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Is 2024 too late to start a Genesis collection? I never had one as a kid but I have been playing a lot of the games on emulators and I find them very appealing.
2024 is just in time to start a PS4/Xbox One collection (And realistically only PS4 because who the fuck cares about Xbox One). You're already too late for everything else.
No, there's plenty of cheap good games for Genesis.
But if you're looking for ego boosting collection with all the rare shmups and jrpgs to post on reddit then yes
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You're in luck, Genesis seems to be the most popular old system to make new game cartridges for
Genesis remains the cheapest console to collect for, highly recommended if you're into it. Alternately grab some real hardware and a $20 flashcart from AliExpress / eBay / etc and have a blast.
>good games for Genesis
This is why they made those mini consoles and pic related

6th gen and 7th gen are still fairy cheap (especially PS2, Wii, and handhelds).
>Genesis remains the cheapest console to collect
that's because nobody wants it because it's shit
The game OP posted is very expensive. Also some of the other titles like Gunstar Heroes and Dynamite Headdy go for a lot now
seriously, there's a reason even collectorfags dont buy anything for this junk system
We get it, you're a disrespectful idiot with shit taste
name ten good genesis games.
hardware is $20 and flashcarts are $20, you can't lose.
what the fuck is a flashcart?
Should I avoid any model that isn't Model 1?
The Genesis 3 has excellent RGB video and crystal clear sound; but it's mono and can't play SMS titles. Depending on your priorities it's a great machine. Good model 1s aren't hard to find but are generally price inflated, and good model 2s are a crap shoot but super cheap. The 3 strikes a balance. namaste.
you might say everdrive, in this case a chinese clone costing $20
>because who the fuck cares about Xbox One
20 years from now you're gonna eat those words
I feel that mono is a dealbreaker, but then again, he might not want to play any games that seriously use it.
Then again, I also think that the Model 2 is good enough, UNLESS you want a Sega CD. Model 1 is mandatory for that because of the mixer cable.
I've read a lot of retarded shit on 4chan, but damn is this a stupid take.
I'm an audio snob but I don't really care about mono on the 3. The clarity is so good that I'll take that trade-off. I'm usually playing hardware with smaller displays with small audio anyway. Anyway this video is my go-to for Genesis audio comparisons:

Is it possible to mod a Model 3 for stereo?
looks like one of the board revisions can be

Micro Machines Series
King's Bounty
Dune the Battle for Arakis
Shinobi 3
Streets of Rage 2
Dynamite Eddy
Phantasy Star IV
Shining Force 3
Jungle Strike
Rocket Knight Adventures
Splatterhouse 2
Ghouls and Ghosts
Theme Park (incredible console port)
Mortal Kombat 2
No one's going to be nostalgic for that mismanaged piece of junk.
One of those cartridges where you can just put a bunch of ROMs on an SD card and play it on real hardware. I love my Mega Everdrive Pro. It can even play CD and SMS games.
why would anyone need to "respect" a 35 year old piece of nip plastic? you guys are delusional
Xbox One won't even work in 20 years when the servers are shut down
t. Series S owner. It's a cheap device with a limited lifespan that serves its purpose. Much like the Genesis.
We respect technology and the achievements of past generations here, chud.
I would've added Shadowrun instead of Mortal Kombat 2, this game is old but they managed to make a damn sandbox action rpg
Just like how original Xbox stuff is expensive compared to PS2 and GCN stuff, right?
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I will check out shadowrun. Would also add Legend of Mana and Light Crusader when they really managed to squeeze the last bit of juice out of the system.
What games should I watch out for where stereo is important? I do prefer stereo but I'm not a major audiophile...
...even I can tell the model 2 sounds like hot ass though, thanks for this video.
An enormous number of console users would have been using RF connections on mono TV sets at this time, there's arguably zero titles where stereo could make or break gameplay.
Lol they let you play the games on PC because even M$ doesnt care about Xbox. Its a game machine for people that cant afford a good PC.
the common stuff that everyone has like aladdin is really cheap but I really want to play the good stuff like castlevania and turrican so just use a flash cart, those game have always been expensive.

its almost the same price and model 1 is just better in sound and video quality

zpf is coming out on july 1st but I think people might be disappointed if they think it will beat thunderforce 3
Wow what a new and cool place!
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Do what makes you happy or dont
Just stick with the emulator OP. I had one as a kid and while I wish I did have it still along with all the games its just not worth going all out collecting this shit again unless you are filthy rich and have lots of space. Same goes for all retro collecting in my eyes. Keep in mind this stuff is all really old now to. So I am sure the consoles are going to have to eventually finally die and there is going to be nothing you can do about that other than buy an analogue clone console. The cartridges can also get dirty needing cleaning with some alcohol on a q-tip. None of this seems worth the hassle to me when you have a perfectly fine emulator that gets you all the games, just about 1:1 accuracy and your choice for controller to play with. You just can't beat all of this.
I think the only time it would be 'too late' to start a collection of any kind would be like if a meteor was about to hit within 24 hours. Although I'm sure if someone was dedicated enough they could get it done.
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It's too late to start a Genesis collection in the same way that it's too late to start most retro ones, as in you won't be finding those bargain prices you'd find a decade or so ago... but it is still possible to build a collection just fine, it'll end up being more expensive, that's all. Get a Genesis model you like, and then choose a few cartridges to start, that aren't too expensive.

I'd just stick to emulation or clone consoles still, this stuff isn't worth the price to me, get a good controller like an 8BitDo M30 or RetroBit Saturn and use a CRT TV or shader, and you'll do good.
>Splatterhouse 2
Garbage. There are lots of great games to choose from, but you went with this?

Revenge of Shinobi
Shadow Dancer
Rolling Thunder series
Monster World
Sonic 2
Ranger X

all massively better than Splatterhouse 2
You're clearly a retard. Both Sony and MS have had great games and exclusives over the years. I've been very surprised about the lack of PS5 games currently. I got one just to play the Demons Souls remake but it's totally inferior to the PS3 original. The pack in game with that astro guy was fun though.
You've proven yourself to be an idiot. Splatterhouse 2 is a great beat-em-up and the entire trilogy is a lot of fun. The series was some of the first gore seen on home consoles of the era.
>some of the first gore seen on home consoles of the era.
the only reason anyone talks about it. the series is junk
>buying games when flashcarts exists
Total hoarder death
No, I just bought a loose Boogerman for $6 a couple weeks ago.
What is with everyone's cope with money? Get over it. Collecting isn't supposed to be easy.
>Revenge of Shinobi
That game is dogshit. I played through it just to see what revision of the game I had and I hated every second of it.
It's been wild to see 360 final hit the collectorsphere.
What did you hate about it? Curious because you don't see a lot of hatred for the Shinobis on Genny/Mega Drive, people usually just argue about which one is the best.
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hehe time to make some big bucks
The one platform where disc rot is a real worry. Cheapskate manufactures.
I have an unopened skylanders white 360 console package set.
Just didn't enjoy the gameplay. Too tedious for the difficulty. I'd rather play Contra.
It's an interesting combination of slow-paced action and quick reaction combined with memorization. Definitely not everyone's speed. Have you played Adventures of Batman and Robin and Alien Soldier yet? Those are much faster.
I didn't know that, that sucks. It's the last gen with physical instruction manuals standard which probably makes it appealing to some collectors in addition to the whole "I'm old enough to buy the things I wish I had as a kid" philosophy.
>Adventures of Batman and Robin
I own that. I like it. I've tried Alien Soldier, I like it, but there's just something off about it. One of these days I'll have to devote an afternoon to it. However both of those games eclipse Revenge of Shinobi.
There's one model 1 revision that has horrible audio, but it's easy to tell, the ones with good sound have "high definition graphics" written across the top.
I'd be worried about buying sealed 360 games if you ever plan on playing it. Other than that you just need to be able to look at both sides of the disc. Check for cracks and the data side for discoloration. It's pretty obvious. That was a terrible generation of DVD discs. Full of Quality Control issues.

Adventures of Batman and Robin
Alien Soldier
Alisia Dragoon
Atomic Runner
Beyond Oasis
Castlevania: Bloodlines
Comix Zone
Contra Hard Corps
Crusader of Centy
Decap Attack
Desert Demolition
Devil Crash MD
Dynamite Headdy
Earthworm Jim games
Elemental Master
Eliminate Down
Gain Ground
Golden Axe games
Gunstar Heroes
Herzog Zwei
Land Stalker
Langrisser games
Lion King
Master of Monsters
Mickey Mouse games
Might and Magic 2
Phantasy Star games
Rocket Knight Adventures
Rolling Thunders
Sailor Moon
Shining games
Sonic games
Splatterhouse titles
Streets of Rage games
Sunset Riders
Thunder Force games
Tiny Toons games
Toejam and Earl
Twinkle Tale
Uncharted Waters: New Horizons
Valis titles
Wonder Boy titles

How many of these have you played? If you can't find something in there you can enjoy you hate classic gaming, simple as.
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I respect your opinion, anon. We can't enjoy it all and just because something's popular and loved, that doesn't mean it'll click with us every time... I still don't think it's fair to call it "dogshit" though, there are tons of classics I dislike or just don't go out of my way to play, but I don't act like they're not good video games, I just don't like 'em much.
Maybe, but Splatterhouse 2 is a better game than Revenge of Shinobi, and I like Splatterhouse 3 a lot more than 2.
you cant start a collection because it has no games
Post your Alien Soldier Superhard clear if you want anyone to take your (awful) opinion seriously
Light Crusader is a strictly inferior Landstalker knockoff desu.
>Shining Force 3
The Saturn game?
Also, I enjoy King's Bounty as much as the next 90s Sega fan for what it is but the only top 10 list it should be in is top 10 games with looping music which will drive you mad.

>Legend of Mana
The PS1 game?
retro game collecting is permanently fucked. just get a flashcart and buy maybe the two or three games you really love that you'd want a physical copy of. for me it'd be Alien Soldier, Castlevania Bloodlines, and Sonic 3
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Some pictures of some of the games recommended.

Ranger X / Ristar / Shinobi 3
Comix Zone / Contra Hard Corps / MUSHA
Phantasy Star 4 / Streets of Rage 3 / Shining Force 2
Rocket Knight Adventures / Mega Turrican / Beyond Oasis
Castlevania Bloodlines / Sonic 3&K / Alien Soldier
What are the chances the three games you recommend would be the 3 games on the bottom row of the picture I posted.
lol neat
yeah i just think those three are the best
I should have picked up a copy of Alien Soldier back when ebay would let you stack 20% off coupons with 15% eBay bucks and didn't charge tax and before Uncle from Another World came out and jacked the price up
Good to know, thanks friend
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It's actually a little more complicated than what that anon says. The only really bad model is the VA7. There are some that don't say "high definition graphics" that have great audio, like the VA6. You can tell if it's a VA7 because of the position of the ports on the back. Also some of the very old "high definition graphics" models might need some love if you do get one.
Fair, I personally prefer 2 over 3, but both are a lot more fun than Shinobi to me, though I think titles being better or worse than others doesn't take away from their quality and/or them being objectively good, if such a thing exists, but that leads to a whole new discussion that's complex.
No thunderforce 4? I see so many people praising TF4 as the best
Pal copies of a lot of games are pretty cheap and a lot of them are world roms, so they run at 60hz if played on a 60hz console. And most 50hz ones play fine to me too, Sonic is the only one I can't stand at 50.
Was just picking games that looked good for that screenshot collage, it was originally for a graphics thread. IMO Thunder Force 4 looks great in motion but in still frames, not so much.
Just emulate, save your money rather than waste it on an overpriced collection of plastic and paper that no one else will appreciate.
Sonic and Disney combined have 10 excellent video games for the Genesis, the whole library has dozens more, it's one of the most fun and diverse libraries in video game history, what are you going on about?
Why do Genesis graphics seem so different from SNES graphics? It's hard to describe, but Genesis graphics seem more like old computer games graphics compared to SNES
Smaller palette, lower maximum on-screen colors, smaller sprite size.
collecting =/= hoarding
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>It's hard to describe, but Genesis graphics seem more like old computer games graphics compared to SNES
Part of it had to do with when the system started and ended life. Genesis came out in 89 in the US and it was winding down in 94 as Sega switched to the Saturn. The SNES started in 91 and started shifting to the N64 in 96.
First off the farther back you go, the smaller the cartridge size and that makes a big difference in the amount of detail you can put into things like sprites and backgrounds, SNES as a result of hanging around longer has a lot more games in the 3-4 megabyte size while a lot of Sega's early games were 512kb to 1MB. Also the later developers get the more experienced with coding and pixel art designers become so Nintendo got a lot of good looking games in those final years. Also some games have enhancement chips in the cartridge, Sega chose to go the hardware add-on route and many people skip over those games like Lunar when talking about the Genesis.
Second is that a lot of Genesis games that came out in the first 3 years had a bit of an older style to them like picrel, that is some late 80's arcade flair right there which isn't surprising given Sega was an arcade company. Combined with what >>11065898 said about color though I contest the smaller sprite part. Genesis was great at keeping big sprites in motion, so many massive bosses in there arcade-like games, especially shmups.
Third is that the Genesis was very popular with US and European developers. In the West computer gaming was very popular and there are a lot of games developed by the same companies and there are a lot of computer game ports too.
I think a lot of the SNES beauty is tied up in JRPG's as well, you don't really need to keep a lot in motion there so you can really flex the graphical capabilities without taxing the CPU too much. Check out >>11061865 for good looking Genesis games.
Yes, just keep emulating.
It has been almost 20 years since the PS3/360/Wii came out, and I still couldn't give a fuck about any of these consoles. It's been over 20 years since the Xbox, and I STILL don't give a fuck about it. It's been 30 odd years since the 3DO, and I still don't want one.

Collecting games is retarded. I say this as a collector, I buy lots of pointless shit I use once and then put on a shelf, but at least I don't buy games. Got a game gear the other day, it was really nice to find the flashcart was like 20 bucks.

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