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Previous Thread: >>11018932

Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/? Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.

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what console should I develop for?
depends what you want to make
Mega Drive. Best combination of being easy to develop for, having enough power to do most things, and having a large community of active developers to offer support.
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Reposting burps for the neighbor: https://webmshare.com/play/qOo8Q
Alt link: https://files.catbox.moe/k9xu2j.webm
All the ones you're capable of developing for. Pic related.
where's the pic
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Super Nintendo: https://twitter.com/alekmaul/status/1800169790977540587
>Danthrax is a contributor to the Shiro Media Group, writing stories for the website when Saturn news breaks. While he was a Sega Genesis kid in the ’90s, he didn’t get a Saturn until 2018.
Why haven't you started a disassembly of your favorite game, anon?
because no one would care
I have a severe deficiency of vitamin needs likes and upvotes from tards
you can do it anonymously
what’s the point of doing it anon? people spend hundreds of hours on this stuff no normal person cares about in order to get the attention of mentally ill idiots on the internet
I have a severe deficiency of vitamin needs likes and upvotes from tards anonymously
because I only care about the turbografx and there isn't a braindead easy way to get started like there is for other consoles
All you need to get started is a hex editor. Just start mapping out data offsets for text, graphics, code, etc.
But other consoles have disassemblers where I don’t have to do or know anything. The disassembler spits out assembly code and all I have to do is add comments and rename functions based on what I can bruteforce in a debugger.
Zelda II for SNES
No. That's not all he needs and not all you need. Let's put aside the part about how it's inconceivably stupid to not use better tools. You're simply incapable of doing that. Also, that's not disassembly. Seems you're actually incapable of understanding that a disassembly even is.
There are tools that do what you're asking for. But if you can't even find them, how do you imagine you're going to use them?
There are not those tools for turbografx. The best turbografx disassembler still requires a ton of manual effort to get to something that can be recompiled to a matching binary. For other platforms the initial disassembly is completely automated.
I didn't say it's all he needs, I said it's all he needs *to get started*. The reality is that "making a disassembly" is just as much about dealing with data as with assembly code. People who've never done it before probably lack an understanding of data representation in general, and need to develop it. Pull out a hex editor and throw a tile viewer alongside and now you have three representations. My first step when looking at a new game is always to first map out any big blocks of text and graphics using those tools, narrowing down what actually needs to be disassembled. The text gives me a hook, if there's an in-game event I'm interested in the code for I can find the text first and then set a watchpoint there in the debugger to get a stackdump as the code prints it. For a more arcadey game with less text I would probably do a cheat/RAM search instead to find a variable to set a watchpoint on.
I don't know what platforms you're thinking of where disassembler output can be recompiled to a matching ROM without any manual fixups. Maybe things have changed but automated full-game disassemblers always seemed kind of shit. Especially for platforms with 8-bit instructions they tend to get confused by data, whether it's inline or in separate blocks, and require tons of manual correction to fix. Disassembling even at most a bank/page at a time is always going to require going in later with a debugger and fixing things up. Without a decent debugging emulator it would certainly be more painful.
Gameboy disassembly is piss easy. There are emulators that spit out all of the addresses for data and code and the disassembler sorts it all out for you. Literally all you need to do at the end is add comments and rename functions. It’s trivially easy as far as disassembly projects go. I can’t comment on other systems.
Wdym by quotations as if it's sarcasm or such?
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> TG16 disasm
It's a 65C02 machine, it's not an uncommon processor, tools exist, but what you'd really need to make your life not a living hell is an emulator with a step through debugger and an assembler with label support. pic related.
Mesen is wondeful for dev and debugging and Sour is adding support for more systems lately so there is hope!
> All you need is a hex editor.
I mean you could do calculus with a paper and pencil too, you're not wrong, but good god without a disassembler and step thru debugger you're making an already ridiculously long and tedious task that much longer and that much more ridiculous
> _x is tRiViaL
cool man i can't wait to see all of the disassemblies you've made! super easy. barely an inconvenience.
> Why haven't you started a disassembly of your favorite game, anon?
I have started a few actually, but, i've only disassembled and labeled whatever code and memory i need for a given project. Anything more than that is too much work and doesn't interest me long enough to complete.
I have a hard enough time finishing projects as it is...
Are you actually arguing that tools for disassembling a mario game don't exist for a system that game doesn't exist for?
>to get started
My bad, I just assumed that meant to get started with "making a disassembly". All a hex editor will get him started with is asking "what am I even looking at?" He'll never get to the mapping out data because he lacks what's fundamentally required to get started. A brain larger than a walnut.
>It's a 65C02 machine
It's not. It's one thing to make that simplification in casual conversation. Doing it in a discussion about making a disassembly indicates an acute lack of understanding of the subject.
Does WLA-DX support labels?
> TG16 isn't 65C02
thought it was a 65C02 with a couple extra custom opcodes? educate me
> Does WLA-DX support labels?
yes, and WLA-DX is wonderful in that it supports a bunch of systems, but the labels are a bit ...lacking and barebones compared to specific assembler solutions for a specific console like ASM6F / NES. i've wrote a powershell script to convert the generated .SYM file to .MLB and import them into Mesen, which works well enough for marking ROM addresses, but .SYM doesn't extend into marking regsiters, RAM locations, or comments. ...as far as i know anyway, i don't know everything and won't pretend to.
WLA-DX's killer feature is the .BACKGROUND directive, which allows you to hotpatch code on top of an existing ROM file, so every time you make changes to a romhack you can apply it directly on top of a fresh ROM.
>thought it was a 65C02 with a couple extra custom opcodes? educate me
Start by counting the empty squares on the opcode matrix for each?
There are more than just a couple that are merely nice additions that probably should have been there in the 6502. There are as many again that are used for a whole new set of features for dealing with memory banking and transfers.
The HuC6280 is a Rockwell 65C02 derivative with slight changes, additional opcodes and a relocated zero page/stack. For the opcodes, your starting point should be the matrix at: https://www.chrismcovell.com/PCEdev/HuC6280_opcodes.html
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> opcode matrix
ah yeah lets see, bytecode matrix matches up with 6502 / 65C02, they are similar for sure, what have we here...
> swap registers
nifty, the gameboy added that too compared to the original Z80
> test bits
good addition, you're limited to BIT testing memory only with the original 6502
> branch subroutine
cool i guess, saves a step
> clear registers
neat but kind of unnecessary, saves a byte from LD_ #$0
> transfer block
HUGE addition. the SNES has this too. DMA transfers save a bunch of time.
> memory bankswitching
Nice that it's built in instead of in the cartridges like the NES
> verdict
yeah i could see these new instructions being used enough that 65C02 decomp tools would struggle and get misaligned easily, you could use them in theory and just watch out for the x2, x3 and x4 rows.
i totally agree that these are smart and clever additions to the instruction set, and would just make coding for it a bit faster and a touch more elegant than the '02 or the 'C02.
>> branch subroutine
>cool i guess, saves a step
saves a byte but adds a cycle, not all that useful in practice
>> transfer block
>HUGE addition.
you need to be careful as the transfer blocks IRQs until it is complete
>Nice that it's built in instead of in the cartridges like the NES
wait until you discover the pc engine port of street fighter 2
>> swap registers
>nifty, the gameboy added that too compared to the original Z80
I hate to be that guy, but the GB CPU doesn't have a second register set. That's a Z80 thing. All the GB's swap instruction does is swap the high and low nibbles of the accumulator and nothing more.
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Now on Mondays it hits harder: https://webmshare.com/play/qODor
Alt link: https://files.catbox.moe/4anulv.webm
>My shitpost pic from last thread became the OP image in the new thread
archive.org link already nuked apparently. Got something you can upload to catbox?
New pre-patched games -

>Getsu Fuma Gaiden.nes
(v. 1.1) (Japanese-language hack - didn't work on Nestopia, but does on FCEUX) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8705/

(v. 1.1) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8701/

>Ninja Gaiden - Way of the Samurai.nes
(v. 1.0) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8706/

>Pokémon Clover.gba
(v. 1.3.3) (latest update: not on CDRomance) https://poclo.net/

>Super Mario /v/orld.sfc
(v. 1.33) https://longc.at/vorld1.html

>Super Mario /v/orld 2 - Moot Point.sfc
(v. 1.1) https://longc.at/vorld2.html

>Super Mario /v/orld 3 - New Vegas
with fan art from site included
without fan art included (much smaller download)
(v. 1.09) https://longc.at/vorld3.html

>Super Mario World - Call of Cthulhu.sfc
(unknown version)

>Super Mario World - Short4Sure.sfc
(unknown version, but says 2023 on title screen - credit to an anon from last thread that posted this file) (hack by an /hbg/ anon)
he's the type of retard to delete older versions and make new uploads when he could just put in them in the same one
is snes homebrew still awful or not?
git gud
Yes, and it always will be, and I'll always be laughing to see it being left in the dust.
i like supercooked
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> snes homebrew
pvSNESlib has been make yoooge strides lately so hopefully we will start seeing the fruit of that... shit takes time...
For short4sure, I believe that's the only version of the hack posted. It's by an artist named DOSE.
For the sake of preservation, I have the old version here.
GBA or PS1
Any notable Super Metroid hacks? Just dropped Super Duper Metroid since I wasn't a fan of the idea of suitless Maridia
Off the top of my head
Hyper Metroid
Super Junkoid
I'd wanna see if Popcap games like Peggle 2 could be ported to 4th gen like the Mega Drive/ Genesis.
Also we need a Sonic Spinball 2...
Not sure where else to post this. Critiques?
These are generally considered the top ones, yeah. Especially Subversion and Ascent.
Neo Geo? What game? I don't like the 0:50 part.
Genesis rendition of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWOhR8_eCnU
For 0:50 I could have had a pretty convincing overdriven guitar I had an extra FM channel.
jizz all over it.
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This looks like garbage.
I see, carry on then.
>I'm not a faggot console warrior btw
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Yes I did that hack, it was a 4 day thing. It never received any updates, as there was nothing to fix really
Journalist mode just dropped
Cool games
You should include Super 8, the SMW hack released in the previous thread.
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Let’s go!!

Why don't you make games using them? Posting tutorials for others instead of making and posting your own stuff is bullshit.
Nobody wants to make SNES games.
This is a level that was submitted to their Discord contest where the levels were posted as .ok64.Course files made with TarmacToolkit and combined into one hack.
The hack: https://files.catbox.moe/mhq3gg.7z
The editor: https://files.catbox.moe/u0j800.7z
Mario /v/art 64 when?
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I love seeing tutorial vods. When i started NES romhacking and dev years ago, the youtube videos were basically non existent. Now there are tons of them and it's a wonderful thing. I wish i had resources like this when i was doing Nerdy Nights, combing though NESdev posts, ancient documents and wikis to scrounge whatever i could when i needed and try to get it straight in my head. It is sooooo much easier now to get started and it's truly wonderful.
> y u no post game
Plenty of people are and have posted games and romhacks they have made or are making on here. Posting tutorial vods like these might lead to someone making their own SNES game with C / pvSNESlib. /hbg/ should absolutely be a place where we post video tutorials, especially new ones like these, because they are valuable. pvSNESlib has made huge strides lately and i love seeing the state of the art of making SNES games, especially because the system has been historically difficult to develop for and the SNES hardware features can be a real bitch to wrap your head around.
The RGMX SNES series really helped me a ton understanding the archtecture, and i've referred to it tons of times times when romhacking.
You have posted the same snes vids over and over. If people don't make snes homebrew, it isn't because they can't find those vids. People smart enough to make snes games can find more and better tutorials that what you've posted without your help. Again, you should focus on making and posting snes games instead of spamming.
Something sounded off about this, so I had a look in the archives. He's not been spamming at all. Each video in the playlist link posted only once or twice, some not at all. The playlist link itself having never been posted until now. Meanwhile, the video link has been posted eight times over a span of four years.
This is somehow spam to you? Get the fuck outta here with this piss poor attempt at trolling. He's providing resources. All you're doing is bitching.
kino inbound https://x.com/falco_girgis/status/1808716484564091198
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asbsolutely fuckin based. i have a GD-EMU dreamcast optical drive emulator i haven't gotten around to installing yet and when this gets released i am absolutely solderin that baby in for the occasion.
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Been playing through a pack of homebrew GB games and got to The Machine yesterday. I've had a lot of fun with it, it's a lot like Way of the Samurai on the PS2 in that you get plopped into the world and the paths you take branch in all sorts of ways. The game is short and divided into 3 main chapters, and you're expected to replay it several times to see everything. For example, my playthroughs went like:

Failed the placement exam, had to take a lower class job. Became a policeman and brutalized the lower class, became crooked and a fixer for a crime boss, helped rig an election and then assassinate a candidate. Got promoted to detective on the force to help cover up a murder, and finally took over the mob after the boss got killed for pissing someone off (who I was ironically promoted to detective for to fail to solve).

Failed the placement exam, took a job in a factory. Got fooled into working hard to stand out which raised our quota, started a union because of it. Campaigned for the commies, they got tons of support and their candidate was assassinated. Had the police beat us up for going on strike, which got out to the news media and caused MaWA party's popularity to shoot through the roof and win the election. Joined a rebel militia after the police tried to do a coop, got a dictator in power that executed all of the old guard and then started killing his allies out of paranoia.

Passed the placement exam, joined the glowies in the MSS. Started downvoting and upvoting posts so users wouldn't see dissenting content on websites. Manipulated the stock market to make stupid amounts of money for the government. Eventually ran for political office for the VULF party, won the chancellorship, got killed in a coop by politicians in my own party.

Every playthrough gives you more answers to the placement exam at start, so eventually you'll learn all of them.
Aced the entrance exam, joined the MSS again. This time, I quit my job and joined the nerds at the lab early on in my career, got to manipulate the human genome to make super soldiers. An AI robot tried to convince me to free him, but I kept him locked up. Got questioned for the murder of my boss, then joined the rebel militia when I was implicated as a suspect by the detective. Fought our way through The Machine to the top again, but this time the rebel leader was wounded in combat and died before become dictator. I became dictator in his place and largely did the same thing, stopping at executing my allies.

Went to go be a cop again, this time played it straight. Refused to beat up dissidents and arrest them for frivolous things, didn't go corrupt. MaWA lost the election and a riot broke out, so I became a riot cop and had to gun down rebels. The Machine became a hellhole after that with dissidents rounded up under false pretense and forced into slave labor.
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Go make one, coward!
Man: the video games city
virtual boy, people will give you attention for dong anything
Literally any other 16-bit platform would be more worthwhile of the effort.
you've never put effort into anything
Anyone playing Shotgun Mario 64 today?
Did it get an update? I played it a while ago.
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>I haven't spammed too much, get the fuck outta here.
No one needs your spam to make SNES games. No one.
No, I just did it for Murrica Day. It kept the backwards long jump in, which surprised me.
Castlevania 64 shotgun

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