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I'm new here. I want to see your game collections. Tell me about your favorites. what got you into collecting? what are your stories and how long have you been collecting?

I just generally like gaming, and im sure everyone here does, but it's JRPGs that really do it for me. the massive progression combined with constantly seeing new things. Im a big FF fan, as you can see. There's a great store that sells a lot of high quality retro games in my city, and I got pretty much everything from there.

Fav game of all time in this collection? maybe FF IX
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>im new here
what does that have to do with anything?
this is an anonymous mongolian underwater basket weaving rotating image forum

i keep all my games put the fuck away bro
wow that looks really appealing

you at least have dust covers on them?
wtf at first glance I thought you had some avant garde way of showcasing your collection, it was just sideways.
The PS5 games ruin it, but at least there aren't any funko pops around.

Same here, I keep my collection safely stored, I don't need to see them everyday, specially since dust damages things that are in the open, even if you dust off your stuff daily.
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>it was just sideways

lawl yeah don't know how to remedy that here

sucks but maybe if i tilted it, 4chan would fix it? might as well try with a diff picture
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gay. i tried

>are you retarded?
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Sold almost almost all my retro back in 2015 because I needed the cash. Still kind of regret it, but collecting now is too expensive and it takes a lot of space.

Held on to my original copy of Symphony of the Night (black Label) that I bought in 2001. As well as a modded PS1. Mostly have modern systems (Xbox 360, PS3, PS4) and lots of games for each console.

I have a big collection of PC disc games too.

Sorry not much in terms of pictures, can't be bothered really.
>game collections
I have next to no games. A copy of Seaman 2 that came with the controller, a copy of Police 911 that came with a webcam for the game. A copy of Gunpey that came with my SwanCrystal.

Can't imagine wasting my time collecting stupid carts and discs that are less convenient to use and take up space I could use for more useful stuff like more controllers.
air tight rubbermaid shallow storage bin
i keep several of them under my bed
all controllers, manuals, and dweeb stuff is hid
my house isnt v dusty but im a bit neurotic about keeping things stashed out of sunlight
Unfortunately, generation broccoli head goes fucking apeshit when we post our collections because the concept of owning property is foreign to them.
its not their fault
kill yourself
Why did OP tape his games to the side of the box shelf?
>the concept of owning property is foreign to them.
Seems to be why physical media has seen a resurgence in popularity in recent times, not just video games but even DVDs and CDs are bouncing back. I guess all the DRM and online account requirements has done its damage on modern consumers who are now rediscovering what it was like to actually own the media they purchased.
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looks retarded when you can download everything for free and own it forever instead of paying 500$ for a scratched disc.
i say that as someone with a physical collection to some extent, bunch of my snes games need that extra adjust to work while the flashcart works flawless.
The shitload of movies, shows, and games being delisted from online storefronts and streaming services over the last couple years has been really putting people off. The average person has no idea how to pirate shit, so physical was always going to come back into vogue once studios and publishers showed their hand (like everyone with a fucking brain said they would).
Taking a screenshot of your pic should work until you figure out whatever the fuck is wrong with your brain.
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This is just a suspicion I have with phoneposters, but do you people directly capture and upload a photo from the camera app? As in, you take the original photo which directly uploads to the board, sight unseen? No clue what direction the image is oriented? Because it takes very little effort to check your photo first before posting, just to see if it needs rotation.
That's not why thos happens. Moot made it so all data embedded in an image is stripped before upload, and that includes orientation. When you take a picture with your phone camera, you have to rotate it, and then rotate it back in order for it to upload properly.
You have to be a high-level expert 4chan poster to know about the exif removal
>instead of paying 500$ for a scratched disc
Sup, retard? Did you know that when you own something, and it's value increases, you don't have to pay the difference every time? Crazy, I know.
Nobody here paid current market value for their shit. Stop being a fucking retard.
Yeah, this never happens to me because I always upload to my desktop from which I post and crop the picture in paint first. But I don't upload photos often.
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I have no idea why it happened. for some weird reason the photo was turned to its side on my phone when I checked it just now...

just gonna try again. the same thing happened in another thread on /v/, vertical photo turned 180• to the left
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dayyyum... can a nigga get summa dat munny?
I have mine unsorted and in three different rooms.
How is gameye? I use pricecharting to catalog my collection, pretty basic but it does the job.
>Nobody here paid current market value for their shit.
I did and still do because I'm not a poorfag. Of course I have an old collection I'm building on but I'm still buying.
People act like its impossible to get into these days which isn't true. Yeah you aren't going to get your cib earthbound as a first purchase. But $100 can go a long way if you are buying loose carts and discs. Buying some games every month or so isn't difficult.
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I have the same set of shelves. I like them for media. I have the ones that's only 2 units wide for now, with one that's 3 wide when I move into a new place and make an attempt to corral all of my media to it. I like how my NES games look in it.
Spoken like a true tourist.
It's not about being rich or poor, you actual dipshit. It's about WHEN you got into the hobby.
before you faggot, you aren't special. why are you even replying? your posts hardly make sense.
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I mostly just collect controllers now, ones I can hook up to my PC or mobile devices preferably. It's way too expensive to own consoles and the cartridges/CDs nowadays, of course there are a bunch of cheaper options still, but when there's something you want that's expensive, perhaps multiple things, it's soul crushing... unless you started years ago, now it's just not worth it to.

I still think that the one investment that's worth the money still is controllers. I mean, consoles or cartridges/CDs? I have emulators and ROMs... a CRT TV? Shaders... a controller? Yes, it's crucial.
Controllers and handhelds are all I care about. There were loads of cool controllers out there, now everything is the same boring jack of all trades, master of none design. Last new controller I bought was the NGCD clone pad, it's pretty close to the original.

I wish the chinese were more innovative in their cloning. I'd love a NGP joystick in a saturn shell or something.
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Indeed, most products that come out now are a bit too obvious, and it makes sense, 1st they go and see if there's a demand, and then they make that, if they don't sense a demand, then it won't even get made. I'm rarely surprised or excited by anything new that's been coming out, it's just like the smartphone market, they've found a mold to it and now they just polish it from time to time.

I mean, don't get me wrong, most controllers or handhelds now are sublime, we've never had so many different brands making good products as we have now, but it's never been more dull too.
>NGP joystick in a saturn shell
I'd buy the hell out of that.
What's an NGP?
-Animal Crossing
-WWE Day Of Reckoning
-Viewtiful Joe
-Super Smash Bros Melee
-Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
-Midway Arcade Treasures 2
-Sonic Mega Collection
-Super Mario Sunshine
-The Sims
-Need For Speed Underground 2
-Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup

>Sega Genesis
-Vector Man
-Ren & Stimpy: Stimpy's Invention
-Super Baseball 2020
-Mortal Kombat
-Sonic 3D Blast
-Sonic 1,2,and 3
-Sonic & Knuckles

>Gameboy/Gameboy Color
-Gameboy Camera
-Game & Watch Gallery 2
-Pokemon Silver
-Pokemon Yellow
-Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening
-Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins

-Jumping Flash!
-Road Rash
-Muppet Monster Adventure
-Spyro The Dragon 1 & 2
-Ape Escape
-Jet Moto 2 (Greatest Hits)
-Vigilante 8
-Bugs Bunny: Lost In Time
-Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear To The Rescue
-Car & Driver Present: Grand Tour Racing '98
-40 Winks
-Twisted Metal 4
-Duke Nukem: Time To Kill
-Wipeout XL
-Crash Team Racing
-Crash Bandicoot
-Metal Gear Solid
-Mechwarrior 2
-Final Fantasy Tactics
-Bomberman Party Edition

>Playstation 2
-Atari Anthology
-Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time
-007 Nightfire
-Silent Hill 4: The Room
-Burnout 3: Takedown
-Midway Arcade Treasures
-Taito Legends
-Pinball Hall Of Fame: The Williams Collection
-Namco Museum: 50th Anniversary
-WWE Smackdown!: Here Comes The Pain
-Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks
-The Sims: Bustin' Out
-Need For Speed Most Wanted
-Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
-Hot Shots Golf 3
-Marvel Ultimate Alliance
-Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
-GTA: San Andreas
-GTA: Vice City
-Spongebob Squarepants: Battle For Bikini Bottom
-Sega Classics Collection
-Wipeout Fusion
-Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty
-Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
-Silent Hill 2
-Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance
stay smart, dude

I'll see you at the next meeting of the Campaign for the Liberation and Integration of Terrifying Organisms and their Reintegration Into Society.
Based, all my carts are in a tub in my closet, properly stored and I just use a flashcart to play games.

Faggots that put thier childhood hobby on a shelf for display are either gay or maidenless.
NGP my balls. It stands for Neo Geo Pocket.
I'll do my best, Dave!

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I keep mine in one of these, like a respectable adult.
>almost 100 grand in video games

Pretty based. Good investment.
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why did you glue your games to the walls of the cabinet?
There's so many reels and shorts and tiktoks and crap on Instagram about retro gaming and half the video is just them plugging in all the cables and inserting try memory card and placing the game in the console. They have all this ASMR type audio engineering to really make it sound luxurious. Basically, it's like a goon compilation but for owning tangible objects

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