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ITT: Games only (You) played
I rented this. I did not understand it.
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I played this.
Didn't come anywhere close to beating it.
Would probably rather Stranger's Wrath.
haha it's funny because a youtuber played it.
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this is the killer app for the N64. it's not for niggers through.
bau bau
I like it more than Resident Evil.
If I ever get into gamedev, I'm remaking it.
The slightly drunk sounding commander guy before missions saying "we gonna party tonight?" Or "be a wild man" always made my brother and I laugh.
Highly underrated soundtrack too.
before missions he says be a wild man.
but when you hear the game after the credits he says be THAT wild man. I even recorded it on my phone because it's so special.
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Great game that CliffyB would shamelessly ripoff but better
Classic example of a game with great sound and graphics, but godawful gameplay. OMF 2097 was so much better.
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I played the xbone version for 3 hours if that count.
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>they remastered this for PC
>put it on steam
>current summer sale and there's no discount
Microsoft are fags
Stranger’s Wrath is definitely a lot better, yes.
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Played that. It was in one of those 100 freeware games CD-Roms
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Kino car-crashing game but whenever I mention it people think I'm referring to Crash Bandicoot
this piece of trash. was so fucking bad, that control scheme just doesn't translate well to a controller. i don't know why i had it.
The Little Mermaid: Magic in Two Kingdoms (GBA)

I loved The Little Mermaid on NES, by Capcom, I grew up with Ariel: The Little Mermaid on Mega Drive, which I think it's mediocre, just like Game Gear and Master System ports of it, and I had my fun with The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea on PS1, so I gave this a shot... it was brain dead, I mean, it's a bunch of boring, easy mini games. It's for little girls? Yes, but they deserve better.
Did you not have access to a PC to play RCT?
NTA but I had RCT and that game as well. RCT is obviously way better but I still enjoyed Theme Park. I liked the fact that you could ride the rides since I didn't own RCT3 for a long while.
Ross played it
oh i did and played the shit out of RCT but i have no recollection why i had that game too. was 20 years ago, can't remember. was probably a bad birthday gift from a relative.
I have a fascination with this game as well. If people love the b movie cheese of resident evil, idk why this isnt also considered a classic? It's got some disturbing parts and much more tense atmosphere and an amazingly designed control scheme that is fitted into the plot itself. The unification aspect creates a whole new level of item and team management that still hasn't been touched like martian gothic did it.
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I played, and got a 100% 1LC run, on the Brazil exclusive Master System port of Sonic Blast... I know what you might be thinking... wht? Well, that's something not even I know for sure too.

I just did it.
wait on real hardware? wtf???
No, I emulated, but didn't use save states or any cheats, so I could do the same on real hardware just fine. I need to get a Master System at some point, it's one of my favorite libraries, maybe an used model 2, or a new Brazilian one, since both look sleek to me. One of the best consoles ever.
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I think this was one of the games that just refused to run on my Xbox no matter what I tried, alongside Conker, Whacked and Outrun 2006.
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>ITT: Games only (You) played
I really liked this decent Crash clone, though I rarely see it get mentioned.
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My favorite game.
Had to use cheats to beat it but the gofl game was good shit.
Loved this game
I had the GBA version as a kid. It's a generic shitty licensed game platformer but I played it dozens of times because I only had a handful of games at the time.
I keep forgetting it was on the PS1.
PC game called RocketBowl. 50s themed rocket-propelled bowling game. Apparently abandonware now.
lol what, that's just public domain spyro
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pic related
never heard anyone else talk about it
it was super fun if you had a buddy to play with

I played the demo of this
I think it was paired with NFL fever or something
can't really remember that well
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Stop That Roach!
A nifty turn-based puzzle game for the Game Boy. You can move your character around, use weapons/traps to kill the roaches, and have a specific amount of turns in order to complete each level. With each turn, the roaches react to what is happening and will move around on their own. There's 100 levels but the difficulty cranks up quickly.
Captain Skyhawk for the NES.
A cross between a vertical scrolling shoot-em-up and those Top Gun NES games, developed by Rare. The vertical scrolling sections are somewhat three dimensional, since you need to be concerned about your current altitude so you don't fly into the scenery. You can dodge bullets by flying under or over them, instead of just side to side. You can also do sideways barrel rolls to quickly shift position. The Top Gun style sections after each mission are meh, but they mostly exist as a bonus round to get credits to buy weapon upgrades and missiles/bombs.
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the first and last good video game
Gundam Wing Endless Duel clowns on OMF2097. Most shareware, even the 'good' stuff, was shit by console standards.
Even so, this shareware game outshone a massively hyped title with ports to over half a dozen different systems and music by goddamn Brian May.
Is this a shitpost? Crimson Skies is probably one of the most popular original Xbox games and has gotten a pretty good amount of love from Microsoft over the years.
considering how big games like FNAF & poppy playtime are i feel like this and naughty bear would've had alot more success if they came out today.

isn't that the horror movie that told you to go to a website for the real ending.
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Still one of my favourites to this day.

cool game with a cool ost
I played on gamepass, hell I think this game is still on gamepass.
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Fun game, and remains very charming most of the way through. I remember the last level sucking, and considered leaving it unfinished there.
I remember enjoying this quite a bit. I also had teh SNES game. I was a pretty big Scooby fan as a kid. Thank you, Cartoon Network.
Always hated Pup Named Scooby Doo, though.
Everyone played the demo.
unrelated to the thread
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obviously gotta be monkey shines
one more for my macbros
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forgot pic kms
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hunter series
kinda bad, kinda good
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played it too
only played the first demo like most people
was fun with siblings
I've got the PS2 version of Wayward. Need to get the Xbox versions of the trilogy though. Hunter was the best of WoD.
i got this as a kid
My first video game
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Why i'm the only guy to love Super Runabout on DC ?
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This is my first game I played.
Eh, Endless Duel isn't really like OMF outside of both being fighting games with mechs. It also doesn't have the kino music that OMF does.

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