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Previous thread: >>11053046

If you're just joining in, this is a full playthrough, with tips and commentary from yours truly, as well as key decisions made by (You).

On the last part, tragedy struck. The party found the Espers, and after a friendly encounter with General Leo, it looked like true peace and understanding between Espers and humans was within reach. But it was all a ruse by the Emperor. On his orders, Kefka seized the opportunity, killed General Leo, and turned the Espers into Magicite. The other Espers still inside the Sealed Gate opened it again and rushed to help, but they were no match for Kefka, and they, too, got turned into Magicite. With the way to the Esper Realm open, Kefka and the Emperor casually waltzed in and activated the power of the Statues, the "goddesses" of magic, to raise the Esper Realm's continent into the sky.

We've no choice but to stop them, as disturbing the Statues any further could literally end the world. The airship is ready to give chase to the Flying Continent.
We now have control of the airship once again. There's a couple of things left to do before we proceed to the Flying Continent, but when we do so, we will be prompted to choose our party. For whatever reason, it only let us take three party members, however. I leave the choice to you. Who, from our ragtag group, will take the plunge? First person to get even numbers decides.
SIMP, KALIVA, and uWu to gain up on spells and also for thematic reasons (well for the latter two anyway)
how many hours in? i feel like its been like a month since you started. I vote Celes. Idk why but she always my fav. runic seemed op to my young self and she always seemed kindred to Terra.
Heh, funnily enough, I thought someone might suggest a team containing at least one or two of these three, so I spent some time before going to bed last night going Intangir-hunting precisely in case that happened. Believe me, they're ready to kick ass.
Pic related.
First, let's visit Doma Castle. It is no longer under Imperial occupation (in fact, there's NO Imperial activity anywhere in the world at this time), but it's also completely devoid of life. All there is to get his is some treasure. Nothing exciting besides that. We grab the treasure, then move on.
And when I say there's no Imperial activity, I mean it. Even Vector is completely, 100% deserted. The Returners are gone as well, including Banon and Arvis, who are nowhere to be found. In fact, the game completely forgets about them. They're not back in Narshe, either. They just don't show up or are mentioned ever again. Maybe they didn't manage to get away in time...
The Empire departed from Albrook, too. However, the whole town is shrouded in darkness, which I guess implies the Floating Continent parked itself right above them. I don't know about you, but if a whole fucking continent were flying right over my town, I'd get the fuck outta dodge.
I had the thought to visit this guy who told me about the Atma Weapon to see if he had anything to say now that I own it, but he doesn't. He DOES mention the "other" Atma Weapon again, though, and this one is a monster, one we've yet to meet.
Alright, so I decided to do just a bit more Veldt-hunting, more than anything because I wanted some cash to buy certain items that will be of use very soon. I do believe we're ready. My setup is as follows: SIMP with the best defensive gear available plus Earrings to help his Slots, KALIVA with the Bard's Hat for a bit more MP and Magic Defense, plus double Earrings to maximize spell power, and uWu is gonna go fully on the offensive here with dual Thunder Rods, plus a Hero Ring. You'll see why in a moment.
Forgot to mention, but I need to get something to eat first lol. We'll storm the Floating Continent right after that.
It's time.
But of course, the Emperor knows better than to just let us onto the continent. He has the Imperial Air Force defending it. We'll just have to cut through it.
And here is why we're using double Thunder Rods on uWu. They randomly cast Bolt 2, and with her amazing Magic power, it hurts them like a BITCH.
Aqua Rake doesn't do too badly, either, as it's Wind-elemental.
...the flying fuck is that?
One super-powered Fire 2 from uWu was enough. Fucking FINALLY.
Or not? What's this now, calling in your gay lover?
Whoa shit! The FUCK is THAT?

No, seriously, does he eat in through one mouth and shit out the other?
These guys have a TON of HP. You just gotta keep hammering them with their elemental weaknesses, though (Fire for Ultros, Ice for Chupon).
Well, to be honest, you really only need to defeat Chupon here. Once you do, he'll use Sneeze and knock everyone out of the battle.
...and out of the airship. Now what?
We're intercepted mid-flight by the appropriately called Air Force, that's what.
Thankfully, we're somehow fully healed after the Ultros battle. This dude is weak to both Lightning and Water, so let's go all out.
That said, if you kill his parts, Air Force releases a Speck that absorbs Magic, and begins a countdown to his most powerful attack. Let's try to kill it before that happens.
As I thought, Aqua Rake can't be absorbed, so it deals the finishing blow.
We finally land on the Floating Continent, with one goal in mind. And who's that I spy in the corner?
Oh hai PACMAN! What a story! *laughs*
Once we reassure him that Interceptor is ok, he joins the party. These are OUR HEROES for this part.
First things first, I make sure to equip PACMAN properly. I also give him Sraphim so he can learn some support spells ASAP, because of course he has fuck all. It's really too bad that Evade doesn't work, because with Beads and a Zephyr Cape, he'd be able to dodge almost every physical attack during this portion. As for damage, he'll be relying on Shurikens and Skeans/Edges, which are VERY powerful (almost on par with Level 3 elementals in terms of spell power). I made sure to buy a fuckton before this.
This dungeon's gimmick is that it's kind of a maze where you need to approach certain walls, which will automatically open, whereas other areas need you press a switch somewhere to open the path forward. There's also teleporters that carry you from one place to another.
There are blue orbs on the walls which contain items. Here we find a Murasame, a weapon for SOOGA, which we'll never ever equip on him since he's either always using Swdtechs (which don't take the equipped weapon into account) or wielding the Tempest for Wind Slash.
These fuckers are dangerous, and can either kill you with powerful attacks, or Sneeze you out of battle. If we had brought HUNTER, we'd be able to steal Genji Gloves off of them. I suppose PACMAN could do it with the Thief Knife, but I honestly don't care that much.
Forgot to mention, if you want to kill them with minimal trouble, they're vulnerable to Sleep and Stop. Cast one or the other, then unload with Lightning attacks, which they're weak to.
Neat thing here: if you encounter a Behemoth, you can Sketch it to cast a very early Meteor. Too bad since Sketch's damage algorithm is fucking broken, it'll do close to nothing. Seriously, Squaresoft, what the FUCK were you thinking, making it use the MONSTER's Magic power stat?
I almost forgot to grab this treasure over here, so I had to backtrack a bit. It is, however, a Monster-in-a-Box.
It's a monster called Gigantos, and he's STRONG. Unfortunately for him, all his attacks are physical, so I made sure to use Phantom in a previous battle to make all my character invizible, which means he can't do jack fucking shit. I take this opportunity to refill my MP with Osmose, then put him to sleep.
Forgot to mention, Gigantos gave us a Hardened, a weapon for PACMAN. We're also not equipping this one. The Assassin can cause Instant Death, and it gives some stat boosts on top of that, so it stays on.

Later on, we find a Beret. This is a helmet for uWu that increases the success rate of Sketch, but it still doesn't guarantee it, it is inferior to the Mystery Veil in every way, and Sketch sucks anyway. So yeah, this helmet is a waste of space.
We can see the Blackjack here, and we're even given the choice to go back. If we were to choose so, PACMAN would stay behind, because he's not worthy of going along with us or some shit, only joining us again upon coming back. Lame. That said, there's nothing left for us to do back in the world, so we press onward.
Something blocks our path. Whatever it is, it's sure to be strong.
Ah shit. There he is. The ancient monster, bred for mass destruction. Of course it would be here.
I start by Slowing him, then casting every buff under the sun. Golem for physical immunity for a couple of turns, ZoneSeek for full-party Shell, Kirin for full-party Regen, then Safe and Haste on top of everyone for good measure. PACMAN will be spamming Throw, while everyone else focuses on spells.
AtmaWeapon can cast Flare, which hurts quite a bit, as it's one of the few defense-ignoring spells. It can be Reflected, however, but I'm not gonna bother. It can also cast Quake, which is even more powerful, but my whole team has Gaia Gear equipped, so that will not be a problem.
That's it? This is the big, powerful beast of ultimate destruction? Pssh.

By the way, an alternative strategy is to deplete him of MP by spamming Rasp and the occasional Osmose. The hint, I guess, is that he states that he's "pure energy", so if you take it all away, he dissolves or something. I always found that strategy kinda boring, though. I'd much rather outright kill him with badass spells and attacks.
Right after AtmaWeapon's defeat, PACMAN once again decides he's not worthy of fighting alongside you, and leaves. By the way, the game doesn't unequip him here, so unless you wanna say bye bye to all the shit you saddled onto him, you have to fight the boss with him completely stripped of everything. Kinda shitty. I completely forgot about this until right after, and had to refight AtmaWeapon again as a result kek.
Just ahead, we arrive at our final destination: Ghestal and Kefka, gazing upon the Statues.
And out of nowhere, Runie joins up with us again. Cool, the more the merrier! Let's take care of this.
But Ghestal is not fazed. He's already tapped into the power of the Statues.
He draws yet more power from them. And there's plenty more where that came from.
Runie, in vain, once again appeals to reason. She knows they're playing with something well beyond any human's comprehension.
But the Emperor will not be deterred. He throws Runie aside and binds the others with some kind of force.
But Ghestal still has a soft spot for Runie. He has plans, you see.
So, uh, does she have to, like, fuck Kefka or something? The original script actually suggests as much. The plan is for Runie and Kefka to breed the next generation of Magitek Knights, and thus give birth to a new Empire, far more powerful than the last.
Kefka gets right down to the point. I want to say this is the only time the word "kill" is outright uttered in this version, but I could be wrong.
Runie has a choice now. Embrace her birthright at the Emperor's side, with Kefka as her state-appointed clown husbando, or eat shit together with the rest.
Runie takes the sword. Has she really made this choice? Ghestal can hardly wait to get this project underway. All she has to do is bring the sword down upon the others.
Runie readies the blade... she's really doing it.
But of course, what allure does power have over someone like her? If her purpose is to wield it to kill and oppress, perhaps it is better if she ceased to exist.
And so, the blade is turned against Kefka instead. Runie has truly made her choice.
Kefka collapses. Did he kill him?
Nope, she didn't. She did, however, make him bleed, and this sends him into an absolute frenzy. This might be a first for him, and he is NOT happy about it.
Kefka grows incoherent. It can be safely said there is only one thing on his mind at this moment, though.
And he makes it abundantly clear. So, what now?
And in true madman fashion, he goes straight for the NUCLEAR option.
The Statues reject him at first, but through sheer, single-minded willpower focused only on his overwhelming rage and hate, Kefka forces his way inside their Magical field.
And there's only one thing he wants right this moment. The power to destroy.
Only now does the Emperor intervene. Even he sees Kefka has completely lost the plot and is about to cause a catastrophe. Kefka tells him to shut up, and a confrontation begins.
Yeah bro, just let me destroy everything to prove something!
The Emperor's heard enough.
The mad dog has contracted rabies, and it's time for the owner to put it to sleep.
And yet, he laughs.
This proves the Emperor does not truly know Kefka. He may be mad, but he is not stupid. As seen in Thamasa, when he laughs endlessly like this, it's because he knows he has the upper hand.
A high level spell is cast.
Nothing happens.
He goes higher still.
Still nothing. The Emperor is completely befuddled.
He goes for one of this world's most powerful spells, period.
STILL nothing. What is happening?
Kefka strikes him, then reveals his ace card, something even the Emperor apparently didn't notice, but Kefka did. The Magic field generated in between the three Statues absorbs all Magic thrown its way, and Kefka is standing inside of it. As such, he is completely untouchable.
And now, Kefka shows the extent of his treachery. He's done being the Emperor's lap dog. The Statues will do his dirty work for him.
The power of the Statues starts acting up, sending bolts of Magic power at them. Their power appears unfocused at first, but Kefka begins to exert his will upon them. They now have a target.
It now becomes target practice.
Ghestal is completely at their mercy. All he can do is try to dodge.
Kefka mocks his master. He's having fun again. Victory is within sight.
Until at last, the Statues' power strikes true. Bullseye.
Irreverent as ever, Kefka kicks his master's body around like it's a piece of trash lying around on the road.
And so, the mad clown usurps the mighty Emperor of the Ghestalian Empire.
Uttering his last words, the Emperor can only lament that the ultimate power they've unleashed will likely leave none alive to be ruled in any real sense.
Kefka, of course, has heard enough of him, and throws him off of the Floating Continent. Thus ends Emperor Ghestal, a victim of his hubris and blindness.
Runie finally attempts to act, but Kefka strikes her aside. He has only one thing in mind.
And that is complete and utter destruction. This is where Ghestal's failure was at its greatest. He assumed those closest to him wanted the same thing he did, namely world domination. Kefka only wants to watch the world burn.
And burn it will. Kefka moves the statues around in full knowledge of what will happen. Has this always been his endgame?
And just then, a savior!
PACMAN recuses Runie from the cliff, then moves the Statues so as to entrap Kefka. Talk about coming in clutch! Too bad the world's still gonna fucking blow up, but hey, appreciate it!
For once in his life, PACMAN is doing something selfless. What brought this about, I'm not sure, but he's truly one of us now.
We try to go to him, but the chain reaction knocks us out of the area. PACMAN tells us to not worry about him, but reassures us that he WILL see us again. We can do nothing but trust those words.
And now, we gotta escape, because this bitch is about to break the fuck apart.
And I mean it. We have only six minutes to escape. Runie is back in our team, but of course she has nothing equipped, so let's fix that real quick.
Of course, random encounters will attempt to slow us down. We must mow them down as quickly as we can.
The continent literally breaks apart as we go.
We run into what looks like a Save Point, but... it isn't.
It's a monster, and it does EVERYTHING it can to waste our time. It begins the battle by casting Condemned on the entire party, which puts us on a timer to kill it or die.
I forgot to mention it absorbs most elements AND has Reflect on, and this party is not at all equipped to get around those things, so I had to literally beat it to death with Fight. Fuck's sake.
We finally reach the end of the road, and thankfully, the Blackjack is waiting for us. But PACMAN... we HAVE to wait for him. We cannot just leave him behind after what he did for us. Yeah, I'm not making this a choice. I know some of you would tell me to Jump just to troll, and there's no upside to that choice.
With five seconds remaining, PACMAN shows up at last. We escape together.
Don't know what this means, but I'm guessing they're just wondering in desperation if there's some way to stop what the Statues are about to do.
The statues begin throwing their power around, descending upon the world below.
Solid landmasses break apart like nothing.
This is happening everywhere. No one is safe.
Even mountain ranges are being rearranged before our eyes.
And if we thought we were safe up in the sky, well, we thought wrong. The Blackjack, too, is struck, and everyone on board falls off to parts unknown.
The worst truly has come to pass.
We lost. We completely, and most thoroughly, lost.
Kefkabros, we're eating good tonight!
This has been an enjoyable and educational series of threads. I learned that a Tempest can be stolen off of Number 128, which I did not know previously.

I hope to learn additional things as you continue the thread, anon. Now that we are entering the nonlinear section of the game, I hope there are additional choices about which quests to pursue.
This is where I'll stop for the night. I gotta work early tomorrow and won't be free until sometime in the afternoon, but rest assured, we WILL begin the World of Ruin.
Boy, have you got plenty to feast on!
Believe me, this coming part will be full of choices. My plan is once I get the airship again to have you choose what quests to undertake next, and who to take to each one. I hope in that way to give every character a chance to shine. I also hope to show more neat things about this game this way. This is where it's gonna get good.
Rest well, anon
Itā€™s actually supposed to be called ultima.
Look at those legs. Did a fucking AI draw them? /s
The implication is that during at least four previous encounters with Kefka, no one ever scratched him?
I do believe this is the most redundant question ever.
Actually, it's fucked up. The cold-blooded and calculating assassin is surprised that the empire fucked him up; the emperor, who has known Kefka all his life, is surprised that Kefka is fucked up in the head. You made him.
Kefka just declared that he was invulnerable inside the statues. While he is pushing the emperor's corpse off of the continent, why doesn't Celes run into the statues circle to be in a win-win situation and start pelting Kefka with spells?
I think the implication is no Magic other than that of the Statues works within the field. It's probably why Kefka doesn't sling any spells of his own at Ghestal or the party, either. Whenever he does attack, it's always physical.
Thanks again anon! I love FF6 and how near the midpoint of the game feels like you're heading to the ending, (Atma fight, Behemoths with powerful attacks, etc.) but how our heroes actually fail. It's something (at the time) that was extremely out of left field. Heroes usually win, right? Well, not this time. And for not winning, the world is ruined and changed forever.
Always thought this sounded more badass than "DIE" which they use in the PlayStation version onward.
That's because originally, this WAS going to be the end of the game. Then they realized they had more than enough space to do even more, and that's when they got the idea for the World of Ruin.
never knew this, but that makes far more sense. things always get lost in translation, and even more in localization.

yes, ff6 is one of the few games where the world actually gets destroyed by the villain, and there's no way to undo that timeline like in Chrono Trigger. Thing is, if you bought the game back in the day, it came with a map of the game world; the World of Balance on one side, the World of Ruin on the other, which was a massive spoiler.

another thing I didn't know, but makes tons of sense. I can picture the original final battle to prevent Kefka from moving the statues, and the brainstorming session where they decided to expand the game with the what-if/bad ending.
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Well, we're not too sure how the original pre-WoR endgame scenario looked like, but the final WoB ending feels so climatic that everyone assumes that was the original endpoint. I think it's more likely there was a lot of asset-shuffling and the original scenario was a longer WoB with WoR landmarks.
I always thought Thamasa wrapped up way too soon, especially since they go out of their way to name a Maduin-looking esper (Yura) as if he was going to be a semimajor character. I feel like that conclusion was rewritten as part of the post-WoR changes to herd the player into the next part of the game.
My feeling is Thamasa should've been introduced earlier. As it is, Strago and Relm feel almost shoehorned into the story at the last minute, as does Thamasa's whole thing about being descendants of the Mage Warriors.
OP here. I was gonna watch some fights before playing, but they're looking boring as shit, so I might start it up again very soon instead. Get ready to make some heavy choices.
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I'm ready for WoR stuff!
>pic related to WoR
Some time has passed. Gone are the blue skies and oceans so familiar to us. Everything is the color of wilting trees, fitting for a world on the verge of death.
Yet in one tiny corner of this desolate world, there may yet be life, struggling daily to keep death at bay.
Indeed, the breath of life has not yet completely abandoned this world. Even now, creatures stir.
There may even be people still.
And not just any people.
A joyful reunion.
Runie has been in a coma for a whole year. That she even survived falling off of a goddamn airship into a world that was literally exploding is a miracle.
And then Cid somehow found her through all the chaos and took care for her the entire time. What a fucking trooper. But it seems he's hit his limit, and then some.
Ah, right, they both washed ashore here.
Runie now has to come to grips with the fact that the world ending was not a dream, and her friends are nowhere to be seen. Cid not only doesn't know where they are, but even suggests the possibility that they could be the only ones left in the whole world for all they know.
And it's only gonna get worse.
And definitely nothing to do with any nearby cliffs. Nope, none of that here.
Nothing left to do but accept cold, harsh reality.
But Cid sees a silver lining. Whatever life they have left, they now have the opportunity to live it out together, with no Magitek, no Empire, and no war.
Runie warms up to the idea, and takes it further. Indeed, if all they have is each other, they may as well strengthen their bonds to the level of family.
...do you need a glass of water or something?
Do not save this man
Geez, at least cover your mouth! We're all going to catch it!
Ah, shit. That's not good.
>they now have the opportunity to live it out together,
"Ok Grandpa"
"G-grandpa?" (wants to die and eat poison fish when he realizes qt blonde thinks of him as grandpa)
Looks like we gotta get our man here some fish. Runie volunteers, and lets Cid rest in bed.

You know the choice I'm presenting you with now. I need not spell it out. Odd digits decides what is to be done next.
Let him die>>11057649
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>indirectly causes the end of the world by not testing his whoop properly
>scene for saving him is way lamer
>doesn't even have any special dialogue later when you get HUNTER or SLAVE back
hang that nigga now
Runie sets out for the sea, where she sees several fish swimming about. However, having just woken up, she is simply not strong enough yet to keep up with the faster fish, which easily elude her despite her best efforts. The slower fish look a bit more suspect, but at least she can catch those. They'll have to do.
Time to feed gramps!
Well, that's fucking depressing. Thanks grandpa.
His condition isn't getting any better. If anything, it's worsening... he needs more fish.
Uh... gramps? No time to sleep. You gotta eat this fish now, or it's gonna rot.
Listen to Runie, bro. It's for your own good.
I'm so sorry.
She took a quick leap
Off the cliffs on the island
It perked her right up
And so, Runie is finally all alone. There's only one thing she can think to do now.
Here in these high cliffs overlooking the ocean.
And that is, of course...
...to cheer up with a little dive into the sea! Thanks, grandpa!

Goddamn it, Woolsey.
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Just the sort of dialogue I'd expect from a girl who's just a little bit sad and in need of a bit o' fun to liven up her day.
See, she closes her eyes because she has faith she won't hit any rocks when she jumps or anything.

Like come the fuck on, man. Even when I was a kid I didn't buy this shit. Wasn't there a better way? The rest of the fucking dialogue betrays what's going on, let alone the action itself.
She'll perk up aaaaaany minute now.
Some faggot bird shows up to rouse Runie, because apparently she did it wrong or something.
Runie? RUNIE? Stick to the fucking script! You're supposed to be cheered up now and not openly wishing you would die!
I was 7 when I played this and had zero concept of suicide. None of this made sense to me
Yeah, this bird has pretty shit fashion sense.
I did, mostly thanks to the power of my Chinese girl cartoons.
She's lost the plot.
You sure? Plenty of people wear blue bandanas, but I guess there's something about this specific one that marks it.
I guess let's go tell the corpse of grandpa and... what's this?
Somehow, a letter materializes at the side of Cid's body. Maybe he wrote it right when he knew he was gonna bite it.
And bless his heart, he appears to have left us a final gift.
And it's just what we needed.
Runie says her final farewell, then gets on the raft. She must look forward from here on out.
Where it will take her, she does not know. But she has to try, for the sake of her friends.
She lands close to a town. A stroke of luck. But she must be careful. She is alone, and the world is far more dangerous than ever.
On the way to the town, she spots a massive structure. What IS that?
This town is none other than Albrook, and it has definitely seen better days. This guy answers our question. Kefka has become the de factor ruler of this world.
Last time they told Runie this, she had been mistaken for a beautiful Opera singer. So what is this old fuck implying, exactly?
As expected, Kefka is far more tyrannical than Ghestal ever was.
The Weapon shop sells elemental blades. Nice, I suppose, but I don't need any at the moment. They may come in handy later, though.
We are also told about ancient evils awakening. Phunbaba, Doom Gaze, and the 8 Dragons... they sound formidable.
In the Armor shop (which has nothing worthwhile), we find this old painter. Ghestal didn't like his portrait, so it was sold to someone named Owzer on Jidoor. Why we'd want to see a portrait of that literal Goofy-looking motherfucker, I don't know.

Anyway, this genderbent Runie look-alike? He went northward toward Tzen. Maybe we'll go just to see who this long-lost male twin of hers is.
In the Cafe, the owner waxes nostalgic about the good ol' days.
Ah, yes, back when the soldiers ran over the town and constantly crashed the Cafe for a bit of whoring. Great times.
Anyway, we got quite a bit of intel from Albrook. We even got a tip about some dude who looks just like Runie (which either implies he was extremely girly-looking, or she's become mannish as fuck in the year she's been in a coma) going to Tzen. Shall we take up this tip and head to Tzen ourselves? Or explore elsewhere? Even digits decides.
Head up to Tzen, not much else we can go at this point, right?
Right, to Tzen it is. We could've skipped Tzen altogether and headed eastward. I thought maybe someone might challenge me to stick with only Runie for a while. This is fine, though. I'm going to take a small break for the moment, though. Be back in a little bit.
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getting a little ahead but it'd be interesting to see the tentacles boss done without running shoes. i got my ass kicked by that guy the last time i played but i didn't even remember him so there's no way i did that the first time, so there must be some strategy to it. runie's got runic for his bio at least
I always thought they were suggesting that this person still had the light of hope in their eyes, not that they actually resembled Sabin
That is indeed what is meant. Woolsey kinda fucked up the phrasing, though, and makes it seem like they're saying they literally look alike.
need to pick up uwu and mknfuk and run the the wor with just underage b&
Ok, I'm back. Gonna play just a bit more.

After a bit of walking, we reach Tzen. And man, it looks like shit. Let's look around a bi-
Well, don't I just have the most perfect timing for this kind of shit to go down? It looks like he only struck a house up north, though.
And of course, there's a helpless child inside we gotta save. At least the Inn heals us for free during this moment.
And would you look at that, TRAIN is here! Awesome!
Unfortunately, he can't join Runie just yet, as he's busy HOLDING UP THE ENTIRE HOUSE BY HIMSELF. Yet even he can only hold it for so long, so Runie must hurry inside and rescue the child.
We only have six minutes to traverse this house. There's a lot of treasure to grab here, though two of the chests have monsters in them. You can run from the random battles at least, though if you absolutely have to fight, a Black Belt is essential, as the Scorpion enemies have VERY high magic defense, so you want to strike them down with physical attacks ASAP. You'll also want a Ribbon or another relic that protects against that status since these monsters can Petrify you. This, of course, means we can't use the Sprint Shoes, so this can be a slog, but there's still plenty of time even then. Grab the kid in the big room here, then GTFO.
As soon as Runie exits, TRAIN lets go and the house collapses, but at least everyone made it out ok. And Runie reunites with her first ally!
TRAIN's spirit, at least, has not been dampened in the slightest.
So TRAIN joins us, and a most welcome addition he is. Speaking to the townspeople, we learn the Serpent Trench is now above water, and can be traversed by land to reach Mobliz. Unfortunately, however, they say it has been obliterated by Kefka's Light of Judgement.
Another option is to follow the Serpent Trench north to reach Nikeah. This town is apparently still intact and even sends ships out.

So here we have another choice. Shall we go to Mobliz and see what has become of it? Or go toward Nikeah and see if we can catch a ship elsewhere? Odd digits decide.
Very well. Mobliz can wait.

Unable to find friends, we head north.
On the way, we find this curious tower, surrounded by mountains. Come to think of it, someone in Tzen mentioned a so-called Cult of Kefka built a tower here in the Serpent Trench. However, it looks utterly unassailable at this moment, so we move on.
We finally reach Nikeah. It actually looks completely untouched and unchanged from the last time we saw it. This is one place that Kefka has not bothered to strike, so perhaps they've done everything humanly possible to not incur his wrath.
This guy tells some tall tales about Doma Castle, where he claims he ended up in after the cataclysm. There's ghosts n' shit there, to hear him tell it. Not sure I believe that, but this shall be noted as a point of interest.
From this woman we hear something of Figaro's fate. Seems like they attempted to escape the worldwide catastrophe by going underground, but not all went well.
Now let's see what's available in the shops. The Rune Edge, which we passed up several times earlier, is finally available for sale, but at this point it doesn't really make a lot of sense to use it over other weapons. Much more important is the Enhancer. This sword rocks. It bestows an insane +7 to Magic power AND also adds +20 MBlock. This is actually one of the best end-game weapons for that reason. You better believe we're grabbing one now, and we'll likely be back for more later.
The Armor shop has Diamond equipment for sale, which is nice, though don't think we're gonna splooge on it all that much. I'll be grabbing a MithrilVest for TRAIN, and wait for later to get something better for Runie. I'll grab a DiamondShield as well, I suppose. The Diamond Helm doesn't really do anything for us.
We try to commission a ship, but unfortunately it's already been taken by a group called the Crimson Robbers. Who?
Well, these guys in the Cafe, evidently. They're straight out of Goodfellas or some shit.
Their story is they were prisoners in Figaro Castle, but some sandworms dug a tunnel through the castle, and they took advantage of it to escape. They now plan to go back with their boss to steal all the treasure inside.
Their boss is called Gerad. The ho says he's very handsome. Sound like an upstanding fellow.
Looking around, we find... PEDO? Damn, bro, lookin' good!
However, he doesn't appear to recognize us. Unless, of course, he's pretending not to.
We prod him some more, but he won't give us the time of day.
Runie won't give up, though. She know it's him.
Still he insists.
Runie, however, knows him too well by now.
He goes for the save. And he sort of has a point, does he not? In any case, he departs. We can only attempt to follow.

IIRC TRAIN is supposed to have a line here about his brother, but it got cut for some reason.
Whatever is going on with PEDO/GERAD, his objective seems clear: get inside Figaro Castle. And the thieves claim to know the way in.
Runie and TRAIN decide to stow away.
We now arrive in South Figaro. Time to tail them some more.
Remember how various items hidden around town were left alone? Well, it's time to collect them. They've now been mostly all upgraded to their best possible version.
The town itself is peaceful. Unlike the other towns we've visited thus far, South Figaro doesn't live in fear of Kefka. They still hold on to their usual high spirits.

We learn some interesting things beside, including a rumor that Duncan, TRAIN's master, is actually still alive somewhere. Can it really be?
His wife claims so! And she even gives his location. Now we just gotta find Narshe, but it looks like it's in a very different place now. Another thing to keep in mind for later.
Meanwhile, there's this strange scene. Someone is eager to, well, repopulate the world.
For equipment, here we can grab a Gold Lance for PEDO, but it's not a priority. We can, however, grab a DiamondArmor, which is definitely nice, so let's get that now.
And in the Inn, we find Gerad once again, talking to himself about helping someone. He then blows us off once again.
The thieves are gone out of town now. Only one place they could've gone from here. There's also this dark tidbit.
Next stop: the Cave of Figaro to the west. And here's where I'll stop for tonight. Lots to do tomorrow, though. Count on it!
>scene for saving him is way lamer
>doesn't even have any special dialogue later when you get HUNTER or SLAVE back
Apparently, the player's attempts to save Cid were futile in development, and all it was was an act of delaying the inevitable. That's why saving Cid feels so tacked on - it just was. It was too late in development to have the choice make a lasting difference other than a cutscene and a "is Cid not dead" event flag. I used to think the Magicite won't wash up if he's not alive, but nope. I don't know if any hacks do anything interesting with this.
Funny thing is this sounds more sick in the head this way.
fug, never did this
Here's some more development trivia. In the original scenario for this (presumably after the WoR was a thing and they wanted to see how dark they can get), you can legit fail this part..and instead of a game over, you can continue playing without Sabin, who evidently sacrificed himself to get you out. You can come with Edgar and it'd trigger a scene where he gets mind-broken digging through the rubble in the middle of the night and desperately trying to find him. This was shot down for being too depressing. Everyone loves Sabin.
Isn't there Magicite you can only get if you go to Mobliz early? Or was meeting Terra pre-airship entirely inconsequential?
>I don't know if any hacks do anything interesting with this.
T-Edition does. If you come back later, Cid begins sprucing up the place, but complains that Deathguize is impeding his efforts. Once you beat him, you find that not only is everything nicer-looking, but he makes the house MUCH bigger, too, and you get a very good Relic for your troubles. Furthermore, if you bring both Celes and Locke, you get a whole extra scene, including a bit where Celes and Locke go to the cliffs up north during the night and become closer. It's one thing I really enjoyed about T-Edition: the fact that several sidequests have you actively improve the world a little bit at a time, so even before you beat Kefka, it feels like your efforts matter.
>Isn't there Magicite you can only get if you go to Mobliz early? Or was meeting Terra pre-airship entirely inconsequential?
Nah, it doesn't matter. You get everything all the same, whether you go sooner or later.
im going to sit down and play every final fantasy from one to thirteen. got any tips?
In FF1, press A and B together 55 times in a row while sitting in the ocean (yes, really)
OP here, will probably start again in about an hour. Not too many choices to make for the moment, as this part is fairly railroaded, but very soon, we're gonna have a metric fuckton of them.
Scratch that, not long after this post I started not feeling all that well. Not sure if I'm coming down with something or not, but I feel like I need to rest, so I'll probably take a break for today and hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.
Don't forget to eat fish OP. You'll get better that way.
The easiest way to beat FF1 is to put two Fighter class characters on your team. Fighter class is overpowered and it doesn't really matter who you pick for the other two slots because the two Fighters will carry your team. I wish I'd known that when I was kid. Nintendo Power lied to me about the best party mix. It's a real challenge with only one (or zero) Fighters.
I've heard that T-Edition is excellent, and this confirms it. On one hand, it feels wrong to kill off the dood, but as anons said, you get nothing for it, and the attempted suicide is far more dramatic.

Granted, TW had to work around a hard censorship constraint, but still, it sounds wrong, like there's an uncanny contrast between those lines and everything else.

I'd imagine alot of things about ff6 would be over your head when you're 7. Although I was like 8 or 9 when I played it iirc, but 1 or 2 years makes a big difference when you're a young buck.

can confirm, and I beat the puzzle for some gold. took me a little while, but I figured it out. If I get around to making a retranslation patch of ff1, I was thinking of putting those instructions written backwards on the broom in Gaia, since in Japanese it just says
which I'm not sure about, but machine translate says it's about hurrying or being busy. or maybe it's sweeping sounds backwards? idk.

yes, 2 fighters will let you steamroll, then put a white mage and black/red mage for casting fun, and for dealing with those pesky undead. The second fighter will get plenty of hand-me-downs and alternate weapons, like axes.
If you want only one of each class, then an ideal setup is fighter/redmage/blackbelt/whitemage, which I've used to beat the game. It's well-balanced with solid coverage, and your kung-fu artillery/glass cannon is safe (while also saving money). For more of a challenge, you can go with fighter/redmage/whitemage/blackmage, which will give you lots of casting, which is fun, even though magic is nerfed to the point that melee has the advantage most of the time.
But whatever setup you go with, you must have a fighter in the first slot, and a white mage in back (3rd or 4th), otherwise you'll get boned.

eating fish makes you smarter! (unless there's mercury in it)
Here's some more changes that T-Edition made, which I thought were amazing:

- You get to repopulate Narshe by finding its citizens, which have been scattered across the world. You get excellent rewards for doing this, of course, but again, it fits in with the whole "you're actually making a difference in this ruined world" theme.

- Banon and Arvis survive and can be found in Narshe, and they provide you with invaluable information.

- A scene that apparently was meant to be in the original game but was cut is added, namely Strago having a man-to-man moment with Shadow in Thamasa, wherein he doesn't judge him or ask him to apologize or repent, but merely asks to see his face to confirm what he already knows. Shadow obliges. Furthermore, Shadow's scene in the ending is changed. He realizes he has something to live for after all, and asks Baram to wait a bit longer, and follows the party.

- You fight General Leo's reanimated corpse where you'd normally fight the Gold Dragon in Kefka's Tower. If Terra's in the team, you get special dialogue. Once you beat him, he leaves behind a Relic only equippable by Terra, which gives massive stat increases and replaces Morph with Shock.

I'd advise you not read those spoilers, though. I played it blind, and all these things blew me away. Because of these things and others, I've forged memories on par with what I have from the original, and this was a hack I played only a couple of years ago. These changes were masterfully integrated.
Ah shit, forgot another one:

- When you go to Duncan's House to learn Bum Rush, rather than just teaching it to you for free, Duncan reveals a surprise, and Vargas comes out of the house. He actually apologizes to Sabin and the two make amends, and Vargas decides he will help Sabin obtain the ultimate technique. You then have to fight him again, and only after you defeat him does Duncan teach Bum Rush to Sabin.
Yes. Dismiss the fan-translation/localization autism, play the official releases.
No. Official or bust*
Now, there is a necessary caveat if you want to play the original FC III and SFC V II has an NES English proto so fuck you and at that point, you have no choice but to make a deal with the devil/play a goddamned patch. The least awful of these are the Chaos Rush version for III, which is apparently a text port of the DS version that filters the text changes, and the GBA script port for V, warts and all.
One thing you find out pretty soon is that these people making junior text-edits of already-translated games are kids, retarded, or retarded kids.
Imagine if OP could transmute his autism into something productive and conducive to his real life successes. Alas...
leave and never return
Fighters are amazing in FF1
My favorite team is two fighters, red mage, and black belt. Red mage because having a non-squishy mage is also great in FF1, black belt to offset expenses maintaining the other three and because it'll eventually be on par with the fighters.
Thief, white and black mage are basically challenge classes that slow the game down (they're a little better in the remakes but not enough to make a huge difference in my opinion).
you're 18+ and probably 30+ cuz you're on /vr/ and you still make 12yr old tier posts like this anon? grow the fuck up and stop being a sad pathetic mentally underage troll that never grew mentally past 13. pathetic and you're probably 35 and balding acting so pathetic and childish.
Wow we have a real winner in life here. Be careful not to get crushed by the weight of your world-changing successes.
OP here, probably gonna have to skip today as well. I've been bedridden the whole day, and even had to call in sick. Guess this is what I get for killing Cid kek if I feel any better later tonight I'll give it a go, but don't hold your breath.
Praying for your good health, OP. You are a good anon.

Cid was a war criminal with a goofy raincoat, you did nothing wrong.
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I never changed the character's names, but it would've been funny if his Pseudonym was made up of letters in his player given name. DOPE would've been awesome in this case.
Take it easy and thanks for the thread, good nostalgia trip for me.
Atrocious post and you should feel bad about your life.
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I never had any trouble beating the game with the default party (Fighter, Thief, Bl. Belt, RedMage). Double+ fighters seem boring although yeah definitely rape train, white mages seem like a waste of time for me but I didn't like the magic system that much in original FF.
But I think Thief is underrated in general, early game some of the dangerous gauntlet segments his ability to flee particularly nasty fights is a godsend, and late game the black magic gives elemental weakness options besides his decent fighting ability (and always the ability to flee).

My favorite tryhard/meme party is 4x Black Belts, although early game is very hard with that.
Not a problem. We'll be here when you're ready to play
Nintendo Power recommended Fighter, Black Belt, Black Mage, White Mage as a 'balanced' party for FF1. An experienced player could easily make it work, even if it's a little underpowered but a NEW player, particularly a kid without a lot of RPG experience would get absolutely creamed with that party. What really surprised me was how easy it was to control the difficulty level of the game by choosing certain party members. A party with three Fighters would be a cakewalk. It doesn't matter if you don't have enough cash to equip them all, they are overpowered even with discount equipment.

The real goal of any hardcore FF1 fanatic would be to complete the game with four White Mages as their starting party.
Plz don't die OP. Your threads are very entertaining. Don't stress about it though we're not going anywhere.
When I was a kid I didn't see him as a monster but now that I'm all grown up I can understand that the world is a better place without him in it.

I don't know about anybody getting creamed, ever - if you've got an at least slightly decent party, you should be able to compensate for most problems by simply gaining extra levels, and if you at some point learn about the spell items then you can lean hard on those to make even four white mages fairly strong. (Granted, kids probably wouldn't do a good job at exploiting those items, but they also wouldn't be playing as four white mages to begin with.)
Feeling a bit better. At least I was able to walk around a bit earlier, and I'm no longer getting chills. I may just be feeling good enough to continue tomorrow. Hopefully, that is. Thanks for keeping the thread alive.
but OP is winning. I mean, are you gonna meet the motherfuckin Gods of Magic at your globohomo wagie job? Yea, no, didn't think so.

awesome stuff!

I forgot to mention, fighter/fighter/blackbelt/anymage is another great setup. But I must dissent on whitemage, her HEAL and HARM spells are way too useful, and she's the only way to get them (save for heal staff and light axe, but that's still quite limited and late-game).
Redmage is a useful Jack of All Trades, although he's better at covering black magic (all fire/ice/lit, only lacking instakills & NUKE), while his white magic is limited to cures & buffs. Thus, he can fill in pretty well for a black mage, minus some spell charges and plus fighting ability, but he can only dip into the shallow end of white magic. He's strong in the early game, but by late-game, the Red Wizard hits a plateau; my strategy is to have him be the designated item caster, which works well.
Thief definitely makes it a harder run, although being able to flee some battles in the infamous Marsh Cave and elsewhere is useful as you said, and Ninjas are awesome, although you have to wait until late-game to cash in.
Thief is unfortunately an abysmal waste of space in the original due to arguably being hit the hardest by bugs. (NASIR did his best for someone who didn't know what an RPG was.) Even a top Ninja will not outdo even a fourth Knight with diminished-returns equipment. Granted, Thief/Ninja is significantly better in rereleases, and Red Mage is slightly worse as a mage when things play as they should.
Thief has a lot of drawbacks but like that other anon said he's got the best chance of running from a fight and that's a huge and often-used advantage in FF1. Running from fights is a strategy that I had never used in an RPG until I really got into FF1. It's good for players to realize that the game is hard and that they're going to need to do things a little differently than they normally would to get through it.
NinjaDad's Throw skill is powerful enough on its own here. no need for spells.
OP here. I'm feeling MUCH better. Still a bit of a sore throat and congestion, but I can deal. I'll be starting soon.
Indeed, which is why I specified support spells rather than offensive spells. I only prioritize the latter on characters who will be functioning primarily as mages, whereas those who are fighters or rely on their special skills for damage are better off learning things like Cure 2 and Haste and such.
im playing them all on the nintendo switch because the nintendo switch is maximum comfy no-nonsense just works. I hate how grimy roms and emulators are. If I could buy them all on original hardware I would but the switch is the closet to original hardware I can get. I'm not buying refurbished.

I rerolled after an hour in to play two fighters and I do not regret it. I've got two fighters, black mage, white mage. The mages are difficult to keep alive but they both proved their worth with either dia or thundara wiping out nine enemies themselves. The fighters are carrying for everything else.

This game is a lot of fun and I wish I hadn't slept on the series for so long playing only ff7 as a kid and then moving on
And we're off! Time to tackle the Cave of Figaro. Right away we encounter Siegfried. Or is it Ziegfried? Inconsistent chap, this one. Anyway, he very courteously offers to clear all the monsters for us. Suspiciously, he tells us to wait there. Wait, wasn't he a complete weakling? This is fishy as fuck.
Yeah, screw that, Sigfried could only be after treasure, and if you'll recall, we left all of it unopened during our previous excursions through this place. Now it's time to collect. The items here are definitely better than what you would've gotten before.
This one especially so. More Hero Rings are always good to have.
We've finally caught up to Gerad and the thieves, who supposedly know the way back inside Figaro Castle from here.
And turtlebro is in on it.
Turtlebro is cute! CUTE!
And evidently big and strong enough for a bunch of grown-ass men to hop on his back to cross over one after the other. Well, nothing to do but follow suit.
And there's bitch-ass Siegfried, following on their heels. Guess we'll have to deal with him as well.
And of course, he's ransacked everything. What a fag.
We catch him in the act here, but he just flees like the little bitch he is. And that's the last we see of him until his enigmatic appearance in the Coliseum. This is one of the more blatantly unfinished bits of this game.
Anyway, we reach the end of the tunnel, and find ourselves in Figaro Castle's jail room, where Gerad is seen concerned about a collapsed guard. Hmmmmmmmmm
Figaro Castle is still underground, so we can't go anywhere other than the Basement. The old man here seems too shaken to stop us like he usually would.
And onward we go, lower into Figaro Castle's bowels. Monsters lurk here for some reason, perhaps sneaking in from the Cave of Figaro. There's some good loot here, though, so we'd do well to comb it thoroughly.
Some goodies include a Crystal Helm (only superior to the Mystery Veil in defense by a few points, so not worth it on Runie) and the Regal Crown (only equippable by TRAIN for now; it gives very minor stat boosts, but overall has superior defense to the Green Beret he's been wearing this whole time, so on it goes).
Finally, we arrive at the cause of Figaro Castle's problem: a bunch of monstrous worms have invaded the engine room.
The thieves wonder who they're gonna get the treasure with these things in the way, but Gerad offers to cover for them while they do their thing. It seems even they don't think that's a good idea. Gerad insists, though, so they leave him to his fate.
Only now that the thieves are gone does Gerad, rather PEDO, drops the pretense before his friends.
If it walks like a PEDO and talks like a PEDO...
Anyway, boss fight time. These fucks can be a bit annoying. They tend to grab your characters, incapacitating them for a time, then putting them back but with Slow status. You can get around the Slow thing by equipping RunningShoes, but I decided I wanted to suffer a bit, so we'll go without.
Well, that was fucking annoying. I should've equipped those RunningShoes after all lol I also neglected to try afflicting them with debuffs myself. I believe one of them is even vulnerable to Instant Death, but I don't have Doom or Break learned on any of these characters. Maybe Chainsaw would've worked, but idk. Not my finest moment here.
That's a dumb question, Runie, and you should feel bad for asking it.
PEDO explains the plan that anyone with a braincell would've figured out long ago.
My god, TRAIN, show a little backbone.
Looks like the thieves are done looting.
Fearing the worst for their new boss, they can only leave, treasure in tow.
Then why call it treasure?
Fair enough. Much bigger fish to fry.
Forgot to screenshot, but TRAIN says something like "There's only one little problem, eh, brother!" before the party reconvenes and you can move. I may be wrong, but this feels like another poorly translated line, which seems to happen with TRAIN very often.

Anyway, if you go inside the "treasure" room, you can still find a Soul Sabre if you inspect the armor in the middle. This is an interesting blade that deals MP rather than HP damage, and randomly casts Rasp on top of that. Not very useful for the vast majority of cases, but there's a few enemies later on where it can come in handy.
My bad, I misremembered it rather badly. It doesn't just deal MP damage, but absorbs it, and it casts Doom rather than Rasp.
Not sure what this old dude means by "nonsense", but whatever, engine's fixed, so Figaro Castle rises again.
Figaro Castle is back to its former glory. There's some new dialogue here and there, but ultimately not a whole lot except to stock up on items with PEDO's kingly discount.
Speaking of which, there's a new Tool available for purchase. This actually could've been stolen off of Air Force way back when, but it's whatever. It's really not a very good Tool anyway. All it does is inflict a random elemental weakness on a single enemy, but doing so is rather pointless. Many enemies are already weak to an element, usually one of the big three (Fire, Ice and Lightning), and if it inflict something like Wind or Earth, well, depending on your party you may not have a good way to hit that weakness. Only PACMAN is truly able to hit all weaknesses on demand, provided you have appropriate weapons to Throw. In summary, you're usually better off using PEDO's turn on something else.
>Missed the chest
Seems like this Cult of Kefka has gained some traction.
Worry not, I got my ass handed to me by that monster, then when I tried again I made sure to not miss it.
That's mighty convenient. Noted.
Welp, there's fuck all else to do here, so why not head to Kohlingen? Perhaps we'll find more friends there.
Thankfully, Kohlingen is still largely intact, but as with almost everywhere else it looks clearly diminished and more depressing.
Surpsiringly, we find here a Narshe guard. Narshe, it seems, did not fare as well as other places did.
A fun touch with the Returners and Imperials fighting is when the ground split opens and both sides are falling in, the crouching returner in the middle grabs one of the imperials as he's falling down and pulls him out right before the ground slams shut again.

And I don't know why they added the BGM to this part. Watching this scene in total silence from space hit a lot harder.

I made the mistake of not having an anti-petrify relic during one run and instant game overed.
My last save was on the floating continent

It was always interesting how the one town with it's own militia is the only one that gets overrun by monsters after the world ends.
This woman here longs for the good ol' days, kind of like that one Albrook bartender. It's a common theme these days.
Remember this guy and his war-loving brother? It looks like he may have made his dream come true. Perhaps we should check it out later.
Ah, news of Mr. Thou! Well, at least we know he's alive.
A colosseum, eh? Guess that old fuck DID make his dream come true. We DEFINITELY have to check it out later. As for who this "mean guy" is, who knows? Whoever he is, it looks like we gotta find this "Striker" weapon first before we can face him.
These girls are looking over some seeds they planted, but they refuse to grow, presumably having lost the will to live or something. An apt metaphor for this ruined world.
Visiting the old necrophiliac, we find out something regarding HUNTER's possible whereabouts. Find the legendary treasure he's looking for, and we'll find HUNTER. What is that treasure? Well, we gotta put two and two together, made a teensy bit harder since Woolsey helpfully deleted several lines where HUNTER talks about it, but we do know he wants to find some way to bring Rachel back from the dead, and one dude in Jidoor way back when mentioned something about an item that could do such a thing, but it could only be found in Vector, which no longer exists. That's not enough to go on, I fear, so we'll have to travel far and wide to find more clues as to the possible whereabouts of this coveted treasure.
And in the Cafe, who do we find but SIMP! Who's totally not drinking himself into a stupor because alcohol doesn't exist in this version of the game, by the way.
The party, of course, invites him back to join their fight against Kefka, but SIMP seems overcome with despair. What is he but a lowly gambler?
Seems he took the loss of the Blackjack quite hard. This is the talk of a loser, a defeated man, who's lost that carefree spirit that once defined him.
Runie won't have it, though. He showed her once he was willing to gamble his life away against the Empire when he stood to gain close to nothing for it. Still he pushes back. That was a different time.
And still she doesn't give up on him.
Well, that was easy.
And now we gotta visit his dead girlfriend's tomb. Wait, what?
Well shit, nigga, why all that talk of losing your wings when you had another set all along? Whatever, new airship sounds good, and just what we need to find everyone else.
A bit hard to see, but it looks like it's not far.
Seems our little chat inspired some of the townsfolk to not give into despair, including the Narshe dude, who reveals the Esper is still there. Perhaps it will be worth visiting Narshe after all once we're able to.
The weapon and armor shops have some good shit, though at the moment I'm a bit short on cash. The Trump randomly kills enemies, which sounds good, but it will actually be a liability where we're going next, so I'm not going to bother with it for now.

Gonna take a break to eat.
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It was rumored in the early days that the S/Z inconsistency was Woolsey making it clearer which one's the impostor and which one's the real one. I personally think it's equally plausible that the glorious Mr. Me here wanted a fresh start and made up the story of there ever being a copycat.
...But then again, I have ZERO memory of him showing up here! He left no impression on me. He really is a failed clone of Gilgamesh, isn't he? Maybe it's the impostor here, and he was killed off off-screen...
FUN FACT: Gogo was supposed to be in disguise as one of your inactive party members at random cafes in the world, and you were supposed to go back and catch Gogo as the real party member to recruit Gogo. This was removed for being too hard (like the final version is much better). It's theorized that the fake Siegfried subplot that went nowhere is tied in some way. Maybe Gogo mimicked Siegfried for shits and giggles all along?
Huh. What's this character say if you lost your ninjabro?
when I played this game for first time in 2002 I left shadow behind, but take into account I was ending portuguese high school back then. My english wasn't good back then.
IIRC he's called both Siegfriend and Ziegfried the first time you meet him (Ziegfried when you talk to him, Siegfried during battle). I think he just fucked up and waffled between spellings, and didn't bother to go back and make sure they were consistent throughout. And about all we can surmise regarding the impostor thing is the fact that the Siegfried you fight in the Colosseum is actually strong and can push your shit in if you're not careful, which I guess is the joke: the weakling you met before is calling the actually powerful one an "impostor". But nothing comes of it one way or another. As things stand, he was completely pointless. T-Edition replaced him with Gilgamesh and had him pester you much more often, but with an actual pay-off at the end of his arc, which was completely the right call.
Ok, before we visit the tomb, let's go check out this Colisseum. Notice, by the way, the continent is shaped like a dragon, with wings and everything. Pretty cool detail.
And indeed, its formal name is Dragon's Neck Colosseum. The deal here is we can bet items and fight enemies for (hopefully) better items. If you win, you lose the item you bet but gain another in exchange. If you lose, you of course lose the item you bet. Unfortunately you don't know who you're fighting or what the prize is until you bet, and once you bet, you can't back out, so you either have to go through with the fight, or reset. What's more, battles are one-on-one, so you have to choose one of your party members to fight, and battles are fully automatic, with zero input from you. Truth be told, for all these reasons, unless you come in with certain specific setups, the Colosseum can be kinda frustrating.
And here we find Ultros, who has been reduced to a receptionist. He gives us a bit of a tip: if we bet random crap, Chupon will take it from us. That's actually not quite accurate. What he means is the vast majority of items (usually common items like Potions and old cheap equipment like Dirks) have us encountering Chupon with the promise of an Elixir if we beat him, but most of the time what'll happen is he'll Sneeze us out of battle, and it'll be like nothing happened, and we won't lose anything.
Here we also find an ex-Imperial trooper, who has something valuable to tell us.
...the fuck? So, you want me to go find Ghestal's shattered, decomposing corpse and talk to it twice, but only after I've found where he hid a treasure? Never mind the first part (I'm sure he has to mean something else). What good would it do to "talk" to him when I already found his treasure? Yeah, pretty sure Woolsey fucked this one up, too, and it's meant to say you have to talk to him IN ORDER TO FIND the location of his secret treasure. It's the only way it makes sense.
Siegfried's here, too, and out of nowhere he spouts some schizo shit about an impostor. What he means by this, I don't know. Literally no one knows for sure what's up with this line, as a matter of fact. As brought up in the discussion above, this is either some weird effort from Siegfried to escape accountability for his previous actions, or this was a subplot that was supposed to go somewhere but got cut out due to time or not knowing where to take it, so it's just... there. Definitely among the more enigmatic lines in the game, and it's not even a Woolsey thing this time.
Finally, here's the Colosseum's founder. His dream came true after all. He's most likely the one dude outside the cultists who thinks Kefka is based beyond belief.
Anyway, there's only a couple maaaaaybe worthwhile things we could grab at the Colosseum at this time, but it's probably more trouble than it's worth, so we'll just head out to Daryl's Tomb. We'll DEFINITELY be coming back here, though. Many of the game's best items can only be acquired here.
Here we are. Runie asks about Daryl. SIMP has only glowing things to say about her.
And of course SIMP made sure to bury her in a monster-infested tomb. I guess to be fair, maybe it only became so now.

I'll go ahead and stop here for now, as I got some shit to do. I'll be back later tonight for sure.
I never did figure how to deal with the Outsider's trade off move that instant kills you when kill it. I don't think the safety bit worked either.
In case you don't already know this, FF1 has a 'front row/back row' system just like all the others. The character at the top of your party (slot 1) will take the most damage, followed by slot 2, and then slot 3, and finally slot 4. So be sure to put your mages in slots 3 and 4 to keep them safe. Your weakest character should be at the bottom of the party. You can switch party members positions by pressing select or something. This is very useful when one your strong guys dies and ends up at the back of the party. You've got to rearrange things again after you bring him back to life.

The Black Mage and White Mage will get much stronger as the game progresses and they will die less frequently. It's normal to have a lot of deaths in the beginning.
nothing has killed me thus far but the final boss in FF1. steamrolled the entire game and now I just have to grind a few extra level and backtrack to the shop to buy a million potions. It was a pretty fun game, looking forward to the next ones after beating this ending.
Good luck with FFII..
If you like the job system of I, it's a bit different here in that your characters are all normies who can focus to grow certain skills the more you use them. You have three permanent party members and a rotating roster as the story progresses as your fourth. The fourth character tends to be a specialized guest who showcases a particular build (for example, one character shows a bare-fisted build). You mainly want to take care of your top three. Going by the default stats, the game herds you into making Firion your sword-wielding red mage, Maria the bow-wielding black mage, and Guy the axe-wielding white mage, and while this isn't bad, the game gives you the freedom to experiment.
Also evade is a very good stat in this game, in most versions you'll want shields to increase your evasion and then take them off later to remove their magic penalty when you're done using them as training wheels.
Gonna play a bit longer, then stop. We're nearing the image limit anyway.

Daryl's Tomb, as you can no doubt imagine, is full of undead enemies and other nasties. One to watch out for is the Evil Oscar (otherwise known as Malboro), which can use Bad Breath, which causes all kinds of nasty status effects. I equipped as many suitable Relics in case it hits us.
One of the doors contains a tombstone upon we should be able to carve something, but at the moment we'll not be able to. This is the dungeon's central puzzle. We have to find a certain message first, then carve it here. A reward should be forthcoming then.
Another puzzle involves raising and lowering the water level. This switch here raises it.
just have Runie carve a rune on it
Here's the dungeon's Big Dick item: a Genji Helmet. This is one of the best helmets in the game. Only a few others surpass it in defense, and those have problems. I won't go as far as to call it the best helmet, though, but for now, it's pretty much the best we have. This one's going on SIMP, who's been stuck wearing a Green Beret until now.
Additional items gotten include a Crystal Mail (this goes on PEDO) and a Czarina Gown (a dress only equippable by uWu if and when we find her).

And hey, more turtlebros to ride on!
This room is important. There are four tombstones, each with enigmatic letters carved on them. Let's read and write them down:


Perhaps this is what we need to write on that tombstone from earlier. Let's try it out.
Back here, it's clear we need to put them in some kind of order. But no matter how you arrange them, you get nothing sensible.

Unless... we input them in the order opposite that in which we originally read them (which was top left to right, then bottom left to right). What happens then?
Huh? Why are the letters separated like th... ah, you crafty bastards. It was a backwards message all along. This was IIRC Squaresoft's tagline at the time.
And for our troubles, we get this hint about where to find a certain Exp. Egg in this dungeon. So let's go grab it.
Whenever I try to play through this game I usually end up after the Haunted Train scenario or after the Floating Continent. I almost never manage to get through the World of Ruin. I'm not sure why. It's dirty and dark and depressing. Everything is all fucked up. The world has already been destroyed.

>It's over..
And just so, there's a hidden passage in the 3rd basement floor where we found the Czarina Gown, and it's here we find the Exp. Egg. This Relic allows the one equipped to earn twice as much experience during battle. Truthfully, I won't be making too much use of it, as I don't want to level all that much. By the way, we actually didn't even need the hint to find this room. You can get it all the same if you already know where it's hidden.
>*quitting, I usually end up quitting

It's nice watching you go through it though. I've forgotten about most of this shit. WoR has got the best treasures and espers though, I remember that.
I decided to go back to Kohlingen briefly to buy a few things now that I had some cash, notably an Enhancer for PEDO. Now back in Daryl's Tomb, we successfully press all the water switches, enabling us to ride the turtlebros to this room with a Save Point and two chests. The one on the left, however...
...contains a boss called Presenter. His gimmick is much like Whelk's, the first boss in the game. You attack his head, and he withdraws into his shell. He actually has fairly strong attacks like El NiƱo and Blowfish, but you can usually just quickly pummel him into submission before he becomes a real problem. For defeating him you get a Dragon Claw, TRAIN's second-best claw. You can actually get TWO Dragon Claws if you manage to defeat both the shell AND the head at the same, doable by casting a multi-target Instant Death attack. And we have Shoat to do exactly that, so why not exploit it? Indeed, I do.
The other chest, by the way, contained a Man Eater. It's an interesting weapon that deals 2x damage to humanoid enemies. It also bestows +10 MBlock, which is nice. This'll go to SIMP.

In the next room, we finally find Daryl's final resting place. But right after examining it, something approaches us.
We are thus attacked by a boss called Dullahan, and he's anything but dull. He starts the battle by casting L? Pearl, which hits depending on if your character's level is divisible by the last digit of your GP. Thankfully, it misses everyone this time. He can also cast Ice 3, which can hurt like a motherfucker. His physicals are nothing to sneeze at, either, and he has a high chance of countering attacks. He's also perma-Hasted, AND he has no weaknesses, so we just gotta throw whatever we've got at him. We COULD, of course, Reflect his spells back at him, but that can be a bit dangerous, as he has Reflect???, which causes Status effects on characters with Reflect on. We can, of course, just Runic, too.

And with this, the image limit is reached. Continued in the next thread.
Monks are absurdly useful in the early Final Fantasies, albeit grindy. In FFI, while they can't tank hits as well as armored classes, they make up for it in high HP growth that make it likelier for them to reach max HP, and at high enough levels they can take out the final boss in a few punches. In FFII, I like to make Firion the brawler you'll get another sword user as your final party member because at high levels fists will be better than most weapons. In FFIII, once again these classes are valued for their HP growths, which is a perma-stat.
Another thing of note is that FFII is basically proto-SaGa.
IIRC This is something different in like every text hack.
You forgot to show us the bread: >>11064470
Glad you're enjoying the game. Is this your first time through?
Another problem of the game, dropping major characters out of the story.
>Was able to slay a bunch of powerful Espers with little effort
>But gets easily wounded from a simple surprise attack from Celes
This T-Edition should be involved in Remakes.
How is T-Edition for a first time playthrough?
Would FF6 be remembered so fondly if it were a much shorter game with no World of Ruin? Kefka would just be a badguy clown that you beat on the Floating Continent, not a godlike ruler of a broken wasteland who nukes cities and rearranges continents on a whim.
In general, you shouldn't use hacks for any first-time playthrough unless it's an import and you need to understand the game in your language.
That said, it's hard to deny T-Edition isn't the most impressive FFVI hack out there.
Isn't TE just FF6 but so much better though?
That's the prevailing narrative, but later versions have been changing more of the fundamentals. Even the best need a no-person.
anon means someone who's not a yes-man, someone who will give honest feedback and reality checks to creators. Without that, even the most talented artists can veer off into retardation. I'm not familiar enough with T-Edition to comment, but it sounds like it's happening there, and that an older version may be the better option if they don't get their act together.
It would've been forgotten. Kefka and Celes carry this game, but neither can do that without the World of Ruin.
Which emulator are you using?
There's a sky battle at one point where the background doesn't even move. It's not this fight, but this screenshot reminded me how much the fight I'm talking about bothered me.

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