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Can any platformer's series lore even compare to Kirby's?
Your jif is broken
That's what I wanted you to think
Fix your jif, skippy.
I have to physically restrain myself from punching people who pronounce gif with a soft G.
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I mean, I'd hardly call an endboss making some reference to a past game "deep lore", but whatever.
Or is it...?
Check your task manager
Half Life
Bubble Bobble
Mega Man
Youre fat lol
He likes his jif extra creamy
At least Kirby respects its lore pretty deeply. Sonic lore is one giant fucking mess that you're better off ignoring
The game you have in your image didn't do it for lore, but to reenforce it's theme, with how it possesses others while Kirby befriends them. The later games' director has focused more on lore and used references to past entries to build it, but despite him admitting that his games were inspired by Kirby's Adventure, those came later, where-as Kirby 64 (and two other games, by extension) were directed by a different person. Also >>11058434
If you like lore in platformers, there's some good shit buried under Kirby, Mega Man and Sonic.
There's other good ones too, but I'd be here all day.
Sonic lore is great when the games can be bothered to remember it has lore. Frontiers obviously isn't retro but I really enjoyed all the nods to prior games, and the reveal about where the Chaos Emeralds came from.
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Klonoa plots might as well be JRPGs
Half-Life isn't a pure platformer by any means, tons of sections with no platforming but lots of shooting and vice versa, it's why the term shootformer became so popular.
I wish we had more 2d games in this era
You mean like giraffe or gin or ginger or ginormous? Why are those fine but not gif which is very similar? GI is often done in a soft g.
>boss in cute game isnt cute
What's worse is that HAL Laboratory is obviously pandering to these people now and have been for years. Kirby lore has gotten so cringeworthy due to it.
makes sense
You'd have an argument if the g didn't stand for graphics which has a hard g.
>Jraphics Interface Format
Mario honestly has decent lore. It's interesting to think that Mario is probably deceased by the time of the first Donkey Kong Country.
Not really, other than having some common characters and themes these games are basically stand alone excluding direct sequels. The only common thing between DKC and Mario is that Cranky might be Donkey Kong from the original game and Mario might be jumpman. Any thought more than that is Zelda timeline level bullshit.
pointless "deep cut" references isnt good writing
>wow, that drop of water felt just like the one from hydrocity zone in sonic the hedgehog 3!
When I call it a jif nobody understands me.
Also when I say application instead of app people look mystified.

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