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Abandonware link sharing thread
Post what you found and got
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games are abandoned because they're bad games. if they were good games then someone would milk them.

Firstly, 'being milked'=/=good, but also often they're abandoned because the licensing is in legal hell, and the expenditure to resolve that wouldn't be worth the financial risk of releasing the game.

Classic rated games are sometimes Abandonware (like all the Discworld games for instance, and a number of the Need for Speed and Spiderman games), as well as mediocre and crap ones.

Whether downloading them is any different from pirating is another debate though of course.
I'm pretty sure "get bin laden" isn't abandoned due to licensing issues.
Dude, they spent 10 years trying to find the guy to get him to sign for the rights to the name.
you telling me sims 1 and 2 are worse games than sims 4? didn't /vr/ always suck will wright's dick in here?
I played a lot on my Xbox, but I imagine Sims 3 at least is way better. Not into these games honestly.
So, Sid Meier's Civilization is a bad game?

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American McGee's Alice, one of my favorite games. Although the version there has some issues. Here's a link to a fixed version if anyone wants to play it.


Severance Blade of Darkness used to be on there, another one of my favorites, but it recently got remastered and put on Steam so it was taken down.
Made obsolete by later entries.
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>Post-911 propaganda game
talk about a blast to the past
the first one, sure. Why would I play it.
gimme sum good stinkers u lil fool

weirdass fps/art(?) game from 1998
Most retarded post on /vr/ in June.
>Sims 3 at least is way better
it's not
Mmmm, I see. Glad we could confirm it. I've been saying Silent Hill 2 and 3 have been shit for years.

About what percentage of abandonware is just shit that was abandoned for a good reason, and what percentage are hidden gems that deserve support for modern hardware? Is it like 80-20? 70-30? 90-10?
>I've been saying Silent Hill 2 and 3 have been shit for years.
I think they're worse than 1 but still worth playing.
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Been obsessed with Princess Maker 2 lately. I've got a Windows 95 gaming rig I've been working on since early May, and I've been doing a PM2 run where I'm trying to turn her into Adriana from The Sopranos by maxing charisma and giving her a terrible relationship with her father

Please rec other cute anime DOS/early Windows games. I also have Puyo Puyo Sun on there for similar reasons
Most of its just a rational choice to not keep supporting it because it won't make any money or it won't break even. So it's a legal gray area where no one gives a shit to enforce against you downloading it. A lot of the games are perfectly fine.
But you just said that anything abandonware is shit. So they are shit.
I know that, but I'm asking how many of them are good games and how many of them are shit not worth trying
It's July. *crosses arms*
So is this an online game?
>But you just said that anything abandonware is shit.
No I didn't. There are multiple people posting here.

Or are there?

If you're worried about wading through piles of shovelware, sites like Collection Chamber and Zomb's Lair have some more curated collections. I get a bit funny about posting links though. They also work to have packages that run pretty smoothly on modern systems; more labours of love than MyAbandonware which is a great site, but really is just a huge open collection that's moderated rather than curated.

Here are some I like - not an exhaustive list:

Gunman Chronicles
Take No Prisoners
All the Discworld games
The vast majority of the Spiderman games
Drakan: Order of the Flame
Ecstatica and Ecstatica II
Fade to Black
Heretic II
The Thing
The Incredible Machine I and II
Sheep, Dog and Wolf (or Sheep Hunter)
Tony Hawk's Underground 2
Midtown Madness (2 doesn't work that great on modern systems though)
Motocross Madness
A lot of the Need for Speed franchise
Grand Theft Auto I and II
Mechwarrior II and Mercenaries (and most of the series - but that's the one I've played)
Older versions of Championship Manager if you're into that sort of thing
Civilisation and Civilisation II
Dune and Dune II (which basically set the template for most real time strategy, no Dune, no Command and Conquer)
No One Lives Forever I and II
Duckman: Legends of the Fall
Beavis and Butthead in Virtual Stupidity
Unreal series
Unreal Tournament series

There are a surprising amount of licensed games there, and some genuine AAA titles too, though keeping up of what is and isn't Abandonware is sometimes tricky.

Lots of Star Trek games were Abandonware for instance until recently, and the older Unreal games have recently become Abandonware. It's all around tricky legal agreements.
It took 20 years for companies to give up, check their list of IP's that they own, and then start milking good retro FPS games like Blood and Doom 64. If you stop being such a negative nelly you might find the next good abandonware game before Activision or Atari does. Then you can be a hipster and tell everyone how you played it before it was cool.

So grab a shovel, head on over to Abandonia, and start digging, bitch.
It was June when the faggot made that retarded post.
Hey they've got normality
One of my favourite adventure games, its on GOG as well

Linked to GOG now as it's no longer Abandonware.

This is kind of what I mean - it's a constantly moving feast, I'd always encourage folk to buy it if they can though, while it may now be going to a faceless corporate, it signals what you like and therefore what they'll fund development of.

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