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best sf
Not just that, Alpha 2 was the last hurrah of fighting games being mainstream
>But alpha 3!! Marvel vs Capcom!
All fine and all but you had to be there. Fighting games were once MAINSTREAM in the real sense... Anyway it was a different time, those of you who don't remember a world pre-social media won't comprehend.
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>Alpha 2 was the last hurrah of fighting games being mainstream
You mean 2D fighters, right? I also remember XMvsSF getting quite a bit of coverage. After that Tekken took over and 2D became niche. Tekken and Soulcalibur games were much more mainstream than any post SF2 and MK2 2D fighters.
I own a pristine Zero 2 board with all stickers and flyers in mint condition but no cab or a supergun to play it.
Is the Saturn port good?
Yes. But the PS2 Anthology is slightly better.
Can it output in 240p?
Not by default but you can hex edit the iso file for all games to output at 240p
I meant all games inside the anthology collection, not all ps2 games in general.
cap v snk 2 was best street fighter game ever.
Cool game but 3d backgrounds and uneven pixels on badly resized sprites are just awful. They should've made it a CPS3 game instead.
Almost every SF game post ST is ruined by some janky gimmick.

Chain combos.
>Alpha 2
Custom Combos
>Alpha 3
Variable Combos
Super Canceling
>EX 2
Custom Combos again
>EX 3
Tag combos
Parry + Dashing + Long Jump
>2nd Impact
>3rd Strike
Above + Chun-li's horribly unbalanced design
Four buttons + rolling/dashing/running + super meter glitch
>CVS1 Pro
Still four buttons + rolling/dashing/running.
rolling/dashing/running + roll canceling + A-groove
Still has rolling/dashing/running + A-groove.
>Hyper Street Fighter II: Anniversary Edition
CE Bison

This leaves Zero 2 Alpha and Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper. But even with those Zero 2 Alpha is unexplored and the Original Combos in it might end up being broken. The arcade version and first DC release of Zero 3 Upper have lag, so you have to play the Dreamcast Matching Service version, and very few people even know about this fact so the game is nearly completely unexplored competitively.
Hyper SF2 could be fun with a ban on CE Bison.
>Not just that, Alpha 2 was the last hurrah of fighting games being mainstream
You keep posting this in every Alpha 2 thread even after multiple anons have told you it's fucking wrong and retarded.
More info on that please.
Imagine being such a whiny little bitch
>Implying ST Akuma is balanced
Not an argument.
>inb4 you're not a tournament player so who cares
I am a tournament player. I've played every one of those games at the high level (during their era of popularity) and run into the wall of matches being dominated by each of those mechanics which caused me to stop having fun. There's a reason why ST has maintained long-term popularity over those games (other than 3S), and it isn't all to do with SF2's mainstream success.
The most n00b comment you could ever have made.
ST Akuma has been banned since 1994. It was never even on the table to allow him in tournaments. He's a bonus character to have fun with in single player or casuals. Not intended for competition.
esports were a mistake

Very easy process, I did it with a lot of games like the Vampire Collection, Street Fighter Anthology, King of Fighters, etc. They look fantastic at 240p, though, depending on your crt TV, you may want to adjust the vertical aligment by 1 pixel (+1 or -1, doesn't matter). All these games have that option in-game so not that big of a deal.
The true mistake was adapting the single character tournament format. In the early days of SF2 tournaments in the final each player would have to play a team of characters against each other, thus making broken characters less useful overall. That system shouldn't have been dropped (and sort of wasn't in Japan where multi-man team tournaments continued, and many older games are now played via ratio rules).
This is also combined with fighting games being such a young genre of competitive gaming compared to real sports. There was nothing like an actual gaming commission to make decisions on what should be banned or not. Just a bunch of teenage doofuses and arcade operators making it up as they go (and being incredibly biased all the while). Even the EVO staff were barely above this level until the 2010s.
>tryhard can't have fun anymore
Cry me a river
That's not even esports. There is no money in going a pro fighting games player. Crying about balance or gimmicks in the genre is pathetic. The dude's going to have a stroke if he sees a Fist of the North Star tourney
HnK is a kusoge (which I have played extensively).
I like playing kusoge every now and then but I don't want my SF games to be kusoge.
Clayton says Alpha 2 is a terribly designed game, and that Alpha was better designed though janky.
why would you give yourself away like this
There's something appealing about how basic CVS2 is.

Pretty much no combos, extremely limited movesets really based around gimmicks, limited toolsets due to the Groove system which enforces different wincons, no assists or tag mechanics.

That's not to say it's flawless at all. In fact the above list can be construed as flaws in itself. But It's interesting and unique in a way I can't name any other game is, including 3rd Strike.
>I am a tournament player. I've played every one of those games at the high level (during their era of popularity) and run into the wall of matches being dominated by each of those mechanics which caused me to stop having fun.
>2nd Impact
>EX series
>high level and popularity
Nice larp bro
You clearly don't ever read how Clayton writes if that's what you're insinuating.
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I saw this posted on another board and it was very curious.
>best sf
fighting games were never mainstream. they were always a haven for sweaty dorks.
at my arcade in the 90s there were no fewer than 7 different fighting game cabinets and none of them ever had anyone playing on them except on Saturday afternoons where 4-5 very large unkempt men would crowd around one of the street fighter machines and cry like fags about "cheap moves".
and ST is ruined by being shit.
>In the early days of SF2 tournaments in the final each player would have to play a team of characters against each other
this literally never happened.
nigger nobody ever played the EX games competitively
you're a larping faggot
Very ignorant. Sit down and lurk more.
You're an idiot.
/vr/ is full of zoomer idiots like you who think video games weren't mainstream until the seventh gen.
nigger you're retarded.
nobody ever played the EX games competitively, that's a fact. they're jank garbage.
nobody ever played your gay little headcanon kof mode in tourney finals either.
literally none of that shit ever happened once.
sit your faggot ass down and shut your ignorant mouth.
>n-no they were totally mainstream, look at these low-budget movies and cartoons they made!
tax write-offs, maybe even money laundering fronts.
no normal person gave a fuck about fighting games in the 90s. or indeed ever.
gaming as a whole was mainstream, but fighting games weren't, and still aren't.
go hop on fightcade and sweat with the other faggots.
It's true. The 1991,1992, and 1994 Gamest Cups were played under such rules.
You're lacking in historical knowledge. There were Japanese tournaments for the EX games, and I saw people playing SFEX3 myself in the USA in money matches at Final Round in the 2000s.
This post is just complete nonsense.
>gaming as a whole was mainstream
Yes, and SF2 was the most popular game in the world in 1992, and remained very mainstream popular through 1994.
>Gamest Cups
nigger what? you're just making shit up.
>Japanese tournaments
nobody cares what bugmen do with their time
>money matches at Final Round
nobody cares about some dumb nigger beef between monkeys
>SF2 was the most popular game in the world in 1992
lmfao what? you're literally just making shit up.
okay kid
Love the aesthetics. It was one of my favorites, but barely got to play it with other people back in the day so I don't know the game well. Now I'd rather just play new fighting games instead of going on fightcade and trying to learn the old ones.
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forever the greatest
don't (you) me
How old and crippled is your ass to be complaining about dashing? You complain about teching throws too?
>His name is Shin Vega
Dashing fundamentally changes the way the game is played.
>multiple anons
All wrong who weren't there back then
lmaooo case in point, ugly larp
In a good way
okay kid
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Concesion accepted, zoomie
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Best game, best girl
>Is the Saturn port good?
Its great. Looks great. Plays great. The only downside is the voices and sound effects are compressed. Super low input lag too.
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>fighting games were never mainstream
Son you ever heard of a game called tekken 3?
Has there ever been a Hyper Street Fighter Alpha tournament? It's most likely beyond broken but who gives a fuck, seems like untapped potential.
hi, tekken3spammer
Why did Capcom of USA think Americans would know how pronounce Sakura? Why didn't they just change her name to Sarah?
I still don't know how to pronounce Guile
Yes, lots of them when the game was new.
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For me, it's alpha Chun Li, voiced by Yuko Miyamura
Street Fighter 2 is still Capcom's most successful game ever over 30 years later.
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Dif anon and while that is impressive that title is probably going to get knocked down a peg come monster hunter worlds. That series is just about single handily carrying the company now. And it was pretty wild how popular sf2 was in the early 90's. Defining mainstream might be splitting cunt hairs with people, but I would say by '95 everyone under the age of 30 probably knew what a hadoken was.
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Alpha is so weird.
>starts development as a SNES game
>moves to CPS1 to sell unused arcade boards
>by the end of development, moves to CPS2 with just improved soumd. Sprites animation and backgrounds are still CPS1-spec, nowhere near Darkstalkers or X-Men level
>sometimes after that, Capcom releses the CPS1 version for home use
>decide to upgrade the game to CPS2 spec properly, at least with much better backgrounds, and new characters as allowed by CPS2 rom size
>call it Alpha 2
>port it to SNES
>we've came full circle
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>that artwork
SF started to have unique style with Alpha and stopped with SF6. I hate the SF6 semi-realistic look so much.
alpha 1 is underrated imo
You clearly werent alive in the 90's. Stupid faggot. You couldn't go anywhere in the 90's without some kind of SF arcade or poster or someshit about it. Dumbass
>>starts development as a SNES game

raise the roof
>8) Dragon Ball: Final Bout
Talk about desperate. Spain was known to sucking dragon ball's cock even when the games were the worst thing on the console.
you clearly weren't there, just shut the fuck up zoomie
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The person who wrote this had no idea what they were talking about. The part about ST says it all.
What the collection should have had is HF and ST, not Super and ST.
General public didn't care for ST, only hardcore fans did. It took a while for it to become acknowledged, just like 3rd Strike later. If Capcom made this for hardcore players, they'd include vanilla A2 too instead of the Gold version.
HF was in another compilation btw.
XMvsSF is based. I like it more than MvsSF and MvsC
>Not just that, Alpha 2 was the last hurrah of fighting games being mainstream
A3 was _significantly_ more popular then A2 everywhere outside of Japan. A3 was also more popular then A2 in Japan at it's time of release.
A2 is a fantastic game, but it was never that popular outside of Japan.
>There's something appealing about how basic CVS2 is.
>Pretty much no combos
lol, wut
Its an extremely combo heavy game. I take it you play only on P-ism?
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I remember the game at the test locations, and it was instantly accessible in its gameplay flowing naturally for me. I have to thank the local Capcom arcade for pulling through transporting a couple cabinets for an event, and even as a surprise gave us some prizes to award in a makeshift tournament. We later found out the SFA2 keychains were more valuable than the posters, which we mixed up for for giveaways at the event. The game is still one of my most favorite fighting games for a lot of different memories.

One day, I hope to earn enough so I can have a home that I can tastefully set up this old store standee of her. The character is supposedly 157cm but this thing is nearly 200cm which is a more ideal height for her. She pretty much was the face of the game.
>There's something appealing about how basic CVS2 is.
What in the crap are you smoking?
CVS2 is one is the most overloaded with mechanics and gimmicks of any of the "Street Fighter" games ever made with the possible exception of SF6.
>pretty much no combos
So you've never played anyone who's actually good at this game?
Based A2 enjoyer
That artwork is for Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha.
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No, it's not
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Capcom had the best artists during the CPS2 days
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CPS2 games had a lot of personality overall. They were definitely anime but very unlike regular 90s anime style prevalent at a time.
bengus and shinkiro are top notch.
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Akiman and Edayan were great too.
It's Gwi-lay
Man this was really the last big hurrah. After this SF just.... got weird.
>2D beat 'em up
>characters from Capcom's other fighting game - Final Fight
These awful articles by Bong shitters are not worthy of being posted.
As a fighting game, agreed
As a game it's the ports of alpha 3 with the world tour mode.
Can any A3 players explain the nerfed projectiles? What's the point?
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I can't stand the arranged soundtrack. I mean, the synth and reverb of CPS2 adds to the game dreamlike presentation. Home ports soundtrack is too sterile and profrssional sounding. Owning the arcade board or emulating with low latency setup is the best way to play SFA2.
>sequel to the prequel
The fuck sense does that make?
It is like star wars attack of the clones.
Man the SF timeline really got kind of fucked. You had, to the best of mu understanding

SF, Alpha and Alpha 2, Alpha 3, 2, 4, 5, 3 and then 6? Is that right?
you have an original
you have a work set prior to that, the prequel
you have a work set after the prequel yet still prior to the original
it's not hard, anon
Certain elements of Alpha 3's endings are probably not canon.
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Alpha 1 overall is not canon, Alpha 2 replaces it.
it's comfy but SFA3 is better i know juggles are broken but the game is the most complete SF game blueprint for the next games in the series
According to the figures it was like this
Fighting games craze started
digitized graphics and arcade violence came to the consoles
>T2 and T3
Tekken started the 3D fighting game craze
>Smash Melee
Started the arena fighting games craze
>MK and SF
brought 2D fighting games into the mainstream again after hack n slash took their place
SFA2 has better presentation and music. SFA3 has more content. Gameplay wise it depends on which you enjoy more. I don't like having to choose between Z and V ism and excessive juggles so SFA2 is better for me.
In the end, it's the same argument as KoF98 vs KoF2002: too similar on the surface, too different in details and many will just say that the one that they started with or the one that they are more familiar with is better.
Could be this. I played arcade Alpha 2 a lot and even bought the SNES port which wasn't as bad as Doom for example. Totally missed Alpha 3 and only discovered it with WinKawaks emulator in early 00s. I tried Neo Geo games too and liked KOF98 a lot more than Alpha 3 which just didn't click with me. Alpha 2 was as good as I remembered it and still is.
snes port is based and underrated
For the better.
ST is a literal kusoge.
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>Complaining about 3S Chun when Old Sagat is objectively worse and Boxer's throw game is even more obnoxious than hers
Clayton is a fucking schizo, Alpha 1 lacks too much shit to better.
Name a fighting game that's 0% kusoge.
There are none
footsies rollback edition
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"Kusoge" has lost all meaning with entitled zoomers throwing it around when talking about respected games. They don't know shit.
Fuck, I miss this game. Spent all my pocket money on the machine. Didn't get the ps1 until much later.
To nerf zoning
SA3 psx is the best street fighter 2 game ever made
im shit at FGs and even i know this game rules
sakura is what i always wanted ryu to control like
always thought ryu and ken were too similar. sakura hits that faster-but-weaker sweetspot perfectly imo
tryhardism ruins good games for tryhards exclusively
the punishment fits the crime

you sound like youre still burned from that time 20yrs ago where ol joey three-finger came to your local arcade and btfo you out with some gay mechanic jank
just play FGs against your buddies and not hardline competitive spergs and youll sidestep the whole issue
>I am a tournament player
yea dont worry we can tell lol
ill say it again: tryhardism ruins good games for tryhards exclusively
>just play pretend instead of playing the game for real
no thanks
then enjoy eternal butthurt instead of a rly gud gaem
and arthritis in like 20yrs or whatever lol
lmao yeah can you imagine TRYING to win? lol what a fag amirite?
He's not a tryhard, he's just a shitter. A tryhard would use the "broken" mechanic to his advantage instead of being salty about it.
competitive players bitch and moan about the OP shit even as they use it to make top 8s
That dude is a larping shitter though. It's pretty much clear going by the games that he has listed.
yeah probably
it's just this whole notion of "anyone who whines = scrub/shitter" misses the mark, top players are some of the whiniest little fucks out there
Top players play for the living. Even if fighting games prize money is not that big, their fame and recognition as top players is what brings bread on their table. A noname fightcade player crying about the games that he is supposed to have fun playing is just sad.
crying about video games is sad no matter who you are
Underrated? More like incomplete. I do like the stage backgrounds though.
When it comes to /vr/ era fighting games the top players and the fightcade players are one and the same.
what's incomplete about it?
Characters lack moves that are integral to their moveset
favourites ones? less liked ones?
>ps1 ports
>in Alpha 2 thread
This is bait
Redpill on Rose?
huh? nobody's missing any moves in alpha, anon
Few characters.
The stages are kind of bland with not much going on in the background.
Characters share stages.
Only two dedicated charge characters and one is a boss that isn't tourney legal.
characters share stages in third strike. incomplete?
The PS1 ports of capcom fighters were doomed.

>Darkstalkers 1 got a late 96 release, it was okay-ish but still cut down many frames on characters, ir was okay for a port made by brits of all things.
>Vampire Savior had all the characters, but it was fucking trash in audio and animation department.
>Alpha 1 was a 1:1 port i think
>Vanilla Alpha 2 was mid, cut down animations and bad remix music
>Alpha 2 Gold was slighty better but not by much and wasnt even included as a standalone, but with Super Vanilla and Super Turbo with SF Collection1
>Alpha 3 was really good with all the content and found a workaround to tge animations, the polyginal sparks and mirror matches.
>The Movie was just Super Turbo without the Turbo, played fine i guess but seriously, NO TURBO? plus the sprite fidelity of Intelligent Systems Arcade game was lost.
>Super Puzzle Fighter i never played
>Pocket Fighter was acceptable but still had cut down animations, only worthwhile addition was the extra infinate stage with the megaman cameos
>Children of the Atom is a port of a PC port, done by an american company, both were trash
>Super Heroes was also poop
>The VS games didnt had a chance on PS1, they shouldnt even bother, and MvC1 had the annoying weird zoom cut-ins.
>EX 1 and 2 were good ports but they are love em or hate em
>JOJO was the ps1 equivalent to Alpha 2's SNES port, ambitious and with lots of extra content, but a scaled down presentation with inconsistent sprite frame reduction, they disnt even attempted the PS1 Alpha 3 trick of mirror matching RAM MEMORY saving.

Sucks that 2D fighters suffered the most on PS1.
3D capcom games run on a modified PSX so they are the best SF games on PSX
3rd Strike used all its storage space and had far more content than alpha 1.
incomplete tho. shared stages.
Yes, I would consider that a knock against the game.
It's also clear the game needed more playtesting.

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