on the lookout for a cabinet, or at least a good port like in a Namco collection. So far no dice.
Oh fuck, I forgot about Joust. That was my jam when I got it for my NES.
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asteroids is bretty cool too

It's surprisingly fun

Verification not required.
Kirby's Adventure. I'm personally of the opinion a lot of NES games have aged like milk, but Kirby's Adventure fucking rocks. Though granted I might feel differently if I played it on OG hardware as IIRC it pushed the NES to its limits to the point of having performance issues?
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I can have fun with the launch 2600's games like air sea battle and combat for 10 minutes. Computer space is pretty good but would have been very rare, can't remember but seemed fun.
Lunar Lander 1979 I can have a serious 1 hour session with this and have fun the whole time. Its a lot like a mobile game, you just have to land your space ship but you have to be real sensitive with the throttle like a real sim, its much better if you use an analog throttle for turning and thrust.

I can play for 5 levels or so but its not that fun once you realize it just the same level with slight randomization. Level 10,000 is no more difficult than level 1, there is a hack that starts it at that.

on 2600 its good

on 2600 but only on the hardest mode or else its way too easy, the one I have is the new release with the voices
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its hard to fuck up pinball, and most of the time that happens because of a tie-in
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Scramble (1981) for the Vectrex. Genuinely a very good game. Played it for the first time a couple years back. Cosmic Chasm is another excellent one, but released in 1982.
Are you saying you don't find this to be the worst pinball game ever made?
I play a lot of 2600 games but I don't understand why anyone would like this
Probably Crash Team Racing
jungle hunt
2600 port is solid

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