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>Minimal support from Capcom
>Minimal support from Namco
>Minimal support from Konami
>Minimal support from Japan, in general

Why did Microsoft fumble Japan so hard? If THEY had thrown money buckets at them for titles, the Xbox would have blown the PS2 out of the water and shaken Sony and Nintendo to the core. If Microsoft not only had the Halo machine, but a machine capable of playing a Resident Evil or a Tekken or MGS3 or any other of the numerous Japan produced games, the market would look so different now.

Why didn't they just meet with, like, Capcom, Namco, etc, and say "whatever you want"?
It was a console made out of angst.
Anyone recall that clip that recently resurfaced where G4 was shitting on Baten Kaitos?
Both things came from the same place.
It made its bed and slept in it.
If we flip the tables, why didn't these companies just make all the same shit for Xbox? No need to optimize the games even. Did they just feel bad about the possibility of making too much money with one simple trick?
Nationalistic pride. 'Not made here'.
Also a mystery, because the Xbox did receive some titles, but not other.

Receives Shenmue II, but Shenmue I was still Dreamcast exclusive. Received MGS2 via MGS2 Substance, but didn't get MGS3 via MGS3 Subsistence. Didn't receive a single Resident Evil game; but Dreamcast, GameCube, and PS2 all did. Also got Onimusha 1, an enhanced version, but none of the others. Tekken remained PS2 exclusive; never got any of the Budokai or BT games. Got Silent Hill 2, but not Silent Hill 3, but then got Silent Hill 4..?
Despite all of this, it managed a sizable Japanese-developed library of games. I don't understand what value Microsoft saw in impressing all 1000 of Japan's Xbox enthusiasts with some Japanese-developed titles but they managed to output some kino.
It just a very strange dilemma. They never got the big Japanese titles, the household names of the genre. I know Microsoft somehow fucked up royally with the RE contract, but seriously, they missed so many titles that would have people going "the xbox port is superior" and shit.
This is what I think
>PS2 already came out first and took the market
>Japanese developers already threw their hats to PS2 due to the PS1 being successful for both Sony and themselves
>Sony implemented a third-party publishing parity clause beginning with the PS2. Simply put, the Playstation version cannot be "worse" than other console versions and Sony incentivizes Playstation-exclusive features. Sony still uses this clause today, though it's been heavily revised multiple times as the market and consoles change
>Microcock struggled overcoming the language barrier (this is back in the 00's, the company did not have the penetrative global operating scale it does now) and getting Japanese-speaking employees that could competently help them close deals the way Sony and Nintendo do was difficult. There's a famous interview from Shinji Mikami where he was fully prepared to develop Resident Evil 4 as an Xbox exclusive after Microsoft invited him to a meeting about it, but Microsoft's translators were unable to correctly interpret his questions about the Xbox and he decided otherwise
There's a lot more shit that was going on during that generation but I think these are the main factors at play
Many Japanese titles (and Western titles too) already got booked by Sony. Even if they weren't already booked, they were developed specifically for Sony's hardware. Porting them to the Xbox would take time and money.
>Why didn't they just meet with, like, Capcom, Namco, etc, and say "whatever you want"?
I'm sure Microsoft already paid to have some of those titles on their platform. They could only buy so many games.

G4 didn't make the Xbox retard.
>made out of angst
Nah, it was a wise decision. Making a console out of bottom binned powerful x86 CPUs and partially off-the-shelf PC hardware that was fast and easy to port games to was proven to be a good tactic. Microsoft won a big foothold in the console market within a single generation. They lost a few billion dollars, but Xbox 360 made them billions more.
Yeah, but they missed out on soooo many worthwhile titles. Sony may have been king that generation, but it's because they got carried hard by many 3rd party developers. I owned both, mind you, but my Xbox became the Halo machine and my PS2 for everything else. Just wild Microsoft didn't attempt to do more until the 360 era; where they dominated, even with the RRoD.

Makes sense. Surprised they didn't try to recruit from there own Microsoft Japan offices.
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The partners Microsoft did secure for their box helped it stand out in a significant fashion. I wish there was more but what we got helped define the era and the Xbox had some of the best games of the generation.

>Microsoft Japan offices.
MSGSJ was a dev house that did handle some local relationships. They did some very very interesting titles and getting someone like Yukio Futatsugi in charge was a very wise decision.
As 360 has shown us, that wouldn't have helped. Plenty of JP exclusives including Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Dead or Alive 4. Had a huge hit in Idolmaster, still a dead console somehow. At the end of the day it's not a big enough market to matter for a US company
But the 360 also got the big name game
This is the type of weird shit weebs delude themselves into believing. It's been 20 years and you still have people seething over imaginary dudebros who hated Japanese games and anime and stuffed them in lockers or something. I've heard the same shit even back then.
I'm a massive weeb(I bought an Xbox for the JP games initially) and everyone I knew with an Xbox ran the gamut from total normies to people way into niche and obscure games..same as most other consoles. It never felt hostile to JP games or devs.
You are a subhuman, that is what you are
>helped define the era and the Xbox had some of the best games of the generation
>posts game no one knows about
Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the Japanese developers didn't LIKE Xbox and are just coming up with reasons and flimsy stories why they didn't develop games for it? They do it all the time so it doesn't look bad to the public.

Seriously. Think anon. Think about your words here. A multi-billion dollar company willing to pay tens of millions, and the developer just says "Oh uhh...the translator is having trouble. Guess we're not gonna make this game for Xbox! Tee hee" and then runs out of the room. If their commitment was THAT flimsy that one random translator could overturn the deal, then they never really wanted to put Resident Evil on Xbox to begin with. They were just looking for a reason.

I've never heard of a single major Japanese company outright say "Yeah we just weren't interested Xbox. We prefer Sony or Nintendo." nope. it's always some story where 'something else' causes them to not want to do the deal.

Nonsense like:

-"Our train was late to the meeting and we were in a bad mood so we said no to Xbox"

-"It was raining outside and our shoes squeezed on the floor. The noise bothered us. So no Xbox games for you!"

-"The receptionist who greeted us didn't properly bow 90 degrees and offended us. So no Xbox games for you! "

-"Our water was room temperature and we asked for cold water. Clearly Microsoft meant this as an insult. No Xbox games for you!"

It's a like a popular pretty girl in school who flirts with multiple boys (Xbox). They ask her out but she turns them down. Then she goes out with the Football players (PS2 or Nintendo) instead.
>If THEY had thrown money buckets at them for titles,
they did, LYING ANON.
check magazines and news from that time, fucking lying anon.
>another dumb fucking zoomer thread starting with "why"
>There's a famous interview from Shinji Mikami where he was fully prepared to develop Resident Evil 4 as an Xbox exclusive after Microsoft invited him to a meeting about it, but Microsoft's translators were unable to correctly interpret his questions about the Xbox and he decided otherwise

The interview tries to make it sound like the deal didn't come through because of philosophical questions like "What is gaming for you?"
This is pure bullshit. Mikami was looking for an exclusivity deal, he was looking for money for himself and his team. Microsoft didn't want to provide, Nintendo did.
The truth is that Japan saw gaming as "their" thing. Supporting an American game console was a risk of destabilizing their own business, at the cost of their own job (yes, even if we're talking doing multiplat ports, because you're telling your customers it's just as okay to buy american) less jobs, for them, etc they're very nationalistic.
From what I understand, a lot of Xbox games weren't so much localized for Japan as just had their region code swapped so they'd boot on a Japanese system. That probably hurt them. It'd be like trying to make the Saturn work in the west by releasing a bunch of untranslated Japanese titles.

There's also apparently a greater prevalence of motion sickness in people of Asian descent compared to other ethnicities and FPSes supposedly trigger it for a number of people. And if a game like Halo makes you physically ill you're probably not going to be interested in the system for which it's the flagship title.
They got Ninja Gaiden Black, which is better than all the games from those three companies.
As a few people above said, I think it really heavily boils down to Japanese preferring their own things. We take it for granted, but most of the old consoles originated in Japan. Sony and Nintendo likely had ties to their country's developers. They couldn't care less for anything foreign, especially with their nationalistic, isolationist worldview. Though it's not exclusive to Japan, I think there's also a reason why, say, iPhone is so huge in America compared to any other phone brand.
Moreover, when you look at DC, it didn't have it so well either. It was obvious most companies focused on PS2. XB was like a third wheel.
Xbox was also pretty much one hit wonder. It was entirely carried by Halo, and Japanese hate shooters in general. This was the main target auditory for the console. The rest of the games didn't sell all that well, and most of it was EA and PC stuff anyway. So I think Japanese devs simply saw it wasn't their territory.
PS2 guaranteed largest sales, XB was barely worth investing into, and the games wouldn't sell well in Japan anyway. Japanese devs often over-fixate on domestic market, they wouldn't like making games that flopped in their home country.
>They couldn't care less for anything foreign, especially with their nationalistic, isolationist worldview. Though it's not exclusive to Japan, I think there's also a reason why, say, iPhone is so huge in America compared to any other phone brand.

Yeah because they're not "nationalistic isolationist" lol. It's so funny seeing retards try to justify this retarded worldview. It makes zero sense.

Japan is an EXPORT driven nation. They make games for Americans. There is nothing isolationist about them. Japanese absorbed huge amounts of American culture since the end of WW2! They make music based on genres started in the US and anime was inspired by Disney! They love Disney! Japanese games like Final Fantasy were made by nerds who loved Ultima and Wizardry.

It's Americans (and Europeans) who do not care for anything foreign. They only consume Japanese products because the Japanese make products catered to them, but they don't like Japanese products made for Japanese people. A small niche group of people do, but they've always been bullied and harassed for it and still are. Resident Evil is made for Americans. Mario was made for Americans. Sonic is made for Americans. When the Japanese try to cater a bit more to themselves like SEGA did people even get angry at them.

In contrast, Americans have no idea how to make products for foreign markets. Notice how when Xbox tried to make games for the Japanese market, they always hired a Japanese developer to do it. It didn't even cross their minds to have an American developer try it.

Of course, Americans don't NEED to know how to do it, because Americans are filthy rich and their own market is so big that they have no reason to cater to different markets. The Japanese don't have that luxury however.
They did get that, anon. But they didn’t get DMC
I'm still blown away by the SNES fanboys that won't let it go with the Sega Genesis. School was evidently more traumatizing in the early 90s if you were found to have the gay console compared to the other ones.
most based post itt
>imaginary dudebros who hated Japanese games and anime
Even today those exist, and they sure as hell were around in 2000s as well. Actually most of those jocks didn't know what the hell anime was in early 2000s, but they did think that pokemans and sailor moons are for kids and girls.
Lots of people didn't play "anime games" out of dislike for the anime style and nothing else.
>I'm a weeb and all my friends don't hate weebs
Well yeah that makes sense
>G4 didn't make the Xbox retard.
Okay you seem to be massively confused..
You as well.
Weaboos are all mentally ill, they absolutely hate everything that's not japanese, its impossible to reason with these lunatics. The ones who got bullied likely deserved it for being insufferable spergs, there was a post here last year about this dork who got invited by dudebros to play Halo and he had a great time, thats what their boogeymen were actually like.
>they absolutely hate everything that's not japanese
Boogeymen aside, you don't seem to care about most cultural markets being absolute Anglo monopolies. The only markets where they have some competition from Japan are video games and anime/manga. And the rest of the world doesn't even have a place on the international market and for some reason this doesn't bother you.
>The ones who got bullied likely deserved it for being insufferable spergs
I see...
You don't deserve the air you're breathing. Period.
>Lateral thinking with withered technology
wins again
The XBox didn't take off anywhere in the world. It wasn't until the XBone that Microsoft finally had a console turn a profit. The only people who liked the first XBox were shooterfags and sportsfags.
Then what the fuck are you on about?
I can see how you'd need to ask, being confused.
My advice is to just read things like the non-confused replier did.
He didn't need further explanation. But you do? For shame.
Even if they didn't care for Japanese games, that doesn't mean they were buying the Xbox out of ant-JP sentiment. It just had games they wanted to play or features they like. This idea that they were supporting Xbox entirely out of spite or contempt for Japanese devs, or that Microsoft intended the console not to have JP devs and target a market that outright disliked them is just weird.
More people who had no interest or disliked JP games probably brought a PS2 simply because that sold the most. More PS2s were GTA/Madden/FIFA machines than there were XBox's that were Halo/Madden machines.

I didn't exclusively talk to other weebs. Honestly most weebs I knew had disdain for the Xbox because there weren't any games that interested them on it or they outright only knew of Halo and sports titles.
>but they did think that pokemans and sailor moons are for kids and girls.
That was literally the target audience of those shows. Pokemon(especially the dub) is written at a second grade level. They would likely say the same thing if you were talking about American media with that target audience. Devil May Cry and Tekken are also very Japanese in their aesthetics, but I never see them mentioned as a target of anti-weeb hatred- because they were presented for older audiences.
The fuck you talking about bitch nigga? Otogi is a well known Xbox exclusive developed by FromSoftware.

Panzer Dragon Orta is another one any mofo with an OG Xbox should play by now.

Nigga sit your ass down.
kids and teenagers are petty as fuck. You should've learned to take things in stride and realize kids like to pick fights and tease others just to provoke a reaction.
Other kids who'd make fun of me for playing Pokemon or Mario or whatever when we were supposed to be more "grown up"? Turns out they were also playing those games, and they'd act like they never made fun of me for it. They were mainly making fun of me for being weird to them.
>Minimal support from Japan, in general
They probably didn't care for it or didn't like it for whatever reason.
>American video game market does not have a console of their own for the last couple of decades
>Lot of displaced developers having to dev for Japanese consoles, work with Japanese businessmen, stories of dissatisfaction with it
>Sega's America division a tire fire, Sega Japan not able to keep up with Nintendo, Sony entering the market drags them under

>Microsoft, developing their direct X software for the PC at the time, have the resources already sunk into the video game market
>Decides to court western devs out of both opportunity and pride (IE, western devs are more likely interested in working with a western company)
>Develops a very modern console ahead of its time
>Believes it doesn't need Japan to be successful, the west has plenty of great games (Partially accurate, the west does have great games, but they're also wholly deficient in categories Japan has on lock)
>Winds up with highly imbalanced success and failure: Success with games like Halo bringing PC-like online multiplayer to consoles, failure to create its own following in the same way Japanese game franchises had at the time

MS and the Xbox is the classic story of western development for the last half century, technically impressive and ahead of its time, lots of great backend development, but everything feels lacking or partially unfinished and lacking the sort of charm and magic that Japanese games have.
>Anyone questioning anything is a zoomer.
>Psh, why don't you remember every magazine, tv segment, internet snippet about everything like I do? Heh.
>they missed so many titles that would have people going "the xbox port is superior"
20 years later, on imageboards.
The truth is that most people didn't really care that much about differences between versions of multiplats back then when you couldn't eke them out in some youtube video, and most of the edges the Xbox versions of games had were really minor graphical things like lighting or slightly better textures which most people probably didn't even notice when they were still playing on blurry-ass composite on 480i tube TVs. People were just fine playing mangled PS2 ports like the bland-looking RE4 or the GTA ones where the framerate tanks every time there's more than three cars on the screen.
>I think there's also a reason why, say, iPhone is so huge in America compared to any other phone brand.

100% Wrong. The iPhone is huge around the world. Not just in America. It sells way more than any other phone brand. Even Samsung or whatever else Asia makes. The reason is because iPhone is seen as a luxury status symbol.
The XBox ports being better was frequently mentioned on reviews and by people in conversation in game stores and online spaces back then too. It wasn't some . Gen 6 was the height of multiplats because you had the same game available on 3 consoles and finding the best option if you had multiple consoles was a real factor.
>The truth is that most people didn't really care that much about differences between versions of multiplats back then

How would you know? You never socialized with anyone.
I've done extensive research into it
Xbox: Generally good, sometimes poor control choices due to lacking shoulder buttons, mediocre d-pad or awkward b/w buttons. Sometimes exta flourishes graphically, good performance and higher res.

PS2: Generally good, usually best controls, unique effects due to flexible architecture, sometimes poor performance or graphical cutbacks in things like texture res or environment detail

GC: Usually the worst, cut down particles, cut down effects, PS2 tier environments but occasionally had good textures and sometimes environments were as detailed. Most control problems due to fewest buttons. When the versions were bad on GC they were very bad.
>PS2: Generally good
Try playing something that isn't western multiplat Render(shovel)ware/
>I've done extensive research into it
And I actually owned an Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube. Sorry but My opinion is superior since it's based on first hand knowledge.
>PS2: Generally good,
It had the weakest graphics of the generation. It was only slightly better than Dreamcast in graphics power. But worse in other areas like blurry textures and lack of Anti-Aliasing compared to Dreamcast.

PS2 was the best selling because all the third party studios supported it because PS1 was a huge success in the last generation. The PS2 always getting a release was a given even if the hardware wasn't as powerful.
If you've done extensive research, you probably weren't there actually watching reviews or talking to people. The general gist always boiled down to
>Xbox has the best graphics, GC second best, PS2 worst but most people would have a PS2 so those sold the best
It isn't an entirely correct assessment since a lot of GC ports were poor graphically, but if you were there back then and talking in bite size, parroted arguments that's what you'd say. And no one talked about the controls because most people wouldn't care that much.
The Xbox being the best graphically was a major talking point when people talked Xbox vs PS2. It conversely became an issue when 360 was worse than PS3 due to it's earlier launch and it was one less thing it had over Sony.
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Where did these shitposts come from? All party line and slogan, no meat.
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There it is. The dogshit western shovelware that sucks on every platform it was released on.
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Flaccid, poorly demonstrates the differences between platforms, poor example focusing only on two platforms not all 3. you need new examples badly. What's next, RE4?
>the worst Crash game made by notorious shovelware developers
What a victory.
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How come GC couldn't handle large open worlds?
You are defending truly awful games just because the PS2 version is mildly better.
Anon, you're using modern videos no one would've had access to back in the day. Very rarely would anyone actually be able to see the same game running on 3 consoles at the same time in the early 2000's. At best you'd have some screenshots to go off of, in terribly small resolution most likely.
Modern Xbox One and Up have a trash layout. Trash online connection. Trash Installation and update download speeds. Trash controllers. Trash software. Why is only the OG Xbox the good one? 360 has red rings, xbone and up have so many issues it’s nearly unplayable!
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It's really obvious when laid out before you, point out deficiency in gamecube ports and an army runs up to you "B-B-B-BUT PS2!!!!!"

Exactly what extensive means. You gave up after seeing RE4 on the gamecube vs PS2 on G4 20 years ago and thought it was settled.
Another shitty western game that is bad on every platform.
>360 has red rings,
Knock on wood, later 360s are fine. I've got a pair of Arcade models and they're in great shape. The one I've played nearly daily since '09/10, and was a used system gifted to me. The other was from Gamestop used and ran great for the week I tested it. Purchased it as a backup 360 for the far future.
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>Why didn't they just meet with, like, Capcom, Namco, etc, and say "whatever you want"?

Namco also made Dead to Rights as an Xbox exclusive originally which was bretty gud but fucking hard.
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Gamecube's aggressive texture compression (S3TC) has this tendency to shift everything to the color green. It's this weird artifact where the console is incapable of displaying lossless textures, so even a simple grey concrete shifts to greenish-grey. You start to really notice it and it gives the GC a sort of sickly look. Even if the asset resolution matches Xbox or PS2, it's tinted green on GC no matter what.
Wasn't Dead to Rights actually a repurporsed Snake Plissken game?
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>It's this weird artifact where the console is incapable of displaying lossless textures
No console displays lossless textures, mr. expert game developer.
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You can see it very clearly in this comparison. Soul Calibur 2 on GameCube is significantly greener.
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It's not a bad thing to have texture compression, but this is a unique quirk for the gamecube. It's clearly inferior when texture fidelity matches in all other cases, and disturbs the color balance in all games. Doesn't happen on Xbox or PS2. It's using an older format that doesn't present as well as the 8-bit palletized textures on PS2 or the more refined compression on Xbox.
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About those 8-bit palletized textures. They're often sepia tone or greyscale when ported from other platforms. You can try and force the green meme but the facts remain.
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In the above comparison you can see how the gamecube textures are more green. Once you see it, it's everywhere!
Glad to see more people pointing out this flaw in the greencube. I've always thought it made games on that system look like shit.
Good thing we have the PS2 to save us from color. Sepia/greyscale is good when Sony does it of course.
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I remember seeing it as a kid, tried some games like tony hawk I had on PS2 and felt it looked off. Guess it was the color issue. I think most games on the console don't really hold up well to the best looking games on the competition but I think this just comes down to what the cube excels at vs what it does not.
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Soul Calibur II (game originally released on PS2 hardware in arcades) has better quality textures on Gamecube. Really just shows any developer putting effort into their port was going to get better results on GCN.
>most games on the [Nintendo] console don't really hold up well to the best looking games on the competition
Same as it ever was.
>Actually most of those jocks didn't know what the hell anime was in early 2000s
You are truly delusional.
This. It was missing a few big key series and titles. But in spite of the abyssmal sales there it got a considerable amount of support from japanese studios, and many of the cult classics and 'must plays' for the XBOX are japanese games. Crimson Sea, Breakdown, Steel Batallion, better versions of multiplat japanese games like Bloody Roar Extreme, Tenchu, Fatal Frame and Castlevania CoD, anything SEGA, anything Fromsoft, anything Team Ninja, Phantom Dust, Blinx, and moar. It had far less japan-only games but even then you had Metal Wolf Chaos and a really obscure Shin Megami Tensei game. Not bad at all for a console that didn't even break half a million units there.
I wish the Xbox had just one last year where it was Microsoft's console. 360 launches with gears of war or what have you but the Xbox rakes in just a few more versions of multiplats to top it off. Would have liked to see that.

Plus these days Insignia is awesome.
>I wish the Xbox had just one last year where it was Microsoft's console.

Microsoft had to discontinue Xbox a full year earlier than originally planned because Nvidia (makers of the Xbox graphics card) sued Microsoft. Nvidia got greedy and wanted more money to make more GPUs for the Original Xbox. Microsoft also had to push up the launch of the Xbox 360.

Nvidia shot themselves in the foot. They got very greedy and that's why most console manufacturers prefer to work with AMD/ATI graphics instead. Nvidia ruined their partnership with Microsoft for all time.
I mean, they didn't know which platform would get what, Capcom was all over the place, first all on gamecube then on all three consoles once that didn't pan out. Konami ported all their Silent Hill games to it and MGS2, so they tried. Namco had its own exclusive xbox version of Soul Calibur 2 featuring Spawn instead of Heihachi. I wouldn't call that minimal, even though the brand and console were non-existant in Japan.
Sega put some eggs on that basket, as well.
>>Minimal support from Capcom
>>Minimal support from Namco
>>Minimal support from Konami
>>Minimal support from Japan, in general

Why are you lying on the internet? lyinganon?

xbox capcom games: 20

xbox namco games: 15

xbox konami games: 39

xbox tecmo games: 9

xbox bandai games: 2

xbox kemco games: 4

xbox koei games: 7

xbox sega games: 25

xbox snk games: 9

xbox success games: 6

>inb4 sport games
let me explain you this, mental imparied anon: sports games are the thing that gets your console great numberes in sales data.
Mikami did go to Xbox when seeking to move Capcom's major titles from PlayStation to another platform. Microsoft bungled the whole thing by having two guys who didn't thing highly of games talk to Mikami and essentially shittalk the medium during the meeting.
Xbox got a decent amount of Namco titles- no heavy hitters, but that can be blamed on them being more a publisher than a developer at the time, in addition to unknown exclusivity contracts.
The major Konami titles that didn't make their way to Xbox were MGS3 and SH3, and this is likely to do with the PS2's emotion engine and how heavily MGS3 used it, while with SH3... we don't really know. It's possible that the voice acting feud regarding Lisa's SH1 voice actress could be to blame, since her voicelines had to be removed in the PC version, but then you have an already edited PC version. Who knows.
>Microsoft bungled the whole thing by having two guys who didn't thing highly of games talk to Mikami and essentially shittalk the medium during the meeting.
That's just the cover story. Be smart anon. It really came down to money and they couldn't agree on a price.
>That's just the cover story. Be smart anon. It really came down to money and they couldn't agree on a price.
Yeah, I saw your other post and it was retarded.
Mikami didn't force Capcom out of Sony because of money, if he did, he would've agreed to porting RE4 instead of leaving the company. He did it because he legitimately did care about video games and saw Sony fucking over the end user and the developers- not because of money, but because Sony were no longer helping developers out at all, when before entirely games were made using Sony dev tools on the PSX.

I know you're a pseud who is like 14 and thinks you perfectly understand the world and all, but sometimes things aren't the simplest answer possible.
>Yeah, I saw your other post and it was retarded.
No. And your story makes no sense. It's always about money.
>And your story makes no sense
It's literally what happened.
If Mikami was worried about money, he wouldn't have committed to the Capcom Five and been against releasing RE4 on other platforms. Him distancing games he worked on is purely an artistic integrity thing.
Hit too close to home huh? Lmao
No way. Like other anon said It was all about money and they couldn't agree. This whole gaming philosophy debate is a poor excuse when millions of dollars are on the line. He's responsible for making sure his employees get paid. No leader would refuse work.
>he lied and maintained that lie for years after leaving the company despite publicly shittalking other companies for less because... he just did, okay?!
>I wish the Xbox had just one last year where it was Microsoft's console. 360 launches with gears of war or what have you but the Xbox rakes in just a few more versions of multiplats to top it off. Would have liked to see that.

I would have HATED that.

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